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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

No. 15005
Has anyone had any experiences with them? How easy is it to summon then and how easy is it to lose yourself in the lust.
File: 1407373361959.jpg (72.57 KB, 383x510, undine.jpg)
Why don't you read the succubus thread which is linked to in the sticky?

Yes I have experiences with them from a few years ago.

I will tell you this: summoning a succubus is like picking out a woman you know is going to fuck you over while being surrounded by millions of women who won't do that to you.

Why pick out such a being for sexual relations?

Why not summon an undine instead?

Btw succubus drain you of vitality so interacting with one is almost like someone starting to smoke a cigarette. At first a person chokes and coughs and so on and they have to really make an effort to inhale that shit into their lungs. Then, if they persist in their stupidity, they get hooked and the smoking thoughtform takes over.

I can't recommend it. The violation of being raped is no fun. As said, there are more beneficial options if you want to get yourself off.

OP here, and I have read the thread. I just wanted more recent opinions. Isn't the undine a water elemental from a game? Or are they actually real and willing to help?

Really only your opinion matters to you. If you're curious you could try a succubus and see if it is to your liking. I did that and had a traumatic experience. At least now I know I don't want them. Your choice.

>Isn't the undine a water elemental from a game? Or are they actually real and willing to help?

So you haven't even read through Initiation Into Hermetics then?

Same thing basically happened to me. I suggest people summon a succubus once just to have the experience and get greenpilled pretty hard in the process but then they should really stop fucking around with them.

not fully through, started today.

I was once part of a very well organized and practiced, but also very secret, order of white magicians who saved their sexual energy to use for magical purposes. Powerful stuff. I'll write a guide to sexual transmutation later on and post it here.


While I was a part of that group, I was under constant attack in astral by succubus. It was not fun or a joke. Although they are weak, they can steal so much energy from a person that their magic becomes ineffective and any perception that they may have deadens.

Although the feeling that they can give you is pleasurable, it's not worth it. Just find a human to have sex with.


They can steal so much energy from a person OVER TIME..

Succubus are terrible but I am wondering are there any astral entities I can seek intimate relationships with out the relationship harming me? Not OP btw.

Try lonely ghost girls.

Tips on finding lonely ghost girls?

I'm not very good at it myself, I wish I could help. If you're lucky one might find you.

Maybe hang around a graveyard for a while? Really, you'll need to improve your interaction potential with the other side to get much out of it. I suck at the moment, relying on what they provide mostly. Hopefully soon I can initiate contact consciously. I'd kill myself to get an easier way to talk to them if it didn't mean dying permanently. I just want to work on their level.

just get a qt occult loving physical girl

>having actual intercourse with third density females

Eww, gay!

Only kidding, go for it if you want. Just consider that a dead girl can be better in some ways. Never have to pay for a meal, generally don't have to put up with nagging, probably won't have to meet the parents. She doesn't spend hours hogging the bathroom getting ready to go out, she can hover around you constantly all invisible and stuff. Walks through walls, scares burglars away and the like.

Necromance is best romance, I've said it before.

Give me books on perceiving the dead pls.

How does it feel doing a succubi?, i mean can you "see" them and feel,smell and hear them? Are they for real? How do they look? Can i summon one?

I think they can be visible, though it isn't guaranteed. I couldn't see the one that used me but I could feel it. Not just around the waist either, I tried to stand up and it pushed me back into the chair a few times and pinned my shoulders too.

Wish I had one. I've been going at it through trial and error.

But it is not the same thing with a woman? They are a invisible force who drain your energy,thats what i hear about them. So you cant see them, but how they have sex? I mean can you feel anything? Vaginal sex and such? Or is it alot more complicated? I would love to summon one and see what happens. But i have heard many negative things also.

You feel much the same as regular intercourse, apart from not seeing your partner and in my case a definite sense of violation and being drained. For me, a random arousal struck for no reason. I had no erotic thoughts yet the erection refused to leave. As I focused on some personal turn-offs I detected a sensation around my member. Thinking my underwear had wrapped around the shaft or something similar I probed with a hand to find my suspicion was incorrect. It was all clear down there. Then the sensation began to piston up and down rhythymically. I could tell at this point something was fucking me and started to panic. I went to stand up and felt my hips pushed back down. Still, I wanted to think it was just a crazy boner and needed only to be ignored by getting up and walking away to do something distracting. I stood halfway up again and was pushed once more. A final time I resolved to stand up straight and with a lot of force got off the seat, meeting much more resistance and having my shoulders held against the back of the chair. By now I could tell I was along for the ride and sat there whimpering with my arms held up defensively, though it was shaking my arms out of the way the whole time, almost mockingly. Shortly after, it appeared to have had enough and the entire stimulation stopped. It hadn't even finished me off and I sat there shocked like a rape victim.

If you must know for sure, go ahead and do it yourself. I won't condemn or condone the action, know that you're getting involved with some real shit here though.

That sounded scary as fuck…….

It was a pretty terrifying experience. Happened in my own home where anyone should feel safe. I wanted to report the event to some relevant authorities at the time but the police don't handle succubus rape I suspect. At least I learned a valuable lesson about getting deeply involved with things I don't quite fully understand.

Other people claim to have had more positive encounters though, this was just my personal account.

I've tried summoning a succubus numerous times with various different methods and it never worked… maybe that's a good thing! Anyway, how does one go about summoning a Undine? I know this should all be done with willpower alone and no instructions are necessary, but i could use a little guidance with contacting spirits. All help is greatly appreciated.

It took three years for the above encounter to manifest for me. I had all but forgotten my summoning attempt. Beware, the call sent out may have been heard.

Write a guide about it here then.

I would/will, if I have more success. Right now my guide would be how to fail in communing with the dead.


So today I was listening to a high priestess of Aphrodite speak about succubi, and learned that there are "black" and "white" succubi. The black succubi seek a persons sexual energy. while the white may seek a relationship and even some form of marriage.

In light of this, i realize that someone that i used to spend a lot of time with in astral is a white succubus. kind of mind boggling how that works.

so i must to add to my earlier statement ( >>15067 ) and say that ALL succubus aren't negative. but they do request some form of energy when in contact with a human. sexual, emotional, etc.

even though a white succubus may not come into the relationship with the intent to hurt or siphon energy from you, she will most likely get really, REALLY upset when you "cheat on her" and seek revenge in some manner.

also, Pope Sylvester ii was supposedly involved with a succubus who helped him to become pope.

Yes and the one thing that perplexes me the most is where my cum goes. It must be disappearing into mid-air (assuming others can't see the succubus, but I haven't confirmed).

Not only do I see, smell, and hear them; it's like interacting with an entity which gives off massive vibrations and can manipulate your energy body so it's like you're being immersed deeply in intense vibrational waves while having physical contact with them.

They look like human females of exceptional beauty / attractiveness and can change form / do not really have a fixed appearance.

Yes you can summon one and it's not even that hard for me but fuck I don't want to lose my energy to them.

You just enter trance, do a ritual, then wait and concentrate on her coming to you.

How do i summon one? Any easy advice

Depends on what meditations and skills you already have.

Lets say I want to summon a succubus right now…

Then, you know what, just look at sigil related and go to your room and keep your mind silent as possible and simply imagine this sigil as best you can while feeling a bit of lust and love and wait she will come. The image of the sigil will dissolve in your mind at some point don't worry that's when the fun begins.

This is specifically for you and also has a few other things combined that will be necessary for the interaction.

Make sure to report back here afterwards on the details of her appearance and so on so I can confirm some of my theories.

>that eye

bro your sigils don't work

I wouldn't be surprised if these sigils showed up in an autism/cringe thread

ms paint squiggle sigils topkek. Whatever works though its hard to make something for someone specific from a internet board especially if you dont know their experience.

I attempted to summon a succubi a few months ago, Was doing some ritual and doing some visualizations and one came to me, it was only rubbing my thighs and stuff and urging me to eat my own cum to complete the ritual. It was actually some kinda trap futanari deal. So I respectfully declined I still feel like if i ever do that and complete said ritual I will have a succubi with a dick coming after me and i dont know if im comfortable with that haha..

Dodged a bullet there. Getting anally raped by an invisible entity sounds like a nightmare scenario.

Easy advice, no. advice, yes.
the poster of >>15170 is correct, but you also may want to do a banishing ritual, maybe make her an offering of maybe your sexual fluid or some wine or something along with some flowers. remember that she's still a lady even though she's a succubus and will appreciate the sentiment.

if you're planning to do an invocation, remember that a good ritual (of your own design or copied) along with a physically and energetically clean ritual space will always work better. you don't necessarily need a sigil if you have the name of the succubus that you want to contact.. well i don't. everyone operates differently. just figure out what works. trial and error. develop a theory and test it. scientific method is the magicians best friend.


Don't forget to hold doors open, pull out chairs for her and always tip your fedora. Calling her m'lady is probably a good idea too.

They work when I use them on myself.

Why do you make this claim that they don't work?

Did I ever make sigils for you before?

What happened?

Oh we're being raided.

I do evocations but I don't know how to tell other people how to do it. It just won't fucking work for them. It's like how you can do a spell and it works for you but other people can mimic you and it won't. Some subtle force is at play that lets me do things others can't. I'm starting to wonder if, contrary to what many authors have claimed, maybe only some people like me can do magic and the rest are born lacking in that power. That or maybe … oh I don't know. I guess your consciousness isn't developed enough. I really wish I had insight in how to help others. I like to propose solutions but then they can't seem to make it work; maybe because they are half-assing it?

I think people to use magic need to deprogram themselves of limiting beliefs and undergo fuckloads of meditation and other things beforehand until they are receptive to magical influences.

In the book The Extrasensory Potentials of Mind they did some experiments with telepathy and found some people were highly skilled in sending and receiving thoughts while some more primitive-minded people couldn't really respond much at all to others subtle thoughts.

I don't know. Fug.

Don't forget to vibrate the ancient word of power:



It's all about the development of the mind and the astral body, just as some people have larger muscles than others, some people have a greater potential for working with magical forces than others.

On the flip side, just as someone can go to the gym to increase their physical strength, they can meditate and practice to increase their mental and energetic strength. But there's always going to be a portion of society made up of younger, less developed souls who simply can't conceive of a spiritual universe and so will never be able to dedicate themselves to practicing in the first place. The soul develops from one life to the next, becoming more religious, then more intellectual and philosophical, then more spiritual, then more magical.

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