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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

File: 1400534624143.jpg (25.21 KB, 853x473, ufo mothership.JPG)
No. 10377
Please, who knew this was going on and didn't feel like letting us know?


Are we already at war with aliens?

Lol no, but it is a fake war, probably not unlike some sort of psy-op.

The powers that be want the masses to be afraid of aliens so that they can fake an interplanetary war in order to establish the world's new "order" (chaos).

We have to stand that we don't want to fight each other, we dont want to kill aliens, and we dont want to blow our own planet to shit! We just want to be free to party, do drugs and have sex!

I hate politics. And I hate jews. I love aliens so fuck you.
It isn't wise to love ALL aliens, you know. Some could act nice but are actually evil… consider every alien evil until you feel it is nice.

Way too theatrical to be real.

Come on OP use your common sense.

This is no different than movies like Blair Witch Project or Paranormal Activities. Same idea, but taking it to an extreme like the Tim Allen movie Galaxy Quest.. Think about it. When shit hits the fan, do you think they'll blame it on terrorists?? Terrorists are so 2001..

>We just want to be free to party, do drugs and have sex!

…but I don't want to do ANY of that shit and I want to fight other groups of humans and any aliens that get in the way too.

This sounds oriental.

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