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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 14318
Pic Related: This man is Víctor Manuel Gómez Rodríguez, also known as The Venerable Master Samael Aun Weor. Born: March 6, 1917, Bogotá, Colombia. Died: December 24, 1977.

This mans followers believe that he has completed the great work and become an ascended master. In life, he wrote many books and started an interesting movement called that has changed names many times but is widely referred to as "Gnosis". This is not the gnosis commonly referred to here on /fringe/. This is a hierarchical organization that goes about basically greenpilling people by way of public lecture, and then graduation into varying levels of private initiation.

Claiming to be the keepers of the knowledge of the Templar Knights, they teach symbolism, deep meditation/trance, strengthening of the chakras, self awareness, astral travel/lucid dreaming/astral projection, pranayama, theosophy, vocalization/mantra, and convey mysteries. This is all done with HEAVY emphasis on transmutation of sexual energy and the wrongness of masturbation and intercourse, or fornication. In fact, see fornication as the work of only Satanist magicians and maintain that there is no voluntary expulsion of sexual fluid allowed passed the public level, else the fornicator be excommunicated. You and I know that we refrain from "burping the worm" to develop the will necessary to control this fragile and malleable reality.

Now, are any of my friends on /fringe/ aware of this mystery school? What are your thoughts? Additional information?

Their website: http://gnosticteachings.org/
This must be why I have so many psychic powers, I never masturbate, and don't often waste energy on sexual thoughts.

More often than not, people have in born abilities as a result of work from previous lives. What else may carry over is the fact that you subconsciously see no point in masturbating.

These people save their sexual energy to be cycles within their body almost like a practitioner of the tantra.

Reading the Wikipedia, I feel it has similarities with Theosophy and other New Age 'religions'.

There seems to be some kind of trend among the spiritual teachers when they claim they're some sort of avatars, (Crowley was the Beast of the Bible, Aun Weor a Kalki Avatar). I feel these are not honest claimants but attempts to gather more followers and imago.

The word cult comes to mind.

However, I am sure there's a lot to learn from this person, if only for his teachings on sexual transmutation.

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