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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 15654
How To Obtain Siddhis

Siddhis are powers invoked by a state of mind or being. Siddhis must be obtained to invoke certain blessings or attract desired abilities. Obtaining siddhis is one of many Hindu practices. Siddhis are being more accepted by some Westerners, who are interested in them to obtain certain powers or states of being.

There are many degrees of siddhis, which are desired states of being to obtain certain supernatural powers. Siddhis are both parts of Hinduism and Buddhism.

A siddhi power may be obtained through various means. These means include several methods, primarily meditation. Meditation is a mental exercise. It is called the "silencing of the mind" – the idea is to calm and organize the mind, rather than allowing the mind to flit freely and quickly from one thought to another. Meditation is a mental focusing practiced while concentrating upon the meaning or objective of the siddhi. Siddhis can more easily be obtained through stricter forms of meditation, such as Sadhana.

Other methods of obtaining siddhis include the use of mantras. A mantra is made of sounds or a phrase that is repeated to create a transformation. These can be sounds, vibrating syllables, or a series of words. Many believe that a mantra should be pronounced carefully, as the exact sounds are believed to draw the properties that one hopes to attain. Typically, mantras are done using mala beads and repeating the mantra for each bead. Mantras are strongest when repeated silently, focusing all mental concentration upon the mantra. Mala beads are a string of 108 beads while, in comparison, a rosary has 54 beads, half as many beads. Mantras are strongest when practiced at the same time day after day for at least 40 days.

Mudras are another useful tool for obtaining siddhis. A mudra is a combination of positions of the fingers and hands to create and enhance a more powerful meditation. Mudra positions include the touching of fingertips, curling the fingers, crossing fingers, and positions of the fingers in combination with the hands. The position should be held in a manner that allow the flow of energy to be felt between the fingers or hands. By including mudras in your meditation you can invoke specific qualities to increase the obtaining of siddhis.

Siddhis may also be obtained by practicing devotion to your spiritual path. One should completely immerse oneself in the prayers and meditations. Obtaining siddhis can be acquired through devotion in the form of acts of creation: gardening, various forms of art, music, the martial arts and even cooking can be acts of devotion to the higher sense of being. Even immersion in mathematics can bring about a state of devotion.

Obtaining siddhis can be a strong and positive enhancement to one's life. Be aware that one should never attempt to obtain siddhis for the wrong reasons. Practicing the many paths to siddhis brings a powerful essence of being which attracts many positive aspects into a person's life.

Why don't we have the Hindu flag already?

I'm still waiting for it.

I posted as an introduction to the concept of Sidhis not really as a way to obtain them.

Oh this is just an overview as well and a better one at that…


Nice thread.

Watch it to believe It!! The terrifying Aghori sadhus


that thread turned to shit the second the OP left

I am interested in doing this 'divine suicide' when I have the knowledge and skill to apply it, of course, after learning enough and helping people along the way. Thank you for posting, it was very enlightening.

Want me to go back into the thread and resume posting? I'm going through some random article and videos right now and I have two short books I want to read today.

There's another thread on /v9k/ also about black magick.

I think it's important that before we leave we inspire others to seek the divine reality by achieving as much perfection and power as possible while here, realizing our divine potentials and seeding this realm with it. All the people who have come before us and who have written books and so on, we owe it to them to continue on the traditions which lead people down the path of liberation. Well that's not exactly what I mean… it's just I think of when I was ignorant and how much I suffered because of it and I don't want that for others, I want people to strive for higher knowledge from the very beginning of their lives if possible, people should be raised towards enlightenment and taught all the secrets to achieve a health body and and a powerful mind and to overcome all limitations.


This guy's pretty hilarious, not sure what's going on with him, but the impression I get is he's reprogrammed his reality in a silly way but at least broken away from consensus reality enough to manifest some extraordinary health.

I agree with you wholeheartedly, brother. Today I realized how much I am not actually aware, and now I will do my best to keep myself aware during my daily life. Without any doubt, it's thanks to these great people that any of this is possible.

I hope to write many articles and books about occult so that I can contribute my own part so that everyone will experience the great awakening. I wish to end the ignorance but I can't do it alone. Luckily we've got this community here with excellent magicians, many above my skills - for now.

Now a neophyte, then a Master. Let us bring forth the Great Awakening!

I do not know if you should post something there. Maybe we need a new thread with a new greenpill. It could also be nice to have people ask questions and experienced wizards (and why not neophytes?) answering them.

Maha Avtar Babaji, The oldest living monk in the himalayas


I take notes and write stuff but I have such a vast knowledge it would be hard to decide what to put into one book and I also like to just point people to the books I've read.

We could probably do videos one day. I'm a little hesitant for reasons of being psychically attacked by others, something pretty dark must have a lot of strength in our world for it to be as it is in the present, despite the presence of various enlightened persons at times. It's probably worth the risk.

What I'd like to do is develop siddhis to the point of being able to use them on-demand then just finding people at random online and doing stuff like remote viewing them and surprising them that I Can see them. There's lots of ways to help others, but the biggest way to help is to work on ones self, and then to simply live life virtuously. In such a manner one inspires everyone they come into contact with to devote themselves to higher principles.


BBC: Extreme Pilgrim - Hindu Mela


Cave People of the Himalaya | National Geographic Documentary


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