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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

No. 12395
"And the resonance of what?" The resonance between pure awareness and all concepts you are aware of like consciousness and mind, which you are not.

"the shape is always changing" It is the nature of the mind to create patterns and shapes where there can truly be none, to always change and wander about ceaselessly. When you observe the mind you see instantly that you are not the mind or body containing it. Nothing, concrete or abstract you can observe/ perceive can be you. You can't meaningfully say "I am this" or " I am that", you cannot be some-thing else it doesn't make sense. The very act of observing means you cannot be what you observe!

"Sound? Vibrations along the wires?" These are concepts born from the mind, vibration and sound I can create, feel and hear inside my mind and observe them, just the same as I can make & observe them externally. Are your thoughts not a form of sound or vibration? If not, how can one "hear" them.
All these things are based on memory and imagination, past experience and future anticipation and are temporal (tempor-ary). Anything bound by time can not last and has no reality.

Even the words I speak or type are based on concepts and their limitations are insufficient to help you in understanding the meaning and magnitude of what I wish to convey to you. To truly understand, put all thoughts out of your mind except one: the feeling "I am". It was the first feeling you ever had, ever. Observe it constantly, quietly and the mind will become quiet and stop resisting you. Then you can even let go of the "I am" and realize that what is left is pure awareness! A state of absoluteness! The realization that you are the supreme reality, truly a limitless being beyond all concept, beyond all science or doctrine or laws, set forms or rules. What is born must die, the body-mind machine was born and must die but you are aware of this process and are therefore outside it. I know in fact that life / awareness does not stop after death, I have seen outside the net. It isn't hard to do, the net is full of holes or contradictions, as soon as you are aware of them they disappear instantly and without effort, creating a gap through which you can move and view things from the outside (so called out-of-body experience).

Back to the video content, birth and death contradict each other, the goal of life cannot be the end of it, there is no beginning or end, beginning and end create each other, like this coil pattern. If I am not mistaken it appears to be based on the concept of the lemniscate ∞ (infinity http://mathworld.wolfram.com/images/eps-gif/LemniscateEnvelope_1000.gif ). Just because the words used or the images that are used to describe it might not make sense to your logic, unnatural and form based mind, doesn't mean that it won't make sense to a purely creative, natural and formless based mind. To truly comprehend that swirling form of formlessness shown in this video one must not have too much of one thing. If you have one to the extreme you become a machine, no longer a living being. If you have another to the extreme you become very unscientific. Combine both natural and unnatural ways of thinking and you will get the gist of the image presented in your own way.

Now I have said what I had to say, take my words as you will. Any answer you seek from myself can be found by asking yourself (because all have their being in you, before you, nothing is) one question "What am I?" which answers itself automatically without effort in the sense of "I am." Because you cannot be a "what" you cannot be something else. Just keep to the "I am" and all else will come naturally by itself even if you don't understand now it matters not. The realization comes quite easy and spontaneous indeed like how buddha realized "What we think, we become." (no he was not an abstract external concept like a "god", which is an all-doer. Just an enlightened man/ being, a non-doer.)

Following the concept of no concept, I have typed this and will now let it go completely. I bid you well and with that I will say no more.

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