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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

No. 13648
ITT Let Us Discuss Clothing for Wizards

I really want to have proper wizard clothing to enhance my metaphysical operations.

The right clothing could have potentially many uses from enhancing meditation, to blocking scalar waves, to being a natural orgone accumulator concentrating the good orgone energy in the body, to maintaining proper warmth and humidity around the body so as to prevent distractions, etc.

Silk is an important material for magicians (blocks scalar, used often for protecting magical objects).

Having pouches for storing herbs in can be important too, as just having certain herbs on your body can be a way to concentrate extra etheric energy around you, which then extends your ESP and can accomplish a variety of other effects.

Clothing which reflects certain colours can have a variety of effects too, probably black robes would be most ideal, and the hood can be pulled down over the eyes to make it easier to go into trance.

I don't know fuck all about making clothing or how to acquire it unfortunately.

Let us gather all our knowledge about clothing and its magical uses itt.
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Now, this is what a Magician/Wizard should look like.Plus, Theurgy.

The Orthodox Schema-Monks are doing it right, ya'll.

When I was a child, and dreamed of being a wizard, this is how I thought I would look. Dude looks awesome….and I don't care what you say, how you feel and look while practicing your magic is important. I know a lot of you non-GD magicians (and some of you lazier GD mages…=) ) do your work in whatever you happen to be wearing, and that's fine if it works for you. I personally think the vestments serve an important purpose; they help to create the proper frame of mind for magical work. When I don my robe and sash, I'm not just my mundane self, I'm myself as Magician–the Magician bit is highlighted and brought to the front. The vestments are part of creating the magical atmosphere, which is of the utmost importance for ritual magicians regardless of tradition. OK, I've changed my mind-it's Not fine. Quit being lazy and put a damn robe on, unmentioned Fraters and Sorors of the Western Mystery Tradition! The robe isn't there just for lodge work, the vestments aren't pretty decorations for Other people–they are a tool as important as your consecrated Wand, Lotus or otherwise, for your creating the proper condition within your own Mind. With the robe and vestments alone, you can steep yourself in correspondence. Wear belts that are the color of the force. Wear your grade sash (or Lamen, for you Goets) to symbolize your ascendancy and mastery of the force. Don your hood to symbolize your veiling of the mundane and entry into communion with the Divine. Paint symbols of the force upon your feet, to symbolize your desire to travel within the plane those symbols represent. Wear a crown or circlet (or Nemyss, if you can stand it) to symbolize your union with the divine (or desire for such). Just, for heaven's sake, wear something. You wouldn't wear jeans and a t-shirt to court–why would you show the divine less respect? Pray in your underwear, if you must, but conduct your Magic, your Theurgy, your Thaumaturgy in attire that does honor to the work your doing, and who you're working with.

My personal vestments are just slightly different from what is common, I think. Instead of the billowing black robe, I prefer the Cassock.

Black, cut in the eastern orthodox style. I wear this with my grade sash, and I feel masterful and purposeful. If I am working with a particular force, I wear a belt/sash with the appropriate color for that force. A nice side benefit is that, should I choose to work outside, I look like a priest of sorts instead of a nutbag. (There is no way to wear a tau robe and a nemyss outside of lodge or home without looking like you've been dropped on your head as a child.) This is fitting, because I am a Priest-I'd better be, or I have no business calling myself a Theurgist. I've dedicated my life to Union with God, and wearing the cassock reminds me that magic isn't done in order to empower myself, but to refine myself in order to make my temple suitable for inhabitation by God. I've dedicated myself to sharing what Gnosis I have with my fellows–not teaching necessarily, but walking them up to the cliff so that they might jump joyously over themselves. Gnosis is an experience, not a lesson. This is another layer of symbolism, but a powerful one for me. A Wizard is a wizard when he's doing magic, a Priest is ever a Priest. Every time I don the cassock and vestments (which are the grade sash, hood, and belt-the rose-cross when I reach the Inner), I re-dedicate myself to the work of Theurgy. I also find value in working outside, in that I'm able to gently introduce the curious to our Art without scaring them off. The thought that even one person remains ignorant of the beauty and holy communion available through Theurgy who might be searching for it maddens me. I feel it's my duty to be available to persons who may be walking in that direction. Not to preach of course-that would be silly. To communicate with, commune with. Helping one person who is wandering find this path to God (if it's right for them) makes the endless hours of work worth it.

I would like to encourage those of you who have dedicated yourselves to Theurgy to view yourselves in this fashion, as priests/priestesses who have dedicated yourselves to God/the Source. Because that is what you've done by taking up Theurgy. It is a serious business, a lifelong dedication. You aren't clergyman, as this denotes formal leadership in a religious organisation. A priest or a priestess however denotes someone having authority to perform religious rites, and this authority is a god-given thing. Your Abra-Melin ritual confers this kind of authority, your Union with your HGA the same. Commune with God to determine if this is the right life for you, and if it is, be steadfast and honor the commitment you've made. Seeing things in this fashion have rounded out my spiritual life. Magic alone, meditation alone aren't enough. Magic refines the vessel, and in the stillness of meditation it is Filled. The ecstasy of spiritual gnosis occurs when the spirit is quiet, but only in the spirit that has been prepared. The moments I have had with God-when I have been filled with the ecstasy of understanding, when I've known the connection between myself and all things to be real, felt it as I can feel my own flesh…when I've felt the pressure at the base of my spine rising and exploding in my head like a hive of bees buzzing and obliterate my mind, leaving me in timeless silence until I felt I'd awoken from a dream….all of these things occurred during periods of meditation after intense periods of magical work. The vestments I wear remind me of these things (the lower mind forgets, strangely and especially the things of great spiritual beauty that occur–perhaps this is just my mind. My Virgo-an nature is not at ease with things that pull too far from the ground), and communicate the holiness of my magical work to myself and the entities I commune with. If you are new to the Work, please give the robe and vestments a try. You may feel silly at first, but in a matter of months you will feel Sacred when you don them, and that's a good thing.

……I still can't get with the Nemyss though. I don't know what it is, but it's black hoods for me, unless i'm visiting someone else's lodge/temple, in which case I dress as they do.

In LVX, Fraters and Sorors. I hope the day finds you well!



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The Magic Wand

By Konstantinos

The Magic Wand represents the absolute will of the magician. This potent magical tool can be used for almost any energy-directing purpose, which includes healing, the charging of other magical implements, and the evocation of benevolent spirits (malevolent entities should be called with the magic sword, which is explained below).

Over the years, several occult orders and magical traditions have each developed specific magic wands for use in their rituals.

The Golden Dawn, for example, had a different wand for every officer of the temple (Chief Adept's Wand, Praemonstrator's Wand, etc.), a wand for invoking the element of Fire (described above), and a Lotus Wand that was useful for many types of rituals.

As a solitary ceremonial magician, however, you only need to concern yourself with the already explained Fire weapon and one other type of wand, the Magic Wand, which is used for directing energy and willpower.

This Magic Wand does not have any particular elemental or astrological correspondences associated with it, therefore it is free of markings, unlike the Golden Dawn Elemental Weapons. The Magic Wand is a universal instrument, and can be used within the context of any magical current or tradition. When charging and consecrating your other magical weapons, this is the instrument you will use to help you direct energy and Divine Light into them.

The type of material selected for a Magic Wand's construction is very important. Over the centuries, several different woods have been used and the ones recommended here are used almost universally. Ash, cane, elder, hazel, oak, and willow are all ideal choices for this magical implement's construction.

A rod of elder has a pith in the middle which can be removed, and cane has an already hollow center, making these two woods ideal for creating a Magic Wand with a magnetized wire running through it. The other types of wood mentioned can be used for creating wands because of their individual occult properties, which were known by magicians hundreds of years ago who included them in their grimoires.

To create your Magic Wand, cut a shaft from one of the appropriate trees mentioned above. Make sure the shaft is straight and does not have any offshoots or branches growing off it. According to tradition, the length of the Magic Wand should be equal to the distance between the tip of your extended pointer finger and your shoulder. I recommend you try to follow this tradition because it seems to have a personalizing effect on the Magic Wand. Remember, you can use your pointer finger and entire arm to project energy (as you did in the LBRP when you traced pentagrams). Therefore, measuring your wand to the length of your arm and extended finger creates an extension of yourself, and consequently, of your will It is a good idea to cut off more than the desired length of your wand so you can cut it straight and to the right length at a bench. Make sure the tips of the wand are both flat and level. Once your Magic Wand is cut to the right length, the next step is to remove the bark and sand your implement until it is smooth. If you are using cane or elder wood, then you could easily insert a magnetic wire into the center of the shaft. The presence of the magnetic wire is not really necessary in a Magic Wand, however, as its ability to channel your magical energy depends only upon your consecration of the instrument.

If you decide to use a magnetic wire, you will have to first create one. Take a piece of steel wire and repeatedly run a magnet along it in one direction.

After a few minutes, test the wire by trying to pick up a paper clip with it. If it is ready, the next step is to carefully insert the wire into your Magic Wand.

Make sure the wire is perfectly straight to make this easier. After you insert it into the center of your shaft of wood, you can then paint the wand with a coat of clear finish to protect the wood.

When your Magic Wand is complete, wrap it in either a white or black piece of silk and either put it away until you are ready to consecrate it or perform a minor consecration like the one given in Chapter 3, and use it when you perform the BRH. Using your Magic Wand in this ritual will help you develop a link to the tool, which will make its consecration much more effective.


Catholic bishops and other churchmen could be mistaken for magi.

Albertus Magnus, the man pictured here, acknowledged that stones had occult properties but he wasn't probably an alchemist himself.

I intend to inquire with Tom Montalk on this matter as he usually cuts through the bullshit and gets to the real heart of the matter with these things but he might not have knowledge to answer some of my questions I don't know.

I'm going through a lot of magic texts at random right now.

Found this on precious stones: http://www.scribd.com/doc/95638135/The-Occult-and-Curative-Powers-of-Precious-Stones-William-Fernie-1907

It's about a hundred years old so hopefully it's avoided some of the degenerate New Age garbage written by people who can't even see etheric energy constructs and therefore have no real knowledge as to occult properties of stones.

Got to rest awhile, I'll be back sooner or later, with more knowledge gathered from various sources.

I have a simple black hooded robe that I wear when I feel the need to. It lends a certain air to whatever practice you are engaging in, definitely. Much like my SS uniform, if I dress in that or even just wear the hakenkreuz armband, I feel inspired to act more in accordance with Aryan ideals than I would otherwise.

I don't have a wand yet though, I may have to work on one.

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I could get a Buddhist robe for meditation and rituals.

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I wear this red bandana over my eyes while meditating because I have had it for years. I have a robe, but it would be embarrassing if someone sees me wearing it.

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As for stones, my mom gave me pic-related. Some websites say it is used for attracting wealth. I also have this pyramid of jasper that I can't find.

I would post my wand and robe; but I don't want any mental influences on them.


That isn't my name if thats what you're asking. I don't actually know anyone in real life that is into /fringe/ stuff.

Wait till I post what Franz Bardon has to say on the subject.

I've thought about doing videos in my robe but have been worried about that exact same thing. I guess I should just do it anyways and be like fuck it.

The Magic Mirror

By Franz Bardon (Extracted from �The Practice of Magical Evocation�)

The use of magic mirrors for purposes of ritual magic has, up to now, been scarcely recommended in books on magic, since only a very limited number of initiates have been acquainted with the correct application of fluid condensers with regard to mirrors, and these initiates have kept it a great secret.

The magic mirror is a magical aid that is not absolutely necessary, but the magician will always appreciate it as a good support in his work, especially when operating with powers or beings of minor intelligence.

In some cases the magic mirror may even replace the magic triangle. A magic mirror provided with a fluid condenser is of great advantage, but if the magician has no such condenser he will be able to do without; that is, an optical magic mirror will suffice.

I have given a full description of the use of the magic mirror in a separate chapter of my first book "Initiation into Hermetics", therefore I shall only say something about the purpose which a magic mirror is to serve in connection with evocations and in what way it may facilitate that work.

In ritual magic it may be used for the following purposes.

1. To get into contact with powers and beings and to make them visible. For this purpose, the magic mirror is either placed into the triangle, or what is of even greater advantage, fixed to the upper point of the triangle, on its outside. The charging or impregnation of the mirror with the desired power comes next. Employing your imagination you must concentrate your desire for the thought purpose into the condensed power - volt - before the actual evocation.

2. The magic mirror may, secondly, be used for space impregnation in which case the necessary dynamics will automatically be preserved during the whole period of evocation without the magician needing to pay particular attention to it, thus being able to concentrate fully on the other phases of his ritual, for instance, on the materialization or the clairvoyance.

In such a case the mirror is to be placed into a corner of the room, so that its influence will work on the whole space of the relevant magic operation.

3. The mirror may be employed as a magnetic force for attracting the being that is to be evoked. To effect this, the surface of the mirror must be charged with a fluid condenser facing the direction in which it is to operate. The mirror has then to be placed into the centre of the triangle or at the top of its upper point.

4. Furthermore, the magic mirror may be used as an accumulator or condenser - so that much qualitative and quantitative power can be accumulated as to enable the being evoked to bring about the desired effects.

It does not matter if, in this case, the being is to be transformed by the help of the condensed power into a visible shape or if some other result or effect is intended. All this actually depends on what the magician wishes or desires to achieve.

5. Moreover, the magic mirror may replace a telephone. For this purpose the fluid condenser must be charged with the Akasha and a timeless and spaceless state has to be created by the force of concentration. The evocation then has to be spoken into the mirror. The magic mirror thus becomes an astral channel of communication. Not only is this the magician's method for calling before him a certain being or power; the being itself is able to talk to the magician out of the mirror.

The magician may thus sometimes hear the being's voice not only mentally or astrally, but also physically, as if it were speaking through a loudspeaker. In principle it will, however, be up to the magician to choose the sphere in which the mirror is to operate.

A mirror charged for the physical world will make it possible for people not trained in magic to hear the voice of a spirit. Of course, two magicians, equally well-trained, may, if they choose, converse with each other over the greatest distances, - not only astrally and mentally, but also physically - by this mirror method, and they will hear, if they like to do so, every word through their physical ears.

6. There is still another purpose the mirror may serve in ritual magic: for protection against undesired influences. The condensation of light usually brings this about. When charging the mirror the magician has to concentrate on his desire to keep off all undesirable influences.

The power of radiation of a mirror charged in such a way must be great enough to prevent any larva, phantom, etc., from coming near the space in which the magician is operating; they must not, under any circumstances whatsoever, penetrate into this space.

Also in this case the mirror has to be thus placed that it radiates the whole room or space in which the relevant magic operation is carried through.

In general, the magician will have his mirror serve only one purpose. He will only apply it for that type of problem that seems to him the most difficult one. In ceremonial magic, the magician may, if he likes, use more than one magic mirror as a magic aid, in order to attain his goals and facilitate his work.

http://www.sacred-magick.com/Evocations/The Magic Mirror by Franz Bardon.html

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Scrying mirrors are a divination tool for looking into past lives, and past, present, and future events.

The black scrying mirror, also known as the “magic mirror” is a powerful metaphysical tool. It can reveal to the user secret hidden knowledge and clairvoyant ability and can act as a portal to other planes of existence in our universe.

One of its most famous known users was Nostradamus, who could tell by staring into the mirror events far into the future.

The following notes have been extracted from a book dedicated totally to scrying mirrors, and they serve useful for the individual seeking to successfully use a scrying mirror for divination, as well as the many other metaphysical benefits.

Scrying Mirror Rules'

1. Always keep the surface very clean using alcohol and a soft cloth.
2. Never use it for anything but its intended purpose.
3. Do not let others look into its surface, except in ritual context. Keep it stored in a silk bag when not in use.
4. Practice the visual exercises described following until mastered.
5. Keep the working area clean and free from any disturbance.
6. Generally, scry using the mirror at night, preferably during the full or new moon, depending on the operation. The mirror can be used at any time, but tends to work better at these points.
7. When indoors, light two votive candles, one on each side of the mirror. Use white or colored candles appropriate to the work: blue for healing, purple for psychic work, orange for communication, and so on.
8. Burn a lunar or psychic blend incense before working with the mirror.
9. Place the mirror on a wooden table or altar with a clean cloth beneath it and be seated on a wooden chair in front of it, or if you prefer, assume a comfortable asana on the floor with the mirror before you.
10. Extinguish all light sources except the candles and/or moonlight.
11. Allow nothing to reflect in the mirror’s surface. It should appear as a dark tunnel or window.
12. Before starting, always create a sacred space to work in. Cast a circle of protection or visualize the area surrounded by white light and protection from false or misleading influences - call your guides and guardians to protect the working.
13. Keep a journal to record your experiences.

The Scrying Ritual

First, clearly decide what you seek or are trying to accomplish in the working and prepare appropriately. Then prepare the work area carefully as suggested previously.

Once you are ready, close your eyes and begin to relax; feel every part of your body releasing, relieved of all tension. Visualize your circle of protection and know you are safe and in control of all that happens within it. Begin to breath rhythmically and fully; try a count of four in, hold four, release four, four in, hold four, release four and so on. Feel yourself entering a light trance surrounded by sacred space, removed from time and the material world. Silently call your guides or guardians of the work, invoking the Goddess or calling angelic presences, spirit guides, watchtowers, astral guardians or whatever you prefer. Reaffirm your desire and the purpose of the work.

Now open your physical eyes and gaze into the mirror; remain relaxed and do not hesitate to blink when necessary. Relax the focus of your eyes but remain alert. After a while, the surface of the mirror will begin to change and fade; a dark mist will appear.

Your inner eyes will now open, and the journey into the mirror begins. Remember that the inner eye sees inside the mind, through the magical imagination. Most people when scrying do not see the images appear with the physical eyes on the mirror’s surface but see within the mirror and in the mind’s eye. The mirror acts as a focal point, a gateway within.

When you have completed your journey or work you set out to do, begin the return to your body and ordinary senses. Breath fully and deeply, and remain still until you feel you have completely returned. Now close your eyes and remember all you saw and felt during the scrying or journey. Review your entire experience mentally.

Write it all down immediately in a journal kept specifically for this purpose.

To Begin to See

This is a very important exercise to master if you are new to scrying or are having trouble receiving images. It will aid your “visual imagination,” which allows your psychic and physical eyes to see clearly together. It gives clairvoyant strength.

Sit before your mirror and begin to imagine objects on its surface, one after another. You should try to see these images clearly in the mirror with your eyes open, just as if they were there in reality. Try simple shapes or colors first. Hold onto the image of each shape, object or color one minute before dissolving it and going on to the next. For example, use a red triangle, a yellow square, a blue circle and silver crescent; see them appear in the mirror using your firm imagination. For best results, do this exercise every day for 15 minutes until it is mastered.

This exercise is well worth the effort; it gives magical discipline and strengthens the inner eye so visions can come with clarity and ease.

Charging the Mirror with Light

To charge and empower the mirror with light force is a simple but powerful process. It should be done frequently, especially just before using the mirror, so as to ensure you see correct visions, connect with positive energy and do not experience interference.

First, you must imagine that white light is collecting inside your body, being channelled down from the crown chakra. The body becomes a vessel filled with light. Remember to breathe fully, deeply and rhythmically. Now stand in front of the mirror and direct the palms of your hands toward one another. Imagine that the internal light is now moving into your hands, forming a ball of condensed white light between them. See and feel this clearly in your imagination. When ready, begin to project this ball of light into the surface of the mirror, purifying and enlivening the mirror, filling it with magical force. See the light “soak” into the mirror. This process needs to be repeated until the mirror feels “full.”

This process can also be used to give a special or programmed charge to the mirror. Follow the steps preceding and create the ball of light between your hands, then mentally project your desire into the light before projecting the light into the mirror. This technique can be used for healing works and self-improvement. You can also charge the light with a specific color or vibration - whatever can be felt or imagined can be put into the mirror to aid the magical energy. The empowering exercise can be used for other magical operations as well, such as charging other magical tools and the giving of healing light to another person. All it takes is a strong desire and powerful imagination.

Locking the charge into the mirror is accomplished by willpower. When the light has been absorbed into the mirror, state in your mind and with all the faith you can muster that the charge will remain as long as you require it. To release or remove a special charge, simply reverse the procedure, pulling the light out of the mirror into the space between your hands. Then disperse the energy into the atmosphere through the imagination. Do not draw it back into the body - see it return to the universe.


Note: Montalk's article on this subject is the most informative and required reading for anyone who wants to use one these. http://montalk.net/notes/psychomantium

Guess we'll have to get a second pair of materials for chaos magick and get as much influence on them as possible for an increase of chaos.

Then keep another pair of tools and clothes for serious shit.

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The Magic Wand

By Franz Bardon (Extracted from �The Practice of Magical Evocation�)

The most important aid in ritual magic is, and always will be, the magic wand. Since the days of yore magicians and sorcerers have been pictured with a magic wand. Charlatans and stage illusionists are still making use of it today, trying to throw dust into the eyes of their audience by all sorts of tricks. The person who thinks it suffices to hold a magic wand in his hand in order to fulfil wonders is led astray.

I will give here an explanation of the symbolic meaning and the description of the syntheses of the magic wand, seen from the magical point of view theoretically as well as for practical application.

Above all, the magic wand is the symbol of the will, the power and the strength by which the magician maintains his influence on the sphere for which he has made and charged it. A magician will not have just one wand for his practice, but he will make several wands depending on what he intends to do or attain.

The actual purpose of a magic wand is to help the magician project his will into any sphere or plane. He may have a wand:
1. to influence any being, no matter if human or animal,
2. to cure people from diseases and to do away with bad, unfavorable influences,
3. to evoke high intelligences and to invoke demons and spirits.

To say that the magic wand symbolizes the absolute power of the magician is truly justified. The person having fully comprehended the mystery of the magic wand in its magnitude will never do his operations of ritual magic without this implement. It would lead too far, if I tried to state here all the possibilities of the magic wand. For the intelligent student these hints will suffice and will serve as guiding principles. His knowledge will be enlarged by ample meditation.

The magic wand is a condenser, no matter what material it is made of or in which way it is manufactured. Charged with the will of the magician, it expresses a certain power. It may be a simple one (the usual type of wand) or a complicated one.

All the wands carved out of wood are regarded as simple wands. But only a special kind of wood, suiting the purpose, may be used. Thus, hazelnut or willow are to be used for a wishing-wand.

The wishing-wand is a modification of the magic wand. Though a wand made of ash-wood may be used as a magic wand for all magical operations the magician, when carrying out operations of ritual magic, will only charge it for the purpose of curing people.

The wand made of elder-wood, proves, on account of its analogy to Saturn, especially efficient when calling up or evoking elemental spirits and demons. In making magic wands willow twigs may also be used for any type, for the willow is a very good fluid condenser. The attentive reader will remember that willows are often struck by lightning because of their high content of water, and their capability of absorbing. He may also remember the old saying referring to thunderstorms: "From the willow flee, look for a beech-tree".

The wood of an oak or an acacia, too, is an excellent material for making a magic wand. It is, indeed, very easy to make a magic wand of any of the kinds of wood mentioned.

Cut a twig, approximately 3/8 to 3/4 ins. in diameter and about 12-20 ins. in length, remove its skin and smooth it.

Often the cutting of a magic wand has been restricted to special astrological periods, and the magician acquainted with astrology is free to make use of his knowledge when making a wand. But such a procedure is by no means necessary, since the magician knows very well that the stars may have a certain influence, but that they cannot force the wise to do anything, as he actually rules them. Thus anybody may, if he likes, make by himself a magic wand out of one of the materials mentioned above.

If the magic wand is to serve ritual purposes, you are recommended to use a new knife when cutting the twig. The knife may later be used for other ritual purposes or other magical operations. It should, in that case, never be employed for any common purpose.

If the magician does not expect to use the knife again after having cut and smoothed the twig for the magic wand, he should bury it in order to prevent it from ever coming into the hands of anyone else.

Another kind of magic wand is the steel magnet which has to be equipped with an insulated grip. Take a round steel rod (the best steel to use is electro-steel, (i. e. magnet steel) approximately 12-20 ins. long with a diameter of 3/8 ins., polish it and have it nickel-plated to prevent it from rusting. After having nickelplated the rod, the magician may magnetize it by means of an electric coil, similar to the magnetization of a horse-shoe or the magnet of an electrical motor. The greater the power of attraction of the magnet, the better it works. This is the way to get a very strong steel magnet which will not only do its work as such, but which will also serve as an excellent magic wand for many magical and magnetic experiments.

First of all one must locate the north and the south pole on the magic electro magnetic rod and mark both poles: the south-pole with a minus and the north-pole with a plus. For the insulation of the rod the middle must be then wound with a silk ribbon as wide as the palm, i. e. about 3-4 ins. A rubber hose of the same length or a wooden handle that has been pierced for this purpose may also be used.

Such a wand will enable the magician to cause many magnetic and magical phenomena, of which only a few will be treated here. If the magician is working with the electromagnetic fluid of the universe, intending to intensify it strongly in the physical world, then he must take hold of the wand in such a manner that his right hand will touch the plus-pole and his left hand the minuspole, with the ends of the rod touching the middle of his palms. After this the electrical fluid from the universe has to be led via the right side of the rod into the magician's body by means of the imagination. The plus-radiation of the rod (odpole-radiation) will thus be strongly intensified as it has the same oscillation and will make it easier for the magician to store the electrical fluid in his body.

The same procedure has to be applied to the magnetic fluid of the south-pole. Vice versa the magician now intensifies the electrical fluid again, which he has previously stored up in his body, this time concentrating it into the plus-end of the rod so strongly that he can make his influence work directly on the physical world.

The same goes for the magnetic fluid which he will be able to store up in his left, that is the negative pole radiation. The middle of the rod, covered with the insulating material, will remain neutral. If the magician, by force of imagination, now concentrates his intention into the condensed electromagnetic fluid of the steel magnet the wand indeed becomes a magic wand. By means of the electromagnetic fluid, which radiates as a brilliant light from the rod, any realization on the physical world will be possible. Initiates usually apply this wand for influencing sick people and for all magnetic phenomena.

This magic electromagnetic wand is, by the Law of the Universe, an excellent condenser with the same kind of oscillation as the universe, but in a most subtle way. The person meditating on this will be able to find other methods easily due to the universal laws. The magician will, for instance, be able to either pull the fluid out of the universe like an antenna and store it in his body, or to transfer it by force of imagination to other people, near him or far away. The wand will soon be an indispensible implement for the magician, for the positive and negative powers concentrated in it will help him to create the necessary oscillation in his electromagnetic fluid.

Besides this, there are magic wands charged either with solid liquid, or combined condensers. Much could be said about how to make such rods and which methods are to be used, but I will only mention the most appropriate to serve the magician in his work. Take the twig of an elder-bush, 12-20 ins. long and 3/8 to 3/4 ins. in diameter, peel off its skin and smooth it with sand-paper. Then remove its pith so that you get an elder-pipe. Put a cork on the one end of the pipe and seal it with sealing-wax, insert a condenser (a liquid condenser, if you like) from the other side, then also seal this end of the pipe airproof. The rod is now ready for use.

You may, if you wish, use a different kind of wood, for instance, the twig of an ash, willow or oak tree, or of a hazelnut bush. The twig, which has no pith must, however, be pierced through carefully with a fine drill, making a pipe of it. Instead of the liquid condenser a solid condenser may be used, the same kind of condenser described in "Initiation into Hermetics".

It is also possible to use a piece of blotting paper soaked with a liquid condenser instead of a solid condenser, which, after it has dried well, is charged, and then, after having been rolled together, is inserted into the hollow space of the rod.

The disadvantage of wood is that it will, as time goes by, moulder or be affected by the fluid condenser, which will cause it to become perforated. It might therefore as well be replaced by a metal-pipe. Those kinds of metals which are good conductors of heat and electricity are best. The best of all, of course, is a copper pipe with a diameter of 3/8 to 1/2 inch.

In order to avoid any oxidization on the surface of the metal, the pipe can be nickel, chrome, or tin-plated before it is filled with the condenser. One opening must be soldered together at once, the other immediately after having filled up the pipe; thus you get a first class magic wand, applicable for all purposes.

Magicians working with the magnetic and the electric fluid in turn will do well to procure for themselves a rod made out of a thin iron or steel pipe, as recommended above, for operations with the magnetic fluid, and a copper-pipe for operations with the electric fluid. A universal wand is manufactured in the same manner, with the exception that a nickel-plated brass pipe must be used, instead of a pipe of copper or iron.

The magician wealthy enough for financial considerations not to matter can use, instead of the fluid condenser, a condenser made of semi-precious stones. He will use for his electric fluid, a copper-rod the inside of which is filled with pulverized amber, an unsurpassed condenser for this kind of fluid.

For his operations with the magnetic fluid he will, in this case, have to fill up the steel-pipe with pulverized rock-crystal instead of using a solid condenser. Rock-crystal, again, is a very good fluid condenser for the magnetic fluid. But it is also possible to solder two separate small pipes, thus making a single rod out of them; one half of the tube is, in this case, filled up with pulverized amber, the other with pulverized rock-crystal. Having done this, a single rod, separated in the middle, will contain both kinds of fluid condensers. In a case like this, however, the two halves must be connected by a thin piece of copper - or iron - wire going through the centre of both pipes. The outside of such a rod may be nickel- 45 plated. This ideal wand then has a unique fluid capacity and will serve any magical operation.

There is still another possibility: a wooden rod may by ornamented with seven rings made of the planetary metals. The rings should be fixed to the rod in quabbalistic order. That is, a golden ring (for the Sun) is placed in the middle of the rod and three metal rings on each side.

The following metals may be used for the rings in question:

• Lead corresponding to Saturn

• Tin corresponding to Jupiter

• Iron corresponding to Mars

• Gold corresponding to the Sun

• Copper corresponding to Venus

• Brass corresponding to Mercury

• Silver corresponding to the Moon

Apart from this, the rings may have engravings portraying the intelligences of the above-mentioned planets. The use of a wand like this will, in general, be restricted to the conjuration of intelligences of the seven planets. When used for other purposes, it will not prove superior to the other types of wands. This is all the magician needs to know: from the examples above he will, by himself, be able to proceed to other variations.

The shape and the size of the wand plays a minor part. The most important thing about a magic wand is its charging for practical use, a description of which is given below.

The charge of a magic wand is done in much the same way as the charge of a magic mirror provided with a fluid condenser for special purposes. There are many ways of charge for a wand. They all depend on what the magician intends or wants to use it for.

Above all, the magician must always be aware of the fact that the magic wand is a symbol of his will, his strength and his power, and that it is representing a container like a fluid condenser of that power, quality etc. in which he is not only able to transfer, but also to store up that power, according to his wish, to an exeedingly high density.

It matters little if such a rod is nothing but a simple twig, cut and adapted accordingly, or if it is a complicated wand, saturated or filled up with a fluid condenser.

A magic wand may be charged with:
1. the magician's will-power
2. special qualities, faculties, etc.
3. magnetism, biomagnetism, etc.
4. the elements
5. Akasha
6. the help of a light-fluid

Here are some examples for practical use:

With regards to Point 1, charge with will-power:

Take into your hand the wand which you have prepared and concentrate your will on, or rather into, the wand; that is, transfer your whole consciousness into the wand so that you feel you are the wand itself.

Your concentration must then be filled with the idea that all your will-power, your strength, is embodied in the wand. This kind of concentration must last for at least five minutes without any interruption. Already at the moment of embodying your will into the wand you have to think that whenever you take the wand into your hand your will-power will be put into action and that everything you want to have happening will happen.

When you have transferred your whole will by utmost tension and strongest imagination into the wand, you end the charge of it by wrapping it into a piece of pure silk and putting it in the same place as your other magic implements.

After some time load the wand again in the same manner, and every time you repeat the cerem.ony you must increase the intensity of your imagination. Never forget that your whole spiritual will is embodied in the wand. It is important that you limit the time and if possible, also the space of the power concentrated in the wand; that is, concentrate your willpower into the wand with the idea that as long as it will exist it will represent all your will, all your power, and remain effective.

A wand charged in this way will remain effective till you die, or should it be your special wish, even beyond your physical death, that is, it will remain a magic wand. It may even last for centuries, and its influence may even increase with time, providing you have charged it with the wish that its power should grow from one day to the next.

The effectiveness of the wand will first work on the mental sphere, then, after some time and repeated charging, on the astral sphere, and finally even on the physical world.

The time required until a wand, first effective on the mental world, becomes effective in the physical world depends on the magician's maturity, training and power of imagination, and also on what he is striving for.

The magician who is well acquainted with quabbalah will know that to bring about a realization from the mental sphere into the physical world, usually about 462 repetitions are necessary; by then the influence from the mental sphere takes shape, that is becomes condensed in the physical world. This, however, does not mean that the magician may not be able to bring about the same kind of success earlier than this.

As already pointed out, the magic wand's power of realisation depends on the intention and purpose for which it has been made and charged. One could query whether the rod needs to be charged at all, since the magician's will should suffice.

The magician, however, will not always be in a position to expand his mental exertion in the manner necessary for the transfer of one's will. There will be situations which will exhaust even the best magician, who then would be incapable of concentrating to his fullest power of expansion. However, a skillfully charged magic wand will also have its effect at moments when the magician is not using his will-power, but is just concentrating his thoughts on the realization of his wish, using his magic wand for this purpose.

There is, of course, in this case a slight danger that a blasphemous person may get hold of the magic wand in order to realize his own desires, which, if it happened, would go on the cost of the magician and his rodvoltage. Therefore a magician will always do well not to tell any person, not even his best friend, for which purpose, in which respect, and in which manner he has charged his magic wand. This way of charging a magic wand with one's will-power will generally serve to influence beings, spirits, human beings and animals which are to act according to the magician's absolute will and which are to obey the magician's magical power, no matter whether in this physical world or on the mental or astral planes.

The influence of the magician is not at all restricted to living entities; it will also work on dead matter if this has been taken into consideration at the time of its being charged.

Regarding Point 2: charge with qualities, faculties and the like:

Under charging the wand with certain universal qualities is understood qualities such as omnipotence or other specific ones which the magician needs for his realizations in the mental, astral or physical planes and which are concentrated into the rod in the same manner as described above.

It is possible (similar to the charge with the magician's will) when charging the wand with a certain quality, to impel the quality into the wand not only by embodying one's consciousness into it and by condensing the power, but also by pulling the quality down from the universe by means of one's imagination and concentration of will-power, thereby condensing the quality in the wand, thus charging it.

Constant condensing of a certain quality will make the relevant spiritual power if concentrated in the wand a direct physical power. This means that with the wand the magician is in possession of an accumulator equivalent to a battery powerfully charged with electricity. That then one and the same power may be used for good as well as for bad purposes is true, but a magician, having proceeded as far as this in his individual training, will never think of any evil motives or try to put them into action, since he, at all times, is anxious to be regarded as a true and faithful servant by Divine Providence.

Regarding Point 3: charge of the wand with Magnetism, Biomagnetism or Prana:

The same procedure is to be followed as described in the preceding chapter.
It is recommended, however, to achieve the storing of power in the wand without transferring one's consciousness into it.

This can be effected by mere imagination, by means of the magician's body or directly from the universe. In this case, too, the magician must not forget to set limits to the power transformed into the wand. He must also, by force of imagination, concentrate on the purpose he wishes the wand to serve.

Repeated charge of the wand will make it not only effective in the mental and astral planes, but also in the physical world. The experienced magician need not be told again that the power then dwelling in the wand will radiate to the furthest distances.

If he introduces the Akasha-principle between himself and his object, he will be able to bridge time and space, and the power in question will immediately, by using the wand, work on the person concerned with the same kind of influence, intensity and success as it would be if the person were standing right in front of him.

Charged with life-force or magnetism, with the right idea of setting limits or conditions (that is, in this case, with the idea that the life-force or magnetism in the wand will be automatically intensified from one day to the other) the wand will easily enable the magician to call into existence any phenomena that can be effected by life-force.

With a rod charged in this way, even an unexperienced person could work miracles, providing he knew how to use it. Therefore it is in the magician's own interest to keep well the secret of his magic wand. He may also charge his wand in a manner that it will automatically, without any effort on part of the will-power of the magician, bring to him a piece of life-force from the universe, which will then radiate from the wand.

This kind of charging the wand with magnetism - biomagnetism - is preferred for curative operations. A magician working in the medical field may like to make use of this method and heal people far away from him by force of his wand charged in the above mentioned manner. In the hands of a magician, a wand charged in this manner, which can heal people miraculously over the widest distances, is, no doubt, a blessing for the suffering man.

The charge of a magic wand with an electric, magnetic, or electromagnetic fluid is always the same, with the only exception that the transfer of the magician's consciousness may be omitted.

If only one wand is to be charged, the procedure is a little more complicated. For the wand to be charged with one fluid only, be it electric or magnetic, that fluid has to be drawn from the universe with the help of the imagination und must be impelled into the rod, to which end the magician has to concentrate on the wish that whenever he desires something, the fluid inside the rod will realize at once what he wishes, even though it be directed to the furthest possible sphere or the Akasha-principle. If you terminate the accumulation so that the fluid accumulated in the rod will intensify itself automatically from the universe, that it will, in other words, work by itself bioelectrically and biomagnetically, the rod will grow into an enormously strong battery.

The magician is recommended to accumulate in his own body, prior to every use, the revelant fluid in order to be strong enough for the work with the accumulated fluid of the wand. If he is not willing to do this, he should at least insulate himself before he starts work by putting on a pair of pure silk-gloves, preferably manufactured by himself.

Not before he has thus insulated himself should he take the wand into his hands. Since the magician usually works with both fluids, he should take the wand charged with the electrical fluid into his right hand, and the wand charged with the magnetic fluid into his left. It is always better to charge two rods; one with the electric the other with the magnetic fluid, especially if simple twigs or wooden wands, which are not impregnated with a fluid condenser, are used. This is not absolutely necessary, but it will make work easier.

The magician who has a wand filled with a fluid condenser, without the wand being parted in the middle, will find it more advantagious to have the wand filled with only one fluid, as this also will make the work easier for him. If the rod is to be charged electromagnetically, that is if both fluids should be prevalent in the wand, the magician must use a rod which has no hole in its middle. Either end of the rod has to be pierced instead, and each half of it has to be provided with a fluid condenser. The magician must, however, put a mark on either end to remind him where the electrical and where the magnetic fluid is.

To give the magician a better view, the half provided for the electrical fluid is usually painted red, the half provided for the magnetic fluid is usually painted blue. The rod must then be charged in such a manner that the largest intensity of the fluids rest at the ends of the rod and that the middle, insulated with silk, remains neutral.

Charging of either half has to be carried out separately, that means that you may draw from the universe first the electric fluid, accumulating it in the one end of the rod until that end is sufficiently loaded, and immediately after that the magnetic fluid, or vice versa.

The magician should never try to accumulate the electric fluid several times and then the magnetic fluid several times; for the equilibrium of the fluids inside the wand must be maintained.

The magician must therefore accumulate the electrical fluid on one day and the magnetic fluid the next day. When charging the wand again, he has to go about in the other way.

The magician will charge a rod with the electrical or the magnetic, or both fluids, if he wants to make his influence work by the help of these fluids on objects nearby or far away, regardless of their being subject to the Akasha or existent in either the mental, astral or physical world. Special variations of operations, for instance such as volting or treating sick people, or bearing of certain imaginations, will not be dealt with here, for the person having carefully studied up to this point will now be able to work out for himself his individual working methods.

Regarding Point 4: the charge with elements:

This kind of charge can be effected in two different ways:

1. The magician, by help of imagination charges his rod - no matter, whether it be simple or provided with a fluid condenser - with desire that when using it, the elements will have to obey him, regardless of which sphere they may belong to. If the wand has been sufficiently charged with the magician's power over the elements, then the results wanted will be brought about by the beings of the elements.

The magician will do well to expand his power to all elements, fire, air, water and earth, so that he will not be forced to restrict his operations to a single element. When evoking, the magician should call to his magic circle the heads of the elements, one after the other, and have them swear to the magic wand that they will give him their absolute obedience at all times. After that the magician may, if he likes, engrave on his wand the relevant symbols or seals of each individual head of the elements.

This, however, is by no means absolutely necessary, for the wand in the hands of the magician represents the magician's absolute will and his power over each being of the elements. The shape of the seals of each head of the elements will become visible to the magician in his magic mirror or by direct transfer with the mental body in the realm of the elements.

On top of that, the magician might well, on account of his personal experience and development, construct a symbol of the relevant element and have the head of any element swear to it that he will always be the obedient servant not only of the symbol which the magician has engraved in the wand, but of the whole wand.

2. The other way to charge the wand with elements is as follows:
The magician draws the element which he wants to use for his work directly from the universe, that is, its particular Iphere, by force of the imagination, and dynamically accumulates it in the wand. When working with this kind of loaded wand, the results wanted are not caused by the beings of the elements, but directly by the magician himself.

The advantage of this way of charging a wand is that it will give the magician a strong feeling of satisfaction, because he is the immediate cause of the magical effect. It is necessary, however, that a separate rod be manufactured for each of the elements and the wands must be stored apart from each other.

To prevent the magician from mixing them up, he must be sure that he can easily differentiate between them by their outside appearance. Each wand may, for this purpose, have the colour of the relevant element.

At the beginning the results will only occur on the mental plane, but prolonged use and repeated charging will make it work also on the astral plane, and eventually also on the physical world.

This kind of wand will enable its owner to influence all manners of spirits, men, animals, even inanimate nature, by the element, similar to the influence of the electromagnetic fluid. Good magicians are able to cause, by the force of such a wand, marvelous natural phenomena, for instance, change of weather, acceleration of the growth of plants, and many other things of that nature.

Regarding Point 5: Charge with the Akasha-principle:

When applying this principle, the charge of the magic wand is possible, but not any kind of accumulation, since the Akasha principle cannot be intensified. But repeated meditation on the qualities of the Akasha-principle with all its aspects in the magic wand will finally enable the magician to create causes in the Akasha-principle, which will itself realize in the mental and astral planes, and also in the physical plane.

Using a rod charged in the manner described, the magician will be able to impel, by force of imagination, a power or quality via the wand into the Akasha, which then, like a volt created by an electromagnetic fluid, will have direct influence on the three-dimensional world from above. Such a wand will be regarded with awe by positive intelligences and will have a frightening effect on negative beings.

A wand charged in this fashion is usually preferred by magicians working with negative beings, so-called demons, in order to make them pliant. For further details on this subject see the chapter dealing with necromancy.

Regarding Point 6: Charge with Light-Fluid:

The universal light, from which everything has been created, is to be accumulated in the wand by help of imagination and consideration of the qualities of the light, so that it will shine like a sun (concentrated universal light).

A wand charged in this way is usually employed for theurgical purposes, that is for the evocation of higher beings of the light and intelligences, for it is an excellent magnet which will make the relevant light beings pay attention to the magician's will and desire. Besides this, all other measures must be taken, like, for instance, the insulation of the rod with white silk, its secure keeping and so on.

Not only will the magician be able to work, with the help of the wand, in the physical world; he will also be in position to transfer, with his mental or astral hand, or with both, the mental and astral shape of the wand into the relevant plane and will have his influence work in these planes without having to hold the wand in his physical hand.

In case of the exteriorization of his whole mental body, he can take with him not only the mental shape of his magic wand with all its qualities into the mental plane but also the mental shape of all magic implements and aids, and there he is able to operate as if he were present with his whole physical body to carry out the operations.

Never should the magician forget that the wand represents his true will in its completeness, absoluteness and power, which may well be compared with a magical oath, and therefore many magicians have their magic wand symbolize not only their will-power, but also the magical oath, which, from the hermetic point of view, may never and can never be broken.

Many magicians carve into their wand the symbols appropriate to their will-power and the charge of the wand. Universal symbols, signs, seals of intelligences, divine names, and the like, may serve this purpose as far as they represent the true will-power of the magician. The details of this particular matter are left entirely to the magician's individuality.

The magician will know from these instructions how he has to go about reaching his aim, and it is up to him to provide, if he likes, his wand with a secret name standing for his will-power. It will also be clear to the practicing magician that such a name must be kept a secret and must never, under any circumstance, be spoken.

Skyclad bitch or you're not legit

Took me forever to figure out what you mean by this. You mean naked. Fuck no.

Wiccans plz

-> assuming I am a 'new ager' because I said skyclad
->"keep one set of clothes in chaos and others for serious shit" -> can't see physical realm is a reflection of energy and that clothes don;t matter.

Tfw clothing only inhibits energy

We assumed you're a Wiccan not a New Ager.

Clothes can be a like a focusing attena or an extension of the body, pro-tip, if you wear a hat long enough then take it off it still feels like it's there.

>Tfw clothing only inhibits energy

I ain't running around naked nigga.

Are you ashamed of your nude form? I used to strip in public all the time. Nothing wrong with the natural clothing (meaning none).

>if you wear a hat long enough then take it off it still feels like it's there.

So your etheric fedora is still firmly attached?

Go away you animal, indecent exposure is for subhumans only.

It is only indecent exposure when those viewing do not like what they see. My proud displays have never gone unwanted.


>indecent exposure

>laughing demiurge.jpeg

only an anti-human agenda would regard the nude human body as 'indecent'. Those of us who are free of the demiurge's noxious influence correctly regard the human body as the most beautiful form in the physical plane.

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>Those of us who are free of the demiurge's noxious influence correctly regard the human body as the most beautiful form in the physical plane.

Surely this depends on whether or not you're a whale.

Well my body is disgusting and covered in scars and problems with the skin. Maybe you could send me some healing vibes and try to help my body be worthy of the light?

You need to be comfortable with your own body first. I'm no image of the Aryan ideal but I don't cover myself up like I'm afraid to show skin. Confidence is contagious. Scars are badges of honor usually, depending on how they were earned.

I'm sure I could stand to see you naked without being repulsed, you're probably alright. It can be very liberating to run nude outdoors if you never have before. Do it at night if you want to limit exposure to other people's eyes. Expect an adrenaline rush. Nakedness is not immoral, nor a crime!

Fuck off.

You really need to get over your problem with the natural form. It has been drilled into you by people without your best interests at heart.

How can you not feel comfortable in your own skin?

I echo the other guy's sentiments, having some features of my body I'm ashamed of and would like reformed. Doesn't the notion that we should just learn to accept our present circumstances directly contradict the whole idea of magick? If we desire to enact changes as we see fit, including ones within our own physical bodies, why not pursue it? Especially if it leads to more peace of mind and confidence in ourselves, at no expense to anyone else.

By all means, attempt to rectify any deficiencies you identify in yourself. Until that is done, what are you going to do? Hate your vessel? Accept the position it is in now even if you intend to change it later, you have to work with what you've got, so start learning to love yourself. After all, what will be used to make those changes if not the body you are in right now?

Confidence needs to start before the change, otherwise it will be dependent on a state in your body which may not remain that way.

I choose to differentiate these two ways of "loving." On the one hand, yes, I see beauty in the human form, in nature, and in the nature of having flaws. There is a glory to this vessel in which we're contained, no matter the oddities it has. But on the other hand, because humans must thrive partly through social interaction, having a body with an appearance that is generally seen as "normal" or "healthy" will facilitate this interaction and allow us to be more comfortable around others. They're just different realms to consider. No matter how much you can internally love and accept your form, you must still acknowledge that there are other people who have their own perceptions of you, and that often these perceptions can affect your own as well (through insults, etc.).
Pardon me if I'm making any rash preconceptions of you, but I think this may be easy for you to shrug off because you, for the most part, have a "normal" body as regarded by society. Do you think a person who has some feature that would only be accepted in a circus sideshow - a freakish overgrowth of body hair, a massive cyst, or some other severe attention-grabbing deformity - could be as comforted by your words of self-acceptance as someone who has bodily scars - which may actually hold a positive connotation at times ("that's a badass scar, bro!")?
I don't see it as hating the body, but evaluation and modification of the body which can be performed through love. You can love your child but still feel compelled to discipline him/her, knowing the results will help that child better fit in with society down the road.

Bit of a correction: When I said "someone who has bodily scars," I was really trying to convey something like "someone who has relatively minor flaws." Of course scars can be really severe and conspicuous.

>How can you not feel comfortable in your own skin?

If you only saw my skin you'd instantly know why. I don't want to show you though it's disgusting.

>It has been drilled into you by people without your best interests at heart.

Also this is complete fucking bullshit. Everyone I've ever somehow engaged in a conversation about the aesthetics of my body has spewed the same bullshit rhetoric as you. Only I judge myself like this – and I don't give a single fuck what others think I only care what I myself think when I see myself in the mirror.

The fuck does "accept" mean. I'm not in denial about my body being ugly, that is something I clearly recognize.

>Confidence needs to start before the change, otherwise it will be dependent on a state in your body which may not remain that way.

You have the worst advice ever what are you going to say next "jus be urself"?

I have facial deformities, easily enflamed skin that's constantly turning red in patches, ridiculous numbers of moles, warts, and other skin diseases… and shitloads of blackheads and acne that keep showing up every day and my skin is really fucking oily, I get all the oil off, and it's all fucking back just 15-30 minutes later and it's so bad that if I don't wipe away the oil it starts to run down my fucking face and burn my eyes.

how old are you?
i had that oil problem when i was 15-18

You seem to have never understood the advice 'just be yourself'. It doesn't matter how many times it gets explained to you, only you can understand it. Hate me for it but you really need to be yourself, even if that version of you is trying to improve its appearance. I'm no self-help guru though so feel free to ignore what is being said and think that I'm telling you to normalfag it up.

You are somewhat correct, I have a fairly 'normal' body. However, I know of a person who lives locally that has a massive facial deformity. It actually looks like most of his face has begun melting and the loose skin hangs down to his chest. He (outwardly, at least) doesn't let it get to him, he lives a regular existence, goes outside, gets his grocery shopping and has friends etc. As far as anyone can tell, he hasn't beat himself up over losing a genetic lottery, he just gets on with life. Nobody needs to tell him these things about accepting the shit hand he was dealt because he worked it out himself and didn't let it hold him back.

>acknowledge that there are other people who have their own perceptions of you, and that often these perceptions can affect your own

I don't necessarily agree. Apart from the above example, there is a local lady who looks like she has Down's syndrome. She has that retarded facial structure and sounds like a deaf person when she talks. When I first saw her in a place serving alcohol, buying her own drink I thought she had gotten loose from her tard wrangler and fled into the pub. As it turns out, she is a regular there. For all I know she just got unlucky in some ways, aesthetically speaking, otherwise she seems to be a fully functioning adult. She knows most of the other regulars and they do that inane social interaction thing most people do. My initial reaction I'm sure was shared by many others but it hasn't stopped her from just ignoring it and going about her business and now nobody even notices or cares that she looks out of place to an outsider. Freaks are usually only freaks when they allow themselves to be outcast, more often than not they can worm their way in like any other social misfit, physically deformed or socially retarded or even both. I can also mention she got really lucky in at least one department, that ass is incredible, which is weird because I don't know if I should feel guilty for appreciating it.

Well only you can change your own perception then. I don't care how I look for the most part and that translates into others not really giving a shit either. Damn it, discussion like this makes me think you would have been better served by /si/ when it was self-improvement. If you hate your body nobody else will love it for you. Transformation starts and ends with you.

>just be yourself

Shit-tier advice. Just be your higher self is what we should tell everyone.

Does it really matter what you wear? Are the magic fashion police going to come get me if I want to do rituals in a cute pink dress that makes me feel like a 2D anime grill?

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I really want a wizard/witch hat made out of cloth that can block out unwanted eyes. How the hell will I find one to my liking? I'm not going to buy one of those cheap paper ones that come with witch costumes.

Anyone has similar interests in attire?

>How the hell will I find one to my liking?
Make one

That's possibly my best option even though I have no handcrafting skills. My second question was something that I wanted to know more.

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If you wear wizard clothing, you are a roleplayer

I sense a business opportunity here. Would custom wizard clothing be something /fringe/ is interested in? My gf makes all kinds of neat shit like this

You can't take off your mask until it's midnight.

File: 1407522215188.jpg (44.56 KB, 320x240, 20488-29877.jpg)
If he did, would he die?

It would be extremely blissful.

I don't need a wizard hat when I already have a hooded robe. I could always use a traffic cone if I wanted one anyway.

"The clothes make the man."

Raiment, adornments, regalia, vestments. When the outer is but a mirror of the inner, dressing the physical form seems appropriate. We wear different clothing for different occasions. Funerals, weddings, mealtime, military operations, business, religion.

Dress appropriately.

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