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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 13975
Hello /fringe/ I am here to bring some credibility and class back to the name of Tarot. Tbh all these 'love readings', 'future readings', etc kinda piss me off. People are using a beautiful thing for such root purposes…

I Attempt to use the tarot in a bit more of an introspective fashion. Anyone who asks a good question will receive a good answer~~
What's your definition of a good question m8?

What info do we need to give?

>not nonsense

Fuck tarot and most forms of divination.

That right there is the definition is a great question.

Anything. It could be a word. As long as your intent is gain a new perception about yourself from the cards.

You get what you give~~

Fuck it I'll ask anyways, when approximately will I finish one of my books or my next big essay.

Also when will my next visitation by an etheric entity with a non-physical body be?

Random info for you: I generally look down upon tarot readers but at the same time I'm aware of synchronicity and the symbolical nature of reality so I guess it could work for you especially if you've created a language your subconscious understands and interfaces with your conscious mind through the cards.

You could also do that dowsing method to get questions which Lobsang Rampa describes.

why cant I astral project?

Idk m8 that's your shit to figure out

Kuz you're weak…

One of these days someone might actually understand what the tarot is for…

Tarot cards have their uses. You can swindle people like a jew with them, or start a conversation with strangers by doing readings in public, then swindle those strangers by charging them for your work.

You know there might have been a reason OTO members had to swear their lives to secrecy in the 30's for a specific version of the deck right? Ah well I should have expected as much fron fringe wizurds.

I'm not saying they can't work. Just that they mostly get used by frauds, at least to the best of my knowledge. Maybe there are a lot of good intentioned people too, doing what they can with them. What specific deck was it that needed such secrecy though? I've seen people using a regular deck of playing cards.

The OTO had a specific internal deck, but I'm here to do readings, not talk about history :P.


what is my purpose in life?
wh<t should I do to fulfill it?

>Idk m8 that's your shit to figure out

I only asked to test your tarot reading nonsense. I already have my own answers to those questions.

The tarot is not a telescope into the future. The common imagery and association of tarot with fortune reading and future demonstrates an uninitiated understanding of what tarot really is.

Tarot is based on Kabalah, and by extension Egyptian/Mayan/Norse runes, astrology.

The Tarot, in simple terms is a tool used to see the microcosm of divinity within the individual, which is reflected in the universal macrocosm, which allows the reader some insight into the mind of the querent. ~~

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