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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 14183
Let's discuss our experiences around the topic of Chapel Perilous.
Can you at least post some links and info about it please?


The idea of Chapel Perilous as it is commonly used in psychedelic parlance comes from Robert Anton Wilson’s countercultural classic The Cosmic Trigger. Bob defines Chapel Perilous as: “A stage in the magickal quest in which your maps turned out to be totally inadequate for the territory and you’re completely lost.” He has quite a lot more to say on the topic, having spent a good deal of time there himself:

>> “Chapel Perilous, like the mysterious entity called ‘I,’ cannot be located in the space-time continuum; it is weightless, odorless, tasteless and undetectable by ordinary instruments. Indeed, like the Ego, it is even possible to deny that it is there. And yet, even more like the Ego, once you are inside it, there doesn’t seem to be any way to ever get out again, until you suddenly discover that it has been brought into existence by thought and does not exist outside thought. Everything you fear is waiting with slavering jaws in Chapel Perilous, but if you are armed with the wand of intuition, the cup of sympathy, the sword of reason and the pentacle of valor, you will find there (the legends say) the Medicine of Metals, the Elixir of Life, the Philosopher’s Stone, True Wisdom and Perfect Happiness.”


>> CHAPEL PERILOUS is the place "souls" go after leaving their robot bodies…while these bodies are still alive and walking the planet's surface. Also known as "The Dark Night of the Soul." It relates to post-Factor X activities in that both refer to "out-of-body" states. However, CHAPEL PERILOUS is where souls go when they are lost and Factor X communications refer to how souls are found. Can also be seen as a negative activation of the "neurosomatic circuit," which is endured for as long as it takes the neophyte to effect a positive activation, or permanent body rapture.—From The Game of Life by Dr. Timothy Leary

For readers not familiar with "Chapel Perilous" I will give Robert Anton Wilson's definition of that god forsaken place.

"In researching occult conspiracies, one eventually faces a crossroad of mythic proportions (called Chapel Perilous in the trade). You come out the other side either stone paranoid or an agnostic; there is no third way. I came out agnostic.


I don't understand it.

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I know about Whitechapel. "This is Exile" is a very good album.

I was left in chapel perilous for a long time after an introduction to wide spread, powerful and well connected real world nameless occult groups which have none of the nonsense and a lot of practical experience often since youth.


The concept is not easily understood. Chapel Perilous as an idea manifests differently for everyone.


Raw himself barely explained the term but if you've been there you'll know.

Every last motherfucker must go down.

The chapel's not the worst place to be. It's not boring. It challenges you, changes you, cuts you to the quick and presents things brutally and vividly. The art I've produced in here is certainly grotesque but it's real, it's true art that requires no external validation. Eris whispers to me in the depths of my panic attacks, my suicidal spells, reading quantum formulas and lecturing on the syntax and semiotics of the dynamics of fractal chaos, undivided, just below the threshold of intelligibility, understanding every third word like as i was listening to a horrible scottish accent, gifting me images of structures of entities as they come to be and come to pass, through the limited yet infinite spacetime manifold that my mind, out to its deepest depths and furthest reaches, can assemble with a shred of coherence. It's beautiful

Chapel Perilous is a reference from Arthurian legend. The Chapel was a secret and hidden place where it was rumored that the Holy Grail was once hidden. A seeker of the Grail had to keep his mind open and his heart free to win the Grail, for even the truest person could be devoured by his or her worst fears if they crossed the threshold into the Chapel with the wrong intentions.

The concept of Chapel Perilous has become a modern day metaphor for the kinds of revelation-experiences that change a person's life — those that involve a sudden insight or the discovery of a new view of things. Coming down from the Middle Ages growing out of the Arthurian legends, the process of exploring such life-transforming, and therefore self-changing insights, has become known as "entering Chapel Perilous" — or investigating something that in effect, might cause you to become a new person. Thus, the idea arose that after you entered this Chapel, you could not go out the same way you come in; that is, you would not be the same.

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