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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 14466
using my powers of magick I have managed to get a theme park ride named in smilers honour

lel kek

Nice. I managed to make my nose bleed with magic, materialize a bat inside a house in which there was no way the bat could have got inside, caused some people to be possessed by thoughtforms I created to possess them, and a whole bunch of other things but those are just 3 that come to mind at present that I've been wanting to share for awhile.

Btw, you can do this stuff using the teachings in "The Law and The Promise" which is basically a book about how to manipulate synchronicity.



>14 again

>Location: X Sector


Anyone know if the number 165 has any special significance btw?

Oh man I just lost The Game.


File: 1406174917517.png (95.19 KB, 315x347, uhu.png)
lol u mad?

Neville is Christian though, so to follow his advice do I actually have to do prayers and so on? Or only the "practical" visualization stuff?

the tl;dr of absolutely fucking everything he says is USE YOUR IMAGINATION INTENSELY.

There you go. Imagine shit intensely enough and it will instantly come to pass.

I've actually read TLATP a while back and I've been following the imagination advice/techniques but without any fruitful results. I just think there's a certain key element somewhere that I'm missing and I need to isolate it. I was just wondering if belief in God is it.

I am presently trying to figure out what the key is myself and have some theories in the works I will relay after more success is attained but the general theory which holds the most prominence in my mind is called the gradual metaphysical unlocking of beliefs in which one must get a great many beliefs to work together to build up towards higher attainments. Like, you may not be able to do a certain thing, until you've first unlocked a pre-requisite belief; however if you build up to it eventually you can do it easily without interference.

>I just think there's a certain key element somewhere that I'm missing and I need to isolate it.

The guy above who says it all comes down to intense imagination is missing something, imo. The other key element is feeling the emotion of the desire as if it was already yours. Neville Goddard, being a Christian, bases his formula for miracles on the one that Jesus gives in Mark 11:24, when his disciples ask him how he killed a fig tree with a curse:

>'Therefore I say unto thee, what things soever ye desire, pray as though thou hadst already received them, and they shall surely be thine.'

(interestingly, in the next sentence, he mentions forgiving everyone you have any ill-will toward, so that God will likewise forgive you, which may indicate something about karma interfering with wish manifestation or something)

Greg Braden talks about this a lot in his seminars on 'The Divine Matrix.' They're all over Youtube if you want to watch one. He also talks about how this same formula of visualization+feeling as if your desire is already fulfilled is known and used by Tibetan Buddhists, and shows ultrasound footage of Chinese practitioners using it to shrink a tumor into nonexistence over the course of a couple minutes.

It's also the basic principle of The Secret, of course, and Tony Robbins famously talks about using it to become a billionaire and buy castles and win the lottery and stuff. It all ultimately derives from Mark 11:24: pray as though your prayer has already been answered; feel grateful and happy as if you've already got what you want.

There's something else both of you are missing and it's the ability to concentrate and focus the mind, to remove irrelevant thoughts and impressions, and enter deep trance.

Siddhis are said to be the result of "concentration".

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