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Esoteric Wizardry
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GOOD LUCK EBOLA CHAN! | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 15614
Agree or disagree?

Worth noting: Exodus 22:18 actually translates to "do not suffer a pharmacist to live." The Bible verse that's been used to justify persecution of magic-users actually has nothing to do with magic at all.
D'aww, I love Morgan Geyser. She's so greenpilled. I would enjoy stroking her face, combing her hair and spoonfeeding her ice cream. We could watch cartoons and horror films together then stay up all night sharing scary stories. I wish she was my little sister.

Don't touch faces, your hands secrete oil thus creating acne

She'd still be super cute with spots. I'd take her out into the woods and stab her non-fatally, we could then engage in erotic bloodplay.

These images tend to be too simplistic and this one is no exception. Kind of contradictory too since it is expressed trough "artificial relationships".

Guess there's some truth to it but I wouldn't take it seriously.

Psychiatry has done evil, but it has helped many people too (based in my own empirical knowledge).

Awesome. I personally fucking hate pharmacists, psychiatrists, and psychologists and see them as cancer upon any community they become embedded in. Bible confirmed pro-magic now?

Is that basically the reason for acne? If so then time to keep my hands the fuck off my face and see how that goes for me.

It's been my theory for years that the Book of Psalms was originally a spellbook.

I was on anti-epileptics for over a decade. From about… 1989 to 2000, I think.

It's been over ten years since the doctor said I could stop taking them, and it feels like I'm only just now starting to recover from its stupefying effect. This stuff is a legit bluepill.

The solution to the diseases of the modern man is traditionalism!


I'm on one, but it's newer I think - Gabapentin. Doesn't make me dopey like most people though. Apparently there's a 1% chance of it acting like a stimulant in people, and I'm one of them. I do however feel withdrawals if I don't take it for a few days.

Also on 3 other meds, but I got sick of it and been weening myself off em the past week. So far so good; nothing abnormal at all. They're anti-psychotics and an anti-depressant. Fortunately I know exactly how my doctor would take me off them so I just did it myself.

In fact, I feel more "clearer" if that makes sense. Sleep schedule has been way fucked up since doing this though. It's a tad harder falling asleep and I tend to sleep much longer than usual, but that only lasted a few days after I shortened my dosage.

Depression is gone and so is all my anxiety. What's odd is that I was on stronger pills in the past and had both of those symptoms. Then last year I had a spiritual awakening and learned many truths found on this board (although it was elsewhere) and everything changed since. Been happy as all hell since, too.

Overall I'm against psychiatry as I find it a big business in order to sell drugs and make money, but I won't deny it does help people in some cases. Not to mention, I feel like an addict to these pills and get heavy withdrawals if I don't take them coupled by the fact of extreme insomnia. So fuck that.


You should do some serious research on gabapentin if you plan on continuing to take it long term. Not only was there some very shady goings on surrounding it's development and entrance into the market, but there's evidence emerging that it can cause serious, long term neurological changes by inhibiting the formation of new synapses (or something along those lines, I'm a wizard, not a neurologist).

I consider you an illustration as to why pharmacy drugs need to be banned.

No doctors, no drugs, absolutely nothing at all not even coffee or chocolate master race reporting in.

>partaking of the demiurgic jew

Your brain still doses you up with chemicals. You can't quit dopamine, oxycotin et cetera.

>"Do not allow a sorceress to live.
>"You must not allow a sorceress to live.
>“You shall not permit a sorceress to live.
>"You shall not allow a sorceress to live.
>Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.
>You must not allow a sorceress to live."
>"You are not to allow a sorceress to live.
>"You must not allow a sorceress to live.
>"Never let a witch live.
>Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.
>A witch thou dost not keep alive.
>Thou shalt not suffer a sorceress to live.

I don't know what version you are using…

>Your brain still doses you up with chemicals. You can't quit dopamine, oxycotin et cetera.

No it does not. Mind is in control, not the brain. Also, dying should fix that problem, provided I don't reincarnate.

>brb, Mahasamādhi

>implying you aren't intentionally ignoring btw the important metaphysical difference between submitting to external impressions versus imposing your own internal expressions on the world

It's like you haven't read The Stellar Man or The Kybalion and paid attention to all that talk about the common man being completely dominated by external influences and not his own will.

This is why the Bible is a shit book. Wilful ignorance and advocates its followers do not empower themselves through magic.


Will do.

It is in fact being sold on the street, and people pay high prices for it. Apparently some bitch my sister's friend dealt it to was heavily addicted to the shit and wanted to take handfuls of it at once. No joke. I don't deal it since I hate that crowd of people and don't want to be involved (and I find it bad karma to do something like that to your community).

lol, you don't know what you're talking about. Most of history's most famous occultists have been Jews and Christians. Even in the Bible itself, the characters consult seers, psychics, and witches all the time. Jesus was visited by three, uh… the word escapes me, it's on the tip of my tongue… starts with an M?

Yes, there's some stuff about "kill witches lol" in some poorly-translated English editions of the Bible, but if you don't have the discipline and critical thinking skills to read between the lines a bit, the occult probably isn't for you.

The Bible, when written, absolutely did not do such a thing. In fact, where would gnostic Christianity have come from were it not for the occult being everpresent in that book?

It's the edited versions, which have been dumbed down and made into more of a literally-interpretable fable which keeps one imprisoned and less of a mystic/gnostic text that enlightens.

So basically what >>15874 said. And the word is mages, if he seriously didn't know it at the time. AKA magic users. It was no big deal at the time and just another part of culture. One wonders how we came to be so far on the other end of the spectrum.

>the occult probably isn't for you.

The only thing that determines if the occult is for me or not is if I'm willing to persist in research and experimentation and not get distracted by mundane pursuits. Perseverance is the defining trait here for success. All other faggotry put aside, the fact I will not stop on my quest for power no matter what, makes me well suited to the occult.

The people not suited to the occult won't even do anything even if you push them to do it.

I'd have thought my Ruseman flag would make you realize my statement there was not serious btw.

>the word is mages, if you didn't know
Yeah, I knew. It was a poor attempt at sarcasm.

>One wonders how we came to be so far on the other end of the spectrum.

My guesses would be..
>Scientific Materialism
>Rise of Communism and thus Atheism
>Cultural Marxism (In the West) which in itself lead to no prayer in schools in the US, etc
>Vatican bought out and owned, having very little Political power that they once had
> And good ol' keeping secrets secret and generally demonizing those that become enlightened socially.

Could be wrong, but those are my thoughts, and there's a ton more I'm sure.


>the fact I will not stop on my quest for power no matter what, makes me well suited to the occult.

Every major occult teacher in history has taught that magic is primarily for the purpose of spiritual development, that power is just a side effect of development and that if you practice for the sole purpose of gaining power, the universe will prevent you from progressing because you lack maturity to use that power properly.

If you want power, go into politics and/or finance and build a gun collection.

>Every major occult teacher in history has taught [the rest of your bullshit]

No. They have not. Don't think you can fool me with your bullshit. You're like one of those westerners who thinks all Buddhists are pacifists and other delusional shit.

>If you want power, go into politics and/or finance and build a gun collection.

No you fucking faggot that's not real power. That's being a puppet for someone else. The only real power is power over yourself, over your own destiny, over your own experience, etc.

Spiritual development is purest power.

Power is absolute self-control, perfection, divinity. God is all powerful and aspiring to power is wishing to make yourself worthy of the divine within you, reshaping your personality and being into a proper vessel for your divine spark to express itself from.

I already have a certain amount of inherent power which I use responsibly, that you'd think that with more power I would automatically use it to abuse others, says more about what you think of yourself than me. Power can mean the power to save others, to set them on the right path, to nurture, and to deliver from ignorance and delusion.


Name an adept who encourages power for it's own sake. Even Crowley didn't (not that he was a true adept).

"Furthermore, I have mentioned again and again that the
magician must, in the course of his development, ennoble his character to the maximum
if he does not want to come to a halt in his ascent, or, what is even worse, slide
backwards. The ennoblement of the soul goes hand in hand with the ascent and the
development. Whoever is interested only in attaining occult abilities and powers in order
to boast about them will work in vain, because Divine Providence remains always
unfathomable in Its work, and sooner or later will remove from Its path someone who
strives only for occult powers. Occult abilities are mere side effects; you could
consider them a compass for spiritual development, designated for noble purposes only,
and aids to your fellow man; that is why they are reserved only for the true magician." - Bardon

If power corrupts then God is the most corrupt of all.

Good slave, have no power, also turn in your guns you don't need them.

A noble character engenders power you nigger.

There's nothing wrong with power and wanting it.

I am offended that just because I say I am on a quest for power you automatically assume my intentions are to use my power for evil.

It shows you do not trust in your fellow man to use power responsibily.

I am really power-hungry, but ultimately wish to bring forth great good.

>implying I won't show all the RHP white magick idiots that think you can only advance by being a pacifist faggot that black magick users can kick ass too

The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Power easily goes to your head. Power, unlimited power!

File: 1408754215850.png (1.87 MB, 1600x1200, 1365479424317.png)

I don't assume you're evil, but that doesn't change the point that serious power (as opposed to silly astral sorcery - sigils and that kind of pointless dabbling, etc) will only develop as a side effect of spiritual development. You can't have the one without the other.

Look at IIH as an example - the powers are impossible to develop until you've already balanced your elemental energies through the transmutation of negative qualities into positive ones - without doing so, attempting the elemental exercises which lead to the development of serious power will only throw your balance off further and cause serious harm.

So in short, it's a moot point really. Either you'll simultaneously develop spiritually and energetically, or you'll develop neither. They go hand in hand.

Shut up powerless faggot.

>implying I ever said I intend to avoid spiritual development

Now stop being a nuisance because I'm out of quote pictures to post.

Whatever else the various schools of philosophy, metaphysics, and theology hold that Ultimate Principle must be, and must not be, they will be found in tacit agreement upon the point that POWER must be an essential attribute of its being—an attribute of which it cannot be divested. This, because unless Ultimate Principle is POWER, or else possesses POWER as an attribute, then it never could have manifested, expressed, or created the Cosmos and its activities. A powerless Ultimate Principle would be merely a passive, inactive Something or Somewhat, and there would be nothing to “flow or proceed from it”—in fact, it would not be a true Principle at all.

Theology, beyond question, conceives the Supreme Being to be possessed of Infinite Power as an essential attribute of which it cannot be divested, and without which we cannot think of it. Without Power, the Supreme Being could not have created the world, nor have brought anything into existence in anyway whatsoever. Again, the very essence of religious feeling is that concerning the existence of a POWER upon which the worshiper may safely depend, and upon which he may rest: take away this conviction, and the very spirit of religious feeling would fade into nothingness. God without Power, would not be God at all, according to the accepted theological conceptions of God. There is no escaping this basic fact of theological teaching.

But, outside of theology and religion—even among those who do not accept either—we find an equal certainty that POWER must exist in the Something or Somewhat which is held to be the Ultimate Principle of the Cosmos. Philosophers, metaphysicians, scientists—even the most materialistic thinkers—hold as thoroughly as do the theologians that Ultimate Principle must be, or else must possess, POWER, whatever else may be asserted of it. This, because without POWER, the Ultimate Principle “could not perform work”; without Cosmic Power, there would and could be no Cosmos at all. Hence POWER is held to be self‑evident, and a necessity of thought on the subject of Ultimate Principle, or of Cosmic Activities.

If spiritual development = power and power can = corruption, then would spiritual development = corruption?
If a (power) is equal to c (corruption) and b (spiritual development) is = to a, then b also equals c.

If the ability to love one's self and want more and more, then it could be the one attribute that is rightful to have.


>Either you'll simultaneously develop spiritually and energetically, or you'll develop neither.

I'm starting to notice how many Bardonites are spiritual masturbators. None of them can actually do magic like Bardon describes in his books. I've met quite a few people online who assert that they've completed all 10 steps of IIH, over decades of practice, but they still can't perform even the tiniest miracles that Bardon outlines starting at step 3. Of course, they'll tell you that such frivolities as actually doing magic aren't the point of their practice. Look at such famous personages as Rawn Clark or Bill Mistelle: old fogies meditating and intoning holy names, but obviously without a drop of actual power. I suspect Bardon himself was the same. The man was killed by a ham sandwich. Almost certainly, all the miracle-working and outrageous stories attributed to him are fanfiction by his fangirl secretary.

You Bardonites get so wrapped up in your imagined 'spiritual progress' that you excuse yourself from noticing that you can't actually DO anything. Magic becomes an endless wankery of trying to 'refine' yourself, so that someday, the power will emerge (though, you hasten to add, power is only an ancillary side effect, of no real import, and not the goal).

It's a shame, because your heads are all so far up your alchemically purified asses primarily due to that stricture about not telling anyone about your accomplishments. So you don't realize that no one else has any, either.


>So in short, it's a moot point really. Either you'll simultaneously develop spiritually and energetically, or you'll develop neither. They go hand in hand.

If that's true, why is it so important to keep occult knowledge secret? I know I've seen you argue that on here before.

checkmate, hermeticists

Ignore the cancerous communist and the others your mention (like Rawn Clark and so on, btw, I don't read that companion guide for the specific reason that I have no reason to listen to a powerless faggot).

I personally find the works of Franz Bardon very valuable but I've studied absolutely fucking everything and continue to study everything, using a very expansive knowledge to make shit work, and I honestly don't think anyone can get far with just Franz Bardon alone if they haven't also read many other Hermetic authors.

I have actual magical powers and know others with it. I'm talkin' miracle shit. I also do not say as these failed wizards do that magic is "not the point". NO. I am all about power and magick, fuck all that moral stuff and whatever.

I will succeed where they failed but there isn't a single paradigm that I'm not familiar with.

Just saying IIH is a valuable book in my book collection. It's worthless in the hands of the profane though.

Oh and another thing, most of what I do is inspired by my readings, but the amount of shit I've worked out and created myself as I continue day after day thinking everything out very intensely is a LOT. I don't ever follow instructions perfectly and I actually make good use of open-ended magic books by understanding the principles and learning to actually be able to apply them and use them in everything I do.

I hate to say it but magick requires serious fucking dedication, very high intelligence, and natural ability or at least very extreme determination / an iron will. Dabblers won't get anywhere. Even here, only maybe a few posters will ever become ascended wizards, while the rest will stay mundane. Just look at how many people are able to get into >>>/illuminati/ and lets not forget that there's probably a few that cheated their way in there too.

All the same, the knowledge needs to get out, and we need those few who will ultimately succeed. None should be discouraged by my post. Even if I said it was absolutely fucking impossible to do magick, even if I tried to trick you into thinking it wasn't feasible at all for humans, or whatever I might do to stop you in the quest for power… you must always push on with absolute determination as I have been doing. Everything must be sacrificed too, just refer yourself to the words of Manly P. Hall, when he talks about the death ritual in initiatory schools in which a new initiate is reborn. We must be willing to challenge all our assumptions and constantly shift beliefs until we get results and to completely transform ourselves to overcome all limitations, effectively killing off our mundane selves, to assume our wizardhood.

Also another point I'd like to make.

I've literally never had anyone encourage me to do magick, tell me it's real, etc. but I ignored all those doubting fucks and kept working on it because as long as I am alive I want to fucking improve. I want to break my limitations, develop higher consciousness, control my reality and my experience. …and I can't relate to anyone that doesn't feel the same as me there. If you settle for a mundane existence when you could be achieving so much more… that is sad and you might as well already be dead.

I do this for myself and not anyone else. I am my top priority. I will attain ultimate power.

Wait one more point.

…and if I say I won't show magick to you, that I won't waste my precious time trying to "prove" things to you, and that's enough to discourage you from the path – then you don't got what it takes to become a wizard and endure the many trials and perils along the path.

Magick is the only hope of salvation you got. If you do not become more consciousness, if you remain as you are, you will be recycled again and your whole life will have been wasted. The clock is always ticking and death is always whispering in your ear, every birthday marks another year closer to the grave. Time spent on meaningless bullshit like masturbation and petty relationships and wageslavery and so on is holding you back.

Never get complacent, don't stagnate, keep pushing forward. When you've accomplished one thing, aim for something even higher.

Fuck what everyone else thinks, it's your soul at stake.

Thank you for your honesty.

I need to take this seriously, I need to take this all more seriously. I won't die a mundane or weakling death. I want to ascend and I will ascend.

Thank you.

agreed, I don't agree with his quest for power being main objective of a magician but that was highly motivational

I personally believe that our main goal should be to develop higher awareness which is described in the Stellar Man and miracles are only a byproduct which act merely as an indicator of your development.

That said I hope everyone who has the determination to continue researching and practicing magic when the whole world is becoming more atheistic reaches their goal, whatever it may be.

A lot of people will read The Kybalion and they won't even know how to use the knowledge in that book. I've recommended it to some people and they've read it and they come back and they just don't get how to apply the 7 hermetic keys of wisdom. They aren't thinking things over enough and using their knowledge to create solutions to problems. So many people want to have the problem presented to them (they can't successfully identify problems in the first place), then have the specific steps given to them as the solution, a very basic formula essentially. Just look at how many people still look around for rituals who don't know how to construct rituals themselves, don't understand the principles, etc.

A really skilled magician never stops practising magick even for a moment. Every single action he does, every thought, all of it is part of the great work. One must be mindful of absolutely everything. Magick isn't something you fit into a 15 minute timeslot, or a few hours a day, it's part of everything you are, do, think, and want to become.

…and you need to build yourself up, slowly, and carefully. Like as if you were training psychic muscles… and reprogramming your consciousness. Don't cling to any habitual beliefs which are limiting, be willing to make paradigm shifts whenever possible, all that matters is success not defending an idea which is no longer working for you. Never accept limitations, always have faith there is a way to overcome them.

Read this and understand that maybe your idea of power and my idea of power are not the same: http://www.yogebooks.com/english/atkinson/1922personalpower.pdf

It's the most bizarre thing, I have that book saved on my phone and all my computers but every time I decide to start reading it some mundane shit distracts me.

It's a shame too since it seems to be held in high regard here.

Once my no fap week ends maybe I should pledge no fap till I read 300 pages of it or something.

Why, that merely shows how true the Kybalion is when it says, "The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of Understanding."

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