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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 11259
Darwin's theory of evolution:

Materialist hoax? Or the crown jewel of all hermetic principles?
Crown jewel. The Corpus speaks extensively of the change of things and the concept of psychological death, which is reiterated on a macrocosmic scale in the theory of evolution.

Oh, and forgot to mention, evolution–even though an unconscious and natural process–creates a sort of "will" i.e. Nature doesn't "want" the inferior species to survive which creates a sort of conscious cosmos which also falls in line with hermetic principles. Also, there isn't really a good reason to not believe in evolution. It makes a lot of sense.

it's an interesting materialist proposition, but darwinian evolution is only correct at higher dimensions, especially in regard to memetics.

DNA merely reflects a higher order that is not influenced simply by material existence. look at the concept of epigenetics and the fact that we mistakenly think that Neanderthal man was a retarded brute when in reality they could be Enkidu of the Epic of Gilgamesh, strong and intelligent, whose DNA Europe's people carry to this day.

this upsets the mainstream conception of the "evolution of man" and today the mainstream archaeologists are having a hard time deciding what to do with this new information. they do agree that "Out of Africa" seems less likely now.

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>implying enkidude and gilgam8 werent annunaki ancient alien bros

"The Darwin theory, will be no longer, because it will be known that the man descended from the planets." (no date)



>and today the mainstream archaeologists are having a hard time deciding what to do with this new information

german archeologists covertly dug up gilgameshs tomb literally weeks after the iraqi invasion. gotta hide that tampered DNA or somethin

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