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Esoteric Wizardry
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Everything will be fire. | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 16410
I want to do a survey to find out how you're all advancing along in your magical practise. Keep to the format provided just change the y/n into either y or n and replace the x with number followed by a letter such as m for minute or h for hours if it's a time format.

- Meditation -

Meditate every day: y/n
Portion of 24 hour cycle spent in meditation: x/24h

- Thoughtforming -

Note: Visualizing numbers and so on is basic thoughtforming.

Estimate of days in a month where you've spent time producing thoughtforms: x/30
Thoughtform every day: y/n
Portion of 24 hour cycle spent in thoughtforming: x/24h
Do you have any persistent* thoughtforms you use (tulpas, etc.): y/n

*thoughtforms that are stable enough to be recalled and re-used and interacted with again after forgetting about them initially or taking the concentration off of them. Most thoughtforms dissolve immediately after you're done with them unless you've put a lot of energy into it and are working to make it have some permanence.

- Suggestion / Auto-Suggestion -

Note: Every thought you have is a suggestion, those dialogues you have with yourself are full of suggestions. It is important to control your thoughts so only positive suggestions are given and not negative ones, generally the mind should be kept empty, thinking only necessarily thoughts purposefully and with the right emotions. Auto-suggestion involves repeating a mantra such as "I am happy" rather than just mere suggestions made throughout the day naturally.

Estimate of days in a month where you've used auto-suggestion: x/30
On a scale of 0 to 5 how careful are you to give yourself and other suggestions which empower yourself: x/5
On a scale of 0 to 5 how often do you give yourself and other suggestions which undermine yourself: x/5
How many repetitions of an auto-suggestion do you give yourself daily: x

- Trance -

Estimate of days in a month where you've used trance: x/30
Induce trance every day: y/n
Portion of 24 hour cycle spent in trance: x/24h

- Astral Projection -

Estimate of days in a month where you've AP'd: x/30
AP every night: y/n
On a scale of 0 to 5 how intensely lucid are you in the astral: x/5
On a scale of 0 to 5 how intensely self-aware (not lost in the dream) are you in the astral: x/5
Have you succeeded in remote gathering of information or influencing of the third density through astral: y/n

- Magical Research -

Estimate of days in a month where you've studied magic: x/30
Study magic every day: y/n
On a scale of 0 to 5 how satisfied are you with your research progress: x/5
Portion of 24 hour cycle spent researching magic: x/24h

Going to finish adding fields to this survey later bit too late now but feel free to submit replies even though I'm going to expand this more tomorrow in all probability. If there's any essential practises I haven't covered too mention em', like evocation, and so on.
Meditate every day: y
Portion of 24 hour cycle spent in meditation: 1h-2h/24h

If we include the time that I am asleep though that whole timeframe may as well be meditation time as I don't sleep in the normal sense. As far as actual waking time though I spend a lot of time in meditation every day. I use a variety of meditations including Q-MM and Void Meditation which I have found to be exceptionally important, as well as one-pointed consciousness focusing on just one object to the exclusion of other things, and occasionally fire meditation and various other meditations.

Estimate of days in a month where you've spent time producing thoughtforms: 30/30
Thoughtform every day: y
Portion of 24 hour cycle spent in thoughtforming: 3h/24h
Do you have any persistent* thoughtforms you use (tulpas, etc.): n

I create thoughtforms all the time but nothing permanent as I don't want permanent energy constructs / thoughtforms causing me trouble at this rather early stage in my development but I have big plans for really expanding with my thoughtforming to make complex and powerful thoughtforms. All this time spent thoughtforming has made me really good at it and when I get down to it in the future I will be able to construct new thoughtforms really quickly compared to people who haven't put in the practise with the basics here.

Estimate of days in a month where you've used auto-suggestion: 5/30
On a scale of 0 to 5 how careful are you to give yourself and other suggestions which empower yourself: 2/5
On a scale of 0 to 5 how often do you give yourself and other suggestions which undermine yourself: 1/5
How many repetitions of an auto-suggestion do you give yourself daily: n/a

I don't use auto-suggestion all that often but once in awhile I do it and I've had good results with it. It's just not a daily practise for me and doesn't feel quite as important as some of my other magical work. I really do need to control my thoughts more though to stop energetic leaks and stop giving myself and other negative suggestions constantly with my inner-dialogue and the stuff I say to people and the way I present myself. I'm trying to be mindful of all of that. A half hour of void meditation does a lot to repair all the damage though. I also have found the power of suggestion to really help me channel other people's thoughts in a way that supports my magical works in the past. A few mundanes with a strong belief in your magical power can really give you a power boost that makes strange things happen.

Estimate of days in a month where you've used trance: ??/30
Induce trance every day: ?
Portion of 24 hour cycle spent in trance: ?/24h

I am prone to falling into trances at times but it's a haphazard affair and I don't recall what happened while I was in the trance. My mind and astral body just wanders off while my physical body apparently continues doing what it was doing in an automated way despite me being absent from it. I am very good at inducing trances by reading any books out loud and wish I had a wizard pal to demonstrate this with as it's so easy for me.

Estimate of days in a month where you've AP'd: 30/30
AP every night: y
On a scale of 0 to 5 how intensely lucid are you in the astral: 5/5
On a scale of 0 to 5 how intensely self-aware (not lost in the dream) are you in the astral: 3/5
Have you succeeded in remote gathering of information or influencing of the third density through astral: y

I AP all the time, am hyper lucid, but I often apply augmentations of my awareness so I can experience through others minds and so on so I'm not always self-aware while out there, that is I forget who I am in this third density, and so stuff just happens out there with me forgetting my identity on Earth. I find this really fun and fulfilling and to give me incredible insights to be able to experience through other people's minds. When necessary though I can almost always be self-aware and usually will remember to carry out my tasks though I get so easily distracted by random adventures in the astral.

Estimate of days in a month where you've studied magic: 25/30
Study magic every day: n
On a scale of 0 to 5 how satisfied are you with your research progress: 3/5
Portion of 24 hour cycle spent researching magic: 8h/24h

Most of my days are still spent reading and studying and discussing magic more so than practising it because I still have a lot I need to know. I sometimes waste a lot of this time though in pointless discussion with mundanes, sceptics, or others or get caught up in other procrastination and it's really bad. However I can't read the books all the time without mental burn-out so I do need to vary the activities. I still wish I could read more, faster, though.

I will just comment that I am underscoring my potential. I can do a lot better than what I currently do, and your topic gave me the realization. Thank you.


Could add some ESP exercises and breathwork as daily practice categories too.

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