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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 10982
For a good all around understanding of fringe knowledge and the terms we often use read Montalk's two books and his site. Especially read the glossary.


To acquire a decent overview of quite a few occultists and some practises regarding tulpamancing, thoughtforming, etc. read Zivorad Mihajlovic Slavinski's books (The Invisible Influences, Transcendence, etc.)


If you are wondering about shadow people specifically and have experience of this phenomena then read this for an overview:


If are primarily interested in astral projection, lucid dreaming, and related magic that you can do in your sleep then read Astral Dynamics… and there are also a few chapters in the book You Forever that you may want to read too on the subject but it's not as important.


To become a legitimately powerful wizard with an effective and diverse practise read Initiation Into Hermetics and apply its practises. If you complete that book you're a proper wizard.

http://stormchan.org/study/src/1384684370367.pdf (Initiation Into Hermetics First Edition)
http://www.scribd.com/doc/112769315/Initiation-into-Hermetics-by-Franz-Bardon-Merkur-Edition (Initiation Into Hermetics Third (2001) Edition)

If you need a scientific understanding of why magic and miracles works and a good basis by which to figure out if other texts you read are likely to be legitimate. Read and contemplate The Holographic Universe as well as listen to the lectures.

http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/holographicuniverse/holographicuniverse.htm (Holographic Universe is referenced on Montalk)

This book here is not so important as it's pretty much overshadowed by Initiation Into Hermetics. If you don't want to waste time then you may as well skip it but if you want some redundant reading then read it as well.


You can get copies of Lobsang Rampa's books here. They have heavily influenced the New Age movement and are a historical precedent for a lot of things but not really worth reading unless you're interested in ths Transmigration of the Soul.

http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/mistic/lobsang_rampa.htm (another source of the same books as above)

I suggest that everyone read The Holographic Universe first, read The Kybalion (at least read the 7 Hermetic Axioms if you don't read the whole book ( http://www.kybalion.org/kybalion.php )), then Montalk.net (at least read its glossary and its Key Concepts section and the Metaphysics into and the Synchronicity article), then read Astral Dynamics if you want to or start reading Initiation Into Hermetics to begin your real magical training.

You can also supplement with random doses of reading various Chaos Magic books.

At the bare minimum…

>read Montalk's Glossary and Key Concepts, read the 7 Hermetic Axioms listed in The Kybalion, read the entirety of The Holographic Universe, and read Initiation Into Hermetics.
thanks brah

Fucking yes. Thanks

I suppose I should append onto my guide some material that's just my own texts, practises, etc. that I personally use.


As well as my own content from TO.bz I'm slowly uploading fraterk's old library, academia and beginners are already done working on "main folder" at the moment.

Check the request folder for html files listing everything I have, post requests here cus I don't check the email listed in the contactdeatils.txt often.

I don't think you understand the purpose of this thread. This thread is a study-guide not a big dump of info you've never even read yourself. You're supposed to write up reviews and make proper recommendations itt.

GD Initiate here.

Modern Magick by Donald Michael Kraig is widely touted as a good intro, but it's a bit shit imo, I'd avoid it. It's kind of like extremely watered-down GD for wiccans. Doing stuff like meditating on tarot trumps without him even mentioning their astrological correspondences is top kek.

Initiation Into Hermetics is great, but VERY tough. It's better to think of it more like a lifestyle choice than an a course of study. Even Bardon couldn't do some of the stuff in it, apparently (e.g. 5 minutes blank mind). I think Evocation Magic has a forum dedicated to Bardon's system, it's worth a look

For a good knowledge of Qabalah, I recommend:
The Mystical Qabalah (Dion Fortune)
The Chicken Qabalah (Lon Milo DuQuette)
A Garden of Pomegranates (Israel Regardie)

I also second the recommendation to read the Kybalion. It's crushingly dull, but it's teachings superb.

Don't bother amassing shit like grimoires until you've got a very good knowledge of the basic theory and practice, there's no point- you either won't be able to use it, or it will cause sever psychological instability (a house with poor foundations is sure to collapse)

If anyone wants to learn about GD, I recommend first reading The Essential Golden Dawn (The Ciceros), NOT Regardie's black brick. Regardie's book is fine once you know the basics, and is a superb reference once you know something about the GD (or have been initiated), but its basically useless for a beginner imo.

Surely you know the Middle Pillar ritual, right? Well I used to suck at visualization, I was also extremely impatient, couldn't have dreams, etc but ever since I did the ritual I can meditate for hours, I actually have thoughts, I've had dreams ever since the ritual, good at visualization although I'm still practicing, exceed at the sense of taste. Is there any way I can look for the requirements to joing the GD? Like is their website good? Also, it said I could harness the divine enegy to heal, how does this work? I have several cut marks from wanting to feel pain so I could heal those…

> Is there any way I can look for the requirements to joining the GD?

There's no 'requirements' as such, other than just being interested in magic, being willing to do the work, and being someone group member can get on with basically.

Temples usually have age limits though, usually 18 or 21, depending on the Order

>Like is their website good?

That's kind of a big question. The GD split up big time at the atart of the 20th century, and has continued fracturing ever since. Check out whatever local bodies are near you. Avoid anything to do with David Griffin's crowd.

>Also, it said I could harness the divine energy to heal, how does this work?

Depends what you mean. If you mean healing physical injuries, GD isn't for you- go to a hospital.

If you mean spiritual/psychic things, I don't have any knowledge about it, but Regardie's 'Art of True Healing' is supposed to be good

>I have several cut marks from wanting to feel pain so I could heal those…

You may not be in a fit mental condition to join an initiatory organisation.

>go to a hospital

Choose one:
>heal yourself magickally and increase your powers possibly and heal others
>be a mundane and fixed up by a kike doctor

>you may not be in fit mental condition

For what? For doing emotional alchemy? I was making pain feel good through extreme mental training and made pain feel good. Last time I checked thats a pretty magickal ability.

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>Modern Magick by Donald Michael Kraig is widely touted as a good intro, but it's a bit shit imo, I'd avoid it.

Yeah. Here's a picture of Donald Michael Kraig. I don't know why anyone would believe he can control magic when he apparently can't even control his own weight. He's also balding, hence the fedora. Perhaps it's impolite, but I'd like to ask him, if your magic is less effective than a hat, what exactly are you teaching?

This is an issue I have with a lot of writers on magic, manifestation, LOA, et cetera. They talk about having the power to control the very levers of the universe or how you can manifest anything if you know the keys, but they themselves are schlubby, dumpy losers. Isn't magic foremost a tool of self-transformation?

This so hard. I have this same complain about so many occult and new authors that I now go and find a picture of anyone new and look them up and see what they look like. I'm tired of coming across total rejects with all these health problems and so on. I myself meditate a shitload and have a strong muscular body and intend to perfect myself in every way – so wtf is up with these guys being so damned scruffy and fat and so on?


I'm sure if you asked them they'd have some indignant, holier-than-thou excuse, but I tend to think they're just deluded. Magic lends itself to self-delusion, and I think it's fair to say that the occult tends to attract people with less than rigorous critical thinking skills at least as often as it attracts scientific minds.

Lavey wrote:

>The true magus knows that occult bookshelves abound with the brittle relics of frightened minds and sterile bodies, metaphysical journals of self-deceit, and constipated rule-books of Eastern mysticism.

I.e., Sturgeon's Law: Ninety percent of everything is shit. Even the old alchemists would allegedly write errors into their own formulae so that only other alchemists could follow them. This is why you can't become a magician just by reading about magic: you have to practice and test everything, because so much of what's out there is false. Imo.

Franz Bardon was fat later in life.
I would be careful about judging from appearances.

Most of everything I do I just figured out on my own.

These are the only things I needed to know as a starting point for my magical journey:

1. The universe is a mental creation and all things are mental, held within the mind, experienced through the mind.
2. The power of the imagination is not impotent, things which are imagined with great enough intensity become materialized, there exists the potential to experience wonderful things through deep powers of the mind.
3. By observing and toying around with all the variables of experience such as emotion, visuals, senses, memory, beliefs, etc. there exists the potential to achieve profound effects.

I highly suggest everyone start by reading The Kybalion and The Holographic Universe before they read anything else.

I've re-read The Kybalion quite a few times + listened to the audiobook for it so at this point I've got the ideas pretty deeply drilled into my mind.

Initiation Into Hermetics is another important book.

Incidentally all 3 of these books are referenced by Montalk.net

Not much else that I've seen has been so important as that.

Videos soon…

"In a few days." –STI"


Franz Bardon was supposedly a perfected soul who inhabited the body of a 14yo boy and agreed to take on all his karma, thus cosmic law prevented him from using his magic to fix his body.

See, this is the level of excuse you need to have if you're a fat magician. You need to either be a perfected soul inhabiting someone else's body and bound by the laws of karma to suffer its infirmities, or you're a fraud.

In other words, Franz Bardon is the exception that proves the rule.

>For what? For doing emotional alchemy? I was making pain feel good through extreme mental training and made pain feel good.

I meant that an order would probably be reluctant to take you. But go ahead and try, see what they think of it.


You should be reluctant to join an order, anyway. Diluted and deluded circle-jerks, the lot of them.

This. Fuck joining these groups. If they had power they'd keep it in the family most likely and not just let anyone join, you wouldn't even know they exist in all probability, and when you get recruited it would be because they came to you and not vice versa. What do they benefit from giving away incredible powers to others at random? These orders are just full of people who suck.

Just another reason that the O9A is superior. Not everyone can join, you must be a tip-top shale perso who can prove magickal abilities. Then you are reborn as a spawn of sinister chaos. O9A is about creating a new person and improving him/her through channeling dark energy and the help of acasual dark forces who do not desire worship but they want you to reincarnate as a sinster astral spirit, so tgey are just there to help you. O9A is a family - not a group, once you are reborn you are a brother/sister of a sinster tribe - who can prove their abilities and bring havoc to the world.

They're also National Socialist Anarchists. Extremely pro white, intelligent, and strong people. The only group worth going into is the ONA.

tip-top shape person*

>pyramidal vampiric order that feeds a misanthropic egregore and "out-of-law" spirits.
Top fucking kek.


>National Socialist Anarchists

I'm confused over how this combination is possible.

Problem, mundane?

No problem at all. Misanthropic and involutive orders like yours will eventually fail miserably, for pretty obvious reasons.


Serious question: aren't sinister astral spirits and dark magicians rather heavily outnumbered by good spirits of ascended yogis and bodhisattvas and white magicians and such?

I occasionally hear stories about dark yogis and sorcerers who develop siddhis without any corresponding increase in compassion, but these stories are so rare that such cases appear to be exceptional. Most people, I've gathered, apparently grow toward universal love and oneness and empathy for all beings as they grow in wisdom and spiritual power.

It seems like joining the dark side would be tantamount to teaming up with the underdog. Not the case?

I like the thing about being pro-white. Though I would have thought it was the baby-mutilators and their henchmen trying to soft-genocide whites right now that are the evil ones? Perhaps, in wreaking havoc on the world, 09A is actually acting as a force of creative destruction (which was the original meaning of the Nazi inverted swastika I believe) tearing down the filthy, judaized system so that a healthy, natural order could take its place? But wouldn't that make 09A the good guys?

The Black Order CANNOT DIE due to it's system, they've thought about that. They've been up since the 60's-70's and are still doing good. They just never mention the ONA in the news becuuse we disguse ourselves as gang members, terrorists, etc

They're better than they ever were.

Yeah, by all accounts the good guys out number the bad guys easily. This is because STS (service to self) people can only get energy from others, while STO (service to others) can get it from the tons of ways, through just knowledge, from helping others, from the environment, and even generate it. Higher up STS people can only get it from other STS people.

STS is definitely the losing end, but they're a necessary evil, as they help provide choice, and in the end everything serves the one, whether its in yourself or others.

Montalk brainwashed you, I see.



First incarnation were sociopaths doing the British National Front's dirty work for them.

Second incarnation was literally roleplaying by two 16yo girls who wanted to lure retards into a satanic cult.


I feel people here take Montalk as granted. No questioning of its doctrine…

A few years ago I read a really good book about Lucid Dreaming/Astral Projection and the mind. I'm gonna search through my PDF's and amazon bookmarks to see if I canf ind it.

>hurrr durrr you can't reference montalk even if you agree with it and lines up completely with your own experiences and its the most concise presentation of reality as we know it

Fuck off Montalk haters.

STO's keep creating STS though just like people making tulpas. They think of things and those things become manifest in reality in a manner which is parasitic. Then all these STS entities vastly outnumber STO and their influence over STO-capable beings is significant and drags them into the mud and you get a shithole like the current society we exist in.

>dismiss montalk
>provide no alternatives

You're like those fedora scepdicks who dismiss magick when I post some examples of it and yet they don't give alternative explanations, they just take it on a matter of faith that what they just saw "had to be faked somehow".

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>I like the thing about being pro-white. Though I would have thought it was the baby-mutilators and their henchmen trying to soft-genocide whites right now that are the evil ones? Perhaps, in wreaking havoc on the world, 09A is actually acting as a force of creative destruction (which was the original meaning of the Nazi inverted swastika I believe) tearing down the filthy, judaized system so that a healthy, natural order could take its place? But wouldn't that make 09A the good guys?

That feel when this is exactly what I'm doing. Good masquerading as evil, fighting against evil masquerading as good. ( Wherein "good" is defined as that which serves the creative process and leads to increasing chaos + order )

You can reference it all you want. I did not mean to insult your beliefs.

Montalk is an useful reading, sure, but is it the whole truth? It's great you've had experiences. Could you tell me what you've experienced?

I, however, haven't had them and my views differ from montalks views, so I 'entertain the thought without accepting it'.

That idea didn't come to me. I will try my best to offer you some ideas for alternatives.

How about reading religions? I recommend studying Gnosticism. Maybe some philosophy, idealism perhaps?

Philosophy can offer some great views on the subjects montalk discusses about. You can compare montalks views and the Greeks views on the demiurge or logos and so on.
Maybe read some Platonist texts? Neoplatonism might be the most interesting to folk here.

Conspiracies and the matrix and the aliens - I have no knowledge of them, so I cannot share any alternatives.


Does Montalk have any magical accomplishments to speak of? I haven't read enough of his stuff to have formed a judgement, but, in science, everything is baseless hypothesis until it can demonstrate empirical evidence. Id est, you shall know them by their fruits.

I think you need to learn a little more if you think STO create STS, and even more if you think its even possible for them TO create STS.

Also it isn't just montalk (don't even read him) who says this kind of stuff. By all accounts, whether the Law of One material, old esoteric philosphers, Crowley, etc. They all say that STO vastly outnumber STS. STS eventually have to become STO to move up past 5th density, meaning the strongest, and those who pull all the strings are STO.

STS came from somewhere. Most likely the idle thoughts of gods.



They've always been. When individual souls were pulled out/created some chose to serve and help others, and some only wanted to help themselves.

I don't see how this is a hard concept to understand. Do you not think STS spirits are real spirits? Or do you think they're just thoughtforms?

Thoughtforms are spirits.

I take issue with anyone trying to set hard lines into reality, such as the distinction between STS and STO, 1st order and 2nd order, or physical, etheric, and astral. They end up being self-limiting. Montalk does this a lot.
You can classify by behavior, but behavior is subject to change.

Spirits are made of awareness. Well, not really that either, but I'm sure you know what i'm getting at. However, thoughtforms are just made of energy. They are not spirits, and do not have awareness. You can program them to have something you may mistake for awareness, but you could never give a thought form a real "soul" without sacraficing part of yourself, which is not something even a 4th denisity could do, let alone someone just APing.

No they are not. We use the montalk definitions here. Thoughtforms are "souls". Spirit is merely what experiences.

Spirit wears the mind/soul/astral-body/ complex like a glove and likewise the mind wears the body as another glove.

Spirit > Mind > Body projected in that order.

Thoughtforms are NOT spirits as spirits are formless.

Turns out he died to pancreatic cancer.

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