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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

No. 15547
I have occult knowledge to leak. Where would I post it?

/fringe/ or /illuminati/?

It's bona fide alchemical knowledge.

Spoilering it: I will not post now, later that year. I still have collect more, takes a while to not raise suspicion.
Here, information needs to be free. This is the internet, man!

From here others can spread the good news.

How about you post it up your ass you withholding bastard

Post it on >>>/illuminati/ first and then, if it's not –really– that important to keep away from public, leak it on here next.

What if our enemies use it man?

I posted information on >>>/illuminati/ before about materializing objects then posted the raw information here on >>>/fringe/.

However if people were more competent and inspired enough to really go through with it, imagine what damage could be wrought by some people with these siddhis.

I sometimes think about what items I should make and sell and whether I should give it at a really good price or will that just create suspicion. I'd want to make quick profits and get money to buy lots of land and then continue my wizardry in that area, reforming the entire area into a practical self-contained paradise on Earth.

how can i get a username and password for the /illuminati/?

Demonstrate magical power to a member or use magical power to attain it.

Why would you keep magic knowledge secret?

Magic is the birthright of every sentient being. Only power-mongers who desire a monopolistic force keep knowledge of it occluded.

Cowards always pontificate about the damage that people could do with magic, but never mention the potential for the alleviation of suffering. Nevermind the fact that the evilest people already have this knowledge.

If Franz Bardon can publish a complete guide to self-initiation, no lesser adept has any excuse for greedily hoarding secrets.

Is a creation of a sigil a good demonstration?


hahaha, I would laugh so hard if that was all it took to get on their secret wizard board


What about the potential for self harm? There are many techniques which can cause serious damage if something goes wrong. Read up on Kundalini Syndrome sometime, for example. There's also serious danger with some of the more advanced Taoism systems - there's at least one school where up to 40% of people die attempting to advance past a certain (fairly advanced) stage, and that's with guidance from a teacher. It would be suicide to try it by themselves, especially with the way information becomes distorted when it steps outside of a lineage.

Bardon wrote his system specifically to be as safe as possible, and even then had to include some firm safeguard warnings.


That's really inane. Is the risk of self-harm greater than the risk of living and dying in ignorance and impotency? What warrant does anyone have to make that decision for others?

I'll say it again: the only people who try to keep divine knowledge secret are those who want to keep the upper hand. And I suspect their egoism and selfishness negatively affects their own abilities and probably incurs a karmic debt as well.


>That's really inane. Is the risk of self-harm greater than the risk of living and dying in ignorance and impotency?

The risk of self harm can be quite great, depending on the practice in question (remember, 40% chance of death, and that's after up to a decade of preparation), especially when you compare the availability of safer, public systems (IIH, etc) or the possibility of hunting down a teacher and learning the traditional way. If someone doesn't have the dedication for one or the other, they aren't ready to practice in the first place. If you aren't willing to take the first steps yourself, develop some discipline, teach yourself the basics, why should you be given the more sacred knowledge for free?

>What warrant does anyone have to make that decision for others?

They aren't making any decision for others, they're making the decision for themselves whether to spread dangerous information which will result in harm. If you are a mature individual who lives a disciplined life, healthy in mind and body and have mastered the basics of spiritual practice, most of these teachers will gladly take you in. They just don't want their teachings abused or causing harm.

>I'll say it again: the only people who try to keep divine knowledge secret are those who want to keep the upper hand. And I suspect their egoism and selfishness negatively affects their own abilities and probably incurs a karmic debt as well.

It's sad that you see it that way. They aren't keeping it secret to hoard it for themselves (well, some are, but not the majority), they're keeping it secret for the same reason you keep dangerous tools away from children - because they aren't mature enough to use them yet. Once you display the appropriate maturity and discipline, seek them out and you'll find that knowledge and teachers become available to you. Teachers are overjoyed to find serious, dedicated students, especially because they number so few these days, but that doesn't mean they're going to cast their pearls before the swine, so to speak.

All this whining about how "knowledge should be available to everyone" is really nothing more than laziness, selfishness and egotism. People want access the most sacred knowledge humanity possesses without so much as leaving their bedroom. The universe doesn't work that way, you get what you work for.


Divine Providence doesn't need you to set yourself up as a gatekeeper of knowledge. The truth is that you can't hide anything from anyone who was meant to find it. But if the masturbatory fantasy of imagining that you are one of the Illumined Ones strokes your ego, enjoy.

I only asked my earlier question rhetorically; I'm sure it's clear that the OP is just here for a quick, /x/-tier ego-wank. 'Hey guys, I have secrets that I can't share because they're after me, what do?' But I'm really disheartened to see people here seriously defending the cordoning off of fundamental truths from the rest of huamnity. I would have thought magicians would be above that sort of fear-based reactionaryism.

There's definitely a thread of elitist kiddie role-playing around here, though, I've noticed. Tsk.


>Divine Providence doesn't need you to set yourself up as a gatekeeper of knowledge. The truth is that you can't hide anything from anyone who was meant to find it. But if the masturbatory fantasy of imagining that you are one of the Illumined Ones strokes your ego, enjoy.

Where did I say I was talking about myself, or portray myself as a teacher or adept?

>The truth is that you can't hide anything from anyone who was meant to find it.

This is precisely what I've been saying the entire time. The knowledge exists out there, and if someone has the dedication and the discipline to find it, they will. If they don't, the only thing it can do for them is cause harm.

As I said earlier, the vast majority of teachers are willing to pass on what they know (especially in this day and age). This whole "all knowledge should be free on the internet" stems from the low self esteem of seekers, they know the possibility of becoming a magician or a kung fu master or a yogi or what have you exists, but deep down they believe that they somehow aren't worthy or capable, that they need to be somehow special and are not, and so they'd rather torrent a pdf because they fear approaching a teacher or a school/lodge/temple and saying to a them "I wish to learn from you." They fear this because they fear rejection, but in most cases, that fear is unfounded, as long as the student is a dedicated, moral and reasonably healthy (as much as can be expected for the modern westerner) individual.

Personally I'm sick of a mundane world and throw magic knowledge around to everyone even those who'd use it for bad, just because I want more chaos and wonder in the world. I've known so many people who've been depressed and suicidal because they think miracles don't happen and there's no hope of ascent. They'd be a lot happier if they only knew what was possible.

Only a sigil that actually WORKS and does something. If you make a sigil and it does something crazy awesome to one of us you'd be let in.

I like you.

Do what
quads said.

>People want access the most sacred knowledge humanity possesses without so much as leaving their bedroom.

Humans are a microcosm of the macrocosm, we really shouldn't have to leave our bedrooms to learn everything there is to know and develop omniscience.

>they'd rather torrent a pdf because they fear approaching a teacher or a school/lodge/temple and saying to a them "I wish to learn from you."

How about I'd rather download a PDF because teachers and these groups don't fucking exist at all in my area?

Well there's Freemason lodges but fuck them.

I am a great friend of the school of thought that says: "Freedom to share information, freedom to withhold it". It would solve a lot of judicial problems the internet faces. Not all of them, but it makes more sense than "information is free", as much as I love that thought, really.

While internet-hardened and thus immune to such harsh language, I am convinvec that those people using it on a casual basis are not ready to learn alchemical teachings. It is for more open and refined minds.
>muh elitism
It is as it is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ just my opinion, fellow aspiring wizard.

Exactly this might be the reason why the group does not like to openly share the work and I myself feel it makes sense not just to throw it around. But who are "enemies"? The Mekubal most likely know it already, I wouldn't know as I do not read Kabbalistic teachings. The secret orders that may or may not use it for evil and/or to furthering their domination most likely have already similar findings.

In my opinion the "enemy" is one of lesser order: the destructive subraces that might abuse European occultism against the creators. The writings I speak of make clear racial distinctions and is generally very Euro-centric. Just like Black nationalism exists, there should not be (literal) black alchemy.

Magic is no birth-right at all. It is a burden. Since ancient times it always had been guarded away from the prying eye of the leaden people. The writings are complicated and often one needs to read between the lines.It's on purpose. Understanding the works, uncovering the secrets within secret teachings, going through rites, attaining degrees of mastery - all this promotes a refined mind, careful reading and wisdom. of course you do not need to go through rites and the like to be prepared for occult texts, but you wouldn't read them as carefully if you took them for granted. There lies the danger and ignorance.

It isn't about power-mongering, although knowledge is power. it's more about keeping it powerful. It shouldn't be dragged into a level of understanding that is unbecoming for the work put into those texts.

As of the abuse of knowledge: we live in a world with humans, which means we live in a world of war. The alchemical texts mention the warlike nature of Man quite often, not necessarily in bad light. There will be many fights between those who are meant to walk the path and those who are not. It is necessary to not provide those who are not meant to walk the path with ammunition.

>If Franz Bardon can publish a complete guide to self-initiation, no lesser adept has any excuse for greedily hoarding secrets.

As a lesser adept myself those words impact me greatly. But after all I came here to share. It is merely duty of the burden to not… ah I do not know myself anymore. Maybe you are right? I lack the wisdom to make the correct decision, but I am trying.

While the alchemical texts speak of pain and death, I doubt anyone would be determined enough to collect those ingredients. It is not necessary to go farther than one is prepared. The student needs to accept his lot as adept; he will not be a master for a long time. It is part of the struggle.

>All this whining about how "knowledge should be available to everyone" is really nothing more than laziness, selfishness and egotism. People want access the most sacred knowledge humanity possesses without so much as leaving their bedroom. The universe doesn't work that way, you get what you work for.
Wise words.

>The truth is that you can't hide anything from anyone who was meant to find it.
Also correct. Almost quoting the alchemical texts.
>But if the masturbatory fantasy of imagining that you are one of the Illumined Ones strokes your ego, enjoy.
It is mostly ego that drives us towards the rank of master and illumination. I doubt someone who achieved ego death will have use of the alchemical texts. i myself am a lesser student and like everyone else here an aspiring wizard, someone who searches in order to find. Restless and not at peace.

>Hey guys, I have secrets that I can't share because they're after me, what do?

They are not necessarily after me, but I am technically stealing knowledge, simply due to an inexplainable desire to share it with my fellow aspiring wizards. I feel that there are many, many people in this world in search of knowledge, but too few real teachers and groups to help them see it. Magick and occultism has become an endeavor of self study and all we are left with are rather introductory texts. I am afraid that a lot of knowledge has been lost, even after the burning of the Alexandrian library.
Yet it has always been this way: enlightenment can rarely be achieved by reading the texts. There was a zen quote on this, but my feeble mind cannot recall it.

You won't find much pleasure in the alchemical text. It doesn't quite target chaos magick. It's more about "bringing order and light".

>Humans are a microcosm of the macrocosm, we really shouldn't have to leave our bedrooms to learn everything there is to know and develop omniscience.
This is correct. I also think there are many harmful teachers out there. Especially those Indian gurus and yogi are often charlatans and they know it. In my city i have spoken to one who advertises heavily for his Yoga and zen lessons, but he also has a spiritual Buddhist circle where he speaks of things that do not yield as much money as rich-white-women activities´and past times, such as Yoga. His teachings were very superficial and after discussing the patterns of the world with him I noticed that he either follows a school of thought I do not understand, or that he really isn't as enlightened as he likes to portray himself.

I am also really sorry that it takes a while to post the knowledge. I have to copy the book by hand and then translate it from (mainly) German and Latin to English. It also has an old Greek section and some lines of Russian that I will not be able to translate. All this takes a while, but I am making good progress. I must also warn you that the book is rather contemporary. Not older than 50 years. No ancient knowledge. And some might be disappointed that actual magick is a very small part of the text. As I said: an alchemical work. How to be a good wizard, rather than how to make good wizardry. I love this board so far, by the way, and really hope it won't die. The world needs places like this to connect aspiring wizards. Too many who try to reach land strand on the rocks of Wiccan schools 8or similar), which ultimately are lesser or even polluted studies. That said I also am in contact with a down-to-earth Wiccan "witch" who is, in my opinion, far too enlightened for this feminist exclusive club.

(…)his pursuit of the Philosopher's Stone has in large measure been impeded by "worldly necessities", and that the said Stone is reserved for men who have the gift of "solitariness."
>copied from wikipedia, article: Thomas Charnock

Changed my trip for easier use.


Then go find one. My teacher traveled across his country to a new city to study under his teachers, who traveled the world for years studying under masters in Europe, China, India and the Middle East.

I'd imagine there probably are teachers around if you look hard enough, assuming you don't live in a rural area.

>In my opinion the "enemy" is one of lesser order: the destructive subraces that might abuse European occultism against the creators. The writings I speak of make clear racial distinctions and is generally very Euro-centric. Just like Black nationalism exists, there should not be (literal) black alchemy.

Agreed. We must keep our aryan knowledge out of the hands of the subhumans that would pervert it. They need to stick to their own traditions.

Chaos is order of a higher nature.

I don't want to learn from someone who is physically incarnate here. I'm just going to use evocation to find a spirit guide and start talking to them. I keep searching the astral planes too for help but don't find much help so far. Eventually I will probably find some entity that knows its shit and is able to help. I may also just craft a tulpa for the purpose. I don't follow blindly anyone be they incarnate or disincarnate and prefer to test their knowledge and claims.

>some lines of Russian that I will not be able to translate
Russian here, feel free to send me those lines and I will translate them for you if it is indeed in Russian.

If it's at least 50 years old it might be old Russian which would make it tricky but I'll see what I can do.

Post the Russian (or a photocopy) on https://freedomboard.kirara.ca/illuminati/

I can translate. If anything, posting them there won't make much of a difference, but it'll let us make work even during this squabble.


You'll have a hard time summoning a spirit capable of teaching you, let alone developing your spiritual senses enough to be able to converse with it clearly, without having already undergone some training.

Inspiring. Order the normal brain with its physical limitations cannot comprehend?

Yes, that was my thought. Thank you for informing me!

I can already do that though, conserving with entities, and evoking them. I just have a lot things to be doing and a lot of patience and won't be rushed along by you. Now shoo away until a few more months have passed and years, I have already made vast progress in a short time all alone, and see no reason for that to slow down.

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