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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

No. 13713
A witch would like to seek my training. She asked me if I would teach her. Her path is lightness. She is interested in healing and chakras. I guess she wants to garner more knowledge and broaden her specialities. She wants to soak up more knowledge I am assuming. Have you ever taken an apprentice, how did it work out?

Any advice for transitioning her to learning other things and what would be good things to teach her that compliment her skills already?
For her purpose I suggest you start her with meditation and trance work, and teaching her how to manipulate Divine energy. This ritual, if done correctly and on a regular basis, gives you a start to healing energies. It is just a energy working, nothing too advanced (no materials needed)

Also make her very well at working with the chakras… cleaning them, visualizing them, spinning them, so on. She needs to be in trance for working with energy and also must train her mind to be calm because your mind gets bored of focusing on things and moves to something else… which leads to bad things such as flinging the energy somewhere else. That's where trance workings come into play, and mental training. Let her read and practice Initiation into Hermetics ( in the sticky ) for mental and physical training. Also make her good at conjuration and invoking spirits to help her with healing, but tell her NOT to make any pacts no matter what.

Forgot te ritual. http://www.sacred-magick.com/Practises/pdf/The%20Middle%20Pillar%20Ritual.pdf

Also make her design her own banishing ritual; she needs a clean area to heal in. Also make get read the Science of Breath and the Kybalion. First start her with meditation and trance, then the other things.

>clean area to heal in

I wish you knew how much of a faggot you sound like.


Don't sweat it, just an edgy STS fag trying to distance himself from anything reminiscent of New Age.

Just give her the mega lel.

OP are you even that skilled?

Oh fuck someone else is already using Hermeticist flag in here, I'ma switch.

I'm currently studying a fuckload of things and trying to give myself the edge on health through all means mundane and metaphysical.

If you need advice to be a teacher OP you're not ready to be a teacher.

Why would one take on an apprentice if they don't know what they will teach them? How is that even possible? If she is seeking your training, she is seeking what you were trained in and you can choose to train her in that, if you know she is suited for beginning. If not say no. But if one is to teach, shouldn't they know this already?

My advice would be to give her the D, bro.

I think she wants you to take your wand and open up her root chakra. I bet she would like to touch your wood. I think she wants to cast it with her hands. Maybe you could guide her on how to use it. You might be a little stiff, her majick could loosen you up. I think she wants to feel your majick deep inside her spiritual being, as you show her the ways your wand can cast off spells deep inside her.

>shakes head
overkill m8

brb, summoning a succubus to make this a reality, lol

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