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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 13176
I was gonna post this in /si/ but it's dead.

For the past 7 months I've been in continuous negativity, I fantasize about people making mistakes/telling stupid jokes/being dicks to me and how I diss/curse/beat them up.

I DON'T want to think these things, but something inside me gains some satisfaction from these thoughts.

I don't have these kinds of thoughts when I am in fron of the pc or meditating however I have them most of the other time.

What to do?

It's a perfect target for Jugorum.

Substitute a rubber band for a razor if you don't want to leave scars.

tl;dr punish yourself with pain whenever you catch yourself thinking those thoughts, you will learn to avoid them

You're looking for a quick fix and you won't get one. Be extremely diligent, be ruthless with yourself and force these thoughts out of your head the moment you notice them enter. Try making some kind of system to really reinforce it. Something like drawing a mark somewhere on your face (like the forehead) every time you notice a thought of this nature, if you want to go all-out. Discipline yourself and take no fucking prisoners when you do, if you actually want results.

OP I have new notes in the mega folder go read the one in Fringe Essentials. Actually start with my -READ ME and then proceed to there.

Inside that note will actually be the answer to your problem.

ProTip: UKM will help you.

The mega folder is in the sticky btw.

sounds like Intrusive thoughts maybe?


>posting psychiatric nonsense

rope rope rope

>hey guys mentality is everything!
>psychiatry is bs

>hermetic logic

rope rope rope

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