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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 11897
I feel myself degrading at accelerated rate every single day. I stopped reading, learning, meditating, lost all my friends and I can feel my sanity slipping away. I don't know when it started, or how to stop it. Every time I tried to better myself, I failed. I feel like every second that I wasted on mindless distractions is my own undoing, but I just don't know how to better myself.So I decided to delete all my social media accounts, sell my glorified toys called consoles, get rid of every video game I own, limit my acsses to the Internet. Still I can't bring myself to do anything.
So I ask you for an advice, since I really have nowhere else to turn.

>So I decided to delete all my social media accounts

This will just isolate you even more socially.

Find your ajna, your inner godhood, your inner divinity, your true will, the rest will follow.

Practise banishing rituals every morning and evening on waking and before you sleep, there's a simple one on >>>/chaos/

After the banishing rituals lie or sit in a fixed position for ten minutes just being aware of and accepting everything you think and feel as part of who you are. Steadily increase this to 30 minutes. Write down the results afterwards, what you felt before, during and after. Eventually, probably sooner rather than later if you're banishing successfully, you'll notice an improvement.

do you masturbate?

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>banishing rituals
What will I be banishing?

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Yes, couple times a day

you have been cursed. await your impending death

Not the other guy but banishing rituals spiritually cleanse your area and makes it a sacred temple. You should learn to create your own banoshing ritual ad well, forst learn the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram or Greater Pentagram Ritual then create your own.

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Can't I await my death somewhat productively?

Masturbation is a leading cause of brain fog.I used to be foggy mentally but after abstaining from masturbation I felt it all come back. Think about, when was the last time you didn't masturbate for a week or two?

Try it. If you find it difficult then there's your problem and abstaining for as long as possible is the challenge to overcome. Controlling yourself is the first step as if you can't control yourself to least to abstain from your most basic primal sexual urges then what else can you control.

Get a piece of paper and a sharpie and draw an X on the paper for every day you successfully abstain. Every time you think of masturbating think of the piece of paper and think about how you want to earn more X's on it. You could even carry the piece of paper around with you if it were small enough.

Believe me what do you expect to control with magic if you can't even control yourself? Focusing on anything else but the basics right now would be a scapegoat.

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What do you mean by fog? How something as harmless as masturbation can be harmful enough to fuck someone up?



Banishing gets you in a good mindset for meditation/ritual/life, mostly based on the tone and atmosphere of the ritual, adjust as needed. This is mentioned in "Do it with style!" in the >>>/chaos/ thread.

I find banishing in the morning and evening or just twice(+) a day puts you in a much better mindset generally, although I have different results using different rituals.

I got generally positive results from using Phil Hine's version on >>>/chaos/ but when I tried a more intense version from a thelemite book called the sphere of Nuit, I had an increase in negative thoughtforms which forced me into re-enforcing my own Godhood mentally to banish them during meditation post-banishing. This might be due to me not performing it properly as it was more complex or it might be due to the thelemic current, more investigation into this would be interesting.


>Focusing on anything else but the basics right now would be a scapegoat.

Also this. Is why I suggested banishing and basic self awareness here >>11898

While you're doing the self awareness thing make sure you don't move at all if you feel uncomfortable it'll change to some other feeling eventually.

Once a day is more than sufficient. How do people even do it that much?


Being a teenager probably helps.

I'm almost 19 and I never jerked off more than once a day.


proof that abstaining increases testosterone:

The basis of why testosterone is important:

Also you may think of masturbation as harmless, but being addicted to anything is a bad thing. An addiction releases unearned dopamine into your brain and so fundamentally changes the way you think and causes chemical imbalances in the brain. It only makes sense that choosing to release a hormone more than it would normally be released causes an imbalance of that hormone.


I would advise you to do some research of your own, but for your sake realize that masturbation is dangerous. Bare in mind I didn't even mention how porn affects you in this post, as porn is a whole nother level of fucked up.

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I'm 24, always masturbated a lot. Atleast twice a day, even when I had a girlfriend.
Not moving at all? Not even scratching?
Porn is bad? Well fuck, how about good old fucking?

What if it isn't masturbation?

Maybe you are depressed?

I'd advice you call a psychologist soon or if your well-being worsens.(USER WAS CAUGHT SHILLING FOR PSYCHIATRY)

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The cutting down on masturbation does help a lot. I know a lot of guys think of it as an innocent habit that we all do, which makes it difficult to see as a culprit for significant loss of energy and sensitivity to life. See how 1-2 weeks off makes you feel.

That being said you mentioned deleting things, selling things, losing sanity, which makes me think this is a little deeper. You could be going through a phase of awakening known as the "dark night of the soul". This is a phase that has to do with collapse and dissolution on various levels: material, social, emotional, mental. It's a clearing phase that dissolves old structures to make way for the new. The way you describe things sounds familiar to when I went through this so I thought it might be a relevant idea for you to look into and see if it resonates.

Pic related, it's the trump that represents such a phase.

Sex is better than masturbation, but like anything else is enjoyed best (and is best for you) in moderation.

Give the nofap challenge a try, if you really do want to make a change you will follow the advice I gave in my first long post.

See by saying this I know you make excuses. The only way to find out is to try, if you don't try you will never know but will keep living your life in the condition you are living in now, which I don't think is something you want.

>what if

Stop saying what if and go and find out. Don't make excuses for your addiction, just solve it.


Masturbation is know to leave people feeling depressed and unfulfilled, after they have ejaculated and in the bigger picture of their life.

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>Not moving at all? Not even scratching?


Don't worry it's easier than it sounds. I can do half hour of this standing on my head, literally.

Not really.

>I'd advice you call a psychologist soon or if your well-being worsens.


Make a tulpa. Work on and master thoughtforming. Resume meditation but practise forms of meditation you haven't previously done. Use your tulpa to surpass your natural limitations and become a proper wizard. Also read the books in the sticky.

OP = mod on /x/

His name is "Mr. V"


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Hmmm I figured out OP's curse. He's been cursed with being Asian.

Masturbation's harmful because it gives you the satisfaction / good feels without doing anything worthwhile. It's like a drug. Druggies do some drug that makes them all happy and then all they want to do is the drug and they never actually get shit done.

>tfw never ever banish

Any particular reason?

Nothing to banish and badly want entities of any sort no matter how troublesome, just fucking anything, to make an appearance in my life.

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Hmm, that makes sense
Nope, I'm just fucking one
Nope, but what gave you that impression?
What's a tulpa?
Thanks, I'll try to cut down my wanking to a minimum
Is suggestion for a psychologist a crime around here?

What do you have against psychologists?

Apparently, but I was only making a suggestion because I was worried of your health.


Probably because it's a jewish profession.

He said psychologist, not psychiatrist.

I made a mistake with the two words, mind me there.

Both are outlawed here.

Seeing as you're a race traitor the first thing you should do actually is go to a psychologist or psychiatrist and get some pills and meaningless labels applied to yourself so you can take up the mantle of some self-imposed mental illness and destroy your magical potential with drugs. Tell yourself you're powerless and that only authorities can help you and when things don't get any better keep your faith in the shrinks. When you waste away in a straight jacket your last thought then can be "why did I ever betray my race and go to a shrink to be drugged and lied to!"

You have a fukken nice cat

not helping


Some occultists like thelemite Someone Shoemaker encourage occultists to take up psychotherapy, although that might be because he's one himself.

RAW also mentioned in cosmic trigger that he believed he got positive results from his experiments because he'd been through two types of psychotherapy and had a background in scientific philosophy.

This is a really relevant thread for me. I just got done masturbating for the last 16 hours. during the last 2-3 day binge ive probibly got 24 hours clocked to fapping(comin down off adderall at the moment)
>life in the fap lane
I have exalted my compulsive fapping into a method of reaching higher states of mind aswell as being perceptive to not only ambeint/foreign/subtle thoughtforms; but also intention-imprents as i like to call them.
i do not climax until about every 10 hours of nonstop fappin;then i break.as soon as the lotion hits my penis i enter a void/finess state(this instinct has caused me issues with IRL sex,nothing kills the mood faster then when im plane-shifting as she blows me and when she looks up im in a thick trance state, with a dick as limp as Ditto himself). After about 2 hours into a wonderwank i am no longer lucid and amidst a trance of such symphonic sensory input(part is psychedelic visuals,Part is dreamscapes of other realms/nonlucid dream esque exihbitions). i do this about twice a month(get geeked up and fap for 10+hours straight). during the climax i have a rote of moving the orgasm and anhking it to sustain the duration of cumming to focus my will and or "spike" my creativity. i have created music/essays/infamous memes(you wouldn't believe me if i specified)/Treatises/you name it within hours of spiking my creativity.

Now it does take about 4 days to get my mind back to normal.
i am spiked for now so i shall not fap for a month.

Last night i was showing a peer my tarot deck that i had been given a while ago. i am not even a novice. To be honest i just stare at the cards and think how i can use them like i read in a skrying text file one time. anyways i took out the 22 major arcana and shuffled them up and improvised a spread for me and my peer, i had forgot my spread almost instantly after i decrypted it.on the other hand my peer was amazed at the accuracy my interpretations had (his present-moment card was the lovers and apparently hes happily in love with his woman).
later on i was staring at the cards again and as a goof i picked one out of the deck at random and sure enough it was "LA MAISON DE DIEU"({{The Tower in english}} i have a muller deck from 1969 thats in french) and i assumed it was about the same meaning as what you just fucking posted. Fucking fringe bingin'

What is this that stands before me?.. ….. …

there have been such wonders that i can never tell because it makes too much sense to waste on phonetic language and its lack of words to articulate said wonders/ideas. we have infinate potential. choices and rules are but suggestions.

why should i fall asleep if i can't even dream

">I have created music/essays/infamous memes you wouldn't believe me if i specified"
Try me.

Also, how the fuck do i greentext?

Use ">" in the beginning of your sentences.


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>that infinite potential feel

I know that feel. I've turned it into a mantra now. "I am well, I am happy, I am healthy" with a peppering of "I have infinite potential" or "my potential is infinite" (not sure if that second phrasing works properly in the language of the subconscious but I say it that way too).

Thats weird, i tried that and it didn't work. Whatever.


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