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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 12898
Fountain Of Hope Ministries & Healing Centre

We are a spiritual and practical ministry based on faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and His command to reach out in love to others. The vision of Fountain of Hope Ministries is propelled and maintained by the principles in God’s Word (the Bible).
Our purpose is to release the love of God to those who are spiritually and physically challenged in our community by following His command to “love your neighbour as yourself”. This we do through spiritual encouragement and the giving of materials such as food and clothing which we receive through donations.
We provide a safe environment for fellowship through Bible Study. We also minister the Healing Rooms and Sozo ministries. In all our ministry processes, we rely on the provisions of the Word of God and the Holy Spirit to release faith into daunting situations and circumstances in people’s lives.
Our ministry teams are spiritually gifted, matured in faith, friendly and sensitive to the needs of those who come to us.
You are welcome to be a part of this friendly group by partaking of the various ministries listed above. Our utmost desire is to facilitate the process of your healing spirit, soul and body; and the restoration of your peace and hope…


1. To preach and advance the teachings of Jesus Christ and the religious tenets, doctrines and observances associated with an evangelical Christian tradition.

2. To establish, maintain and support a house of worship with services conducted in accordance with the tenets and doctrines of an evangelical Christian faith.

3. To support Christian missions whether it involves evangelism, church planting or relief of poverty and whether it is in Canada or elsewhere so long as it is a registered Canadian charity.
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Healing Rooms

Apr 9 2014 11:37 AM

Welcome to the Healing Rooms!

“And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues, they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick and they will recover” (Mark 16:17-18).

This “spiritual hospital” is for those needing healing in their spirit, soul and body, through the healing power of Jesus Christ. The Healing Rooms are set up like a physician’s office/walk-in clinic to ensure privacy.

When you first walk through our doors, you will be greeted by a friendly Receptionist. They will ask you to sign your name on a sheet as we operate on a first come, first serve basis. After filling out a short form, a trained prayer team of 3-4 people will pray over your prayer request form before meeting with you.

When you enter one of our three private rooms, you will be asked to face the cross, where Jesus lifted our burdens. Then, the team members will take turns to pray for you according to the direction of the Holy Spirit. We are not counselors, so this is not counseling. It is positive, gentle and prayer is administered with God's love, grace and mercy.

After your prayer session, you may be given a sheet with scriptures to help you walk out your healing.

We are a member of the International Association of Healing Rooms (IAHR).

There site: http://fountainofhopeministries.org/

Contact information: http://fountainofhopeministries.org/contact

These guys dropped pamphlets everywhere. I want to ask them about their healing and working with spirits and find out how they do it. I'm afraid though they'll try to sell my soul into bondage to Jesus or something though. I don't like Christianity. Might need to prepare myself if I want to actually go there, you guys can contact them though by email or phone or on their site and start asking questions yourselves and report back in this thread with the results of your trolling/inquiries. I think I'll need to really brush up on my magic hardcore though to defend myself from the spirits they use just in case it comes down to a magic battle if I go there.

Tread carefully my friend. I have been to various Christian churches. They use "holy" music to fuck with your brainwaves to make you more susceptible to their brainwashing techniques. They will pretend to be your best friend the moment you walk in the door. They will try to touch you at all times (handshake,shoulder touching,etc..)to infuse you with their energy. It is my theory that they are all either possessed or batshit insane. It's not worth the trouble, but if you must.. shield yourself well and keep your mind strong.

Just use your ancient Norse magic against them. Sedir is more better than "the power of prayer".

How many of you guys are from ontario?

I feel as if this board is filled with people from the GTA.

More on Sedir?

>They will try to touch you at all times (handshake,shoulder touching,etc..)to infuse you with their energy

That feel when I've done this in martial arts before, just touching the guy a lot and forcing a dark etheric substance into him to weaken him, and it worked.

He was probably just freaked out that you were grabbing his balls so much.

Im Ontarian lol

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