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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 15871
Any knowledge about Sleep?

I'm rather lacking on the subject, but I have picked up things here and there. Such as that you can space out your sleep schedule to a max of (IIRC) 12 (or 8?) naps a day and still get that REM (Uberman IIRC).

Is this healthy? I mean, don't you need NREM sleep? NREM focuses more on regeneration and healing/automating (much faster/more efficient in sleep than in wake). Does NREM also happen in REM sleep?

Apparently there is a gene that allows some to sleep for less and still function the same as their sleeping more counterparts. Perhaps we can analyze this action?

I've been thinking about this as I've been finding myself staying up more and more late (sometimes because of insomnia), even if I have to wake up early for that day. Sometimes I might take an amphetamine to get through the next day or allow myself to stay up if I'm not able to. I found that I make my most groundbreaking finds at around 0500 GMT and that I can get so much more done during these 8 hours than if I were asleep.

Is it possible to live, in good health, without sleep? Is there anyway to shorten this time besides spacing it out so much like in the Uberman?

On another note, I've found sleeping on the floor (without a pillow, on a thin sheet) shortens the duration of my sleep a small portion.
My greatest desire is to sleep all the time and yet I have no actual need of sleep at all and can stay up indefinitely. When I do sleep I remain conscious throughout the whole thing. Today actually I slept in the astral planes until some entity came along and started bothering me, turned on all the lights in my astral room, and I pushed them out of the room because they wouldn't leave and they got aggressive. I was also reading books on a tablet like device in the astral and playing a game and customizing its look with different texture sets. Anyways that entity got pissed off at me and tore the blankets off of me and I had to fight it and leave and end up running away in the astral for a long time, getting captured and dragged into a car, jumping out of the car while it was moving and throwing two people out of it at the same time, running into a cheese factory and jumping out a window out the back of it, then hijacking a truck with some woman still there in the backseat and trying to escape. Then while some guy with a shotgun was blasting at me I guess he must have hit his target after awhile because I got knocked out of the astral.

I had been in the astral for an extremely long time, what amounted to multiple days in the astral, but not very long here in this waking.

There were lot of other things I did too.

I am much more capable of getting lots of shit done while my physical body is asleep.

I don't know why you'd cut it out.

As for all these weird sleep schedules, I have no concept of a fixed sleeping time or anything.

Right now I don't heal fast but I don't think it's related.

I have insane amounts of energy whenever I want it by doing pranayama and storing it up in the astral to be taken into my body whenever I want. I can't seem to use the energy as of yet however for anything more than powering my body.

Btw other stuff I did in the astral was I was in a metropolis similar to NYC for a long time and I jogged along there for hours and felt so good and happy doing so, running along a lot of boardwalks and so on alongside water, and visiting some different places. I went inside some multi-leveled stores and explored them and so on.

Another thing I also did all in the same astral trip was spend a whole bunch of time in some underground building that was half-shutdown, full of dust and debris, and supposedly a little radioactively contaminated from some problem decades ago. I came across some weird entities in that were kind of like little golems in there.


Some knowledge about sleep requirements and sleeping patterns (i.e. how you generally sleep and how long) based on where the point of awareness is. It's about halfway down in the colored text section.

This is me. I've successfully "guessed" how a very non-spiritual person slept (on their stomach and for a long-ass time), to their surprise, using this guideline.

It also relates to your question of sleeping less. Basically, the more spiritual progress you attain, the less you need to sleep. Proper yogin only need to do yoga nidra, where they are technically still conscious but have no thought (below the trance state, even). They have no need for sleep as it's commonly known. Even that technique is more for mental purification and physical regeneration, I'd assume. So raising the point of awareness would be your best bet for needing less sleep.

What is it like to sleep in the astral? I assume you don't lose consciousness there either, since that would send you back.

>tfw wish I could AP. Soon.

I remember reading about a famous scientist who I forgot that took half hour naps every 2 or 3 hours, and thus had extreme amounts of time to get research done. He lived this way for quite awhile without any issues.

I sleep about 8-10 hours, though I've thought that I could do better if I slept only five-six hours. (I feel drowsy and mentally fogged if I sleep too much). It's amazing when I sleep less and wake up - it's like I was only blinking and am now able to continue with same energy and consciousness, without drowsiness or tiredness.

Besides, less sleep means more creativity and energy for me… so maybe I should wake up early and do morning meditations and such?


I will start doing pranayama now before I do my meditation, thank you for telling me of that!

I am practicing AP after meditation, but now I've fell asleep while doing so. I will AP.

> I could do better if I slept only five-six hours

I needd to call a little bullshit on this one
I im a pretty tough uni and most of the time my sleep scheduel is 2-3AM to 7AM
it leaves me with a horrible feeling all day and definetly impaires my memory if I do it too long. I only abuse this nearing exams during the semester when the extrahours spent memorizing entire lists of facts would outweigh the extra time sleeping.
During finals I always did worse if I had less than 6 hours of sleep each day.

>What is it like to sleep in the astral? I assume you don't lose consciousness there either, since that would send you back.

Just results in a dream within a dream and feels really comfy.

I had nice fresh clean blankets in the astral and was able to relax much more there, whereas in third density my body is located in shitty conditions compared to that.

I think it also lets you stay in the astral longer if you keep falling asleep in it and go "deeper".

Less sleep means more agitation, depression, etc. in me as I have to spend more time in fucking third density instead of having fun in the astral.

>I will start doing pranayama now before I do my meditation, thank you for telling me of that!

I do some really esoteric shit. Like I do what is in the Science of Breath but I take it further, I try to imagine that the breath is going everywhere, visualize it, etc. and also feel that I am drawing in akasha (causal energy) into the body from everywhere. I do a thing from the Transcendence book too where I sort of shoot out an expanding ball of white light in every direction from my head while exhaling and then withdraw it all back in inhaling. Doing this for awhile makes it easier to create thoughtforms afterwards.

everywhere within my body*

As in the breath permeates every part of my body and I try to FEEL this like it's really happening.

Kind of like the IIH ultimate breathing through every pore technique.

Hm, thanks for telling. I might consider sleeping only 7 hours and see how I feel after a week. I just feel I could wake up more earlier and go cycle or meditate or so.

I wish you all good with your studies, brother!

Last night I did the practice where you block one of your nostrils, breath in, free the nostril and change sides, then exhale. I focused mostly on how it felt without any visualization. I don't feel if it had any effect on me, though I might want to do it more often and add some visualization to it.

Your technique sounds interesting.

I think I might have cleared out my mental fog by visualizing a sun inside my head, vaporizing the darkness away. Though I also did a mantra of sort, ("My mind is clear, (my) thoughts vivid). I will try to add that ball of white light technique to my pranayama and see what happens after practicing for a while, and also that my breath goes everywhere.

Science of Breath seems like a nice short book to digest during the weekend. Here's a link for those who want to read it, too; http://sacred-texts.com/eso/sob/index.htm

Thanks for suggestion!

I practically have sonar-vision. I just sent out these luminescent waves in all directions from my head and they bounce off of everything and come back and give me a pale-ghostly vision of everything in the room.

I possess something very similar.

I go into a light trance and stare intently into the darkness of my eyelids and either visualize one eye in the middle of my vision or two eyes in front of my real eyes.

A flash of those eyes is enough to get my third eye chakra tingling as if I was meditating on it and allows me to see the ghostly room you describe except I can also accurately see the shape of my moving arms and the gestures I make with my fingers.

Only problem is the short range of the vision and the distortion which makes me misjudge distances when reaching out to objects.

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