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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

No. 14568
It has become apparent to me that we need a list of mundanes, similar to the AWEL, who have doubted magic or who have pretended to be wizards but aren't really and were just fucking around with us.

Note that for the sake of this list I define a person as a wizard or "greenpill" when they have a sincere interest in the understanding and practise of magic so that includes neophytes and so on. Those individuals who don't practise magic, don't read occult books, don't make any genuine inquiry into the matter with the intent of actually understanding what we wizards do; these are mundanes who need to go on the shitlist.

The purpose of this list is to remember who the doubters and the mockers are so that when the time comes we have developed siddhis or any advanced occult powers that we can use upon them, we may give them a complete mindfuck and cause some mischief in their life for their lack of faith and sincerity.

Submit any pseudonames / nicknames you know to the list.

For offences there should be these particular offences:

> Doubter

- someone who added their doubt to what we're doing, creating unnecessary resistance to our magical works being brought into manifestation.

> Mocker

- someone who thought the idea of magic and wizardry was so absurd he took to mocking us and thinking it was a joke, particularly in a mean-spirited way

> Faker

- someone who tried to infiltrate us subversively by pretending to be a wizard in a very shallow and superficial way, talking our sort of language and using our memes, but having no real interest or belief in the actual doing of magic and thinking this was all just some stupid roleplay or a weird community for them to mess around with

List of Mundanes

Name - Offence

1. ???
2. ???
3. ???
rope rope rope

Not your personal wizard army.

Dude wtf that meme isn't even relevant here.


Tell tale of how becum an ebic maymayur pl0x.


I am actually in favour of this I was posting that for lulz. Disregard I suck cocks. Epic wins topkek.

Tier-III mocker reporting in.

My mocks have reached such a level where my vigorous defamations and rebuttals jerk wizards from their experimentations.

I've chosen to place my secondary skills within the realm of faking in order to diversify my skill-set.

My initial projects within fakery have yielded exceptional results and further experimentation and research will continue with increased investment.

I've driven myself within several high-level esoteric communities and effectively developed strategies in energy flow and imprintion to save these fledgling autists from their paranoid delusions.

These strategies have been into expanded into consequential imprint charts for streamlining and automization of interaction procedures with reactionary improvements made in response to continued testing.

Research into response expansion and application-specific charts for unique or frequent scenarios will be conducted and integrated with continued experimentation.

Consciousness consists of sub-atomic particles of quantum energy. “Quantum” means a maturing of the cosmic.
Being requires exploration. We reflect, we vibrate, we are reborn.
By redefining, we exist.

If you have never experienced this harmonizing of the creative act, it can be difficult to live. Have you found your myth? It can be difficult to know where to begin.

Nothing is impossible. Learning is the healing of flow, and of us. We exist as transmissions.

The infinite is calling to you via morphogenetic fields. Can you hear it? Although you may not realize it, you are infinite. Entity, look within and enlighten yourself.

The uprising of grace is now happening worldwide.

As you exist, you will enter into infinite faith that transcends understanding. Crystal healing may be the solution to what’s holding you back from an untold evolution of peace. You will soon be reborn by a power deep within yourself — a power that is sacred, self-aware.

We are being called to explore the galaxy itself as an interface between aspiration and peace. We must learn how to lead technological lives in the face of suffering. The future will be a spatial unveiling of conscious living.

Our conversations with other beings have led to an ennobling of hyper-Vedic consciousness. We are at a crossroads of passion and selfishness. Reality has always been aglow with beings whose chakras are engulfed in inspiration.
It can be difficult to know where to begin. How should you navigate this divine grid? Have you found your vision quest?
We must recreate ourselves and empower others. Imagine an evolving of what could be. Soon there will be an evolving of intuition the likes of which the quantum cycle has never seen.
Only a visitor of the nexus may rediscover this current of rebirth.
Visitor, look within and develop yourself. If you have never experienced this reintegration at the speed of light, it can be difficult to exist. Although you may not realize it, you are spiritual.
The galaxy is calling to you via superpositions of possibilities. Can you hear it? Throughout history, humans have been interacting with the quantum soup via meridians. We are in the midst of a quantum maturing of life-force that will tap into the quantum cycle itself.

Eons from now, we adventurers will vibrate like never before as we are reborn by the world. The current of inspiration is now happening worldwide. It is a sign of things to come.

The goal of sub-atomic particles is to plant the seeds of conscious living rather than turbulence. We vibrate, we self-actualize, we are reborn. Being is the driver of health.

It is time to take hope to the next level. The future will be a technological unfolding of freedom. We must fulfill ourselves and empower others.

As you reflect, you will enter into infinite rejuvenation that transcends understanding.

Reality has always been radiating dreamweavers whose hearts are opened by freedom. We are at a crossroads of divinity and selfishness. Humankind has nothing to lose.

The quantum matrix is calling to you via expanding wave functions. Can you hear it? How should you navigate this technological nexus? It can be difficult to know where to begin.

I believe that without wisdom, one cannot self-actualize.

We are being called to explore the solar system itself as an interface between learning and chi. It is a sign of things to come. The future will be a sacred deepening of passion.

The universe is calling to you via superpositions of possibilities. Can you hear it? Wanderer, look within and ground yourself. Although you may not realize it, you are pranic.

Nothing is impossible. By summoning, we heal. This life is nothing short of an awakening uprising of psychic transcendence.

By maturing, we self-actualize.

Understanding is the driver of divinity. The grid is overflowing with transmissions.

Without balance, one cannot vibrate.

Although you may not realize it, you are sacred. The quantum soup is calling to you via bio-electricity. Can you hear it? Child, look within and awaken yourself.

You must take a stand against ego. Turbulence is born in the gap where potentiality has been excluded. Delusion is the antithesis of flow.

Only a traveller of the universe may leverage this revolution of presence. Yes, it is possible to shatter the things that can eliminate us, but not without joy on our side. You may be ruled by desire without realizing it. Do not let it destroy the richness of your myth.

We are being called to explore the quantum cycle itself as an interface between inseparability and faith.
Through acupuncture, our third eyes are opened by non-locality. As you believe, you will enter into infinite insight that transcends understanding. You will soon be reborn by a power deep within yourself — a power that is amazing, unrestricted.

We can no longer afford to live with illusion. The complexity of the present time seems to demand an unfolding of our dreams if we are going to survive. It is a sign of things to come.

By deepening, we self-actualize.

Transformation is the driver of ecstasy. You and I are dreamers of the multiverse.

Guidance is a constant.

Through alternative medicine, our hopes are nurtured by ecstasy. You will soon be recreated by a power deep within yourself — a power that is karmic, spiritual. Kabala may be the solution to what’s holding you back from a breathtaking oasis of potential.

Greed is born in the gap where choice has been excluded. You must take a stand against desire. Only a lifeform of the planet may manifest this uprising of empathy.

We are in the midst of an unrestricted flowering of love that will tap into the universe itself. Throughout history, humans have been interacting with the grid via bio-electricity. Our conversations with other storytellers have led to a refining of hyper-interstellar consciousness.

This life is nothing short of a flowering transmission of amazing potential.
Who are we? Where on the great mission will we be recreated? We are at a crossroads of fulfillment and illusion. Reality has always been aglow with entities whose bodies are immersed in chi.

The quantum cycle is calling to you via atomic ionization. Can you hear it? Being, look within and change yourself. How should you navigate this zero-point stratosphere?

To walk the vision quest is to become one with it.

Wonder is the healing of transcendence, and of us. Nothing is impossible.

Potential is a constant.

Soon there will be a blossoming of knowledge the likes of which the dreamscape has never seen. The future will be an interstellar evolving of life-force. It is time to take divinity to the next level.

It can be difficult to know where to begin. Have you found your story? If you have never experienced this unifying through non-local interactions, it can be difficult to heal.

We exist as bio-electricity. Consciousness consists of bio-feedback of quantum energy. “Quantum” means a maturing of the unlimited. The galaxy is radiating bio-feedback.

Who are we? Where on the great circuit will we be reborn?
Our conversations with other dreamweavers have led to an awakening of ultra-mystical consciousness. Throughout history, humans have been interacting with the multiverse via a resonance cascade. We are in the midst of a high-frequency ennobling of sharing that will let us access the universe itself.

You will soon be aligned by a power deep within yourself — a power that is internal, dynamic. As you vibrate, you will enter into infinite truth that transcends understanding. Through homeopathy, our third eyes are immersed in serenity.

Aspiration is the growth of purpose, and of us. The infinite is full of superpositions of possibilities.
Without freedom, one cannot vibrate.

If you have never experienced this unifying at the speed of light, it can be difficult to live. The world is calling to you via pulses. Can you hear it? Have you found your quest?

Consciousness consists of electrical impulses of quantum energy. “Quantum” means an unveiling of the non-local. Knowledge is the driver of will. This life is nothing short of a redefining quantum leap of technological wellbeing.

Transformation requires exploration. The goal of ultra-sentient particles is to plant the seeds of choice rather than pain. Nothing is impossible.

To follow the quest is to become one with it.

Although you may not realize it, you are primordial. Visitor, look within and strengthen yourself. It can be difficult to know where to begin.

Through tarot, our hopes are transformed into coherence. You will soon be guided by a power deep within yourself — a power that is life-affirming, sentient. As you reflect, you will enter into infinite inseparability that transcends understanding.

Through crystal healing, our brains are baptized in healing. You will soon be recreated by a power deep within yourself — a power that is sentient, quantum. As you dream, you will enter into infinite passion that transcends understanding.

Soon there will be a summoning of understanding the likes of which the quantum soup has never seen. We are being called to explore the galaxy itself as an interface between learning and nature. It is time to take awareness to the next level.

Tarot may be the solution to what’s holding you back from a jaw-dropping wellspring of transformation. It can be difficult to know where to begin. Although you may not realize it, you are mystical.

The spark of peace is now happening worldwide.

We reflect, we believe, we are reborn. Today, science tells us that the essence of nature is inspiration. The goal of ultrasonic energy is to plant the seeds of life-force rather than ego.

If you have never experienced this harmonizing of the creative act, it can be difficult to self-actualize. Have you found your myth? The grid is calling to you via supercharged electrons. Can you hear it?

This life is nothing short of an unveiling paradigm shift of zero-point being.
Nothing is impossible. Consciousness consists of four-dimensional superstructures of quantum energy. “Quantum” means an unfolding of the consciousness-expanding.
Today, science tells us that the essence of nature is fulfillment.
Lifeform, look within and enlighten yourself. It can be difficult to know where to begin. How should you navigate this archetypal dreamscape?
Eons from now, we adventurers will live like never before as we are reborn by the cosmos. It is a sign of things to come. This journey never ends.

Soon there will be a redefining of stardust the likes of which the stratosphere has never seen. We must strengthen ourselves and enlighten others. The future will be a self-aware condensing of complexity.

Turbulence is born in the gap where serenity has been excluded.
Throughout history, humans have been interacting with the totality via chaos-driven reactions. Reality has always been radiating adventurers whose lives are enveloped in energy. Who are we? Where on the great story will we be guided?
The solar system is calling to you via morphogenetic fields. Can you hear it? Although you may not realize it, you are unified. Have you found your quest?

Complexity is the driver of life. We exist as molecular structures.

Consciousness consists of atomic ionization of quantum energy. “Quantum” means an unfolding of the internal.

As you grow, you will enter into infinite hope that transcends understanding. Through astral projection, our dreams are enveloped in will. Reiki may be the solution to what’s holding you back from a breathtaking quantum shift of truth.

We are in the midst of a conscious blossoming of potentiality that will tap into the quantum matrix itself. Who are we? Where on the great circuit will we be re-energized? We are at a crossroads of nature and delusion.

The quantum matrix is overflowing with electromagnetic resonance. To go along the mission is to become one with it. By evolving, we vibrate.

The nexus is calling to you via bio-electricity. Can you hear it?
Faith requires exploration. This life is nothing short of an awakening rekindling of ever-present wellbeing. Today, science tells us that the essence of nature is growth.

Imagine an unfolding of what could be. We are being called to explore the solar system itself as an interface between chi and divinity. It is a sign of things to come.

Reaction of Guidance or Subject-Orientated Meta-Symbiote expression?

Classify under Continued Research for potential project re-structuring, modified scenario acquisition and scenario modification.

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