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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

File: 1401310473628.jpg (1.19 MB, 2700x1800, Sperm-Whale.jpg)
No. 11103
Have you ever tried communicating with animals? That's a very important aspect of shamanic spirituality. I think elephants, especially, are like an entire species of greenpilled mystics. Whales too, kinda give off this aura of millenia of unspoken wisdom. Sperm whales probably know where Atlantis is.
I once willed the direction a spider would walk in when I was a kid, maybe that was a form of communication and the spider was just like "ok kid i'll play along"

They're probably all dumber than niggers.

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more useful though, because you can do like the nords or japs and make some burgers and steaks. cook them up like a iron chef maestro. i want authentic whale meat sucker, dont gimme no fakes. i aint concerned with PETA so dont gimme no fish outta lakes. when it comes to being a gourmand im a real pro

p.s: why arent more people mad at the chinese? they torture live animals on their plates. not to mention lock bears in tiny cages? nigger please. them chinks aint even human. more grey alien rice ants, or home work robots on crack. with dicks so tiny that they dont even gotta wear pants. i predict my people will kill them all very soon with eugenic bacteriophages, then i'll do a happy dance. this will be an event for the history pages. this flow is only a little bit whack

>straight from the moon, into the factory [chorus. repeat 3x]

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