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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 11369
/fringe/ I am reporting in the results I experienced today.

I was playing Diplomacy. Wearing an Mathematical Association of America name-tag on my forehead successfully stifled my energies, presence, and persuasiveness. Removing the sticker, and putting on a paper hat made out of an 8.5x11 sheet with 'wizard' written on the brim turned my luck around. Later, I taped four sheets together and made an arch-magus hat with anti NWO and illuminati symbolism.

By casting the two strongest powers as the NWO and illuminati, the metaphor, implanted in the minds of the other four, was focused into the hat-energy. I used the hat-energy to fuel a victory in the the game!

>MAA is a materialist organization and their objects are filled with magic-blocking bogons

>Paper hat was effective wand when charged by group entertainment of a certain metaphor
>Russia can win when it looses warsaw and sevastopol by the end of the third set of moves. IF YOU HAVE FAITH

Thanks to whoever it was who had the big paper wizard hat in a photo in the park. excellent idea.
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>Removing the sticker, and putting on a paper hat made out of an 8.5x11 sheet with 'wizard' written on the brim turned my luck around.

Oh lawd.

>Thanks to whoever it was who had the big paper wizard hat in a photo in the park. excellent idea.

I was the first one to post that on /fringe/.

I feel as if this should be in the notes thread or we can make an 'experience' thread to tell others what happened so we don't get clogged up with this shit.

There's already an experiences thread call the "anomaly report" which starts off with the OP talking about seeing flashes of light and a bunch of other strange things.

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