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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

No. 12413
Welp I think my room is haunted… Or is it all in my head? If so I've gone crazy.

Several times in my life I have awoken to the lower part in the picture.

Recently the frequency has increased. It is also more intense.

Last night there was a giant shadow creature jumping on me. I screamed, jumped on my girlfriend… Her face was fucking EVIL, darkness was pouring out of her face. I turned on a light and stayed in shock for a few minutes. She didn't know what the fuck was going on.

I don't take any medication or drugs. And these vivid hallucinations have occured since I was a teen.

Have you ever seen this anywhere else or is it only your room?

Only in my room.

Is this always immediately after waking up? Have you ever had this when your girlfriend was not present?

Get your closest ORTHODOX priest, explain the situation, he'll try to help.
Catholics don't believe in demons and are liberal as fuck, protestants will just make you believe the scary away.
Try to get baptized too.

I suppose the second question is answered by >>12414

It sounds like you have a problem with negative entities, usually they try to scare you. Do a banishing ritual before sleeping. LBRP is a good one. Don't panic, it's a fairly common problem and not that big of a deal.

Because you say you saw darkness pouring out of your girlfriend's face, I can't say whether this will solve it completely. She might be unintentionally supporting them with her thoughts or have an attached entity herself.

>Or is it all in my head?

Have you ever experienced a single thing outside of your "head" (*materialist detected*).

All is mind.

>… Her face was fucking EVIL, darkness was pouring out of her face. I turned on a light and stayed in shock for a few minutes. She didn't know what the fuck was going on.

Stop being a pussy. The moment this shit stops phasing you and causing you to lose loosh is the moment it changes to something else.


If you ever get the chance read some experiences on these drugs on Erowid. The type of stuff you will read is absolutely insane. People will encounter the dead and have conversations with them, then when they leave the state they will realize they were visited by a dead loved one or someone who is in fact thousands of miles away. The way it injects itself into waking life is more amazing than what LSD does imo.

The only power demons is that you give them through emotion; think the boggart from harry potter, if you laugh and say "ridikulus" it can't do anything


Last month I spent quite a bit of time reading about various deliriants. In particular the datura stories were the most amazing. Most of them tended to go horribly wrong because the people taking the drug were just ignorant teenagers looking to have a good time, or even worse- taking it at a party. However from what I've read it seems even this massively dangerous plant can provide deeply spiritual experiences when used respectfully and in the right environment.

This story right here is a cool example.
>Injin mans family warns him about datura, not to use it
>He grows his own plant, and a year later makes tea with it while a friend sits him
>When it kicks in he ends up walking around the forest, talking to animals for hours
>Returns to his house, and is welcomed by all of his friends and loved ones. Everyone he has ever cared for in his life, even the dead, are there welcoming him. It's like that end scene from Labyrinth
>After a while he goes to his bedroom to relax and unwind
>The most stunningly beautiful woman he's ever seen then comes into his room behind him
>She's the spirit of his datura plant, his daughterfu
>They spend hours talking and getting to know one another

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