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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

No. 12603
Undeniable proof that Jesus Christ is our lord and savior- or a hoax?
I don't understand why everybody assumes that it's a Christian angel.
Nor do I think it looks real.

how does this have such little views?

Lighting looks fucked to me. The flare of illumination cast against the pillars behind the angel isn't properly synced to its landing. This distinct "flare" effect arrives well after the angel has landed, which should ideally already have illuminated as much of the surrounding area as possible as soon as he made contact with the ground. Also, the light cast from the store behind it onto the ground is totally unaffected by the Angels presence, leading me to believe this is just edited post-recording.

It also seems like there's a contrast in detail between the angel (which has oddly smooth animation) and the rest of the video. I mean, the timestamp isn't even readable but you can clearly make out distinct features of the angel despite it's rapid motions and heavy illumination (which should actually heavily obscure detail on a shitty camera like this).

I'm willing to suspend my disbelief and entertain that the angel is a supernatural entity and thus doesn't necessary follow the laws of the physical world (explaining the lighting), but then I feel like there should be some sort of video artifact or distortion as a result of the massive amount of energy expended by the angel in it's landing and departure. Pretty sure it's fake.

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