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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 15757
Thankm you, friend<3<3
What are you trying to tell us? This is a shit-thread and you barely seem capable of putting a sentence together. You must be new here.


Just got banned from Wizardchan. Can't greenpill anymore there. Most of what I posted was just standard wizardchan threads reflecting upon my problems as a KV NEET Wizard but I did work in a lot of discussion about greenpill stuff for awhile until backlash occurred from some butthurt fedora.

Fuck I want to keep posting but I got to wait out the ban.

I have a basic plan to help masterchan, im still thinking it out though

meant wizardchan, was just on masterchan

Wizardchan really needs the greenpill. They are suffering miserably. Also NEETs have such huge potential to become great wizards because they've got the time to read all the books and meditate and everything.

Agreed. They seem to have an air of skepticism and apathy that just disgusts me. I'm somewhat certain few of them have actual occult power; they just identify with being wizards because of not having ever been with a woman or having any semblance of mundane/regular lives. That and access to pdfs, which does not a wizard make.

I'm not counting them out, but I don't know how I could help them. Please continue to do so if you have a plan.

IMO, best way to go is to be a master of everything. AP, meditate, practice magic, and lead an existence here which shows other people that there's a better way to do it than straight-up mundanity. These guys wanna cut out the "living on this plane of existence" part altogether and it's totally wrecking them.

I was thinking we all together could charge a sigil that would activate when posted on wizardchan to help everyone on the board who sees it seek a more positive way of living and to have the chance to become real wizards

I don't think any of us can reliably construct sigils like that though, even our best sigilcasters seem to make their sigils work really well part time, but may need to recast a few times.

>These guys wanna cut out the "living on this plane of existence" part altogether and it's totally wrecking them.

What's wrong with that aspiration?

Well it would be one thing if they had it down and preferred not to be here. Or even if they decided to become proper sanyassi. But that does not seem to be what they're doing. They're mostly just failing at mundane life and expressing their teenage angst in an escapist way. Without even having explored the possibilities of this existence. Basically saying "fuck this, it's too hard/ not exactly the way I want it".

Whereas my implication is, if you fashion yourself above this plane, become a bodhisattva and have your 'true' experiences in the astral while simultaneously guiding the lesser initiates and even semi-mundanes through greenpilling here. Or, failing that, do one and then the other (exist here in an inspiring way, then AP during the non-waking hours). Certainly, with actual wizardry you could change the circumstances of your existence around to be more pleasing. So there wouldn't necessarily be any reason to stop existing here. Not to mention, (and this is where my beliefs come in) that there's definitely something to be learned from the relatively impotent existence in the 3rd density. There's a reason that those who have surpassed it are either spiritual masters or deities; we're just not there yet. How to get there? Learn. Not knowledge, but wisdom.

Of course, this is a generalization and perhaps a poor one at that. And even if you post there, you may not fall under said category. But I couldn't stand to spend much time over there to refine the analysis. I feel much more "in the right place" here. There doesn't even seem to be an air of open-mindedness there, you have to agree with their views entirely or you're an outcast.

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