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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

No. 15214
This is a challenges thread for all of you guys to enhance your magical development.

Try to complete any of these challenges and report back in the thread when done, whoever finishes them all first suggests new challenge for everyone else to have to do.

1. Learn to drop your scepticism and blindly believe something absurd for awhile. The more absurd things the better. If you manage to believe some really crazy things then you win, also if strange phenomena result which you can confirm its objectivity, better.
2. Do some magic even though you may have to fear of failure, embarrassment, etc. You can do this online. Just fucking do it, try, and act with confidence it will succeed. If you fail, then so what. The more you fail and rebound from your failures with new experiments to try the better. So much magical development is blocked by people not wanting to even attempt something because it may seem silly or be mocked.
3. Cast a fuckload of sigils. Then do it again. Then again… and again… until you get some strange effects to actually take place.
4. Focus on a voice, expect to hear it, wait until it becomes audible. Once you hear a disembodied voice say something you have completed this challenge. You may have to talk to it passionately for awhile before you get a reply.
5. Find an object in your room and treat it like a living thing. Think about it, develop strong emotions about it, imagine its character, talk to it, etc. basically create a soul for it. Once you start to feel you are really interacting with the soul of the object and you start to gain control over it you win.
6. Challenge another wizard to a magic duel online or offline wherein the objective is simply to influence the other (could be cause them to get really warm all of a sudden, or receive an impression from you, or change how they feel, or anything else you like.
7. Read a magic book and do an exercise from it successfully.

Suggest more if you like.

Oh and btw send in sigil requests and I will cast sigils, hundreds of them if need be, all just for one request until that shit works.

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