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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 14851
1. Is this magic thing for anything but your personal ego?

2. What can you do magically?

3. How do you know it's not just a form of insanity?

I'm genuinely interested in the forthcoming responses. I'm honestly inquiring
I can someone easily put thoughts of my own into the minds of others, affect their emotions, read their thoughts and memories, affect events in the world, somewhat control time, receive memories from my dead ancestors and draw mana power from them, talk to ghosts, experience memories with ghosts, experience memories with others, see visions of both past, present, and future, and on some level heal my body of illness.

Herbs and stones and stars also help yet their nature is very obscure and arcane to me.

Just fyi, magic is real, or the greatest men and women an our race since 2000 years ago wouldn't have believed in it

1. For the benefit of the universe.

2. Whatever I put my mind to.

3. There is no insanity or sanity.

OP here

your third reply seems a little bit delusional to me. Clearly schizophrenic people out of touch with reality exist.

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OP again

I'm a nationalist but it seems very strange that this magic stuff is connected to Hitlerism/Aryan stuff.

How did this *it must be admitted* very unusual board come to exist in its present form?

Who has the authority to declare what is and isn't reality?

How do you think this board came about? Magic.

fucks sake

more replies pls

3 simple questions for you OP

1. Do you do anything that isn't for your personal ego?

2. What can't you do magically?

3. How do you know you aren't already in a form of insanity?

I'm genuinely interested in the forthcoming responses.

1. yeah
2. Shoot fireballs out of my hands
3. I dunno lol

actual op here.

this isn't me

>1. Is this magic thing for anything but your personal ego?

This is a retarded question. There is not a single action, thought, or thing which you may pursue at all without your ego. A person without an ego is not a person at all but an empty shell.

>2. What can you do magically?

Anything which can be imagined.

>3. How do you know it's not just a form of insanity?

I have ways to test the objectivity of my results such as obtaining information through extrasensory means then confirming it through standard means, asking if other persons have witnessed emanations of the same phenomena as I have, etc. and I get real fucking results.

I have also read thousands of studies, collected physical evidence, etc. which shows magic to be a reality and the great mass of knowledge I have acquired I would be a complete fool to ignore.

I have personally benefited greatly from the practise of magic in ways that nothing else could ever benefit me.

>*retarded mundane that actually beliefs in the illusions of maya (material forms) as the fundamental reality detected*

Several white supremacist wizards with various magical talents met each other and created a place for themselves to share knowledge and experiences and advance further along the path of illumination.

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i mean do you do it for pride

Is it really right to do things just for pride?

I dunno

Isn't wizard a codeword for like 'virgin' on 4chan?

I do it to grow and survive aka the basic objectives of a living organism and also to transcend the limitations of physicality and become far greater than the mostly mechanical - animal men that make up the bulk of the humanity on Earth today.

I also do it because it's fucking exciting. There are endless possibilities and beautiful experiences to be had. You have no idea how fucking happy I am to be reading a good occult book and to be deep in my more advanced meditations and to meet real intelligent beings from other parts of the all that is and attain what is regarded as impossible by others and to feel the excitation and possibility of a world without limits and infinite potential and the creativity and love it inspires in me.

We are so lucky that in this age at last we have all knowledge before us and conditions are just right that we may pursue our goals full time.

>Is this magic thing for anything but your personal ego?
In some parts, yes. I do admit that I can be quite selfish but in the end I want to help people and animals and such. I need to focus on myself, to raise myself, so that I can help them.

>What can you do magically?

Many beautiful things. Everything.

>How do you know it's not just a form of insanity?

In the past the mystics were respected and grand men. Now we call them schizophrenics.

>1. Is this magic thing for anything but your personal ego?
My magick is for personal advancement. I will, on the other hand, be willing to teach others but only if they actually want to. I do not care for ignorant fucks who just go LALALALALA I'M RIGHT YOU'RE WRONG LALALALALA all day long.

>2. What can you do magically?

I could do so much more if I actually practiced and didn't do so much mundane shit. I have no time to practice and school is starting soon and I'm just studying magick right now. I haven't found a chance to meditate yet. But soon I will practice more because I've practiced all my life.

>3. How do you know it's not just a form of insanity?

It's better to be insane therefore your imagination is haywire and you can do so much more if you learn to control it. Everyone is insane when they're young; your parents probably will agree. Then you went to school, saw TV, etc and was brainwashed into becoming the norm. Sadly it's easier to get brainwashed then to undo it. Thankfully my mother didn't expose me too much to this stuff and about the age I was 12 I broke free from deception and have dedicated my life to magick since then. Thanks mom :^)

>2. What can you do magically?

>Anything which can be imagined.

>Many beautiful things. Everything.

Bleh. always the same vague grandiosity. I'm convinced that the 'keep silent' rule magicians are always harping on exists specifically to give them an excuse not to have to put their money where their mouths are.

Meanwhile, you look in the 'magical goals' thread and it's stuff like 'get a good night's sleep' and 'stop cutting myself.'

This pattern is ubiquitous in all the online discussions of magic I've seen. A lot of big talk about the vast power and infinite efficacy of magic, but, when you're finally able to nail the big talkers down and get them to talk about their accomplishments and goals… it's like they don't really believe in magic at all, because they only use it for inconsequential crap.

Try doing a sigil, they say, and see for yourself that magic works. Only your goal has to be something you don't care about and can forget wanting, because otherwise you'll have lust for the result and it won't work. Lol. Try doing a sigil to see a women wearing a purple shirt. Three weeks from now, you'll see her at the mall, and you'll truly know then that you have the infinite power of divine providence at your beck and call.

The more experienced magicians, I've noticed, tend to say that magic is really just a psychological tool, no miraculous powers involved. Or they say that magic is for transmogrifying the soul, and that all the miraculous stuff is really 'low magic' and not suitable for a higher being like them to dirty their hands with.

You want specifics? I can become invulnerable to blade and flame, for one thing.

never done sigils but had great success with tummo meditation and inhaling other elements.

To a point where I was freezing cold and was able to get warm without any movement in a few minutes by simply breathing

Additionally I managed to correctly predict the numbers from 1-100 at a random number generating website 3 times in a row after which I got too excited and lost my focus

Haven't managed to astral project but I can feel the vibrations that everyone talks about which are supposedly cannot be detected by any scientific apparatus.

There are other things that you're going to call coincidences but things I visualize come to pass.

Most recent example would be when I was trying to get some sleep but the bird outside wouldn't shut up. I visualized a gust of wind blowing it away and it happened exactly as I thought it would. One strong gust and no wind after that.
Just like I imagined or visualized.

This is what the others mean by saying you can do everything with magic. It sounds unbelievable to normal people and if you have any doubts in yourself it will not work but if you have the utmost faith in your abilities you will be able to perform miracles.

prove it

Not the other guy but he probably does what monks do. Idk though I would like to do what he does but if he's bullshitting then he should gb2/x/


1. Is this magic thing for anything but your personal ego?

I came to somewhat learn magic and adapt to this sub culture not because I wanted to learn more about the sub culture, not magic

2. What can you do magically?

Nothing yet. I've only gotten past the first book. The 2nd book from fringe essentials looks like a daunting task to read. I need some one to read it for me. I hate reading to be honest.

3. How do you know it's not just a form of insanity?

I've already been to other boards like 4chan and masterchan where I discovered the wonders of laughing at other people's misery, and before that I was just a nicer version of these people. I would hide the fact that I laughed at your pain.

One more thing to tell you though is that I've always been doing this kind of thing. I've gone into a community and observed what they were doing and copied them to learn more how they think and act.

Also, did you know your computer recognizes 4chan as an actual word? Creepy.

>I'm convinced that the 'keep silent' rule magicians are always harping on exists specifically to give them an excuse not to have to put their money where their mouths are.

No you silly mundane. Doubt is a thoughtform which acts as a powerful banishing / suppressing ritual. You'd understand this if you realized every single thought a person has contains some amount of power to it (depending on its intensity) and many people are able to doubt much stronger than others are able to have faith.

Read this: http://yogebooks.com/english/atkinson/1909thoughtsthings.pdf

Only 57 pages long too.

The laws of the magus are:

1. To Know. (you can't do shit without knowing)
2. To Dare. (you can't do shit if you're too chicken to)
3. To Will. (you can't do shit if you haven't the will and are too lazy or half-assing it)
4. To Keep Silent. (you'll have a very hard time and a lot of trouble if you got people suppressing your works while you're still in the early stages of your ascent by sending thoughts which deny that you can even do it)

>Meanwhile, you look in the 'magical goals' thread and it's stuff like 'get a good night's sleep' and 'stop cutting myself.'

There's a magical goals thread on >>>/illuminati/ which is very different from the one on >>>/fringe/ but you definitely don't have access to that board yourself. I saw that thread but didn't say what I'm doing because I actually observe the Silence rule unless in the company of persons whose thoughts I know won't disrupt my works or the work is already done and not under threat of being modified/undone.

>This pattern is ubiquitous in all the online discussions of magic I've seen. A lot of big talk about the vast power and infinite efficacy of magic, but, when you're finally able to nail the big talkers down and get them to talk about their accomplishments and goals… it's like they don't really believe in magic at all, because they only use it for inconsequential crap.

I just don't talk about the really advanced stuff (openly) because experience tells me that I will be met with mental resistance which will weaken my magic. I prefer instead that the success I have in achieving my goals and manifesting a life which makes others jealous and think "why can't I be that lucky" is a better measure of my excellence for now. Another thing to keep in mind though is most of us are young here and have only been in occultism for a few years at most or only recently started. Your shit-talking us would be more valid if we'd been at it for a decade already and haven't made any serious progress.

>Try doing a sigil, they say, and see for yourself that magic works.

I don't know why some of the chaotees here think sigils are good for noobs because sigils aren't going to be very effective without lots of meditation and other practises beforehand. I had to practise sigilmaking for about a year before one day I sort of made a breakthrough and my sigils became a lot better both aesthetically and in the effects they convey. There's no short-cuts in magic, only people who can take up magic and get results instantly with little effort are the ones that already put in the effort in previous incarnations and just inherited their progress from the past life.

>Only your goal has to be something you don't care about and can forget wanting, because otherwise you'll have lust for the result and it won't work. Lol.

Any thoughts you have give rise to more of the same so if you want something then you just create the feeling of wanting something and will only find yourself wanting more in the future. You need to have the feeling it's already done / got to achieve gnosis. Read the montalk PDFs in the Fringe Essentials folder in the mega. It's quite sensible you know. You can definitely want the thing btw beforehand but once you're going to do the actual manifesting you have to change the way you're thinking and put away the wanting thoughts and replace them with the "I have it" thought.

>Try doing a sigil to see a women wearing a purple shirt. Three weeks from now, you'll see her at the mall, and you'll truly know then that you have the infinite power of divine providence at your beck and call.

Many of my sigils are so quick their effects manifest within minutes but some have timers to make them manifest at a specific time after a delay and some are open-ended. I usually combine multiple effects into a sigil so if I make one that has an effect that won't take place for awhile I also combine an immediate effect into it so when I get the results of the immediate effect just minutes after casting the sigil then I can be sure the other effects will come as well.

>The more experienced magicians, I've noticed, tend to say that magic is really just a psychological tool, no miraculous powers involved.

You mean the Satanists, Thelemites, and Wiccans who are all huge faggots and can't do shit and are materialist. Fuck them.

>Or they say that magic is for transmogrifying the soul, and that all the miraculous stuff is really 'low magic' and not suitable for a higher being like them to dirty their hands with.

Fuck them too. You're obviously talking about mundanes from /x/.

Oh I did forget one thing. There is another way that SOME people may develop magical powers even without having worked on it in a previous incarnation; once in awhile someone will randomly come to the attention of an advanced spirit / entity which will then make do some things to change that person and accelerate their progress rapidly / convey powers on them. Usually some people who are very important in the timeline / the history of the Earth will be targeted like this by higher spirits and experience sudden changes as a result in their abilities without having to work for them. Also once in awhile people get contacted, abducted, etc. pretty much at random.

Any way to get this without being the chosen one? Work is hard.

You wouldn't be able to handle it even if it were possible to give it to you.

Keep training and don't be so hard on yourself.


>No you silly mundane. Doubt is a thoughtform which acts as a powerful banishing / suppressing ritual. You'd understand this if you realized every single thought a person has contains some amount of power to it

that's funny, because I've made that exact same argument many times in the past, back when I still believed in this stuff. If you picked that up on this board, it was probably from me.

>There's a magical goals thread on >>>/illuminati/ which is very different from the one on >>>/fringe/ but you definitely don't have access to that board yourself.

Top kek. How did you gain access, exactly? Because I see a lot of people here saying that you're supposed to "figure out the password with magic", but when you ask them how THEY found the pass, they admit someone shared it with them over the IRC. Which I'm not interested in participating in.

Keep your silly exclusive board. I've been involved in enough of them to know it's more of the same.

>Your shit-talking us would be more valid if we'd been at it for a decade already and haven't made any serious progress.

Where are all the experienced magicians, then? I've looked for them, and they're always old, fat bald guys, or old, fat Wiccan women with lots of cats. You know I'm right. Google some pictures of the authors of your favorite books on magic. Read their bios. There's nothing about their lives to distinguish them from regular mortals. Seems like there would be.

>You need to have the feeling it's already done / got to achieve gnosis. Read the montalk PDFs in the Fringe Essentials folder in the mega. It's quite sensible you know.

I've read all this stuff. All the stuff in the sticky, most of the stuff in the Mega, et cetera. Everybody knows this shit, but I've yet to see anyone actually producing results with it.

>Fuck them too. You're obviously talking about mundanes from /x/.

No, I'm talking most about Bardonites and Kabbalists of my acquaintance.

>tfw a 9"+ man with grey/indescribable-coloured eyes allowed me to experience the all and everything in the kybalion & 'hell' aka being so self-absorbed that you separate yourself further from the all/divine in a dream when I was 13 (before I started reading anything religious/occult-inclined).
>All he said to me at the beginning of the dream was "You've been asking lots of questions, haven't you?"
>tfw that place was more real than this world

It's been seven years and I'm still trying to find him. I find it hard to believe that I'm 'chosen'.

When that happens you end up in the condition which is commonly called "schizophrenia" aka you acquire magical powers but don't know how to use them so you fuck yourself over with them. This is why it's not common for such powers to be given to just anyone without them first being ready to take them on.

It's very much possible to give it to him and there's even a special word for this, I think it was "extraordinary siddhis" or whatever, basically the power to bestow enlightenment on others. It's a super rare ability though and like I said in the above post you can't just unlock anyone without most people fucking themselves up with their own powers because they don't know how to use them properly and do something stupid like creating thoughtforms based out of their fears which then torment them.

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>that's funny, because I've made that exact same argument many times in the past, back when I still believed in this stuff. If you picked that up on this board, it was probably from me.

wtf happened to you that you stopped believing and what bullshit were you studying beforehand that you became disillusioned with? *tips fedora*

>Top kek. How did you gain access, exactly? Because I see a lot of people here saying that you're supposed to "figure out the password with magic", but when you ask them how THEY found the pass, they admit someone shared it with them over the IRC. Which I'm not interested in participating in.

Nobody ever told me it and I don't even have access to IRC because permabanned from that network long ago.

>Keep your silly exclusive board. I've been involved in enough of them to know it's more of the same.

I don't want you on it spreading your cancerous doubt thoughtforms.

>Where are all the experienced magicians, then? I've looked for them, and they're always old, fat bald guys, or old, fat Wiccan women with lots of cats. You know I'm right. Google some pictures of the authors of your favorite books on magic. Read their bios. There's nothing about their lives to distinguish them from regular mortals. Seems like there would be.

Literally the first thing I ever do before reading any books is look up the author, look up their bio, and read about them. When I see people like the ones you describe I immediately drop it and ignore them. The only ones I've paid attention to have been ones that lived what they talk. There are even a few authors whose books are popular amongst some of the other users here that I refuse to read or at least have put way down my list of priorities to the point I probably won't ever read them simply because there is nothing impressive about the authors that makes them worth listening to.

I look at the following with each author, depending upon what they wrote about:

- if they talk about financial success, I expect them to have been reasonably wealthy to the point money was no longer a concern for them, and I also expect that this wealth have been earned from something OTHER then their book sales (so authors that only got wealthy off of scamming people with their books won't cut it for me)
- if they talk about health, I expect them to be healthy themselves, and look at when and from what they died of and why or what sickness they overcame in their life and how long they stayed healthy thereafter.
- if they talk about siddhis / advanced magical powers I expect there to be some controversy around them in which they are known to have actually exercised such powers
- etc.

Seems to me you probably got caught up in reading some Wiccan and similar bullshit. In fact the great majority of authors writing on occultism, magic, etc. are all full of shit it would seem if we look at their personal lives. The gems in the piles of garbage are few but they do exist and I care what they say and benefit from their teachings.

>I've read all this stuff. All the stuff in the sticky, most of the stuff in the Mega, et cetera. Everybody knows this shit, but I've yet to see anyone actually producing results with it.

Well you obviously haven't read every single post on /fringe/ then throughout its entire history because you missed out on some things. I wouldn't so silly as to wait for others to get things done first but whatever, if you're out on this quest, it doesn't matter. I am determined to become a powerful magician and dedicate all my life to the quest even if I have to read a thousand books and practise intense meditation for decades and don't become the ultimate wizard until I'm an old man with a long wizard beard and everything. The alternative is living like a nihilist, trying to "make the most of what time you have", never being truly fulfilled, and wasting away the years until being claimed by death. Better to try and transcend and live in excitement and with hope then to live like that.

>No, I'm talking most about Bardonites and Kabbalists of my acquaintance.

Fuck Kabbalists. As for Bardonites, why would a follower of Franz Bardon say that? It's like being one of those christfags that denies everything in the bible is true. One must ask; then why are those stories and the claims they make in there? It's very obvious that Bardon magic involves very advanced powers. The ones you talk to are probably failures or not serious about what they're doing or whatever.

Berserk fury. I have not yet mastered the state and intentional conscious initiation but I have entered it more than once. What proof would convince the eternally doubting skeptic though? Footage of a blade run against my skin would clearly be a fake knife and the flames would be a special effect. I don't care for convincing others, if you have ever seen red you will know what I'm mentioning is true.

You could show the blade and cut some paper or something with it so we know it's sharp, if you do a video that is.

Well as said, I don't set out to prove anything, those who know already don't need to see footage. If I get better at initiating the state I may consider recording some though, more for myself.

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