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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 15128
Now there was a previous wizard who did some APing into the realms and encountered Zalmoxis, the God of the Agathae, an old, now extinct tribe before the Roman times, who is a legendary philospher.

As curious as I am I tried APing one time, to contact this Zalmoxis, now, since then, I can't remove the image, or location of something, out of my head.

It is night, there is one, wide, v shaped road to the left and right of me. It is a sort of valley, the road is made completely out of marble. The sides of the road go steep to my front and back. The road is around 20-30 meters wide, and infintly long. The plateus on the sides are around 7 meters higher than the road self. It is a clear night, but with unkown stars. There is a man, an old man, with a young girl who constantly is on my side. She has Asian features, traditional Central Asian clothing but does not say a word. The man stands 20 meters in front of me, looking at me, curious, but distant. It is night, but the road is reflecting light, as it is day. It is night, but the planet, or place, is bright, as the sun shines. There is only this road, and steppes. Nothing more.

I can't get this image out of my head when I try to meditate or anything else. Does anyone know what this place is, or where this is?

Pic is related, although the every piece of marble is exactly as big, and there are no bumps in the road. Morever, the road is very clean, like it has never been used.
I also got more deja vu like feelings whole the time and more frequent, as if something is happening

You might want to read more about Getae people and Zalmoxis, though I think you're done so already?

I think you might want to try to return there. Maybe it's Zalmoxis' own plane and you stumbled in his adobe?

I did some work, not very much, but I could I guess

well, the thing is, I can't stop thinking about that place, even when I'm at normal conciousness, it's very strange. When I try to meditate, I can't stop thinking about the place either

Bumpin this, really need answers

Practise some evocation and see if you can get answers that way.

I thought maybe someone could give a symbolic interprentention or maybe knows what it is

Do you symbolically interpret the events of your day? If not you should.

Well, the thing is is that I keep wondering why there is so much contrast, like, it looked like it was just totally…unearthly.

That's how everything in the astral looks.

Yes well, normally the astral has alot of symbolical meanings, right?

The thing is is that there were contradictions, it was night yet there was sun. And things just seem like the fit in their timeframe.

>Yes well, normally the astral has alot of symbolical meanings, right?

Not anymore than waking reality.

It's just the unearthly high-contrast look that is particular to the astral because typically you're seeing it through the mind's eye so nothing is out of focus and everything is super vivid.

I saw some special photographs before that actually convey what it looks like as the camera guy takes the photos at a super high resolution and with multiple exposures and the result is very cinematic looking and incredible.

Even so, looking at those photos with physical eyes, still won't let people realize how damned vivid things get in the astral when seen through the mind's eye.

In a greentext;

>be in some sort of exotic planet

>all there is on the planet is steppe and one big road.
>I stand in the middle of the road, the road goes further on my left and right
>the sides of the road are at my front and back
>the sides are sloped upwards, so the road is lower than the pedestrian(?) sideways
>the road, slopes and pedestrian sideways are all made of one material, namely white marble
>every piece of marble is the exact same size, one by one meter
>the road is around 50-100 meters wide and infinitly long, it goes all around the planet.
>the planet is uninhabited or atleast very, very lowly populated.
>I stand on the road, one side of the sky is night, other side is day, there is a non-clear boundry between the day and night, but I can see stars on both parts nevertheless.
>next to me is a humble, 1m65, central asian (Kazakh?) girl from around 16-17 years old, black hair, laughs but not looks at me
>there is an older man, 50-100 meter away from me, looking suspicious at me
>that's it

Gee, if the astral is so "unearthly" why are all your stories about it so much like the real world.
I can also say that I just had an astral shower and about too have some astral coffee while reading astral newspaper. Just add astral before everything.

You obviously do not understand that the astral is just more vivid and time and space are not fixed qualities there. It is the mental planes, 4th density, and overlaps this plane.

>. It is the mental planes, 4th density, and overlaps this plane.

I read somewhere that OBE/AP is not like leaving your body to visit another plane somewhere up there wherever, but in fact shifting your awareness to the 4th density/etc plane that occupies the same space as the regular 3D plane you occupy, but vibrates or is at a different density/frequency than the normal physical plane, is this true?

I won't claim to be knowledgeable or experienced on the subject, but it seems obvious to me that that's true. Your mind is not bound by space. It doesn't "leave" your body like an object being tossed out, more like space is itself a mental creation and your perception of it is weaved into your sense of self that translates as "I am here, in relation to there and there." You are everywhere and everything simultaneously, but experiencing it under the illusion of individuality.

Yes that is right.

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