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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 16073
Though considered by some to be a mere political issue, the difference between National and International Socialism is more than that. The former, respecting the right of each folk to its own independence, allows for greater development among those peoples along spiritual/magical lines. It is even encouraged or perhaps required, for the nation is not only meant to grow stronger it is intended to eventually transcend this plane of perceived physicality.

International Socialism or 'Communism' on the other hand, denies the independence of every folk, intending for all people to become a mass of indistinguishable genetic trash, barely capable of providing the produce for the masters of Communism, the zionists. Atheistic in all previous incarnations, communism seeks to destroy any and every chance for the subjugated folk to escape their slavery, including through magical means. Whereas NatSoc seeks to free all people from zion's bondage, even the zionists themselves, communism is a creation solely crafted to keep goyim figuratively (sometimes literally) castrated by the illusion of being free from the big bad bourgeoisie.

No self-respecting occultist or student of esoteric mysteries should subscribe to such a limiting worldview like communism, unless of course they are extremely kosher shabbos goyim. There is simply no way to reconcile these intellectual pursuits with the barbarity of communist reality, when it is actually implemented. There are two options for the aspiring magician, both more or less the same. An absolute meritocratic monarchy or authentic Aryanist National Socialism.

Pic of runes possibly related.

If anyone (you know who you are) has a disagreement, let us meet in person, face to face to discuss this.
According to what you idiot racists say jews are "winning" by "decieving" whites, so therefore by your own logic they are superior to whites. So incredibly dumb. Isn't it enough to derail topics, you need to keep shitting this board with politics and constant Hitler homo-erotism?

I am not a racist, you clearly demonstrate complete ignorance of Aryanism. Jews are not winning, their fate is sealed. They cannot win because their goal is unobtainable. Indefinite survival is impossible, an eternal slave state without internal rebellion cannot be built.

Esoteric Hitlerism is quite at home on this board, as is the broader concept of National Socialism and the occult aspects of its inception. Vril was used by the Third Reich to inspire a nation's folk to die in service of a greater cause. Communism told advancing soldiers they would be shot if they took a step back.

As for supremacy, only the fully restored Aryan race can lay any claim to it. Currently the Aryanist population is not worthy of the claim, the same as jewish parasites do not deserve to call themselves the masters of the goyim.

So are Jews actually that bad? I know some cool Jews

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Everyone loves Jews. The only people that don't are mudslimes and retarded stormfags.

Jews can reject judaic zionism and volunteer to never breed. Those that do are noble jews, dedicating their lives to convincing the rest of their former tribe to do the same. Any others are zionists, despite what they may say.

Nice scientific notation


>never breed
But why? It sounds like you're threatened by their very existence

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You are thinking of the soviet union which was not communist in the slight bit the only communist part of it was the word 'Communist party'.
I'm for a stateless planet where everyone has the chance to live the best of what they can achieve and for the better of all mankind.
You wanna be a doctor? Go study in a uni for it free of charge.
Wanna farm? Go farm the resources are there for you.
You have no idea what you are talking about. Hurr durr authoritarian communism is the only communist ideal.
The ideology fell apart, hitler only got involved with racist occult circles, to make connections with people with the similar ideal of aryanism, it was only to get support and gonna be honest that was a smart move. I myself am not sure if Hitler was into the occult himself, he seemed very Christian and said a lot that his work was the work of Christ.
>et us meet in person, face to face to discuss this.
You'll probs rape me then stab me and eat me.

Their continued existence perpetuates both their suffering and that of others. If they breed more jewish children it only creates more misery. I will be glad to let those already here live until death. Their blood is too corrupted to salvage, the same way we can't breed monkeys back into the humans they devolved from, their genetics have degenerated too much.

>You'll probs rape me then stab me and eat me
I will talk to you in a dignified manner and we can sort out our differences, maybe reach a compromise. Hitler and Stalin tried but didn't manage to hold the truce, surely we can succeed where they failed.

You can do the same in Nationalism, but not everyone is suit for a doctor. You don't want a retard who drools all over himself conducting surgery on you, do you?

No. The jobs are left for the ones who best fit the jobs, e.g. social Darwinism 'survival of the fittest'. Anyone can be a hands-on worker, but the more advanced things such as Physicist, Doctor, Engineer, etc are for the ones who are worthy and can actually do the job and excel in it. We must segregate students by education level or else in your idea, there'd be downie presidents who hurr durr and do the annoying donkey laugh and start clapping nonsensically. Not trying to be rude or anything but I'm sure nobody wants that. Your ideology is retarded.

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To be honest who would let those people claim those jjobs?
They would be in homes and shit where their families (if they wish) to look after them if not then do what you will with them.
i.e but them to sleep before they are born.
Also the socuety would get rid of all the fast food chemical bullshit and all the other crap the system injects us with, and healthy lives would be more because we won't all be in shitty office jobs everyone would be doing productive jobs.
about 80% time Healthy people give birth too healthy children.
We would have a more healthy species.
No pollution or radioactive waste.
My ideology is Anarcho-Communism not Bolshevik communism them guys are cunts.
*The Free Territory of Ukraine
*Revolutionary Catalonia
Look into actual Communist Experiments that worked.
They only stopped because war mongering Fascists,Bolsheviks and capitalists destroyed peaceful people.
Please watch this:

'Everyone works to the best of their ability, for the best of everyone.'
I would prefer that but to be honest i can't take that risk.
If you had it your way, you would kill me.

>They only stopped because war mongering Fascists,Bolsheviks and capitalists destroyed peaceful people.

The stronger must dominate and not mate with the weaker, which would signify the sacrifice of its own higher nature. Only the born weakling can look upon this principle as cruel, and if he does so it is merely because he is of a feebler nature and narrower mind; for if such a law did not direct the process of evolution then the higher development of organic life would not be conceivable at all.

So basically you guys are pussies.

You don't have to worry about that, if I wanted to kill you we would agree a time and place to duel. I just want to talk. Many people are misled into communism by nefarious interests when in reality they are looking for authentic National Socialism. If you are such a person I wish to help you see the truth.

>So basically you guys are pussies.
Remember WW2?
Or all the other time throughout history where Communists and Anarchist have fucked you up.
All the Antifa marches i have been too, the nazis always run and hide.
So much for being strong eh?
You are not gonna 'convert' me lol

Survival of the fittest is the survival of a RACE the HUMAN RACE.
The human race has survived and surviving mother nature trying to kill us off.
Because we have united and crushed any other species trying to kill us regardless of Ethnicity
Look at wolves they work together strong and united regardless of being a black wolf or grey.
One united strong human race will happen and is starting to happen.
White,Black,Asian etc. all together united by one single cause.
The better of humanity #, it will be no easy task but has the story of Humanity been easy? No.
We will conquer the stars, we will win and one day become gods.

I thought they weren't 'real' communists in WW2?

Also, sheer weight of numbers triumphed, not skill or tenacity or the soldier's belief in the glorious soviet system, comrades. Do you defend their actions too, mass rape and murder, war crimes that dwarf anything the Third Reich did.

Niggers and other nonwhites are just along for the ride, only whites will make it possible to reach the stars.

>You'll probs rape me then stab me and eat me

That is what degenerate antiwhites and muds do not human beings aka proud white men. Niggers love to gayrape and cannibalize.

Once Nazis have nothing else to say they just resort to shitty insults, and just go
'nigger' kikles hurr
goog goyium.
>Do you defend their actions too, mass rape and murder, war crimes that dwarf anything the Third Reich did.
1. i find it hard to belive that red army solders who mnost were around the age of 16-25 who's whole lives had been in the soviet union were taught that women where equal to men etc.
Then they go into Germany and rape them all?
I can see some did only because when the Nazis rolled into eastern Europe and Russia they raped,killed anyone in their path for the sole reason because they considered them 'inferior'.
I would mention the Holocaust but you deny it even happened, even though they are survivors and actual camps.
And some surviving documents.
And i know your response will be holohoax sources which are just vids of nazis saying all about it with out any evidence.
Hurr Durr teh jews made up the holocaust to rule the world.
I'm not gonna bother you can't get anywhere with you nazis.
And the end of it all you just resort to petty insults in the internet, i've seen it too many times,
and then when i see you lot in person you start shit then when we fight back you lot run away.
I can't be fucked for this.
Just wait until the revolution comes and you bring your counter-revolution and we'll fight it out on the battlefield.
>picture related. Turkish Communist Revolutionaries.

>Niggers love to gayrape
Lol, Neo-nazis in prison love to suck each others cocks.

Degenerate skinheads =/= National Socialists


Show me the sources and physical proof for the holocaust claims, I am still looking for evidence. I want to believe but it is a blatant hoax and fraud.

>when we fight back you lot run away.

If you decided to come to blows with me I assure you I would stand my ground. Why a fight would break out I do not know, unless you were a typical aggressor.

We can meet to talk or do battle, the choice is yours. Maybe both, but just meet me, coward.

Real NatSocs are dead. There is no one alive that replicates the honors of the National Socialist German Workers Party back in WW2. We're just waiting to bring those traditions back, freedom of speech is online so this is our abode. Because in the real world everyone goes into mental force-field mode saying "LALALALALA NAZIS ARE BAD HITLER HITLER HITLER NAZIS I'M RIGHT YOU'RE WRONG LALALALALALA".

I'm just talking about what i have seen.
I'm not trying to start anything here.
>but just meet me, coward.
Well ain't you the hard Viking warrior.
I'll only attack nazis when they attack and kill my comrades and innocent people on the basis that their blood is 'inferior'

There is an ancient Chinese quote that says "A lie told a million times becomes the truth."

The Jews used this to their advantage. Before WW2 they didn't have as much power, then once the Fuhrer held them in concentration camps (because they were poor due to the war going on, but the concentration camps still was like luxury, with theaters, prostitutes, etc) but the Jews threw a hissy fit and said they got gassed. No they fucking didn't. If they were shaved, where's the piles of hair? If it was burned, where were the ashes? Matter cannot be created nor destroyed, so it has to be somewhere if it supposedly happened.

But anyways after that the Jews got luxury for the supposed holohoax and gained power, people sympathized and never even read the Talmud, which is the sickest book someone has ever wrote. It's not even edgy, it's just completely insane. They say non-Jews are cattle, that they can have sex with 3 year olds because "their virginity will grow back", they have the right to kill non-Jews, that every Jew must lie to and trick non-Jews, that non-Jews are slaves of the Jewish people, etc.

Read the Talmud then come back and tell me Jews are innocent.


We do not kill innocents, only our enemies. We just reduce the amount of inferiors, but not completely wipe them out. We acknowledge that all races are human but some are just better than others.

Also we keep them segregated to keep each culture pure. I don't want the world to be entirely milk nor entirely muddy, but to celebrate diversity. Where's the picture of several colors in a jar and the caption says "Celebrating Diversity", then below it they are poured into a bowl that says "Destroying Diversity"?

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There is a difference between Anarchism and Terrorism.

Not really. Anarchy implies anything goes, which most people would go to terrorism.

Ten of thousands of people were in those camps and survived and only a few handful came forward it wouldn't even be 0.005% of the total people, also why are all the "death camps" were located behind the iron curtain?

Holohoax doesn't mean "0" people died (some people do), of course people died in those camps no sane person would disagree but there was no direct plan for extermination pretty much all were cause by disease and hunger. I wouldn't say the holocaust is a Jewish conspiracy but its the result of poor historians "researching" material which originally had a agenda and then people "research" their material, so basically its a big circle-jerk of lies.

Hitler was impressed with Stalin in the way of how he convinced the entire population to idolize him no matter how bad condition the country is in, but at Hitler's core he hated the idea Communism with a passion, that's the entire reason why he invaded Poland so he could have more buffer room in the future war with Russia. It had nothing to do with claiming lost lands.

I can't really tell if your serious though of course Russian soldiers had their fair share of rape and murder.


>Anarchy implies anything goes

The dictionary definition of anarchy is different to the ideology.

The ideology means no rulers using threat of violence (or actual violence) to force anything on anyone else. This doesn't mean you can do whatever you want nor does it mean there will be no organisational administration, it only means there is no violence imposing any system (or anything) on anyone else.

Anarchy is inherently opposed to unwarranted violence, and before you say well MY unwarranted violence isn't the same as YOUR unwarrented violence; it doesn't mean some relativistic mad max shit, if someone threatens your life or someone elses you have the right to violence, otherwise, no. It's nothing at all like Hobbes' law of the jungle state of nature.

In an anarchist utopia there would still be law, it would be simple due to its minimalistic nature, understood due to the necessity of understanding to participate in society as a consenting adult and universal, the law would apply to itself and all functions of administration and subsidiaries unless absolutely necessary - unlike how things are now where government theft, aggression and murder are commonplace. The law these days is used to enforce policy that is against its main principles.

The framework or main principles for law would be simple, no initiation of force, no theft and no fraud. Further functions of government such as charity, organisational measures and collective contracts to cover things like vehicle use could be enacted providing they weren't encroaching on the framework of voluntary interaction that is the first three laws.

You put someone else in risk of harm you're liable for that, you're not liable if you do not harm anyone else or their freedom, freedom is defined here with limits, it is not endless, it ends at anothers life and freedom.

Necessity has its place in every society, we do not need to be driven into subservience or some short sighted election driven half fascist demopublican dual party government for our own good.

tl;dr whoever made your picture is a dumbass.


>Necessity has its place in every society

By necessity I mean needs which will be met by virtue of necessity.

>I have no argument so I will whine about the choice of words

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Jesus fucking christ could you use some god damned grammar, spelling and proper sentence syntax and structure?!?!

Your whole
Sounds cryptically like this with
No regard for the readers well
Who may or may
Not be reading your shitty, improperly spelt post, you

Furher more, the soviet union was a jewish invention to rape the spiritual power of russia, its monarch, and its wealth. The national socialists fraught bravely to defend Europe from this evil, and only half succeeded because of Jews in America and in France and England that helped the soviet union develop through their jewish masonic lodges extracting the energy from the aryans there and using it toward a mass human sacrifice that was the massacres of dresden, nimmsersdorf, east prussia, berlin, and so on.

And finally, the entire french revolution and liberal ideals are all satan worship directed with te express intent of enslaving all aryan kind.

Exactly how long have you been with /storm/, /new/ and /fringe/? The only people who would speak for the soviet union are kikes, mason kikes, and more kikes, ehich all three deserve to be sacrificed.

>The only path for an aryan wizard is national socialism. Communism is a jewish invention toward the rape of the aryan soul and the enslavement of all aryankind, with its destruction the final intent.

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Here is another imagegraph just to make it sting— it's more than communism that is wholly jewish, modern liberalism is its Semitic twin, and the degenerate atheistic capitalism is their hellspawn.

>it only means there is no violence imposing any system (or anything) on anyone else.

This is nonsensical. Law can only exist in when at least one of two conditions apply. First, the consent of the ruled population, second the force to make them comply when their consent runs out. Now say that I, in this anarchist paradise of yours are of that unfortunately universal class of people known as a criminal. Thief, rapist, murderer, whatever you get the point. I have committed a crime against my people and have been caught. Knowing that I shall be punished I decide that I do not consent to the justice process.

Now what? Do you break your principles of consensual governance to stop me from committing future crimes, or do you hold to your principles and let me saunter off?

A people's Militia comes and takes you and takes you to a people's court to be tried and punished.


If you steal, rape or murder there is no consent given by the victim. If there is no consent then a crime has been comitted and you tacitly consent to punishment.

>it only means there is no violence imposing any system (or anything) on anyone else.

It would be more accurate to say no violence (or actions which violate the consensual nature of the society) initiated by any system or individual.

The question is about legitimacy, there is legitimate violence and illegitimate violence, illegitimate violence (or non-consensual acts) are punished legitimately. Saying you don't consent to the system of punishment after violating someone elses rights would be a garbage defence in court.

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