>>17184>>17185Ignore the cancerous communist and the others your mention (like Rawn Clark and so on, btw, I don't read that companion guide for the specific reason that I have no reason to listen to a powerless faggot).
I personally find the works of Franz Bardon very valuable but I've studied absolutely fucking everything and continue to study everything, using a very expansive knowledge to make shit work, and I honestly don't think anyone can get far with just Franz Bardon alone if they haven't also read many other Hermetic authors.
I have actual magical powers and know others with it. I'm talkin' miracle shit. I also do not say as these failed wizards do that magic is "not the point". NO. I am all about power and magick, fuck all that moral stuff and whatever.
I will succeed where they failed but there isn't a single paradigm that I'm not familiar with.
Just saying IIH is a valuable book in my book collection. It's worthless in the hands of the profane though.
Oh and another thing, most of what I do is inspired by my readings, but the amount of shit I've worked out and created myself as I continue day after day thinking everything out very intensely is a LOT. I don't ever follow instructions perfectly and I actually make good use of open-ended magic books by understanding the principles and learning to actually be able to apply them and use them in everything I do.
I hate to say it but magick requires serious fucking dedication, very high intelligence, and natural ability or at least very extreme determination / an iron will. Dabblers won't get anywhere. Even here, only maybe a few posters will ever become ascended wizards, while the rest will stay mundane. Just look at how many people are able to get into
>>>/illuminati/ and lets not forget that there's probably a few that cheated their way in there too.
All the same, the knowledge needs to get out, and we need those few who will ultimately succeed. None should be discouraged by my post. Even if I said it was absolutely fucking impossible to do magick, even if I tried to trick you into thinking it wasn't feasible at all for humans, or whatever I might do to stop you in the quest for power… you must always push on with absolute determination as I have been doing. Everything must be sacrificed too, just refer yourself to the words of Manly P. Hall, when he talks about the death ritual in initiatory schools in which a new initiate is reborn. We must be willing to challenge all our assumptions and constantly shift beliefs until we get results and to completely transform ourselves to overcome all limitations, effectively killing off our mundane selves, to assume our wizardhood.