Spiritual EnergyRequirements for this shit:
-A mind
-Familiar to meditation
Hello everyone, I don't know if there is a thread on this yet but I want to share my info on energy and how to obtain it, use it, etc.
I have done magickal things for about 3 years now, mainly necromancy/satanism/other shit. I found that once you know how to work with energy you can do a lot of things, because all magick really is, is energy manipulation. You can use energy to power orbs, thoughtforms, tulpas, heal, etc.
So first thing you need to do is work with the Chakras. There are seven chakras, here is a guide to them, from bottom to top:
Muladhara, or Root Chakra, is located at the base of your spine in the coccygeal region. It is related to survival, sexuality, smell, etc. and it's seed syllable is Lam (lum). It has four pedals and is
red.Swadhisthana is located at the genitals and is orange. It has six pedals. It is related to reproduction, creativity, joy, and enthusiasm. The seed syllable is Vam.
Manipura is a yellow, ten-petaled downward-pointing triangle located in the Solar Plexus area. The seed syllable is Ram.
Anahata is a green, twelve-petaled hexagram (representing union of male and female) located in the hear. Seed syllable is Yam.
Vishuddhi is a blue, 16-petaled upside-down triangle with a circle in the middle, located in the throat. Seed syllable is Ham.
Ajna is a purple, two-petaled upside-down triangle, located where the Third Eye is, in between the eyes in the forehead. Seed Syllable is OM.
Sahasrara (means 1000-petaled lotus) has many petals, is light violet, and is located at the top of the head, or crown.
For more information just look it up it won't take long.
Now, to activate them all you need to do is meditate upon them, visualize them according to their color, use their mantra if you'd like, visualize them clean and bright and big, and they should be aligned and clean. Not that hard, a neophyte could do it in about ~30-60 minutes. These are your main energy holders and you should meditate upon them often. When you first cleanse them you should feel energized and happy, I even cried tears of joy the first time I cleansed them.
Once you learn to work with the chakras you should be at least aligned with the energy.
Okay, now to putting energy into practice. First put pressure on yourself (anywhere you like) with your mind only, using energy. I suggest you do this while in deep meditation because your mind gets bored easily with this and tends to go to other things. Now try and move the energy all over your body to any one point you wish. Once you become decent with this try transporting the energy to other things such as sigils, or even moving a friend with energy by doing a "push" motion behind him/her and when you pull back make your palms face you. Charge things with your energy. It's not that hard, a neophyte can grasp this ability. Discuss these things below for anything else.
Some of you might find the Middle Pillar ritual to be of use, it's just a Hermetic energy-working ritual. It helped TONS for me.
http://www.sacred-magick.com/Practises/pdf/The%20Middle%20Pillar%20Ritual.pdfWith energy you can do anything magickal. No need for silly rituals or candle magick, no need for sacrificing 666 goats to Santa, just go into meditation and will it. I might delete this thread and make a better one, this is just my advice. In the second version I'll include videos and such once I've done proper research.