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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 12930
So from what I've read in various new-age/occult books is that earth used to have pole shifts like every 1000 years or so but nowadays it has pole shifts every day and that our consciousness level is evolving as fast as ever.

What will happen in the next years? Everything is ineed accelarating: technology, kids grow faster these days e.t.c.

My guess is that in the next decades synchronicity events will become so common in the everyday lives of normal people and many of them will go insane.
Revolution, war, and chaos is what's going to happen. All democrashitties across history have fell within a few hundred years. There's an inevitable race war coming, Ragnorak will soon rise.

>there are kids who believe this

If you believe in astrology then there are some major planetary aspects happening such as pluto in capricorn.

also, you just get used to synchronicity. I have it everyday and I've recently started to ignore it. You don't go insane lol

>but nowadays it has pole shifts every day



Yeah sorry, I meant to say "changes in the geometrical grid" which is based on the 2 poles.

The veil is thinning. We are in a new astrological age, called the age of Aquarius. The veil, the earth, humans, and the universe as we know it is completely changing, as well as reality itself. Now is the time to learn, and enlighten yourself and eachother, it is time for change now. It's your choice whether your influence is good or bad, but light prevails. The Critical Masses are starting to wake up, and when they do, people us can be there, because we need to be there. We need to be there to help them balance themselves, or enlighten themselves, but their desire for balance or enlightenment has to be clear, otherwise it could backfire on you or the person.

Help yourself, by helping others.

Balance is key, love is the answer, living is the reason.

That is all I have to say, thank you.

>Balance is key, love is the answer, living is the reason.

wait, what's the question?

Depends on what a person is desiring I guess. The question is personal, I am bad at explaining what I mean btw.

By that question is personal, I mean. It can differ person to person. But love, balance, and life are all very important things to have for the next coming years.

This is a shit thread so I'm going to put my notes here.

Quotes of Bektash Veli

• Seek and find.
• To search / investigate is an open exam.
• A path without knowledge will end in darkness.
• Be in control of your hands (actions), tongue (speech), and loins (desires).
• Whatever you do, do it for the Truth.
• There exists in you a “there is” to replace every “there isn't.”
• He who walks the Path never tires.
• There is no rank or station higher than the Friend's heart.
• The one who is wise but doesn't share his wisdom is ignorant.
• To the ignorant, abandoning what is no longer needed is death; to the wise it is birth.
• There is no repentance of repentance.
• Let your heart, your hand, and your table be open to others.
• Look for the key to all within your deepest being.
• Whatever you seek, look within.
• Do not forget your enemy is also a human being.
• The beauty of human beings is the beauty of their words.
• If the path appears dark, know that the veil is in your own eyes.
• All blessings upon the one who overlooks another's shortcomings.
• All blessings upon the one who makes a secret of secrets.
• The Word (Quran) is Truth.
• Do not hurt others, even if you are hurt.
• Hand-in-hand, hand in Truth.
• One hour of meditation is better than seventy years of piety.
• The greatest book to read is the human being.
• Be connected to your religion with your heart, not with your knees.
• Educate your women, a nation that doesn't educate its women cannot progress.
• Prophets and saints are a gift from God to mankind.
• Our path is based on the akhlaq of Muhammad and the adab of Ali.
• The basis of Islam is akhlaq, the basis of akhlaq is knowledge, the basis of knowledge is intellect.
• Whatever the language, religion or color of one might be, a good human being is a good human being.
• A man who wastes his time while his heart is full of love for God, is better than a man who reads the Qur'an day and night while his heart is filled with the desire of this world.
• For those who have Awareness, a hint is quite enough. For the multitudes of heedless, mere knowledge is useless.
• The Quran is a letter from the Loving One to the beloved.
• O dervish, know that the Quran is the Word of God, and a book that is revealed to the Prophet to appoint him as a messenger to mankind.


>yfw they found structures on the moon



>yfw we've bombed the moon


>yfw Germany lost a satellite circling Mars as it neared Phobos and the last picture it took before disconnected was of a ufo and Germany confirmed it


>yfw Chinese sent a satelite to the far side of the moon and claims to of taken footage of buildings/bridges and the like


>yfw Buzz Aldrin talked on C Span about a monument on Phobos and how people would wonder who put it there


>yfw you can read NASA transcripts of astronauts talking about being tailed by objects in space , talking about roads on the moon, and people living in craters on the moon



>yfw the reason the apollo 11 craft malfunctioned when approaching the dark side of the moon was because it was turned off the same way the German satellite was turned off when it approached Phobos


This pill is hard to swallow

We haven't been back to the moon because it's occupied and they want us to bugger off



Mouches Volantes - Eye Floaters as Shining Structure of Consciousness

Pretty bad really. I have all the noise and light and so on. Sometimes I manage to keep the noise down pretty low. It is best however if my room were totally empty yet other people put stuff there. The idea bedroom for me would be one that is completely clean and just has matress and pillows and blankets and so on on the floor and nothing else. No windows, no light, that would be best. Stupid bedframes and so on are annoying.

To do it I see things with my mind's eye. Sometimes a sort of specific thing but most of the time not really. You kind of need to see something which you project at first but then you start seeing things which you don't project and you just let yourself be drawn into those things. Do not focus on vibrations or your body or anything, doing so is self-defeating, just look at what is before you and see more of what is around that thing, eventually you'll reach a point you're walking around in a whole nother plane and should retain consciousness too although you may end up gaining access to the memories of some other person… happens quite often, and may result in varied levels of blockage of your own memory, making you temporarily forget who you are if you mess up.

There's no steps really just got to see it and also do not think with sounds/words. Only use sight. Eventually you'll hear things but only if you quiet your own mind. It's bad idea to talk, don't do it until you're fully over in the astral.

One thing I should note is lets say you're sitting at your computer and you need to get water. Do you think about how you're going to get up from your chair, walk, and get your glass? No. You just have the will to do it and you do it. When trying to AP don't think about getting out of your body, just see what you can see with your mind's eye and go, eventually you can look at your astral body.

ULT / Living Computer / Demiurge






ABC MK-ULTRA Documentary

Russian Mind Control Techniques

Mirror of wiped .mil article: The Mind has No Firewall

Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring and altering brain waves (.GOV)


Roseanne Barr on MKULTRA in Hollywood

Cathy O'Brien, MONARCH Slave

MONARCH Slave's MPPD/DID Artwork


DID/MPPD Artwork From MONARCH Slave

Information on Kim Nobel, One of The Above Artists

Mind Control and the CIA Sex Slaves

CIA Attempts to Create Manchurian Candidate

Breaking the Chain of Organization – “New” “Treatment” for Schizophrenia

SONY Develops Early (Public) VR Simulator

Room 23 “Artbook”/MONARCH

Room 322/MONARCH Programming

Full Gallery of 322 at Hotel Zaza

“Monarch” Bar at… Hotel Zaza

Vicki Polin – Jewish Satanic Ritual Abuse (ON OPRAH)

Ex-Elite Insider Discusses Mind-Control and Sex Abuse (Hour and a half)

Law Enforcement Reactions to Satanic Abuse Cults

Former FBI Agent Ted Gunderson on Government Abuse Experiments

Former FBI Agent Ted Gunderson on Satanic Abuse Cults in America

Programmed to Kill – Project MONARCH

Depatterning – “New” “Treatment” For Schizophrenia (12 pages)

1977 Join Hearing on MK-ULTRA

MK-ULTRA Final Report to the 94th Congress of the United States of America http://www.scribd.com/doc/97302261/MKULTRA-CIA-Mind-Control-Research-and-Documentation

Respected Psychologist Speaks on Hypnosis and MPD Ritual Abuse

Wait there's a thread on /illuminati/ for this…

Wait, I've heard a lot of things about it, but what's the whole idea behind MK-Ultra anyway?

What was the project's goal and who does it affect.

File: 1403822410257.jpg (60.87 KB, 640x397, jfkontheilluminati.jpg)
We don't all have access to that board


Brain washing of all types and flavours.

It affects brain washing victims, people with DID who have gone through trauma of brainwashing and the people who are killed by hypnotised hitmen.

>Given enough time we could have someone kill their own parents and eat them in a stew

Holy fuck that quote. That surely isn't him talking about the "Illuminati" though. More likely the hyperdimensional loosh farmers and their chosen pets.

>Given enough time we could have someone kill their own parents and eat them in a stew

Just another day in Apefrica lol.

It's from montalk, one of the first things you see when you search his name.

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heheheheh silly goyim yes watch montalk! Get greenpilled on the matrix control system and the hyperdimensional loosh farmers! eheheheh

Not my filename, but wouldn't he just be called a crazy if he tried to do that?

The illuminati or something similar is a more realistic goal.

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