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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 15676
Does anyone else use this device? I got one when I was a child and have always used it properly, improper use lead to the impression of innacurate predictions. It has not failed me yet. This does worry me slightly, as years ago it told me my death would involve sharks. I have resolved to avoid such fish since but I guess you cannot escape fate. After seeing silly films like 'Sharknado' I realise they can strike almost anywhere. I am losing the point here, what I'm saying is that these seem to serve as a decent tool for myself at least.

Anyway, if you do not have one you can use mine. Post your question & I will ask my magic 8 ball for you, then post the reply/result. Queries should be phrased as 'Will X/Y/Z?' It is the proper method, other ways return answers that don't quite fit (understand it is a limited selection of responses designed to work with 'will ?')

Example: will freedomboard continue from strength to strength, developing greater power? Reply 'too early to predict'
Maybe it was loan sharks or something like that which will cause your death.

I just use random.org for my synchronistic predictions.

My question for the 8 ball is:

Will I become better at remote viewing this month?

Damn, good point. I had better watch my back.

'Yes in due time' My intepretation is that you will have a little improvement after a month of committed work, which should spur you on to become better still.

ebin, that is pretty much what I suspect for myself too.

I, ask, "is there a soon combustion of knowledge of the current children of earth of knowledge"

Can you rephrase the question? I can't even into what you're asking. I did try it anyway and got 'absolutely not' but if I don't understand the question I'm not sure how accurate the answer is.

I use online websites/applications simulating the 8 Ball. Does it matter if it's electronic and not a physical object, though? Not sure about how correct it is, though, seems very hit or miss. Haven't got the hang of it yet, probably.

Anyway, a question for the 8 Ball if it's not a problem: Will my sweating problem be cured this year?

'Go for it'. It would appear that the 8 ball wishes you to be proactive in tackling this problem and that this could be successful.

I personally have never taken too well to online/electronic versions. They can perhaps work but the physical one held in the hands feels much more convincing. Having had a physical one for years, I never needed to utilise an online version though.

Thanks! I've been trying to combat it myself for a while, perhaps the ball thinks I might get onto something soon.

I can sort of share the sentiment - I haven't had one myself but physical items, in general, just seem better somehow. Maybe it's that they can be infused with your energy/emotions more easily to give it a better edge, or something.

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