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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 14300
Is their any magickal workouts and routines etc? General /fringe/ /fit/ness discussion, you gotta work that body to be good with magick.

IIH says so. Don't tell me you're pic related..
Yes there are it's called hatha yoga.

Also any shit to develop your balance, concentrate etheric energy in you, make your body invincible to attacks, etc.

It's not just pure getting muscle, it's pure power and control.

I've seen the five tibetan rites recommended plenty of times for this. It's basic enough that a beginner can pick it up and they're fairly effective at getting you more in tune with your body.
Another thing to consider is diet. In general terms, low meat, no sugar, lots of veggies will do you right.

What possible magical properties could be attributed to wizardly piss bottles?

Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Wing Chun, and/or Shaolin Kung Fu all involve balance, developing self awareness, a sturdy body, discipline, and movement of energy through the body as well as most importantly, helping one to develop the will. Just as any martial art. (In the opinion of many, will is the strongest magickal muscle that one can strengthen.)

Hatha Yoga mentioned in >>14301
will strengthen the body, will, allow for energy/prana to flow through the body more freely and is closely related to invaluable breathing techniques, or pranayama.

Also, as far as a diet goes, for the fastest progression, for breakfast eat one or two pieces of toast with honey and one glass of milk in the morning after meditation. For lunch, vegetarian food is best. (staying away from processed, sugary, and all around useless foods in general) (mentioned in >>14308 )

For dinner, at least two hours before bed, either a well portioned meatless meal or the same kind of honey toast with milk that you had for breakfast.

Ideally, just the toast in the morning and at night with no other meals in between and only fruit/vegetable snacks and water during the day will help you to progress the fastest. This is called "The Esoteric Diet"

Do not run for exercise. Running is the best way to become good at running and nothing else.

>not using a highly developed intuition to tell you what foods are specifically the best for your body

Only way to get what you really need. Wild animals eat really healthy and always know just what they need, it's domesticated animals and humans that fail to listen to their inner-knowing that eat all wrong when they make food choices based on social conditioning and so on.

Everyone's different so some people aren't going to want to consume milk or toast for example.

That diet is specifically for one who plans to spend 3+ hours every day in meditation to further develop their organs of the subtle perception.

Everything in your post is great except


If you tryna be a magician, get dairy milk the fuck out of your diet. Drink Almond milk or other plant milks, try to buy brands that don't have carrageenan added.

Do non-dairy milks have as much calcium and vitamin D3?

Most of them are fortified

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I found that after I was on an extreme diet of lot of fasting, little meat and all organic foods / flash pasteurized drinks for a long period of time my cravings for junk became worse than before I went on an extreme diet and now I'm addicted to blue bell ice cream, can't get enough of this stuff and it will probably put me into a diabetic coma one of these days but other than that I've managed to maintain a somewhat of a healthy diet for somebody who barely makes enough to survive on. The problem is that eating really really healthy unless you live out in the countryside is very expensive to do. So what does one living in poverty do to afford a very healthy diet that won't break the bank?

Extreme dieting like that will almost always lead to a relapse. I suggest you don't strive for a perfect diet, because your body can be pretty resilient. Just eat plenty of veggies, fruits, and have everything else in balance. Balance doesn't mean severely restricting some food groups while over-indulging in others, which can likely lead to deficiencies if you aren't careful. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if that's why you suddenly started craving ice cream all the time, perhaps it had some nutrients in it that you were missing out on (or just calories).
As for your question, figure out what foods you should buy organic and what ones are safe conventionally. Off the top of my head: asparagus, sweet potatoes, avocados, and bananas are safe. Incorporate very calorie- and nutrient-rich foods into your diet in the event you have to skimp on buying a bunch of food. For example, if you decide you're okay with eating meat, go with organ meat like liver. That shit's packed with just about everything your body needs. Don't waste your money on useless, watery produce like romaine or celery.

I don't know why I said romaine, I meant iceberg lettuce.

>Be Anaemic
>Eating Red meat at least every two days + iron supplements keeps me from not having the strength in the morning to pull myself out of bed
Is red meat really that bad for you in a spiritual sense? It's the best way for me to keep my energy levels up.
>inb4 dark, leafy greens (they don't seem to make that much of a difference)

Toast is bad for you. The white bread is not good, turns to sugar in your body, and the chemical preservatives they put in it damage your stomach. Toasting it also helps void the already really low nutritions value of most bread that is used for toasting.

Milk also is bad. The milk is full of hormones and other things you don't want. Unless you're drinking goat milk or almond milk…

>that feel when I eat an all organic diet my whole whole life since about age 10 and have no desire whatsoever for junkfood

I have never been overweight in my life and I try to eat as much food as I possibly can constantly.

You can always eat some food in the astral planes to help improve your diet.

Everyone's programmed differently, what's good for one man isn't good for another, you can change your programming though if you are able to reach your subconscious and give it new instructions.

>not achieving Inedia

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