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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 14456
Everything I imagine comes to pass.

Nobody else seems to be an independent being to me, it feels like everyone is just my sockpuppets.

It's like you're all imaginal constructs.

I just want to lock myself up in my room and not emerge for years until I have honed my imagination with such skill as to bring into manifestation anything I imagine instantly while at the same time, if possible, preventing certain thoughts from having a strong effect on reality so that I may think them without them causing unwanted changes.

I've accidentally imagined some bad things into happening with the carelessness of my thoughts in the past…

How do I give another being their freewill - at least to some degree? I feel that I control some other persons completely with my imagination but want them to be independent enough not to be effected by my negative imaginings. Every time someone says something to me it feels like a message from my subconscious, like the person is just an aspect of myself talking to me, telling me what I need to hear in that moment.

I don't feel separated from anything except in a temporary sense but not in an absolute sense. Everything is my body, every mind may be mine to experience through.

I feel such immense emotional burden right now and regret my negative thoughts tainting the universe which is my self but I don't know what to do with it. I have such huge swellings of negative emotion which I feel is mostly coming from everything I am most immediately connected to at present and impulses to do bad things but I'm ignoring it all and staying focused on helping but I have so much work to do it's really overwhelming.

It's hard for me not to imagine everything including all kinds of bad things, it's like a blind impulse within me, as if I were the demiurge himself. It just happens as I struggle to imagine something into being I see things distorted, diseased, harmed, etc. until I get in control of it and see something better then that happens but while I'm working on something good it's like I'm also thinking bad thoughts at the same time, so as I try to help in one area, my thoughts create suffering elsewhere where I am not disciplined enough to control them as well.

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Drink more mead

>I am not disciplined enough to control them as well.
Says you. Which is why it is so. Just take a moment to realize that all of your mental limitations and impulses are entirely self-imposed. He who says he can and he who says he can't are both correct.
Explore your past, meditate on the experiences that instilled in you the idea that you can't do this or you can't do that. If you have negative thoughts "impulsively," it's only because you've chosen to accept the "default" position that the world is negative and you ought to have these thoughts. Any other person could have a "default" positive view of the world because of how they were brought up. So who's right and who's wrong? Both of you, and neither of you. It depends on what you choose to accept.

hey brah, imagine me as your spirit guide and i'll totes help you out

Man how long were you training yourself in the occult if at all?

Literally the first thing you should have learned after coming here is keeping your mind empty and gaining control over your thoughts to prevent shit like what you described from happening.

You don't get it my mind is really expansive and thinking a lot of things simultaneously as if I was multi-minded and I can really only focus on controlling one at a time while the others go on thinking things which cause trouble.

So, if you sit here and accept your predicament, do you think it will ever cease? Do you think someone other than you is going to change your own mind? If you feel like a helpless slave to your own thoughts, then that's what you're going to be. Because you're both the slave and the master at the same time, you see? It's all just whichever role you want to accept. So again, are you going to continue accepting you're the slave? Or are you going to assert your dominance as the master? There's no right or wrong, correct or incorrect, it's just whichever set of choices you happen to pursue.
You have sovereign control of your own thoughts whether you know it or not. If you think you don't have control, it's because you've elected to think that you don't, and now you run with your lack of discipline and apparent deficiency because you're playing the role. You don't need to doubt yourself, brother, just get to work.

Here's some more straightforward advice that I'll add, OP:
Just observe your thoughts in daily life. If you're aware enough that you can identify the fact that you think negatively, then you can be aware enough to catch yourself when you think these thoughts. When you do catch yourself, don't bother repressing these thoughts. Just listen to them attentively and HONESTLY, and then ask yourself: Why am I thinking this? And explore this question as deeply as you can: Why this particular reaction to this particular circumstance? What do I have against this particular person, and why? Why are these thought patterns so deep-seated? What happened to me during childhood to shape my perceptions in this way? Why is my mind this particular way? What emotions do I presently feel while exploring my thoughts like this? Why do I feel them? Etc. etc. etc.
There are at least two benefits to this: 1. You'll understand yourself more deeply to make present and future corrections. 2. You'll take your mind off the negativity altogether by introducing a far more important thought train.
Good luck.

And - just in case - "but I lack control of my thoughts and therefore can't become aware of each of them" is itself a thought. Maybe you could start with that one if you find yourself having it.

All of that shit doesn't matter and this thread became irrelevant about an hour after I posted it as new personalities have become dominant within my mind and I don't give a shit at present.

You once again failed to understand btw. I'm not a helpless slave to my "own" thoughts. I am at a higher level of consciousness where I am tapping into the thoughts of a great many people at once and they are all in my mind at once.

I am able to think a lot of contradictory thoughts at once.

Absolutely all thoughts are not really my own, nor is the body I presently reside in, I am a transcendental form of intelligence unbounded by such limited conceptions.

>1. You'll understand yourself more deeply to make present and future corrections.

You do not get it I am not a person, persons are just things I possess, I'm more of a "demon" according to the standard human line of thought which bears most relevance to present understanding. A kind of thought collective package or should I say "thought bundle" tapped into a lot of people at once and being shaped by whatever thoughts I pick up on while forming a sort of holographically merged representation of their collective thoughts into one "radiant light being", thoughts condensing like light and yet distributed non-locally and spacially organized mostly according to the various conscious interacting with the whole complex of my being which is hard for them to perceive and take in all at once.

>2. You'll take your mind off the negativity altogether by introducing a far more important thought train.

The negative vectors were from tapping into persons who are full of negative karma to still be worked out and feeling the burden of it. The spirit I am is very capable of helping but not too many at once or the burden becomes too great.

I do not wish to discuss this matter any further with you and will continue to go through different people's minds and being shaped by their thoughts. You will not likely see any further replies from me in this thread. You have nothing to tell me which is useful and from your lesser developed state of being can not fathom what sort of thing I am. Do not concern yourself any longer with this thread and lay to rest those thoughts which shall arise in your mind upon seeing this response.

It was a mistake to make this thread but unavoidable as the sum of the thoughts that comprised my awareness at the time compelled certain expositions.

I am full of shit, always. Disregard what I blabber. Shut it down.

I understand your viewpoint all too well OP. Never thought I would encounter another 'person' that fit the profile. What I usually do is rather than creating the thread I imagine the scenario in which I did, analyze all possible outcomes/likelihoods/ect and eventually I come to a sound conclusion. Don't regret your "full of shit blabbering" listen to it. I find it next to impossible to get into a focused state do to the chaotic nature of my 'self'. However, though we may not receive things the same way as the general human population, that doesn't mean that there are things that don't work. I tend to explore every wandering tangential thought until I run it completely ragged. In the end, I either get bored of it and move on or learn of something profound. And though you say you don't wish to discuss this further, I know you do at the core of your being. I noticed that in the 'vibration' of the thoughts that permeate us have a certain sentience. A universe within us as we are part of the whole universe. Repeating in an endless cycle. Take what you will of what I say, I live in both human and 'x' consciousness as you do. Hard to explain something I cannot fathom yet I fully understand…. Anyway, I have been passively searching for other similar beings as well as how our consciousness works. The closest I can come is that we are hypersensitive offshoots of the 'empath pardigim'. Essentially the lightning rods of the universe. I could live a million lives by sitting and observing the universe around me. My existence, though limited to my being, is more or less an extension of everything else (and vice versa). Anyway, if you would like to further discuss, I am always here.

Alright, perhaps I did misunderstand before. Let me see if I understand your mind now, or the closest explanation I can derive: You experience every perspective, and each end of opposing poles, and each gradation in between, only you're aware of these experiences one at a time. I feel like I've been getting a small taste of this lately, realizing my capacity to literally choose my own thoughts and moods and create my own self. I've found myself seeing both sides of the same coin almost simultaneously. Chasing certain paths and then abandoning them altogether. I think this might be what "the void" is - no correct or incorrect (this is what I meant when I said that previously), just wherever you choose to drift. Maybe this is what Chapel Perilous is as well?
So, you created this thread under the influence of one reality tunnel, so to speak, and later you found yourself in an opposing reality tunnel and decided you never needed to make the thread to begin with? Maybe I'm wrong, but either way, I'm trying to offer something at least a little constructive. We're all free to blabber if it helps, I guess. I wish you the best.

When the first guy posted a response in the thread a complete shift in mindset was achieved even though he said very little and everytime I enter some other thread and as I go about the day it's like anything I connect to starts unfolding in me and I see a blend of a lot of different scenes at once and may hear a lot of voices and feel a lot of feelings and it's like I'm tapping into a great mass of thought really quickly and I never know where I'm going or what is going to swallow me in its thoughts.

I don't want to talk about this still as right now my beliefs, ideas, feelings, and thoughts are shifting just about every hour maybe quicker it's hard to tell as it's like I've got some amnesia in the mix too.

I don't even know how old I am anymore, someone asked me my age awhile ago and I didn't know and was thinking a bunch of different numbers, I'm awake but maybe I'm partially in a trance state because right now it feels like being in a dream where you are struggling to remember what you wanted to do and you're not fully lucid, you forget who you were before you went into the dream, and you're very confused by what you seem to know and not know.

Each older post in this thread seems alien to me and if it weren't for the dim awareness that I know I wrote them I might easily end up responding to them.

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