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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

File: 1403446130010.jpg (270.67 KB, 1152x864, Pinecone in Water.jpg)
No. 12834

I went outside into my garden and I have this one square pot out there with holes in it that's filled with water and is kind of a bird bath right.

There's a pinecone floating in the water and I went and looked at it then applied my will to moving the pinecone since it was suspended in the water there, slowly rotating in circles, and I want to make it move contrary to that natural pattern.

So I looked at it intently and first started to try to visualize it being moved but then instead I just focused really intensely and exerted my will and something wonderful happen! The still water RIPPLED!

I then applied myself more. MORE RIPPLES! Then I stop focusing and the ripples stop. Then I apply myself again and get even more ripples with greater intensity!

It was so wonderful. At first I thought maybe it was just a fluke but multiple times in a row I made the water ripple, each time with more intensity, and each time it stopping the moment I took my focus off of it and stopped with my intention and exertion of will.

The correspondence between the ripples and what I was doing mentally was very exact.

I am so excited /fringe/! I used to meditate upon water thoughtforms before and evoke undines. Now in my garden it seems that I can manipulate water with my body, and I never I also had my mouth completely closed and tried blowing hard through my nostrils a few times to make sure it wasn't the breath moving and indeed it was not.

Also after doing all that and coming inside it seemed as if the air was rippling/swirling around me even as I looked at this computer screen and I felt pressure coming fourth from the region of my brain and it feels like my whole mind is very excited / awake when moments ago I was drowsy because it's the morning. I think perhaps I am manipulating the flow of the air with my mind.

Pic related is the water and pinecone.
fuck yeah you just went up a level.

>I felt pressure coming fourth from the region of my brain

How close were you to the water? This sounds like direct PK, it almost always gives me pressure there. Try again but from a farther distance and see if you still can.

Check the telekinesis thread >>45 if you haven't already

> I think perhaps I am manipulating the flow of the air with my mind.

Probably. If you still felt pressure it means you were still exerting force somewhere. Once you 'let go' the pressure drops right away.


>pleb-tier powers like hydrokinesis and aerokinesis

Come back when you shoot lasers from you eyes and lightning from your fingers. Still, I suppose any start is good. Well done.

the first case of hydromancy on fringe chan, atta boi

man, something from nothing is pretty good!

It could be aeromancy.

There is no difference between the two.

I had casted a sigil and did some magic in my room that had really weird effects. I felt a huge rush of energy into my right-ear and felt as if the entirety of my right-ear was suddenly unblocked and cleared out, it was a little unsettling, and even more so there was a presence in my room that was make clearly audible noises knocking things around but when I turned on the light I couldn't see it. My fan also had stopped working again and I started it working again using magic, it took awhile, and I noticed that the lust of result prevented it from spinning and so in this way was able to make it speed up and slowdown with my conscious input until I eventually just let it reach fullspeed and stay at that. It seems that hoping / wanting something to happen prevents or stalls its happening or as montalk says in the reality creation article you must not anticipate something or it will put it off. What made it work was feeling that it had already happened and I need not do anything more… it's hard to get into that feeling if your eyes contradict but once getting into that feeling the fan would speed up right before me. It was quite extraordinary.

tl;dr I influenced a fan last night that stops working again & again. I've done this before but never really was sure it was my conscious input but today because I was able to make it slow down and speed up in accordance with my mental input I believe I have in fact accomplished the manipulation of the fan. Next time it stops working I got to film this shit.

Special note: In every instance so far where I've magically influenced things around me it has been done in a state of being more relaxed than usual and in a sort of half-awake half-asleep state just like is mentioned on montalk as when reality is most malleable.

The water was influenced right after I woke up and immediately went outside and did that. The fan right before going to bed.

I did this last night with a mobile instead of a fan
In this mental state, as I went to sleep

Every time I come back here I find someone has been working on exactly what I have been doing.

You know where you pretend to grab something off in the distance with your fingers?
I grabbed a mobile this way. My rational mind was completely shut off, nothing told me I couldn't do it. So I grabbed it and spun it, and it spun.
This is the other sort of kinesis, the indirect, unlimited kind.

Direct kinesis I find doesn't need a special mental state. I can do it at anytime. It's just so limited.

Film it.

Congratz! Don't give up and you shall become a powerful mage!

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