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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

File: 1403113162058.png (754.55 KB, 699x433, 1399323670357.png)
No. 12538
ITT: We identify all the basic metaphysical functions at play in the mind and in magic then we figure out how each works and how to improve them.

Will – characterized by deliberate actions, intentions, etc. undertaken purposefully. Appears to be developed by doing everything consciously instead of passively. Its development entails an expanded consciousness, more self-control, higher awareness, greater powers of manifestation, etc.

Focus – relating to attention and awareness, greater awareness allows you to have a more expansive focus at once, but temporary narrowing of attention to one subject increases the focus on that thing and allows for greater action through the will upon that one thing.

Memory – ???

Intent – ???

Visualization – ???

Belief – ???

What else. I'm going to rest now and I'll be back to update this thread.
Will, Intent, Belief are all the same.

Every man, woman, and child knows what magick is. Shit thread.

What is the deal with that picture? Is it real?

Visualization is just a specific form of imagination.

There's a flag conveniently hiding whatever he's holding. Convenient enough that it makes me wonder.

Yeah right.

>Every man, woman, and child knows what magick is. Shit thread.

Then how come they aren't pulling off miracles all over the place?

>Visualization is just a specific form of imagination.

Hurrr durrr real insightful.

I mean they know what it is. Not how to do it.

Many people know what football is, but don't know how to do it professionally.

Well I'm going back to the astral and will eventually return to continue reading my books and also update this thread further and I hope you guys give some proper insights into these various mechanisms behind the working of magic.

I found out about the concept of "sacrificing suffering" in this moon book I've been reading and it seems really good advice btw.

I think intent=will+focus

Damn it can't properly connect and stay connected right now. Just projected to a place with a big tree and a fancy couch and drew stuff all over the place but never really managed to there fully and stay there.

Need to try again now.

Likely real. I don't know what method of fire throwing he is using.

No shit. The OP listed visualization but not imagination, it needed to be said.

I don't think we're going to get anywhere with this.

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