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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 10609
I know this is a shit thread; I'll delete it after I get some opinions.

How many of you would like an essay on Sinister Satanism, particularly about the practices of The Order of the Nine Angles? If people want it I'll write about it. Add some info on Sinister Satanism if you want I guess.
I might want it. Currently I'm reading through my stack of books and taking notes on everything.

Okay. Just a warning to people, you don't have to worship any gods nor are the sacrifices for the gods, everything is purely for you and personal development. The goal of the ONA is to make a new person through sinister workings. I have a note thread on /illuminati/ so if you have access there you can read some of it.

Yes, ONA participates in sacrifice and extreme physical workout. Be prepared if you really want to make a new temple. The working in it are amazing though, very powerful indeed. It's mainly ceremonial magick, chant, sigil work, visualization, and meditation. It's the sinister version of Hermeticism.

This has been done already - no reason to beat a dead horse.

Link me to it faggot. I bet is has nothing to do with what I'm going to write about.

Mysticism in the 21st Century, which contains an academic account of the Order of Nine Angles. It has also been praised by ONA members themselves.

I'm talking about a /fringe/ article jackass. Do you know how many threads here are just other articles from other sites? Get this hothead outta here.

A lot of the threads here are threads I personally wrote from scratch…

>academic studies on the ONA already exist
>hurr I better write my own shitty article

Unless you are an actual Sinister initiate, you really have nothing to bring to the table

>not wanting to read his article anyways

Time draws closer… last chance to drop any info before getting PURGED.

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