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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

No. 14236
Have you ever heard about the Uberman sleep schedule? It is basically about sleeping twenty minutes every four hours instead of having a big chunk of 6-12 hours long sleep each night.

On the first day of this sleep schedule, your brain would be very sleep deprived and if you resist all the way long and impose these conditions to your brain, it may adapt to it and you would start dreaming intensively, vividly and rapidly during these twenty minutes.
If you want to get started with it, i suggest you read more about the subject.
There are already people who were on this sleep schedule for month, reporting to crave for food they never craved before. All of them report constantly feeling great and energetic. They also report having lucid dreams more often.


Logs of a guy who did it.. http://www.stevepavlina.com/blog/2005/10/polyphasic-sleep-log-day-1/

Also self improvement general. Magic or not.

I attempted if for about a month in college. Gave up after I slept through my alarm one time & ended up sleeping 14+ hours.

Positives - I had a lot of creativity, because my mind was basically too tired to filter itself. There quickly developed a sense of living in a constant "now" (it altered my views on time, more so than psychedelic drugs). In theory I'd have been able to work a full time job & focus on self development full time as well.

Negatives - felt like shit. Eventually started nodding off all the time.

Notes: I wasn't eating particularly well at the time, so that may have played a big part. I also began to experience very vivid hallucinations after the first few days - shadow people, voices & sounds…perhaps I was tapping into something? Or perhaps it was just my brain turning to mush.

Wanna try again some day, when I'm not working or going to school.

I have always humoured the theory that perhaps dreams are just a recycling of spacial environments and emotional riveting into a mulch of memory.
this mulch ain't nothing but woodchips covering the soil (manifestation of your mind in dreamtime) of your spoilers in the rough draft of the treatise of chaos craft.

Removing that NREM isn't a good idea, how is the body supposed to heal?

Yeah. Maybe it is why the guy who did it craved for stuff he never craved before such as grapes. Perhaps the body doesn't have time to make certain chemicals.

Some people will sleep some more hours once a week to get that NREM, some completely abandon it

The REM adaption sounds nice, though. Having REM in only half an hour is great.

I'm interested in this thread, since /si/ is defunct. I'm willing to share and discuss knowledge pertaining to any subject there are questions or concerns on. Maybe we can all better ourselves.

No way I could do this shit. I can't fucking sleep for days and nights at a time and there's no way I can just force myself to sleep then to wake up and then to sleep again like that.


During the adaptation, people usually miss naps during the days and can only sleep during the naps of the night. THEN some can force their brain to sleep during day and at that moment if they keep doing it some of them claim to gain the ability to sleep at any time at will.

Some insomniacs claimed to sleep better using uberman sleep schedule. Maybe you could try?

File: 1405753528596.png (469.84 KB, 1310x2779, perfectmind.png)
self improvement stuff

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