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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

File: 1406081206234.jpg (688.01 KB, 1904x836, chakra rolls.jpg)
No. 14382
Let's play a game to strengthen our chakras.

Let's get to it, wizards!
Okay, rolling!

>What can you do to feel more secure in life?

Well, you could try to establish a job to get money, and stay healthy through diet and exercise and do and buy things you enjoy. That way you could feel secure, yes?

But then again, you CAN lose your home, your job and income, your health, anything. You can lose everything you hold dear to you; family, friends, material possession… So that cannot be the answer; if nothing is permanent and everything is in flux, can there thus be stable and permanent security? No, it is impossible! Why cling to something like that? It's like chasing the sun; you can sit for a while but then you have to run because otherwise the sun gets away! So that cannot be the answer!

So I believe security cannot be achieved by something outside of you for the reasons mentioned above; nothing is permanent, everything is in flux. Clinging to them doesn't bring you security, it makes you obsessed, and disappointed when you lose them.

So the answer is not to be found outside of you. Maybe it is found inside you? Maybe when you are content with little or nothing, unattached, are you then secure? Because if there is not much to lose and there is no attachment to the things that can be lost - (by 'no-attachment' I don't mean indifference or coldness, mind that) - maybe then there is security?

Or maybe you can own a lot and feel secure even if there's a chance you can lose it all? That might prove to be difficult if you get used to owning so much. You need to practice detachment to feel secure, but how do you practice it? That needs to be investigated more. We also need to understand what is attachment and detachment. Maybe some attachment is good for you and some detachment bad for you, and vice versa?

In the end, I don't really know. I don't honestly know. I have ideas but I just don't know. And I don't know how to be detached or secure. I don't really know.

>Go fap.

No, I won't do that. It's better for me to not masturbate, I understand that more now after all these years. So I refuse. I won't do it.

>Have you ever let your lust get better of you?

Yes, I have. Before this year I kept searching for all sort of pornography (from 3DPD to furry to rule 34 and /d/ material), and began to suffer from low energy, brain fog and mind-obstructing thought-forms. Still, I continued and felt like this for more than two or three years.

I couldn't concentrate on anything because I was always thinking about porn, and whenever I got the chance I looked for more hardcore and odd material.

When I met some woman I fantasied about her and sexualised her in my mind. I became withdrawn and shy, mostly emotionless and my creativity and learning were impaired.

Then I decided to stop and now I am almost three months clean. I sometimes relapse to seek porn, even for few seconds, but I can control myself more. I need to practice more so I won't do this, but I am doing pretty well right now.

>What is your most secret fetish?

They were traps and blue monster girls. Also furries.

Not gonna let them rule me again.

>Tell me when you were the most afraid for your life?

I don't know.

>Describe your most memorable sexual encounter?

Probably the first time I found porn.

All right, moving to the next one. I will continue sooner or later.

>Tell me about your first love…

First love was my elementary school English teacher. She was nice.

I don't remember much.

>Physically hurt another person.

I threw a ratchet at my sister's head when I was a young kid.

>Physically hurt by another person.

I have been lucky, but once in elementary school this bully threw sand in my eyes. I had to go to hospital to get it removed because I couldn't see anything because it kept producing tears. Also it sting a lot.

>Worst addiction?

I explained it, >>14406.

Also, >>14414, I meant to say I got the sand removed and not my eyes, if someone understood it so, haha.

>When have you given into your temptation? How could you have avoided it?

Many times when trying to quit porn, comes to mind. I could have avoided them by having a stronger will - and I feel I have developed it.

Still, I do relapse - even if they're mostly quick peeks. But I am stronger and I will grow stronger.

>List 5 ways to be happier.


1. Live one day at time.
2. Do something creative.
3. Act and think with compassion.
4. Meditate.
5. Go outside.

I confused the meaning of word ratchet. I meant a wrench.

>What do you get excited about? How to bring that enthusiasm to other parts of life?

I get excited when I get into the flow mode when working on art. Also when I grasp something I have read but not understood at the time.

Hm… maybe by being more mindful of everything around me? I need to think of that more.

>What can you do to become more creative?

By reading a lot, by watching a lot and studying a lot. And most importantly, you need to TRY OUT different things.

Also find ideas from the nature.

Meditation and going outside to rest my mind help me at times to get those creativity spikes, too.

>What makes you angry? Why?

Mostly ignorance. There's material for people to expand their minds and to know the whole truths but people avoid them like plaque.

Okay, to the next one. I'll continue later, okay?

Nice 420 get bro.

>What is you ultimate goal in life?

I don't know for sure. Apotheosis seems intriguing but first I would learn to do even basic magick.

I want to help people but first I need to help myself.

I didn't even notice!

Let's wish for dubs.

Okay, I can choose one.

>How can you overcome a fear of failure?

By changing your perception. Easier said than done, but that's all to it.

Often people grow more when they fail. Failing at something nevertheless actually gives something to the one who failed - experience, knowledge…

So there's nothing to lose but a lot to gain!

>Tell about the time you overcame a temptation.

During my porn withdrawal I had those moments.

>Tell about the time you adapted to unforeseen problems.

There is this tense atmosphere when someone close to you dies, so this might fit to it. I've been sad earlier, yes, but death isn't really the end the more I look into it.

I don't want to die quite yet, but it will be exciting when its time comes.

I'll answer the rest questions later.

No fuck this game. You can't mess with chakras unless you have etheric sight.

Shut up that's bullshit. A neophyte can work with chakras easily.

Rowlin for later.


I might answer this later.

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>Tell about when you were the most afraid for your life
I was in a car wreck about a year ago. I was scared when I saw the wreck was about to happen, but it really wasn't that bad once it was over. I don't want to die, but death is not something that scares me too much except on rare occasions. Being put in situations where I'm trapped or surround by people scares me more than being in the wreck did.

>Tell about a time you overcame an obstacle.

I had this cloud surrounding my consciousness and I had difficulties understanding and learning what I had read. I presume I had a vitamin deficiency, so I consumed those, and I also did some visualization practices and a sigil to aid me.

Okay, I already answered this.

>How does it feel to have another person decry your opinion or belief?

It depends the way he puts it, really. I might startle if he starts to shout at me, but I approve a proper argument against me.

You know, I don't fear crowds because no one notices me. More I fear coming across a single person or a small group of 2-10 people.

It's very irrational.

Answered this one, too.

>Why do you think people defend their opinions so much?

Because they hold their opinions to be the absolute truth, and not something relative, I presume. It also feels bad for most people to have someone disagree with you.

Arguing for opinions is ultimately pointless.

I'll just mix these.

>How can understanding your emotions be beneficial? How can you better understand your emotions?

1. When you understand what triggers a certain emotion in you, you can learn to control it. You can then use emotional alchemy to transform emotions into creative energy - emotions being a kind of energy themselves.

People and situations don't make one angry, but he himself makes himself angry. However, I don't consider feeling angry being entirely negative - it's the way you act while feeling angry. Instead of responding by shouting, why not try to use the energy to come up with a positive solution to your problem?

Same with other emotions. Feeling emotions is healthy but responding to them a 'wrong way' is harmful.

I could talk more.

2. By meditation. When you listen to your state in silence, you understand how it feels, why it feels and how to respond to it.


Okay, I shall try.


For today's response, I rolled a two.

I avoid situations all the time. I avoid social situations a lot by not saying anything. I do this as to not embarrass myself. It's actually led me to become slightly harder to know for sure. As another count, I wish to tell you of my disdain of words I can't remember. I hate words.

This shall be my next roll for tomorrow too. Thank you for listening.



I rolled a three. I remember dangers that I have faced involving people. I think there was a fight or a dangerous situation, but I managed to outsmart them and take control of the situation. I can't really remember though. My memory these days is pretty hazy. Thank you for listening. I'll reply tomorrow ASAP.


For the future, I will roll again. I cannot believe I am doing this for real though. I never do anything for real. All I do is sleep, eat, etc.


>Tell about when you were the most afraid in life

When my jew public defender told me I was facing more than a decade in prison over something I didn't do.

>Explain your obsession over an object or another person

I don't believe I have any such obsession. I have few material goods and even fewer relationships, all of which I understand are merely temporary.

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>Describe your most memorable sexual encounter

>Be 18 year old virgin, and with my first real girlfriend

>We're hanging out upstairs, playing video games
>End up wrestling around, then making out
>Some clothes come off, and she's just in her shirt and panties
>Whip my dick out of my boxers and try to put it in
>I can't find the fucking hole
>Try for another min
>It's not working
>We get up, and I ask her if she'd like to come to my room
>She says yes
>We go into my room, and she pushes me down onto my bed
>Climbs on top of me, puts my dick into her body, then starts to ride me
>Cowgirls for a while, then I roll her over into missionary for a while
>She starts shaking a bit, either orgasming or faking it
>She kinda contorts her legs together and ejects me out
>We lay there for a while, while she plays with my dick
>Eventually I convince her to let me cum in her mouth, which I do
>She goes into the restroom, and I can only assume spits it out

>Next day my dad notices scratch marks all over my back

>"Son, did you have sex last night?"
>"Yes sir"

Rolling for the next one

>Tell me about your first real love, even if she didn't love you back

Goddamnit, I'm tired of talking about this bitch. She was a cool girl who was introduced to my circle of friends as a kid, and an attraction developed between us. Then we dated off and on for a while.

In retrospect she was just a manipulative tatted up whore that I should have never got with.

>Tell me about a time you physically hurt another person

>Be a new kid in middleschool

>This stupid fat guy keeps messing with me, and he's got probably a hundred pounds on me because I'm skinny as hell at the time
>This goes on for a month or two, him just fucking with for no reason
>One day he tells me to follow him into the bathroom, and I know we're gonna fight finally
>We walk over into the restroom as a crowd of people follow along as well
>The two of us face one another as a big crowd of at least 20 others fills the place up in a circle around us
>Like an idiot I turn around to put my glasses in the nearby sink
>He starts to punch me in the back
>I turn around and nail him in the face as hard as I can
>It connects hard and he's visibly stunned
>I deck him a few more times
>Blood is gushing from his head somewhere (nose?) and he's swaying around on his feet
>Collapses against the wall
>Some random nigger grabs my right arm, and shoves it into the air
>He starts jumping up and down enthusiastically screaming YYEEAAAHHH YEEEEEEEAAAHHHH
>I start jumping up and down also
>After a few seconds of this some random school counselor comes into the room and cries out "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BABY?"
>We get taken to the principals office, our parents are called and the school cop shows up
>My dad seems to find the event funny, and asks me if I hurt my knuckles, then inspects my hands
>The bully cries like a bitch in front of his mom and tries to make me out as the bad guy
>Cop ends up actually being pretty cool and convinces the mom not to press charges

>Explain your worst addiction, how did you, or how can you overcome or control it?

Several years ago I was hit by a drunk driver while on my motorcycle, ended up breaking a number of ribs and was taking a lot of oxycodone for it, 60mg every two hours. After a couple of weeks taking the stuff I realized I was beginning to crave it, so I stopped cold turkey. Ended up going through some painful withdraw, to the point where I even shit my pants while out with my gf

Better than getting addicted to opiates though.


I avoided sending a resume to a relative of a friend that would surely hire me to an important company in another state because I am lazy as fuck.

>tell about a situation you faced head on despite danger

Can't think of many, I guess buying weed off a hindu guy in Madrid despite cops being around. Got caught by the cops though lol.

>what is your most secret fetish?


avoided going in places where I see my ex gf

>Tell about when you were the most afraid for your life.

I think it was when I got fumbled on by over 10 people and I couldnt breathe and I was so desperate I thought I was going to die.


>Tell about your first love, even if she didn't love you back.

A jewish girl, tomboy black short hair beautiful face light blue eyes and AMAZING body. I guess I was more infatuated of her physically. On second thought I dont think I've ever been in love.

>Tell about a time you physically hurt another person.

Slapped my older brother sideways so frieking hard it stunned him. I felt so bad for doing it though because it was merely out of impotence of not being able to fight back earlier that day on a 5 vs 10+ street fight. Now that I think of it my brother on that same night got punched 3 times in the face trying to stop it. That makes me feel even worse :(


I rolled a one. I can barely remember my first love, so I will tell you of my multiple loves. I first wished for the one girl to become my girlfriend back when I was very young. I actually forgot about it and the time I asked her out. I don't remember any of it, but she did. I also loved this other girl named heather. I was one of her friends and she was really one of the only people I was friends with truly. I miss her. She moved away and I barely got to see her again. I remember one time I was at her birthday party and I got to ride one last ride with her. It is one of the most clear instances I have had in my entire life. After Heather left, I was infatuated with a girl named Taylor. I don't know why, but I just was. I never asked her out though and eventually my feelings subsided in high school. She's still a good girl though. My last love was a girl named Sara. She never really cared for me despite me confessing to her. This hurts the most to be honest. I really just wanted to hug her and be with her, but that might have been a social feeling rather than a love feeling. She was pretty cute as well though, but she was quiet. At the time though, I didn't (and still don't) want a girlfriend. I've never wanted one and I've always known that I will end up alone or dead. Thanks for listening.




>What can you do to become more creative?

I have tried becoming more creative in a way of making more original content. I sensed that I could become more original when I felt as if there was a creative upbringing after making so much original content. Basically, if you want to become more creative, you need to practice flexing your creative thinking and make it stronger.


Alright, I'm rolling again for future's sake here. Also, I'm using a new and improved way of formatting my comments. It's a lot better and blends in more with the culture of image boards in a sense.

>what is your ultimate goal in life?

1. Become a figure that I could respect by caring for myself physically, mentally. emotionally, etc. This includes working out and having a job to fulfill the need for something to do and so my parents get off of my back).
2. Have an expendable income for the freedom of pursuing hobbies
3. Pursue said hobbies if I'm not too lazy.



>Why do you think people defend their own opinions so much?

Probably because they were programmed like that from their previous and current environments. There must be some sort of cause that made us like that. I am not going to look up the article, but that's my guess. Also, I do the same, but instead of sharing my opinions, I keep them to myself. Arguing in pointless. It doesn't change anyone's mind and for me, there is no please in it.


I missed to days, so I'm going to make it up now. Sorry for that.


>Tell me a time where you adapted to unforeseen problems

I was always good at getting past trouble. I would escape work at my house when I was very young and I managed to do it yesterday too by not cleaning the kitchen when I was supposed to. I really have nothing else unforeseen because I don't get out much.





>Tell me about a time when you struggled to overcome an obstacle, but eventually succeeded

I used to procrastinate a lot (and I still do) and recently I managed to not do a final project for my drafting class and I was able to pass the class with a B or C. I really only got C's on the regular work, but got pretty much perfect scores (missing one or two answers) on the tests and quizzes. All you had to do was memorize the answers.

Satan's babies


Root: 2

Talk about something you avoided. Why did you avoid it?

I avoided speaking with a man whose dog got in a fight with mine because he grew up hopping trains and he thinks this causes him to have to act aggressive towards me for something that my dog did. My avoidance of his company for a small period of time allowed for peace to be at hand with no interruptions. We are now friends again.

Sacral: 4

Explain your worst addiction. What did you/do you do to overcome/control it?

My worst addiction is my addiction to alcohol, and it is not very much of an addiction. To overcome it, I simply stop drinking. I moderate my drinking habits by only drinking on solstices and equinoxes.

Naval: 5

How can you overcome a fear of failure?

To overcome this fear, you can simply focus less on failing and more on succeeding. Two sides of the same coin. It is much like focusing on the sweet and salty aspect of dark chocolate rather than focusing on the bitter flavor, or like focusing on the taste of sugar and cream in black coffee and ignoring the bitter taste.

Heart: 6

Tell about a time you went way out of your way for the sake of others.

I do this every day in my community. Currently, I am a homeless drifter, and a traveling magi. I have dedicated my entire lifestyle and way of being to assisting others, as well as assisting myself.

Throat: 7

Go play, sing, or write a song about anything.

Here it goes:

I am God's drifting leg,
My pack is light and my dog is spayed.
I cook with fire and burn away,
All of Babylon's desperate plague.
Spend a dime, fill your glass, the fastest mass is the darkest class for Lucy.

Goal: Spend time making money so that I can vagabond on a motorcycle instead of by foot.


What can you do to feel more secure in life: I could probably actually start working on college. I'm always cut down or too lazy to start it up.

When have you gaven into temptation, how could I have avoided it: I could have avoided it by not drinking so much. I was drinking with my best friends, and my closest friend has a cousin that I was attracted to. That night when we all passed out I stayed up so I could take pictures of her in sexual ways.

What is my ultimate goal in life: To be ultimately happy. What is the point in being serious with things 100% of the time. It's boring.

How can I show more compassion towards others: Take what people say less seriously and don't be offended by their suggestions.

How do I determine what is right and wrong: I don't usually in the moment. I am very impulsive, but If it's a big factor in my life I look at how it will effect others.




KEK. There's nothing to describe.




I meant two. I missed another two. Here we go.


>How can you overcome a fear of failure?

By deluding yourself that you cannot fail is when you can convince yourself you cannot fail. There is no sure way of success most of the times, so fearing failure is normal. Also, it has inspired me to do get more experience in life so that I do not fail.

Rolling again.



>How can you show more compassion towards others?

One can show more passion by experiencing more himself. Putting yourself "in another person's shoes" just for pitying isn't going to help them. Action and acts of compassion through life experience can show the true nature of a person's being. People should still help those in need, but those who have experienced hardship already are the ones who truly care.

>sandy eyes

i weep for this generation

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Currently rolling.

Oh gods why I am doing this…

but rawlin.

>Tell about a situation you faced head-on despite danger. Why did you?

Hmmm. I was dared to make a little fire underneath a tree at a park so I did and the entire tree caught aflame and I just stood there smiling. I was about 8 I think… I did it for no reason at all I guess I wanted to do something out I boredom.

That's a pretty dull example but it's all I can think of, NEXT

>Explain your worst addiction. How did you, or how can you overcome or control it?

Self harm especially cutting. I just threw away my blades into a lake and bam problem solved. Did it for about 8 months.

>How can you overcome a fear of failure?

Just do it faggot. If you don't have the balls to do something and take chances you ain't going anywhere.

>Tell about a time you out of your way for the sake of others.

I have no friends or anybody to talk to and everyone I come across stabs my back etc. so I don't have answer to this one. I tend to avoid all people but I would go out of my way to help a stranger..

..if he's white that is.

>Go play, sing, or write a song about anything.

>What can you do to better use both sides of your brain?

Meditation and the Initiation into Hermetics. Any form of magick pretty much.

>7-9: Set a long term goal. Make a plan for accomplishing that goal and post that plan where you will see it when you wake up. From now on, whenever you see the plan, do something to get closer to that goal.

Holy fuck what should I do. Oh I know; gain weight and gain muscle since I'm 99 pounds…. there we go.


>What can you do to feel more secure in life?

Kill all race traitors and send non whites back to their own country and keep them deprecated for more diversity instead of a melting pot. Spread pro white propaganda and pro magic propaganda. Become a living god through intense physical and mental training. Reproduce as many Nordic babies as possible and if you're non white stop reproducing. Then stop being a degenerate. Then eliminate every fedora, gay/bi/trans/pedo/etc, christfag, Jew, and civilians who have enough money and power to destroy a country and let the leader of your nation keep the wealth.

Oh and don't racemix.

Take the few pure white people and make them have millions of children.

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>Tell about a time you physically hurt another person.

>be me

>7th grade
>some degenerate wigger spams his shitty monkey music everywhere
>have a dream of beating him to death
>relive the dream
>chase the dream
>find him in the hallway
>sudden urge for BLOOD lol
>black out, wake up with fucked up knuckles and the wigger with a broken and bloody nose with people just staring at me
>the end


>Tell about a time you adapted to unforeseen problems.

Went from having a normal amount of friends (like 5) and having money to being dirt poor and friendless.

>Set a goal right now. What is it and how will you achieve it?

See >>>>15240

>What is your biggest regret?

Being born.

>What can you do to increase your intuition?

Akashic records.

Already did 7 so I'm done.

Well that was fun. We need more shit like this.

Could you elaborate on this, please?

The Akashic records is a record of everything that has ever happened or will happen and from there you may acquire the knowledge of everything and anything, depending upon your access level, which has to do with the level of development of your spirit.

Answering for him.

In the mega some of the books talk like Astral Dynamics talk about the Akashic Records.

Thanks. I'm vaguely familiar with the Akashic Records. I was more asking about his methodology, how he accesses the records and how he uses them to increase his intuition.

I doubt he accesses it in a substantive way as of yet.

Actually if you have read and studied the akashic records like I do (there's some thread on /astral/ for mantras in the astral at some emerald hates or something) you'd know the akashic records is not just one place, it is all around. We access it at all times. It's everywhere. Your dreams and synchronicities are the main source of akashic stuff. Like for example if I see the clock say 4:04 I'm probably going to have a shitty and depressing night. 3:33 means the ghost I have captured will come big me. And other things like if I see butterflies that means my gf will be weirdly nice and clingy that day, just little things like that. Dreams on the other hand are the major source of akashic records and you must keep dream journal because dreams give you a shit ton of knowledge which I'm sure you already know.

Yes that pretty much sums it up.

I should stop studying politics and start getting back to magick. Still never learned how to AP and oh shot that reminds me I was in my astral body last night and it felt heavenly man. I couldn't move or anything though. I've never really been interested in AP I just want to learn about shamanic stuff. I'm not sure what to start studying tbh.

Sorry. I keep on missing two days at a time. I have to do this from another computer for now.


>Tell me about a time you overcame temptation.

I did nofap for three days and I have resisted women for my entire life. I need to stop fapping though.

trips and dubs. Re-roll

Woops. I need to do heart chakra.


>What is something that you wholly devote yourself to?

Nothing really. These past days I have devoted my yime to dwarf fortress, but other than that, I have devoted a lot of my time going onto the internet.


>Tell me about a time someone you love did something horrible, yet you still love them

I don't really tell anyone I love them and I really never had any true love interests. I have only been infatuated with one girl throughout one year, but nothing really happened. When I was a kid, I would say I hate my mother. I still don't hug anyone or kiss anyone if I don't have to. I guess I love my sister a bit, but she doesn't really do anything that bad usually. I am usually the one who transgresses. This is really it. I kinda sorta but not really love my sister, but not really. Thank God for anonymity.

You should definitely make love to your sister.

Man I know that feel but I want to love a woman deeply and commit myself to her and kill myself if love fails.

lal. I have no attraction to her. I have no real reason to go anywhere with a women right now.


Sounds like a guaranteed bad end if you get a divorce, which is at 50% [citation needed].


>Set a goal right now. What is it and how will you achieve it?

My goal is to begin basic fitness training. I want to begin to work out. I'm starting right now on this day. In one hour, I will go to the gym (not specified) and learn more about general fitness and develop a plan. Please wish me luck and I will report results.

Another goal I did set, but I have achieved was to get into Dwarf Fortress's adventure mode and to get good at it. I actually got to a point where I could face any enemy and I was able to kill an evil beast. I find that this great success only took me two to three days.

Other goals to set:

-Get comfortable with the linux operating system.
-Read the second fringe essentials book (over 150 pages). I haven't been able to read books because they honestly bore me and intimidate me by their sheer size.

>Sounds like a guaranteed bad end if you get a divorce, which is at 50% [citation needed].

Wouldn't happen as you can't divorce the dead.

>My goal is to begin basic fitness training.

Then start reading Hatha Yoga by William Walker Atkinson first.

Hardcore. I was actually looking to get fit with nothing spiritually involved. On the subject of my goal, I managed to start yesterday. Short term goal completed. I long to become similar to the people here. I will soon achieve my goals though. I should set another one to complete while I'm working on my fitness goal.


>Tell me about a time when you were rejected.

I was rejected for a job a while ago. I scored a 30/70 on their evaluation. It had to do with dealing with customers. I guess I'm not too sociable? I was also rejected from a girl without any formal rejection. I however wish to better myself, so I will try to get rejected less often by making my outward and inward appearance more attractive.

i dont get how you play it but w/e

Sorry. I had some stuff to do and now I have missed three days.

lol. I'll just do the next 3.
>Tell me about a time that you went out of your way for others.
I barely have social interaction, but any small favors works. However, I really only do things to benefit others and myself. I have shared knowledge for the sake of others though
>In what ways can you enhance your physical well being?
Consult a jock on that. Other than that:
1.Get pumped up to work out
2.Get ripped
>In what ways can you enhance your mental well being?
By reading a lot of useless books that will never pertain to hobbies. Really though, one should focus on hobbies and interests instead of generally feeding himself on the knowledge of things that will lead him nowhere. At least with new knowledge in fields pertaining to interests one can have fun while being knowledgeable in the field. No interruptions at all! Other than that, if you have mental illnesses that prevent you from socializing, learning, doing work, etc., then you might as well kill yourself. It's not going to get better these days. You could wait it out and hope for a cure, but that would be torture.
>In what way can you enhance your emotional well being?
By being more attached to others and making strong, well defined relationships. One would need something that would put their morals into the test, and it would help them realize who they are and what they stand for. I guess though, that could fall under mental well being too, but it's also about who YOU are.

I did four of these because I missed three days. I did an extra one because I was finished with everything out and I wanted it to end. Am I the only one taking this seriously?

I missed 3+4 = 7 days. I missed an ENTIRE week.
I don't know any more. I'll just do three and keep on doing two posts a day to keep up.


>What do you feel guilty about?
Social interaction makes me feel guilty about being unable to socially interact well. Also, saying certain unnecessary things can make me dwell upon them for a long time. I also just missed two homework assignments due two days ago. It's worth 100% of my grade right now, so I have a zero in one of my classes, but I just re-mediated my grade by doing the tow new homework assignments, so I have <50% because I missed one question. I can't wait to see what happens next.



>How do you determine what is right or wrong?
Trust your instinct and look towards those who can sense the line between right and wrong better than you. Do not look to him for total authority on such matters, but come to the conclusion yourself.

Roll 1 lets go!

>Have you ever let your lust get the better of you?
I made out with a friend of mine who had a boyfriend. Granted she was about to date me until he showed up but I still feel bad about it.

>Most secret fetish
Either blue hair or accidental nudity, it's 50/50

>most afraid for your life
being really fucked up on acid skating around on Halloween night. There were a lot of cops and drunk drivers and I was scared as fuck.
I was kinda obsessed with a friend of mine for a few years. We'd hook up on and off. I'm super sexually inexperienced but it didn't matter as much around her which I clung to.
>most memorable sexual encounter
drunkenly hooking up with said friend on my 19th birthday, being scared/ embarrassed by how bad things were going, and having whiskey dick strike right as sex was about to happen. All while her roomate was a few feet away from us

Wow. I keep on forgetting. It's bad.
how can you turn failure into a learning experience?
By learning from it. Every failure is a learning experience. Just the other day I almost got into a crash, and from now on, I am deathly afraid of getting hurt via crashing, so I fixed the problem that caused it and I feel bad ever since. Fear and lust are the sole drivers of men. We do not wish to live without the thought that we die without leaving our mark (children or anything else) or without children to carry on the legacy.

Nice 8. 9 get.

>Write a small speech or monologue on a topic that you are passionate about. This is funny because I have to do another speech later today.

I am not really passionate about much, as I have done nothing for so long, but I am passionate about a person having enough free time that he or she can relax and enjoy life as it can be. I believe that we should relax at all costs to cool down and have fun. I cannot imagine anyone who would be willing to work their entire lives, and I for one, cannot imagine have a career/job that requires 40+ hours a week. I can, but I can't. I, like many others, used to go to elementary school, middle school, high school, etc. where we would go for 7-8 hours to learn. It was a breeze, but what does it say when adults reminiscence on those days in which they had no responsibilities? It says that life is tough and that you have to work hard to get somewhere and be someone. You can do whatever you want, but for me, I like taking it easy. I just need some way so I can do such. I also realize this is unrealistic as a goal.


3. I had a bully back in school who use to beat me till I was covered in blood, I never let him think I was scared of him and I never backed down, I always fought back even though I always lost.

Next Roll

hehe just finished

I know fast

I think I have loved some one when I should not have probably mostly from hormones and lust.

degradation of women
and loli… waits for van

Probably ever night from about 9-13 yrs

I dont know what it is the hue of her skin or just her smell I hate her personality but I feel like she was put here for me to find, but alas she hates me now. I told her we shouldnt try living together yet.

I use to fist the previous mentioned obsession and choke her and put her on a leash, slap her write nasty words on her, and fuck her raw in the ass multiple times. She liked to be called a "nigger whore" when I fisted her and fucked her. This was just about all the love making up till our love fell apart probably due to that.

Rolling for next one Ill get back to this in a bit back to log horizon

Dude. Try and give us at least some idea of which prompt/chakra you're answering. Even if you give just the number it's annoying to have to go back and reference the image. Greentext the prompt (or the gist of it) please.

1.(Sacral) Tell about your first love even if she didnt love you back.

I was a very young lad, she rode horses and liked books. It was such a long time ago and thats all I remember, we were lil boyfriend and girl friend for a bit but we were just kids. It was fun.

5. When could you have given into temptation and how could you have avoided it.

This is a funny one, I use to give into temptation all the time, go on craigslist find a slutty person no matter what sex and just fuck them. I suppose I could have just jerked off 3 or 4 more times and not went to craigslist(I always just go to jerk to the adsc then one thing leads to next).

6 5 ways to be happier
1. anime
2. cards
3. sleep
4. less work
5. not caring

8. what can you do to become more creative…

I dont know honestly, think, read?

I'm sorry, but I am away from home. I will try to answer as often as possible.

>Tell me about a time you benefited from following your instinct.
I can't really remember any times. From following my instinct, I got far, but never far enough. . as playing a game against someone, I would use logic. If I was to do something on a If I whim, I would use instinct.

I'll do one more.
>Explain a dream you've recently had and what your mind could be trying to tell you with it
I was being strangled my a girl whose face was not so appealing. It was a bit shuffled, but not too shuffled. Her eyes and mouth were where they were supposed to be, but her face was convoluted. I gouged out her eyes and listened to her screams. I might have strangled her afterwards, but I do not remember. This may be a sign that I am going to be betrayed, but I will end up overcoming the obstacles thrown at me and it will be to the dismay to the one who betrayed me. That or I have trust issues, which I definitely do.



I cheated about 3 times during the 1 relationship I've had.

1. Drawing.
2. Meditating in the mornings, sets my whole day in a good light.
3. Exercise.
4. Productivity(usually achieved by use of stimulants … what can I say I use the tools available.)
5. Often taking a deep breath while drawing in nature's energies around me has great effect.


I think it's because they have pride that keeps them from being less insecure.



I need to read more consistently, and work on achieving more in-depth knowledge and understanding of more topics.


I think that the notion of organized religion should be abolished aside from monastic practices. This is because most people dont bother actually believing their organized religion and because it stifles free thought and seeking of the truth due to community pressure, and the social benefits might be easily replaced.


I get to choose, so I'll do #1.

I make most decisions based on feeling because I seem to have good intuition and many things that just click for me are correct.

It's been a while. For one, I cannot see where my cursor is on my home cumputer, and two, I have been without internet and I am falling behind. Soon I will be done though and maybe one day I wll do the putple section.
>How can you learn to think with clarity more often?
Try collecting your thoughts through meditating or calming ourself down. I do that and I think it works, but sometimes I lose control. To calm myself down is to bring clarity and peace of mind to myself. I also believe slowing down conversation and thinking about what is being said (e.g. arguments and understandiung point of views by slowing down, asking questions, and being respectful). Google Socrates for information on Socratic method.

For my next roll to make up:
>How can you practice using your "mind's eye"?
I have not gotten that far to be honest. I have gotten past the first book, but I have yet to go to the second one. I iwll do that tomorrow. I am back from my "vacation" and I have time to kill. I don't know what a mind's eye is and how to practice using it.

How stupid of me. I was looking somewhere else and I was quick to judge and assume.
>Is it better to make decisions on thoughs or feelings? Why?
Thoughts == feelings. To feel these days is to think. To think about what is happening to another and feel sorry. To have pity on someone is to put oneself in their shoes. Empathy is the key word here. Whether feelings and empathy are instinct can be debated. Why would animals have act of kindness to certain beings? Why aren't babies ripped a shred by wolves? Do the wolves have thoughts too, or is it instinct to know that young offspring are of no threat? If so, then why is it known that some species have opposing females kill each others' offspring? It's a question I wish to save.

On the subject though, feelings and thoughts can both be implemented into whatever is needed. Yes, this is a standard answer, but to go into the details would require thought. I have already thought enough. Feel free to talk about it all you want. Maybe we can come to a consensus and we can all increase our chakra.

rick rolland

Oh god, well my most secret fetish seems to be lolis and fatties, its shameful I know. I'll use this for another roll.

>When were you the most afraid for your life?
I went whitewater rafting and fell off the boat into the rapids, it was scary as fuck.


Yay! I have finished!

Things I haven't done from purple:
>What can you do to increase your intuition?
I use my waifu do do what I do because I know she wants me to be happy and healthy.
>How can you sleep better?
Exercise helps people (like me) sleep better, and I can sleep better knowing I am not screwed over the next morning because I didn't do things I should have (like homework).
>How can you turn failure into a learning experience?
All failures can be turned into learning experiences because if one takes the time to analyze why they failed they can understand how to fix it. Of course failing can also decrease self esteem, but it can also be healthy to fail, as those who have had failures before can empathize better with anyone else who has failed. Nobody's perfect. I gotta work it.
>How can you learn to better control your actions?
Thinking ahead and being calm and collected could help, but my actions my stem from something psychological. I act a bit weird and edgy sometimes and it brings me down knowing I act before thinking.

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