I hope you goyim realize that Paganism, Wizardry and other blasphemous beliefs that don't follow YHWH's teachings are forbidden. You'll be getting the rope if you don't obey the law.
-310) Not to allow a witch to livehttp://www.hasidicuniversity.org/index.php?page=hu_theocracy/mitzvah_profile.php?mitzvah=-310Application to gentiles:
RequiredMandated punishment for violation:
From HeavenBrief description:
For the courts not to avoid their responsibility to execute anyone who has practiced sorcery, including any of the ceremonies or rituals of witchcraft. Commandment -34 prohibits witchcraft with
death penalty, and commandments -31, -32, -33, -35, -36, -37, and -38 forbid the various related practices of divination, though probably not with death penalty.
- For the legal system to prosecute and execute practitioners of Wicca, Santería, Voodoo, and a variety of “New Age” cults.
- For the government to institute prohibitions on favorable depictions of sorcery in fictional books, films, and television programs, such as those in the Harry Potter and Star Wars stories. It is the responsibility of governments to intervene against provocateurs who seek to popularize such evil, in order to prevent the problem in the first place rather than having to solve it with widespread capital punishment.
The Noahide laws are now US law.
http://theendofzion.com/noahide-laws-the/The 7 Noahide Laws have already been passed into official law in the United States in honor of Menachem Mendel Sneerson’s 89th birthday by a traitorous Congress in 1991 under President George H.W. Bush, making it legal for our government to literally decapitate US citizens on a grand scale. These Noahide will probably be the law in Canada. You better watch out Smiley, we are coming for you, you dirty satanic non-human cattle.