Many devotees, especially Europeans and Americans, come to India and want to discover the secrets of yoga, tantric powers, magical siddhis. And they go to all these supposed gurus, who give them very light austerities and ask for a money. Lots of money, you know? So these Americans, these Westerners, they give the money, and they get some little secrets of yoga, and they go back to the West and open a studio and teaching their little secret, and they charge more money. And what does this get? Karma. Karma for the guru who charged money, karma for the Westerner who paid the money, karma for the students who pay money to go to the new studio to learn the little secrets. Ah. And it’s really all for nothing, it’s for little siddhis that aren’t worth even as much as a book or a cell phone today.
Listen, I will tell you a real secret. If you want power, real power, power like Vrtrasura, Naruda Muni, Arjuna, Mayasura, Bali Maharaj, or Lord Ravana, you only need one secret, one practice. It is a mantra, a mantra that can give you literally anything you want, anything you need. Ah. Listen carefully, here is the mantra:
You fix your intention or your goal in your mind, and then you chant this mantra, at least 1728 times per day.
If you are impatient, you want to make real progress very quickly, you chant it 6912 times per day. But that is a severe austerity, that takes real dedication, I don’t think anyone has it today.
When I was young, I wanted to be an aghori, to do terrible rites, and sleep in the smashan, and have an asuri or raksasi for a — you know — for a wife, and to get a lot of money and power. In other words, I wanted to be a Westerner, because they do terrible things, and their women are all raskasis, and they have a lot of money and power, ah?
But my acarya Sri Lalita das Thakur, he told me: “Prabhu, you chant this mantra, and you will not be sorry. You will get the asuri, you will get the money, but you don’t need those things. Krsna is what you need, and Krsna will give you all the wonderful, terrible things you need. But when you get them, you won’t want them, you will just want Krsna”. And I trusted my acarya, and he was not wrong at all.
>>5841So today I am telling you: you want to have supernatural dreams and visions? Chant HARE KRSNA. You want to be with an asuri or asura? Chant HARE KRSNA. You want to travel to different planets and see spirits and get powers? Chant HARE KRSNA. You want to end global warming, or make the Yuga end faster? Chant HARE KRSNA. You can get anything, anything by chanting HARE KRSNA.
But when you do chant HARE KRSNA, you will find eventually that all those things don’t matter – only Sri Krsna matters, only serving Him and being His friend and servant. Then those other things are just pastimes, they are amusements for you and Krsna to enjoy – but the real joy is Krsna himself.
Remember, all things, ANYTHING, through Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare // Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.
Through Krsna, we become truly liberated.
Only through Krsna, can we become truly liberated.
Jai Krsna! the baghavadgita is interesting, definitely worthy of reading, but it really doesn't do it for me
I like shiva more to be honest.
>>5856Whats loosh farming? although personally I do believe in getting closer to a deity by chanting his mantra or focusing on his sigil, with them gradually revealing secrets to you
>>5860Not the other guy but loosh is emotional energy that is used for magic(k) and in the astral. By farming it that means you are taking their spiritual energy for storage and then personal use. Most deities are thoughtforms that have gotten so powerful they can contact humans so they can get more energy, to be more powerful. That is basically loosh farming.
ITT: indoctrination into Prabhupada's bhakti cult of bald headed sexually repressed Krsna loving fags who bang tambourines and chant Hare Krsna their entire lives thinking they're going to blueboy's planet after death.
top lel enjoy your brainwashing
>>5863what alternative to you recommend?
The bhagavadgita is a very interesting text.
A bit too much self denial for my tastes.
>i'll chant some words
>i'll be enlightened
much logic
>>5866subtle attempt at loosh extraction = failed. go back to 4chin chaos ()
suddenly a thought of hara krishna death metal enters my mind
>>5867Enlightenment is only the beginning buddy boy.
>>5874why does asia get all the cool gods?
>>5884idk but that pussy is pretty goood
yep ^^^ agreed with the last 2 comments
i'd rather give my Loosh to Vajrayogini, since we are made out of the same stuff (bliss mixed with emptiness)
better than some blue little boy, all due respects
but;… those tits tho
>>5888What the fuck is going on there. This is as insane as my astral trips.
>>6081Any examples of people who've been doing that for years already and what state they've reached after all that devotion?
>>6083Look into Nirvakalpa Samadhi.
>freedom from the demiurge >>6125Is that supposed to be a person or a practise?
Yeah, 'unlimited power' in return of my valuable loosh.
All gods just want your loosh.
>yes goyim, send up all your loosh to us, maybe once in awhile we'll reward you with something that only uses up a fraction of the loosh you send to us to manifest, just to keep you hooked>heheheehe >>6139What is loosh? Can you define it?
>>6143Read the sticky, mundane.
>>6142Yeah, MAYBE. And the christian god must be swimming in all that loosh, not even giving a fuck. It probabaly doesn't even know what to do with it.
>>6143The sticky has a glossary where that term is defined.
>>6146The actual mechanics behind loosh and loosh farming are always vague. If anything, it seems like a manipulative ploy to get people to restrain their emotions.
>>6154Loosh is everything, so
deal with it >>6083A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada the founder of the Hare Krsna movement came to America with $7 in his pockets, a few cooking utensils, and phone number. By the time he died 12 years later he had amassed a dedicated following, 200 golden temples, won over the Beatles and amassed a fortune.
He chanted it 64 rounds a day. It was lowered to 16 rounds a day for Americans.
You just sound like idiots saying loosh all the time. It's a stupid word and none of you know what it really means..
>>6158So he's a successful scam artist fake guru? That means nothing, lots of "so spiritual o my god" curryniggers managed to exploit rich white people back in the day.
>>6166Thanks for your loosh :)
>>6167Keep staying mad little nigga. You're just mad you'll never be as Krishna conscious as I am.
>>6168He did not give any loosh away, he told you his success of obtaining loosh while staying emotionally tranquil.
>>6178I'm trying to be mad right now but your comment is threatening to introduce amusement into my emotional pattern at present.
I swear this thread is filled with sand niggers who sing "HARE KRSNA" all day erryday. Chanting mantras is good, but it won't make you enlightened or whatever. All Krishna really wants is to steal your loosh
Someone, long ago, exploring the astral: "I'M A GOOFY GOOBER YEAH (runs into a blue being, astounded) …are you a god?
Krishna: "Yes goy! Now spread world back in your density and give me all your loosh by chanting Hare Krsna! I might give you rewards if you do so, but you should do it anyways for the lulz, goy."
The goy: "y-yes! I will do so!"
>>6181sand niggers? I think you mean curryniggers / shitniggers.
>>6158won over the beatles huh? why didnt he help the beatles when they were being stabbed and shot? ;_;
why did ringo have to live
why did paul get replaced with a jewish clone ;_;
>>6181lol @ goofy goober goy
>>6181Nigga Krsna gonna straight kill yo ass at the end of the Kali Yuga as Kalki the Avenger. Get used to reincarnation little nigga.
>>6204Have fun worshipping a parasite and when you don't get anything from saying the two gayest words, ever,
I TOLD YOU SO >>6206Have fun being a faggot because whenever I am depressed or anxious and chant the Hare Krsna not only do good things happen but my mood improves exponentially.
And that's just the beginning buddy boy.
>>6207Thats because there's a little thing called
placebo >>6204Actually, whoever Lord Kali personally kills attains liberation. Too bad it will be thousands of years before his return. How many rounds do you chant?
If you seriously think chanting words makes you feel better, you know nothing. Its all placebo, krsna, the little blue faggot, doesn't real. It's just an astral entity that wants your loosh
How did you guys even into krishna shit? A website? Is it because its an easy religion? fuck off
Did you know?
That the 'hare' in hare krsna comes from asians who try to say 'hail', but instead it comes out 'hair' so they changed it so all the yellow skins can understand it?
ITT teenagers who think chanting a word will give them shit, most likely because a website told them so.
>>6209On average 3. Bare minimum 1. Yesterday I chanted 6. Today I will try to chant 6 more(already chanted one round). I have chanted 16 rounds per day before but it is hard to manage with college and a job.
>>6212>on an occult imageboard>doesn't believe mantras have powerLel.
>>6215>on an occult imageboard>believes in a gay blue skin parasiteAlso,
>implying 'hare krsna' is a mantra>implying it wasn't made up by someone tripping balls>implying it does shit>implying this thread has anything to do with the occultProbabaly going to continue to shitpost so I can reach the bump limit in this thread. I'm doing it to cease this autism faggotry.
>>6218>krishna.comConfirmed for a gullible goy who believes everything online.
Chanting for automatic power is extremely lazy and mundane. Real wizards work hard toward that shit.
You forgot Krishna is dead.
Dead people can't do shit.
If all you do is chant mantras, why make it your own special religion? Just chant when you need to, not worship the blue faglord.
>>6220Takes two hours to chant 16 rounds brah. Just saying you gotta be dedicated to that shit. No one said you can't do other thangs.
>>6226So? Why worship the faggot? Chanting for two hours isn't shit. I could chant for two hours starting now. If it works, I'll do it as needed, not worship it. If it didn't work, move the fuck on. There is no need of worship if you are granted power through mantras.
>>6227Start it now and see if it works for yourself. When you start it seriously you'll need japa beads, bead bag and counter beads.
>>6228Okay. Questions first:
Is there a certain tone I need? There are others in the house and it would be rude to interupt them.
When will the 'reward' take place? What will it be?
Finally, is it just "Hare Krishna?"
>>6230Nevermind, read the thread :^)
If I don't get a iPod from someone this easter this is all bullshit, I'm taking one for fringechan to see if this works
>>6230When it comes to japa, material power is really inconsequential. Although the Maha Mantra can be used for such things, the main "reward" is realization of the divine self, as well as the spiritual realities which are eternal and blissful. The mantra can be chanted either softly in a whisper,or loudly. In a home setting I would recommend the former.
>>6241Surprised to see other Hare Krsna's on this part of the interwebs. What other forms of occultism do you practice, if any?
dont do krishna mantra
do the kubera money mantra
it is composed of sanskrit seed syllables btw.
also draw the kubera money square and put offerings on it. it will give him loosh and then he will get money for you
>>6250>give him looshBut my loosh is for me, not some silly god. *tips fedora*
>>6244Many diverse practices. I focus on physical improvement right now. I want immense physical strength.
>>6221>death>anything more than an illusion >>6240>wanting an iPod>not just getting a laptop >>6251Fedora? …but gods are real, even if they are parasites.
I refuse to do this chant thing. It just seems so silly. If I ever do chant it, I'll chant it IN THE ASTRAL PLANES and not in third density.
>>6274But I already have a badass 1T PC, why would I want another computer?
Forgot to chant last night -_- But will do so everyday until I get an iPod to see if this is legit.
>>6296Sounds like a big waste of time. Personally, I'm going through The Book of Knowledge right now and doing that shit.
>>6297Doing it for the purpose of us, to take real shit from bullshit. If it works, it works. If it doesn't, it doesn't. Chanting this can't hurt anyone, so might as well see if this works.
>>6298Why not just do it once and see if anything happens? Why every day for days on end?
>>6299nice dubs btwI'm chanting one thousand times a day, OP said you gotta do it for a couple of days. I don't want to chant six thousand times for immediate results. If this works then I'll try the six thousand.
>>6302Plus I have a bunch of books I'd like to read.
>>6302>>6305Well goodluck with that – inb4 time and loosh wasted.
Why not make a thoughtform that does the chanting for you?
>>6309I still have massive amounts of loosh from Project: CHAOSVOID, never hurts to try
>>63101. Because that's lazy.
2. Because the thoughtform and the thoughtform only will experience the results.
>>6302How will you be keeping track? Do you already own chanting beads?
>>6319In that case I would set aside a predetermined amount of time to chant, though it would not be completely accurate. It takes me about 2 hours 30 minutes to chant 16 rounds daily.
>>6315>2. Because the thoughtform and the thoughtform only will experience the results.NOPE. Create the thoughtform with a timer that it is to be fused back into you at a certain time. Then you shall receive the results of the thoughtform.
>>6322Yeah I was going to chant for two hours.
>>6302How is being a servant of the Lord improved your life so far? Me I am no longer suicidal, have a gf and loving friends. But Krsna is my best friend of all.
Why do I get really bad vibes from the Hare chant? Like as if it were downright evil. Makes it even unpleasant for me to type out fully.
>>7217…because it's a trick to make you give up all your loosh to a parasitic god.
>>7217Hare krishna is supposed to be chanted with the full love of the universe dancing on your tongue. Garbage in garbage out may apply here?
>>7235that song is karmi agreed.
>>7217chanting it is supposed to make you euphoric like freebase cocaine. except its free and is long lasting.
>>7217Let me tell you if you chant while committing offenses or chant it incorrectly it will have the undesired effect. It is supposed to make you HAPPY not sad or scared.
>>6206Nazarenes worship a parasite
> James 4:3-4 (Phi) You don't get what you want because you don't ask God for it. And when you do ask he doesn't give it to you, for you ask in quite the wrong spirit–you only want to satisfy your own desires. You are like unfaithful wives, never realizing that to be the world's lover means becoming the enemy of God! Anyone who chooses to be the world's friend is thereby making himself God's enemy.Krsna gives love, happiness, eternal bliss and everything you desire in exchange for chanting his mantra. Even at death if you chant the mantra you are freed from karma.
>>7268why does he want me to chant it? why does he even care? what does he get out of it?
>>7376It is for your benefit, not his. Krishna is entirely complete and doesn't need anything. He manifests in his sound-vibration out of mercy.