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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 13555
If trips your loosh is mine.
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Physical vs Metaphysical Conspiracy

Something to keep in mind is that dark forces operate on both metaphysical and physical levels. Most redpills are familiar with the physical side of the conspiracy: Federal Reserve, Bush/Obama, Iraq/Afghanistan, Bilderberg, Trilaterialists, international bankers, engineered genocide, JFK, media propaganda, etc… You can watch this conspiracy unfold in the news.

Waking up to what’s going on in the world is important. But this calls for caution when you consider the metaphysical side of the conspiracy: higher density controllers, soul frequency manipulation, spiritual disinformation, timeline steering, and so on. In short, dark forces can further their metaphysical conspiracy by exploiting the very avenues that seem to undermine the physical conspiracy.

Take the news, for instance. Awareness of world events gives you a certain level of lucidity concerning what we’re facing. Getting “outraged” at shocking stories of corruption and injustice can make you feel self-righteous, motivated, and awake. But from a metaphysical point of view, if this bitterness leads to persistent pessimism and a darkening of your heart, then despite getting politically smarter you become spiritually dimmer. This has metaphysical consequences that outweight anything gained through awareness of the physical conspiracy. Political revolution without spiritual evolution has lead to all the tyrannical “-isms” of history.

Why is metaphysics important? Because by thinking, perceiving, and acting at that level you can do things that are impossible on the physical. It is a greater order of power that works on the quantum, chaotic, nonlinear level of reality. Dimming your spiritual light through emotional preoccupation with lesser orders of awareness scews you over at that deeper level. It cuts you off from those higher abilities and perceptions you need to really make a difference.

This makes no sense to those who are stubbornly stuck in the physical ways of doing things. They simply lack the context to think outside their material paradigms. This doesn’t mean darkness can be erased through denial; the opposite, in fact… but awareness must be of a higher order than mere physical.

Being metaphysically potent means acting according to a higher understanding of how consciousness shapes experience and vice versa. It requires being aware of both the physical and metaphysical currents of experience. Read my article Realm Dynamics for some relevant concepts to ponder.

Some might wonder, “But being that we are third density, how are we to know what fourth density principles are and how to apply them?” Well, remember that the lower realms are subset of the higher, meaning that the workings of the higher are all around and within us. By being observant and intuitive yet discerning, you can put the pieces together and learn some things. All you have to do is try, make your best guess, test it out, and learn through trial and error.

The agnostic mind likes to moan, “but how can we even know such a thing?”, “but how can we be sure?”, “but how can we know we’re not deceiving ourselves?” — but but but… By taking your best step instead of vacillating over whether it is the absolutely right step, you can get much farther in the long run. Nothing is without risk, and errors of belief aren’t that big of a deal if you learn from your mistakes.

So to summarize, it is important not to fall for the metaphysical conspiracy by ignorantly limiting yourself to mere understanding of the physical conspiracy. Countering the metaphysical deceptions requires opening your eyes and your heart and studying up the occult, alien, esoteric side of existence. In other words, be aware and be positive, strive to know yourself as much as you seek to know the world, and get to know the metaphysical world just as much as the physical. That is balance… that is covering all your bases.


Reality Creation: Intending vs Requesting

Some say we have power to create our own reality, that through belief and intent we can and should specify our personal future. And yet experience shows reality is already predicated upon a design more elegant than anything we can specify through our ephemeral desires.

Others therefore say we should go with the flow and accept what comes. And yet experience shows that while some things are destined, more mundane things are left to choice — if not choice, then chance. The law of chance is without design and without mercy, and abandoning the responsibility to choose invites the law of chance into one’s life with often unpleasant consequences.

The bigger things in life we cannot change. The smaller things we can. Life is a river whose flow we cannot reverse, yet we have freedom to navigate within that flow. Near the shore we move slowly and roughly; near the center we move quickly and smoothly. We can humbly accept the bigger things and still actively direct the smaller things. We can and we must. But how?

For what is within our power and wisdom to specify, we may intend. For what is beyond our power to direct or wisdom to specify, we may make a request. Intending and requesting are two of the most powerful tools we have for shaping our experiences within the framework of destiny.

Intend for the mundane things you know you need. Intend for a good parking spot, intend for the perfect product or service at the perfect price, intend for a good job when you’re looking for one, intend for a positive and exciting day, intend for anything that is inconsequential to destiny and respects freewill. Intend or it will be left to chance.

Be specific when you intend. Mentally outline or visualize what you want. This sharpens the focus of conscious energy upon that selected probable future. If you want a blue shirt under ten dollars, then visualize the blue shirt and intend that it be under ten dollars. If you want compensation for the money you just spent on a book, then intend that you be doubly compensated. If you want a safe road trip, then go over each potential complication and intend that it not arise. Whatever your intent, be specific. You are projecting your own energy into the matrix of probable futures and selecting a particular one to manifest.

For the more important things, make requests. Request knowledge, wisdom, insight, guidance, protection. Request an answer to a puzzling question, request illumination, request that you learn your lessons as smoothly and efficiently as possible, request that you are given the best opportunities for fulfilling your potential. You cannot intend for these because they are beyond your wisdom to accurately specify. Therefore leave their fulfillment to the discretion of wiser forces like your positive Higher Self, the Universe, and divine forces. Be general and earnest in your request, and have faith and patience. By being general you leave the outcome entirely open and thereby allow possibilities to manifest that you could never have imagined.

Intending is commanding, and when done wisely commanding is the proper exercise of spiritual power. Over time reality will tell you what is mundane and what is significant, and you’ll get better at intending for what is within your place to intend.

Requesting is humbly knocking on the door to assistance by wiser forces. Such forces respect freewill and only assist when you request. Never requesting anything keeps the door closed. Disappointment means reality has something better in store for you at a better time.

Requesting when you should be intending is a form of wishing and only robs you of power. Intending when you should be requesting spits in the face of higher wisdom and is a display of spiritual hubris, while intending for what clearly goes against destiny and freewill is black magic. The lesson: don’t pray to Jesus for a new car, intend for a new car; don’t command reality into unraveling for you a mystery, request it or else you might learn the right thing at the wrong time or wrong thing at the right time. To intend is to command, to request is to ask.

Requesting is easy. When you feel like you need assistance, call up from within the feeling of gratitude and humility, then state your request verbally while paying full attention to the meaning of your request. Remain silent for several seconds and wait to receive a feeling of comfort that your request has been acknowledged. Then go away in certainty and relief that your request will be answered in the right way at the right time.

Intending is also easy. Just hold in your mind exactly what it is you want and then go do something else. Just like ordering something through the mail. In between intending and manifesting must be a temporary period of forgetting. If you want a good parking spot, give yourself enough time to forget about your intent before you get there. If you are intending for a good day, do it when you first wake up. This gives reality some breathing room to reshuffle the timeline.

The only real difference between intending and requesting is whom you address and how specific or general your intent. By intending, you acknowledge yourself as the source of power influencing reality. By requesting, you humbly address forces wiser and more powerful than yourself.

Attention freezes the object of attention, so restlessly anticipating something will put it off. This is simple quantum mechanics. The sooner you think about something else the sooner reality can get to work. Anticipation kills the future – it is better to have doubt than to anticipate, it is better to have patience than doubt, and there is no easier way to be patient than keeping yourself busy with other things.

These are metaphysical tools to catalyze the flow of experience and assist rather than undermine destiny. Most people only understand the physical side of life, that getting anywhere requires planning and physical action. Of course, doing is central to getting anything done, but direct action is only part of the equation. To summarize the rest: intend wisely, request earnestly, and go with the flow gracefully.


>while intending for what clearly goes against destiny and freewill is black magic.

Anyone here want to say fuck it to destiny and so on and just go ahead and do black magic? Fuck destiny.



Your waking experiences communicate to you symbolic messages in much the same way as dreams do. After all, there is no difference between dreams and reality other than how individual or collective is the consciousness projecting it. Ultimately, both are just made of thought.

So it is useful to pay attention to things that catch your attention as you go about your day. Here I’m talking about things that stand out from the background noise of routine and statistical average. Signs, omens, synchronicities, coincidences, improbabilities — these can be very subtle or maybe not so subtle… it depends on how stubbornly rational you are. One part of your mind may think “that’s a bit odd” and the other part says “forget about it, it was nothing” and you forget about it as though it were nothing.

But if you only practice “reading” reality as though you were interpreting a dream, then you have an additional dimension of information at your service. Just as weathermen take measurements to predict the weather, so can you measure your reality to identify patterns molding the future. Just keep an open mind and don’t dismiss improbabilities when they smack you in the face.

I must point out that there is danger in perceiving such clues or symbols as absolutely reliable indicators. The future is always in flux and changes in response to our awareness. We may experience symbolic synchronistic precursors (omens) prior to something that can nonetheless fail to manifest if we alter course based on our prescience. And to have blind faith in the accuracy of synchronistic clues makes you vulnerable to delusion and deception: delusion because if you misinterpret something but fail to second guess your interpretation, you can descend into madness through self-reinforcement of skewed perceptions, and deception because certain hyperdimensional entities use false clues as bait to fish for the spiritually gullible.

Therefore in order to avoid two errors, one involving rejecting reality clues as subjective tricks of the mind and the other involving having blind faith in their infallibility, a simple approach is in order: think of these clues as questions. When these clues come to your attention, see them as simply asking you to check up on the issue they communicate.

It’s a lot like people asking you questions. “What’s that burning smell?” — and you suddenly remember the brownies you left in the oven. “Feeling a bit stressed lately?” — well now that you think about it, yeah actually and it’s taking its toll. “How about buying one of these fine Rolex watches for your honey?” — uh, no thanks they look fake to me.

Check it… if everything’s fine, then great. If it’s not fine, then you can thank reality for the reminder. And if the message has no validity and seems a bit deceptive, then you are free to reject it.


I've made this point many times on /astral/ btw.

Specifically that: the day is as symbolical and open to interpretation as a dream, that every experience is shared to variable degree between consciousness, and that the universe is a mental creation and all things in it are just condensed thought.


A psychomantium (also spelled psychomanteum) is a darkened room with black walls containing a mirror into which a person gazes and sees prophetic visions. It is commonly built in the form of a black felt tent containg a large swivel mirror tilted slightly to show only a featureless blackness of indeterminate depth. A small lamp or set of candles illuminates the space just enough to distinguish the mirror.

Rather than go into the history or use of a psychomantium, I’ll briefly go over how and why it works, then suggest links for further reading.

The psychomantium is designed to induce an open-eye trance in the viewer, allowing the conscious mind to perceive visual impressions from the subconscious and other realms beyond normal waking perception like an open-eyed form of dreaming. There are several factors helping induce such a trance.

First, the room is dim and featureless. This acts as a form of visual sensory deprivation, a condition helpful to trance induction. Second, the uniform color of the setup is a prerequisite for creating the Ganzfeld Effect, a hallucinogenic state of trance induced by a uniform field of vision. Third, the lamp or candles are often recommended to be flickering, and strobing/flashing light is a strong catalyst for trance. And fourth, the indeterminate depth of the mirror’s darkness allows the eyes to focus outward to infinity, a relaxation that sympathetically lowers one’s state of consciousness.

An open-eye trance allows the mind to perceive visual information that is normally filtered out during waking beta brainwave activity. When using a psychomantium, brainwaves drop into the alpha and theta range, easing the generationg of hypnogogic imagery. What science calls noise or hallucination may in fact be meaningful perceptions. Just as in dreams, the subconscious can create visual symbols and vignettes that the perceiver can then remember for conscious analysis after the psychomantium session. With practice, this can be done during a session.

More interestingly, however, open-eye trance is necessary to view behind the 3D linear visual matrix. As known from quantum mechanics, observing a wave function collapses it into a single state. This single state arises from one’s highly focused engagement with a chosen slice of that wave function. When the observer softens the focal point of his awareness, that slice likewise broadens or delocalizes. This allows perception of things beyond our assembled singular material reality.

Anticipation has the opposite effect, turning awareness upon the next moment in time and collapsing it, thereby shutting out any delocalization effects. This is why using a psychomantium requires non-anticipation of results. The ego being a creature of linear time and thus anticipation naturally hinders such efforts, though the very nature of trance involves temporary dissolution or forgetting of the ego.

Besides viewing images of the subconscious, a psychomantium also encourages viewing other realms and entities within them. This happens both through images in the mind’s eye overlaid upon the visual field during light trance, and vivid “hallucinatory” images during deeper levels of trance akin to lucid dreaming with the eyes open.

The possibility that one can view other realms through scrying is supported by the fact that it works better during new and full moons – times when the veil between realms is naturally thinner.

More Practical Alternatives

Now, the problem with building a psychomantium is finding room to build a large felt tent and gathering the material to sew one together. Fortunately, once you know the basics of how a psychomantium works, you can optimize with alternatives.

• Instead of a swivel mirror, try a black scrying mirror. These consist of large picture frames whose glass has the inner side spray painted black. This creates a shiny black surface on the front equivalent to a standard mirror pointed toward dark felt, but is a lot cheaper to make.

• For the flicker, electric candles or some kind of mobile phone random flickering app may be used. [Note: there may be something to a chaotic rhythm to the flickering, as Peruvian Whistling Vessels – when whistled as a group – produce a chaotic beat frequency that strongly induces trance. The chaos, unpredictable by the linear mind, tires its anticipatory tendencies. This principle was also demonstrated in the movie Suspect Zero for use in remote viewing].

• And lastly, binaural beats or shamanic drum sounds can help entrain brainwaves for quicker trance state, although one must be careful about the lingering effects of such induction methods. The danger is in this inducing a form of self-hypnosis and a lowering of awareness that hearkens back to the ‘atavistic clairvoyance’ of the old days, as Rudolf Steiner would call it, which is a primitive and backwards state of consciousness that we shouldn’t engage in. Instead, we should raise our awareness and maintain its sharpness while the body falls asleep (or while the psychic organs of perception, discussed below, start doing their thing). Putting oneself into a spaced-out, suggestible, “out to lunch”, delirious trance is not the same as “mind awake, body asleep”. The latter retains one’s awareness, self-awareness, volition, memory, and sense of time.

If you’re thinking about trying scrying, better read up on the subject as scrying out of ignorance can lead to the same problems as using a Ouija board out of ignorance. In all likelihood you’ll give it a shot, get frustrated after a few failed attempts, and give it up. Luckily no harm comes of that. Just remember that patience and non-anticipation are essential to getting results.

What’s Really Involved in Scrying

For most practitioners, scrying requires entering a “mind awake, body asleep” state of consciousness with eyes open. This isn’t simply lying still until your body goes numb with boredom. As long as you are awake, you will see nothing in the mirror. You must fall asleep with your eyes open, thereby entering a heavy immobilized state. This is very difficult.

To walk, you first have to learn to crawl, and crawling consists in lying down, closing your eyes, and attempting to fall asleep while remaining aware throughout that transition. Books like the The Silva Method can help with this, or else see this excerpt from Theun Mares’s book Cry of the Eagle on the topic of Active Dreaming.

Once you can do that reliably, especially if you’ve created a mnemonic trigger that puts you into that hypnopompic state rapidly when enacted, then you can try it with eyes open. And once that is achieved, try it while sitting up in front of the scrying mirror. Only then will you have reliable use of the mirror. Therefore try not invest in any equipment until you can at least enter this state with eyes open while lying on your back in bed. Then you won’t even need the flickering lights or sounds.

Psychic Organs of Perception

Now, in the above state, you are detaching from your body slightly. It’s a slight OBE (out of body experience) that detaches your etheric eyes from your physical eyes, thereby bypassing the limitations of the physical body. This is the other side of the coin of what I explained earlier about quantum delocalization — the body is always phase-locked with the environment because both are physical, but the mind can defocus and thus detach from not only the environment (the current linear timeline and space-time coordinate) but also from the body. Either way, you are then able to see things that the physical eyes cannot see. So in the “mind awake, body asleep” state you peek out from behind the curtains of your five senses.

Notice, however, that successful clairvoyants aren’t just sitting there in full sleep paralysis while they’re slightly detached from their bodies. They are animated and talking and relatively awake. How can this be? Well, instead of leaving their bodies, they have actual extensions of their etheric/astral bodies that act as antennas or periscopes that feed them ESP while they are still in their bodies.

These psychic organs grow out of them through repeated use and nourishment by overactive etheric energy emissions and circulations in and around their bodies. In other words, they don’t have to achieve “mind awake, body asleep” — rather, they have made themselves psychic by developing new psychic organs that reach beyond the confines of the physical senses. And that should assist with scrying, allowing quicker and more reliable results.

Developing these organs is no trivial task and those who know what’s involved say it’s fraught with dangers including damage to one’s biology and neurology if one is not genetically suited for such abilities, as well as attraction of malevolent entities who are drawn to the energy emissions like sharks to blood. That said, if you wish to pursue this route then look into Robert Bruce’s N.E.W. Energy Ways and/or the meditational practice of Vipassana, and combine it with the Silva Method.

An Etheric Mirror

Franz Bardon in his book Initiation into Hermetics (see the link at Amazon) stated that spraying a scrying mirror with some chamomile tea and letting it dry enhances its powers, for chamomile tea is a “fluid condenser” as he calls it. By fluid he means etheric energy, and condenser means accumulator.

If this is true, then it’s possible that the mirror isn’t just a device to relax the eyes, but may rather act as a physical substrate for the growth of an additional etheric energy layer, and the latter acts as a kind of etheric mirror or screen. Thus a psychic person, or someone in the “mind awake, body asleep” state, may perceive guided perturbations in this etheric layer which the mind then turns into visual imagery. Stated another way, it becomes an externalized etheric sense organ that functions like a CCTV screen. It’s a crude form of etheric technology.

Interestingly, clairvoyants like Stuart Wilde claimed to see the “morph” just by lying on his bed and staring up at the ceiling. He said the morph looks like a layer of undulatory static about an arm’s length away. Well, I think that static noise is just phosphene noise in the retina perceived to be some distance away for the same reason that white noise played in each ear creates a wide stereo effect. However staring into this nebulous visual void can induce a scrying effect and allow dreaming with the eyes open. Wilde’s method is even simpler then, since it just uses the ceiling. Though again, whether it’s merely a Ganzfeld effect, or whether Wilde created an etheric screen above him that he was peering into, remains to be known.

Alternatively, an etherically charged mirror might merely function as a magnet that can assist in pulling you out of your head/eyes, or help extend/energize the psychic structures that allow for extrasensory perception. Bardon said that concave mirrors are especially effective, and we know from Feng Shui that concave mirrors have a “sucking” or “condensing” effect on subtle energies thus their pull would be greater than flat mirrors.

The above is just speculation, but such possibilities must be taken into account.


It’s tragic when instructions merely state “keep staring, and you will eventually see something.” People do that for years and see nothing. Maybe if they knew what they were doing, it wouldn’t take so long! Here I’ve explained what’s involved (either “mind awake, body asleep” or psychic sense organs) and that should hopefully help interested readers narrow in on the goal.

Keep in mind that what one sees may be a combination of what is projected internally by your mind (including your own subconscious content) and what the mind decodes of external objective etheric data patterns. Both of these are converted according to your subconscious’s visual lexicon into formats you can understand. I strongly caution people from taking these images at face value and interpreting them all literally. Sometimes they are literal, like a precognitive dream; sometimes they are symbolic; sometimes they are just internally generated subjective nonsense.

Being absolutely calm and dispassionate about what you see can reduce contamination of the signal by your own energies. Non-anticipation likewise keeps you out of the way of yourself and what you receive. It’s the excitable, manic, anticipatory, wishfully thinking folks that, if they are unfortunate enough to be ‘blessed’ with clairvoyance, end up building a schizophrenic hell for themselves and wind up merely staring into a mirror of their own insanity.

The integrity of your mind and soul play a big part in the fidelity of what you perceive, just like a cheap broken radio might only produce noise versus a high end radio that gives crystal clear reception. Impeccable logic and discernment are needed to not get led astray by false conclusions from half-baked perceptions interpreted erroneously. That’s why clairvoyants like Stuart Wilde go off the deep end eventually. Don’t let it happen to you.


Hey guy who is into shamanism lately and was asking about shamanism in the question thread, check this shit out:



Found it on montalk btw on that psychomantium article so it's got the Montalk stamp of approval.

Montalk is divinity, montalk is prophecy.

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