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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

No. 14966
Beware, Ebola is going to be used to kill billions of humans, focus on light and protect yourself and heal yourself if you get it.
Be safe fellow hermetics
I know. I've told my family about it all as well and I've told my mom to stockpile more food because we need to stay isolated while the epidemic passes through and I'm also reading through literal thousands of pages of books on just healing. It's going to take all of my power to live through it if I get infected.

Life is just a vessel, death an illusion. Who cares?

Doesn't mean you shouldn't cherish and fight for what you temporarily have.

You sure it won't just be another animal flu scare?

You must have missed the part about Ebola. Unless you feel comfortable telling yourself those words while lying in a hospital bed puking up blood.

File: 1407431300543.jpg (380.54 KB, 897x1200, bitch dont kill my vibe.jpg)
Ebola isn't anything to be afraid about since it is really only spreadable on a mass scale in cultures that bathe in the community shit pit like they do in West Africa. It's just another "HABBENIN" that will never happen.

A guy already got in america. And some priest in Spain.
It's habbuding already.

For now is another epidemic. Brought to you by the biggest bio terrorist State in the world, good old USA.

Individual isolated incidents are insignificant and irrelevant.

Are you retarded, or is that a new magical though I'm not aware of?
Do you know how diseases spread?

Yeah. only spreadable on a mass scale in cultures that bathe in the community shit pit like they do in West Africa.

Also this isn't the first time it's been in the US


Tell me more.


They admited spreading STDS in Guatemala.

They also launched attacks on Puerto Rico and Cuba.

MK NAOMI was the sucessor of MK ULTRA linked to the spread of AIDS.

Of course they'd go for their own population too. There's a list here: http://rense.com/general56/biolog.htm

Watch this video for a brief insisht on the minds of this sociopathic scientists: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsD7l9xENRQ

“Has anybody seen ‘Contagion’? That’s the answer! Go out and use genetic engineering to create a better virus… 25 percent of the population is supposed to go in Contagion.”

This from the dude working on the ebola virus…

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