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Esoteric Wizardry
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GOOD LUCK EBOLA CHAN! | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 14270
It's funny how I made all question threads lol. Last one is in autosage, same rules apply as the last two.
You fucking suck at making question threads. Your pictures you start the thread out with are garbage. Get a better pic.

Also next time wait for some dubs before making a new thread.

At least you're not as bad as the guy who made the music thread starting out the pic with a thing about masturbation though.

Hey now the first time was because I cleaned my hard drive, the second had a good picture, and this picture describes the feeling when you need to ask a question. Don't judge bro………

Îs there any experience a newbie can do to prove himself magic is real?

No it doesn't, are you autistic?

Do you mean the one with the assad pic

What's so bad about that thread, y u no liek

Yeah there's a lot of things you can do but what finally convinces you depends upon your standards and what you want to do. Really you should just read those mega books like The Holographic Universe and you should be able to understand it also read ummm The Extrasensory Potentials of Mind.

I've downloaded like a hundred books and intend to read every single one of them within a month or two but I got to eliminate all my distractions and just fucking read all day and write down everything new I find because I'm going to assimilate all the knowledge into one book.

It's degenerate.

Check this out: http://www.yogebooks.com/authors.html

I have so much fucking reading to do I'm just going to read all the time during all my waking hours.

So, if its possible for a tulpa to manifest in 3d why aren't there any pictures?
I should try to take one myself…

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This explains why you're not lurking as much in there as in the other music thread.

But you are basically right, it *is* pretty inappropriate to talk about fapping in a thread dedicated to music. I kind of didn't think ahead when i made that thread back then, just wanted to continue the tradition of music threads here, the other thread wasn't even up at that point in time i think.

But ya, i think the one with the fapping reference hits the bump limit soon anways, like 500 posts or something.

What was it again on /fringe/?

Your view on the Nephilim? Did they exist or continue existing?

There's been a lot of discoveries made by ordinary people - they have found gigantic bones and such. But the material evidence has disappeared or taken away.



Fuck yeah more audiobook listenin' for me to do!


Not a question but here's an interesting thread about UFOs. Apparently people have had success summoning them psychically or with laser pointers.


Ayy lmao

Input on this book? Lots of pictures. Gonna document all the pictures and captions.

Is there a pdf of it?


There's an audibook for it as well you know on EsotericAudiobooks on youtube.

Not a question but this is for people who want to download the folder AS a folder and not all the files into your "Downloads" folder, I'm talking about the Fringe MEGA. https://mega.co.nz/#fm/RI1kSR4a

Now you can download it as a .zip or whatever and put it in a folder you want without the hassle of getting a file manager or reorganizing the files.

What's a good resource on chakras, their significance, and how to utilize/strengthen them? For example, could I open my 3rd eye simply by meditating and practicing at visualizing increasingly complex shapes/structures?

Worded that kinda funny, but I'm cool with a direct answer or a book/site reference either way. Chakra related subjects seem awash in New Age misinformation.

Personally I like Lobsang Rampa's version of chakra opening etc. just visualize them and rotate them and spin them super fast according to their color in the correct positions. I forget which book though, just look at the table of contents and maybe you'll find it… if you can't find it I will look for you.

Yeah New Age is mostly bullshit, although I've never tried it lol. I did have a detailed chakra and spiritual energy thread here somewhere but it's a first draft……. thanks for reminding me to get back to that.

>What's a good resource on chakras, their significance, and how to utilize/strengthen them?

The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot. I didn't even know the book contained several chapters on it but it does and it tells you what they actually are in the most clear of terms. I've been finishing reading that book though and a good section of it talked about chakras and I believe you will understand them better from reading that book then you will from reading any other sources.

>For example, could I open my 3rd eye simply by meditating and practicing at visualizing increasingly complex shapes/structures?

Yes. That's how I did it.

I don't think your link works.

What are wizardly treatments for sunburn? I have been & will continue to be working outside 8+ hours a day, building up the homestead. Now I know why you niggas wear the hooded robes.

What does /fringe/ know about the Knights Templar?

Apparently, they are working for the "Light" in resistance to the cabal.


how can i contact eris?

Consult your pineal gland.

I know a pure white man living in the southern states who absolutely does not tan, who remembers his past incarnations, and who absolutely never ever gets sunburns. No matter if he's walking outside in intense sunlight all day with a shirt off, or even worse is in such a place such as near a pool where more of the light is reflected and sunburns are even more intense normally; absolutely none of this stuff burns him in the first place.

The key: he believes with perfect faith that he can never be burned by the sun.

This sort of magical protection against the sun would do you good but there also other ways to deal with those sunburns such as through advanced bodily regeneration and other means.

I reckon an alchemical potion making use of a fluid condenser (Franz Bardon's terms for a substances which condenses etheric energy into it) could help you.

Trips confirm

How to cure brain fog for good?

I noticed that doing a visualization practice, (I imagined a sun shining inside my head, vanquishing the darkness and clouds away), helped me a bit and felt a tingly sensation inside my forehead. What else?

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Here's something that I think could be it's own thread, but on the subject of God(the biblical one), is it possible that Yahweh is an Egregore? An entirely separate entity from the Demiurge, but still an entity no less?

I just find it hard to believe that the biblical god cannot be an Egregore at this point. While it seems like no proof exists of it, but with so many people believing in it, it seems to be impossible for it to not exist, which is why it's weird that there doesn't seem to be much proof of it's existence, other than the angels which don't even reside in this dimension anyway?

>be on my tablet
>be in bed
>have audiobooks playing, on loop
>eventually fall into either sleep or a trance
>hours go by, I don't know how long, while the tablet keeps looping on a part about healing and christ consciousness
>eventually, somehow, I come out of that state I was in for who knows how long and consciously hear my tablet again
>finally am able to get up from my bed and turn it off
>something has changed with me…
>I feel as if a great and unfamiliar force of love has accumulated in me which seeks constant expression and wishes to pour out of me at every moment
>I observe that my body is manifesting no more illness, what harm there is on my body is fading now without new problems coming up

I think I just brainwashed my subconscious by accident into not fucking me over emotionally and physically any longer.

>While it seems like no proof exists of it

No there's proof of it being an egregore in various texts. Lobsang Rampa himself talked about this I think and also The Book of Knowledge. I'm pretty sure Yahweh is exactly what you say because it's obviously not the supreme deity, it's some lesser thing.

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Anyone sick of having to deal with the Kali Yuga?


Where is the Hindu flag btw?

You could make one and submit it to the flag thread at https://freedomboard.kirara.ca/drama/res/5485.html.

I submitted a Gnostic flag but it hasn't been approved, I presume. Might try again.

You know what, I made something for you. Just hope the admin adds it for you to use!

Check the thread; https://freedomboard.kirara.ca/drama/res/5485.html

Posted this in the last thread but nobody will see it there now.

Calling Wizard Hat Guy; would you be so kind as to create a sigil to accelerate the visualization/ AP development of those of us who are having great difficulty? Currently decalcifying/practicing visualization but cannot seem to form more than a blob that generally lines up with the letter/number I'm trying to "see".

Other advice would is welcome of course (from anyone), but I know that your sigils are potent and I'm not afraid to ask for help. Even if it only helps me and others find a better technique, it would be greatly appreciated.

Will look into the Rampa book and chakra technique, since I'm pretty sure I just need to fully activate my 3rd eye chakra. But, the visualization itself is the part that I can't properly do, so it's a bit of a catch-22. I've had some success with chakra meditations but mostly when using mantra or binaural/isochronic beats.

So dualism is not the truth. So monism is? And the monist substance that the whole existence is made of is mind?

Yes, but never dwell on this through conceptual understanding. Conceptual understanding, by its nature, is dualistic. That's what I was doing and I fell into a deep, unnecessary depression over it. This is only understood meditatively in detached observation of all experiences in the conscious field - whether thoughts, sensations, sights, sounds, etc., in the present moment, when one becomes aware of the "I" that is observing it all. "I" is the very act itself of experiencing, everything else is that which is experienced. And it's all one thing.
Love is the conscious sensation of the conscious mind merging with the infinite "I" and breaking down dualism - love is literally the symptom of oneness. We feel love in satisfying conflicts, we feel love when we lose ourselves (ego) in another person, we feel love in acts of charity and kindness, we feel love in laughter and in other ways of relieving misery, because misery is and always has been nothing more than an interpretation of experience by thought. Love is the feeling of the conscious mind losing itself to infinity.

And this is really all there is to magick. Find whatever thoughtform you desire, and retain your desire for it. The universe "wants" to experience itself, and because love is that experience, any concept you love will manifest for you through synchronicity or all-out miracle. Your feeling of satisfaction in its manifestation is the feeling of the universe bringing itself to itself and experiencing itself. Doubt is just another thoughtform introduced by you to steal your faith from the originally intended thoughtform. Unfortunately, most people put their faith in doubt instead. You don't need to bother doubting, feeling guilty, feeling conflicted, you just need to bother with loving what you're inclined to love and rest easy knowing that the universe will go to work manifesting it. Even feeling a painful sense of "lack" is the same as feeling a sense of love for that which is desired, only interpreted consciously to be misery. Love underlies all emotions until the experience is interpreted by the mind as negative. Experiencing love and satisfaction is and always has been our divine purpose, because it's an experience of divinity itself.

I do sigils in batches so I'll need more people requesting random shit to be sigilized so I can release them all in one big batch and you and me don't know which sigil is for what. Have anything else you want sigilized besides that?

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>tfw mind controlled some people in a crowd into doing certain actions like touching their hat or looking a certain way or other specific things today, with incredible success, and little delay in the manifestation time
>tfw drew two sigils today and just, while not looking at the guy it was intended for, held up the paper in such a way that he'd see it and the sigil without me knowing what I was doing
>tfw used one sigil on myself and it worked instantly and forcefully
>tfw talked about prana and yoga and William Walker Atkinson to some dude in person
>tfw changed the behaviour of an object in my room within 10 minutes and it would have been faster if I didn't feel a little hesitation for a bit that had to be put to rest to make it work

All in a days work.

Not him, but is it possible to send me a message through a sigil?

That's great! How did you mind control them?

Sigils are great, they're fun to make though I admit that not all of them have (yet) worked.

Was Hermes a real person?

I would say that he was, but there' a lot disinformation about him so I cannot say for sure.

The texts themselves are as dated as 'no earlier than the second or third century CE'. The texts have a lot of ideas similar to Platonism, but there's controversy here: Plato got his ideas from Egypt, so 'his' ideas might be older than his own philosophy.

Hermeticism is said to be mostly an oral tradition, the teachings being known only to the few chosen. So even if the texts are young themselves, the oral tradition might be very, very old.

So, in short, the texts were written by unknown authors in early CE, but the origin of their ideas might be older, even ancient, and I believe, very Egyptian.

If he was a real person couldn't you like meet him on the astral plane or something?

It's a matter of irrelevance. Who cares if Hermes was real or not? His teachings are what matter.

You can find all sorts of entities in the astral planes but finding them there will not necessarily mean they were ever physically incarnate on Earth, in our own timeline / universe as we are most familiar with.

>Sigils are great, they're fun to make though I admit that not all of them have (yet) worked.

Bind an aspect to them that comes into manifestation instantly and confirms it's been fired off and then you don't have to worry if the rest will come later, you will be certain it will. If it doesn't fire off, recharge it until it does.

What is the general magic stance on the Ego? Is it a temporary thing or an inherent quality? Should one strive to dissolve it or master it? Some traditions speak of an endgoal where the Ego dissolves and one merges with the Godhead/Source/God, but I was wondering what most schools of magic teach regarding the subject

John Baines and William Walker Atkinson both hate those traditions that involve dissolving the ego and becoming a passive feminist do-nothing.

From The Arcane Formulas.

>Who cares if Hermes was real or not? His teachings are what matter.

That was something I was going to say but left out of my reply.

Thank you for your help, I will see what I can do. Some have worked and I'm about to make the greatest one yet.

You're right, it doesn't really matter, but I like his story and was curious.

If the past isn't even fixed and the present is the only true reality then history is subject to change regardless and Hermes could at times become part of our timeline and other times not and then there's also the possibility for thoughtforms being created based on him just the same way as is done all the time with Jesus thoughtforms. Whether or not a physical man lived who left behind some kind of physical mark upon the world doesn't matter, only his philosophy matters.


I am really interested in learning the meditation you mention here.

I've literally just begun practicing after many years away from this stuff and I had a really unique experience listening to Kybalion for the first time. I found listening to the words to be almost disassociating and was left wondering if there is some form a transmission taking place. Like there is knowledge or understanding being imparted by the words that has no connection to literal definition of the words or the surface meaning of the sentences and paragraphs.

I seemed to fall into trance similar to what >>14586 describes, but eventually fell asleep. I theorize this was due to combination of not being rested enough and lacking the practice of being in deeper states.

In any case, was very interesting and felt like a practice worth further investigation.

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TO those who have taken Bardon's IIH as their primary guide, how long did it take you to complete the first step? Specifically the meditation portion.

Additionally, can you recommend any companion texts/practices? Thank you.

Thoughts on Satanism?

I have some questions regarding tarot.

1. To do it seriously, you just read a book/several books about it and thats it? Or would you need some previous experience in other areas such as meditation, magic, etc,?

2. Is it ethical to practice it on other people? I mean, could I harm them in any way even if I avoid potentially bad questions like date of death for example?

I have only started reading it, and got to the first exercise. I can go about half the time without a thought entering. I'm not sure if that's normal or not..

I've never really stuck to just one thing, I have examined many different systems and practise elements from them all, all at once.

lel I can go hours without a single thought entering my mind

With the amount of shit we have to learn to really master magic and be able to use it properly I think only people who develop the powers accidentally and people who study intensively for years and dedicate themselves to it will get results.

Think about it.

So many people don't know anything, are filled with doubt, etc.

We only need like one person though to get to a really advanced stage and that person will be able to inspire hundreds more to dedicate themselves strongly enough that they can reach that level too.

Should I make a tulpa after I'm finally finished reading all the books or should I just finally start to seriously practise Initiation Into Hermetics instead?

you should be confident enough to do whatever your will is without checking with anonymous magicians online.

how am i supposed to prove my magic and gain access to /illuminati/ if nobody is ever in irc?

Try Skype or doing it on here somewhere.

I can't get into IRC because banned from there.

This might seem silly, but does anyone have experience with magickal self-defense for the "mundane" world? This thought crosses my head sometimes: what if I encounter a mugger, or an obnoxious drunk, or I need to defend a loved one against an attack, etc. and for some reason need to go beyond physical methods? I think I once read here that a guy knew how to place a "darkness" into people that kind of drains their confidence. So has anyone done something like this? Use a spell that frightens an attacker? Swipe a knife/gun out of someone's hand with telekinesis? Use energy to burn an adversary? I imagine there could be a lot of possibilities, for the greater good of course.

Berserkergang, if you're capable of it. Most people can probably do it but only some are any good at controlling it.

Like a year or two ago I evoked a demon which came to me in person, grabbed me right hand, and put this black stuff into it. Ever since then I can just touch a person and transfer the black essence into them and break/weaken them. I see it go from my hand into their body and it just fucks them up majorily, they can't struggle back against me much as I put that into them.

That's terrifying but sounds very useful. Could you share any specific experiences you've had in employing it?

Yeah was fighting some guy and just touched him over the chest and projected this black essence into him along with an absolutely incredibly intense amount of negative energy (fear, hate, and everything else all combined into one burning scourge) and his breath started wheezing and he went really limp and was easy to defeat then as he was basically not able to put up resistance afterwards. That was relative restrained too because I shouldn't be killing him or anything but I imagine it would be way fucking worse if I used on someone without restraint in an effort to kill.

Go do it on a cat or something on video.
It's negative energy anyways, what does it matter?

>poor innocent cat

Why not a jew? Shake hands with the parasite then watch it wither and die.

w-what happened to fringechan? Don't scare me like that any more you smiley kike

you sound like a faggot

why is the IRC giving me a 503 error?

Either way I want to see it.

Out of curiosity, who was this demon? I haven't developed myself well enough yet to delve into any heavier magick rituals like evocation. For now I've been having success with more "New Thought" kinds of reality manipulation. I find this really intriguing though.

Don't have access to any animals and there needs to be a serious intent to fuck them up, can't half-ass it.

I used it on a half-jew half-jap once and never saw him again thereafter. Don't know what ultimately became of him. He became really distraught though without knowing exactly what was going on, just all emotionally out of whack.


Fuck if I know. The demon never spoke to me or told me it's name, it just performed the operation on my (right) hand, and left without speaking a word. It had short-black hair and looked like an Eastern European man who might have been in the military. Maybe I shouldn't call the entity a "demon" but that's what I deem it based off of its behaviour towards me.

You guys, I keep seeing repeating numbers in time. 11:11, 1:11, 3:33, etc.
Does it mean anything or am I just being crazy?

Synchronicity. Understand the concept and then you will find illumination pertaining to your question: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_synchronicity.htm

Also, next time you see em', make sure to shout out "check em'" and to point with a finger to the number.

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Some nights now, i wake up at random times feeling fulled with knowledge and energy so much, i feel sometimes distorted a bit sick sometimes, but i'm healthy(Visited a doctor to see if it was a mundane thing.) But it seems this may be linked to my ever growing knowledge of magick.
Anyone else been through this or going through it?

le kundalini awakening symptoms

Could I restore my foreskin through magic? If so, how?

I've also been waking up during synchronistic times like 3:33 but felt a little sick rather than enlightened.

Same way stigmatists do it. Imagine yourself in a body where you have a foreskin. Do this constantly and vividly and disassociate from your previous body state. Eventually you will reach a state wherein you feel, experience, and are completely within the desired body you want; and it will be objectified.

That's pretty interesting, I wonder if the possibilities are endless

Round 1 you get your foreskin back, round 2 you're a bear.

>a bear
>not literally Hitler

What the hell is gluten?
Why are people gluten intolerant?

>muh trips
Bamp for response.

I've started hearing voices in my head wat do

Give it a listen. See what's being talk'd. Depending on your analysis, act accordingly.

Basic stuff.


I want to meet or at least hear about someone who has actually manifested physical results from this technique. Like, on the level of regrowing a limb (or a foreskin). As much as occult writers agree that this is how you do it, I've never seen evidence that it was more than hypothetical. And I've tried it a lot.

You must be doing it wrong. There's a simple test you can do that will show physical changes in your body. It'll take me awhile to write it down though and I need to get access to my external hard-drive again for my notes and shit. I actually know 3 different personal tests that can be done. There's lots of evidence for it too. You must not be reaching your subconscious for some reason.


> As much as occult writers agree that this is how you do it

Like who? Technique looks extremely flawed to me.


It's one thing to affect some minor physical change that you might as well fool yourself into seeing, and quite another to regrow body parts.

What are some great books to initiate me into healing and other right-hand paths mysteries?

I want to embrace both paths, but want to focus on 'white' magic now.


Look at the thread right below this one.

And the LHP/RHP dichotomy as defined by the western esoteric system is an illusion. It's all the same thing, the only difference is aesthetic.

I can understand that. Law of Polarity and so on.

Anyways, you mean Theory of Health? Will read it, thank you!

Are there Pokemon on the astral plane?

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Is Fringe fringe, Fringe?

I haven't seen any out there yet but the astral planes contain everything which ever may be thought into being.

Fringely, fringe.

William Walker Atkinson is bretty bad-ass when it comes to healing stuff. You also get to have the satisfaction of knowing that he himself at one point was unwell in his life but then healed himself and manifested huge success in life, so he lives what he talks. I've read a whole bunch of healing books and many different healing techniques.

There is a test you can do that involves changing the length of a finger to be longer than the other and you carefully measure the length of the fingers beforehand. No fooling yourself. Then there's another thing that's even more ebin where they did a study between 4 different groups on meditation and sports that is also worth looking into, you'll find it in The Holographic Universe book.

I've seen his healing books but I wasn't interested in them at the time. I might order them, W. W. Atkinson is one of the greatest magi ever. Thanks for reminding me!

I think it might be really useful to know even little healing if I get some sort of disease or if I want to help some animal. I'm sure it comes handy.

>There is a test you can do that involves changing the length of a finger to be longer than the other and you carefully measure the length of the fingers beforehand. No fooling yourself.

That's actually exactly what I was talking about as an example of fooling yourself. Your fingers and limbs and even your spine vary in length throughout the day; they're not fixed at all. Sheisters have been using that trick to fool rubes since forever.

I already personally read all his healing books and it confirmed with some of my magical experiments I'd done before, especially the talking to cells stuff.

Ok then well the source I got that from was pretty bad and I don't recommend anyone even read the book in question, but I read through myself completely, thanks for notifying me about that.

What about meditation changing the amount of nervous force in the body and stigmatists and so on?

I was outside sitting on our porch. I was focusing on my pineal gland and forehead to activate my third eye, but while doing this I heard two light knocks on the door right next to me. I asked around and no one had done so. It might have been a cat but I don't recall seeing one when I came inside.

Why would some entity do so? To distract me?

Are there safe ways to open myself to "higher" entities/souls? Like angels, spirit guides, etc. I hear a lot of conflicting ideas about how you should always be wary of any entity that may try to deceive you, but I figure that conjuring up positive emotions = attracting positive entities and vice versa. I don't have any vivid, direct experience with entities because I haven't developed clairvoyance or anything at this point, but I would like to bless myself and my loved ones with some divine support and comfort, but I don't want to be stupid about it and make a mistake.

>Why would some entity do so? To distract me?

Maybe. It could also be that it wanted to meet you but as you were on your way to meet it you feel out of the astral / trance.

Just practise the teachings in IIH and do astral projection and as montalk says "develop the clairvoyant extrasensory organs" and you can contact them easily. Like people, they can lie to you, so just listen to what they say and test it out but don't believe everything blindly. You'll get lots of good information from them potentially but put it to the test. Montalk has some good warnings about this here: http://montalk.net/matrix/118/methods-of-deception

Also, http://montalk.net/metaphys/127/standards-of-channeling

I keep getting throbbing erections every time I meditate or try to AP. Why is this?

You are either a horny bastard or acknowledging the sexiness of the occult. Perhaps a mixture of both.

Can I use my egregores as a team to accomplish a project like making a game?
I know how to draw, does that mean my tulpa's can as well?

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How to find password for /illuminati/
>inb4 "Use magic"
Yeah no shit, but what specifically do I do and how do I do it?

Yeah; I'd also like to have a job/ career that I love and aligns with my life purpose.

Also, to meet an amazing partner who is incredibly spiritual and I could practice tantra and continue walking the occult path alongside.

I'm of the view that this could in itself be an interesting experiment in mass sigilization, i.e. you could try generalizing the sigils and seeing if they work for everyone who views them. It seems to me that there's some serious potential for mass awakenings and/or group control that-a-ways, assuming it works endlessly. Then again, if you make it only work on me I won't complain. Plus, you may or may not have any desire to awaken randoms, so I won't push my agenda here.

>tfw wish I could meet some of you guys in person cuz regular people are so boring

Hard to believe I haven't been on here in two weeks. Back to it.

Just a couple ideas:
Sigil to make you know the password
Remote view the password
Remote influence someone to send it to you (may be difficult)
Prove you can do magic in irc
Straight up ask someone for it

Honestly, no offense, but it seems designed such that if you're gonna be worthwhile to the group there, you'd be able to figure out a way. This is coming from someone who hasn't tried and doesn't want the password, b/c I'm pretty sure my views and theirs don't align. Not to mention I'm neophyte as all hell atm, and not even particularly interested in siddhis, moreso the avoidance of reincarnation and spiritual perfection. But, you have to know they're keeping people out for a reason.

How can I protect myself from astral entities on public transport that like to bombard passengers with intrusive negative thoughts? In the past I have often found myself getting swept up in a barrage of negative thoughts while on the bus for no reason, sometimes to the point of tears.

>Can I use my egregores as a team to accomplish a project like making a game?


>I know how to draw, does that mean my tulpa's can as well?

Tulpas can know things you do not know and not know things which you know. They are independent beings which you create and program however you like to be able to do the miraculous with them. If you give them access to your mind they might be able to draw upon it various talents and so on, but they can also access deeper levels of reality you don't have access to, and receive amazing abilities from there. Also a tulpa can probably transfer some of its skills and knowledge and memories to you.

If you'd have read any of the books which centre around actual magical training you'd have plenty of ideas.

I suggest developing fire immunity and showing it to someone.

Shit this happens to me also. Not sure man. I'm reading some books though that are related and added a new one to the mega which you will find in there unsorted at present. I created a thoughtformed shield around my room though that keeps shit out of there and when I pass through it, it can also dislodged many negative entity attachments, but some get in pretty deep and require more work to banish.

I think you just have to show off on here you doing magic.
I wonder if i film me doing an evocation and post it would someone email me the password?
I bet it's all hype for nothing.
>Pic is my altar, am i magic enough for the super secret board now?

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pic did not post for some reason.

Fuck off, commies cannot into magic.

kk HUEssein

>Implying mundane political views have an effect in magick.
My anarchist views are my own mundane views.
I.E Free will.

>mundane political views

There is your problem. National Socialism is a transcendental philosophy, not just a system to maintain and improve a strong nation. It is the only political pathway for anyone even half awake. Anarcho-communism is easily dominated by a zionist agenda, you good goy.

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>Creating a free stateless society when all men are free to all the splendors of the earth.
>National Socialism is mundane as fuck, lol 'states' not mundane whatever you say man.
The thing is The nazis stole fuck loads of European culture to justify itself.
They lost because HItler was at war with everyone and they used the swastika, the at first they were winning and making great gains but once they started to kill more and more innocents the karma of the swastika came into effect thus why it all feel apart within 12 years.
>Zionist agenda
Ok then. (don't try to explain it to me, i've looked into it and it is all bullshite, rich jews have a part to plays yes, just the same as the white rich fucks.)
I don't want to debate mundane politics on fringe it's not the place.

Also Fascism and Nazism steal and rape and warp culture.
Right i'm done, i go on fringe for occult and magick not political discussion

Thanks. That's really amazing

>hurrr durrr I'm equal to a downy, to a scientific genius, an olympic athlete, and all sorts of other people that aren't like me at all

– retarded egalitarians like you everywhere

NatSoc Germany was up against incredible odds and nearly fucking won. They deserved the victory and were far more virtuous than their enemies who simply crushed them with massive numbers. If a hundred degenerates gather around to gang-rape you, it doesn't mean you're inferior to them even if they succeed in having their way to you.

TheThirdEye when are you going to stop putting yourself in a separate category from other forms of life you species bigot? It's not like you had any play in being born a human. Stop discriminating against tigers and worms and stuff, they could be friendly if you don't discriminate based on stereotypes. Let viruses and bacteria infect and kill your body, fighting back would be violent and wrong. You are just as valuable as a roach, only speciest bigots like you think it's ok to keep them out of your home. While we're at it lets stop discriminating against stardust and rocks and so on we are all ONE, all bleed red, even the Earth! You should be considerate enough to not run away from a lava flow that wants to embrace your body. It's like you think unrefined matter poses an existential threat to humans sometimes, you really need to stop the hate man!

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Fuck off.
Mankind will unite under a single banner and get rid of fucks like you and you will be lost to the oldest history books.
While a united humanitay tames the stars.
Go get mad in your basement becasue a black kid pushed you when you were younger, and a jew did better oin a test than you.
Go fuck your sister you redneck fuck.
like i said in my post i'm not gonna stoop to your pathetic fascist level.
I'm here not for politics but for occult discussion.
You're the fuck who started this stupid shit.
You are cancering up this thread.
Sorry to anyone if this stupid squabble is taking up the thread.

How dare you consider yourself seperate from other humans, just because they have a different racial ideal than you? Humanity will unite, through nobility, in pursuit of the Aryan ideal. Communists will be forgotten as folk independence will be guaranteed. Each nation will be socialist for itself and the good of the folk. The mongrel goyim will never live long enough to leave the planet and live among the stars.

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The only banner that all people unite under.

>Fuck off.

No you, destroyer of races, shade hidden in light.

>Mankind will unite under a single banner and get rid of fucks like you and you will be lost to the oldest history books.

For hundreds of thousands of years the various races have diverged, developed independently, and become what they are today. It is a trend that will not be stopped now. There have been places in Africa where different ethnic groups lived beside each other for about 10 generations but then one generation things change and they ethnic cleanse the other ethnic group completely and achieve total purity afterwards. It doesn't matter how much degeneracy you sow, we will wipe out the mongrels and our racial enemies, and restore purity in our white nations.

>While a united humanitay tames the stars.

All the inferior races will have nothing to do with taming the stars. You should realize we're already an intergalactic species btw and Nordic humans are found all over the place in many star systems. Other alien races won't take kindly to you trying to take over their star systems. The non-white races do nothing but drag us down and will never have anything to do with space travel and colonization, they aren't even suited at all to it.

>Go get mad in your basement becasue a black kid pushed you when you were younger, and a jew did better oin a test than you.

None of that shit has ever happened to me. I hate them for taking up territory and resources and demographically wiping us out in our own nations. They aren't like us and I don't give a fuck if they're superior or inferior, they need to be killed off, and anyone who has lost their sense of racial self-preservation is doomed for extinction.

>Go fuck your sister you redneck fuck.

Incest is pro-white and redpilled. It's like you think that's an insult to me.

>like i said in my post i'm not gonna stoop to your pathetic fascist level.

The fuck do you even mean by this tardboy?

>I'm here not for politics but for occult discussion.

We're discussing the retarded egalitarian philosophy. Part of /fringe/'s discussion is philosophy.

>You're the fuck who started this stupid shit.

Nope but I saw this thread, came into it, and insulted you for being an egalitarian. It's like you think I'm the only white supremacist here.

>You are cancering up this thread.

You are too and so are several other posters apparently.

>Sorry to anyone if this stupid squabble is taking up the thread.

Everytime you've responded to me and others you've contributed to this. At least I'll admit I'm shitting up the thread and not give a fuck. You are pretending you don't have any responsibility in this but you're going to keep responding to us because you're asspained.

keep telling yourself that.
Just the red ;)

>44 Nice
Alright man whatever you say. btw society is never take you ideology serious ever again.
End of discussion.
Have fun with life.

This. I want to fight the other races, this is an environment of limited resources and land after all, so conflict is inevitable unless they enslave us all under a NWO and regulate every aspect of our life into meaningless subservience; but really I just want them out of my nation and I want to dominate the planet but I don't care if muds live in their own areas and pursue their own racial ideal there. The mongrels have to go though, they are just weak degenerates that don't belong anywhere. At best they can be sterilized but mostly they just need to be exterminated.

If Africa, Asia, Europe, and the other continents were all following National Socialistic Eugenics and causing continuous improvement of their folk towards their respective racial ideals the result would be better all around and would preserve diversity; something I value. These commie fucks are destroyers of races and hate diversity. This makes them the enemies of the Creator because they work against his agenda (the creator wishes to create and make an ever increasingly complex universe full of life, these retard egalitarians want to wash away all differences and turn everything into one bland sameness).

>btw society is never take you ideology serious ever again.

Decadence is a very temporary state of affairs and all your politically correct children of the rainbow bullshit is going to be entirely laughable when depopulation commences and most people are too concerned with mere survival to give a fuck anymore for humouring shitskins into thinking they're accepted here.

Also as you may know from that one thread depopulation WILL happen. Many cases of hypnosis and future progression have confirmed that all the different future Earth scenarios involve a huge reduction in population. Living conditions could vary but most of the world's population of humanoids will die off.

>all your attempts to opt out of the discussion with each post but get the last word in

"Right i'm done" ( >>15811 )
"End of discussion." ( >>15846 )

Why aren't you posting with a swastika flag btw?

Check my trips on /new/


> these retard egalitarians want to wash away all differences and turn everything into one bland sameness
Urmm no…
In a communist society everyone is TREATED Equally race,class means nothing.
Before you hate an ideology, please understand it.
Yeah i know i said i'm done so you can point me out on that.
just wanted to point that out.
Read conquest of bread.

>Urmm no…

Urmm yes…

>In a communist society everyone is TREATED Equally race,class means nothing.

Aka ignoring racial differences, letting miscegenation go unpunished, gradual racial pollution, etc. ending with the extermination of the original race of the nation.

Why the fuck would I care about class? It's only communist who obsess over that and even make up class distinctions and provoke class war. I don't give a shit if my fellow whites are rich or not or whatever. Commies are eternally butthurt by class divides, thus class means everything to commies.

>Before you hate an ideology, please understand it.

I hate equality in all its forms. I am for Absolute Monarchy, a caste system, slavery, recognizing women as the inferior gender, recognizing races as being in a racial hierarchy, and putting whites first all the time. A smart negro for example should be the first to be killed because he threatens us more than a stupid one.

>Yeah i know i said i'm done so you can point me out on that.

>just wanted to point that out.
>Read conquest of bread.

Take it to the /new/ thread now also no you are not done and never will be done as long as I keep replying as you want the last word in but I won't let you have it because I need your loosh for my next ritual.

Holy fuck you guys are being edgy. Racism will be obsolete in a world where everyone can learn mysticism.

Better to be edgy, rather than dull. Regards, genuine non-racist.

>never heard of Nazi Mysticism

Reminder: Literally fucking everyone was racist including all your very much admired mystic leaders for thousands of years up until the present and even now most of the famous figures were racists.

When Mysticism was at its peak, racism and slavery was accepted and normal.

Only with materialism and degeneracy has your anti-white garbage ideology become popular.

Non-racist? Is this some distinct term from "anti-racist"? I take it you just mean you're yet another globalist wanting to mix all the races.

Non-racist is anti-racist, as the term is supposed to be used. It does not mean I advocate ignoring the obvious racial differences or a mixing of the distinct races either. Jews are racist, their true opposition is not.

>Nordic humans are found all over the place in many star systems
lol do you even know how evolution works
This isn't some science fiction work where aliens on the other edge of the galaxy are inexplicably related to Earth life forms

Humans were not a natural evolution on Earth. Hominids were, which still exist in small numbers, known as bigfoot, yeti, sasquatch etc.

The external influence that led to us is still out there and probably still here.

If Nazi mysticism was still around you wouldn't know about it.
If Nazi mysticism worked they'd still be around.

Hey faggot ever heard of the Order of Nine Angles and Joy of Satan?

lol do you even realize how hyperdimensional timewars work?

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>mfw bluepilled liberals actually think the Nazis' goal was to kill all non-white races

The Nazis wanted to preserve the beauty of individual races. The Axis had people of all races (all the good ones, at least) working for it, while the Allies were made up almost entirely of white people.

The Nazis opposed race-mixing, because they understood that if you breed bulldogs with greyhounds, the resulting breed will be weaker than a bulldog and slower than a greyhound.

>B-but, muh six million

The Jews have proven time and time again, throughout thousands of years of recorded history, that they CANNOT coexist with non-Jews. Those people breed war, distrust, and anarchy wherever they go. Going back to the dog analogy, every dog breed has its good points, but when a dog won't stop picking fights with other dogs, it's a danger and it needs to be put down.

Six million jews weren't even killed, the Third Reich had jews working for it, thousands.

Is it possible to be a Christian and practice the occult?

Yes, in fact most of ceremonial magical tradition is Christian. There have been Christian occultists throughout history. See John Dee, Eliphas Levi, Heinrich Agrippa, Abramelin, Francis Barrett, Sir Isaac Newton, Paracelsus…

Have you thought of becoming Gnostic Christian? I think that Gospel of Thomas, a gnostic text, is a lot older than the New Testament ones.


Also, have you even heard of Emmanuel Swedenborg?

There are tons of Christian occultists. The Invisible Influences books talks about many of them.

>that feel when gnostic but hate everything Christian and just want a pure form of gnosticism completely removed from all the Christian stuff

Interesting, I did not know that.

I have thought about it, I just don't know where to begin. I guess I can check out the Gospel of Thomas.

I haven't heard of him. I'll check him out.

you are all so wrong.

About what?

How come?


I just want the gnostic philosophy without all the stupid Jesus and jew stuff.

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So what's paranormal about the other planets in our solar system?

Nothing, perhaps beyond their sheer scale, beauty and grandeur.

The main Saturnian and Jovian moons are even far more interesting to me than Pluto and the other Kuiper Belt objects.

Guys, how secret should magic be kept?

I mean, I live in a place where houses are built quite next to each other, for rituals and practices where sound is involved the neighbors can clearly hear. For that reason I kinda speak them in a regular volume instead of a louder one, but I think the latter would be better. I intend on buying anti-sound windows, but I can't in the moment, and I'm not even sure if there are regulations that limit their use.

So, is it alright if people hear it?

I don't know where you live or how much people give a fuck about you practising magic.

It's not a very occult-friendly place, next to a mormon church, nearest neighbors are very religions christians, neighbor in front is a big gossiper. But besides their opinion, would there be any problem to it?

I don't know, do they kill magic practitioners in your country?

Not where I live. So by your answers there's is nothing wrong from the occult point? I asked because books seem to suggest big secrecy.

I guess you aren't in the Illuminati and haven't seen our discussion about this.

Read this: http://www.yogebooks.com/english/atkinson/1909thoughtsthings.pdf

Then consider the implications.

Secrecy is partially about avoiding hostilities from mundanes while early in your development and partially avoiding thought contamination.

Every thought changes reality, intense and very imaginative ones faster and stronger, weaker ones not so much but still something.

You might actually derive power from the mundanes if they believe in magic and start believing your a powerful dark wizard and end up feeding you the kind of thoughts that reinforce that.

You could also become the target of their own magic though, even if they don't recognize it as a magic, and it could stunt your development. Exorcisms, prayers, maybe scepticism, etc.

Thanks, I'm reading.

I tried to narrate that book so it could be in audiobook format but failed. You mind doing it for me? Hopefully you got a nice reading voice. Make sure to leave a bit of pause each time a new paragraph is indicated and to say "quote, unquote" around quoted parts.

Oh and narrate one chapter at a time, don't try to do the whole book in one go.

I'd like to, but not only is my voice bad, but I'm also not a native english speaker. It would turn out quite horrible.

Found a mic in here, can still give a try if you want.

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Hello Fringe,

I am a lover of amphetamines, mostly for their propensity to increase dopamine. you see, i feel as though i have a deficiency of that particular neurotransmitter in my brain. Anyhow, I understand amphetamines are not good for me, so how would fringe increase the dopamine in their brains? Thanks.

It is possible to turn away from yourself, to stop seeing the ghostly images on the cave wall?

Give it a try, not speaking English as your native language will make it better.

Spend awhile meditating upon your throat and visualizing a blue ball there and trying to hear it. Do that for maybe 15 minutes. Then try talking.

I did this with someone else and experienced a temporary improvement in vocal ability.

Have you ever tried to do the opposite?

Like you know how some people have very oily faces and they strip the oil off and their body responds by producing more oil, faster, and harder?

What if they just put oil onto their faces all the time until their body forgot how to produce its own oil as a result?

Try suppressing happiness. Get the feeling that it is there, below the surface, unexpressed. Suppress it as long as you can while feeling the pressure of it build up. Then see if the cosmic pendulum doesn't swing again, and throw you into euphoria.

That's kind of the purpose of /edgy/.

To learn to be awake, stay awake in the most trying circumstances.

To learn to sleep, go to sleep amidst noise and chaos.

The will triumphs over everything.

I think your exercise really made my voice sound better in my native language. But I can't say I'm happy with the result in english, my pronunciation really sucks and I have a lisp.


Are you an Arab?

Your lisp is terrible damn, you really have an awful lisp.

Somehow we must fix that.

I'm brazilian.

But yeah, I've been downloading some guides for better speech, this book will probably be helpful fixing it as well.


I can't breath properly while talking. x_x

Initiation Into Hermetics has meditations on voice/sound/speech.

What emotions does my voice convey in that recording?

I've been following it, still on the first exercise. I think it's some time until I get to those.

I'd say a bit of boredom mixed with a little tiredness.

Second quote was to >>16067

I'm not bored at all but I am perpetually tired.

Any idea why you feel tired?

I don't really. I have boundless energy. I just really hate being in my body and want to go back to the astral and not leave. It seems the only way I can ever succeed though and not be torn back here is to develop dual-consciousness.

I see. I wish to consciously leave my body to die, and go to astral when I'm done with living here instead of waiting for old age; for now I am happy of the very little triumphs I have at this early stage.

I wish you growth and fulfillment.


I was thinking more along the lines of a Jivanmukta.


Jivanmukta is someone who, in the Advaita philosophy of Hinduism, has gained dradh nishthaa, firmly assimilated knowledge of the Self- and is liberated while living in a human body, free from rebirth.



Also, you don't happen to be slender and have 'messy' hair? Are you wearing a black t-shirt? Are you sitting straight in a dark room while looking at the computer screen?

I had a vision when I tried to focus on you, but I doubt I saw you.

Yea, Mahasamādhi was the name. It could be very interesting.

Jivanmukta seems nice, too, but I don't know, I have no exact plans.

A jivanmukta is basically someone who is constantly astral projected even when his body is active, in motion, etc.

Most people have to have their body rest before they can AP but these guys are just constantly AP'd.

That's really accurate. Can you report any further details?

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I haven't managed to AP yet, but I had a sleep paralysis and heard some female voice sing rock'n'roll, and then some deep male voice repeat words, I believe, ".. omo… omo…" Also I had vibrations, they overwhelmed me.

I'll try to do it again this night.

OK! On my second remote view I saw this container on a table with pencils or paintbrushes in it. On the table, on the right side, there's a huge square-shaped item, though it's dark. I think it might be a printer or scanner, but I don't know for sure. I saw (image related) shaped chair.

Could you please tell me what marks I got right? I have only little experience of RV, but it's real fun already and I've succeed now and then.

I've been considering trying to AP lately, and I need to work a lot more on focusing and visualizing. But, while deep in meditation, my vision becomes overwhelmed by this deep, swirling blue and looks something like a music visualizer. I can reach the point of losing some feeling of my body, while still being "attached," as if I'm in my body but not part of it. Does this sound like I'm moving in the right direction?

I live with my parents on a property of about 20 acres in the middle of nowhere. The back of our property is bordered by a thick woods. We don't really know who exactly owns the land, but whoever it is lives out of state. He let our neighbor take care of it and hunt on it and shit, and he in turn lets us do it as well. So I was out back today cutting some wood when I heard the weirdest fucking sound in my life. It came from in the woods, sounded like it was about a quarter of a mile out, on our neighbor's side of the woods. At first I thought it was some type of machine, but it as I kept listening the patterns sounded more and more like a language. It was deep, but very scratchy. I can't really describe it at all, but I'm sure it wasn't any machine. So anyway it "spoke" for about 30 seconds, then about 5 second after it ended all of the dogs on my neighbors property (he keeps like 5 of them) started this terrified howling and barking, like they were all being stabbed. Anyone know what this was? Am I going insane?

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Why haven't any of you fat fucks taken the JREF million yet?

where do you get your water from /fringe/?

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Gravity-powered water filtration master race. Make sure you get the kind with a filter that takes out fluoride in addition to all the other terrible stuff in tap water (at least in the US).

Doesn't take out minerals and leaves the water slightly alkaline, which has its own health benefits.

I have one of these, but they're expensive, so…


You may consider just buying the filter itself and just doing
(DIY) if you have the know-how. Cuts out 2/3 of the cost, and you can make it have larger volume for greater storage capacity.

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Forgot pic. This is what it looks like when you're done with the DIY. If I had not been rather impulsive I would've gone this route. But I'm incredibly glad to have even the manufactured version.

>inb4 shill

>totally not tryin to creep up on these trips

If someone with abilities wanted money that badly, why not just use said abilities to win the lotto.
Also, the JREF challenge might be a honeypot.

Looks nifty. I need to do more DIYs.

Can you remote view Smiley again? He hasn't posted for several days.

Yes, I could try it as I am worried of him. I will post results when I get them.

Did you get v&?

No, I'm still here. I've been busy so I haven't had time to remote view. I'll do it tonight after meditation.

Guys, I've been feeling really run down lately. I feel like no matter how much sleep I get, I still feel fatigued and out of energy. Are there any ways I can use magic to get my energy levels back, or maybe even take them higher than before?


You have to look at your energy levels in terms of many factors, even the material ones.

I'd use magick to reinforce or lead you toward the right actions and decisions that will help you recover your energy. For example, sleeping too much is bad, but getting quality deep sleep is best.

Stop using stimulants. Maybe tea is okay in modest amounts. But coffee you can build a tolerance to very quickly and it makes you more tired than you would be without it.

Also, avoid high glycemic carbohydrates. Mundane food is not created with magickal appreciation for the sublime experience of taste or even real material nutrition, it's pure calories meant to send you into a glycemic stupor and to appease Mammon.

Fapping and overstimulation tend to drain energy too. If you haven't started getting away from artificial light in the evening (or at least dimming everything) and exercise moderation with your sexual habits, you won't experience a full recovery.

Start mundane, then build up to higher magick for energy. It takes the first steps to build momentum. Eventually you may realize that you don't need to depend on full energy to get things done. train your willpower, use magick to get in touch with it.

Okay, so I had two visions, one pre-meditation and one post-meditation.
Earlier when I was thinking of smiley, I saw a human figure - a silhouette - meditating in a lotus position. I saw no location, just the figure. It could have been my imagination and not a proper remote view, mind that.

Later when I had meditated, I saw an empty, dark room, just like the one I had described here >>16076.
The computer there was shut down, though, and I saw no one there.

Not him, but thanks! You are influenced by Taoism, no? Has it helped you in your dietary choices?

Concerning the GI foods, http://resetforlife.me/list-of-high-low-gi-foods/ seems useful, no? It seems I'm doing pretty well already, aside of certain foods I consume rarely, (bananas, honey, etc.)

Link seems to have some contradictions with sweeteners. Like at one point it suggests vitamin water zero for hydration but to avoid the regular one since it has fructose added. But fructose is one of the suggested sweeteners. Not to mention vitamin water is bad for you regardless. Isolated vitamins are hardly bioavailable.

Plus, it's important to note that GI is not the only thing that matters. It's much better for your body to use natural sugars than refined ones. Agave syrup is actually terrible for you and processed entirely in the liver- sounds like a great alternative to cane sugar, right? Maple syrup on the other hand, and honey, may be higher in GI but are actually easier on the body. So avoid falling in line with only one perspective, as this website does, when there are multiple other factors playing in simultaneously.

On the other hand, most of the actual food recommendations are pretty solid. May write more on this later.

guys pls answer question

I heard they created the Magna Carta to give rights to people.

I also heard they are evil for some reason.


Magic involves expending lots of energy but you can also gather energy in many ways.

So my grandfather died today and I have been wondering, can a dead person go into a dream of a living person?

As far as I am aware, yes. Or it may be the other way round, the living visit the dead. Perhaps both.

And in which ways can the dead communicate with the living?

Much the same as when alive I think. Talking is still possible. There are other methods too I suppose, like spirit writing, EVP etc.

My Grandmothers meet up with me in dreams every now and then. I never remember our conversations, but I always know when it's them. Pretty sure I've encountered ancestors too.
>Mum and I say to each other on the phone about seeing 'X' the other night and saying she's doing okay, etc. as if it's completely normal

Yeah they can do that. They may also meet you in other ways too. Sometimes it's just elementals playing tricks on you though too.

How do i get into Alchemy, and what is Alchemy?

How do i get into Alchemy? What is Alchemy anyway? I've read a little about it but can't find any books for further reading.

Thanks and sorry for the double post, when i enter the thread my first post wouldn't show up so i made another one.

Ok so im back with another question, and this may sound dumb. I found an table that says the metal for the planet Mercury is Mercury and the human organ are the lungs. Then i see an listing of
herbs and their planetary rulers. The planetary ruler for carrot is Mercury, so if one eats a whole lot of carrots will he be cured of bronchitis, or it doesn't work that way? I think it doesn't but whatever, it's worth a shot.

Dude did you even read the article?

Ok, read this thread here, because you need to understand Alchemy properly: http://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/15066600/#q15073306

>Salt - denotes the physical component, the seat, base, matrix, anchor, or ark of the nonphysical aspects.

>Mercury - is the etheric component and represents the dynamic, vital, transmutative, vivifying energy present within the substance.

>Sulphur - denotes the archetypal identity or pure vibrational essence, analogous to the human astral body and spirit because it contains the “Idea” unique to that substance.

Mercury of carrots would mean literally taking the etheric (life energy / chi) from the carrots and using it to power some alchemical experiment.

Oh and btw


Pranayama is the main way to attain more life energy / prana / chi / etheric energy (all are the same thing).

If you want to try to cure bronchitis with eating carrots then do this.

>clear your mind and be really relaxed

>eat your carrots mindfully
>go meditate then and focus on the stomach, encourage the digestion and extraction of its "mercury" (life energy) in this way
>direct that energy to the lungs with healing intent

See: Q-MM and Void Meditation (described at start of Book of Knowledge and also in many other texts and also in Initiation Into Hermetics)
See also: NEW Energy System by Robert Bruce (find it in the mega folder in the /fringe/ sticky
See also: Self-healing by William Walker Atkinson

…and a lot of other books as well also cover the topic, such as some by Lobsang Rampa, and a few others.

How do I get into National Socialism?

>Be retarded
>Be nationalist
>Be socialist
Although I don't really have to mention the first if I list the other two.

Read everything on aryanism.net

If you agree with what you find, contact them to volunteer your efforts in assistance. Don't forget to Hail Victory!

All right, I'm on it. Thank you!

Should I make a sigil to help me stop touching my junk all the time? I swear to god i cannot stop doing this. Anytime I have idle hands they wind up down in between my legs somehow. It's been like this ever since i can remember.

Maybe make a sigil instead of touching your junk everytime you get the urge. Or just doodle something. Keep your hands busy, work out or whatever.

Read Mein Kampf or listen to its audiobook on youtube like I did also "Adolf Hitler the story never told" and "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion".


^ you'll find everything on these two channels


Oh fuck this whole playlist has been deleted.

How evocation???

how is babby formed
how girl get pragnent ?

Download "Franz Bardon - The Practise of Magical Evocation". It's right there in the Fringe Essentials folder.

The title itself is a dead give away as to what the contents are about.

If you want us to write an evocation guide and make a thread for it… well I've only done evocation a few times and not become a regular practitioner of it because it's a very advanced practise and not something I want to fuck around with too much until I've got other things mastered first.

How did the most old people in the world get to be so very old and maintain their health way into old age as well?

I'd think eating vegetarian-based diet might have its part in it. Japanese people have lived to be quite elderly, yes?

>"One hypothesis is that the secret about ageing is to avoid accumulating molecular damage, and eating fish, beans, nuts, seeds, legumes, whole grains, and not so much red meat, dairy or sugar may help us to reduce that kind of cellular damage."

In Hinduism, many individuals are either raised as ovo-lacto vegetarians or lacto vegetarians. Yogis might follow their own diet, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sattvic_diet; in Tibet

Diet is in big part but it's not all. Vegetarian-based diet is probably more beneficial for physical and spiritual health in a longer run than meat-based diet. Meat also lowers your vibrations. There's also ethical views, but I wish not to delve on them.

Can someone post for me the /x/ recommended reading pic?


They had a good soul/spirit which reflected on their physical bodies

Stop masturbating/ejaculating. Cessation of pornography.

anyone know any starting/intermediary/master tantra books?

Is there any meditation exercise I could do to not need sleep anymore?


I would post this at /astral/ but there's no question thread and I don't want to create a new one.

If I want to astral project, do I need to lay on my back? It's very hard for me to lay on my back. I always sleep on my stomach.

You can lay however you want.

nice get
so, i've read random shit over the internet, but what's the basic method of astral projecting? do i need to study a lot and be experienced first, or is it more like lucid dreaming?

Is reading the bible worth it?

I wouldn't read the whole Bible. There's still some books you might like to check out, but these are my personal favorites and there might be better choices than these; Genesis, Job, Proverbs, Psalms and Song of Songs seem solid. Ezekiel and Revelations, too.

Also, read Gospel of Thomas and Book of Enoch. Not biblical though, but Gospel of Thomas' Jesus is 'the' Jesus, and it's not corrupted like the four Christian gospels.

Also, Ecclesiastes and Lamentations.

I haven't read all of my recommendations completely, I admit it. There's some wisdom there and there you can pick, but not all is useful or beneficial. Bible isn't essential to read, so don't worry too much of it.

I highly recommend Gospel of Thomas, as mentioned before. Other Gnostic texts I also recommend.

I appreciate your answer.

Can you name few of those gnostic texts?


* The Tripartite Tractate
* The Gospel of Thomas
* The Nature of the Rulers
* On the Origin of the World
* Authoritative Discourse

These five are books that give a clear understanding of Gnostic belief, in my view. If you like reading online, here's some links;

No definitely not. It's rubbish and will waste your time.

>gnosticism mixed up with christfaggotry

This is exactly what one should aim to avoid if they want to embrace true gnosticism.

This is bullshit I AP in any position I want and have even found myself capable of APing while sitting in a chair.

I could AP before I even read anything on it.

>acting like lucid dreaming and AP aren't part of one continuous phenomena

Have you even read about this on /astral/? We've discussed this very thing many times over.

Anyways, the most important thing for AP is to develop your astral body, that will make AP easier. Just imagine yourself a second body that's how you create it. Eventually as your imagining gets so intense you end up transplanting your awareness into the newly thoughtformed body. With more work you can make it even stronger and more useful.

>Is there any meditation exercise I could do to not need sleep anymore?

Yes it's the one described in the first section of PersonalPower by William Walker Atkinson.

Basically though if you don't want to sleep anymore (I wish I never had to take up) you need to develop a state where you are always asleep and dreaming and awake and perceptive in this world at once.

Then you no longer need to ever sleep again in the usual sense of that word.

What's true Gnosticism?

Gnostic Jesus is different from the Christian Jesus. The former is the original one while the latter is corrupted. http://montalk.net/notes/on-the-historicity-of-jesus

I started praticing void meditation and I know you must not have any thought while performing it, wich is very difficult for me, but if I start visualizing stuff it becomes easy to me to just focus on the visualization. My question is: is the visualization process considered as a thought in void meditation?

How do I heal my headaches? I think some kind of brain damage.

Any effective methods?

Lobsang Rampa has a method.

I really want my gnosticism to be pure philosophy not tied down to a prophet figure out of some silly religion.

We don't have to learn math and many other things while knowing about the original persons who brought us that knowledge.

Could you point us to the book, or even tell us something else that happens/ is discussed in said book? He wrote like 16 of them.

Not that guy, but do get headaches occasionally, and don't like taking even 'harmless' drugs like advil/aleve for them.

Mantak Chia
(If you're a woman you can find the female equivalent on the same site)

I am presently going through a fuckload of scepdick articles and doing some intense fucking meditations to think over a hell of a lot of different ideas right now and don't want to deviate from that.


I forget where it was it might be in the above results or not.

I know you will find it however in an older discussion somewhere on here about healing if the thread hasn't 404'd.

Oh found the thread, don't know why I could not find it at first: ( >>6558 )

In there is the answer to the headaches problem.

What's the point of going on when I (and you presently in this particular reality) missed the ascension? I'm trying to get on with my life but the knowledge/belief that I missed the boat is eating me up inside..

It is like playing a video game on a higher difficulty. Do you really want to play on easy mode? We have more of a challenge now, more glory when victory is attained. I would not have this any other way.

where did everyone go?

feels ded

I went to the astral for awhile and talked to some female there who told me to look out for the number 8 (I heard it soon after getting up later and going downstairs), told me that I feel anxiety from questioning everything too much, and also that the person who'd say 8 wants to touch my balls. It was a female then in third density that was randomly in my house that said 8. I don't even–

>implying we aren't in the ascension boat right now but the process just isn't instantaneous

New to meditating and visualizing, yesterday did some meditating again after long while and saw a green orb, all surrounded by just darkness and in the green orb was a bright white light.

What does it mean?

is brain wave generator dead? what resource do people use instead to induce specific brain waves

>What does it mean?

It means you saw a green orb with a white light inside it.

Unless you have a symbolic language of forms, it won't have any more meaning than that.

I see stuff like that and much more and there's no greater meaning to it. It is what it is.

I'm surprised you'd even ask that question "what does it mean".

Just use the principle of rhythm and vibration and then find a means to induce those brain waves through any of the senses. I don't even use any external stuff personally.




There are many methods you will find also mentioned in the books in the mega and some of the /fringe/ related sites but it all works on those principles laid out in The Kybalion.


This should be a good source as it's obviously related to Hermeticism (hermes in the site name). Hermeticists are, as far as I know, the most advanced practitioners of magic on Earth with the clearest grasp on the truth.

So I learned that what most people think of their astrological sign is completely wrong due to the signs shifting every ~2000 years. Does that mean all horoscopes are complete bogus, or are they making good readings but for the wrong sign?

I personally have little respect for astrology but Tom Montalk has made some interesting articles on it (see Food for the Moon for example). It seems like a field that's so incredibly buried in bullshit that it really seems like quite an ordeal to get through it all to find any actual useful astrological knowledge.

Where'd you learn this btw? Gibes source / start a thread and post what you found out.

In astrology the planets are symbols that represent certain manifestations of the macrocosmus. The position of the constellations and planets in the past coincided with these aspects' cycles, and were thus associated with them in name. The material situation of the planets is not relevant though.

Even so, horoscopes are mostly bogus since it's necessary to analyze the whole map and the temperament of a subject in light of the current map to give a satisfactory reading. Also be wary of modern astrology, since most of it was reduced to vague psychological analysis.


Oh shit the only section of the montalk site I haven't completed reading is the gnosis section.

Got to finish up my current reading list then get down to that.

I dream almost only in the early morning when I have to pee so my consciousness while sleeping increases a bit. I get nice lucid dreams this way, but I can't really depend on this method for when I want to get into astral projecting, right? So how do I increase lucidity/dreams? I already keep a dream journal.

The whole site is interesting, thank you for sharing it with us.

Just finished the Kybalion, my first fringe book. How do I apply this shit I learned? It all seems vague.


I read the first three of the books in that pic, but are the rest worth it?


Read the two books under the section "Anonymous" or read Personal Power.

Some of them are, some are not.

Thanks. What about IIH?

Read it as well but then use the writings of Atkinson to flesh out the knowledge you will need to actually complete IIH.

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does anyone know what this symbol is?

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Pic related is what it is.

I think it's a triskelion, but never seen it with these three lines around.

would be speed like this possible? by changing your frequencies or something?

> This is what fringechan actually believes in

Is this true, or have i been the victim of a strawman ruse?

There's a guy in >>>/illuminati/ who can actually do that and has a thread up right now.

fuck. im still neophyte… i hope threads are not deleted there

So most of you guys have most likely heard of this.
What do you think?
Is it a powerful egogore?
What shall we do about this?

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I've been using it as a method to initiate vast amounts of people

I am beginning to think I went too far though

you think?
I'm unsure if a egogore can have a effect on a mundane virus, but i can see how it can.
It seems that we could counter this using the same system, i saw some people tryimng to crate an egogore of the sun god, to burn away this virus.
Should we consider this?

Why stop it? I hope Ebola-Chan infects you and you vomit blood until death. Blood for Ebola-Chan, bleed our enemies dry!

Blood, let the universe drown in it, her reign shall turn the heavens themselves crimson.

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I hope you burn in the inferno of the sun you and your demon bitch ebolachan.

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>implying I like or serve Ebola-Chan

It would just be entertaining to see her thin the population, trim the excess like you away. My sun god is better too. Why don't we forget the talk here and settle this in person? Let the gods decide the outcome of our battle, or are you a coward like most commies?

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Have this.

Taken. You can have my fist in your face should we ever meet. Fancy standing your ground and defending your pathetically kosher zog-approved political ideology?

Somehow I think not.

Let us meet then you fascist fuck.
let the god bear witness to this.

When & where? I can get to Milton Keynes easily enough. Is there a good local spot there? Somewhere we won't be disturbed. I look forward to our meeting, you ignorant tool of the zionists.

>Somewhere we won't be disturbed.
So you can kill me?

> Milton Keynes
What gave you any idea i'm there?

I thought that was understood, this is to be an honourable duel to the death. If you would rather talk or have a less than fatal fight, so be it. We can chat in Starbucks then have a scuffle somewhere else.

I can't trust a fascist.
just a talk? I would but to be honest you regard me as the lowest form of human how can i trust that?
Wars are ahead in this world maybe we will clash then with our comrades.

I don't exactly trust communists either but I am willing to give you a chance. The wars to come need not be between good and bad goyim, commies and NatSocs, we should unite against our common enemy, the foe of all humanity, tribal zionists. We could be comrades in this shared struggle, or you can doom yourself to a dishonourable death by defending your masters you are either unaware of or willing to pretend don't exist.

I take it you will not meet me now? I expected as much, typical really.

If your so called jewish rulers are real they are part of the upper class i am against i would be fighting them.
Sorry to break it to you but the jews do not control the world.
I'd never fight with a fascist even if fucking aliens invaded.
I will fight my whole life against oppression against any people.
I'll think about it.
I wouldn't mind a discussion or maybe a man to man fight.
I am unsure about you…

No need to be so unsure. I can tell you are not keen on dying so I will accept an unarmed fight, after a debate if you prefer. You must understand something about tribal zionists, they are not the 'upper class', they consider themselves chosen by god to rule over all others, which are considered cattle. Class does not enter into the equation. In the Third Reich class was no issue, either, they did not need to purge the rich capitalists or hold up the peasant farmers. Everyone worked together no matter what previous class distinction was forced on them as part of zionist divide and conquer strategy. As Hitler said in a speech, the NatSoc party did not demand the rich give to the poor, they said that the German folk should always help each other because there is always someone in a worse situation than you.

Also, if you truly wish to combat oppression, fight against unjust and immoral draconian thought crime laws like prison time for asking questions about the official holocaust story. Simply investigating the claims of six million dead jews has put people behind bars.

>hates Zionists
>drinks at starbucks
Is this satire?

It was just a common place that most people probably know of. I don't drink coffee although I briefly worked in a Starbucks. A pint at a local pub may perhaps be more appropriate yet I abstain from alcohol for the most part too.

Maybe a park bench then, instead.

I've been discovering information about things in my dreams which I later Google and find out to actually exist.
What's happening to me? It's the second time that it's happened this week.

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This has been happening all my life and over the past week or so I have been having extremely vivid dreams. Perhaps this is related somehow? Though I would definitely love an explanation to this if anyone knows more (about the dreams) because all of my life during my dreams or deep meditation I have received information randomly that always seems to check out as fact. Though I can elaborate on the details of this 'ability' from my perspective if you would like.

What is the relevance of Philip K Dick in the /fringe/ world? I see his name and a few of his books pop up as I have begun my journey.

when hearing of hermes I wish to be like him a master of master. Is this "impure" is this ego not the right way to go about this?

PKD was a science fiction writer, some might say he included esoteric and occult concepts in his work. It has even been suggested he had contact with higher forms of intelligence that inspired him.

Outside of /fringe/ stuff, he wrote the book that the film Blade Runner was based on, which is one of my favourite movies.

It's not the right way, even if you only desire to gain Hermes' knowledge.
You won't know the right way yet, though. On the magical path you can only be half sure about the next step you will take. Your newly adquired wisdom, higher conscience, abilities and experience will shift you path countinuosly. Divine providence shall also decide your destiny over and over… for your own good, even if you must live really hard experiences to learn some things or change some other things.

Look always one step forward would be my advice, until you find yourself stepping into the horizon some day.
Most of the beginner magician's worries can only be completely solved by developing and evolving until one day you can see the solution or the true cause of the problem clear as day.

How can I use magic to get mad good csgo drops?

I don't understand what those "drops" you mention normally entail in their acquisition so I can't really come up with a solution for you.

>whining about EGO, again

Another slave detected. Don't worry about shit, there is nothing wrong with ego or with self, and subscribing to these bullshit ego-killing nonsense is not what you want to do.

Please for all questions regarding the ego read about "cosmic egohood". Read William Walker Atkinson's book "PersonalPower" (yes, the one that's 1,500+ pages long).

>It's not the right way,

How is it not? Wanting to be a master of masters is the same as wanting to realize your highest potential. High aspirations are perfectly good and noble.

Of course it may easily be said that he probably has no idea in his present state of mind that becoming such would entail and that he's kind of setting his sights too high – that he should as you already stated before me "look one step forward".

I personally just work on continuously improving and don't worry at all about the final goal, just not stagnating in the present is what matters.

This happens to me all the time as well and is one of the things to have given me some of my earliest insights into the nature of reality, making me think even years ago that we live in a consensus reality and that dreams are just as real as the waking.

>I will fight my whole life against oppression against any people.

>muh eternal victim complex

It just seems like such an incredible thing though, be just chilling in my room meditating, then BAM I just receive random information. It feels like a mixture of remembering something and figuring something out you have been pondering forever. I would really like to know the underline causes for this and why it happens to certain people as it happens to me quite frequently as well. My current theory (another way of saying I am firing in the dark here) is that the information was discovered in a previous life or that during meditation/deep contemplative thought the vibrational frequency matches with the 4th dimension. I would love to hear other theories/info if any of you have any.

The information I recieved most recently may have been to do with a past life (about a word in old-english which I had no idea about before). The first time it happened, it was also about a word in a language that I have no knowledge in.

Both development of ego and becoming a perfected individual, and lessening of the ego for the purpose of uniting with the One, the God; they do seem to me to be the two sides of the same coin. (And surely there are more sides than two!)

I was earlier a proponent of ego death, but now I'm interested in achieving a full ego-hood, the flourishing of my potential as an individual.

But, >>17062's last sentence is a good advice. Be spontaneous, don't stick to dogmatic beliefs. Keep changing, keep flowing.

Here's a proper link >>17062.

Reminds me of the people who suddenly learn to talk a dead language. There are cases like that, but I cannot bring to my mind the name of that, if I can use the term, 'condition'.

I very much doubt the past-life theory and think it has to do more with tuning in to a broader part of reality via FRV.

I took the "way" too literally, being that more like a goal, plus what you said in your second sentence.
I agree with you post.

One book, one meditation, one ritual… at a time… who knows where we're going but at least we're doing something right now to empower ourselves.

Like skins and shit nigga. Electronic cosmetics. Gimme gimme.

How to become closer to the creator? I must do as this place says? How faithful are you to hermeticism or your current religion? Do you believe it is faith or truth? If it is faith, how do you justify it? I will most likely go on with a large doubt, but I wish for all of your opinions on this. What is the point of becoming one with god? Does it or will it ever matter?

I wish for input from users. If needed, reference texts (essentials?) and I can one day hopefully understand and push myself towards this.

This text really got me to reconsider my old worldview; http://www.ebook.youreternalself.com/chapter1textlink.htm

Check out the first thread here with the recommended readings, and if you have questions, do ask them. Welcome, and I wish you will stay here.


>How faithful are you to hermeticism or your current religion? Do you believe it is faith or truth? If it is faith, how do you justify it?

I guess I'm a hermetecist. I justify it because it's honestly one of the most logical beliefs or philosophies. I always felt that there has to be something more to life, but my parents' christian beliefs didn't appeal to me. A god that desires to be worshiped and apparently had a personality change between the old and new testaments? Sounds way too human to me and not at all what I imagine a deity to be.

>How to become closer to the creator?

You become closer to the creator by engaging in the process of mental creation – the very same method by which The All generates everything that is. Develop your mind to be an ever more active principle in the works of creation, fashioning a whole universe out of thought, and the microcosm that is you may come to more fully embrace the macrocosm.

>I must do as this place says?

Practise magick.

>How faithful are you to hermeticism or your current religion? Do you believe it is faith or truth?

Hermeticism is a very pure distillation of truth, it's not dogmatic, it makes actual sense and you can apply it to solving problems of all sorts.

Read The Kybalion and memorize the 7 Hermetic Keys of Wisdom:


Each one has many applications and my knowledge of these 7 keys I use to construct rituals and do many other magickal works.

e.g. the principle of rhythm is used wisely in trance induction, the principle of vibration may be applied in the matter of astral projection, causality/karma helps understand that through applying higher laws to override lower ones we may enable our ascent, the principle of gender helps us wherever we realize the negative and positive opposites inherent within any force or thing, etc.

>If it is faith, how do you justify it?

The only leap of faith you need is the one to begin studying and practising it – to dedicate yourself to the path of illumination. After awhile faith is transformed into gnosis and one bears the fruits of knowledge.

>I will most likely go on with a large doubt, but I wish for all of your opinions on this.

Learn to silence your doubts when it can only serve to get in the way and to reawaken them when it is time to examine an occurrence or solve a problem. The athlete who doubts his strength and skill will surely falter when he applies himself – he may not doubt himself while in the race.

>What is the point of becoming one with god? Does it or will it ever matter?

Examine those qualities which god consists of and tell me; do you want to embody more of them within yourself? Do you want to be a creator? Do you want to overcome your limitations?

I personally, at this level in my development as a sentient being, do not want to completely embrace the all – but I do want to progress in that direction, become a more powerful being, having within myself some slight fraction or spark of divine potential myself.

Being The All itself actually seems horrifying and unfathomable from my current perspective but being a 4th density being unchained from physicality is absolutely desirable to me and I do not want to rest here in 3rd density at all.

>I wish for input from users. If needed, reference texts (essentials?) and I can one day hopefully understand and push myself towards this.

Read the works of William Walker Atkinson, Franz Bardon, John Baines, and other Hermeticists.

I suggest reading first The Kybalion: http://www.kybalion.org/kybalion.php

Then the books under section "anonymous" here: http://www.yogebooks.com/english/atkinson/index.html

Then Initiation Into Hermetics by Franz Bardon.

Then progress from there to wherever you like.

Guys, I attained sleep paralysis for the first time yesterday. At first my head vibrated a lot, then my entire body had a strange sensation and went numb. I heard a female voice saying "I'm proud of you" after I became paralyzed. It was really cool. I wonder who/what that voice was.

I had one not too long ago. I felt really cosmic and heard these two deep voices murmur at me.

great post
why do i need those 2 atkinson books to get into IIH though?

Question to those with knowledge about orgonite and the making of it.
I've read that the mood of the person making it and the overall athmosphere affects the properties of the orgonite (if you're calm then it will have calming properties etc.) Is this true?
And if so, if the person making orgonite would be taking a substance (say shrooms) then would the orgonite get some psychedelic effect as well?

So i heard about thoughtforms interacting with the physical world Now I'm thinking, would it be possible to make a thoughtform that interfaces with a computer and sends you data through the astral? Forgive me if this sounds completely retarded.

They just expand on The Kybalion a lot and are really fucking useful.

There's a third book called Vrill btw but it's not in that list and I can't find it anywhere! A real shame it's missing considering the connection between Vril and Nazism. I also wonder what "The Mystery of Sex" and "Psychic Planes" were about.

I also really recommend PersonalPower and I'm currently reading that book and some others too in the library.

I have read some obscure texts on technomancy and other stuff that combines magick with computers. It might be possible but it's basically a new experimental frontier of magick and if you get into you'd probably end up being a pioneer of a new field of magick.

What is loosh? Can a human acquire loosh? What does it do and why is it necessary? Is it "evil" to collect loosh from others?

>What is loosh?

A very generalized term for both vital life energy and emotional energy aka etheric and astral energy.

>Can a human acquire loosh?

A human dies without loosh.

>What does it do and why is it necessary?

Keeps you alive and also is the source of all motivation and purpose in your life (without emotions you've got no reason or ability to do anything).

>Is it "evil" to collect loosh from others?

Well it does deprive them of something they need but it is important to understand that this spiritual vampirism takes place all the time between people without them even necessarily being aware or intending to do it.

Most efforts to collect loosh and store it up require first repairing all the ways you leak loosh. You've always got a steady supply of looshing coming in but you're like a vase with hundreds of holes just leaking it all away. There also loosh deposits which contain negatively configured loosh energy that cause you problems and these must either be liberated or transformed – if they stay there they poison your soul and body.


How do I become biologically immortal?

The philosopher's stone

Please elaborate, I'm interested as well

What are your thoughts on smoking tobacco?

A horrid habit but arguably acceptable as something to rarely partake of. I had a Cuban cigar before which was rather enjoyable. Couldn't bring myself to be a daily smoker in any case & it has been months since I last had anything.

Never ever ever smoke and stay away from smokers, that shit will fuck up all your efforts to ascend. Don't rely on drugs at all to alter your mood, we're aiming to overcome matter, not become a slave to it. The ultimate ideal would be not to eat, drink, or breath and be fully transformed into a spiritual existence that no longer requires new input of matter to be sustained.

Why the fuck would you want that? Become transcendentally immortal instead.

So last night I was trying meditation for the second time in my life, standing completely still and trying to visualize numbers without "sounding" them.

Suddenly I hear a bloodcurling scream on my left ear that wakes me up and even makes me jump.

What the fuck was that? I'm really scared. I am pretty sure I did not imagine that scream. Was it…someone/something else screaming?

Your attempt at meditation murdered somebody, you evil bastard! Stop right now before you kill again.

I remember reading about happenings like that. It might be some entity who just thought that you were a good target to scare.

See if it happens again. Not caring about it might make it go away. Or maybe invite it to talk with you.

I read in Astral Dynamics that you might hear noises before AP.

Will try again tonight. Maybe I need more willpower.

I know what you say, but that wasn't one of those noises. The things I commonly hear trying to AP are low rumbles, static and something like a very distorted guitar. Also tinnitus.

It could still have been one of those noises. I hear screams often, you get used to it. They sound quite soothing after a while.

So in short, it's nothing to worry about, right? I can either ignore it or get used to it.

I have absolutely no knowledge on magic, the occult, or anything paranormal for that matter.

Where should I start if I'm interested in learning?

I have never worried about it and have no reason to suspect it indicates any danger. Maybe pay attention if they are ever voices speaking coherently, it could be significant.

>Why the fuck would you want that? Become transcendentally immortal instead.
Okay, so how do I do that?

Will do. Thanks for the guidance.

Fake it until you make it. The stickied thread has a lot of material to read in the meantime. For now, wear a robe, chant around an altar and sacrifice your enemies. Always a good start.

How would a mundane like me go about developing telekinesis?

I personally found occultism because of my interests in history, philosophy, religions and paranormal. If you have earlier interest in them, it's good. If not, time to start reading; it helps to have a grasp on many different subjects. Wikipedia is a good source to start.

There's a lot of threads here you can read. Now you might be interested in reading the sticky, as >>17242 said.

Read this, it will make you reconsider your worldview if you're a materialist or an atheist; http://www.ebook.youreternalself.com/chapter1textlink.htm
and >>17140

I hope others can help you, too. Welcome!

gluten is crap.

Mind you giving me the exact page? I can't seem to find it. Thanks

Read pop magic by Grant Morrison as the most basic gist of how to start magic.

Read also The Holographic Universe by Mike Talbot for the the most scientific explanation for how and some of the why magic works.

I have a feels question.
Has anyone else had to undergo some seriously depressing episodes like I have in their spiritual development? It's like I'm in a full-blown bipolar meltdown currently. I wake up some days thinking "Life is so beautiful and incredible. There's so much to do, so much to experience. I love everything. I want to go have adventures in this wonderful playground of creation." Other days I wake up thinking "There's absolutely no point to any of this. It's all impermanent, illusory, empty." I spend so much time reading and meditating, with quite some success in terms of magickal development, but I don't feel fulfilled. It makes me feel utterly stagnated, in fact. It makes me want to get out and do things, create things, have relationships. But then at same time, my mind has been convinced that it should not measure happiness by "mere" egoic, material pursuits. I'm being pulled apart by these two horses of "abandon earthly pursuits" and "enjoy your short life here."
It's like my mind can't fathom the idea of including both of these ideas: it has to be either one. But yes, I always have to remind myself that ALL is spirit/God/mind/etc., ALL is part of the grand creation, including the physical plane and my ego. I have to remind myself that feeling such sinking depression is nothing more than a further imbalance of my energies that I'm allowing to occur. It's still hard for me to process the idea that you can really make your own life, because there are contradictory notions: happiness is to be achieved (i.e. through success as determined in physical life), yet true happiness comes from within (i.e. just change your mind and you're happy). Like you can pick what you want to experience, but your selection ultimately had no reason that you had to work for in the traditional sense. There's no real "truth" to be found. It almost makes this recursive mental loop of insanity: life's what you make it, but life's pointless anyway so why bother?, but you don't need to think that way because life's what you make it, but it's meaningless to make it a good life anyway, and on and on…
I'm in love with a girl, guys. I'm certain she loves me too, we're good friends and have a lot in common. She's incredibly gorgeous and holds great conversations. She has traditional values, doesn't even like to swear, she's never had a boyfriend before, a bit reclusive like me. But god damn, I'm keeping myself in this rut. My mind keeps devouring itself: I should go after her, but going after her would be egoic and lead to misery, but turning down this amazing opportunity is causing me more misery right now, on and on…
Is this necessary? It seems like it must be, as your ego has to wrestle with basically its own destruction and feels like it must being over-thinking everything. It has to accept the fact that it's nothing really more than a composite of energies all working cohesively to form the whole you call yourself. I guess the solution is simply to quit thinking about it because thoughts are themselves products of the egoic mind, vague image- and language-based interpretations of reality that are never factual.
Sorry, I need to vent somehow. Maybe you guys can help console my blubbering ass.

>in love with a girl

You some sort of gayfag? Honestly though I know that feel too. My decision has been to make sure by any means necessary that we propagate Aryan blood. This realm is not inherited from our ancestors, it is borrowed from our children. The completion of our mission keeps me going.

I cannot recommend ignoring the call of your blood when it has found an ideal mate, I tried for five years and the pull only grew stronger.

Good luck either way.

Thank you. I have this sense deep down that we'll end up married. Our relationship is founded on a respectful, happy friendship, not the reverse situation of sexual attraction bringing us together and a spiritual connection following from that. But I've become increasingly more infatuated with her. I just don't want to fuck it up because of my ridiculous mental gymnastics throwing me around and making me simultaneously pursue romance while chastising myself for doing so because I ought to be "beyond" it. There's no way this could be an enlightened state of mind.

Your determination to follow any path will be countinuously trained and tested by pain and hardships.
Expect everything to have two faces, doubt will be purged by training.

About the girl… just go, live the experience and learn from it. Don't make assumptions until you're determined to wait for a soulmate, because you're not trying to decide… you are doubting every option.

A healthy relationship between a man and woman living as husband and wife is certainly not going to halt your development. If she is also interested in these esoteric pursuits you may even be able to assist each other.

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If one avoids socializing I'd think it'd be easy enough. If you avoid speaking with women altogether (with the exception of family matters, buying stuff from stores, ect.), really the only way you can be attacked is via the very rare "love at first sight" - which is rare even for the very sociable normalfags.

Yes, it's that doubt that's destroying everything I've wanted to pursue. It's rooted in the dogmatic sense that "I ought not to do this based on my spiritual path," or "it's all meaningless, don't bother" even though it likely would bring me great happiness.
She's religious, but nowhere near being in an esoteric sense. But I can and have given her little "pearls" of wisdom that I've learned along the way. At the same time, she abhors a lot of aspects of culture and seems as distant from it as a girl could get while remaining so uniquely on top of it all in terms of her appearance and personality.

>'love at first sight'

There is no point in denying it, that is what I suffered. I saw her out of the corner of my eye and already knew.

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Was this you ☻?
There are very few photos of me. I like it that way.
Photos do remove a piece of your soul.

hey man thanks for the soul

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Nope, doesn't work like that. I have not been photographed since 2011.
I traded a bit of my soul (that is not online) for my Driver's License.

fuck U bich thats My soul Now bich,,,,,,

Does that mean people who take a ridiculous amount of self-portrait photographs have essentially become soulless, as if they weren't already?

What about getting filmed?


do you have a single source to back that up?

what ways can you gather it?

Uhhh an antifa? I don't want to tell you. Go away from here, no antifas should be allowed to know magick.

The Robert Bruce New Energy Ways book is the best. Basically, you need to constantly focus on the sense of pushing and taking up space, and can use imaginary hands or other objects or even nothing at all but you need to feel the pressure/pushing sense in your mind. You can also use thoughtforms for more efficient TK.

Split your consciousness and transfer it into an astral body and just use the physical body as a remote probe controlled at a distance. That's how.

The only safe way is gradually, like dipping your toes into water, treading it carefully.

Just some pissed off entity near you.

You can:
1. Ignore it.
2. Banish it.
3. Try to reason with it and get it to calm down.
4. Give it the D.
5. Scream back at it.
6. Gut it for its loosh.
7. See if you can influence it and changes it nature.
8. Embrace it.

I've had exactly what you've described happen to me several times btw, I usually tell them to chill the fuck out, and they usually do not seem to comprehend my words and just keep at it, necessitating some other action.

I AP all the time and yeah sometimes I hear all sorts of stuff, muffled conversations, knockings, strange noises, environmental noises, etc. it's really fucking random. Anything I hear also via astral sense is distinctly higher quality than anything I hear via my physical ears.

>They sound quite soothing after a while.

lol "just another day in hell surrounded by tormented souls"

Depends how badly you want a comprehensive knowledge or just an introductory knowledge. Read around in the mega starting with whatever catches your interest… actually read The Kybalion first then read whatever you want.

Develop conscious ego-hood as per the instructions of "(1909) the arcane formulas or mental alchemy". http://www.yogebooks.com/english/atkinson/1909arcaneformulas.pdf

This is literally the solution to everything you just wrote about it in your post.

I personally had such problems before but now I've transcended them.

ProTip: when you talk about "going after her and not", well it shouldn't matter to you either way which way you do, an enlightened person doesn't really avoid anything they just sort of ride everything. This text should give you insight into the matter: http://www.dlshq.org/saints/jivanmukta.htm

FYI not going after her is "egoic" and going after her is "egoic". You have some retarded ideas about the ego that need to be resolved.

Let me explain to you what really transcending the ego is like. It's like a lucid dream where the boundaries of self do not end anywhere, where the false identity you've adopted is no longer strictly the limit of you, where any mind or body anywhere is just another potential vehicle for your consciousness.

I never destroyed my ego to do this. It's still there. I just know it's not really the extent of me, that I am not just these thoughts, I am not this persona. I know that I can spend say 24 hours living the life of another person, truly believing I am them, forgetting who I really am for the time being. Who I really am is certainly not limited. I am absolute spirit;


It's hilarious that your desire to destroy your ego is ego-based btw.

>thoughts are themselves products of the egoic mind, vague image- and language-based interpretations of reality that are never factual.

No this is bullshit. We live in a mental universe, everything around us is thought.

>automatically assuming he's gay
>what is asexuality?

>There's no way this could be an enlightened state of mind.

Damn right you are about that.

>everything has two faces
>what is non-duality?

For anyone interested in the matter discussed in this post, read "The Universal Master Key" by Franz Bardon. It discuss marriage and the love between man and woman and gives proper answers.

>is still not enlightened
>thinks he knows the path, while stumbling in the mist

>love at first sight
>what is infatuation?

That poster is not me. Not sure I wanted to keep those parts of my soul or not but if they're good, please send back kthx. Just look at the subhuman in your picture there, damn, I hate my old self.

You know what also sucks? Having a fixed name aka goy identifier tag imposed on you. Fuck that.

It probably just creates a lot of mental contagion and they start to take on the sentiments of the people they connect with; just look at how celebrities start to embody the disgusting qualities of their retarded degenerate fans.

How can I summon/communicate with a neutral or benevolent entity?


I know what it is, I am familiar with the effects. This feel is not it. As much as I hate the term, it is love. What is love?

>Develop conscious ego-hood as per the instructions of "(1909) the arcane formulas or mental alchemy". http://www.yogebooks.com/english/atkinson/1909arcaneformulas.pdf

Damn, what a good book.

I honestly just picked something. Apparently you guys like fascism here :P

Fascism is merely a tool to make a nation strong, for good or bad reasons. Anyone who wants a strong nation likes Fascism.

Thanks Smiley. I know I was being ridiculous in my views, but I was feeling frightened by the paradox of trying to grasp non-duality intellectually, because the mind's inherently dualistic and trying to think about this tends to run it into a kind of nihilistic, solipsistic implosion. I wanted to grasp both sides of the "full truth" simultaneously, and was confusing this with only seeing the negative side of things.
It was this kind of thinking: you can experience the positive side or the negative side of things, and no matter which side you choose, there's no "justification" for it. You can enjoy things, like a romantic relationship, but this enjoyment is no more "valid" a relationship than hating that same thing or person. Two sides of the same coin, and which side's "correct"? Well both and neither I guess, and that's what scared me; this idea that there's no thing as absolute truth, no such "cosmic justification" for what you do, only your one-sided interpretations of things, even though we tend to think of the positive sides as the "correct" ones (like feeling happy). And because of this, my inherently dualistic mind interpreted this dilemma as a negative thing with thoughts like "I'm trapped, everything's an illusion, all I do is pointless, etc." An ego-driven desire to destroy ego, as you said.
This is also why I said thoughts are not "factual," because they can never encapsulate a full truth in the sense I described. In other words, yeah, the universe is mental, but the whole universe is not contained within an INDIVIDUAL'S conscious mind (i.e., an individual can not think of absolutely everything simultaneously, or experience different poles at the same time, or believe contradictory things at the same time).
I know it doesn't actually make sense, but that was the thought process. I guess the proper thought process is to quit thinking altogether. To let whatever is just be, both good and bad. I'll check out the recommended book. I've seen it before but didn't venture to read it yet. Thanks again.

You are just playing a character, you keep thinking in terms of helping yourself or others, and thinking you're selfish for that. Someone who is truly beyond that doesn't see the difference between doing something for himself or others.

Also the whole universe is sustained by thought. Think of the importance of that.

Read the book and come back at me afterwards.

Personally all that matters to me if releasing myself from or repairing this horrible body I'm in and being free to let my consciousness go anywhere and to do that I have to break the patterns of conditioned thought.

Btw, last night I kept APing and walking around, but couldn't navigate things properly so I'd stand up out of my body and go outside and it would be fucking winter with huge snowbanks outside of my house, and then I'd somehow lose connection and do it again, and it would be summer, and so on the times kept changing. Also I looked up at the sky (and I have perfect eyesight and senses then) and saw the sky incredibly clear, saw the stars, and said something to myself about my race being spread out all over many star systems.

Right now I'm back in my body and I feel like I'm fucking burning, my face is inflamed, and there's no good food around because my mom's not around and my dad's fucking worthless at preparing food and everything is depressing and disgusting right now and they keep watching the fucking television day after day instead of doing anything else. I am in a severely tired state right now and feel terribly unwell.

I really got to read through these books but holy fuck do I ever hate being back in this particular body and just want to leave and be done with all this suffering.

It's pretty damned easy you just need to cause a disturbance in the ether and see what you can attract to you and you should be able to find one. You might also get a negative entity.

If you start feeling a sense of terrible dread or fear overcoming you then you break connection before a neg entity arrives. That's what I do.

It requires concentration and thought control and relaxation and vital energy though.

Ah. Well im okay with it i guess, i have nothing against it. Still want to know how to gain energy. Im a newfag, didnt know fascism was so highly regarded. Also any good beginner resources would be helpful.

>science of breath
>new energy ways v2
>initiation into hermetics

Read those books to learn how.

went to QMM immediately passed out into frozen state, consistently came into a false awakening where I would look about me, then close my eyes, felt immense energy pass through my body prior to each time. suspect this is astral rubberbanding. however astral eyes were achieved, a red boy clothed, walked into my room and when asked who he was claimed one who opposes. even before succumbing to paralysis I was seeing strange swirls and white lights. I spoke a lot of words and could hear them through both astral and physical ears, slow illegible whispers to one, fluent to the other. cant currently remember anything I said, but I know it was a lot. all this transpired in about 2 hours.

I heard meeting the opposer is required for initiation into many 'illuminati' tier organizations, was this one of those? should I just entirely disregard it as the buddhists suggest?

How did you QMM? Also, very interesting, I haven't been aware of such a concept as an 'opposer'.

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the term opposer is the true name of the devil, given to him when he refused to bend the knee to man as ordered by god.

pic is the source from the OTO

I did QMM by sitting in my meditation stance like usual, and then counting up slowly with each breath, one number for inhale, the second for exhale. by the count of 13 I had transitioned.

Reading now. Can you please explain the difference between dimension and density? I do not get it. Also, will I ever make it to 7th density, and how long will it take me to get there? If it's a long time, how will I preserve my life to ascend? I AM interested, but I haven't read in months. I've only read the first book and now I'm getting back to it.


"Because all life shares a common source, all life is interrelated and of equal worth. Only the expression of the underlying source differs from one lifeform to another. To differing degrees, each lifeform is endowed with freewill, the potential ability to choose independently of another being’s choice. Freewill adds a wildcard factor that makes the grand experiment interesting instead of boringly deterministic."


What of 1st and second density lifeforms? Do plants and subatomic particles have free will?


>Do plants and subatomic particles have free will?

Not really. Free will gradually increases in scale as the complexity of the consciousness increases though.

So do they have no free will or little free will?

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So I can longer explore spiritual texts anymore because I get way too much energy build up in my head.

I have to resort to watching mundane tv (or as I call it, the "hypno-box").

But, there's gotta be some fringe-like shows out there. I know Adventure Time is a good psuedo-fringe show. I also heard Bojack the horse has a few fringe themes. Is there any good ones I can watch?

is this shit just not devil worship?

Hey! You might want to watch some of these, though they're movies.
>Matrix (sci-fi, Gnosticism)
>Fantastic Planet (surreal, it's in English)
>Gandahar (science fantasy)
Studio Ghibli movies are nice, might want to watch Princess Mononoke, Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind and Castle in the Sky.

Adventure Time is pretty enjoyable, though the quality swings there and there.

Check out "Waking Life".

Great movie on netflix.
Just finished watching it. Very deep occult and philosophical quandries, great depth in animation and expressed ideas.

Should be essential wizard viewing material.

It really isn't. It's just learning abilities that all of us are born with


Oh yes thanks for the recommendations. I 've seen pretty much every fringe movie though. I'm looking for fringe TV shows. Which I realize are often hardly fringe at all, but I need something at least mildly entertaining to take a much needed energetic rest from some of the heavy duty spiritual videos I have been watching.

Maybe watch some episodes of the X-files?

The Amazing World of Gumball is entertaining, in my opinion.

>I personally just work on continuously improving and don't worry at all about the final goal, just not stagnating in the present is what matters.

That is a most noble and inspiring way to approach this. Sometimes or more like often I get so caught up and overwhelmed by everything I am trying or would like to achieve between meditation, lucid dreaming, OBE, astral projection and all the numerous methods and information out there that at times it becomes overwhelming and I lose sight of the goal in mind, or the goal just becomes so loosely defined and I end up stagnating and going through periods where I just don't do anything spiritual and now as a result I feel so spiritually disconnected than I have felt for years, as inaction only leads to more inaction.

But now you've inspired me to just forget about what my end goal is and to just do everything in my power to not stagnate anymore day after day. The idea of continious improvement will drive me now.

Right now I figure I will just try and focus on meditation, even if I end up not keeping to any schedule I will make sure to meditate at least thrice daily, as from what I understand meditation is the foundation upon which all further spiritual activites are based.

Also I tend to also lose sight of the idea of continious improvment as I overthink how long should I practice a specific variation of meditation before trying another, for example mindfulness and void meditation. And that also paralyzes me with indecision and inability to just focus on the trees instead of the whole forest.

Now I think I'll just try and stick to a system of one week per each, alternating weekly and seeing where I go from there.

Anyone have any other advice on similar matters?

I sometimes have goals but I just let them go, I do as I will, and I end up being super fucking productive as a result. Whatever I want to read and do I do. I also combine things together so I can do a lot of different things all at once, that I initially practised separately.

Tonight I'm going to go back to the astral and have a lot of fun again, also my healing ritual lately is working very well, and I working very effectively on maintaining conscious ego-hood so I don't forget for a moment what I really am and can effectively do battle with anything that contradicts my will.

Could one actually placebo themselves into getting ebola?

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There are also ways to, via scalar waves, cause people to suffer the effects of any disease without the actual pathogen being present. It was used first in the gulf war to destroy enemy combatants by making them get all sick from nothing but these scalar waves and then they could easily all be killed off.

No reason you can't magick yourself up a disease.

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>I also combine things together so I can do a lot of different things all at once, that I initially practised separately.

Thats something I may have to start doing. I initially sort of did that but then I started to instead assign a goal of strictly meditation followed by a week afterwards of lucid dreaming attempts, I put OBE and AP attempts and practice on the backburner, justifying that having full blown 100% conscious lucid dreams first will prepare me for experiencing the sensations of OBE/AP.

But this approach has its flaws that I am starting to notice, my productivity has all but ground to a halt and so had my motivation, likewise I read less and research less and overall maybe I should just combine and practice all sorts of techniques at once, say within the period of a week, that may motivate me and successes from one aspect may lead to success and breakthrough in another.

All I know is I can't stagnate anymore like I have been doing for so long.

Are you aware that you can meditate and practise magic while in the astral and do so with a higher efficiency then while here?

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No indeed I was not aware till now.

Are you aware I have yet to even astrsl project once successfully?

Although I have gotten remarkably close before to either a really full blown lucid dream or OBE/AP while practicing the WILD lucid dream method but I forced myself out of it just a few seconds afterwards due to irrational fear and anxiety.

So as you can see I have a long way to go before I am even able to astral project, let do magic which even while browsing /x/ daily I was entirely ignorant and sceptical of until by chance I stumbled upon /fringe/ a year or so ago.

Although I was aware that it would be possible and even easier to astral project from a lucid dream. But first I need to actually start lucid dreaming again.

Long way to go yet you see.

>all that convoluted stuff to AP

I just AP whenever I want and my body isn't too sore from exercise by quite literally walking out of my body.

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Lucky you.

I on the other hand can't even devote three consecutive days let alone a full week to trying.

It's a huge flaw I am trying to overcome

>It's in autosage

Create an astral body for yourself. You might want to check out that book about the subtle body as well as all the Robert Bruce books in the mega.

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