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No. 15257
MPO - LERM Collected essays

Few people realize that their conscious mind only processes about 15 bits of information per second of linear time. However, in vertical time, the unconscious mind (i.e., the integratedcortico-enteric nervous system plus the enteromyofascial complex) is processing approximately 70-80 million bits of information. In normal consciousness, humans are aware of only an infinitesimal amount of the information that is constantly being fed to them at the unconscious level. Existing intelligence enhancement technology today is designed to reduce the filtering by the conscious mind to enable the higher and broader bandwidth information packets to be fed to the conscious mind. In parallel with this effort, the brain circuitry is re-wired to handle the higher bioelectric demands of the information that is being fed to the consciousness, allowing capabilities like photographic memory and abstract thought to co-exist. These capabilities become the matrix filter that draws from the unconscious repositories the most relevant information at any particular time based on the problem or task at hand.
There are seven superdomains formed from a T-boundary. Each of these superdomains is a ratio of space and time. Different superdomains have different ratios, and within each superdomain, there will be different ratios, depending when (not just where) you are. The spacetime in which we exist is our index space/time ratio, and what we know as the ‘universe’ is a variant of the index space/time ratio in which we exist. This means we will encounter variations in how space is in the spacetime we know as ‘the universe,’ Between the T-boundary and any surface of spacetime in our ‘universe, there are roughly 12,960,000 nonlinear degrees of interconnectivity, which interconnects all levels of manifestation (that is, all ratios of space and time) from T-boundary or Source to any where/any when in the 4-spacetime universe or superdomain (the 7th in the Unum, or the sum total of all superdomains created). Time is not exclusively linear as depicted in a timeline.

Time is said to be able to be described as vertical, with every moment in existence stacked upon the next and all coinciding with one another. In other words, time is the collective of all moments of all experience simultaneously existing within non-time, which is usually referred to as eternity. Vertical time infers that one can select a moment of experience and use time and space as the portal through which they make their selection real. Once the selection is made, time and space become the continuity factor that changes vertical time into horizontal time or conventional time. So vertical time has to do with the simultaneous experience of all time, and horizontal time has to do with the continuity of time in linear, moment-by-moment experiences. This makes things very interesting for us, for every experience we have ever had or will ever have exists right now, and the past and future are actually in the present, but rolled up as if both were infinities but are not, not really. But, in order to be on the same page,let’s settle on a languaging system. Notice we didn’t say language register (as in, technical language register), but rather languaging system. Such a system is much more than spoken or written language. It is also an internal language of the imagination and intention and will and faith and attention deployment and much more. What we can agree on is that it is a system, and it is THE system by and through which we literally CREATE our reality. So each one of us is already LERMing. We already possess THE languaging system by, and through,which we light-encode the matrix of our own individual reality! Neat, isn’t it… Oh, it is that, and much more.

Pause after you have finished reading this paragraph, stop and look up and away from this document, look around not at the familiar place you know (or the mind model of what you think the “familiar place” is) but rather at the matrix of the whole place in which you are now.Examine is with the tendrils of your gut brain. Yes, there is a brain in your gut; it has always been there; and it is called the enteric brain. It perceives and processes information in huge chunks we can best call gestalts or wholes and this processing is not just biochemical and bioluminescent (as the cranial brain and its central nervous system operate). In addition to biochemical and bioluminescent processes, it also uses biosonic, bioenergetic, bioemotive,and biomotive ones.

Now enter the realm of real weirdness of the NEW ADVANCED LIFE PHYSICS, or the world that is not as it seems. Just how do we do MANIFEST PRODUCTION OBSERVERSHIP? By light-encoding the very matrix of the reality we live. Do you grasp the magnitude of the statement?

Everything we now know in the NEW ADVANCED LIFE PHYSICS, or what we now refer to it inour shop as the physics of life, is that there are seven superdomains as one humungous thought called the Unum (and this includes our 4-spacetime as a super domain). In this Unum, observership is only possible by complex oscillating biological entities capable of light-encoding a common reality matrix as a biological kind (or biokind).

Observership as a term (much like languaging system above) is hugely much more encompassing than just sensing with the five sensory input modes. Observership also includes interacting with the living habitat-context in ways beyond just knowing when the sunrises, sets and not to stay under it uncovered and without water for very long. Sensing-interacting means we seek and derive meaning from the “environment.” The means we use are our senses and the result is a “model of the world” we hold in mind AND project out unto the environment as “the world” in which we live.

REALITY is, then, MANIFEST PRODUCTION OBSERVERSHIP. But there are many possible ways to have MANIFEST PRODUCTION OBSERVERSHIP. What is REALITY, really? What does REAL REALITY looks like? REALITY is actually the Lorentz transform(energy pattern) of a sea of energy, much like in (A) below:

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A Lorentz transform is the pattern of the light energy packets that each of the quantum macro-objects are in the environment. Let’s say the picture above is that of a beautiful sunset. Is it? Can it be? At first blush, we don’t know because this is just a 2-dimensional representation of a 4-dimensional event. Let’s say then we are experiencing this pattern of energies with our own sensoria – all five of them – and we are asked to say what it is we are looking at. Only then could we say we are looking at a beautiful sunset in the Everglades.

WHICH of the two MANIFEST PRODUCTION OBSERVERSHIPS is more REAL than the other? Well, actually that is the wrong question to ask. Both MPOs are real manifests of two information-set conditions in two levels of manifestation. The difference is the OBSERVER and his or her index MANIFEST PRODUCTIONOBSERVERSHIP. Your index is where you were born and where you are now, i.e. planet Earth, solar system, Milky Way galaxy. And your indexing mechanism is the sensorial apparatus you have that transform Framework A into Framework B.

Which is YOUR MPO? Most probably Image B – the 4-dimensional sensory image of the beautiful Everglades sunset. So what is it that happened? What made (B)your MPO and not (A)? The answer is: your sensory input into your cortical brain and its interpretation of the information in terms of the “model of the world” started by you on the day you were born. The effect is called HOLONOMIC, the thinking process is called HOLOGRAMIC, and the rules by which your MANIFESTPRODUCTION OBSERVERSHIP result (B) are referred to as HOLOGRAMMATICS.

Are we talking about holography and holograms here? Well, not specifically about 4-dimensional holography and holograms per se, but we are saying that the same PROCESS that produces holograms is the same one that produces MANIFEST PRODUCTION OBSERVERSHIP effects. In other words, your REALITY as in Framework B above is an effect of your information processing and thinking processes. And this is species-specific, specific to the human race.

What makes MANIFEST PRODUCTION OBSERVERSHIP effects possible? Few people realize that their conscious mind only processes about 15 bits of information per second of linear time. However, in vertical time, the unconscious mind is processing approximately 70-80 million bits of information. Thus, in normal consciousness, humans are aware of only an infinitesimal amount of the information that is constantly being fed to them at the unconscious level. There are technologies designed to reduce the filtering aspects of the conscious mind and enable the higher function information to be fed to the conscious mind. In parallel with this effort, the brain circuitry is rewired to handle the higher information bandwidth being fed to the consciousness, allowing capabilities like photographic memory and abstract thought to co-exist. These capabilities become the matrix filter that draws from the unconscious repositories the most relevant information at any particular time based on the problem or task at hand.

Such technologies exist and were designed to facilitate natural intelligence, by reducing mental stress-response through the pumping of low powered energetics of a specific spectrum of mental performance enhancing frequencies. Strangely enough, there is another process that also produces similar, if not identical results, and that is a method of meditation known as Transcendental Meditation (TM™), originally developed by the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. An instant of peaceful clarity is worth a century of mental fog – literally. It is this dictum upon which MANIFEST PRODUCTION OBSERVERSHIP rests, Our REALITY becomes manifest, and the world is literally made by manifest production observership agreement between and among members of a species. And then all species that share a planet access the entraining reality within their own species-specific sensorial, buttressing the REALITY generated by the COBE species – the biological organisms with most complex oscillating living matrices.You and your neighbor agree along a spectrum of interaction (conscious to subconscious) that your house or apartment looks and is in the way you experience it, the city or town in which you live is thus and such, the state or region’s topography is of a certain form and shape. All “physical” manifestations are manifest production observership agreement effects. What makes “things” POSSIBLE and REAL? You already have the ability to light-encode the matrix of which your shared physical reality is, consists, becomes, and constantly changes by your will and the vector-intention that you and members of the species are. LIGHT-ENCODING OF OUR REALITY MATRIX IS BUILT INTO THE HUMAN RACE,AND WIRED INTO THE NERVOUS SYSTEM AS SPECIES CAPABILITIES. TO LIGHT-ENCODE = TO CREATE—FIVE FISH INTO 5,000. ONE TEMPLATE Þ LIGHT-ENCODED 4-D OBJECT. CLEAR TEMPLATE MEANS COHERENT LIGHT ENCODING OF THE OBJECT. RESULT = ONE MATERIAL HOLOGRAM OF THE TEMPLATE.


To encode light means to invite photons to occupy space and transform themselves into elementary particles and atoms, organizing themselves like a orchestra with a specific piece to perform as a group. The operative term is toinvite, for that is precisely what we do. Where and how they organize themselves is according to the pattern of the information (or thought) template, as in the figure to the right. The X-ray hologram shows the positions of each of cobalt atoms within a structure primed by a thought or information template.

So what does it take for a template to be transformed into a 4-dimensionalobject right before your eyes? It requires you to master several things, none of which are difficult, except for what you see and believe to be so. The dead give away that life forms on Earth are capable of this feat is in the DNA of a “lower” form, known as salamanders. The capacity is always there, but not expressed on all life forms on earth along the evolutionary scale. All life forms have a template, and all templates lead to a form. The salamander “grows” its tail back, or a limb, by a bio-application of L.E.R.M., in which the body part grows back by a light packets initializing process that leads the body to grow back whole cells organized by the life field of the salamander’s body at the specific limb or body part. The process, regardless of the application is as follows:


The immersion we now do is into the holonomic experience of a hologramic moment when one’s MPO (MANIFEST PRODUCTION OBSERVERSHIP) results in a form you wanted to produce. But HOW? L.E.R.M. (Light-encoded reality matrix)manifest production requires an observer – a quantum macro-object, a life form,something that has a vector-intention. Well, as a human being, you qualify. Let’s see: you have a vector-intention (except you refer to a pale reflection of yours to be your will], you have a cortico-enteric brain complex (a combined CNS/ANS nervous system with four brains on line – the old reptilian, old mammalian, the neocortical and the enteric brains], you have a combined biomind hopefully with fully working senses [sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell], imagination, and a knowledge about (if not the actual experience of] peace. If you have all of these requisite equipment components, you can do L.E.R.M. Again, HOW? By the holonomic experiencing of a hologramic moment while following hologrammatic rules. Uh…?


We know you’ve heard the saying, “as inside, so outside.” Inside you is the medium and the means by which light-encoding is possible and reality-matrices grasped and understood. The simplest MANIFEST PRODUCTION OBSERVERSHIP effects are those given to you as first assignment as an infant. You see, there are far more complex tasks we are capable of L.E.R.M.ing. You already know now that YOU create your own reality. Well, imagine then what we are capable of when we can have holonomic experiences of hologramic moments using hologrammatic rules to produce things. But HOW? Follow the process and the procedure for producing a hologram, but instead of focusing a 2-dimensionalimage, focus on a 4-dimensional object.


Now we can deal with the details of HOW the holonomic experience of a hologramic moment will bring you the product you want, and not something else.

Your internal holonomic experience needs to be predicated on REAL WORLD information. With natural objects in the world – a ripe, sweet orange, or a roll of while cotton yarn, an object as present for someone in your family – your actual, physical touch/taste/feel/smell/sight experience of the target object provides the actual “framework information” for the object to be an exact specimen. The IDEA of the OBJECT has to contain all necessary information for the latter to be a world-valid object. Otherwise, all you have is a facsimile (or 4-dimensional Xerox copy). This then means you do NOT want to do MANIFEST PRODUCTION OBSERVERSHIP of objects you know little to nothing about. And of those you don’t know much about, but are interested in, you need to know more about them before diving in to L.E.R.M. them. So, you need to make them holonomically simple! Yes, uncomplicated. Complete in information, yet uncomplicated. This is one of the hologrammatic rules or boundaries for the manifest production of a hologramic result. What would then you have to do if you want to have a digital photographic camera? Or $100,000 US dollars in relatively small bills? Do your HOMEWORK!

If you were to BUY a digital camera, instead of L.E.R.M.ing one, what is it you would do before getting one? Research the types, brand names, capabilities you’d like in it, etc. When you specify that the one you want is a Sony, such and thus, you are indicating the physical object, and you are also calling forth its quantum potential template.

With the money, what do you need to know? The control numbers and magnetic strips for the bill denomination you want your pile in. We would choose $100 bills, which then requires that we have all needed information, starting with the control numbers of a sample or index bill, and doing the math to figure 1,000,000 specimen numbers between the index and the last or boundary number. Is that all you’ll need? No, not quite. You will also do well to have, hold and examine closely a sample or index bill for all its elements and intricacies,and the approximate time on the tower of Independence Hall on the reverse of the bill. Either have an index bill, or watch the movie NATIONAL TREASURE, and pay attention to the lead male character’s rendition of its usefulness in the movie’s plot. Of course, you will be paying close attention to all of these hologrammatic rules, if you intend to spend the money. Remember, with man-made objects (such as money and other valuables) the more information you have on and about it, the higher its usefulness in “real life” will be to you.

The key to understand here is that the thinking you develop is based on how a hologram works. Before getting to the mechanics, let’s remember two specific aspects of its dynamics. One is that all holograms, including that produced by your MANIFEST PRODUCTION OBSERVERSHIP (and becomes an apple or a digital camera) are based upon light coherence and interference patterns. Light coherence means all photons are traveling at the same speed, frequency, arrangement and direction. A laser is therefore a coherent beam of light. But in MANIFEST PRODUCTION OBSERVERSHIP, you are acting upon light from the quantum potential by inviting (actually, the proper internal stance is “inducing”) the photons to come to the thought template you offer them in mind and for them (photons) to become laser coherent (by speed, frequency, arrangement and direction) and begin occupying the arrangement provided by the thought template. In the arrangement we speak of, there are no single beams creating the manifest product; rather, the object beam becomes the object interference pattern, and the reference beam becomes the energetic (or coherent-light) reference pattern. And, as you know, two pictures are worth two thousand words. See the figure below and the one on the next page. Hologramic process by hologrammatic rules makes Charlie’s MANIFEST PRODUCTION OBSERVERSHIP produce what he sets his focus on. How does all of this have to be organized for a Samsung SCH-A990 to appear in his hand?

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1. Charlie is a real human being, and he lives south of the border. He is a newbie, meaning he has never done MPO (MANIFEST PRODUCTION OBSERVERSHIP) on demand before. Charlie determines he wants to produce a Samsung SCH-A990 cell phone, and before he sets his MPO session time, he does his homework. He does what he needs to do to know its functions and capabilities, and since he knows about electronics and informatics, he sets his knowledge base about the target clear in his mind. When he feels he has enough information about the target, he seeks a sample of the target and seeks to have it in sight or better still, hold it in his hand so it has a signature of the object itself.

2. This is when and where one’s psychophysiology comes in. A good backgrounder on our human biomind and bioelectronic living matrix becomes absolutely necessary. We no longer think in terms of body holonomically simple “systems;” instead we found the body is a bioelectronic living matrix that hosts an information cloud that interpenetrates the body, serving (along with its four brains) as a living biomind. There are three cranial brains – old reptilian, old mammalian, and neocortical – and one enteric in the ventral aspect of the body.

All together, they interconnect with tissues that wrap around all muscles and organs (known as fascia), the systemic whole made up by the central, peripheral and autonomic nervous systems, the scaffolding of tubules inside each cell, the plexi (switchboards) of nerves and cardiovascular connectors, lymphatic vessels,and the cutaneous membrane (skin), and its accessory structures (hair, scales, feathers, nails, exocrine glands). This is what is known to us as the living matrix. And this is a bioelectronic structure of very unique properties and capabilities. The human biomind is not just the biochemical and bioelectric activity in the three cranial brains. Rather, it also involves and includes the entire human living matrix complex and the information cloud that interpenetrates the body and expresses itself as (a) unipolar, dipolar, and quadrupolar scalar spectra of electromagnetic fields (or scalar electro-magnetic fields not measurable by current human instruments), and (b) the dipolar, and quadrupolar electro-magnetic and bioluminescent biophotonic (light) fields emanating from every square inch of human body surface at right angles from the skin. These twokinds of fields make up what over millennia has been known as the aura. The amount of information processed by the human neocortical brain is a pittance when compared to the amount of information processed by the entire human biomind complex described above.

It is this complex which makes L.E.R.M. possible. Actually, if there is a mind-blowing explanation of how L.E.R.M. actually occurs, we will be accurate in saying that we use our own photons (light packets) to co-locate matter according to the (quantum-potential and 4-spacetime) templates of the object we wish to manifest.

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We know from Chinese classified and open source research, and from our own labs, that human beings are quite capable of producing masers using their hands as projection devices (a maser being a a device that produces coherent electromagnetic waves through amplification due to stimulated emission). Historically the term came from the acronym ”microwave amplification bystimulated emission of radiation”, although modern masers emit over a broad portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. These masers, however, emit ionizing radiation (that is, electromagnetic radiation capable of disrupting the biological functions of living cell tissues). But the human masers, aside from being emissions in the microwave range, are nonionizing, that is, cell tissue exposed to these nonionizing fields does not change. Could this ability be applicable to the reality matrix of any 4-spacetime object? In other words, could we take the thought template of any 4-dimensional object, initiate a radiant cascade of high velocity nonionizing photons by focusing this radiant cascade on the object’s template? Yes, it is not only possible in theory. It is also holonomically simple.

Far simpler that we ever thought possible. Any self-respecting Nepalese monk can MPO his own food as demonstration of ascent in capabilities and illumination. We would have not believed it had we not been invited to see it. But what was most hilarious was seeing their faces when not only one but several of us, seated as we were, MPOed ours. Needless to say, it took us all more than fifteen minutes to calm down from the collective mirth that befell the gathering. They do, and did, have an excellent sense of humor, and were quite curious to know how we knew of it, and how we came to learn to do it on demand. We exchanged information with them and much to our surprise, they used a near identical MPO sequence as we.

3. Yet, in retrospect, we should not have been surprised by the Creator’s economy of scale. Why should it have been different, as each of us who are biologically relatively intact (i.e., have a working living matrix) are wired basically in the same fashion? At this juncture in your induction into what you were told is called L.E.R.M. (light-encoded reality matrix), we will switch to a more accurate and descriptive name for the process and product – MANIFEST PRODUCTION OBSERVERSHIP. We are able to manifest a product by becoming active observers with the “eye” that is not made to see the world directly. At this point,let’s baptize this “eye” as the “mind’s eye,” so you will then know and know how to internally operationalize this means. What you “see” in this “eye,” you can apply MPO on demand. It is this, we believe now, that Jesus had told us we would be able to do in the latter days – this, and more.

The ability to “see” with the eye that is not made to see the world directly figures prominently in MPO. So much so indeed that without it, the ability is impaired to an extent that it becomes useless or a pale reflection of its splendor. But, to “see” in this fashion is not just the ability to visualize in the sense of being able to see the object in the mind’s eye.

There is also a very large pinch of “knowing” in the function. In other words, to “see” in this fashion is also to “know” the object beheld in mind. Knowing about the object means having knowledge about the object within a spectrum of access – from superficial to intimate. Once a level of “user-access” is established by you (meaning, the knowledge you feel is important and sufficient to have about the object before you MPO-LERM it) you can then move forward on to other considerations in the sequence.

There are, for instance, some things more important than others in the “knowing” spectrum. The internal functioning of an electronic piece of equipment would, of course, be more important than the brand name or cosmetic value of the external casing. You must, however, realize and keep in mind that the “thought-essence” of, say, the cell phone Charlie focused on contains all necessary information concerning the item, including but not limited to the circuit architecture, the material of which all parts are made, their internal arrangement, the electronics involved in achieving telephony by the article and the network on which it works, and more. How is this possible? And is there a “minimum” in the “knowledge” spectrum about a target object? Yes. However, it is more subjective and a matter of personal comfort than anything. Remember, your comfort with the target object is important to the peace basis on which you rest everything concerning the MPO application you make to manifest the object.

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All objects in 4-spacetime are actually, really macro-quantum objects, and therefore available to the biomind by their quantum numbers. This means your biomind knows the quantum number of each of the kind of cell phones produced in the world, as each is “registered” in the Thought superdomain as an upward chain of causality (from here to Source, or T-boundary). All of this is instantly available to your biomind, so in effect, you know everything about everything instantly. The only thing detaining you from being aware of it is the amount of information you are able to process per second and the level of cortical-enteric-myofascial connectivity your biomind counts on for “deep” information processing that takes you to the 90+ percent use of available capacity. This is in part what alluded to previously when we said that we only use 3% of our capabilities. When we reach the 90 percentiles and use our biominds as integrated wholes (body and mind as one) we become more powerful than ever imagined. You have no idea how powerful! Walking over a bed of live coals is child’s play in comparison. The operating scope of your biomind, by our calculations, is in the 30 billion light-years, with earth at the center; you can easily reach the T-boundary that segregates the knowable from the unknowable range of Source; you can do painstaking exploration of every aspect of each of the 12,960,000 infinities between any surface of spacetime and Source at its T-boundary. If there is away of picturing creation, Figure 1 to the left is one of them. You are a part of a living supercomputer capable of storing the universe in its fold – the supercomputer being the overfunction of which each of us are members, whether we are “good little boys and girls” or not. Whether or not we stay members is a matter of individual, personal choice. We, who are now members of this working group, have made very clear what you choice is. Choice is no longer an issue. We are here, and we were counted. And not by us, but by something much larger than us that contains us all. As your may note throughout these modules, Source has provided its issues (its sons & daughters) with qualities, biogenetics and biomind that are nothing short of perfection. Thus, wisdom without longevity is neither desirable nor possible. Human conditions on earth today attest to the fact. Without wisdom, all we have is history.

4. Let’s then say that the target quantum macro-object is known in sufficient detail, and your biomind has its signature and is able to contain within your mind’s eye the thought-template of the target. What you are then looking to do is a MANIFEST PRODUCTION OBSERVERSHIP effect that results in a 4-dimensional quantum macro-object identical to in every way to that contain in the thought-template of the target. The display medium is normal 4-spacetime air. The target object is formed by your biomind in a peaceful state, in and through which you visualize clearly the target (eyes open or closed, as suits you), and your living matrix, through your other hand (one set out palms up to hold the object-formation process and the final object materialized, the other to function as the maser’s projection device aimed at the other open hand) can then act as the device projecting on to the place your eyes are focused on: your open hand, palms up. Thus, MANIFEST PRODUCTION OBSERVERSHIP as dynamic process begins with a thought-template that is held in mind and projected on to a location or spacetime “address” by looking at the exact place and seeing the projection in one’s mind clearly. The dynamic process must be entirely fluid from start to finish, and indeed be holonomically simple to you. Simplicity breeds relaxation, and relaxation is always the basis for internal peace.

As relaxation is the basis for holonomic peace, peace is the mental medium that makes the internal psychophysiology responsible for the manifest production of nonionizing microwave-level radiant energy through your projection device (your hand or hands), with your mind’s eye providing the mental framework or template visualized in spacetime (in front of you or on your open palm) projected by you on to a particular place in spacetime. It is then at this specific place in spacetime that high-energy photons are invited to transmute and become elementary particles forming atoms in atomic structures that conform the matter composition of the target object. Whether the target object is inert or live, does not matter at all. And herein then lies the power given to each of us by Source. However, to act on life and the creation of living matrices is artful negotiation with all involved and interested “parties,” including the diseased (human, pet, or otherwise). Lazarus responded to Jesus, and so did my cat and A.R.’s dog. James chose not to attempt the manifest production observership of a living matrix, mostly because what was important to him was already long in the past and would create a major disturbance in “the force” or Unum. If you grasp by analysis the conditions of the other events, you may surmise that the act would have not caused major disruptions in the living fabric in which these beings existed, and would indeed serve as a “reuniting” of life unto itself – which on earth it is known as miracle.

5. The physical result of a MANIFEST PRODUCTION OBSERVERSHIP (MPO) event is a record of the interaction of two coherent patterns of coherent radiant energetics, in the form of microscopic pattern of interference fringes. It is an energetic registration of the interference pattern formed by two energetic patterns of coherent nature, one of which is coherent light. One pattern (the reference pattern) goes straight from the light source and the other is scattered onto the template of the target object in the mind of the MPO inductor (or the human vector-intention). The 3-dimensional product is produced by the interference pattern of the two working patterns and is processed in such way that when the thought-template is materialized appropriately a three-dimensional image is produced.


We leave momentarily on the thought that Gene Roddenberry was one well informed dude. How he came up with the ideas of the holodeck and the replicator are stories worthy in and of themselves, to hear Majel Barrett Roddenberry tell about her husband’s sources of ideas. MPO is not a new idea in itself. But it is most definitely a radical view of how reality is. We did not make up the notion of MPO, but rather gave it name because the emerging Working Model strongly suggested it as being a normal function of COBEs (complex oscillating biological entities), including humans like us.


A. R. BORDON is a retired scientist and cofounder of the LIFE PHYSICS GROUP – CALIFORNIA. A former executive director of the American Association of Remote Viewers, he is an experienced physical-gnosive extension neurosensor and consultant to a private research institute in northern California.

E. M. WIENZ* is an active astrophysicist and computer scientist working for a private research institute in northern California, as well as with one of thenational laboratories in the San Francisco Bay area. He is also a cofounder of the LIFE PHYSICS GROUP – CALIFORNIA.

J.A. SANCHEZ* is a doctoral level electrical engineer working for a large aerospace conglomerate in southern California.

• The names adopted by these authors is a pen name used in any writtenwork associated with the LIFE PHYSICS GROUP, and is designed to protect theirprofessional association with their respective employers.


There are 3 in total.

This is a private document I got and it's really a pain to copy this bit by bit here and fix it all up.

Do you guys want the rest or should I just read the last two essays myself and then be done with it, even though that would mean only I would have got to seen this?


Interesting stuff, I would be interested in reading more.

Just read everything I posted, very very carefully, re-reading every line until I understood it.

I believe the process it describes works like this:

1. Figure out what you want to manifest, become comfortable you have the right idea template in mind.
2. Call it fourth with the mind, create a hologram out of thought using the mind's eye.
3. Locate it physically to an area just between your hands.
4. Start to project light into the form / change how light behaves and fills in the area.
5. The light condenses into the material components into the holographic template provided.
6. A physical object is thus created out of thought.

Apparently this also must be done in a very relaxed, peaceful state of mind. It seems we'll need a lot of concentration. We have to apply through thought all the properties needed for the object. It is important to know that we also already know everything / are omniscient basically, we just need to find the macro-quantum index of the object template to be used.

One more concern described in the text above is agreement with other observers / co-creators in this reality. Some things are easier to do and manifest while others may be contradicted by others consciousness. Thus acting upon other living organisms can be trickier. This is why for example Jesus was not able to do miracles in a few contexts where his will was contradicted by others and why some miracle workers today can't do shit when there's too much forceful doubt from some people.

There are apparently higher access levels we get to by bringing our consciousness to a higher state of vibration that will let us override more strongly default physical conditions to do whatever we want.

Also an object to be manifested must be "holonomically simple", that is, something we can easily grasp internally with our mind's eye and imagine its properties.

I find this quite exciting and will be applying it soon when I'm ready to materialize some objects myself.

Live objects and non-living ones can both be materialized btw, I bet we could create for ourselves perfect GF tulpas which become materialized with these techniques.

Essay Two

The human body is made to host a biomind. Properly used and cared for, it can last well into 120 earth years, and much more. The internal clock that tells the cell to cascade into death is the telomere that separates the genes one from the other. Every time a cell divides, its telomeres degrade, or shorten by way of the production of telomerase, an enzymatic byproduct of the miotic and mitotic cell divisions in the body. All cells also have a gene that acts like a “drummer” of sorts, keeping the rhythm and pace of their productivity and life; oddly enough, we chose to refer to this gene as the “suicide gene.” Once the body, in its infinite intelligence determines that its cells can no longer sustain a bioelectric existence, it communicates instantaneously to all others, in fact calling forth the “suicide bandleader” gene, which then orchestrates the shutting down of body systems. Interestingly enough, all of this begins to happen after there is separation of mind from body, in a decoupling that is as elegant as the weeping dance of a goose at the sight of its mate. A goose, when it had not seen its mate for a while will fly right toward, even seemingly into, its mate but veer its vector and match its mate’s direction in every way, only to suddenly veer away from the gander in an elegant volley that imitates the sudden drop to the ground of a damsel so happy to see her lover, often best captured in the choreographed movements of a ballet. But the gander doesn’t follow, continuing to fly straight ahead.


The human body is an energetic bundling of idiomaterial processes. This, in terms of the NewAdvanced Physics, is the most accurate way of describing our biomind. It says we arethought/matter together, in a bioelectronic matrix that expresses a hologramic body-form as a“fundamental” but can also express a number of different “resonant harmonic” bodies, someof which can take the forms of avatars (or be coupled to computer-generated avatar-forms)and extend a “point-of-view” (POV) away from, but linked to, its “fundamental.” An avatar formis best thought of as a scalar-range (beyond the electromagnetic range) information field withfuzzy boundaries but definable form.

Take a close look at the figure of a man (right) inside a modified Superconducting QUantum Interference Device(SQUID). He is an Olympic athlete on rings inside the SQUID. This image is a false color frame of a sequence of 13,000+ HD video frames. The gray areas closest to the body formcorrespond to the Meissner field (or aura) that surrounds a human being. There are a coupleof seeming “waves” moving away from the body, and these correspond to what we havedetermined to be the first antiMeissner resonant harmonic, or “second body” potential of thefundamental (Meissner field). If you detect a remote viewer lurking around in your digs, it ismost likely his or her “first antiMeissner field” as soft avatar form that is hosting the remoteviewer’s POV through which he or she is keeping an eye on you. Can this be detected? Yes.Can a remote viewer be prevented from entering a physical zone? Yes, because the POV isindexed to the physical body, which is the Meissner fundamental field. Any safety zone canbe set up by a special wire net cover that creates and maintains a variable electromagneticfield, which can be made to broadcast in extremely low frequencies that will generate anumber of highly distressful and disturbing body reactions in the remote viewer’s fundamental(or index body) – anything from having a violent need to defecate, to vomiting and stomachal distress.


The human biomind exists in a delicate balance of processes, in a highly chaotic Meissner fundamental field, and possessing extended human functions, many of which are highlyprized as top secret such that they are held within closed circles for a variety of reasons –ranging from fear of their use by any number of “enemies,” to the reasons of national andglobal security involving the nations of earth, to egoistic reasons involving marketmanipulation and foreknowledge. The thing is that we citizens of earth do not have validreasons to complain about what others do with these extended human functions, as each of us are quite capable of using them in ever more creative ways for personal and collectivebenefit. Likewise, each one of us have ALL of the wired-in capacities to be a literal All-Onebiomind network. A few years back, two Canadian scientists proposed a theory aboutsomething we have known for a long time: that the earth is actually a conduit for biocommunication between all human beings on earth, including ALL life forms on the planet.Biocommunication is real, and occurs within the extremely low frequency range (ELF) – fromthose starting at 3 Hertz (Hz) to those at about 120 Hz. What makes biocommunicationpossible? The earth (and other life bearing planets) maintain a life belt of electromagneticfields that vibrate at a wide variety of spectra – from ELF to extremely high frequencies.Some narrow frequency ranges are resonant harmonic, with waves as long as the earth’s circumference.

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← Earth Resonances

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Schumann Wavefront Around The Earth

The Schumann Resonances are actually observed by experiment tooccur at several frequencies between 6 and 50 cycles per second;specifically 7.8, 14, 20, 26, 33, 39 and 45 Hertz, with a daily variation of about +/- 0.5 Hertz. The 7.8 Hz observed fundamental resonance isclose to the rough theoretical estimate of 7.5 Hz. So long as theproperties of Earth’s electromagnetic cavity remains about the same,these frequencies remain the same. The solar sunspot cycle maychange the frequencies, because the Earth’s ionosphere changes inresponse to the 11-year cycle of solar activity. The fundamentalfrequency could be varied due to a number of things: (1) the strengthand configuration of Earth’s magnetic field, which has been weakeningfor the past 2,000 years; (2) the composition and properties of theatmosphere; (3) the location and properties of the ionosphere; and (3)the ionospheric link to the magnetosphere by Alfven waves. If you lookat the interior of the Earth, you see that there is a differential physicalrotation of the solid inner core with respect to the surface of the Earth.However, it takes about 400 years for the inner core to make acomplete revolution inside the Earth, so that its frequency is only onecycle per 400 years.

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It is more interesting to look at the frequency of currents at the boundary between the solid inner core and the liquid outer core. Since the inner core has radius of about 1,200 kilometers, its circumference isabout 7,500 kilometers. How long would it take an electrical current,traveling at the speed of light (300,000 km/sec), to go once around thecircumference of the inner core (7,500 km)? That is about 7,500 km /300,000 km/sec, or 1/40 sec. In other words, the natural frequency of the Earth at the boundary of the inner core is about 40 cycles/sec,which is at the upper end of the range of frequencies measured for theSchumann resonances: 7.8, 14, 20, 26, 33, 39 and 45 Hertz. Therefore,the Schumann resonance frequencies correspond to the range of natural frequencies of the Earth from its surface to the boundary of itssolid inner core. Schumann Resonance data fromquake.geo.berkeley.edu show a daily periodicity for the peaks of BT1(North-South component) and BT2 (East-West component).

The natural frequencies of the Human Brain are:

Beta waves (14 to 30 Hz), Alpha waves (8 to 13 Hz), Theta waves (4 to 7 Hz), and Delta waves (0.5 to 3 Hz).

Alpha frequencies have been associated with meditation and relaxation.Theta frequencies have been associated with a dreamy, creative states.The red regions respond to the alpha wave (eyes closed) at a frequencyof around 9 Hz. (Courtesy University of Sussex) …”.

The Beta and Alpha waves (8 to 30 Hz) seem to correspond to the Schumann resonances: 7.8, 14, 20, 26, 33, 39 and 45 Hertz. The 30 Hz high end of the Beta waves is roughly coincident with the frequency of cats’ purrs. The purring of cats is a “natural healing mechanism” and occurs naturally; for example, the range between 27 and 44 hertz is the dominant frequency range for a house cat, and 20-50Hz for the puma,ocelot, serval, cheetah and caracal. This reinforces studies confirming that exposure to frequencies of 20-50Hz strengthens human bones and helps them to grow. … Almost all cats purr, including lions and cheetahs, though not tigers. …”. What about the Theta and Delta Waves (1 to 7 Hz)?

The 1 Hz frequency of the Delta waves is 7.5 times lower than the 7.5Hz natural frequency at the surface of the Earth. Since the radius of the Earth is about 6,400 km, the radius for a 1 Hz natural frequency isabout 7.5 x 6,400 = 48,000 km. Here are some natural frequencies that seem to correspond to the Delta and Theta waves of the Human Brain.

Plasma Sheet (opposite Sun), inner radius = 60,000 km 0.8 Hz
Magnetopause (toward Sun), radius = 60,000 km 0.8 Hz
Geosynchronous orbit, radius = 35,000 km 1.4 Hz
Outer Van Allen electron belt, outer radius = 25,000 km2Hz
Inner Van Allen proton belt, outer radius = 12,000 km 4 Hz
Inner Van Allen proton belt, inner radius = 8,400 km 5.7 Hz

As to the following frequencies:
Magnetopause (opposite Sun), radius = 380,000 km 0.125 Hz
Plasma Sheet (opposite Sun), outer radius = 380,000 km 0.125 Hz
Moon orbit, radius = 384,000 km 0.125 Hz,

it is interesting that 0.125 Hz is about 8 seconds per cycle, which isroughly the same period as the 5 second delay that has been observedbetween the onset of a 1 to2millitesla magnetic field (about 100 timesstronger than Earth’s magnetic field) and the first bursts of brainactivity responding to the magnetic field. (See Science 260, 11 June 1993, page 1590).


EEGs show that at any given time, the electrical patterns the cortical brain produces are made up from distinct wave forms ranging from 0.5Hz (pronounced Hertz, or cycle per second) up to 30 or more Hz. When we say that you are “in beta state” (which you normally are), what we’re saying is that that’s the dominant set of frequencies, the ones with the highest amplitudes. Beta is associated with alertness, with the highest frequencies in that range often described as “fight/flight” mode. Alpha frequencies have long been associated with meditation and relaxation. Theta waves are considered by some to be associated with a dreamy, creative states. Delta waves are generally strongest when you’re asleep.

The electrical frequencies given off by your brain vary from spot to spot.When the whole brain is dominated by one frequency, and especially when the two halves of your brain are in synch, this is called hemispheric synchronization. In some studies, meditation, drumming, swimming with dolphins, binaural beats, photic stimulation, and in some cases EMG and EEG biofeedback have been shown to alter the distribution of these frequencies, and sometimes to encourage hemispheric synchronization. This process is known as entrainment and how they do it is subject to debate, but this alteration is usually attributed to something called the Frequency Following Effect.

Why should we be interested in the interaction between the human biomind and the Earth? Much of what is referred to as “extended human functions” are actually physical manifestations of biocommunication and biointerconnectivity between living systems on Earth, interspecies and intraspecies. Much of these extended functions are often mislabeled as ESP. This is a gross misnomer, perpetrated long ago as a consequence of something Rene Descartes, the French philosopher, did. He had declared that man has a mind and a body, that the mind was the purview of the Roman Catholic Church, which cared for the mental and spiritual well being of the flock; the body was to be the purview of medicine. Eventually, this became a chasm, where the twain never again met.L.E.R.M./M.P.O. and its physics of life, however, force us today to conceptualize everything in terms of both being light-encoded manifestations of a much grander vector-intention – Source at its T-boundary. The differential in encoding manifestation of both lies in the fact that the biomind is really a body-mind system conformed at multiple levels of manifestation (many refer to these levels as “octaves”of each other), and many are indeed holomotive (movement of manifest condensates, or matter) in that they are harmonic histories of some fundamental (or index) one. These holomotive harmonics are not stable and collapse back to their fundamental without much consequence to any other histories. So we are saying that human beings – from body to mind to information cloud spirit – are uniquely constructed from the inscribed holomotive conformation in DNA. This seems to be the natural state of a human biomind/body-mind system. It is only when the driver vector-intention coheres in a child into an ego body-sense that he/she indexes all holomotive conformations (its index or fundamental history or timeline and all its harmonics) to the needs of the biomind. This indexing is what appears to have an ordering effect on all matter in the environment, on the planet, indeed on the star system.

This ordering, or entropy, is manifest at all levels of manifestation. Templates of 4-dimensional or spacetime objects actually are not just 4-spacetime/quantum-potential templaic manifestations. They arereally multilevel entropic arrangements of space/time ratios that runthe gamut, from what to us is macro-level to infinitesimal levels(beyond the Planck limit that separates what is “visible” from what isnot). A useful macro-metaphor to express the notion of this ordering of levels of manifestation as entropic arrangements of space/time ratios isthat of the spider web, even if the spider makes its web in only threeout of four possible dimensions. The spider builds its web in a precise algorithm. Every time it makes a web, the web looks much like theprevious one in shape, complexity and sometimes even size (thoughsize is often determined by the available space in which to set it).Imagine a 4-dimensional spider web, and hold the image of the thoughtas a model of what a matrix of the target thought is.

Then imagine and know deep in you that there is complete,unadulterated isomorphic correspondence (or one-to-onecorrespondence) between the templates – quantum potential thoughtand 4-dimensional field matrices. Mind you, all of this happens within aspacetime “address” whose “location” is on the surface of an oblongovoid-shaped planet with an electromagnetic life belt surrounding itand gravity of fluctuating ranges. The “protocols” by which thoughtbecomes material isLERMand the observer who makes it happenprovides the MPO. Without the observer,LERM-MPO is not possible.Now, the MPO aspect of this process is, or needs to be, an idiomaterialalgorithm.

What does “idiomaterial” mean? And what is an algorithm? Idiomaterialis a term so accurate to the process we refer to asLERM-MPO that itcaptures the essence of making thought a material reality. As a matterof fact, being biominds ourselves, we are idiomaterial beings as well. Anobserver, then, must use a repeatable internal process that leads to thesame result time after time. It is this requirement that makes what youdo (your MPO method) an algorithm. What, then, is an algorithm? It is,to quote Todd Murphy (Behavioral Neurosciences Laboratory,Laurentian University, Ontario, Canada), “process that convertsrandomness to nonrandomness.” What does this mean? “An algorithmis a certain sort of formal process that can be counted on logically toyield a certain sort of result whenever it is ‘run’ or instantiated,” wroteDaniel C. Dennett (“Darwin’s Dangerous Idea”, Simon & Schuster,1995, pp. 50-51). In other words, your MPO algorithmic process needsto have three important features that characterize it as algorithm andthat you can repeat at will and on demand. These characteristics are:

”(1) Substrate neutrality: The procedure for long division works equallywell with pencil or pen, paper or parchment, neon lights or skywriting,using any logical system you like. The power of the procedure is due toits logical structure, not just the causal powers of the materials used inthe instantiation, just so long as those causal powers permit theprescribed steps to be followed exactly.

(2) underlying mindlessness: Although the overall design of theprocedure may be brilliant, or yield brilliant results, each constituentstep, as well as the transition between steps, is utterly simple. Howsimple? Simple enough for a dutiful idiot to perform - or for astraightforward mechanical device to perform. (Remember Star Trek’s“replicator”?) Oh, and no one is calling you idiots. It is simply ametaphor. The standard textbook analogy notes that algorithms arerecipes of sorts, designed to be followed by novice cooks. A recipe bookwritten for great chefs might include the phrase “poach the fish in asuitable wine until almost done,” but the algorithm for the sameprocess might begin “choose a white wine that says dry’ on the label;take a corkscrew and open the bottle; pour an inch of wine in thebottom of a pan; turn the burner under the pan on high…”—a tediousbreakdown of the process into dead-simple steps, requiring no wisedecisions or delicate judgments or intuitions on the part of the recipe-reader.

(3) guaranteed results: Whatever it is an algorithm does, it always does it, if it is executed without misstep. An algorithm is a foolproof recipe.

And before we get to the description of the MPO algorithm in theessayfollowing this one, we need to make you aware of the internal “engine”that makes MPO possible, andLERMa reality. There is apsychophysiology of LERM-MPO, and it involves your entire biomind.


MANIFEST PRODUCTION OBSERVERSHIP (MPO) is actually the productof a sum-over = one psycho-physiology. In other words, it is a mind-driven, mind-generated psychophysiology involving mind-bodyprocesses acting in unison with what we refer to as an “overunity sink.”In plain English, the harder you try, the less you will get accomplished;the less you try, the sooner LERM is produced as a MPO object. Let’sfind a way to understand these statements. When we concentrate hardon something, we dissipate energy in thermal radiant form. In otherwords, we create an incoherent internal state that produces heat, andthat is about it. “Hard” concentration usually means a narrow focus of internal or external attention. This also produces a discontinuous,underunity sink in the body energetics of the person doing theconcentration. To do an “underunity sink” incoherent and discontinuousinternal psychophysiology means to focus narrowly on an internalthought or visual stimulus, or external situation or object. The narrowfocus is predicated on a vector-intention that what we have come to call “dissipant” or incoherent – a most common condition to everydayprayer, wishing, meditation, and MPO attempt. Have a look at a2-dimensional rendition of a dissipant. See picture of the UR cult center tothe right. How many fore- and afterthoughts do you find on the picture?Another way of labeling this effect and internal/external production isto say that the individual undergoes “attention-deficit-vectored-wishing.” The “vectored” part of the description refers to the willfulfocus of intent deployed on the internal or external target or desire. Ithas a direction and a purpose, and its focus is intended to be on theinternal or external target, but the results are “underunity sink” – thatis, the energetic output is in heat, not in increased biomind energetics.

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The opposite is the product of processes in unison that lead to an overunity sink, and produce increased energetics in the biomind. How is this accomplished, and how can this be produced? The key to this process is to achieve, create, describe, and otherwise, reach a mindspace of relative peace, in which you can get “in the flow.” The movie, “For the love of the game “ (Kevin Costner and Kelly Preston) depicts this moment quite well, and amazingly accurately. The lead male character is an aging pitcher for a major league baseball team. As the movie transpires, he is in the middle of a game. He is on the mound, and he is working up a flawless game, in other words, a perfect game –no runs, no errors. In one scene sequence, he must exercise “positive concentration” before the next series of pitches against a hitter who does not like him personally and is quite good at bat. In the movie he uses a “formulaic” method – in other words, he uses a verbal trigger for a psychophysiological state that allows him to make use of his body’s resources to throw a variety of pitches that opponents at bat cannot hit. His formula is launched with a phrase (”turn on the mechanism”) that leads to an immediate reduction of noise and distraction, and allows him to effortlessly focus on the batter by the home plate. His natural body intelligence for the game, love of the game, and training then takeover and he produces external magic – perfect pitches and struck out hitters. Interestingly, all of the major star athletes not just in baseball have “strategies” similar to the character’s formula for toning noise and distraction down and allow for disposition and deployment of additional physical and mental capabilities for the game at will. This does not just mean baseball players, but also basketball, football, soccer and volleyball players. The Shaq and Mia Hamm have it, and so did Pele, Roger Staubach, the blond bear, and Tiger Woods. In fact, wherever you find a performer in any creative endeavor, there will you also find a kind of “holy instant” in which time appears to slow down or stop completely and the world dissipates and disappears into the background. What do you see in the photo above?

This “holy instant” is the benchmark of an overunity sink – time seems to stop, you are relaxed but you still feel your body, your mind is focused on your choice of target, your 4-dimensional address is accessible to you (meaning, you occupy the space at the time you have the overunitysink “feeling” (i.e., all of what has been described above. What makesthis overunity sink state so important? In a peaceful, in-the-flow spacein your mind, your overunity sink state makes possible for each of yourcells to begin manifesting energetics beyond their normal, naturalelectrical capacitance for nonionizing radiant energy. When you are inthis state, you will appear to a “sensitive” with the capacity to seeMeissner (or auric) fields surrounding your body as a bright beacon inthe polychromatic light level – in other words, you will seem to be alarge bundle of white light. When a human body-mind reaches anoverunity sink state inside a SQUID (Superconducting QuantumInterference Device), seen as a form set against an electromagnetic background, something we refer to as a Serpa condition occurs (a kind of breakdown of the immediate 4-spacetime surface of the body itself as complex oscillating living matrix by overunity emanation of nonionizingradiation at right angles away from the body form). See the photo of the Olympic athlete who reached an “in-the-flow” moment in hisexercise routine inside the SQUID (right). A “sink” is a place inspacetime or a virtual “drain” through which energy – any energy – issent to accumulate or to occupy an “address” in 4-spacetime, indexedto a specific horizontal local time. In the photo above and right, the sinkis immediately behind the body-form, which means the athlete’sbiomind was most probably extended to its first harmonic. If we wereto ask him how he felt at that instant, the reply would be somethinglike, “I felt like I was besides myself with effort and I felt like I wasstanding somewhere around me looking at myself hanging there.” Wenever asked, so we will not know in this horizontal index time of ours.

The important point here is that the Meissner field of a calm, peacefulman approaches overunity when it reaches polychromatic candescence.Overunity is an energetic term used in connection to the fact that thehuman biomind (mind-body complex as living matrix) has cellularcapacitance maximas (or peaks) at around 1.23 volt per cell! Notmicrovolt, but volt! If we calculated that the body of a human being of approximately 6 feet in height and 205 pounds of muscle and 4 percentbody fat mass has roughly one quadrillion cells, the overall cellularcapacitance of that human body would have maxima in the 1.23 x 1015volts range (or 1 followed by 000,000,000,000,000). However, theeffect you see in the photo above and to the right is one generated byan overunity (or a threshold above and beyond the maxima averagedacross all tissue in a person’s body), which will not be the same for allhuman beings, but rather vary according to health, life energy,bioelectric age (not chronological age), height, weight, oxygen/carbondioxide conversion in the lungs, and the presence and level of certainminerals and vitamins in the body. What would a person look like whenat energetic overunity as seen by any human being in the immediate vicinity? We chose to use a picture of Christ modified by one of us. Seethe picture to the right.

How is then all of the preceding a sum-over one psychophysiologicalevent? Sum-over one means the body behaves with one degree of freedom. In other words, all functions, all resources, all energetics, allpsychophysiological processes – literally everything going on in thebody – functions as one organism. Everything ongoing inside and in themind is in service to one, and only one, objective, goal, or target. Thiscan be internal, external, or both. An example of how one such goal ortarget is the LERMing of an MPO.

There is one more piece that must be brought into this ideational construction of how MPO and LERM are seemingly aspects of a sum-over process in which the body behaves as one single organism as the instance of the mind in creating a light-encoded reality matrix of an object. The notion we are referring to at this juncture is the very heart of the vector-intention complex. As you will recall, in earlier modules we said that vector-intention was will and much more. Well, this is psychophysiologically speaking not only a valid and true statement, it is also one founded on the functioning of three important organs in the human body in a fashion that can only becalled integrated. The organs we speak of here are the cortical braincomplex (which includes the old reptilian, old mammalian, andneocortical brains), the heart, and the visceral or enteric brain. Theintegration of which we speak here is energetic, bioluminal,bioenergetic, and biochemical in very specific space/time regimens. Therepresentation of this process (photo-right) is organ-specific. The photodepicts involvement of the cranial brain complex, the pituitary gland,the heart, the solar plexi (a relatively large group of nerve bundlesgrouped in and around the belly area), and the gonads (especially,strangely enough, the combination of hypothalamic signals to theanterior pituitary to begin secreting certain leutenizing hormones).What becomes engaged becomes an energetic complex from roughlythe forehead to the lower pelvic area. It is this complex of organs andbiochemical functions that energize the living matrix cellular collective,some time to overunity. The sink is provided by the mental functioningof the mind aspect of the biomind; in other words, the organism’shologramic thought process serves up the “lens” through which thevector-intention generated in an undifferentiated and whole-bodygeneralized way gets focused on a specific target. The photo (right) is aconceptual representation of the heart field, which is the largest andmost powerful in the body. The picture represents a coherent heart insynch with all these other aspects and organic elements of the body togenerate and maintain a Serpa condition with overunity at single degree of freedom long enough to LERM an MPOed target object.

As you can now appreciate through this primer, the entire process is actually elegant and relatively simple. To fly a rocket, you don’t have to be a rocket scientist, anymore than you have to be a Ph.D. biophysicist to LERM an MPO target object. The process is actually simple and accessible to everyone – and it is one of the best kept secrets in all of creation, for reasons you could probably discern well all by yourselves.


To MANIFEST PRODUCTION OBSERVERSHIP (MPO) a LIGHT-ENCODED REALITYMATRIX (LERM), according to the Working Model, is a sum-over event, derived and produced by an internal psychophysiology working with one degree of freedom and functioning as an overunity sink with maxima up to 1.23 x 1015 volts. And to produce it – that is, to MPO a LERM – we need to rediscover the algorithm already inscribed in each of us humans to produce exactly what Jesus presaged for all of us some 2,000 years ago: that the Creator Source of everything inscribed in our DNA the ability to create a thing out of no-thing.


A. R. BORDON is a retired scientist and cofounder of the LIFE PHYSICSGROUP – CALIFORNIA. A former executive director of the American Association of Remote Viewers, he is an experienced physical-gnosive extension neurosensor andconsultant to a private research institute in northern California.

E. M. WIENZ* is an active astrophysicist and computer scientist working for aprivate research institute in northern California, as well as with one of the nationallaboratories in the San Francisco Bay area. He is also a cofounder of the LIFEPHYSICS GROUP – CALIFORNIA.

C. COLOSSIMO-JAIME* is a doctoral level computer scientist andbiochemist, who works for a major manufacturer of specialty materials used in thespace program and in scientific applications related to the space program.

J.A. SANCHEZ* is a doctoral level electrical engineer working for a largeaerospace conglomerate in southern California.


Shall I post the final of these three essays next?

I'm going to read through Essay Two very carefully and edit the problems with the text.

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Fuck I forgot to post this picture.

It's meant to go with this post: >>15320

Oh man the final essay is some awesome shit but it's going to take me forever to copypaste it all over and clean it up.

Essay Three

And then there is the “formula” that leads our single degree of freedom overunity sink biomind, using a hologramic process, to produce a “thing” (or 4-spacetime quantum object) out of no-thing (or its quantum potential templaic conformation). This formula is an algorithm or, as we described in a previous essay, “a certain sort of formal process that can be countedon logically to yield a certain sort of result whenever it is ‘run’ or instantiated,” Daniel C.Dennett (“Darwin’s Dangerous Idea”, Simon & Schuster, 1995, pp. 50-51). We also said (1)an algorithm has substrate neutrality, (2) an underlying mindlessness, and (3) guaranteed results.

To remind you, the substrate or basic neutrality of an algorithm allows you to use theunderlying procedure on anything it can be applied to, using any logical system you want.The power of the procedure is due to its logical structure, not just the causal powers of thematerials used in the instantiation, just so long as those causal powers permit the prescribedsteps to be followed exactly.

The mindlessness of the prescribed steps is what makes the algorithm logical, because thelogic of the steps and their sequencing are simple. An algorithm worked out by you for youwill not necessarily work for me or for your mate, or for Jaime. The KEY here is thatalgorithms are as personal as the imprints on your iris or the patterns on your fingerprints.What you will obtain in this module is a sure-fire process you need to “translate” to your bodyand biomind, and the strange part will be (albeit new to you) exhilarating to your biomind, for itgets to awaken or “express” a function already inscribed in your DNA, and this your biomindknows deeply. Trust your biomind, for it will correct you in your interpretation of what is writtenhere you must do to create the necessary internal and external conditions along eachrequired “phase” or “step” in the sequence of your actions. In a manner of speaking, it knowsbetter than the ego-personality you think is you. The “sequence” or “steps” described here willbe given in as generic a language set as possible, for your interpretation of what is written isTHE most crucial aspect of this endeavor. As first impressions are lasting, so are first imprints(or interpretations given by the mind for processes and procedures it wishes the body tocomply and perform). It is here that we can help with, for in writing this module, we had torevisit our first times and the “newbie” moments of others who have performed MPO-LERM feats.


Can you imagine now a real Star Trek-type replicator capable of replicating a nice fish dish, or a delicious apple pie, or a turkey and cheese sandwich on rye bread? We are sure you can, but are we asking the right question on this matter? Perhaps not. If a replicator is possible, what does it mean in terms of creating objects out of thin air? Is the object replicated aduplication, imitation, copy, or reproduction? Is the object you wish to light-encode its matrixas product a replication, duplication, imitation of another, copy, or reproduction?

First, let’s state the obvious, and then explore the quantum meaning of things. It means thatan object in spacetime has a quantum potential template, and both the object and thequantum template are information sets that can be grasped, captured, and stored in asuitable medium. This also means the replicator must have quantum computing capabilitiesand the ability to read and recognize the quantum numbers of any macro-quantum object.What, really, are these quantum numbers denoting and describing? What aspect of theobject – a cell phone, an apple, money? They are denoting and describing the macro-quantum object itself. We will explain that further below. Human beings, in their Meissner fields and living matrices, already have quantum computing capabilities inscribed and mostly latent.

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In the case of us human complex oscillating biological entity; we have Meissner-antiMeissner nonionizing fields surrounding our bodies at 90 degreesperpendicular and away from the surfaces of the body, and these fields withinfields function as our memory and information processing capacities well beyondour cortical awareness. Animals and plants also have Meissner-antiMeissnerfields, but do not appear to have the capacity to extend antiMeissnerharmonics.* Non ionizing fields emitted by the living matrices of any livingsystem on Earth would qualify as Meissner range fields, as their electromagneticrange lies within the extremely low frequencies (ELF) of 1 Hz and 1560 Hz,though mostly from 1 Hz to 120 Hz. However, simply because the humanMeissner field expressions are low-powered cellurar maxima of approximately 1.2volts per cell, the total possible output of a human being as overunity sink isabout one quadrillion volts, taking into consideration the total cellularcapacitance of the body. And this capacitance level is sufficient to MPO-LERM most anything we want.

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Each target is also a quantum macro-object, with a geometric form in 4-spacetime and afuzzy form (with a geometry of its own) in quantum potential. As you LERM an MPOed object, the “visualization” of the target object is on the physical object. However, the overunitysink (i.e., the enteric brain complex in the ventral area of the human body) is focused on thequantum potential templaic conformation of the 4-dimensional target object. The moment youlock your visual vector-intention on your target object in 4-spacetime, the quantum potentialtemplaic lock occurs automatically. You don’t have to do anything consciously for this tohappen; your enteric complex performs that function for you beyond normal awareness. Replication, in this instance, and by the use of this algorithmic arrangement, is light-encoding by the “mirror-action” of one template (quantum potential) so that the other (4-spacetime)template can manifest as macro-quantum object. Let’s examine an example, and this mayhelp you understand this seeming “dance” of one template with the other in a kind of Texas two-step.

Take a look at the picture on the right. This is a graphic representation of a fuzzy boundary geometrized quantum-potential template of an orange. A way of understanding this graphic representation (which is not identical or isomorphic to what neurosensors “see” when they look at the quantum-potential templaicconformation of a 4-dimensional orange) is to think of the templaic conformation as havingfive “dimensions” – four dimensions of space and one dimension of time, in a ratio of space/time that makes possible and easy the light-encoding of this conformation andmanifesting it as the fruit we know as orange. So when you think hologramically about theorange you visualize in your mind as 4-dimensional, do you have to worry about the 5-dimensional quantum-potential templaic conformation of the orange? No, you don’t. But youneed to obey one rule of all holomovement in the Unum: the Texas two-step has to bedanced backward; that is, you start out allowing your MPO to light-encode the reality-orangeat its thought-matrix from its physical (or 4-dimensional) center outward. Every MPO we havefilmed shows this unique pattern of manifestation. It doesn’t matter where in the world youare, the same thing happens – from the inside to the outside. This is an important piece of information. Remember it.

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How is this encoding done? Above, we mentioned quantum numbers of any macro-quantumobject. There are four of them:

Amazingly, enteric information processing functions perform all necessarycalculations to know precisely where in spacetime to begin light-encodedmanifestation by following the “framework” provided by the “mirror dance” of the two templates (4-spacetime and quantum-potential) mentioned above. Howwe “know” how to do such things is at this time still beyond our understanding. The materialization of ANY object lies within these four numbers and how theirvalues are manipulated to accommodate transmuted light into elementaryparticles (electrons, specifically) and atoms from these. All of what follows here isa mere reminder of what you already know “in your gut” (no pun intended).

Quantum Numbers. Your enteric information processing function calculates the nand L values automatically, determining the kind of atom, the number of orbitseach will need to have, and the atom’s azimuthal quantum number or value of quantum angular momentum. In the chemistry of the LERMed object, thisquantum number is very important, since it specifies the shape of its atomicorbitals and strongly influences chemical bonds and bond angles. These twonumbers then produce the sequence of orbitals or wavefunction for all atoms of each kind required to collocate in the matter of which the object is made. It alsotells your gut how much and what strength of energy to use to encode what isneeded, where it is needed. The magnetic quantum number tells you thequantum state of an electron and denotes the energy level within a subshell inthe electron cloud of circling electrons. The spin quantum number gives thevalue of the spin of a particle. When the spectral lines of the hydrogen spectrumare examined at very high resolution, they are found to be closely-spaceddoublets. This splitting is called fine structure and was one of the firstexperimental evidences for electron spin. The direct observation of the electron’sintrinsic angular momentum was achieved in the Stern-Gerlach experiment.

When the idea of electron spin was first introduced in 1925, even Wolfgang Pauli had trouble accepting Ralph Kronigs model. The problem was not that a rotating charged particle would have given rise to a magnetic field, but that the electron was so small that the equatorial speed of the electron would have to be greater than the speed of light for the magnetic moment to be of the observed strength.

Throughout the LERMing process, the encoding of light energy is very much as if an invisible quantum computer were “writing” the object into existence. We say“invisible” because so far we don’t quite understand how the computingcapacities of the human biomind enteric complex works. We know it does, anddoes very well.

Quantum numbers describe the electron energies in the atoms of an object. Thequestion of how many quantum numbers are needed to describe any givenobject has no consistent and universal answer, because for each target objectour enteric complex “quantum biocomputer” must find the answer for a fullanalysis of the object’s system. So, in 1930, French mathematician Paul Diracdeveloped a new version of the Schrödinger Wave Equation which wasrelativistically invariant, and predicted the magnetic moment correctly, and atthe same time treated the electron as a point particle. In the Dirac equation allfour quantum numbers including the additional quantum number s arosenaturally during its solution. And all of these calculations are performed by thebiomind for every atom to be collocated as light-encoded atomic matter in theobject’s quantum-potential/4-spacetime mirror-matrices!

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Interesting also that DNA plays an important, some would say crucial, role in the LERM of an MPO. This is not just human DNA affecting cells of one’s body, butalso language affecting DNA itself. Moreover, our decipherment of DNA/environment interaction from what is predicted by the Working Model (see Foundation Reports in Life Physics, Vol 1, No. 1 essays) indicates that information bandwidths (electromagnetic ionizing,EM nonionizing, sound, electroluminescent) play a role in DNA expression,modifications, and retrofitting. Imagine this: take the information bandwidth of the fertized gamete of a rat and transmit that to the fertilized gamete of a gerbiland what do you get as a result? A rat born to a gerbil. This has been done in ourlabs and reproduced in Russia a few years ago. We also found that just abouteverything has a”languaging system” unique to itself: DNA responds to soundand to EM (ionizing and nonzionizing) and scalar (or beyond the EM) energetics. You can literally talk to your cells and change their DNA. You can also talk to thecells of another person and change them, too. It is all in the frequency rangesyou use to communicate not just meaning, but also sound. Do your cells understand words? Better than you and in all of their denotations and connotations.

The important biogenetic basis of LERM-MPO from the biomind minding thebody is what the genetic aspect of the biomind’s living matrix literally createsaround the body-form: a nonionizing high energetic domain that, when measuredwith certain instruments, tells us this (Meissner) field is really a vacuum or whole-energetic domain. Can we extend ourselves onto a rock or a mountain and“exist” there for a while in a kind of extension-visit while keyed to our physicalbody? Yes. And this is the basis of extension neurosensing. How far can we “go”on these extension “tours”? By our calculations, it seems we are capable of extending some 30 billion light years without breaking a sweat. This, by the way,gives new meaning to the saying, “the universe in a grain of sand, and the wholeof creation in a thought.”


The entire algorithmic sequence that follows has grammar rules (or rules of manifestation), syntactic rules (or how to put things together to get the resultdesired), and semantic rules (or what words/meanings to use to activate thenecessary aspect of the DNA in our living matrix). And the entire sequence ispredicated on two single basic logic kernels:Everything thought is real.I am cause because I am thought.


1. Manifest production observership of any object’s reality matrix by lightencodement depends upon your complete acceptance and ownership of the twologic kernels. Failure to do so will result in no result at all.

2. Thought is real and the cause of coherence of matter by the design of an existing template.

3. Biomind is cause by use of creational algorithm applied to specificproduct/moment. All results of such application(s) have to be declared asproduct-condensates in a horizontal time-moment.

4. Biomind operation of light-encodement is from alpha-point (in 4-spacetime) tothe edge of the object’s 4-spacetime template; coherence encodement is alongPlanck limit points between 4-spacetime and quantum-potential templates as athreading-like back-and-forth dance.

5. Biomind operation of the fixing mechanism for alpha-point in spacetime is thephysical pair of eyes of the operator, and the dish mechanism is one of the handscupped in the general direction of the alpha-point.

6. Biomind operationalization of the sequence is the following of a set of discretesequenced mental and physical actions adjusted to individual differences andpersonal idiosyncracies, and directed at the biomind-caused materialization of a target object.

7. The biomind possesses a threshold knowledge base of the object whose 4-spacetime matrix is being light-encoded; on the basis of this direct and impliedknowledge base about the target object will its templates (4-spacetime andquantum-potential) will the object supply a lack in material 4-dimensional realityfit to the world-demand characteristics necessary for the object to be consumedor used by the creator or the intended recipient.


The syntax of MPO-LERM is referred to as “result conveyors” (or simply,“ conveyors). These are the psychophysiologies that make the biomind developsingle degree of freedom (body functioning as a single whole) use of anoverunity sink (above threshold nonionizing energetics at the cellular level) thatis focused (hemispheric synchronization that allows clear internal stereoscopicvisualization) upon an internal “canvas” projected onto a specific 4-dimensionalspacetime location.

1. Single degree of freedom. The psychophysiology for this syntacticrequirement is an individually determined level of relaxation. The level of relaxation must be keyed to a trigger word or phrase that will elicit the desiredpsychophysiological state by its mere utterance. This is the process used by the40-year old baseball pitcher, main character of the film For The Love of the Game(played by Kevin Costner) to quiet down the noise level in the stadium just beforea pitch – “Clear the mechanism.”

Once the trigger engages the desired psychophysiology and the body responds,the organismic response must be stabilized, and this calls for a semantic formula,immediately followed by a sound trigger for the development of an energeticoverunity sink in the organism. The semantic formula must contained specificwords with specific sounds, or specific sound in certain semantically meaningfuland empowering words in the operator’s language – the language of the personengaging in MPO-LERM. The sounds which must be prevalent in the semanticmessage to the cells are mostly nasals, such as /n/, /m/, /ng/, /a/, /o/and /u/, andsome fricatives such as /f/, /h/, /z/, /v/, /th/ and /sh/. Avoid too many plosives, like/b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/. An example of an English languageformula is shown below:

← le formula


The formula is in the form of one or more statements designed to soothe themind and establish by sound formulation and semantic message the expectancyset of what must come next – the onset of an overunity sink. The message doesnot have to be complete sentences. Phrases with power can also be used. Therhythm of delivery is roughly one beat per second. Try intoning the formula above to the one-beat per second (1bps) rhythm suggested. Dedicate one meatper word, and consider “ummm” as a word. This the following delivery to the 1bps rhythm.

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(this shit is hard to copypaste, so here is screencap)

The formula is designed as a child-like repetition of a known fact. Communicationwith cells must be in present tense as their time regime is only present-tense. The semantic content of the formula is actually an induction protocol for gettingthe cells prepped to engage in overunity energetics, or cellular capacitancebeyond threshold (i.e., 1.2 volt per cell). The last thought in the sequence needsto be set up as cue to the development of overunity sink. At this moment, theoperator must use the cue to bring the visual field of the target object to mind’s eye. And eyes are opened but focus is diffused, as attention is kept on the mind’seye visual field containing the target object

2. Overunity Sink. The collection of overunity (or suprathreshold) energeticsper cell is source to the single degree of freedom overunity, which becomes sinkupon engaging visualization of target. In the cue moments, or the period of timethe operator spends repeating the cue like a mantram, the cue must elicit thetarget object in a visual field before the operator’s mind’s eye. This must be donewith eyes open but the focus of the physical eyes kept diffused such that themind’s eye’s field is superposed upon the spacetime where the physical eyes aretrained on. All of this needs to be done without any effort in the least,

Process can also be helped if the interested party engages the use of a “blacklight” source, specifically one capable of illuminating an operator’s biomind withUVA-UVB-UVC multirange ultraviolet light at low power. Best results can be hadwith semi-nude exposure in the 15-30 minute range, according to weight(roughly 1 minute per 5 pounds of weight). If use of this means is made, it ishighly advisable to cover eyes either with a UVA-B-C- polarizing pair of sunglesses, or with an eye mask-like cover, to protect the eyes from harm.Additionally, operator must also use the formula above (not the precise oneshown, but one based upon its format and rhythm) that includes a verbalinstruction to the cells to also derive energetics from the body’s epithelial (orskin) cells, from which all other cells may then draw on energetics to overunity.

At the start of practice, this entrainment procedure may take longer ingenerating desired results – increase in cellular capacitance. Also initially, manynew practitioners do not know how to recognize an overunity internal state.Briefly, an overunity state is expressed holonomically in a variety of modes of experience – some feel as though ants are crawling inside in a not altogetherunpleasant feeling, others feel “electric” along with a metallic taste in the mouth,still others can feel their hair in back of the neck rise along with other body hairin a sensation akin to being in a medium of high static electrical charge.Regardless of what the internal cues are, the internal event transpires in aninternal medium of induced sensorial peace and quiet, as already described inprevious modules.

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3. Hemispheric-synchronized Visualization of Target Information Set. Another skill set necessary is the ability to visualize the target in a clear and concise manner, based on all available information pertinent to the target conformation and reality-matrix. Differenttargets will have different information set requirements. Take, for instance, theassignment tasks presented below:

(1) A perfect, ripe sweet orange.
(2) A roll of WHITE cotton yarn.
(3) A present for your daughter or son or other member of the immediate family
(4) A digital photographic camera (your favorite brand)

Developing a Repertoire For LERMing Nonliving and Living Matrices. As mostnewbies, the reader would probably tend to think of self-sufficiency in terms of anability to acquire necessities of life by purchasing power – that is, by having themoney to buy and consume what you and your family need. LERM-MPO throws this usual and customary way of thinking and traditional behavior into disarray. To LERM an MPO means being able to meet your needs without necessarilyrelying on acquisitive power by means of money. To LERM an MPO also requiresyou to develop a repertoire of types of things you for which you have affinity (bydesire, belief, need, preference, proclivity and continuous use), and these thingsthen become your LERM/MPO repertoire. Thus, in a manner of speaking, you candevelop two kinds of repertoires on the basis of desire, belief, need, preference,proclivity, and continuous use.

Do you believe you can LERM a nonliving MPO target?


Do you believe you can LERM a living MPO target? This is where the information set about a target begins. The options for answering this question are three, and only three. All other replies are variations of these three:


If YES, you get to move to the DO stage, and get on with the LERM of your MPO.If NO, this belief is a barrier to your formulation of your MPO, since a manifestproduction observership is based on your belief that this process is possible andwill result in a LERM of the object you desire, need, prefer, like and/use. Andthen, there is DON’T KNOW, which is not to mean MAYBE. At this juncture, it isnecessary for you to know that the word-message MAYBE to your cells and toyour enteric brain concerning the LERMing of a target object is quite damaging todesired results – that is, to getting the object’s reality matrix light-encoded asmaterialized object in 4-spacetime. MAYBE splits one’s vector-intention into a YESand a NO, and confuses the enteric brain into inaction. The worst thing to have isa neurotic enteric brain, trained into inaction by double messages and doubleentendres (meanings) (though, not necessarily of a risqué or sensual nature).

Most newbies either begin with a NO or a DON’T KNOW. Strangely enough, a NO is easier to reverse than a DON’T KNOW, but it is also the most fragile tonegative results on first try.

NO is a clear vector-intention supported by belief and experience. It is also themost susceptible to change by information and mental representation supportiveof the fact of LERM. It is also the most susceptible to the logic of everydayLERMing of one’s reality. NO is belief response dubiously supported byimagination. When imagination can be stolen away from NO support of thequestion, do you believe you can LERM a living or nonliving MPO object?, youthen have the means to guide the vector-intention away from a negative andtoward an imagination-borne possibility of how it can be done that can lead to a YES. As YES arrived at in this manner is a conditional YES, provided that theprocess works the first time around, it requires a posited “proof.” When it doesresult in a positive proof, it is a triumph of ego-belief and personality-vector-intention. Nothing wrong with this outcome. It is when it doesn’t that a NO-turned-YES stance can lead to internal dissonance and self-castigation. The oneswho wish to pull themselves up and move on to a new trial, do so and most, if not all, produce one eventually.

What is not realized by newbies who reply in the negative or with a DON’T KNOWto the belief question is that each of them already perform LERM on all MPOs intheir lives, including but not limited to their “individual reality.”

A DON’T KNOW stance on the belief question is initially most susceptible to demonstration by information set and knowledge instigation. These are the people who depend highly on their imagination to wrap their minds around an event deemed possible, or probable, by their manifest vector-intentions. It has been our experience that people who DON’T KNOW and who have inquiring minds are the best combination for LERM event acquisition.

We strongly suggest that you treat all targets as information sets. When movingonward on an information set to LERM its matrix, call on the matrix to completethe set with accurate information (though this is often not necessary, as thetemplates will not only initialize the process but also fill in the gap[s] once atarget subjected to MPO is acted upon by LERM.

We will also advise you that attention deployment will also be a crucial elementin the algorithmic sequence. There are four attention modalities: broad internal,narrow internal, broad external, and narrow external.

Broad internal – locating the site of a headache with sympathetic pains all overthe head, getting a feel for bloated sensation, determining why you are unhappy.A deployment of attention to event or phenomenon inside that does not focus onany specific aspect but rather encompasses all or most of the event orphenomenon in its scope of perception.

Narrow internal – focusing on a mantram during Transcendental Meditationsession, focusing on the precise site of pain anywhere in the body, focusing onyour breathing or heartbeat. A deployment of attention to event or phenomenonthat draws focus specifically on the event or phenomenon or on any specificaspect of it as its scope of perception.

Broad external – looking at a valley from a lookout point high up a hill, lookingdown from an airplane window to the ground, looking up at the ocean from abeach. A deployment of attention to event or phenomenon that focuses on abroad swath of space without stopping to focus on any one aspect as its scope of perception.

Broad internal – looking at a cut on someone else’s arm, touching or petting adog or cat, looking for a familiar face on a photograph. A deployment of attentionto an event or phenomenon that draws focus specifically on an aspect of it as itsscope of perception

In the course of the algorithmic sequence below, you will be using most, if not all,of the attention deployment modalities mentioned above.

4. Algorithmic Sequence. The elements in the algorithm are as follows:

Acknowledge need or desire to light encode the matrix of object desired orneeded. Own need or desire. Declare need or desire in word to all quanta andrequest their cooperation in fact (i.e., in the world)Focus on object(s) targeted and synthesize an awareness of object’s informationset. Do this visually as observership act, i.e., by placing mentally or collocating image of target in the solar plexus area at an arm’s length at height of stomachin front of your body.

Once you have mentally collocated target image on “development plane” (i.e.,the physical place at stomach height at arm’s length in front of you) at 90degrees away from the belly button area, you let the area in which the object willmanifest become the quantum-potential “cage” in which the QP templategathers up, with all the information set necessary to physically encode the objectin 4-spacetime. During this QP template formation is the time you ask for andaccept cooperation from all quanta that form the object’s QP template. And thenask the QP cage to tell you by knowingness when template formation iscomplete. Await reply/feedback, and when it comes, acknowledge and expressgratefulness while accepting the template and owning it (meaning, you declarethis template now as yours to do by your vector-intention). DO NOT forget to dothis. This is an “interconnectivity lock” and assures flow both ways – from you totemplate and from template to you in the physical.

Now relax by calling in on the “mechanism” (a la Billy Sunday, the fictionalballplayer in the movie, “For The Love Of The Game”) and narrow internal locusof attention onto the QP template completed and in front of you in its gloriousfuzzy form. Once you have the “mechanism” kick in bring in the formula intoplay. Claim and own point-of-being (body-mind as you are at this exact time) andstate-of-peace (state of relaxation as you are at this exact time).

Recite the formula you compose to the rhythm count you designed. Use theformula example cited above as a recipe for your own. They have to contain yourwords, and you have to own your formula for it to work for you. From hereonward, much of what you do depends on strong ownership and acceptance of what you do. Recite formula until you achieve rise to energetic overunity all overyour body. Ask your body to provide you with confirming feedback by methodyou devise to communicate with it and recognize knowingness of overunitycellular electrical capacitance when it happens.

Monitor and feel/sense rise in cellular electrical capacitance while remainingpeaceful and quiet during your formula recitation. Remain open to the confirmingfeedback and stay ready to the experience of knowingness that your body is tooverunity. When the moment comes, acknowledge and express gratitude in yourown words but internally and quietly.

Then tell your body to continue electrical capacitance increase or build upbeyond threshold. Shift attention style from narrow internal to broad internal, andshift focus from awareness of energetic overunity to the feel of the energeticwhile vector-intentionally bringing the energetic sink (or hole through which youare going to ask cooperating quanta to “spray” the QP template with the righttype of wave-turned-particle in the process of commencing light encodeprocedure. Bring the sink to just below the belly button area and feel the“stream” as a spray, as if it was a water spout and it was comfortably and veryrelaxed filling up the QP template at arm’s length in front of your belly buttonarea. The important thing is to keep calm peace throughout this transition fromoverunity to sink energetic spraying,

Now you enlarge your broad internal attention to also include the target templateat arm’s length in front of your belly button area, your energetic sink and theenergetic overunity from all over your body. Once you have this awareness inmind, relaxed and peaceful, move to the next process.

Once you are aware of the target template, your energetic sink facing it, and theenergetic overunity in your body, bring your vector-intention to bear on everycell in your body, issuing a vector-intentional knowingness to all cells to summatetheir energetics onto the energetic sink, letting “pressure” build as time goes by.(Internal & external time may not show isomorphic or one-to-onecorrespondence at this stage in the process.) Ask your biomind to give youreadiness feedback to start process of cooperative spray and materialization of 4-spacetime target object matrix. Ask this knowingness to be readily and easilyunderstandable to you. When it comes and you recognize it, accept, expressgratitude, own, and begin next phase.

Give instruction to your overunity sink to set up cooperative interconnectivitywith flowing energetics at sink and direct flow of energetic stream to point alphain the 4-spacetime location. Let the energetic stream conform the 4-spacetimematrix by light-encoding it from alpha point outward to object boundaries. Oncethis is complete, go inward to source, accept the object encoded, express yourgratitude to your biomind and living matrix, and take physical possession of theobject. End of algorithmic process.


A practicum is a practice period of time at a chosen place. It is a consciousactivity brought under the control of our vector-intention. It is a choice and theconsequence of its performance as chosen as well as of the product(s) derivedfrom it. It also means you perform a practicum, and the performance of thepracticum is the medium of the object of the practicum – much like as if thepracticum were the carrier wave of another (the performance of the LERM of an MPO) piggybacking on it. Establishing PRACTICUM as a LERM ritual trains yourbiomind and organism to respond to the demand of performing LERM of achosen MPO anywhere, anytime. It is strongly suggested to you that you adoptPRACTICUM as your private, intimate ritual to LERM a chosen target MPO.


We come to the end of the LERM/MPO modules and its support physics. As youmay have already surmised, much of what you have already read in these modules have other applications as well, just as LERM is not just an on-demandphenomenon but actually the basis of our creation of our individual and collective reality.

LERM, as an on-demand phenomenon, is as ancient as the time when theperfect DNA appeared in 4-spacetime, and began the panspermia of theuniverse. Human science at the start of the 21st century of the Common Era is ata threshold beyond its own conception. We are as gifted as any other life form inthe known universe, more than some and less than others according to our stageof biomind evolvement at this juncture of our common history. We are alsocoming into our own, and the means to do so are at hand. TIA, LERM, MPO andother technologies that combine internal and external requisites and requirementassists are part of an ancient patrimony that is not even native to this galaxy. Yetwe have it and we are harvesting its gifts and goodies. And we have just started.

• For your information, when we say “Meissner” we mean the fundamental or physicalbody’s Meissner field; and when we say “antiMeissner” we are talking about thefundamental Meissner field’s first, second, third harmonic, and so on. Since thisMeissner-antiMeissner field complex of ours is on 24/7/365, it also has interactive,interfacing, read-and-compute, read-and-compose, and read-and-extend, among other “extended human functions.” The human Meissner field was first detected and measuredat I.D.E.A. in 1994, in verification of work by Mae Wan Ho (UK), Karl Popp (Germany),and Herbert Frohlich (Germany), and was named after Alexander Meissner – an Austrianengineer who had developed antennas which were able to detect long waves whileworking for Telefunken in Berlin, in 1907.


A. R. BORDON is a retired scientist and cofounder of the LIFE PHYSICSGROUP – CALIFORNIA. A former executive director of the American Association of Remote Viewers, he is an experienced physical-gnosive extension neurosensorand consultant to a private research institute in northern California.

E. M. WIENZ* is an active astrophysicist and computer scientist workingfor a private research institute in northern California, as well as with one of thenational laboratories in the San Francisco Bay area. He is also a cofounder of the LIFE PHYSICS GROUP – CALIFORNIA.

C. COLOSSIMO-JAIME* is a doctoral level computer scientist andbiochemist, who works for a major manufacturer of specialty materials used inthe space program and in scientific applications related to the space program.

J.A. SANCHEZ* is a doctoral level electrical engineer working for a largeaerospace conglomerate in southern California.

• The names adopted by these authors is a pen name used in any written work associated with the LIFE PHYSICS GROUP, and is designed to protect their professional association with their respective employers.


Finally done uploading, will still have to clean up the text though because it's all going to be fucked from being pasted over.

This is how to materialize objects.

The document I have open in a tab but it's going to be lost as soon as I refresh so I copied over its contents to here.

It was set to private shortly after being shared with me.

>The purring of cats is a “natural healing mechanism” and occurs naturally; for example, the range between 27 and 44 hertz is the dominant frequency range for a house cat, and 20-50Hz for the puma,ocelot, serval, cheetah and caracal. This reinforces studies confirming that exposure to frequencies of 20-50Hz strengthens human bones and helps them to grow. … Almost all cats purr, including lions and cheetahs, though not tigers. …”.

I wonder if I can find a video of cats purring that is like an hour long and listen to it and see if I heal from doing so.


How shit apparently this is a common fact?

Literally in the first results it mentions it heals.


Ok so just finished reading essay 2 and it can be summed up in one simple sentence without all the gobbledygook; concentrate completely upon the object to be manifested such that your intention vector is entirely focused upon that and nothing else.

"The present tense is a grammatical tense whose principal function is to locate a situation or event in present time."

This is like what is said regarding auto-suggestion.

>All of this needs to be done without any effort in the least,

"Do or do not, there is no try."

Done reading everything. These wankers overcomplicate everything with all their silly terminology. Pretty sure part 3 was talking about gnosis.


Also saved another PDF for later reading, been reading non-stop for about 12 hours now, fuck.

Yeah, I read the first essay and skimmed the others, and I figured the same thing. It all seems like a very complicated, jargon-filled way of saying pretty much what we've all figured out by now.

Ahh, the first time I heard of this was from Stefan Molyneux. Without the cheesy, "motivational" music of course.

I didn't think this was commonly accepted amongst /fringe/ but I guess it's nice to see so many people describing the same thing in their own way because that to me is even more evidence of its existence.

>whining about feudalism and slavery

How about waking up from maya for a change.

They are trying to invent new "scientific" names for something that is very ancient.

Thousands of years ago, the Shamans already manifestated their dreams into reality.

All these "scientific" names and methods are crap.
I may resume all of that in one single line:


I do that, for many years.

6000 years ago, the Egyptians already wrote about that.
The spirit or soul, Ba, the universal energy (Sekhem) etc etc.

First of all.

Things don't manifest into reality instantanly, it takes a few months to see the changes in your life.

Many changes are subtle, hidden.

Sorry my English, im from Portugal and I will not cheat using "google translator" to write.

These guys from Life physics Group, never show proofs of their manifestations, no public evidence, no videos.

Its necessary a "device" to increase human vibration, to these works of manifestation (MPO), do you have the device?

Quantum Physics tells that, we as observers, influence reality.

So, MPO it's only a "scientific" name, for something that Quantum physics already teach us.

Why are you complicating and using "scientific" terms ,bla bla blah?

All these stuff is SPIRITUAL, and I read, study and practise since my 16 years old.

I read many books in my life.

Manifestation in this Matrix, was practiced by the Egyptians, 6000 years ago.

Do not complicate, don't try to turn spiritual things in "scientific" things.

Learn to develop and use your Pineal gland.

Increase your magnetism.

Concentrate in your goals, have Faith.

Your subconscious Mind interacts with the sub-atomic particles of matter. (Parkiti, as the Vedas said)

and that's it.

I wouldn't even harp on about quantum physics to try to give any legitimacy because well…

“The theorist who dreams a rainbow dream,
And calls hypothesis ‘philosophy,’
At best is but a paper financier
Who palms his specious promises for gold
Facts are the basis of philosophy;
Philosophy, the harmony of facts.
Seen in their right relation.”

– Thomas L. Harris

Is there more?

The Book of Knowledge in the /fringe/ library references LERM and attests to its supposed legitimacy.

Thank you, keep the information coming if possible.

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