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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

No. 11214

Zermatism, Szukalski's concept of world history, postulated that all human culture derived from post-deluge Easter Island and that in all human languages one can find traces of the original, ancient mother-tongue of mankind. In his view, humanity was locked in an eternal struggle with the Sons of Yeti ("Yetinsyny"), the offspring of Yeti and humans, who had enslaved humanity from time immemorial.

He claimed that the figures of the god Pan on Greek vases depict creatures that actually existed, the product of Yeti apes raping human women. Szukalski used his considerable artistic talents to illustrate his theories, which, despite their lack of scientific merit, have gained a cult following largely on their aesthetic value. The irony of this would have likely infuriated the hyper-curmudgeonly Szukalski.


“When the Secondary Globe (the lavaic ocean bottoms) began to submerge in the beginning of the last Farsolar Epoch, the global seas were forced to glide off the Primary (Geologic) Globe. The soil of all the lands that were re-emerging was washed off by the departing seas and the water of the globe became very muddy.

In fact, Plato, after visiting Egyptian temples, learned of the chronicles that spoke of the Mediterranan Sea as ‘The Sea of Mud’. Homer’s Iliad was about Ilium (the Latin word for ancient Troy) which in Protong means ‘Mire Remembered’. The state of Illinois, U.S.A. is named after the Illinois River, and in Protong (‘Illi No J(e) Z’) actually means ‘Mire made-Born is From’.

“Wherever the terrified diluvial escapees shored re-emerging lands, their faces were caked with mud. And since each swam differently, each would emerge with individual muddy water ripples across the face. So when they lay there in the mud in the deadly faint, exhausted beyond words, and were found by earlier arrivees on that islet, the facial mud markings were remembered and the Flood Scumlines became the tribal markings.

I have an entire volume on these Scumlines with 195 such drawings from every part of the globe” (p31).

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“Among ancient carvings of the Dorset Culture of the Point Barrow region in Alaska, this mask was discovered which white men assume is an imaginary Devil. But you can plainly see that it is a portrait of a local Sasquatch. Incidentally, in the vertical lines we have a marvelous document. They were carved there to let us know that this creature, like the ancestors of the Alaskan Eskimos, also saved himself from the Deluge, for any lines, vertical or horizontal, represent ‘waters’, hence the Great Flood. There is still another pictograph, besides the vertical draining-off of muddy water. It is the horizontal line just below the nostrils which, by being placed above the water level, tell us that his breath, his SOUL, was saved” (p77).

“Those that saved themselves from drowning, noticed that these creatures also had the fortune to survive, so they named them accordingly, everywhere on this globe in one language, my Protong. The present name Sasquatch was then ‘Sa Z Gladz’, which means ‘Here From Destroyed’ (i.e. the deluged continent)” (p75-6).

I'm sorry but just no.

We already have actual physical evidence of humans originating in Africa, no credible archeologist disagrees with this. Anyone else usually has an agenda, or is just really fucking retarded.

The amount of evidence you would need for a claim this extraordinary, a claim that humans evolved alone on an island with out our ancestral ape origins, without evidence, without leaving a single piece of anything.

I'm usually able to at least try and entertain ideas without accepting them, but this really is just ridiculous.

except that the guy who came up with that idea retracted it and stated something entirely else

except that.

Nope niggers originate from Africa. Humans come from around the Middle-East and a few other points.

That picture is terrifying. Is he wearing a hat, or is that some kind of bone protrusion?

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Was the OOA theory ever actually supported by concrete genealogical data? With the way leftists masturbated over it, I've always gotten the impression that its propagation was primarily political, just more cultural-marxist conditioning rather than science, like global warming, or those insufferable types who eagerly pipe in to assure everyone that there is no scientific data for race.

What's funny is that if race is a social construct, then so is racism. Which means "genocide" doesn't actually exist. Which means Hitler did nothing wrong.

What the fuck are you babbling about?

Line breaks: geno|cide
Pronunciation: /ˈdʒɛnəsʌɪd /

The deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular nation or ethnic group"

What Hitler did wrong was to cause the slaughter of millions. And independently of the nature of "races" (which are fictitious; the closest thing we have are ethnic groups) rascism is nothing but a social construct- which does not imply it doesn't exist. Please put some fucking thought into the shit you write before posting it.


Government is a social construct too, stop paying taxes and tell them there's no law saying you have to (which there isn't) and that the government is just a social construct and see if you get sent to jail or not.

The guns make it real

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>that guy who copies and pastes dictionary definitions in a debate

Cool your autism, why is this such a big deal?


Because saying hitler did nothing wrong is WRONG goddamit.

It's not like its been a meme for several years or anything.

Hitler did nothing wrong.

he didnt build enough of PIC RELATED

he didnt build A-bombs first

he didnt have a strong enough military to survive the gang raping from the other countries.
he was maybe a rothschild

ww2 was maybe just another IAO (invisible alien operation)
over 2 million german women raped by mind controlled slav(e)s. my country helped


Pretty much all those accusations are of things he didn't do. What of things he did that were wrong?

I say it again; Hitler did nothing wrong.

All the wrongs were done by the enemies and the manipulators and the traitors.

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i was gonna try to prove you wrong by posting 'hitlers military mistakes' or whatever, but then i remembered that nazi germany just didnt have the numbers to win.

history is sad when you look through the revisionism. (i guess its sad if you believe the official story too. those poor 6 billion jews that i saw die in a movie)

p.s. ever read philip K dick? he had a mystical awakening of sorts..

tldr; hitler won in another reality i think because ive never actually read PKD, but i want too. got too many tabs in firefox and too many books in my queue. fuck!

alex jones [the famous conspiracy nut in my country] said that the elites smoke DMT and read PKD and communicate with alien entities (machine elves)

wait what thread am i in again? i have gone off course…

>Hitler did nothing wrong

Spreading his manpower too thin, leaving the capital unguarded, leading to years of humiliating rapes by Russians in Berlin.

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>your face when you realize that hitler just didnt have the numbers to win. allies had more planes, tanks, sniper rifles,… everything

She's pretty cute. Got more pics like this?

Hitler did nothing wrong.

8 million jews would disagree


Hitler did nothavethenumbers.

Well, ultimately we are all from Africa if we go back far enough. The multi-regional theory just means we have to go back further.
Race is (partly) a social construct, but so are colours, it doesn't mean that races don't exist though (just like the colour green exists even though some cultures can't distinguish it from blue).
He lost ;_;

>black man: le wise wizardly jewish cabalist magic money printing wizard wielding demiurgic satanic powers

>white boy: USA

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