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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

File: 1403818214790.jpg (1.38 KB, 28x28, image.jpg)
No. 13080
What do you guys think of the EsoClassics app? It contains a ton of important books all in one simple app, and it's free. Literally you can find a lot of good books that are essential. Personally I'm in love with it.

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/esoclassics-plus/id456364318?mt=8

Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.simonmatts.esoclassics

No, I am not a hired shill. Sorry about the picture I can't find a related picture


Are you posting from a Tablet or something?

Posting in a shill thread btw.

Use DuckDuckGo as your search engine.

Do I need an internet connection to be able to have access to these books? If so fuck this app. I need offline copies of my books that won't just disappear right when I need them most.

This really isn't a shill I swear. I sent the goddamn thing to in skype

One time download.

>This really isn't a shill I swear. I sent the goddamn thing to in skype

Ok but do you search with DuckDuckGo? That's the more important matter at hand.

I really could care less what jewgle looks at. I don't do anything besides post here and some other things online that aren't of anyone's (especially the gov) concern

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Do you care what it omits from you, the results you aren't getting, because they are too threatening to the jew?

Do you care that every time you search with Jewgle you support the same ZOG corporation that has brought ruin to youtube and is fucking up the internet in general?

Do you feel a special need to prove you are a good goy by making sure you are monitored and think it's ok because "nothing you do is wrong" even though in the future something that is perfectly acceptable today could become a crime? Even something as mundane as say eating pork could get you killed in the future with a regime change… or maybe it'll be something else you never know.

Real defiant white men search with DuckDuckGo and not Jewgle.

File: 1403849199700.jpg (62.4 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)
[inseification of paranoia]

Oh wow failed at trip and intensification

How do you take a screencap on tablet?

Btw I only search with DDG, use Firefox on my android tablet not that Jewgle Chrome, and removed all the other search engines because fuck the rest.

DDG gets billions of searches now btw and is a very BIG TIME search engine and they've really improved it lately even more and it was already very good years ago.

Home button + power button at the same time for i-devices.

For me its power button+one of the sound buttons

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