0 replies
There’s a fundamental difference between the Projector and the projected.
Think of Consciousness as the Projector and your body, emotions, impulses, thoughts and everything you can perceive or witness is the "projected".
When You the Projector lie to Yourself and pretend that you are that which you are projecting. The result is pathology.
When You the Projector try to find Yourself in that which You are witnessing or perceiving. The result is pathology.
You the Consciousness reside in the higher dimensions, and from that higher dimension you project the Cosmos which are lower dimensional. The projected cannot physically exist in the dimension of the projector, because the physical projector is in a higher dimension than the phenomenology it is projecting which are lower dimensional.
(A hologram cannot move a pile of bricks, because the bricks are higher dimensional. Unless the bricks are also holographic and part of the hologram.) Thus the projected cannot physically interact with consciousness or empiraccly see consciousness for that matter.
9 replies
← I'm going to give myself up to demonic possession to gain supernatural abilities and sudden talents like in pic related.
I have decided after quite some thinking about it this is probably the only way to really gain greater power.
All the mind control research and many other things seem to suggest this to me.
I might not even have to become possessed but I'm definitely making contact with a demon and going to have it help me become powerful.
We'll see I suppose.
16 replies
Hey Mundanes,
My name is Fringe, and I despise every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, materialist, who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass creepypastas. You are everything bad in the third density. Honestly, have any of you ever evoked any succubus? I mean, I guess it’s fun making fun of wizards because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than tipping fedoras to posts on /r/atheism.
Don’t be a silly mundane. Just hit me with your best curse. I’m pretty much perfect. I was foremost of the astral projection group, and an a initiate of the sacred mysteries. What tantra do you practice, other than “jack off to James Randi's Million Dollar Challenge”? I also get awesome visions, and have a beautiful nordic alien tulpa (She just sent me her love vibrations; Shit was SO spiritual). You are all mudbloods who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It’s me and my tulpa.
4 replies
Is there a way I can force my brain to release enough endogenous morphine to get high through meditation/magic so I don't need to spend as much money on heroin/pills.
5 replies
Johanan Raatz blows degenerates the fuck out
105 replies
MPO - LERM Collected essays
Few people realize that their conscious mind only processes about 15 bits of information per second of linear time. However, in vertical time, the unconscious mind (i.e., the integratedcortico-enteric nervous system plus the enteromyofascial complex) is processing approximately 70-80 million bits of information. In normal consciousness, humans are aware of only an infinitesimal amount of the information that is constantly being fed to them at the unconscious level. Existing intelligence enhancement technology today is designed to reduce the filtering by the conscious mind to enable the higher and broader bandwidth information packets to be fed to the conscious mind. In parallel with this effort, the brain circuitry is re-wired to handle the higher bioelectric demands of the information that is being fed to the consciousness, allowing capabilities like photographic memory and abstract thought to co-exist. These capabilities become the matrix filter that draws from the unconscious repositories the most relevant information at any particular time based on the problem or task at hand.
3 replies
post all the alien/ufo related art you have
pleadians welcome
207 replies
This is how you get into the astral planes:
See before you what can be seen with your mind's eye. If you must, project something at first, then look around it for things which you do not project. As you look around everything else will start to come into focus and take form around you. DO NOT THINK ANY WORDS. Any sounds will fuck up the process.
There is a skill which you ought to practice to get good at APing and it's quite simple really but a bit hard to do. You must see numbers in your mind (preferably elaborate fancy numbers in a beautiful font like I visualize) and count them up but only with seeing them. So you see 1, you see 2, you see 3, etc. and count up and then backwards. It is very hard not to think / sound out each number as you see them but once you get the hang of seeing the numbers without thinking them then you will have the skill you need to AP.
This exercise, quite simple in nature, is meant to overcome the conditioned programming of your mind and to let you use only your mind's eye to do what must be done. It is important that as you phase into the astral planes you do not talk at all until you're fully there. Even when you're there start by thinking thoughts and maybe communicating with another entity telepathically before you think about moving your mouth to sound out words out loud. You will know the difference…
Also when you are going there start by just looking around. Do not move at first. Eventually once you're more there you can start moving and after awhile it will be clear as day.
Now here are some odd things you can do in the astral planes:
1. Telepathy. Normally you experience this as empathy in the waking. Empathy lets you feel what others feel. In the astral telepathy is way more advanced and you can mind-read too with some difficulty and transmit your thoughts with less difficulty.
2. Levitation and telekinesis. Hard to do and generally a massive waste of astral energy. If the rules of the plane you are in don't allow it then just don't bother or do it once and enjoy getting prematurely disconnected after draining your energy… just to find out.
3. Energy manipulation, shielding, banishment, enchanting, and many other forms of magic.
4. Possession; you can possess people, access their memories and thoughts, and if you fuck up forget who you are at least temporarily and end up living and thinking you're someone else at least until you disconnect from the astral. You can also be possessed by other entities.
5. You can go around raping, torturing, killing, vandalizing, etc. but will likely get fucked up by some other entities for doing that.
6. You can talk to other entities and they will often ignore you, get pissed off by you, attack you, etc. but sometimes they are really friendly and will even want to cuddle with you or play games with you or talk with you. They're not all very knowledgeable but quite a few of them have vast esoteric knowledge. There is also what are known as "the hollow ones". These are theorized to be dreamwalkers who don't know and aren't fully aware that they're dreaming, temporarily come to the astral planes but too much in a fog to really know what's going on around. They are very unresponsive even when being killed by demons and they don't resist the attacks at all.
Here are things to avoid in the astral planes:
1. Sex and rape. Just don't do it. It's very risky and drains you of astral energy and makes you vulnerable to attacks by succubus and so on. Most who engage in sex will end up being disconnected from the astral planes pretty quick so if you don't want to shorten your visit don't muh dick around!
2. Do not create trouble in sanctuaries. The guardians of those places will be fucking pissed off and you won't get away with your chaos. If you feel like going full GTA do it in the middle or lower planes.
3. Do not let any other entities possess you, especially not demons. Do not trust demons ever. Kill all demons on sighting or flee if you can.
When astral projecting:
1. Do not pay attention to vibrations. Yes, they do happen, but focusing on them is self-defeating. You want to ignore them.
2. Do not dick around with sleep paralysis; it's not an efficient way to do it and is just stupid.
3. If laying on your back doesn't work just lay on your side; it doesn't matter so long as you feel weightless. Make sure there are no pressure points anywhere. You don't want to feel pressure or weight; you should feel like you're floating in your bed practically.
4. Sensory deprivation; make the most of it. Keep the room as dark and free of sound as possible. Failing that master the art of blocking that out mentally so you don't perceive it at all.
5. Do not visualize ropes or any stupid shit like that and don't focus on working your way out of your body. All that matters is seeing before you what there is to be seen. When you get up to get a glass of water do you think about how you're going to walk to the sink and fill up the glass, thinking about how you're going to move your legs and everything? No. So don't think about getting out of your body; just do it. How do you do it? Well look at where there is in front of you and eventually just walk towards it (when ready) without thinking about walking towards it.
may expand upon this later…
2 replies
No one has ever heard of Billy Meier? what are your thoughts about this individual?
24 replies
C-can we have a new music thread, old one is on autosage
16 replies
“Earnest Desire—Confident Expectation—and Firm Demand—these form the Triple Key of Occult Attainment.”
>The Master Formula of Attainment is as follows: “(1) Definite Ideals; (2) Insistent Desire; (3) Confident Expectation; (4) Persistent Determination (5) Balanced Compensation.” Reduced to popular terms, it is as follows: “You may have anything you want, provided that you (1) know exactly what you want, (2) want it hard enough, (3) confidently expect to obtain it, (4) persistently determine to obtain it, and (5) are willing to pay the price of its attainment.”
>"THE ALL is MIND; The Universe is Mental." — The Kybalion.
Keeping in mind all of the above you can begin crafting a tulpa extremely rapidly. Depending on the intensity of your desire and expectations and how strong the idea of your tulpa is it can be done in mere minutes or it can take a lot longer to work on.
>Those components can be: thinking component, which is an idea or decision that constitutes its basis, astral (which comes down to invested emotional energy) and ‘material’. Since it is difficult to create an Entity’s visible material body, practitioners tend to be satisfied with the ethereal body they create for it.
The more complex your thoughtform the stronger and more enduring it can become. You must pour intense emotional energy into your tulpa to make it grow rapidly. This makes the difference between a stunted stupid useless tulpa that barely takes off versus a powerful, dynamic, intelligent, and emotionally charged tulpa with a lot of vital force. Emotions are astral energy and are required to travel the astral and to make any powerful thoughtforms.
If you want a physical body for your tulpa, it can be made to possess someone. There are probably other ways to get it a physical body as well but it is challenging.
Here are some practises you should do beforehand.
1. Relaxation
– let your arms drop to your sides right now as you walk around totally limp. Lift an arm up and let it drop again. Do not lower it, it needs to swing about totally limp. Sometimes just swinging your limbs about can help you get in control of this.
2. QMM or Void or one-pointedness
– quiet your mind and focus it all on one thing. If you don't focus properly all of your desire and concentration on what you are doing, you waste thoughtforce. Visualizing numbers or simple objects for awhile can help. Banish any other crap that is trying to force itself into your mind.
3. Awareness and Awareness Hands
– become aware of a part of your body, then another part, etc. going over as many parts as you can and just becoming aware of one part. Then do the same except in sweeps of awareness, sweeping your awareness in motions through your body, becoming aware of everything along the path you are sweeping your awareness. Then do this again except with multiple awareness points sweeping around your body at once, becoming aware of for example two limbs at once. Then visualize a pair of hands without moving your physical hands and use your visualized hands to touch things in your environment or in the astral.
4. Chanting IAO or other names for god
– with the intention of raising your consciousness closer to that of the universal mind. It's a technique that is very useful for deepening your meditation, making you more aware, increasing the strength of emotional currents running through you, etc. it just expands the fuck out of your mind. Do this beforehand and it'll increase your powers all around and make everything you do more potent.
Relaxing will free up a lot of vril from your muscles which you can use for making your tulpa. It has worked in my own practise to follow the method recommended by Zivorad.
>You can create an astral body of such an Entity in the following manner. You can do it while seated, but it is more effective to do it in a lying position. Concentrate on your starting idea –or decision, which constitutes the backbone of your Entity. While you are concentrated in this way, contract all the muscles in your body powerfully, without moving any part of your body. Then imagine the Entity in the shape of a small thick cloud or of a ball of condensed fog above you. Gradually loosen the muscle tension and simultaneously visualize that neuromuscular energy flowing out of your body and into the Entity. Do this for about ten seconds, until you become completely relaxed.
This pumps vital force out of you and into your entity. I suggest not being sick or fatigued beforehand when you do this. It is best to have an excess of energy before you start. I don't visualize it as a thick cloud or condensed fog, I visualize it as a pulsating light ball, that is mostly white light but also throws off some random vibrant colours from it and which spins around and pulses rapidly. I find this starting form is really powerful for creating an astral body for yourself to AP with as well as creating entities or creating a disruption in the ether to attract and evoke entities too. The movement in the form also gives it a lot of vitality over a static image.
>It is creation of tulkus and tulpas. By means of sharpened visualization it is possible to create a thought form in human shape, which is called tulpa. If reflective concentration is intense enough during a long period, and if it is supported by strong will, often by energy invested by a lot of people, such a form ceases to be a phantasm and incarnates as a normal human being, receives a palpable physical body and an appropriate personality. In that case, it is called tulku or the “phantom body”.
This is another way your tulpa can become a tulku and have a materialized body.
Do not conceive of the tulpa as being a representation of your subconscious or as being in your mind. It's not.
Do not conceive of the tulpa as a hallucination. It is not. It is an actual, real, sentient being.
Recite the Principle of Mentalism before doing any operation like this, to remind you that you live within the infinite living mind of God, in a mental universe.
If you create your tulpa properly it will become extremely powerful and can kill you. Create servitors instead if you aren't yet ready to deal with a full-fledged tulpa.
Relevant books:
Initiation Into Hermetics
by Franz Bardon
The Invisible Influences
by Zivorad Mihajlovic Slavinski
The Arcane Teachings
& Mind Power: The Secret of Mental Magick
& The Kybalion
by William Walker Atkinson
I've kind of rushed this out due to the demand but whatever, I will update this thread again later if it is not satisfactory for the time being.
0 replies
I was told to send somebody an email that said "these details?" to learn about something, which is confidential atm, but never got a reply. If you're reading this please get back to me, I'd like to learn about the things I was told you'd teach me. I don't know you and you don't know me, but a mutual friend gave me your contact info. I am Gotthard Valentin, so you know I am the one who's curious.
Dies irae, dies illa
Solvet Saeclum in favilla
Teste Satan cum sibylla.
Quantos tremor est futurus
Quando Vindex est venturus
Cuncta stricte discussurus.
Dies irae, dies illa!
6 replies
I am right now in one of the most clean environments on Earth. The water is pure, it has no fluoride, it's from a well, it is the best tasting water anywhere, and the whole region is a reserve of pure water and sparsely populated.
I had for breakfast one day just organically certified oatmeal and jam, then about a half-hour after that a bowl of nothing but walnuts (HUGE QUANTITY) with maple syrup poured over them. I then had nothing else to eat the entire day until just before going to bed when I ate the food cooked by some other people in a massive quantity… pasta, caramelized carrots, a ton of fruits, cheese, and more oatmeal and fruits immediately after.
I ate like several thousand calories at once. I had an amazing amount of food. I did a lot of pranayama and elemental invocations for all the elements and a whole ton of energywork and a variety of meditations which I can describe if necessary but mostly basic stuff but combined with other meditations too form some more complex work.
My mind is operating on a whole new level right now. My thoughts are exremely potent and strong. My astral senses are engaged, the energy centres in my body are loaded with concentrated loosh. I feel the energy all through me and consciously move and it's really strong, I feel SO MUCH ENERGY.
When I was in a room here in the cabin laying on the floor moving my blankets and stuff around in the dark was when something amazing happened. I was thinking as to where my tablet is and wanting to turn its screen on to get light to shine to see what I am doing (it is very dark here, the only lights are from the cabin, and the fire). Then it happened; liquid light poured fourth from my left hand and illuminated what I was doing. Normally, light is radiant, but this light was blue and had a liquid like characteristic. It spilled out of my hand instead of radiating out of my hand. It sizzled like little drops of water bouncing around on a hot pan, a seeming bioluminescent light, coming fourth from my left hand and dribbling over the blankets but not making them wet. By this liquid light I could see what I was doing. The moment though I started wondering how I am doing this, it stopped. I believe I know how it was done though; willed-intent. You don not necessarily visualize, you just know what you want to do, and you focus a ton of loosh into it and anything can happen. Like how you move you arm. Easily achievable with a lot of energy and powerful mental concentration. It is also a finesse thing, there is no strain at all in doing it, it is very natural when you do it.
For the rest of the night I was hyper lucid and continued moving energy through my body.
Now today, I am having EVEN MORE FOOD all day, and stockpiling even more loosh in my body for further use soon. I can not touch metal surfaces now because I am so damned electric. I keep getting massive sparks and getting electrocuted when I touch stuff. Especially after even just a few minutes of consciously moving the energy around in my body + pranayama. I am inhaling tons of prana from the air (I am also near a large frozen lake right now) and directing it through my body. I have been thinking of all my food as well in terms of the elements; Fire is the heat part, Water is the liquid part, Earth is the solid part, Air is the air I'm taking in as much as I can to combust all the food. I am able to rapidly digest all food I take by consciously directing energy/prana from the air and everywhere else in my body into the lower dan-tien (solar plexus chakra) and processing the food extra fast and releasing even more energy. I have conscious control over the heat of my body, sweating, and many other aspects too and my senses (such as sense of smell) are much stronger right now.
There is more I want to say but I have to go now…
10 replies
I've read every single book on healing there is in the /fringe/ library, thousands of pages worth of material, and developed my own techniques.
Here is a technique for healing up the skin.
>identify the area you want to heal first
>move your awareness into it
>bring up an image of it in your mind's eye
>feel it strongly, really focusing on the part, total awareness focused on it
Now we shall apply the principles of rhythm and vibration.
>visualize that patch of skin as perfectly healed over, the pores clean and healthy, the skin, everything and send love as intense as you can to this image held in the mind
>now switch to the visual of the unhealthy skin, and draw the Earth element (the awareness and feeling of that being your skin) out of it while feeling disgust / hate / repulsion and making it external to you
>now switch back to the healed skin, drawing in the Earth element from the other visual of the bad skin, and in so doing feeling that the skin you are visualizing is the actual state of your skin and becoming aware of your skin as smooth
Now here we use awareness hands.
>take your awareness hands (two imagined astral hands) and brush it along the visual of the good healthy skin that you are embodying, feeling it with your awareness hands, and in so doing getting a stronger feel that is your actual skin
Now repeat this over and over, swinging the pendulum, until you have withdrawn all of the Earth element (all of that awareness of the sickness) out of it and instead brought it into total resonance and then embodiment of the clean smooth skin. Eventually you reach a state where there is absolutely no awareness of the old diseased condition which seems to have been externalized and rejected from your body and you now only feel and sense with your astral hands the skin in its healthy good condition. In doing this I believe you have changed the etheric body and a short while later the physical body catches up with those changes.
For me this took 3 hours while half-assing it to go from terrible acne to practically all healed. If you are really concentrated and skilled at this I suspect it could be done in as little as 15 minutes maybe faster.
In the future I plan on upgrading the technique with some possible additional supporting methods that could make it stronger. I haven't tested this out yet but the plan is to consciously direct a greater flow of blood to the area being healed, the idea being to draw away impurities and sickness, and send fresh vitality and love to the area.
Another way I plan on upgrading the technique in the future is via thoughtforms that automate the whole process. The idea would be to consciously do this and achieve a mastery of the technique on my own but then to create some strong and persistent thoughtforms that make it an automated process that just runs in the background, constantly healing my body, and bringing in new currents of vital energy.
My ultimate goal is to achieve the exact same physical superiority as some wizards I personally know are capable of and have demonstrated to me in the past as well as is demonstrated in the video "Madness in the Fast Lane" on youtube:
They are a real example of two women with practically indestructible bodies way beyond what is normal for even a fairly strong and healthy mundane man nevermind women. Not only are they almost impossible to do any damage to but they also were known to heal extremely fast, the injuries they received from being hit by those trucks multiple times, having all but healed over in a single day… they being in perfect condition again tomorrow.
Another technique I know for healing is rather simple. Simply travel to the higher astral planes and stay at that high vibration there long enough and when you come back you will notice you will have experienced immense healing of your mind and body and you will feel really good. This heals absolutely everything at once btw, starting with that which is healed the most easily, and if you were to stay at that vibratory level long enough it would also heal the more permanent damage in your body as well.
I have focused on healing skin here, which is really simple and gives obvious and quick results, but you can adapt the principle afterwards to healing anything else. You may also use this for producing stigmata, changes in physical traits, destroying infections in the body, and shapeshifting. I plan in the future to see if I can make moles drop off the body as well, I know Robert Bruce has a technique for this.
Really concentrating on specific areas of the body can heal those areas pretty fast I think but it takes an even bigger effort to heal the whole body at once. This can be done however by visualizing an entire new body for yourself, in great detail, and then drawing out the Earth element from your previous body into the new one… thus changing your entire etheric body all at once.
A few more important things… even though I'm repeating myself from another thread; if you want to intensify the whole operation, than do the invocation of god. Chant IAO or another name of god and hold the intent while doing so of becoming more conscious, more emotional, more aware; in short raising your consciousness closer to that of the Universal Living Mind that is God, The All. Doing this will intensify everything you are doing.
“Earnest Desire—Confident Expectation—and Firm Demand—these form the Triple Key of Occult Attainment.”
>The Master Formula of Attainment is as follows: “(1) Definite Ideals; (2) Insistent Desire; (3) Confident Expectation; (4) Persistent Determination (5) Balanced Compensation.” Reduced to popular terms, it is as follows: “You may have anything you want, provided that you (1) know exactly what you want, (2) want it hard enough, (3) confidently expect to obtain it, (4) persistently determine to obtain it, and (5) are willing to pay the price of its attainment.”
>"THE ALL is MIND; The Universe is Mental." — The Kybalion.
Don't forget these. The principles of reality manifestation must be remembered to do good effective work.
ALL of the 7 Hermetic Principles are used here. You should meditate on each one and how it is used in healing process.
Polarity is addressed when we focus on the two opposites, find the centre, and attain mastery over that principle.
As for gender, the mental substance visualized is the feminine aspect, your will is the masculine. Likewise the body is female, the spirit is male.
The rest I believe I've already explained properly or should be abundantly apparent to you.
2 replies
Greetings. Requesting a link. About a year ago i came across a mystic school ment for programmers. I have little more than that to go on. Any clues?
Pic unrelated sort of.
10 replies
It looks like krystallnacht Library is down.
It was a site filled with rare digital books. Does anyone here have it all or a siterip they can upload on Mega???
9 replies
Somebody just rekt 8chan's /fringe/
2 replies
8ch.net/fringe/ is back
Return to the forward base to discuss this latest happening.
6 replies
We're home again
13 replies
Does anyone else miss freedomboard /fringe/?
357 replies
Post your greenpill facts in here. Follow the same format (describe the fact then cite a source). Lets accelerate the awakening process with bite-sized information!
>Concentration on a certain body part increases the flow of blood to that part. This was established at the end of the 19th century by Weber, a German psychologist, who measured this accurately with a scale later named after him. When a person holds his/her hand on the Weber scale and concentrates on that hand, the blood vessels in the hand expand and it becomes heavier. The same happens to all body parts, the pineal gland being no exception.
(Page 15, Pineal Breathing Chapter)
32 replies
Here is 140 Chants you can use while meditating or in your sorcery
These words have to be chanted or repeated 52 times for 7-10 days for them to work.
1. TIGRIS- Overall success.
2. HUYUK- Induce astral travel.
3. AEUNN- Gain the love of a specific person.
4. ENLIL- Financial gain.
5. ZIGGURATS- Heal a barren womb.
6. NIKIL-Gain clairvoyant abilities.
7. LUGAL-Detect lost objects.
8. URUK- Win games where luck is involved.
9. NINKILIM- Remove any type of phobia.
10. UMMIA- Rid any unwanted person.
11. NANNAIYA- Boost sex drive.
12. NINGAL- Heal both mental and physical ailments.
13. URNAMMU- Induce lucidity in a dream.
14. SHULGI- Gain recognition in one's life.
15. LAZULI- Boost your physical strength.
16. NIMKACY- Gain telekinetic abilities.
17. EUTRUSCAN- Good visualization abilities.
18. NINGRISU-Strengthen your memory.
19. ZAGGRO- Gain control of people's thoughts.
20. LUGALLASAGESI- Render any enemy harmless.
21. AKKAK- Telepathic communication.
22. ISHTAAR- Improve predictive abilities.
23. HAMMURABY- Ensure a balance state of mind.
24. CEREPLUX- General happiness.
25. TECCAS- Psychic protection.
26. BITTATY- Rid any addiction.
27. AKABIYAN- Detect any enemies.
28. SHUSHU- Gain mediumistic abilities.
29 GESHTYN- Attract desired employment.
30. ATTRAHASIS- Physical protection.
31. NEPHERAPHI- Overcome shyness.
32. AMMUNN- Direct communication with God.
33. HELPHTAFMANNY- Control weather patterns.
34. ASHKKEENUTT- Gain respect of employers.
35. NETCHERGAMU- Repell Negative spell.
36. HALUGANCHY- Gain invisibility from chosen persons.
37. PETTATRION- Succeed in any legal dispute.
38. GEDBEGURU- For meditating(still the mind)
39. SOBEKTI- Turn an enemy into a friend.
40. DJERGU- Summon your guardian angel.(Use when necessary)
41. GARNOPIC- Induce levitation of the body.
42. VASTABA- Clairaudient abilities. (Hear spirits and angels.)
43. ZAQGURRA- Regress into past lives.
44. RARIT- Help with artistic pursuits.
45. EKFAPHRATYNE- Ensure protection of material objects.
46. KATEMU- Longevity(Increase life-span of everything alive)
47. TOWFAROT- Bestow virility
48. KILCOTH- SUCCESS in sponsoring activity.
49. MAATT- Receive anyting that is owed to you.
50. MEKERETRE- Cure male and female sterility.
51. PTHOPTECK- Gain entry into Akashic library.
52. BYBLOSTYIOUS- Ability to read human aura.
53. PUABY-Gain info about future incarnations.
54. KHUFTU-Prevent others from locking into your thoughts.
Health Chants
1. SWAFTIF- Heal arthritis
2. ZASSU-Heal lung disorder.
3. ASUAN- Heal bladder infections.
4. MINNAK- heal skin iriitations.
5 MYCENNO- Heal headaches.
6. OMPEDMI- Heal open wounds.
7. CHETHURUK- Heal stomach complaints.
8. TALLNYET- Heal influenza.
9. KEPURUTH- Prevent hair-loss.
10. PSAZTHYRE-Heal ear infections.
11. GALIPAL- Prevent tooth decay.
12. ELYSIAD- Heal torn muscles or tissues.
13. SHEEKAP- Heal sexual transmitted diseases.
14. LIAZUSU- Ease heart palpitations.
15. GANHAL- Heal sore gums
16. TYFHAIIA- Overcome agoraphobia.
17. KURUCK- Overcome claustrophobia.
18. PWANABAL- Reverse any swelling.
19. PAPURJAMA- Overcome general nervousness.
20. YANCKABAN- Lower high blood pressure.
Special Mantras
1. BAEL- Make yourself or objects invisible.
2. AGARES- Produce activity where there is stagnation.
3. VASSAGO- Psychic and physical protection.
4. SAMIGINA- Correct mistakes; Stop bad feelings.
5. MARBAS- Pass exams; good for school work.
6. VALEFOR- Inner workings such as pathworking.
7. AMON- Any legal disputes.
8. BARBATOS- Remove any spellcast or you or friends.
9. PAIMON-Remove anything unwanted.
10. BUER- Heal any ailments.
11. GUSION- Receive any secret information.
12. SITRI- Gain sex drive.
13. BELETH- Gain love of someone special.
14. LERAJE- Cure headaches.
15. ELIGOS- Inner strength and positively.
16. ZEPAR- Ensure conception.
17. BOTIS- Tranquility and general happiness.
18. BATHIN- Separate consciousness ; project on astral plane.
19. SALLOS- Became at-one with all of creation.
20. PURSON- Successful interviews, ads and blind dates.
21. MARAX- Clear and Mature thinking.
22. IPOS- Overcome any kind of phobia.
23. AIM- Easier breathing, excellent for asthma
24. NABERIOUS- Communicate with spirits and angels.
25. GLASYALABOLAS- Dissolve any unwanted situation.
26. BUNE- Gain large amounts of money.
27. RONOVE- General stability.
28. BERITH- Gain recognition.
29. ASTAROTH- Overall success.
30. FORNEUS- Gain fame in a chosen career.
31. FORAS- Good health and a longlife.
32. ASMODAY- Abstain spirit help and guidance.
33. GAAP- Keep secrets hidden from.
34. FURFUR- Keep tempers cool; good for calmness.
35. MARCHOSIAS- Summon your personal guardian angel.
36. STOLAS- For practicality.
37. PHENEX- General happiness and tranquility.
38. HALPHAS- Self-esteem and moral strength.
39. MALPHAS- When feeling down, this mantra will pick you up.
40. RAUM- Receive vision of lost objects and where they will be.
41. FOCALOR- Return negative spells back to the sender.
42. VEPAR- Prevents storm from breaking down summer weather.
43. SABNOCK- Send telepathic messages.
44. SHAX- Keep enemies at bay, protection.
45. VINE- Desire to formulate rituals and spells of yours.
46. BIFRONS- Strengthen your will-power.
47. VUAL- Psychometric abilities; read and interpret vibrations in objects.
48. HAAGENTI- Transform your life from old habits to new adventures.
49. CROCELL- General happiness.
50. FURCAS- Clairvoyant abilities.(divine future)
51. BALAM- Communicate with spirit masters
52. ALLOCES- Gain wisdom directly from spirit- source.
53. CAMIO- Good intuitive abilities.
54. MURMUR- Induce total calmness of body and miind.
55. OROBAS- Induce projection; travel anywhere in astral plane.
56. GREMORY- See with clairvoyant sight.
57. OSE- Gain telekinetic abilities.
58. AMY- Gain ability to interpret the message of dreams.
59. ORIAS- Control weather patterns as you choose.
60. VAPULA- Produce divine sounds within your place of abode.
61. ZAGAN- Gain mediumship abilities.
62. VALAC- Gain entry into Elysian Fields. ( The land where the god of ancient Greece reside).
63. ANDRAS- Release negative thoughts from mind.
64. HAURES- Creative abilites(art, writing, and music)
65. ANDREALPHUS- Summon the salamander spirits.
66. CIMEJES- Insure against theft and fire.
67. AMDUSIAS- Come see the human aura.
68. BELIAL- Raise kundalini spirit outside the physical body to travel at will.
69. DECARABIA- dissovle negative thought patterns.
70. SEERE- Obtain info on previous lives.
71. DANTALION- Gain visions of hereafter.
72. ANDROMALIUS- Deep meditational work.
Mantras to waking the Ckakras.
1. Bottom of Spine.
2. Stomach
3. Chest
4. HEart
5. Throat
6. Center of Forehead
7. The Crown (top head facing the sky.)
Sunday Mantra: Muladhara
Monday Mantra: Svadhistana
Tuesday Mantra: Manipura
Wednesday Mantra: Anahat
Thursday Mantra: Vishuda
Friday Mantra: Ahna
Saturday Mantra: Sahasrara
The Lost word of power mantra:
Ma- Material energy
Ra- Healing energy
30 replies
Occult hierarchy 2.0:
The mundanes
– vast majority of people who either are afraid of, completely ignorant of, or disbelieving of the occult. They refuse to even begin the path of illumination.
The dabblers
– the majority of those who take a momentary interest in the occult, many people who visit /x/, etc. These people only dabble in the occult, maybe try a few things, but they aren't very dedicated and are too preoccupied with other priorities they have to achieve any real success.
The deluded
– people who for whatever reason pressed on very far but got lost along the way. They either form self-defeating mindsets which keep them from progressing (such as hyperskepticism), or they cling strongly to some incorrect and limiting beliefs/disinfo, or their identity/status becomes too invested in the occult so they put up a facade of superiority or knowing or mysteriousness but it's all bullshit and they're lost.
The accidentals
– people who because of natural ability or the influence of some other entity randomly end up pulling off or otherwise witnessing something paranormal. Due to a lack of true understanding they never progress beyond this and may assume they've just gone crazy or that they've seen some shit.
The fallen
– occultists who finally broke past the initial barriers of self-development only to make a fatal or semi-fatal mistake which causes them to lose their will, lose control, kill themselves off, etc. They become possessed or become an energy source for some other being or whatever. Some of them are trapped in a rigid hierarchy where their masters feed off of them and limit them and they don't know it.
The illumined
– The elite few occultists who succeed & become very powerful. At this point of development they have undergone a complete transformation of the self. They are capable of great things & are very aware. They are more concerned with what happens in higher planes of existence than the mundane.
>implying those who merely have incidental / accidental experience of magic & related phenomena can get to the point of becoming fallen unless that accident was what made them become fallen. The fallen know what they're doing / what they do is not an accident, but they make bad choices.
63 replies
There exist several other threads on the topic but I intend to make this one the definitive resource on it and will edit with updates. Most people don't know shit about meditation and can't even really meditate in any serious matter. So I'm going to tell you everything I know about meditation and what you should do.
You want to prepare conditions for meditation to be optimal:
• Remove noise and light and anything else which may distract.
• Do not wear clothing which is tight and messes with your body, this will ruin your efforts.
• Wear clothing such as cotton or silk. Silk blocks scalar waves from influencing you and I've heard in one story that silk worms were genetically engineered by some advanced race in the past for this purpose. Do not wear synthetic clothing, unless you want to experience a terrible burning sensation.
• The clothing should be black so no light is reflected.
If you can't properly isolate yourself from outside influences, you will have to deal with and overcome those influences and the distortions they have on you, which is annoying:
''- If you can't eliminate noise, then block it out with white noise such as that made from a fan, so that the consistency of the white noise does not distract you.
If you can't block out light from the room itself and don't have access to a meditation robe or the like, strap something around your eyes and head or put a pillow over and try to do your bes to block all the light out.
If you can't eliminate heat fluctuations and maintain a cool ambient temperature, well fuck I don't know, you'll just have to proceed anyways.
It is best to meditate when you're not tired BUT it even though it is harder it also worth it to try to meditate even when tired. Really you should attempt to meditate whenever you have to chance to do so.
Here are a couple more factors to keep in consideration:
Do not meditate with people around. Their mental influences exert a pull on you and can hold you back or drag you off to where you don't want to go. They are also distracting. Meditate alone whenever possible. If you ever are going to meditate with a second person, do it with someone you love very much, and who you want to work with in the astral. If you meditate with other people regard yourself as one unit or a hivemind. You have to concern yourself with every other person in that room. This is really something we want to avoid though in the initial stages. You can not succeed very much in developing yourself to a higher state of consciousness if you are trying to uplift the extra mental weight of others around you at the same time.
Do not sit in a silly position and pretend to meditate. You might as well lay down. The position that you really should assume is whatever is the most comfortable for you. You do not want your body to be discomforted in some way, ruining your meditation. You should have no pressure points or anything. You should stretch every day and practise whatever will allow you to be comfortable like a cat in any position but in the meanwhile just go with whatever position is most comfortable with you and don't try to meditate in a manner which distracts you.
If you have some means of achieving sensory deprivation that would be ideal. Anything which impresses upon your senses can be a source of distraction.
All of the above has dealt with merely the physical reparations for meditating. Now there are some mental things to concern yourself with.
• Focus – you need to clear / silence your mind to eliminate mental distractions and be able to actually focus on what you're doing. Shut off the stream of words. Shut off your scepticism, your doubts, etc. that will undermine you. You may have to let out a stream of gibberish thoughts until you exhaust yourself of thinking and it feels like such a strain to think and you just naturally fall into mental silence. [Note: I want to write a whole other article on this and will put a link to it here.]
• Emotion – You must master emotional alchemy. You can do this during regular state of waking consciousness as well as during meditation. There are ways to practise this. Read about it here: (
) When you have this control over emotions you will be able to use them during meditation to accelerate the entire process very fast through emotional resonance.
• Intention – Unless you just want to wing it and get carried away by whatever manifestations come to you, you will need to have very clear and sustained intentions, so you end up doing what you intended.
If you take into account all of the above you can begin to meditate. While in meditation there are many things to do. For starters you should work upon basic thoughtforms. This is what I've been doing for months now and have become very proficient at:
- Visualization of basic forms
Visualizing numbers, basic geometric shapes, letters, Roman numerals, symbols, and the likes. Then making them more complex by using different fonts, making them 3-dimensional, different textures and materials, rotating them around in my mind to view them from any angle, and most importantly thinking in this medium. I count up numbers without saying "one, two, three" rather I just see them. I also add them up. Months ago I couldn't do basic math at all or it was really slow, now I can impress this one dude I work for sometimes by giving him instant answers to things merely by seeing the numbers and adding them up visually very fast. It is very important to learn to think within other mediums than just sound. If you're going to astral project for example the most efficient and successful way to do it is to completely turn off sound and focus purely on visualization until you've projected your astral body into an astral space and can then load the other senses (such as sound, feeling, etc.) All these really basic forms are like the building blocks for everything. When you have the very basic forms burned into your mind, more complex ones then can be made out of those basics, just like in videogames how objects can be made out of polygons.
- Visualization of animated forms
For some reason the idea of doing this (except for rotating numbers around) did not occur to me until quite recently but it has been a major step up from what I was doing before. This involves a lot more complex things being visualized in motion. Some examples are clock hands spinning around (there can be multiple and spinning in different directions at different rates), wings of any sort flapping, balls bouncing around and being tossed all over the place, ripples and waves changing the form of objects or even everything in sight, figures of animals or people in motion, flames and energy in motion, water splashes and mist, flashing objects that rapidly change colours, spinning stars, etc. Practising this a lot is another layer of improvement in thoughtforming and makes astral projection even easier.
- Thinking through the medium of motion and space
If you've ever spinned around a lot, or spent a long while in waves then went on land, you will know this feel. You may feel like you're dizzily spinning out of your body or something. Thinking purely in motion like this is another skill to develop and getting really good at it will help you dislodge your astral body from your regular body and it will also help you if you practise martial arts or do a lot exercises because you can think in the medium of those emotions and perfect them then. If you are practising Judo for example you can do a throw alone just feeling in the air and do it repeatedly hundreds of times until you're in a trance and then you can still still and meditate and feel that you are still doing the throw over & over. This messes with your sense of balance and locality. Also related is the feeling of pressing up against something or having pressure exerted upon your body. If you can manipulate this then you can feel the surfaces of thoughtforms, you can ignore the pressures on your own physical body so they don't distract you, and you can clear away or cause headaches to form around your head. I think this can be used to improve muscle memory, to influence the physical body in various ways, and may have application to telekinesis.
- Manifesting control over heat
This is done through tummo meditation and is also just a by-product it seems of coming out of astral projection at times, depending upon how you left the astral, and what you were doing. You can cause yourself to become incredibly hot and sweaty even with chill winter air coming into your room. Theoretically if you could focus all the heat you generate then you could set things on fire and manipulate flames. Chi fire hands would be a real possibility for someone who has mastered this. It appears also that this practise is somehow related to manipulation of energy in the body in general and can be used for healing so I guess we're actually controlling a lot more than just heat.
- Thinking through the medium of sound
We're all really used to doing this but with meditation we can take this to extremes by creating separate voices, hearing mental sounds at an incredibly loud volume, reproducing the sounds of animals and other things that aren't just our normal voice we use, composing very elaborate music, and also receiving the sound-based thoughts of other minds. You can learn telepathy by learning how to tune into the voices of other entities and eventually specific people around you. I generally do not care much for sound unless it's listening to other entities. Receiving the vocal impressions of other entities to me is more important than projecting my own.
- Astral Projection
The most important thing you can do is connect to the astral and seek out its many wonders and have incredibly vivid, complex, and amazing experiences out there. The astral planes are a more lucid form of reality. Everything is deeper, more colourful, higher resolution, etc. and it is a far superior way of being. The third density is less conscious, less real, and inferior in so many ways. The akashic records are accessible in the astral planes. Magic can be practised out there. There are so many possibilities for development out there. The astral planes is also our afterlife which we will reside in until we either decide or are forced to incarnate here again. It is also possible to create links to the astral in many ways that will make your connection to 4th density more solid. You can create nexions, sigils, etc. to revisit a place in the astral repeatedly and meet up with others. If you develop blindsight and other psychic abilities you will end up staying in 4th density longer.
The ultimate goal of meditation should be to reach a state of unbroken meditation. This is where you are constantly in meditation no matter if you are sleeping, awake, eating, drinking, working out, doing something, etc. you will always remain in a higher state of consciousness and walk in two worlds. The reality of dreams and of waking converge, the veil is brought down, third eye is awoken, etc. are all different ways of stating the same thing here. Some people attain this state by accident prematurely and maybe some people just incarnate here with a higher consciousness and this tends to lead them into trouble as they don't know how to navigate 4th density properly and the mundanes around them usually don't know how to do it either and declare the person "schizophrenic" or some other label and then persecute and destroy them intentionally or otherwise. I believe in a more spiritually aware society this state of higher consciousness would be better appreciated as a gift to be developed rather than as some horrible curse to be rid of. This won't be a problem for any of us though who deliberately and consciously arrive at this state because we will have practised for it and understood its working and be properly prepared for its attainment.
I will flesh out this article more with other sections and more details on the various types of meditation and their uses later!
This picture is the only decent one I could find showing meditation after hours of searching but even so that thing he has over him should under ideal circumstances be black, he should be in a dark place, the ocean probably is a distraction, etc. The vast majority of people who've had pictures taken of them "meditating" aren't actually meditating AT ALL and they're just making themselves look really foolish.
257 replies
Continuation of this thread:
Pledge an amount of time. Preferably a number of weeks. Post it in this thread.
If you break your pledge, you must also confess your transgression in this thread.
If you keep your pledge you may reward yourself… with more time pledged!
For purposes of this thread, "masturbation" is defined as touching your genitals for purposes other than basic hygiene and expulsion of wastes.
For those of you who have entirely transcended physical sex but who use succubus and so on you can also make pledges here to control your sexual thoughts and try not to evoke or meet any entities to have sex with.
Remade the thread since the last one was very popular and hit the bump limit and many of you want use your generative powers for a higher purpose than mere wasted moments of hedonism.
Post any techniques for the transformation and proper use of sexual energy here also.
Personally I feel that stage one should be to completely stop with touching or physical stimulation of sexual energy and learning to take that desire and drive and focus it mentally into thoughtforms. If you are going to entertain lustful ideas at least don't be a silly mundane about it when you could be using thoughtforce to telekinetically get yourself off or something similar. Straight up fapping is for mundanes.
4 replies
do you even wand? I have 2 lol
3 replies
Hi there, /fringe/.
It is curious.
It seems like some force doesn't want me to post this. But here goes anyways. I'll start this by saying call me "X". X is a placeholder. A place holder because long ago, from the small bit I remember from childhood, I existed on a totally different layer of existence. You could call it a "megacarnival". There, I was infinite. All was connected to my soul. All things emitted from my soul. Sweet dreams and souls surrounded my wake. I was we was I. Words don't do it justice. Those around me rejoiced. And I did also. I lived vicariously through the infinite experiences of the fractal of my mind and the minds preceding. But I was devoid a twin flame, an equal, is the closest I xan describe to it. And in my saudade I wound up in the fractal, searching for this contemporary.. And the more I sought this illusory traveller, the more I forgot the divine mystery. And eventually the truth of form, in that the created always become Creators. I devolved and each time I forgot more, and was more wedged in this paradigm, of my own choosing. And so now I am here, a being foreign to this realm of delta (3d evolution of the point) and the supreme truth of it.
So here I am, a dark guise, hoping slowly for the omnisistence I used to have. I cannot relate to another member of this species successfully. No one ever understands me. I'm not ugly, or unintelligent…but I truly cannot react to anyone. And what's more, my energy scares people. They cannot read me or my chaos and order despite their spirituality and thus retreat, but I always can read them. When they lie. I can tell by their eyes. Their eyes and their aura open the channel of their soul to me. But I mean no harm. I came from a different, higher place and I am filled with a love for all. And because I have lived an infinite number of lives, and am an infinite number of souls in one soul, something that many refuse to believe, I face all of the pain humanity has, as well as the human I exist in. Of course, that means I get glimpses of the future, limited as my physical mind and body are. They scare the mind and body. Their innocence retreats from it. My magic also doesn't work like most others'. If I will something into existence enough, it becomes so. Of course, as I have found refuge in the human body, that ability is not fully realized. But sigils, signs, reagents, incantations, chants and old mystic traditions do nothing but cloud my mind and deliver negative vibes to my core. Also, visitors notice me. Survey me sometimes, in their cone shapes. Come into my dreams, tell me to remember. Tell me anything I wish can become reality. Tl;dr, I'm just curious if the gifted among you understand what that's like. Remembering the different natures…the dreamscape, the Carnival. It is a shame. Words do my description of reality harsh. But to any who might understand…
0 replies
Do it. Do ittt.
▲ ▲
8 replies
Schizophrenics are the Third Eye Awakened Wizard Master Race
I shall clearly explain to you why this is:
Most people are afraid of schizophrenics because they see and experience things not usually apparent to the senses of others.
…but why feel this way towards it?
Most people (telepaths & mind readers aside) don't hear your inner-voice every day and they don't see the images that go through your mind or know the feelings and so on in there.
A so called "schizophrenic" experience thoughtforms more intensely than anyone else does. There thoughts are more clear, stronger, more substantial – they have a more powerful mind than most.
The problem is with controlling your thoughts when they are this powerful.
Those whose minds are clouded by so much mental fog, whose thoughts are barely manifest, who hardly think – what you think doesn't matter much and is quite irrelevant. Your thoughts never overpower you.
In a better society "schizophrenics" would not be ostracised and destroyed the way they are in ours. They would instead become shamans or fulfil other such roles suiting their nature and would be appreciated for their spiritual insights and their visions.
Drugging people because they hear voices, see things, have invisible friends, etc. and filling them with fear and so on is a really shitty thing to do to them. Literally when you instil fear into a schizo about the experiences he is having you ruin them. They should be taught to control and to understand the experience from a magical perspective. Then their powerful mind will not be their own destruction but rather a great advantage.
If you feed negative thoughtforms / demons with the same energy that gave rise to them they continue to torment you. You need to either use other thoughtforms to combat them or cut off their energy supply and wait for them to fade away, preferably both.
It is also important to make distinctions about the various levels of shared experience one is having. Sometimes something is only part of the reality of say two people, or a small group, or just a single individual. The other stuff is mostly apart of the reality of everyone in this waking plane we're familiar with. It is useful to understand the different densities and to tell apart what is third density phenomena and what is fourth density or higher.
Just because one person experiences something does not mean it's "not real", that it's made up, etc.
EVERYTHING has a basis. Everything is real in some sense and connected. It may not be properly understood at the times the relations between phenomena or the higher nature of a thing but you certainly don't help by telling people they just made shit up and that their experiences aren't real and whatever else typical materialist paradigm bullshit the pavlovian dogs of today spew all over the place.
I wish that people would recognize the potential of schizophrenics to develop their minds and achieve greater mental feats than the more consciously suppressed individuals who experience their thoughts so dimly. You want to know what ascension and expanding of consciousness is all about? It's about having a more powerful mind, experiencing more closeness to the divine reality, and experiencing reality deeply and vividly and having all that fog and all those barriers peeled away.
Please stop perpetuating the myth of schizophrenia and falling for common psychiatric delusions around it. They are just more highly consciously evolved beings than most. Some destroy themselves, get lost in delusion, become very troubled, and become very tormented but that's not the way it has to be. If you believe yourself to be developing schizophrenic symptoms just be more careful about what and how you think and prepare yourself spiritually for the ascension process. You do not have to fear, fear will be the seeds of your destruction.
56 replies
ITT: We go through the /x/ archives to see what the mods are suppressing there and when we find something interesting we repost it in this thread
Currently a LOT of ebolachan stuff being deleted but go past all that and you will find evidence of suppression of much more shocking things.
Screencap from what is currently Page 4 of all the deleted posts.
28 replies
This thread shall be all about thoughtforms. I am busy practising some things right now though so I'll edit this post at at a later time to actually turn it into a big guide on the subject. In the meanwhile I shall dump all my notes on thoughtforms below.
167 replies
Let's begin with some general info on the subject;
"Seiðr (sometimes anglicized as seidhr, seidh, seidr, seithr or seith) is an Old Norse term for a type of sorcery which was practised in Norse society during the Late Scandinavian Iron Age. Connected with Norse religion, its origins are largely unknown, although it gradually eroded following the Christianization of Scandinavia. Accounts of seiðr later made it into sagas and other literary sources, while further evidence has been unearthed by archaeologists. Various scholars have debated the nature of seiðr, some arguing that it was shamanic in context, involving visionary journeys by its practitioners.
Seiðr practitioners were of both genders, although females are more widely attested, with such sorceresses being variously known as vǫlur, seiðkonur and vísendakona. There were also accounts of male practitioners, known as seiðmenn, but in practising magic they brought a social taboo, known as ergi, on to themselves, and were sometimes persecuted as a result. In many cases these magical practitioners would have had assistants to aid them in their rituals.
Within pre-Christian Norse mythology, seiðr was associated with both the god Oðinn, a deity who was simultaneously responsible for war, poetry and sorcery, as well as the goddess Freyja, a member of the Vanir who was believed to have taught the practice to the Æsir."
24 replies
Emotional Alchemy
Emotional Alchemy is essential practise for any wizard. It's how we manage our loosh, specifically astral energy. There are multiple things you must do to master your control over emotion.
Control your response to different things that normally would provoke emotional reactions. You should not be swayed by anything unless it is your will that it should happen. This is something you can learn and practise while posting on the internet, while living your every day life, and going through conflicts.
You must learn to neutralize emotions, to apply them, to convert/reverse them, and to be tranquil.
When you are
you do not react to anything. Chaos could abound around you, terrible things could happen, and you will not lose control but remain calm and centred emotionally. Practise this by remaining emotionally stable in any circumstance conceivable. For example in a scenario which may produce shame, remain composed, do not feel shame. Do not laugh when something is funny. Do not become sad when everyone is crying around you. Do not anger when you are being provoked. Do not be overcome by lust in sexual situations. Do not become disgusted when something threatens to make you feel like retching. Do not be shocked by scandalous news, gore, etc. You can set many challenges here to test yourself and make them more extreme.
an emotion, you should be able to produce an emotional state merely by willing it and also be able to control its intensity. You must be able to do this both in relation to an external something as well as without any reference to anything. So you can produce the emotion as a reaction or you can apply an emotional state that is not in relation to anything at all which you are thinking about or that is happening around you. You will need to apply emotions to thoughtforms and in rituals and in many other magical works.
an emotion you put one emotion behind another and end up converting an emotion's state. If you specifically want to reverse an emotion then you convert the emotion to its opposite. For example you can lovingly hate, then your hatred becomes love. (This is not the same as neutralizing an emotion.) If you know this skill, then it will help you greatly, as you can purify your emotional state by approaching every emotion and converting it all to the desired emotion required for some magical work. If you are going deep into meditation for example many things may arise out of the astral and impress upon you and threaten to stir up emotions other then the one you want to use. If I want to feel pure love for example then no matter what I see or experience while in meditation I must put love behind everything. This concept will be I think very disturbing for some very heavily emotionally programmed people who do really manifest much control over their emotions and do not really understand what it truly means to embrace EVERYTHING with love (or any other emotion).
Some people (usually New Age) attempt to keep themselves in a very high and pure state of love by avoiding thoughts, people, scenarios, ideas, etc. which threaten to bring them down to a lower vibration. They are weak and vulnerable and missing out on the point of this life I think. Why do we even incarnate here into third density if it's not to learn to confront all the suffering and develop our consciousness? We'd just stay in the astral wouldn't we? To the master of emotional alchemy, there are absolutely no emotions to be feared and avoided, as all emotion is useful to him and can be converted into the state which he desires. At a higher state of development you could even go to a person you wish to help, meditate with them, and ask them to direct all their negative emotions towards you and then feeding upon all their hatred and misery and sadness and every other grievance they have convert it all into love and either keep it for yourself or give it back to them (or keep some and give some). That person then will probably be very happy and experience a great deal of relief (and if you keep all their loosh well at least they won't feeling bad, they will just be feeling numb, which from their mundane perspective they'd probably consider an improvement).
an emotion you can exhaust it until you feel nothing. A joke told too many times is no longer humorous, a scary circumstance ceases to create fear in a person who has been through that scenario way too many times, a troll ceases to anger you when you've grown tired of being angered by their ruse. This also works for depression and is why I tell people not to take drugs, not to ignore the depression, etc. instead you should embrace depression. If your mourn yourself long enough and you take every depressive thought to its extreme you will eventually exhaust it all and feel nothing. One can only cry so long before the tears dry up and you go numb. Although this neutralization of emotions is wasteful of one's loosh it is still a necessary skill to develop if one wishes to gain total mastery over emotion. If you understand this, you will eventually appreciate that life is full of so much suffering and hardship, because it gives you the chance to learn and overcome and in so doing attain a higher state of conscious development, that you would have not likely reached if you weren't challenged.
I should note that sometimes it also desirable to go with the natural flow of an emotion. This is what most humans do by default but sometimes even an emotional alchemist needs to put aside his training in order to save himself from trouble or at other times the natural response is the one which we desire to use to accomplish what we will. Silly mundanes that don't know better may consider you a very disturbed individual if you don't appear to be showing the correct socially conditioned emotional response to a situation and may start to attack you and make accusations against you and so on and this could be a hindrance to you. Imageboards and and the internet in general is usually a better setting to conduct your emotional alchemy training.
Every emotion has it uses. The only undesirable state for me is emotional numbness. This is when you know you're out of astral energy and you are quite vulnerable and helpless. Anyone who wishes to do away with emotion or who believes that emotion and reason are at odds with each other and can't work together is a fool falling for a false dichotomy. Emotion is powerful, it manipulates synchronicity, it powers thoughtforms, it forms the will, it is key to the workings of magic; all of this you can understand very clearly when you practise astral projection, or you wish to excel in sport, or you want to make a tulpa, or do a number of other things. I will give some examples:
- Very intense emotional release will influence your physical performances in a variety of ways. One way to demonstrate this to yourself is to work out really hard and to do chin ups until you are no longer able to do any more. You probably won't even be able to do very many chin ups while in a emotionally neutral state. If you get really hyped up though, or very angry, or very scared, you will suddenly be able to do a ton more than your normal limit. A man who goes berserk with rage could probably take multiple bullets and keep fighting and tear you to pieces while a man who can't achieve that intensity of emotion will be taken down with a single punch or something, he won't stand up to much abuse. If you use fear or anxiety or the likes you can apparently slow down time which lets your mind perceive and react to things around you extremely quickly and your body also will move very fast relative to everyone else, allowing you to do incredible feats. If you have a very high morale and a good focus, you will not be held back by doubts or self-sabotaging thoughts, and be able to keep going where others would just fail. You may need to be extremely calm and to lower your heart rate while under very high pressure in order to stable your hands and use a sniping weapon with very high accuracy or to hide from someone or to do various other physical feats. Some of these emotional states normally occur to people in very extreme situations as a reaction to something but the emotional alchemist having total mastery over his emotions will be able to apply the relevant emotions at any time and at any rate to do amazing things.
- If you are all out of loosh and very emotionally numb you won't be able to astral project. All entities in the astral planes fight over control of astral energy. If you are drained too much you will be disconnected from the astral planes altogether and not be able to go back until you've recovered enough to feel again. Astral energy is essential to astral projection.
- The thoughtforms you create will be created faster, in greater detail and complexity, when you apply astral energy to them correctly and efficiently. It is also apparent when creating a tulpa, which is a sentient thoughtform, that if you do not feed your tulpa with a lot of emotion it will develop slower and in a stunted manner. If you give your tulpas lots of love they will be manifested much quicker and fuller. This is a way you can understand the astral energy has direct metaphysical applications and is important.
- Astral energy is essential to the manipulation of synchronicity. Refer yourself to the various montalk articles on the topic and also the writings of Noel Huntley and you will understand how to do this and why it works. Synchronicity arranges how events in the timeline manifest to you and biases the probabilities of events occurring.
Link 1:
Link 2:
Link 3:
Curbing emotion is not the answer. Emotion is very powerful. Reason + emotion = a very powerful will. One should not strive to become unemotional but to make ones emotions align with their reason so that emotion and reason both propel that person towards action and synchronicity. Strong emotion directed by well refined reason is the ideal. To kill your emotions and replace them with reason alone is to become ineffectual and apathetic. All emotion is good when made to serve a higher purpose. No one emotion ought to be disowned entirely. Thinking a given emotion ought to be purged from your being is like making the blanket statement that killing is bad while ignoring the context of the killing (such as food, self-defence, retribution, sadism, greed, honour, accident, etc.). The whole spectrum of emotion from hate to love, sadness to joy, it is all empowering when harnessed correctly.
I can personally attest to having a very high level of skill in this practise and can demonstrate it for others, switching on and off emotions at will, and bringing them to very high levels of intensity. I can in a short while achieve emotional states that most people only very rarely experience and which they go to great efforts to attain in a mundane manner. Mundanes are usually so hopelessly enslaved to their emotional programming they barely entertain the thought that they can be free of external influences, addictions, vices, etc. and they don't know what they would do if they could just will any emotion at any time. They'd probably sit around just being happy all day, kind of like those rats in that one experiment that were allowed to push a button that would make them happy, and they kept pushing the button and experiencing bliss all the time and just neglected doing anything else and then died like the stupid animals they are. They usually do not appreciate the beauty of "negative emotions" either. The worst attitude really is when they disregard emotion altogether and foolishly assert that they would like to have their emotions removed from themselves altogether.
The skills of emotional alchemy are essential to any wizard and a prerequisite to making everything else work effectively including rituals, spells, meditation, astral travel, miraculous healing, and so on. You must know about this before everything else!
Other articles to read:
113 replies
Someone asks "how do I summon a succubus"? Well it's quite simple.
Firstly, disregard those rituals you've probably seen, they're bullshit and will keep you distracted.
You will end up like this guy:
Second, stop fapping and wasting your lust, got to save up your astral energy* for this.
Don't touch yourself, don't do any of that shit, then (you can do this at night or day it doesn't matter) you're going to want to clear your mind by shutting off distracting and invasive thoughts and focusing very intently upon seeing in your mind's eye any arbitrary basic form you like (could be numbers, simple geometric shapes, a pentagram, whatever the fuck suits you) and you're going to want to animate in some way.
For example with numbers SEE x integer and increase by x amount (SEE 1, SEE 2, SEE 3, for example).
For shapes you could do something like this, I'll tell you what I'm currently using right now in fact. I see 4 fancy triangles together pointing in different directions and aligned however pleases me, and I make one flash a colour then I make another flash that colour and I rotate between them.
This focuses all my attention on the thoughtforms.
Any kind of basic thoughtform stuff like this will clear out your mind and prepare you for what you're going to do.
The other thing you need is astral energy. This is emotional energy. This is what powers all thoughtforms, makes astral travel possible, makes your magic work etc.
It is very important that you don't think about anything except what you're going to do.
I suggest that you right now make the following assertions:
ₓ I am going to summon a succubus
ₓ The succubus will appear before me
ₓ I will have sex with the succubus
Repeat the above lines mentally while feeling a mixture of lust and happiness about it until you KNOW you are going to do it. You've got to feel the correct emotions about this. You don't want to feel things which work against you. Then when you've said and you've felt it you may proceed with entering trance. Your emotions will convince you and make it possible for you.
Now for some succubus trivia you should know:
Succubus look like regular women. Check out the old medieval depictions of succubus like the one I'm using in this thread showing the The Temptation of Saint Anthony.
Succubus are everywhere and very common especially in this world of rampant lust. Succubus will also come after people who don't even summon them, so have confidence, because there's a lot of them everywhere and you shouldn't have too much trouble finding one around you since they are astral predators that feed on lust they aren't likely to reject you. If you get rejected by a succubus that would be hilarious.
It is advisable not to seek out a succubus but if you're already wasting your energy on fapping and looking at porn and so on you're squandering your potential as is so might as well fuck an actual (metaphysical) woman instead of being a cuckold (all porn watchers are cuckolds).
If don't think you can get an STD or lose any money to succubus but they still can become an obsession for you and it may get to the point that you are having a serious battle of wills at some point in your life to banish them from your presence and not give into temptation / lust. I think it's worth it though for anyone who needs to have this kind of experience to strengthen their faith and begin the path towards becoming an adept wizard. What better also to make a scepdick believe than blowing his load into a succubus?
Alright so now with all that in mind it's just a matter of waiting around in your room or wherever, being comfortable as you can be, allowing yourself to become intensely aroused, and expecting a succubus to be within your presence. This will be easier if you have your eyes closed. Eventually you'll be out of your body (and you may not realize at first) and you can just look around your house for the succubus. Your intention in searching for the succubus and your lust should be picked up by one and you should find one. You may then proceed with taking her to wherever you want to fuck her and getting it on with your succubus. You will require an immense amount of sexual stamina to last very long with the succubus and at first you might barely able to get your dick to touch her before you cum all over the place and end up dropping out of 4th density and back into your physical body. With perseverence and a very large reserve of astral energy you will manage to go a lot further though and eventually you might even get to the point where you can fuck your succubus as long as you want and somehow come away from the encounter with astral energy left over and being able to stay in 4th density to do other things.
The best time for you to try to summon a succubus is when you start feeling an impulse to go look up porn or something btw. Maybe a sexually provocative image triggers you and you start thinking about this stuff. Resist the urge to do things the mundane way and proceed with summoning a succubus. The desire you have to engage in fuggings will enable you to do this with greater ease.
*Astral energy is emotional energy. See:
14 replies
I think I just got abducted by 7 feet tall Nordic Alien women /fringe/
I ended up on a spaceship/colony that has apparently been out in space for 500 years.
This is really strange but I believe the time they said the ship was put into orbit was 1967… so I guess that makes it the year 2467.
I'm going to call it a colony because it wasn't really much of a spaceship so much as a huge self-contained ecosystem.
I am not sure but I think this ship may have also had pocket dimensions or else some kind of very advanced simulated reality thing they'd do a lot of work in.
The number of inhabitants was I think around several thousand.
They had a monarchy, they looked like European people but rather strange, and were divided into multiple distinct races with different phenotypes which would inbreed a lot and although some interbreeding between the different groups would happen they'd hate each other. They also seemed to practise heavy amounts of infanticide or something, I don't know, but the women would have a lot of children yet only keep a few of the best ones and I don't know what happened to the others.
The royalty could sentence anyone to death if they wanted and had a lot of privileges that would let them get away with anything. They seemed to be exceptionally intelligent, strong, etc. and to represent the multiple tribes / races on the ship.
I am not sure but the whole society seemed a little bit feminist or female-dominated or maybe the women just had special privileges for their gender and the men other privileges which they were venerated for.
I am already very tall myself but this blonde haired woman was so tall that even on my tippy toes I didn't come right up to her face so when I was face to face with her my feet would be dangling in the air.
She told me I was closely related to her – I guess I was an ancestor fetched out of the past in order to breed with her to keep her lineage pure? I think she had two offspring already, sons, but who were mixed with a different race on this ship so they had black hair, weren't as tall, and were more of a Southern European complexion. This woman was very unhappy about that and wanted children that actually look like her and have her fair complexion.
She was very loving and treated me well, talked to me about things, eventually mated with me, and then I was left to go wander around the ship or pocket dimension or whatever and look around at the people and houses and other stuff. There was even a lake with really big fish in it and creatures that looked like dolphins and maybe were in fact a variety of dolphins and seemed to be quite intelligent, weird.
I was out there an extremely long time before eventually being returned to my body and thinking it would be day time here but here's the weird stuff – no significant amount of time appears to have passed in my timeline while I was out there in their ship for a very long while and all biological functions seem to have been out of phase as in whatever biological impulses I'd be feeling while out there (such as hunger, thirst, whatever), would not align with how I felt once I was back in this timeline.
6 replies
Earth yourself physically, this is one of the best things you can do for Self-Improvement.
Search for "Earthing","Grounding"
0 replies
Hello broather/sister! I went on a beamship for several times through meditation with some spiritual herbs, crystals and incences. I went to the pleiades to meet my family there in one time he asked me if I was ready to see and this image is very much like it. I can't find a better one to describe how all those heavens and lifted up cities in mountains or islands are there…
Thank you for being here!
7 replies
I don't know if this should be questions but fuck it.
I have been practicing magick for just over 2 years, and i have not been a part of any magick order, but i would like too, but my only problem is that i will have to go through everything i have taught myself again at'll just put me off, what do you guys think i should do?
ITT: Magick Lodges
2 replies
ayy lmao
14 replies
I was discussing with
the matter of "hyperspherology", trying to make him cough up where all his pseudoscientific babble was coming from, when I found this site based on the shit he was saying.
It looks pretty ebin.
What do you think of it /fringe/?
Any useful information contained in there?
11 replies
Hello, all. I am new here, from /x/.
There was a site before, called esotericamerican.com (or was it .org?) that had instructions on how to summon your own yokai. The site disappeared after promising more things, and no one ever really reported much about it.
I was just wondering if anyone had any information/insight regarding the matter. Thanks for your time!
16 replies
Can you prove Hermeticism?
1 reply
Who wants to know somethings about demons?
This is some art work of mine and friend.
I also know about the elite that control things, angels, dark entities, light entities, magick, white and black, shamanism, a lot about nature from my own shamanism practices, ego, and a lot of other things.
0 replies
Hello, I am Atsu. These are some thoughts. I will post more later.
You, what you are now, is in incarnation, one that is as old as this. Made of stardust, this is what connects all. This is the physical essence. Stars created all, and somehow, that connects us all. Soul is somehow tied into the Life force energy, and soul came from stars. When soul and life come together, it creates intelligence. When intelligence, life, and soul come together it creates sentience.
The world is now controlled by demons, angels, and entities of an "infinite number."
Demons are "reptilians," they are connected to the primal urges in us, the "reptilian part of the brain," and the ego. When a demon possesses a human, a demon can control these things, and it effects behavior. Now, I'm only talking about certain kinds of demons right now, and these are the ones that control the earth. The ones that control the world. The ones that have put the new world order of this place.
Let me tell you a story. A soul was born. A soul named "Gaia." This soul came with a body, a physical form. It took the form of a planet. Gaia went through many things, but survived. And grew, Gaia flourished, blue, so blue, with liquid molecules of H2O, life grew, but was it placed? NO one knew, but Gaia changed, divine things came, and changed all the blue into something new. A hard formation, jutting out of the water. This created land for life.
60 replies
Schizophrenia is not real; made up disease to stop the awakening
>In spite of over a hundred years of research and many billions of dollars spent, we still have no clear evidence that schizophrenia and other related psychotic disorders are the result of a diseased brain. Considering the famous PET scan and MRI scan images of schizophrenic brains and the regular press releases of the latest discoveries of one particular abnormal brain feature or another, this statement is likely to come as a surprise to some, and disregarded as absurdity by others. And yet, anyone who takes a close look at the actual research will simply not be able to honestly say otherwise. And not only does the brain disease hypothesis remain unsubstantiated, it has been directly countered by very well established findings within the recovery research, it has demonstrated itself to be particularly harmful to those so diagnosed (often leading to a self-fulfilling prophecy), and is highly profitable to the pharmaceutical and psychiatric industries (which likely plays a major role in why it has remained so deeply entrenched in society for so many years, in spite of our inability to validate it).
>Schizophrenia is one of the great myths of our time.
>Schizophrenia is a state of mind, characterized by abstract, nonlinear thought patterns. It tends to coincide with unpredictable, nonconformist behavior, and thus is considered by many people to be a disease. This common belief illustrates a misunderstanding of schizophrenia, fueled by fear of the unknown.
>Schizophrenia is not a disease. Schizophrenia is a natural and healthy phenomenon which occurs in everyone, to varying degrees, and need not have the stigma of disease attached to it.
Please visit the above site if you hear voices. They are real; this site will explain how to prove it to others.
Also read this:
and check out all these other results:
>With the most recent schizophrenia/psychosis recovery research, we discover increasing evidence that psychosis is not caused by a disease of the brain, but is perhaps best described as being a last ditch strategy of a desperate psyche to transcend an intolerable situation or dilemma. To better understand how this conclusion which is so contrary to the widespread understanding of psychosis has come about, it will help if we break down this discussion into a short series of questions and answers.
Is there anyone here who still believes in the lie of "schizophrenia"?
1. The brain scans thing is bullshit and even if it wasn't a difference at in the brains least amongst some subset of those called "schizophrenic" does not mean that so called "schizophrenics" are inferior.
2. Just because two "schizophrenics" put into the same room can't see the same things doesn't mean what they see is not completely real. This is just a matter of synchronization to the same planes.
3. /x/ tells everyone who hears some voices, sees some things, or otherwise experiences anything anomalous that it's just in their head and to go see a psychiatrist/doctor every single fucking time.
4. When some people behave in a stupid manner because "voices told me x" or "they wouldn't stop hurting me unless I did y" it's because they are gullible dumb asses who let demons fuck around with them and take advantage of them. Ignorance of the reality of demonic activity does not mean that everyone who awakens to higher consciousness (which is what so called schizophrenia really is) should be drugged and have their pineal gland destroyed etc.
5. Not everyone who sees and talks to entities you don't see is dangerous and just because you can't see them doesn't mean they aren't there; how would you like it if we told you your own thoughts aren't real because they can't be heard or that you have no soul because it can't be detected or some other bullshit like that?
For everything else see:
I hope there isn't anyone here who seriously believes psychiatry/psychology lies still.
"The mystic and the schizophrenic find themselves in the same ocean, but whereas the mystic swims, the schizophrenic drowns."
10 replies
I am wondering how to work on my visualization skills, particularly when I am meditating.
When I meditate, I can see foggy planes, triangles, pentagrams, circles, vague silhouettes of persons, eyes, and occasionally vehicles and umbrellas.
I can also see some of these things when I am in the darkness, with my eyes open.
However, I cannot seem to go farther. The visions often move around, without me being able to keep them stable. Concentration seems to be the key, and yet I lack that.
I've gotten the notion that most of these visions are actually "building blocks" in order to outline even greater visions, although I haven't had much success.
I also have the notion that I should instead focus on "mind's eye" visions that appear instantly and with color and clarity, with the visuals being what I can immediately see being just distraction.
But I have no idea how to go about this, or if I am right. Perhaps you guys have ideas?
0 replies
It's the same thing acid does. Acid shows you that you are a human being living in the world and takes away the sense that you are separate from it. This is what meditation is for. To transcend the boundary between yourself and the world so that you are fully aware of the outside world, yourself in it, and the inner workings of your mind, and the fact that they are all part of one reality. Meditation shows you that the inner self and the outer self are the same self. This way you could have coherent and complete awareness of reality.
The mind is like a machine. When all the parts are in the correct places, the machine runs smoothly, but if the parts are out of place, if there are parts missing, or if there is a rock in the gears the machine will not work right.
79 replies
I'm really tired of magic not working for me.
I can't tulpamance, I can't do anything, except for a few instances of evocation where an entity appeared a shortwhile and left.
I also can't really AP anymore. I used to be able to but the more I've focused on it the harder it has become.
One of the biggest mindfucks for me is commanding my arm to move. It never fucking works. It just goes to show that there is something else at play here and I just don't fucking know how to access it.
How do I move an arm? I just do it. I can't fucking explain it.
I am angry at how mundane I am.
Please help.
48 replies
Why should I not commit suicide?
I haven't seen one good and compelling argument against it, just baseless threats from moralfaggots who've been indoctrinated into the "every life is sacred" mentality.
What difference does it make if you die slowly and in utter agony after many years or you just straight up kill yourself?
What even makes a suicide a suicide?
Are we committing suicide when we knowingly neglect our bodies and could have done differently?
Are fatties committing suicide by obesity?
Where's the dividing line between suicide and not suicide? What if one just loses the will to live and waits for some random accident to happen but doesn't fight it as hard as he could, he doesn't resist, he just lets it happen?
What if I fall into water one day without meaning to but then I just decide I'm giving up and I sit there under water until I drown (or a Nordic Alien comes along to save me)?
97 replies
Thoughts on Islam?
I know this is probably going to get a lot of /pol/-esque "durr sandnigger" responses, but Islam seems very compatible with /fringe/ though.
Plus I will say, off the record, that every Muslim I've ever met has been totally bro tier. Nothing like the media portrayal of them.
26 replies
My visual imagination is shit, I can't imagine anything, magick is completely out of my reach
Thoughtforming? Requires imagination
Astral projection? "imagine numbers in your mind" ←-owner of a working imagination
Basic Scientologist exercises? Close your eyes, imagine what you see ←–i m a g i n a t i o n
Hermeticist exercises? Imagination once again
every magical act
requires myself imagining that I see that or that thing in its' uttermost details, thing that someone like me cannot do.
I suppose I'm bound to be an eternal mundane, maybe I'll meditate once in a while but that'll be the only thing I do. Maybe one day I'll join a christian sect that denounces all magick as work of satan because of sour grapes.
2 replies
Illuminates please go read the new thread soon before I delete it and cover up the evidence of the talk, we've got some important matters to address, concerning [redacted]
9 replies
Conditioning for Death
Are people – let's be more specific – are White Americans less intelligent today than they were a century ago?
An impartial observer – someone from Mars, say – might sample the sort of television entertainment that keeps most White Americans occupied in their leisure time these days and then compare that with the penny romances the masses read in 1900 for relaxation and conclude that the IQ level has indeed gone down a bit. He might take a look at the nonstop circus of the current presidential election, and he would be even more inclined to think that we aren't quite as smart as we used to be.
The real clincher for the Martian observer, however, would be an examination of the way American public policy, as manifested in our laws and our public behavior, has changed. I mean, we did some stupid things and had some really dumb habits in the latter half of the 19th century, but they were nothing compared to the inexcusable foolishness which characterizes our behavior today. In the 19th century we decided that slavery wasn't a good policy, and so we put an end to it, and that was a smart thing to do, because we never should let ourselves become dependent on another race. But then we just turned four million former Black slaves loose in our society. We didn't send them back to Africa or otherwise get rid of them. We didn't even sterilize them. We just turned them loose. That was a really stupid and irresponsible thing to do. But at least we didn't let them vote. There were a few criminally insane people in Washington who thought they should be permitted to vote and even managed to change our Constitution to that effect, but as a practical matter we didn't let our former slaves meddle in the business of choosing our legislators and judges and other public officials to any substantial degree. And of course, we didn't let Blacks get near our women. We had laws against miscegenation nearly everywhere, and the laws were enforced, either by the authorities or by our people.
Today we have more than 30 million Blacks running loose in our society, and we not only let them vote and copulate with our women, but we encourage them in this behavior. We have welfare programs that allow them to breed faster than we do. We give them food stamps and free medical care. We give those of them who are willing to work preferential treatment in hiring and promotion. We bus their children to the schools attended by our children. Our colleges and universities have special recruitment programs to entice more Blacks into becoming students, and we bend our admissions requirements to get them into college and lower our academic standards to keep them in.
In magazine advertisements, on television news programs, in professional sports, and in half the movies coming out of Hollywood, Blacks are held up as role models for our children and as objects of romantic fantasy for our women, and we don't even speak out against it. Black faces on our television screens advise us about our health, analyze the news of the day for us, and tell us how we should invest our money, and we act as if everything is as it should be. All of that is not only more stupid than anything we did in the 19th century, it's insane.
So are we dumber than we used to be? The Martian probably would think so, but I'm inclined to believe that it's not just a lower average intelligence that causes us to behave so stupidly today. What has happened is that the way White Americans are conditioned to think and behave has changed. Let us remember that most people don't think and behave the way they do, don't have the opinions and attitudes they do, as the result of any rational process. They don't examine the world around them, independently analyze the data, and then decide what attitude to have about what they have observed. Instead in nearly every case they let themselves be told what to think; they let themselves be told what their attitudes and opinions should be.
That's nothing new, of course. That's the way the bulk of the population always has been, in good times and in bad times. The really important thing in determining what most people think and how they behave is the sort of conditioning they receive. Children are conditioned in the home by their parents when they are small. Later they are conditioned by their playmates and then by their schools. As adults they are conditioned by the marketplace, the public square, the church, the village store. They absorb the attitudes and opinions of their peers and of their betters.
At least, that's the way it used to be in past centuries. The new element in this lifelong conditioning process is the influence of the mass media: first and foremost of television, but also the cinema, radio, magazines and newspapers and comic books and popular music. Well, I've talked before, more than once, about the role of the mass media in conditioning the public, in shaping their attitudes and opinions. I've talked about how the Jews infiltrated and then dominated and controlled the mass media of news and entertainment during the past century, and how they used their control of the media and of public opinion to transform our whole society in order to suit their own interests and schemes.
Today I want to talk with you about another element in the conditioning of our people which makes them behave in the self-destructive manner we see all around us. I want to talk with you about the role of the schools. It's not an independent role, of course. The way in which our schools, from kindergarten all the way up through the universities, condition our children and young people is determined by the way in which the teachers and professors themselves have been conditioned. And in a centralized, bureaucratic society such as we have in the United States today, there is a high degree of centralized control over the way in which schools condition students. It's not just the conditioning of the teachers and professors; it's also the program that they are required to follow, regardless of their own beliefs and attitudes.
Now I'll jump ahead a bit and tell you what the purpose of that program is; then I'll back up and fill in some of the details. To the extent that there is a single program governing public education in America today, a single purpose behind education in America, it is to condition White children and young people to accept without resistance a multicultural society, a multiracial society, in which they have no more important or dominant role than the descendants of their Black slaves, or mestizos who have recently come across the border from Mexico, or Hmong tribesmen fresh off the boat from Southeast Asia. And it also is to condition heterosexual White males to embrace a society in which the rules are as likely to be made by homosexuals or by women wearing trousers as by men, a society in which White men are neither expected nor permitted to protect White women, in which men no longer are the heads of their households or the decision-makers for their nation.
Now, I've tried to state the governing principle behind education in America today objectively, even though I know there are listeners who will think I've soft-pedaled it because they are familiar with many aspects of our present educational system which are blatantly anti-White or anti-male. In response to this objection I assert again that the governing principle is egalitarianism. It is not to put women above men or homosexuals above heterosexuals or Blacks above Whites, but rather to condition everyone into accepting a society in which neither race nor sex nor sexual orientation is important. That's the theory – but because heterosexual White males have had the leading role in building and governing our society in the past, they are seen as the enemy by many of the egalitarian enthusiasts. They are seen as the people who have to be put down before we can have a truly egalitarian society.
Anyway, an egalitarian society is the ideal, and of course, that is absolutely crazy. It is nuts. It is suicidally insane.
2 replies
>I have treated at some length of the organized opposition to Our Lord Jesus Christ and to His work of permeating the world with the influence of the Supernatural Life of the Blessed Trinity.
>The steady decay in social acknowledgment of the Kingship of Christ, which the world has witnessed for the past 150 years, is in great part due to the action of the visible naturalistic forces of the Jewish Nation and Freemasonry, acting under the anti-super-natural inspiration of Satan. That action owes its success in large measure to secret organization.
>Needless to say, the plotting of secret societies does not suffice to account for everything in history, for the causes of historical events are very complex. But if these forces are left out of account, modern history becomes a puzzle.
>The art of manoeuvring human beings towards acertain goal, without their beingaware that they are being so manoeuvred, has been brought to a pitch of perfection never before attained. The control of money facilitates the acquisition of the power to influence all the technical agencies for the formation of public opinion-the Press, the Radio and the Cinema.
>It is certainly true, as has been remarked, that it is in great measure because Catholics fail to live fully as members of Christ that Our Lord's enemies succeed in their designs. "If Jews control the fashions", the question is asked, "who wear them ?".
>But it is also true that Catholics succumb to the machinations of Our Lord's enemies largely because they are not trained for the real struggle in the world. hey leave school without adequate knowledge of the organized opposition they will have to meet and with their minds hazy about the points of social organization for which they must stand and against which attacks are being directed.
>They do not realize that the opposition's ultimate aim is the disruption of Christ's order and they are not accustomed to think that they must co-operate with other young Catholics for Our Lord's programme, that they must, for example, master the cinema and prevent it from undermining Christian marriage, the foundation of family life in their country.
>Thus they display a lamentable lack of cohesion and a pitiable want of enthusiasm for Christ's interests , with the result that Catholics who stand for integral Christianity can always count on finding other Catholics in the service of the enemy. "Many times," wrote Pope Pius XI in the Encyclical Letter, Divini Redemptoris, "Our paternal heart has been saddened by the divergencies… which array in opposing camps the sons of the same Mother Church. Thus it is that the revolutionaries, who are not so very numerous… end by pitting Catholics one against the other."
Father Denis Fahey, 1939
4 replies
Hi pol here So I am a new to all of this. I was wondering if anyone could give me a good starting point for Esoteric Wizardry. I have been lurking for a while and have a list of resources now but don't know a good place to begin. Pic unrelated
30 replies
The Truth Wears Off
Is there something wrong with the scientific method?
By Jonah Lehrer
On September 18, 2007, a few dozen neuroscientists, psychiatrists, and drug-company executives gathered in a hotel conference room in Brussels to hear some startling news. It had to do with a class of drugs known as atypical or second-generation antipsychotics, which came on the market in the early nineties. The drugs, sold under brand names such as Abilify, Seroquel, and Zyprexa, had been tested on schizophrenics in several large clinical trials, all of which had demonstrated a dramatic decrease in the subjects’ psychiatric symptoms. As a result, second-generation antipsychotics had become one of the fastest-growing and most profitable pharmaceutical classes. By 2001, Eli Lilly’s Zyprexa was generating more revenue than Prozac. It remains the company’s top-selling drug.
But the data presented at the Brussels meeting made it clear that something strange was happening: the therapeutic power of the drugs appeared to be steadily waning. A recent study showed an effect that was less than half of that documented in the first trials, in the early nineteen-nineties. Many researchers began to argue that the expensive pharmaceuticals weren’t any better than first-generation antipsychotics, which have been in use since the fifties. “In fact, sometimes they now look even worse,” John Davis, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Illinois at Chicago, told me.
Before the effectiveness of a drug can be confirmed, it must be tested and tested again. Different scientists in different labs need to repeat the protocols and publish their results. The test of replicability, as it’s known, is the foundation of modern research. Replicability is how the community enforces itself. It’s a safeguard for the creep of subjectivity. Most of the time, scientists know what results they want, and that can influence the results they get. The premise of replicability is that the scientific community can correct for these flaws.
But now all sorts of well-established, multiply confirmed findings have started to look increasingly uncertain. It’s as if our facts were losing their truth: claims that have been enshrined in textbooks are suddenly unprovable. This phenomenon doesn’t yet have an official name, but it’s occurring across a wide range of fields, from psychology to ecology. In the field of medicine, the phenomenon seems extremely widespread, affecting not only antipsychotics but also therapies ranging from cardiac stents to Vitamin E and antidepressants: Davis has a forthcoming analysis demonstrating that the efficacy of antidepressants has gone down as much as threefold in recent decades.
For many scientists, the effect is especially troubling because of what it exposes about the scientific process. If replication is what separates the rigor of science from the squishiness of pseudoscience, where do we put all these rigorously validated findings that can no longer be proved? Which results should we believe? Francis Bacon, the early-modern philosopher and pioneer of the scientific method, once declared that experiments were essential, because they allowed us to “put nature to the question.” But it appears that nature often gives us different answers.
442 replies
It's funny how I made all question threads lol. Last one is in autosage, same rules apply as the last two.
18 replies
Dear beloved cellmates.
There has been, as you may have known, a division in select 4chan users to move to a new site, 8chan.
I feel we should flood the board with flaming thoughts, as the /x/ is already showing signs of mundanity.
Thanks and farewell
65 replies
/fringe/ Demon Hunting Guide
Everything you may want to know about demons.
What is a demon?
A demon is a kind of entity that is derived from a void substance. In its purest form it's like a heavy black ink, the opposite of radiant light. They all prey upon vice to sustain their existence and grow in power. When awakened you can see the demonic essence as like a black blood running from the blotted out eyes of demonically possessed. One report from a witch informs me that many in the plane of waking can be seen with this… the demonic essence is everywhere and influencing people to various degrees. Demons often cling to people like unseen parasites slowly siphoning them of astral energy and directing them towards activities that will release even more of the energy they like to feed upon. You can kill them off or at least drive them away by completely avoiding unclean thoughts and actions of the sorts that feed them or by cycling through emotions as a sort of way to cleanse yourself of unwanted entities starving them of the energy they need.
I categorize them into three main tiers which could be visualized as a pyramid because the ones at the top are far outnumbered by the ones at the bottom.
Tier 1: Demonic overlords
These are demons which prey upon multiple vices and are so powerful they can manipulate reality itself in the same manner as a very powerful lucid human wizard. They can change the weather, summon things, do powerful dark magic, change around the environment, and other such things. When a demonic overlord and another entity of very high powered will go into combat against each other reality starts ripping apart around them with the parts closest to them being shaped most strongly as they wish to project it and the other parts at the fringe of their focused will chaotically shifting / changing around as they struggle. Demonic overlords are the most dangerous sort of demon and the most capable of possession. Some of them have names and you may hear them tell of their name but be wary that any entity in the astral planes can call itself whatever it wants, it's just a way to identify oneself, or to deceive others at times. Multiple demons could have the same name too so just because one demon tells you its name is x doesn't mean it's the same demon as another demon with the same name.
Tier 2: Demons
These are regular demons and quite numerous. They are fairly developed and refined to prey upon usually one specific vice. Since each tier blends into the other though there would of course exist gradations between this tier and the higher and lower one where more complex predatory behaviour may be observed with them preying on more than one vice. The tier 2 set has many specific names for the different sorts of demons depending upon the sorts of behaviours they exhibit and the vices they prey upon. Demon that preys upon lust is a succubus for example. The tier 2 demons are very restricted in their actions / behaviour sets and have a hard time deviating from their specialized predatory behaviours. This makes them easier to slay or subdue if you understand the behaviour and its limitations.
Tier 3: Minions/Imps
These are the most common, the bacteria of the demon world. They have no specializations and are very weak. They are like deranged animals which can only hope to kill you physically and feast upon you but which have no magical power and can hardly deceive you. This tier of demons tends to be small in size (not always though), easily destroyed, and easily created and replaced. Demons start off like this before they grow in power, evolve, and climb up the demonic hierarchy. These demons, if ever they are successful in feeding, prey upon the weakest, most frightened, and least knowledgeable astral entities as well as each other. They may also feed off and originate out of negative astral energy randomly dispersed into the environment by higher beings like humans.
Should demons be treated with respect or kindness?
No. Never. They see it only as an opportunity to exploit you. Any kind of compassion shown to a demon makes you vulnerable and they will immediately take advantage of it. Demons will take everything they can from you and give you nothing in return. Demons are all very hostile and depending upon the type of predatory behaviour they exhibit will immediately begin their attack. Tier 3 demons will mostly attack you like a crazed wild animal would trying to claw at you, eat you, hack and slash at you, tear you apart, etc. and going into a frenzy. Smelling blood or the putrid smells of sickness may make even more frenzied, some will exhibit mob behaviour, others hunt in packs, and others might try to creep up on you then pounce or holdback a bit when other more powerful or more insanely suicidal battle enraged demons are present and they instead try to scavenge around and prey upon the already wounded. The tier 2 demons are much more complex with a far greater capacity for deceptive behaviour and some magic and how they behave depends upon the type (I'll describe that in another part). Tier 3 demons have a very strong aura where you can feel the pull they have on reality that can be felt over a very large distance the more powerful the demonic overlord is. A demonic overlord will immediately do everything in its power to kill or subvert every entity in the premises often bringing in many other demons into the fight that it summons and may fight other demonic overlords too to try to make them subservient and grow their own power. Lesser demons will be heavily influenced by the demonic overlord in a form of demonic mindcontrol where the will of every lesser demon under its control is totally subservient to the higher up demon. If you feel the aura / presence of a demonic overlord and aren't already very capable of fighting tier 1 and tier 2 demons you should immediately flee and planeshift away to escape before being killed, made subservient to it, or demon possessed.
What are the fallen & the corrupted?
The fallen are angels and ascendent beings who've been tainted by the demonic essence and have realigned themselves with demonic force. They are the most dangerous and extremely powerful beings in the astral planes, exceeding the capabilities of the demonic overlords, and very bad news for the angelic hierarchy. They are also extremely rare. Due to the very restrictive natures of demons and angels (they seem to have very limited free will both of them) they are rather predictable. A demon will always seek to act in accordance with the greatest evil it can manifest and an angel with the greatest good in serving creation. In the case of angels this can create situations where once in awhile an angel will sacrifice itself as it tries to act for the greater good.
Here is a conversation relating to angels;
Ancient –
Be cautious around angels, they're not as benevolent as you might think.
The greater good rarely involves wizards or other powerful entities going about their own agenda's.
Wizard –
So where does the greater good usually come from?
Also, do you think that angel or whatever it was, was a benevolent entity?
Ancient –
In things being very neat, very orderly and very monotone.
It could be, I can't go on much.
Wizard –
So the greater good is mundane?
Ancient –
They see it simply as what benefits the most people.
It's often very mundane with the angels being the only beings of any real power left.
They're not nearly as chaotic or destructive as the demons however.
Wizard –
Are there any entities that are basically inbetween them?
Also isn't chaos the wielding of both dark and light magic at once?
I guess it's wizards themselves that are inbetween.
Ancient –
Everything exists between them.
One is chaos and destruction simply because that's what they are while the other is selfless, pure and very orderly about how they do things.
Wizard –
What is the task of the ancients? You are an ancient right? What do you do besides hunt down wizards?
Ancient –
We try to rarely fight with anything other than demons although conflicts do erupt. We hoard powerful magical artifacts and protect sentient life from the ravages of everyone else.
Where as the angels attempt to shape how that life evolves we do not.
The corrupted are non-angelic entities like humans and so on who have fallen to demon possession and become like the demons. Their vessels are taken over by demons and/or they become subservient to demons. For those who see the demonic essence runs heavily from their eyes constantly like a black blood. They may be kept imprisoned somewhere and used like batteries always made to suffer and be tortured like in a place which is like hell or they may be used as a remote proxy into our world to further the demonic agenda here in our world or also used as demonic soldiers in the astral wars. If you give yourself to the darkness you could become one of them. It is a terrible fate but at that point a person's mind is warped by the darkness so much he tends to revel in suffering and be like a madman.
How to protect or hide yourself from the demons?
There are many ways. Remember that all demons are astral predators. You (or your companions) attract them to you with vice. Do not give into vice, restrain yourself, and you will be invisible to the demons. You won't be safe if you merely avoid acting on your thoughts btw, merely having unclean thoughts lights them up to you and attracts them to you like a moth to a light or a predator after a scent. If you maintain absolutely purity of thought and stay the path of virtue then they may still happen upon you at random or because someone else attracted them near or because you're in a place which is being targeted at the time for demonic invasion but you reduce the chances of encounter. What sorts of demons you are most likely to encounter depends upon the sort of negative astral energy you are giving off / which sinful thoughts you and others are having. Some places where certain vices take place very often will be frequented by demons of specific sorts too looking to feed off of the astral energy given off. Brothels will be surrounded by succubus, places of despair by pathos, places of greed by goblins, etc.
Demons can be killed (banished), sometimes driven away by releases of certain energies or intense light they hate, and made subservient to you, drained of the energy that sustains them, and you can fuck up the demonic mind so it stops functioning as was its nature before the modifications. Most of this is done through magic which employs the use of etheric and astral energy. Killing them with any weapons including melee weapons, guns, explosives, strangulation, shoving them off of cliffs, random objects in the environment, etc. can all be used to slay them. Slaying them in this physical manner in reality only banishes them from the plane you are on though much like when you are slain in the astral planes and this sends you to another plane then. Presumably the demon is "sent back to hell" after you have killed it, hell being any plane overrun with demons where they take refuge in.
A related conversation mentioning banishment (when he says "you and your kind" he refers to wizards fyi);
Ancient –
You and your kind are volatile and power hungry, when you believe that doing torturous acts to each other will give you more power your uninvited guests become a blessing.
Wizard hasn't heeded my warning about returning to life.
Wizard –
Well your warning sure is hard to get.
Ancient –
What's difficult about it? If you continue down this path you'll kill yourself. If you don't manage to do it I or another like me will do you in.
Wizard –
Btw, I think one of my demons died or left, then a succubus demon came but I've been working on killing that one because I have no need of it.
Ancient –
I've been watching wizard.
Wizard –
What happened to them?
Ancient –
It got lost.
Wizard –
Hmmm I wonder if it latched onto this other guy. I noticed someone snarl at me unexpectedly. Maybe not. Probably not.
Ancient –
Wizard has confused banishing something with killing it.
Wizard –
How do you know the difference?
Ancient –
One is simply pushing it away along a different dimension, the other end's it's existance.
Wizard –
Wouldn't the former be the same as the later?
Ancient –
You can crush things out of existance.
Wizard –
When it leaves one dimension it "ceases to exist" in the dimension it
was pushed out of?
Ancient –
It does but it can return and often times will.
You can break, shatter and destroy anything. Life is no different.
When wizard dies he'll never reach the other plane.
The different types of (Tier 2) Demons:
Most are based off of a specific sin / vice and others I'm not so sure but they do find a way to disturb people and cause problems. The names given are descriptive and you can call the different types of demons whatever you want but I just try to give them a name that most fits what I observe.
• Succubus – female demon of lust, tries to seduce men, lives off of the sexual energy they give off of. Also tears you apart when having sex with you and is very sadistic; you will regret ever falling for one of these.
• Incubus – same as above but male and seduces women.
• Abominations & grotesques – hideous demons which create a sense of disgust, prey upon gluttony and vanity and fear of diseases and such. They are extremely nightmarish freaks of the demon world.
• Pathos / Shades – preys upon despair and pity. They suck the joy out of life and make you horribly depressed. They appear as a black shroud like a fog and tend to linger nearby their target without ever getting close trying to drive the target to suicide and hopelessness. Likes to linger around places full of depressed people, astral battlefields (especially in the aftermath of the main fighting when everyone is weary and mourning the dead). Similar to the popular depiction of "Death" or what are called "Death Eaters" in J.K. Rowling's books.
• Stalkers – a sort of demon which usually takes a familiar form based on what it reads in the minds of its target but looks deranged and clearly isn't the person it looks like and which feeds upon madness and paranoia. They will follow you around everywhere unrelentingly and are very hard to run away from (sometimes you can lose them though). They never attack until you panic and just can't take their presence anymore. If you hit them, throw chairs at them, break things on them, etc. they will be unphased by such attacks and still stare you down and give you the creepiest vibes imaginable. They will sneak behind you, sneak around you so that for example you might open a door and they're right fucking there infront of you, stand in your way and laugh evily, taunt you, brush up against you when you aren't looking, and continuously provoke you until you snap.
• ???
• ???
More to be described later.
How to summon a demon?
To summon a demon simply have non-virtuous thoughts of the sort the demon is attracted to and increase the intensity of these thoughts. This will draw them to you. Likewise if you actually do those things it'll bring them to you as well. If you do this in the astral planes you see them. If you do this in the waking they prefer to stay invisible to you (unless you are awakened enough to detect them) and passively feed off of you as you are unaware of them. You can then try to trick the demon in various ways to reveal itself or to make it your captive. It is very hard to trick a demon, demons usually trick wizards. You can offer yourself up as a vessel for a demon and they will gladly take over or share your body with you (and try to wrestle away as much control over your body vessel as they can). Demons are impulsive and unrestrained unless very powerful, they immediately exploit whatever they can, and they will try to give you nothing in return. Don't bother promising anything to a demon as they never keep up promises and will just take what they can without giving back. The only way to get anything worthwhile out of a demon is to trap them then torture them to death cutting off their energy supply forcing them to take much more desperate actions to try to free themselves such as actually doing magical favours for you with what energy they do have in limited supply. At first they'll try to nudge / urge you to towards thoughts and actions which will empower them. Failing that they become more desperate and may plead with you; show it no mercy at all. They may then act upon others they can influence to get you to engage in situations which will release them attracting certain scenarios to you. For example a succubus after failing to try to get you to have sexual thoughts and masturbate or look at porn will eventually step up its game some more in a last ditch effort to save itself by attracting women to you. Even then do not give in if you want to this battle with the demon with yourself gaining more than it takes in the end! Ignore their advances and let the demon try even harder to do anything it can to save itself. The succubus will try to attract more women to you and make them fall in love with you more intensely maybe even try to rape you or seduce you. Don't give in no matter what, you don't have to reject these women, but you must not engage in any kind of sexual release until the succubus is destroyed! If your will slips you will regret it and the demon will be empowered and you will lose out in the end then. Once finally the succubus is defeated and gone you may reap the benefits of your success and feel pride in your accomplishment and strength of will.
Reasons why someone might summon a demon:
• As the ultimate test of willpower, courage, and virtue.
• To study and become acquainted with demons before banishing them again.
• To try to learn esoteric knowledge from them (very difficult to do as they are liers and usually too deranged or too focused on preying upon you to talk about esoteric things, only way to learn anything from them might be to discern from the lies what must be truth, one really should just deal with other entities when wanting to learn esoteric things)
• To give up oneself as a vessel for demonic control because of a wilfull choice to align themselves with and probably be sacrificed to the darkness.
• To try to get demons to destroy your enemies.
• Out of a masochistic self-destructive desire to bring harm upon oneself spiritually, mentally, and possibly physically.
Reasons why you should not summon a demon:
Although I have already covered reasons why one might summon a demon there are several very important considerations why not to do so.
1. All demons are astral parasites. None of their power comes from within, they rely upon entities like you to survive and grow in power. They can not produce astral energy themselves. This means the true power is within you and other beings and that you only need to learn to harness your own power to your own benefit. Relying upon a demon to do things for you makes you spiritually weak / handicapped and keeps you from ascending higher and learning to do these things for yourself.
That said demons can draw upon multiple sources of energy besides you allowing them to have the power of multiple entities all drawn into themselves. It's not just you specifically they'll prey upon, they will also prey upon anyone else they can. This however brings up a second point.
2. You too can engage in energy vampirism and steal / siphon off astral energy from other people. So you don't need a powerful demon to gain that power for yourself too. You can also do something demons won't; you can get people to give off their energy freely to you in a manner which isn't just completely parasitic but is positive in orientation. You can make use of energies the demons can not directly make use of. So once again you shouldn't rely upon a demon here.
Another consideration is simply the very high risks to your soul and your mind. Do you really want to take them?
3. You could end up demonically possessed, deranged, warped, corrupted, etc. by the demonic influence.
4. You could lose your struggle with them and be drained of a lot of astral energy making it harder to go back to the astral planes for awhile and leaving you in a state of emotional deadness. They will screw you over completely if they can and give you nothing.
5. You lose your time engaging in unnecessary fights with demons that wouldn't have been an issue had you not summoned them. You probably already have enough battles with them as is just encountering them at random in the astral planes and elsewhere without bringing them here intentionally.
You may also want to be considerate of others,
6. They could just ignore you completely after the summoning and move onto another target nearby. If you intended them to attack a certain enemy of yours they may just as well end up attacking a friend. Demons can create a lot of chaos and will not obey you unless absolutely forced to do so and will create trouble for others too.
7. Worst case scenario: Our whole plane could fall to demonic control and turn into a Hell especially if a very powerful demon is brought over which can then bring over other demons and begin the demonic invasion of our world.
This is version 1 of Fringe Wizard's Guide to Demons & Demon Hunting. Everything here is based off of years of personal experience, observation, and sometimes the shared experiences and writings of others which correlate with my own. More updates will come in the future!
16 replies
I just realized that once I can create thought forms I will be able to create my very own Sansa Stark.
1 reply
U thiefd My board……………….. fuck 2 U
80 replies
I keep thinking up experiments I want others to do and give me feedback. I was going to post this on /x/ under CHAOSVOID but they never fucking report back and this is rather simple so I'm going to ask /fringe/ to do it instead.
I want you guys to get two batteries. I want you to check both batteries and I want you to ascertain that one battery is not fully charged and the other is.
If you can only find two fully charged batteries, then drain the energy from one by using it in some electronic or whatever, and then check again to make sure it's not fully charged then take it out.
If you can only find two batteries that are not fully charged then put one into the re-charger and make sure it's fully recharged.
Once you have one battery which is partially drained of its energy and one that is fully charged, I want you to put them in a pouch or something and keep them with you close to your body all day for several days.
Then I want you to check both of them again.
If you find that both need recharging after several days, you are the kind of person who draws energy from his environment and drains electronics and other things around you. Essentially an energy vampire.
If you find them both recharged in full then you are the sort of person who emits energy to his surroundings all the time and raises their energy level.
…and if neither change then I guess you need to give it more time for them to be influenced by your energetic field or you're somehow energy neutral.
Tell me your results if you want to do this.
4 replies
Hello I am asking you read this with an open mind. I am simply showing you guys how potent holograms are these days (in the civilian market). I also want to go into the possibility that Obama is giving important speeches as a hologram for some reason.
Here are a few examples of holograms to show that how realistic civilian versions of holograms can be. Imagine how sophisticated the CIA’s holograms are compared to this.
- CNN showing holograms upon Obamas election in 2008, I wouldn’t think much of it but maybe it was a kind of tip of the hat to whoever made Obama possible.
– the famous Tupac “hologram”, which is not a true hologram but rather a 2d image.
– a huge hologram in Japan projected over water.
- a company that makes simple 3d projection such as the Tupac which is 2d but looks 3d from the front. Responsible for the Tupac “hologram”
– this one is really interesting because it actually is an Obama Impersonator. Notice how they reference Obama’s birth certificate. I will later get into the whole issue about if Obama is even a real person or truly has the past that is claimed.
Now it actually might make perfect sense to use a hologram if you were the president. You would save time (of which the president has little), avoid speeches that could be messed up, or even be controlled very carefully in public appearance by a government organization such as the CIA. I am not implying that Obama is a hologram everywhere he goes- but I think the capability is indeed there to give speeches with his hologram in the event he does not want to give the speech, cannot give the speech, or some other more sinister reason.
–Here is a speech that has an alleged hologram/reptillian in it. Now what is interesting about this clip is two things. One is the fact that there is allegedly a teleprompter in front of Obama. The other is the camera angle is perfect to expose such a hologram. You might notice the transparency is actually very similar is stature and structure to the 2nd YouTube link I posted where the company showcases the technology. I am going to be honest and I watched the entire footage to see if there was an opportunity for Obama to duck out of the room or fall into a hidden trapdoor or something. There are a few moments where the TV cuts away from him but it looks nearly impossible to do without having some others in the room be in on it, especially Joe Biden and John Boehner because they shake his hand (see (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFyqIH_oRSs
) at around 5:06) The only other explanation is that Obama is some sort of shape shifter which I deem highly unlikely. However this footage brings to light serious questions as to the fact that Obama might be using holograms to give important speeches. I think the teleprompters are important because they might somehow be responsible for the distortion or even projecting a hologram.
Some other stories/videos on holograms/Obama you might find interesting about his past.
- a strange skit by an Obama impersonator who is associated with MTV
- Bloomberg discussing hologram company bankruptcy- very interesting, these people made the Tupac “hologram”.
- What are Obama's classmates in Israel up to? Quite a few, like him, went straight to law school after finishing their undergraduate degrees. One is a doctor, several are engineers, and a few hold top jobs in finance. There's an architect in the group, a tour guide, a librarian, a speech pathologist, an occupational therapist and a journalist. Most are married with children (about three on average ), a few are already grandparents, while others, who came to parenting relatively late in life, are still chasing around toddlers. Among the group are also two married couples who began dating while in college.
But here's the thing: Not one of us remembers Barack Obama - who transferred to Columbia after his sophomore year at Occidental College in California - from our undergrad years, nor do we know anyone else who does.
Yet another classmate, Michael Teplow, notes that someone with presidential aspirations "wouldn't be shy, but in fact, quite gregarious," which is why he, too, was surprised to discover "when I first started flipping through my yearbook looking for his picture that he wasn't there, and I didn't remember him at all." Like Obama, Teplow went onto law school after he graduated Columbia. Today he lives in the settlement of Ginot Shomron, from which he travels each weekday to his law firm in Tel Aviv. Most of his practice is in corporate law, but Teplow has also built up a pro-bono side practice over the years representing Palestinians who have served as informers for Israel's security forces.
- Then there is the famous issue of the birth certificate, which any idiot (including me) could forge with Photoshop
- cliff note website summary of above, shows how the document is most likely a forgery.
Anyways you can look deeper into Obamas past if you really want. I just wanted to show people how advanced technology is and that it is now feasible to have fake people give lifelike speeches, and maybe even have 3d holographs. Take my little thing on holographs for what it is worth.
83 replies
Share any and all dreams you've had lately
0 replies
/fringe/ has moved to 8chan
I will freeze this board later maybe (after edit post feature is added on 8chan so I can actually edit my stickies), you guys should go post over there, however this board will still be kept as an archive and as a backup to be reactivated in case some bullshit goes down on 8chan requiring we back out of there.
A few rules have changed too for the 8chan edition of /fringe/, we will be more lax on you guys starting question threads, all the same you really should observe the rules:
Make sure to read the sticky on 8chan.
Feel free to discuss the move over there and to make plenty of good new posts and threads. Make sure when making new threads to keep the topic wide in scope too so a lot of discussion can go under even one thread.
Some people have found the board already despite me not advertising btw and posted in there but I've mostly deleted their posts as they posted in my test threads I had going at the time.
24 replies
Hello, /fringe/. I'm afraid that I have only begun my studies into magic recently, and so, as of right now, am not much of a help to this board. However, I would much appreciate it if someone here at /fringe/ would point me in the right direction in terms of books that would be helpful to learn from. Now, I have read the sticky and saw the reading list there, but I'm unsure of the order that I should read them. After all, you can't pick up an advanced subject without learning the basics. What would be really helpful is if someone here could tutor me over the Internet, but that is only a hope, not something that will likely be accomplished. After all, teaching a total stranger on the Internet is not something that many enjoy doing, and I understand that. I have been rambling a bit, and I apologize for that. Anyway, /fringe/, I would appreciate guidance on my path to… wizard-hood? Magical knowledge? Whatever you want to call it. I'll probably get more help here than on /x/, after all. Oh, yeah, this may be the wrong board for this question. If it is, please change it. Thank you.
7 replies
tonight some weird shit happoned.
We fought off some weird demon thing just now, there was gunfire in the woods near our house, then screaming, about 15 min later we caught sight of it for a sec. in a flashlight, looked like a shadow standing upright, i know that sounds cleshe, but its true. My mother and I fought them off. Anyone who can sense in upstate NY notice anything weird tonight?
>pic not related
9 replies
So, I've used NoFap (& semen retention) for months at a time to great effect. It gives you energy. It drives past many blockages into fixing all the clutter and delay in your life that you didn't have the momentum to break through before.
Then I read Reich's Character Analysis and Selected writings. They throw a lot of light on sexual energy and why NoFap might not always be good for you. I think they also provide new important info you won't find in other spiritual schools. I'll give a brief account of his theory and then discuss implications for gathering loosh and beocming powerful.
To sum up, he realised that patients only improved by means of Freudian therapy if they had 'Orgasmic Potency'. That means their overall energetic system working well enough that orgasm could flow through it like an energy wave, unimpeded. Most neurotic patients are either impotent, have premature ejaculation, or have some hateful malformation in their attitude towards sex which invariably comes with a measurable muscular blockage.
For example, somebody might be unable to really move the muscles in their chest properly during breath. This is an entrenched and deep habit on an organismic level, and it stops full breath of the rushing of pleasurable sensations up past their chest, through their whole body, in orgasm. The whole area is rigid, inflexible, and visibly restrained. If you look at people with this in mind, you can really see what parts of them are blocked and how it *is* their character structure. Energy blockage is always visible.
For example, a girl might always hold her breath when she's upset, and kind of draw back inside and not express. This might develop over time into being chronically inexpressive and hard to get to. If you probe, you can find a total rigidity in the throat and chest, arising from the early family circumstances as in Freud. She might have not been listened to, or not had a way to word her feelings, so she protects her deeper intuitions a bit like a chrysalis protects a growing butterfly. Except the shell never breaks like it was supposed to.
Some patients got better by talk therapy alone. But what determined whether any patient did was muscular armoring. Break that down, and the neurosis broke down.
Reich later developed this into ideas of orgone energy, a bio-life force which fuels the whole body. It is essentially prana.
Reich said that all neurosis was driven by sexual energy. Fuckups in the 'libidinal economy' fuckup the whole character. He didn't really get much into retention, apart for mentioning 'sublimation' as a potential route 'not suited to everyone' and therefore 'unsuitable for psychotherapy'. His aim was healing by 'bigger and better orgasms' in loving sex.
So: implications. I noticed that although NoFap *does* have a lot of power, it can also increase tension and drive the growth of neurotic behaviors. I became a lot more emotionally unstable with it before I was deeper into hermeticism. It seems to provide energy to you as a whole but also to messed up systems in you which can become kind of tumorous. This is what Reich would conclude, as well.
From an estoeric perspective, if you're not purified you can feed psychic parasites that come along for the ride. It drives any process of change, hence all traditions using it, but they all want to shape somebody in a particular way, and you might not yet know how you want to be shaped or would best be shaped. True purpose requires truly free and flowing character.
The electric organism functions by a process of tension>charge>discharge>relaxation. You're unlikely to achieve this cycle with retention until you've got pretty far into energy work. Until that point, NoFap can, along with providing progress, make you uptight and worsen some problems. And you could just never get to some issues that are shaping your consciousness on a deep level if you keep up retention without having a full Kundalini breakthrough.
If you then give up on NoFap after several months, in an uncontrolled way, your grown character blockages combined with how fapping and spilling loosh messes with you can take you weird places. Bizarre fetishes, etc.
So: an alternate route seems to be working with Reichian therapy, and sex if possible (or I guess just msaturbation to loving sex) until blockages are cleared and your system is flowing, and *then* building through retention in a way that won't fuel neuroses.
Or alternating between one or the other at the right time. Another benefit of this it that you can combine things like the IX with Reich to keep within a high magical context, honoring the importance of your seed and its power.
Retention is probably the preferable route overall and long term. But Regardie valued Reich and lots of High Occultism and Medieval Indian Tantra (see Kiss of the Yogini) uses ejaculation. So maybe Reich's models can be used during these phases of practice to great effect, at least.
(By the way, I wrote this in a kind of hypothetical tone, but I've put it all into practice. It seems to work for me. I think retention is best pictured as something like the Queen of Cups: a reflective, empty, but potent energy that goes whatever direction you take it in. If you're doing NoFap for spiritual reasons, you'll make spiritual progress, but you might not realise it will amp up other parts of you you hadn't intended it to, until you've reached mastery).
7 replies
I am the guy who wrote "A Perception of Existence and Reality".
I have written another manuscript, entitled "Threads of The Mind".
I wrote it as a quick, concise read, so I hope you will be able to enjoy it.
1 reply
Lets discuss ways we can apply the 7 Hermetic Keys of Wisdom.
They are:
If you are very clever, knowing these 7 keys, you will find many ways to use them in solutions to any problems you are faced with.
Relevant texts:
John Baines - The Stellar Man - 2002 (see page 157 to 202 in the PDF, you can find the book in the mega)
Also if you guys want let us discuss the meaning of the 4 laws of the Magus;
To Know
To Will
To Dare
To Keep Silent.
5 replies
What is a soul?
2 replies
There's a certain specific /fringe/ niche consolidated on youtube (and other sites) that promises results after chanting mantras, lots of channels dedicated to this offer different things. It seems like there's a mantra for everything, from curing obesity and laziness (helpful for certain "wizards") to overcoming all obstacles.
Of course treading uncarefully might be risky, as is possible that certain mantras are less effective than others, speaking of effectiveness, the need of a Diksha seems necessary for mantras to work best, and other than sketchy cults, it's hard to find any one master ready to help you with this.
Otherwise, these spells seem to be greatly helpful.
3 replies
6 replies
Do you ever fear the demiurge? Whenever I contemplate the consequences of such a being's existence, I become fucking terrified of what will be done to me if I don't keep in line with his plans.
5 replies
Is there such a thing as necromancy? How do I learn it?
15 replies
What if the holly cost was carried out using magick?
0 replies
knowing that memes are everywhere like viruses, spreading like based ebola-chan (thank you) to affect subconscious and perhaps even culture-wide change whether or not their hosts understand the ramifications, I suppose this thread could be dedicated to the following:
* what are some means of defending yourself from unwanted meme infection without the conscious mind always being "on?"
(first thing that comes to mind are thoughtforms, sigils, your own "memes," ignoring the meme/thoughtform to starve it of psychic sustenance which I find requires the ability to meditate via silencing, un-focusing or redirecting the mind from certain thoughts or feelings)
* how can one invoke more effective sigils and memes beyond oneself and one's own lone efforts? that is, if you don't activate a sigil and destroy it for personal effect, could you simply leave a very aesthetically pleasing and attractive sigil in places for exposure for activation or something? what effect may it have, and will others help or harm your effort?
* how can one use said memes to distort or destroy undesirable memes, using either magical or mundane technique? can they be contaminated by juxtaposing the sigil/meme/etc. in question with negative connotation, in the way the swastika was disarmed in the west?
Image is somewhat relevant. For better or for worse, organized magic can be very powerful when enlisting the minds of the unwitting/unwilling and I want to learn what one can do for personal resilience and/or to help prevent allies from faltering.
49 replies
Agree or disagree?
Worth noting: Exodus 22:18 actually translates to "do not suffer a pharmacist to live." The Bible verse that's been used to justify persecution of magic-users actually has nothing to do with magic at all.
20 replies
The Enigma Of Hitler
By Leon Degrelle
"Hitler – you knew him – what was he like?" I have been asked that question a thousand times since 1945, and nothing is more difficult to answer.
[Image: Leon Degrelle – Belgian Rexist leader, SS officer, decorated combatant on the Eastern Front. Of the first eight hundred Walloon volunteers who left for the Axis campaign against the Soviet Union and Stalinist Marxism, only three survived the war – one of them Degrelle. He died in 1994, while still in exile in Spain.]
Approximately two hundred thousand books have dealt with the Second World War and with its central figure, Adolf Hitler. But has the real Hitler been discovered by any of them? "The enigma of Hitler is beyond all human comprehension," the left-wing German weekly Die Zeit once put it.
Salvador Dali, art's unique genius, sought to penetrate the mystery in one of his most intensely dramatic paintings. Towering mountain landscapes all but fill the canvas, leaving only a few luminous meters of seashore dotted with delicately miniaturized human figures: the last witness to a dying peace. A huge telephone receiver dripping tears of blood hangs from the branch of a dead tree; and here and there hang umbrellas and bats whose portent is visibly the same. As Dali tells it, "Chamberlain's umbrella appeared in this painting in a sinister light, made evident by the bat, and it struck me when I painted it as a thing of enormous anguish."
He then confided: "I felt this painting to be deeply prophetic. But I confess that I haven't yet figured out the Hitler enigma either. He attracted me only as an object of my mad imaginings and because I saw him as a man uniquely capable of turning things completely upside down."
What a lesson in humility for the braying critics who have rushed into print since 1945 with their thousands of "definitive" books, most of them scornful, about this man who so troubled the introspective Dali that forty years later he still felt anguished and uncertain in the presence of his own hallucinatory painting. Apart from Dali, who else has ever tried to present an objective portrayal of this extraordinary man whom Dali labeled the most explosive figure in human history? (Dali was ejected from the Surrealist Movement in 1934 because of his fascination with Hitler and his fascist sympathies.)
47 replies
Hello there Wizards, monks, witches, reptiods, Aryans, and potential demons I would like to make a thread on methods of aquiring money without working
We all hate work I'm sure, and why contribute to evil barbaric society
What spells and methods do the users of this site use to aquire currency
ATM, I am jobless, and would really rather not have one as i'm sure you all know why.
Does that Chant, Enlil get results, any rituals spells/entites I can communicate with?
Any/all information is appreciated and I will try my best to help those who have helped me(ofcourse)
I apologize for the shitty pic
Also, can I get in contact with someone, two really faggy demons that cant really do shit other than hang around me(really dumb) are milking the fuckin money I spell somehow, thanks, I cant fuckin get rid of em for some reason, But i bileve they live in my area(they might actually be wizards) so If I find them I'll have to pay them a visit…Heu
17 replies
Hey /fringe/,
Have been working on trying to Visualize for the past year because I can't seem to be able to. Even when I tried acid it didn't work properly and certain convos would temporarily activate the trip before it would soon be suppressed and my skin conditions would just flare the fuck up.
I've been meditating for a year, been doing a HEAVY detox (chlorella, blue ice skate oil, camu camu, raw vegan and juicing health cocktails at night) for the past month and would really like to know what else I can do to help facilitate visualization.
The last time I remember having proper closed eye visuals was a year and a half ago when I was high as fuck and listening to music in my room, and even then they were only faint. Since then I've taken SSRI's which in retrospect probably completely fucked my brain over and I will need a lot to detox from that, thankfully the exposure was only for a few months.
3 replies
The Biology of Belief - Dr. Bruce Lipton - The follow up (full documentary)
Through the research of Dr Lipton and other leading-edge scientists, stunning new discoveries have been made about the interaction between your mind and body and the processes by which cells receive information. It shows that genes and DNA do not control our biology, that instead DNA is controlled by signals from outside the cell, including the energetic messages emanating from our thoughts. Using simple language, illustrations, humour, and everyday examples, he demonstrates how the new science of Epigenetics is revolutionising our understanding of the link between mind and matter and the profound effects it has on our personal lives and the collective life of our species. This paperback edition of The Biology of Belief fully updates and revises the material from the bestselling original edition, and adds material in the light of the seismic effect the book has had.
To read the whole interview please follow the link below.
"The Biology of Belief is a groundbreaking work in the field of new biology, and it will forever change how you think about life. Using simple language, illustrations, humor, and everyday examples, Bruce Lipton demonstrates how the new science of Epigenetics is revolutionizing our understanding of the link between mind and matter and the profound effects it has on our personal lives and the collective life of our species".
12 replies
Seems like the U.S. and western culture have past the 'behavior sink', so the traditionalist aspects of society which limited neo paganism and occultism are evaporating with the old society. I wonder if this presents an opportunity for us, outside the 'good ol boys' of traditionalist lodges, to start a new age of esoteric fraternal orders? If so, what would be the best way to go about it? How many would be interested in meeting in a video chat to have an open but anonymous forum to discuss it?
3 replies
Overheard a conversation of some guy talking about his Voodoo beliefs. Like looking at the numbers and colors on vehicles and clothes as signs from the spirits.
He's gonna go crazy trying to analyze every little thing like that. Plus he ignores the things that have no sign. I should've jumped in to talk about magic and stuff but I never developed a habit of talking to strangers.
15 replies
If you have an altar post a pic and tell us about it.
My Altar is completely dedicated to my magickal working, i have runes crystals,swords my wand a copy of the emerald tablet, occult books, a shamanic pipe, a nordic dagger, a glass of water, stones and a ritual mask.
5 replies
Meditation vs Prayer
“Each day you hope and pray for the best conditions for your evolution, for the good of your friends, and for the whole world, and you ask what you must do in order for your hopes to be fulfilled. I will give you a method: write these things down and entrust them to the Angel of Fire. Fire is a messenger between the visible and the invisible worlds, and the moment these papers are burned, entities on high take notice of them and begin to study how their requests might be satisfied. Of course, you must not expect these requests to be granted immediately. But if you are patient, if you continue to make efforts and to work in the direction of the hopes you have expressed, you will one day see them realized; for when fire takes part in something, there are always results. In initiatic science, fire is considered the most powerful means of entering into communication with the spiritual world, because it represents the frontier between the physical and etheric planes. If, before beginning a work of any importance, initiates customarily light a candle, it is because they know that fire will introduce them to the subtle regions where their thoughts and their voices will be heard and where they will find the conditions for achieving their goals. All true magi have a very powerful bond with fire. Even though religion has gradually lost the meaning of these initiatic practices, the tradition of lighting candles or lamps in churches continues; this proves that human beings unconsciously preserve the ancient knowledge that the presence of fire promises fulfilment.”
- Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
1 reply
The Black Sun: A Decisive Symbol of Transformation and Renewal
One of the most interesting yet seldom acknowledged images that crop up in alchemical manuscripts is that of the black sun. For those unfamiliar with alchemical symbology in general, the pairing of two words qualitatively irreconcilable may seem very bizarre. How can a source of omnipresent physical light that sustains organic life all over our planet be linked to the colour black or to the concept of darkness in general? The answer to this question lies in the near-perfect conditions that must subsist on the planet for life to take root. These, as we all recognize, are dependent on the relative position of the Earth to the primary source of heat, our sun. Coming too close scorches and reduces everything on the Earth’s surface to cinders; alternatively, veering too far spurs a detrimental drop in temperature that coats it in thick layers of inimical ice. The environments of our two closest neighbours–Mars and Venus–both substantiate this theory. We also know that anomalous activity on the surface of the sun generates bursts of radiation (i.e. solar flares) that kill off those organisms unable to adapt to a spontaneous shift in environmental conditions. This dangerous and lethal potentiality latent in the solar sphere is called the black sun, a cosmological phenomenon dealt with at length by Stanton Marlon in his wonderful book, The Black Sun: The Alchemy and Art of Darkness.
Closely allied to the black sun are the nigredo and the caput corvi, phases of the alchemical opus inexplicable connected to darkness, excruciating pain, and suffering. Nigredo, as we should recall from the articles on transpersonal psychotherapy, is about an encounter with those facets of being that exist within the concentric sphere of the Self in an unacknowledged, unconscious state. Jung branded these aspects of the total personality one’s shadow. Confronting one’s own shadow is usually a fearsome experience. Just like an excess of heat extirpates life and causes an alchemical vessel holding the matter to be worked on to burst, so too does a complete identification of the ego with conscious contents spur the materialization of archetypal and transpersonal forces which penetrate the frontiers of personal consciousness and overturn the soul’s existing harmony and order. When this happens, one might feel like a mortal hero or heroine being seared alive by the fiery breath of a colossal dragon; an Egyptian Osiris being dismembered by the hands of the evil Seth; an intoxicated Dionysus being torn to shreds by a group of Maenads entranced and deaf to the reason of consensual waking consciousness; or a Christ bearing the collective burdens of humanity by suffering a chain of flagellations and subsequent death by crucifixion. What the language of these mythical constituents is telling us is that there can be no corruption without dissolution, no light without the darkness, no victory without defeat, and no form or establishment of form without the pre-existence of a formless prima materia.
Understood from a psychological vantage point nigredo is imminent when the ego-self can no longer contain the violent influx of transpersonal forces and when a growing number of phenomena and facts can no longer be explained away or reconciled with one’s existing archetypal model of reality. This happens again and again over the course of one’s lifetime; there is no limit to the amount of nigredo persons might suffer in their plight to individuate and become everything that the nisus embodied by their personal psychic dowry decreed they should become. In the alchemical nigredo, our personality loses its fundamental unity and we are reduced to the sum of our parts. Some of these parts will enter into temporary conflicts and oppositions with one another, initiating a tug of war in the psyche that stretches the membrane of the ego in disparate directions. The ebbs and flows of transpersonal power can be so overwhelming and disorientating at this time as to incite genuine feelings that one is descending into madness or losing his or her grip on reality. Thankfully, all psychospiritual processes are heeded by hope, an omnipresent source of wisdom that any plunge into darkness is temporary and will soon be succeeded by healing and the reestablishment of fundamental harmony within the soul. Transcendence from the paranoia, anxiety, and madness associated with nigredo consciousness is probable when faith in the healing power of the Self has not been forsaken. This makes mental suffering all the more bearable, or so we’re led to believe!
The image of the black sun can also be connected with the concepts of death and defeat in the Narcissus myth. Orientated to the field of psychological inquiry, the beautiful youth Narcissus himself personifies an inflated ego about to yield an acidic surplus of transpersonal energy which will gradually penetrate its archetypal blueprints and dissolve them completely. As expounded in the renowned classical tale, these corrosive agents do not come from entities, circumstances, or interactive fields that stand without; nobody, not even the beautiful water nymphs, can activate a powerful enough thought-desire, emotion, or eros-fire within the young man as to dissolve his internal mechanisms and structures. Narcissus remains unmoved by anything from the phenomenal world that is not of his own inherent nature. In the end, the agent of dissolution comes from a spiritual space within, from intercourse with his own self. Peering onto the surface of a calm, limpid lake one day he catches sight of his own reflection and becomes enamoured of it. Desire for a physical form can be so overpowering as to spur behaviours and actions not indigenous to a particular personality. In Narcissus’s case the impulse to get up close and personal with his own likeness could not be resisted and cost him his life; keeling over for a closer look at himself, he plunges into the water and drowns. Hence, from a psychological viewpoint, we might say that eros-fire or love has sparked a nigredo that dissolves Narcissus consciousness so that a greater, more comprehensive consciousness might emerge from its putrefying remains. The narcissistic youth had to die so that a much nobler, intricate, and three-dimensional personality, perhaps a sly magician or a valiant hero, can emerge and inherit the transmuting terrain.
12 replies
I can't relate at all to what life must have been like just a hundred years ago nor imagine the life of primitive man. We seem so far-removed from it all I must wonder if it ever really was so. Humanity perhaps has mutated a great deal lately? …or maybe we never were primitive and history is really the story of degeneration and not so much of ascent?
This reality is so strange and contrived.
8 replies
Made you something. While back was watching Tsoukalas new show talking about a rock/crop circle design.
I drew it out on MS Paint along with the ratio sizes.
Something about it makes me think it's not even of alien origin but it looks neat as a symbol.
If you have any photos of similar designs you want redrawn like this, post them and I may get around to them.
12 replies
Yogic Breathing That Promotes Control Over Senses
Have you ever noticed that when you are surprised by incredible news you tend to hold your breath? It is a natural reaction. This can also work backwards, i.e., if you can control your breathing, you can control your mind. This is the basic principle behind "pranayama" - the technique of yogic breathing exercises.
Though on a gross level you are trying to
gain control over your breathing, in essence subconsciously you are trying to gain control over your very prana (the vital life force). Prana means "life force" and "yama" means "practice". So, pranayama is the science of gaining control over vital life force beginning with gaining control over your breath.
On an average a human being has a respiratory rate of 15 to 20 respirations.
Ancient Indian yogis believed that by reducing the respiratory rate, longevity can be enhanced. Yogis have recommended that you should draw breath, hold breath, and breath out at the ratio of 1:4:2 for healthy living. Holding breath is called "Kumbaka pranayama".
Kumbaka pranayama helps you to gain control over the working of your mind and ultimately over your senses. A regular practice of this improves the pranic energy of an individual to a great extent. This is the reason that pranayama is mandatory before performing occult rituals in Indian tradition. Pranayama clears the naadi channels of the body and facilitate smooth flow of kundalini in its jouney up the various charkas of our body.
A regular practitioner of pranayama
gains such pranic vitality that he can use his pranic energy for healing purposes. Very many occult siddhis (psi abilities) are obtained if a practitioner is successful in performance of pranayama. There are various types of pranayama: some are useful for purification of body (like bastika), some are useful for improving vitality, some to generate heat, some to improve stamina, some to cool your body (seethali pranayama),etc. These should be learnt under the close supervision of an expert as faulty practice of these can lead to undesirable side effects.
A simple pranayama technique which anyone can do
Curing physical ailments using pranayama is a science in itself and only expert yogic guides can help you with those. However there is one particular type of pranayama called suka-purvaka pranayama which anyone can practice with good results. In this respiration is done with alternate nostrils. Close your nostril with your right thumb. Draw in air for a duration of 5 seconds. After that close both nostrils and hold your breath for a duration of 20 seconds. Then release the air slowly for a duration of 10 seconds with your right nostril (by closing the left nostril with the little and ring fingers of your right hand). Now, closing the left nostril, draw in air using the right nostril for 5 seconds. Hold breath for 20 seconds, and leave out air through your left nostril (by closing your right nostril with your right thumb).
This is one cycle of suka-puraka pranayama.
Beginners should restrict themselves to 5 cycles per day and should progress gradually.
Physiological/ psychic benefits of Pranayama
The practice of this pranayama mentioned above improves vitality, gives cure from respiratory diseases, improves the functioning of the lungs, and helps the yogi to convert ojas (physical vitality) into tejas (spiritual and psychic vitality). While practising this, you will observe that your mind comes under your control gradually. You will feel energized after this practice. The time duration I have mentioned above is for beginners. As you progress, you can gradually improve on the duration taking care to maintain the ratio of 1:4:2. Never exert yourself forcibly while doing this. This should be done with a conscious mind and deliberate rythm. You will find that this is a very good stress-busting exercise. However those suffering from chronic blood pressure ailments and heart patients should consult their physicians before practising this.
Some powerful visualizations during pranayama:
1) As you draw in your breath, visualize as if the air that you suck in is saturated with cosmic energy, and that your body is being charged with those cosmic currents in a highly positive manner.
As you hold breath (Kumbhakaa phase of the praanaayama),
visualize as if all the negativities of your life are getting burnt in the triangular fire pit that is in your abdomen, and that they are all reduced to ashes.
As you breath out (Raechaka phase),
visualize as if those ashes of negativity are being expelled out with the air that your breathe out.
4) Instead of
sukha-Poorvaka pranayama
mentioned before, if you are just doing deep breathing for relaxation, you may visualize the syllable “SO” while you take in air, and visualize the syllable “Hum” (“u” as in cut, mud, etc.) as you exhale the air. “ Soham” is the natural rhythm of breathing – it is nearly the natural sound of air as we inhale and exhale; it is called “Ajapaa Gayathri” – the Gayathri mantra that we all do unconsciously roughly 21,600 times per day! Now you can do that consciously and dedicate it to your favourite Deity which makes the process of mere breathing into one of deep spiritual significance.
This visualization is very powerful and performing
20 cycles per day will help you to get “Vajra Deha Siddhi” – i.e. perfect state of health and vitality in the body, which can be a great aid in attaining greater yogic siddhis (including levitation at will, traveling in astral planes, etc.).
Even if you are not a person who is after siddhis or paranormal powers, normal pranayama practice has so many benefits to you even on a mundane level as already explained, and hence this is one yogic practice that everyone should strive to do regularly.
Let the wisdom of ancient Indian seers help you to lead a better and healthy life.
Recommended further reading:
1) Swami Sivananda’s essays on Pranayama
2) Patanjali yoga sutras.
3) Yoga Vasishta.
Article by Pandit R Dakshinamoorthi
5 replies
When I was on vacation with my extended family, my step-cousin picked up a small stone with a swastika etched on it. This was one stone out of many that he just happened to stumble upon, and I swear to Christ that I did not do it. I have etched swastikas into stones before, so I could attribute the matter to a lapse of memory that I didn't even notice (although I always take great pains to avoid such shenanigans being discovered by the people around me) but the carving and the stone looked identical to one I had did and left weeks earlier in another state. Is there a magical explanation for this?
19 replies
Back in earlier days of /fringe/, on two different days a black poker chip appeared in my room without mundane explanation. Now just the other day, I picked up my wallet to go buy a new pair of shoes and beneath said wallet was a single playing card, the 9 of hearts. It was not there before and has not been taken from any pack I own (the back will be shown in the next pic).
All I want to know is, for what purpose? Has something else placed these items here for my use, if so what? Or are they being manifested for some bizarre reason. I don't expect anyone to have a definitive answer but invite discussion as ideas suggested may help me work out why this has happened.
3 replies
I want to do a survey to find out how you're all advancing along in your magical practise. Keep to the format provided just change the
into either y
or n
and replace the x with number followed by a letter such as m for minute or h for hours if it's a time format.
- Meditation -
Meditate every day: y/n
Portion of 24 hour cycle spent in meditation: x/24h
- Thoughtforming -
Note: Visualizing numbers and so on is basic thoughtforming.
Estimate of days in a month where you've spent time producing thoughtforms: x/30
Thoughtform every day: y/n
Portion of 24 hour cycle spent in thoughtforming: x/24h
Do you have any persistent* thoughtforms you use (tulpas, etc.): y/n
*thoughtforms that are stable enough to be recalled and re-used and interacted with again after forgetting about them initially or taking the concentration off of them. Most thoughtforms dissolve immediately after you're done with them unless you've put a lot of energy into it and are working to make it have some permanence.
- Suggestion / Auto-Suggestion -
Note: Every thought you have is a suggestion, those dialogues you have with yourself are full of suggestions. It is important to control your thoughts so only positive suggestions are given and not negative ones, generally the mind should be kept empty, thinking only necessarily thoughts purposefully and with the right emotions. Auto-suggestion involves repeating a mantra such as "I am happy" rather than just mere suggestions made throughout the day naturally.
Estimate of days in a month where you've used auto-suggestion: x/30
On a scale of 0 to 5 how careful are you to give yourself and other suggestions which empower yourself: x/5
On a scale of 0 to 5 how often do you give yourself and other suggestions which undermine yourself: x/5
How many repetitions of an auto-suggestion do you give yourself daily: x
- Trance -
Estimate of days in a month where you've used trance: x/30
Induce trance every day: y/n
Portion of 24 hour cycle spent in trance: x/24h
- Astral Projection -
Estimate of days in a month where you've AP'd: x/30
AP every night: y/n
On a scale of 0 to 5 how intensely lucid are you in the astral: x/5
On a scale of 0 to 5 how intensely self-aware (not lost in the dream) are you in the astral: x/5
Have you succeeded in remote gathering of information or influencing of the third density through astral: y/n
- Magical Research -
Estimate of days in a month where you've studied magic: x/30
Study magic every day: y/n
On a scale of 0 to 5 how satisfied are you with your research progress: x/5
Portion of 24 hour cycle spent researching magic: x/24h
Going to finish adding fields to this survey later bit too late now but feel free to submit replies even though I'm going to expand this more tomorrow in all probability. If there's any essential practises I haven't covered too mention em', like evocation, and so on.
11 replies
Now that I feel that every part of life is created by the light within me, it's making me want to go back to sleep, to the material reality. This ability we have feels like it makes everything too easy and, because many others haven't awakened to it yet, manipulative as well. The latter especially bothers me. Unfortunately, everything that I am drawn to creating requires participation of others. It's not like I can exclude them. They will be affected by me without knowing it.
What can I do with this? I can feel that something is latched onto me and blocking my expression, but I haven't identified it yet.
37 replies
Questions every wizard must ask themselves: taken from
Q1-Who am I?
Q2-What do I want the most?
Q3-What do I aim to be?
Q4-What does knowledge mean to me?
Q5-Am I waiting for something?
Q6-Why am I living like this?
Q7-Can I live differently? How?
Q8-What does money mean to me?
Q9-What is the basic level of essentials with which I can survive?
Q10-Why do I want more than these essentials?
Q11-Why do I seek entertainment?
Q12-What do I cherish most? What are my values?
Q13-What does death mean to me?
Q14-Am I peaceful?
17 replies
This series shows clear evidence that the worlds top magicians and artists are in league with demonic entities.
This here was a great series.
You all should help greenpill in the comments.
Watch it, whatever your opinion be, it will be entertaining and thought provoking at the least.
I personally disagree with his assessment or characterization of these entities as "demons" but agree that they are indeed hyper-dimensional entities helping out (elementals, thoughtforms, etc.). I just think he has an overly negative view of absolutely any entities that aren't physical.
He's also got some weird Christian thing going on.
You'll notice a few quotes from Manly P. Hall throughout the thing. You can find the books they are from in that mega in the sticky or listen to them as user/esotericaudiobooks on youtube.
Btw, for anyone prone to being abducted, please take precautionary measures before the episode about greys are shown such as staying highly alert in a wakeful state of consciousness while viewing, applying banishing ritual, etc.. As we all know aliens are highly telepathic and pick up on you thinking about them and we don't want any problems with them.
6 replies
i also posted this very same thread on /x/ but that has been full of shit for a long time now so maybe ill get better help here.
i'm looking for a video thats under 30 seconds and its supposedly leaked abduction footage/ something to do with aliens
all i can remember is that the video is very blue and it had something to do with russia..
i think it was a woman lying down and then a flash of light or something weird like that happens and the video ends.
it's a very short video, less than a minute.
i seen it on youtube in like 2006 but have never been able to find it since
8 replies
Title: Pseudoscience
Author: John Suchocki, Instructor
Affiliation: St. Michael’s College, Colchester, VT
For a claim to qualify as “scientific” it must meet certain standards. For example, the claim must be reproducible by others who have no stake in whether the claim is true or false. The data and subsequent interpretations are open to scrutiny in a social environment where it’s okay to have made an honest mistake, but not okay to have been dishonest or deceiving. Claims that are presented as scientific but do not meet these standards are what we call pseudoscience, which literally means “fake science”. In the realm of pseudoscience, skepticism and tests for possible wrongness are downplayed or flatly ignored.
Examples of pseudoscience abound. Astrology is an ancient belief system that supposes there is a mystical correspondence between individuals and the universe—that human affairs are so special that they are influenced by the positions and movements of planets and other celestial bodies. When astrologers use up-to-date astronomical information and computers that chart the movements of heavenly bodies, they are operating in the realm of science. But when they use these data to produce non-testable astrological revelations, they have crossed over into pseudoscience.
A shaman who studies the oscillations of a pendulum suspended over the abdomen of a pregnant woman can predict the sex of the fetus with an accuracy of 50%. Downplaying all the times he was wrong, the shaman can easily collect hundreds of testimonies of success. These testimonies, however, are incomplete evidence for the shaman’s ability, hence they do not qualify as scientific. His claims are pseudoscientific. An example of pseudoscience that has zero success is provided by energy-multiplying machines. These machines are alleged to deliver more energy than they take in. We are told that the designs are “still on the drawing boards and in need of funds for development.”
Humans are very good at denial, which may explain why pseudoscience is such a thriving enterprise. Many pseudoscientists themselves do not recognize their efforts as pseudoscience. A practitioner of “absent healing”, for example, may truly believe in her ability to cure people she will never meet except through email and credit card exchanges. The pressure to make a decent living in today’s fast paced and often heartless society can be overwhelming. That said, books on pseudoscience greatly outsell books on science in general bookstores. Today there are more than 20,000 practicing astrologers in the United States. Do people listen to these astrologers just for the fun of it? Many do, but science writer Martin Gardner reports that a greater percentage of Americans today believe in astrology and occult phenomena than did citizens of medieval Europe. Very few newspapers carry a daily science column, but nearly all provide daily horoscopes.
Meanwhile, the results of science literacy tests given to the general public are appalling. Some 63% of American adults are unaware that the last dinosaur died long before the first human arose; 75% do not know that antibiotics kill bacteria but not viruses; 57% do not know that electrons are smaller than atoms. In his book The Demon-Haunted World, Carl Sagan wrote that a truer measure of public understanding in science would come from asking deeper questions such as: “How do we know that dinosaurs died before the first humans arose?”, “How do we know that antibiotics kill bacteria and not viruses?”, or “How do we know that electrons are smaller than atoms?” The results of a test with such questions would no doubt be even more disheartening.
What we find is a rift—a growing divide—between those who have a trusting understanding of science and those who perceive science as stiff and unimaginative or, worse, beyond common intelligence. Many view this as a battle between knowledge and ignorance, between skepticism and gullibility, between stepping into the future or stepping back to our past. With the rise of pseudoscience, it appears that ignorance, gullibility and a nostalgia for the good old days of demons and infectious diseases are on the winning side.
33 replies
Considering that there are various different opinions on the demiurge, some more vocal and aggressive than the others, I feel it is now time to have another discussion on the subject.
The last time we couldn't find any common ground on the subject. I hope we can have a proper discussion that ought to benefit us all. To get us started I'll ask few questions.
>Does the demiurge exist? What is its purpose? What does it do? Why do you think so?
>What is its nature like? Is it neutral, benevolent or malevolent? Or something else? What is its relationship to humankind? Why do you think so?
>Does it act consciously? Or does it act without awareness? Or something else? Why do you think so?
>Is matter good? Is matter evil? Or neutral? Or none of those? Or something else? Why do you think so?
3 replies
Can't find the question thread,
Is there any meditation exercise I could do to not need sleep?
Sorry if you consider this thread as spam or shitpost
28 replies
>Dzogchen is the approach within Buddhism based on recognising our enlightened nature, through meditation. ‘Dzogchen’ in Tibetan means ‘utterly complete’. It is the most complete or inclusive teaching of Buddhism. According to Dzogchen, we are also each already complete. There is nothing we need to obtain or jettison to realise enlightenment. We need only recognise and allow ourselves to be as we actually are. This the path of immediate self-liberation.
>The base, or starting point, of Dzogchen is rigpa: instantaneous enlightenment. If one has not experienced rigpa, it is not possible to truly practice Dzogchen. Fortunately, the Dzogchen teachings contain a ngöndro—or ‘preparation’—which brings you to the base. This ngöndro is a series of four meditation practices whose result is rigpa. These practices have the style or texture of Dzogchen – although they are not strictly speaking Dzogchen itself. In this way it is possible to approach Dzogchen on its own terms, rather than via other Buddhist yanas.
>Our free Dzogchen meditation course is a series of weekly emails, sent to you automatically by this web site. The course takes a practical, down-to-earth approach to Dzogchen meditation. It teaches the first two phases of the Dzogchen semde ngöndro, shi-nè (shamatha) and lhatong (a version of vipashyana). These techniques are similar, but not identical, to those found in some other forms of Buddhism, particularly Zen and Mahamudra.
>The course starts from the beginning, and does not require any background in Dzogchen or other meditation. It eventually goes on to more advanced material, including many different meditation methods. It also explains ways of dealing with problems that may come up, shows how to apply the insights of meditation to life, and recommends other resources and further steps.
You can read more and sign up here:
I personally recommend it to any beginner approaching meditation, it gives a steady base to work on.
This is in no way a complete course on Dzogchen. It's possible to figure it all by direct experience using what is taught here, but it's better to read more on the subject, especially on advanced stages of practice.
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Fringechan.org redirects to a pro-LGBT website. Gee, I wonder who could be behind this…
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Spirit spouse
The spirit spouse is one of the most widespread elements of shamanism, distributed through all continents and at all cultural levels. Often, these spirit husbands/wives are seen as the primary helping spirits of the shaman, who assist them in their work, and help them gain power in the world of spirit. The relationships shamans have with their spirit spouses may be expressed in romantic, sexual, or purely symbolic ways, and may include gender transformation as a part of correctly pairing with their "spouse". Shamans report engaging with their spirit spouses through dreams, trance, and other ritual elements. In some cultures, gaining a spirit spouse is a necessary and expected part of initiation into becoming a shaman. Evidence of spirit spouses may be seen in non-shamanic cultures as well, including dreams about Christ by nuns, who are considered to be "brides of Christ".
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The Golden Book of Wisdom – Chapter I
The Hermetic View of Religion
There are two basic philosophies of religion: the first is the relative and the second is the absolute or universal. From the beginning of humankind to the present day, all those religions which belong to the relative philosophy of religion have gone through their initial stages, have reached their peaks and, during the course of the ages, have come to their end. Each relative religion has its own founder. I refrain from citing all the systems of relative religion; anyone who has studied religious philosophy will have become acquainted with a number of religious systems of the relative type. They are all subject to the same law of transitoriness, regardless of whether they have lasted for hundreds or thousands of years. The length of time a religion may exist always depends upon its founders and teachers. The more universal laws a religion contains, the more universal truth it represents and preaches, the longer it lasts.
Its existence will be shorter the more one-sided, fanatical, dictatorial, and authoritarian its doctrines are. However, each religious system has thus far had its good purposes and its special mission. Each has always contained certain partial aspects, however concealed, of a portion of universal truth and lawfulness, whether symbolically or as an abstract idea.
A true adept will see in each relative religion, regardless of the historical era in which it may have existed, fragments of some basic ideas that had their origin in the universal religion and which point to universal law. Therefore, the adept appreciates each religion equally, without paying any attention to whether it is a religion of the past or whether it still exists today or whether it will exist in the future, because he is aware of the fact that each religious system has followers whose maturity suits that of the religion.
From the Hermetic point of view, even materialism is a kind of religious system, one who representatives may believe in God but not in anything supernatural, and who adhere only to that of which they are able to convince themselves – in other words, to them it is matter which prevails. Since the initiate knows that matter is the symbolic representation of the divine appearance reflected in the laws of nature, he will not judge anyone who believes merely in matter. The more mature a man has become during the course of his incarnations and evolution, the closerwill he come to the universal laws, and the more deeply will he be able to penetrate into them, until finally no relative religious concept will satisfy him. A person like this has become mature for the universal religion and is capable of approaching the universal laws in the microcosm and the macrocosm.
This is to say that any religion that does not represent the universal laws completely is relative and transitory. The universal laws have been unchangeable from the beginning of the world and will continue thus until the end.
The mature Hermetic may officially belong to any religion, depending on whether he really wants to do so and whether he considers it preferable in his dealings with people – perhaps to avoid drawing the attention of immature individuals to himself. However, in the innermost of his spirit and his entire being he will profess the universal religion, by which the universal lawfulness is to be understood. An initiate does not believe anything unless he can convince himself of its validity; neither does he believe in any personified divinity nor any kind of idol. Rather, he worships the universal law and harmony in all forms of existence.
These few words should suffice to demonstrate the difference between relative and absolute philosophies of religion.
6 replies
The Mystery and Magic of Sleep
Assuming that we get at least 8 hours of sleep each night, that means around one-third of our lives is spent in la-la land. Most people take sleep for granted but there are many instances when we wish we had more of it (just ask any parent with a new-born baby). Although sleep takes up a huge chunk of our time, sleep is still barely understood by science.
We commonly assume that we need to sleep in order to "rest" the body. But just lying down on the bed for an extended amount of time is hardly restful unless it leads to sleep; just ask any insomniac. From a purely physiological perspective, sleep doesn't seem necessary because all bodily processes that occur during the day still continue even in the night when the body is asleep (once an organ stops working, whether in the day or in the night, what we have is a medical emergency). All we know for sure is that sleep is important and that a lack of sleep negatively impacts the body. No one can definitively say why the body needs sleep in order to produce certain chemicals, hormones or undergo other processes that are important for physical health.
For the mystic, sleep takes on even more significance. According to the ancient rishis and sages, we are all swimming in the delusion of maya, a mental projection that is anything but permanent. It is through the Light of the Creator that we get our true sustenance (life force) and for most people, a reconnection with this pervasive life force only occurs unconsciously during sleep. As Paramahansa Yogananda wrote in
Autobiography of a Yogi:
The rejuvenating effects of sleep are due to man's temporary unawareness of body and breathing. The sleeping man becomes a yogi; each night he unconciously performs the yogic rite of releasing himself from bodily identification, and of merging the life force with healing currents in the main brain region and the six sub-dynamos of his spinal centers. The sleeper thus dips unknowingly into the reservoir of cosmic energy which sustains all life.
The above words do call to mind the scriptural verses:
"God did this so that men would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us. 'For
in Him we live
and move
and have our being.' As some of your own poets have said, 'We are His offspring.'"
(Acts 17:27-28, New International Version)
Yogis and saints
connect with this Divine Light through meditation. Since meditation is supposed to consciously connect us with this regenerative cosmic life force, it comes as no surprise that the practice of meditation also has many physical health benefits such as calmness, reduced inflammation and more energy. There are even indications that meditation helps prevent heart disease.
With the many health benefits of meditation, it is no wonder that we often hear of legendary feats and tales of robust physical health at advanced ages that are attributed to yogis, monks and different ascetics. There are even tales of great yogis who do not need to sleep anymore, because they are in constant communion with the Divine Light that sustains all; they can stay in the state of
at will.
The branch of the Rosicrucian Order founded by Max Heindel has a slightly different take on the need for sleep. As detailed in
The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception, the physical body needs sleep because it cannot continuously (without rest) house the higher vibrations of divine energy radiating out from the divine spark that animates and controls the physical body. This is why the soul temporarily withdraws itself during sleep in order to allow the body to regenerate itself so that it may properly house the soul upon its return to the body. In this case, sleep is sort of like taking the car to the shop for tune up and change oil after every few thousand miles except that it happens every night.
According to the Rosicrucians, this is the reason why The Christ had to retire frequently to the mountains, so that the body being used by the Christ could be regenerated with the help of initiates of the Essene Order. Furthermore, the body that the Christ was using had to be a specially prepared one (that of a high initiate) so that it could withstand, albeit temporarily, the ultra high spiritual vibrations that the Christ was emanating. Any less spiritually developed and prepared body would otherwise have been obliterated.
Aside from meditation, there are also other sacred rites that are used to connect to the Cosmic Light. One of this is a process by which one may maintain consciousness while in the dream state. This whole art is expounded in the book
The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep
by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. According to the author, mastering the art of dreaming is important because "If we cannot carry our practice into sleep, if we lose ourselves every night, what chance do we have to be aware when death comes? Look to your experience in dreams to know how you will fare in death. Look to your experience of sleep to discover whether or not you are truly awake."
The above statement may explain why we hear stories of earthbound souls who are not even aware that they are dead and need the help of another party, usually a psychic, to "find the Light." I even read of one account where the psychic released a Roman soldier who was still standing guard at Hadrian's Wall!
Going back to Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, he recommends that men sleep on their right side while women sleep on their left side in order to progress towards achieving dream consciousness. This is not explained in the book, but sleeping on one's right side activates the
moon breath, coming out of the left nostril. Sleeping on one's left side activates the
sun breath, coming out of the right nostril. To understand the roles of the sun and moon breaths, we need to go on a slight tangent.
The sun breath (HA) is positive, active and electric while the moon breath (TA) is negative, passive and magnetic. As you may have guessed from the terminologies used, HA-TA (Hatha) Yoga refers to the achievement of divine union through controlling the sun and moon breaths. The sun breath (right nostril) uses the
channel; the moon breath (left nostril) uses the ida
and pingala
twirl around the spine from the base until they almost meet again at the top. When these two channels (breaths) are balanced, a third channel called the sushumna
is activated. The relationship of these three channels can be found in the symbolism of the caduceus (see image at right). An activated sushumna
channel allows the kundalini to rise up from the base of the spine to hit the center of the head and allow cosmic consciousness. The sphere with two wings at the top of the caduceus symbolizes the consciousness taking flight. This is why some meditations are preceded by the so-called balancing breathing exercise in order to activate and balance both the ida
and pingala.
If you would like to find out more about the relationship of the sun and moon breaths as well as more on the symbolism of the caduceus, you can read
Kosher Yoga
by Albert Schutz & Hilda de Schaps, A System of Caucasian Yoga
by Count Stefan Colonna Walewski and Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul
by Master Choa Kok Sui.
Now, what do all of the above have to do with the Tibetan yoga of dream and sleep? In Franz Bardon's system of hermetics, it's interesting that Bardon attributes the head area of males to be magnetic (passive) while the head area of females to be electric (active). This seems to run counter to the popular view that males are more aggressive and louder, hence active (electric) while females are more passive and quiet (magnetic). However, in the genital region, the polarities are reversed. Where in males the head is magnetic, the genitals are electric. In females, while the head is electric, the genitals are magnetic.
I'm just theorizing at this point, but perhaps in the case of the male, by lying down on the right side and activating the moon (magnetic) breath, it increases the magnetic vibrations of the head and through reciprocity, the sex region (electric in males) also increase in activation. With the increased current in both head and sex regions, the kundalini is subtly activated enough to propel the consciousness to awareness in the dream state. The same process, except with the polarities reversed, would also apply to females. Whatever the case, the process is supposed to allow one to maintain consciousness in the dream world.
As we have seen, sleep is much, much more than what we think it is. But although we may not fully understand it, the importance of sleep is not in doubt. So always try to get the right amount of it. On the other hand, in the eyes of the mystics we are all actually asleep right now, and what we call the little death of sleep is the joyous repast of the soul as it temporarily rests in the true light of the Creator, and death is the actual joyous waking up into the realness of eternity. Whatever our level of development may be, the message is the same. Sleep well, and sleep wisely!
187 replies
Why so much hate for the Demiurge?
8 replies
Let me post a very quick briefing of our planetary situation… This might sound crazy to some, BUT… it does connect all dots…
Earth has been colonized by the White Pelasgian race for about 3.5 million years. They made first contact with the indigenous black race (aged 4.5 billion years, born with the planet). A deal was made to give the Pelasgians the northern lands in exchange for advanced technology and communication with the other 70 billion human inhabited planets. Our solar system fell into severe siege in 11,500BC when the Draconian fleet under the command of YHWH arrived… after the galactic government supressed his revolution and destroyed his homeworld in the Alpha Draconis and E-Bootus systems through the Perseus mission.
The incomming fleet allied with the former system commander, Cronus (see Thesiods Theogony) and took control of the inner system. Ever since the planets (up to Saturn) have become the Draconian inner defensive perimeter. They commenced the first attempt to empose the New World Order with Atlantis, but their plans failed. Ever since, they are building up to make this planet a second homeworld, by annihilating both black and white race.
The yellow race made its appearence on the planet as a cross-breed between Vrills (Grays) and traitor Croneans in 4,000BC (exactly when the scripts say that Adam appeared on Earth). After a massive genociding campaign launched by Ur of Mongolia (today's Ulan Bator) in 2,200BC (with 7 hordes) they are now preparing for their judgement day (armageddon) through the world wars (especially WW3). The reason why such huge technology is brought out the past century is because the previous remainings of the government fleet returned with massive reinforcements. The past years, the Draconian control of Saturn was lost to the fleet. Draco war planets are stationed outside Jupiter these days (look into the newly discovered Jupiter "irregular satellites"). Also look into the Mars project, where they are now building defensive lines (as the US military participates, claiming they are expeciting a threat from outer space).
There is no accident that all of this hurry to errupt a 3rd World War exists.
It is quite a big story and it took quite some time to put all of these together. The fact is that I never read any of David dIcke's books, but some things are common. Ok, let me begin from the source of the information I have.
In Hellas (Greece), the past 12 years specific books started to "move" in the market, speaking of an "Team Epsilon", that was supposed to be Zionism's great opponent and that it was laying low until the time was right to turn the tide of today's situation. The strange thing I saw was that those books were only published in this country.
I seeked a contact with a person I somewhat felt had something to do with non conventional reality. I was right. He belonged into a group of researchers that were looking into things that in several ways was close to what I read in the books. I joined the team (of free researchers, no initiation or cult) and started looking into things. From there I learned that there was something wrong with the books that were out in the market. Something was not right. There I came to know about an even larger group, called H.R.G. (Hellenic Restoration Group), that was acting in secret mostly, because of the Zionist plague. There I got a more clear view of the situation and our position in the Universe. Still, I was not certain of everything, as in the begining it sounded more like science fiction. According to their words, we were a planet under Sino-Mongolic occupation, which was (and still is) under the orders of the Draconian leader YHWH (Yahweh, but at times used other names such as Asmondai, Jedi, Metatron etc) and the traitor ally Cronus (which in the scripts is reffered to as Savvaoth). After a year our group was contacted by H.R.G. itself and we got to meet its external representative, ex member of the sub-command of the group (ex, because all his family was killed and he got totally bankrupt from Zionists once he made his appearence). He gave us several hundrend pages of hand written and typed reports (not printed). Ever since the attacks on our group got worse and we've been placed under surveilance from Mossad, NSA and even the supreme zionist lodge -AOA (Adeptis Ordo Atlantis = Order of the Descedants of Atlantis) of London set up a plan of framing one of us, which was uncovered and sent to us by H.R.G.
See also;
(second link will do, the one with the document)
2 replies
The Self-Aware Universe
A Synopsis of Amit Goswami's Theory of Physics & Psychic Phenomena
Amit Goswami, PhD has proposed a theory of consciousness, rather than atoms, as the fundamental reality o the material world. Based in the philosophy of monistic idealism, he claims to obtain a consistent paradox-free interpretation of the new physics. He suggests a quantum mechanical, as well as classical nature for mind, which accounts for nonlocal psychic phenomena.
In searching for the fundamental basis of physical reality and the nature of the mind, Goswami (1993) has defined consciousness as "the agency that affects quantum objects to make their behavior sensible." In choosing this criterion he hopes to show how mind can effect matter non-energetically because they share the same essence.
By making the leap from a universe based on bits of matter, to one based in consciousness, he hopes to logically and coherently resolve some of the major paradoxes of physics. He suggests that instead of everything being made of atoms, everything is made of consciousness. If quantum objects are waves that spread in existence at more than one place, as QM has shown, then consciousness may be the agency that focuses the waves so we can observe them at one place.
Goswami labels this philosophy,
"monistic as opposed to dualistic, and it is idealism because ideas (not to be confused with ideals) and the consciousness of them are considered to be the basic elements of reality; matter is considered to be secondary."
Mental phenomena such as self-consciousness, free will, creativity, and ESP are explained anew in this reformulation of the mind-body in a fresh context.
As in both the mystical view and holographic universe (such as that described by Bohm), there is only the dynamic play of one great webwork of existence (Bohm's holomovement). This unified movement, a dance of creation and annihilation, has intentionality.
However, Goswami does not propose that consciousness is mind; they are different concepts.
In monistic idealism, the consciousness of the subject in a subject-object experience is the same consciousness that is the ground of all being. Therefore, consciousness is unitive. The domain of potentia also exists in consciousness. Nothing is outside consciousness.
Buddha tells us that,
"There is an Unborn, Unoriginated, Uncreated, Unformed. If there were not this Unborn, this Unoriginated, this Uncreated, this Unformed, escape from the world of the born, the originated, the created, the formed would not be possible."
But there is this essential ground, and it is possible to "escape" space-time, according to Buddha.
If the brain-mind is itself an object in a non-local consciousness that encompasses all reality, then what we call objective empirical reality is within this consciousness. The one becomes many through self-reference, fragmentation into tangled hierarchies of self-iterating information.
The trick is to distinguish between consciousness and awareness.
In processes of which we are aware classical models prevail. When we consciously see, consciousness collapses the quantum state of the brain-mind. Unconscious processing does not effect collapse of the quantum wave-function, pinning down quantum entities to one reality. Thus, unconscious processing permits the expression of non-local phenomena.
The situation in the brain-mind, with consciousness collapsing the wave function may only happen when awareness is present. There is a tangled hierarchy within the immanent self-reference of a system observing itself.
An operation by a self-referential system is where the von Neumann chain stops.
13 replies
Eleven Benefits of Sexual Abstinence
I posted this on my website www.brahmacharya.net but I decided to share a part of it here with this wonderful community. These benefits are based on my own personal experience and that of other celibates. It is important to know that to experience these benefits you must be chaste in thought as well. Mental chastity is very important.
- Fear reduces a lot. It’ll become hard for you to be scared, even of dangerous things. In a dangerous situation, you’ll be aware of the risk but you will also be able to deal with it carefully instead of panicking and worsening the situation. You will start to feel what real masculinity is like.
Better Eyes
- Eyesight improves considerably with the practice. And it’s not just the sight that improves but also the endurance of the eyes. You can then spend hours in front of your computer without your vision getting fuzzy and/or your eyes getting tired. In ancient times they used to say that “masturbation causes blindness”. It’s an exaggeration but there is a connection between the two. The floaters around the eyes also reduce or disappear completely.
– You will start to feel bliss, which will cause dispassion and distaste for sensual pleasures. Sometimes the bliss is so great that you lose interest in everything around you. To increase this bliss it’s best to practice self-inquiry (hold the I thought-feeling) as taught by Ramana Maharshi. The bliss is similar to the pleasure you get from sexual activity but more refined (subtler). It’s better because it’s continuous, and has an invigorating effect on the body.
Better Memory
– You will find it easier to remember things and you will also remember memories which you had long forgotten. Never mind old memories, you will also start to remember dreams which you had a long time ago. The mind will become much sharper.
Better Immunity
– The energy reserves of your body are much higher now so the body will find it easier to deal with illnesses. It may happen that illnesses actually increase in the beginning with the practice, probably because of the body healing itself from ailments, but all will be better in time.
Lack of worry
– Your worries reduce greatly. You will actually start to find it difficult to worry because you feel perfect or close to perfect. This will give you a sense of security enabling you to deal with difficult situations without worrying.
Intuition/Spontaneous Understanding
– The mind becomes incredibly sharp and able to grasp things easily. You’ll start to understand things intuitively without thinking about them. The answers will come to you naturally on their own.
– The body will become more supple and flexible. Notice how flexible young children are? They haven’t wasted their vital force as much as adults and so their bodies are strong and supple.
– An indescribable inner calm develops. You will develop the virtue of patience quite naturally.
- You’ll develop vigor and confidence. Shyness leaves you and you feel comfortable with yourself. The increased confidence can easily make one conceited so be careful.
Lack of Anger/Irritability
– The greater the bliss, the greater the inner peace. The blissful feeling makes it nearly impossible to get angry. Suddenly everything’s fine. Nothing bothers you anymore.
See Also:
White Men, Renounce Porn
Pic possibly related.
157 replies
Let's play a game to strengthen our chakras.
Let's get to it, wizards!
6 replies
Smiley went AWOL a few days ago in /ask/. Should we get worried?
4 replies
Others may heavily disagree but I like what you're doing on wizardchan /fringe/. The information you give out (thoughtform creation, meditation-suicide, anime astral projection…) is helpful…
But you're not adressing the core of the problem, what you offer requires dedication and discipline, and you're offering this to depressed and unmotivated people.
If you could offer guides for expanding a person's WillPower and Discipline, then that would help a lot. As of now, you're throwing pearls to swine.
52 replies
>implying you can't be of evil intentions and develop amazing magical power all the same
Why is the world so fucked up if we are to assume that everyone advancing along the path can only do so by maintaining a STO and ethical character?
While you faggots are busy arguing about who is more ethical than thou some of us realize it's all bullshit and we are free to do as we please, including destroying others and making them suffer.
What you going to do about it? Nothing because you're impotent.
The darkness is stronger here, that should be abundantly apparent by the state of existence in this realm.
If you are practising the RHP or White Magick because you think it's more powerful and not because it's your nature to be benevolent, you're garbage anyways. Anyone who wants to advance along that path ought to pick it because they just want to do good for the world and don't have malice in them.
The rest of you who have this "evil" in you and suppress it will fail in your intentions. No matter how much you consciously deny it, it's there, and will remain there until you have exhausted all your malice.
Black magick user and don't give a fuck.
42 replies
Though considered by some to be a mere political issue, the difference between National and International Socialism is more than that. The former, respecting the right of each folk to its own independence, allows for greater development among those peoples along spiritual/magical lines. It is even encouraged or perhaps required, for the nation is not only meant to grow stronger it is intended to eventually transcend this plane of perceived physicality.
International Socialism or 'Communism' on the other hand, denies the independence of every folk, intending for all people to become a mass of indistinguishable genetic trash, barely capable of providing the produce for the masters of Communism, the zionists. Atheistic in all previous incarnations, communism seeks to destroy any and every chance for the subjugated folk to escape their slavery, including through magical means. Whereas NatSoc seeks to free all people from zion's bondage, even the zionists themselves, communism is a creation solely crafted to keep goyim figuratively (sometimes literally) castrated by the illusion of being free from the big bad bourgeoisie.
No self-respecting occultist or student of esoteric mysteries should subscribe to such a limiting worldview like communism, unless of course they are extremely kosher shabbos goyim. There is simply no way to reconcile these intellectual pursuits with the barbarity of communist reality, when it is actually implemented. There are two options for the aspiring magician, both more or less the same. An absolute meritocratic monarchy or authentic Aryanist National Socialism.
Pic of runes possibly related.
If anyone (you know who you are) has a disagreement, let us meet in person, face to face to discuss this.
2 replies
"In this lecture at Schumacher College, Rupert Sheldrake shows how the "scientific worldview" is moribund; the sciences are being constricted by assumptions that have hardened into dogmas. But science itself is now transcending the materialist philosophy, and pointing toward a new sense of a living world. The cosmos is no longer like a machine running down; it is more like a developing organism with an inherent memory, and so is our planet, Gaia. These new paradigm shifts in the sciences shed a new light on spiritual practices like pilgrimage, ritual, prayer and meditation."
11 replies
Is it possible to clean your brain, recover from neural damage and generate new neurons through meditation? I think I could have been alot smarter if I had never consumed so much junk food. My mother would put Coke in my bottle as a toddler
66 replies
If you are able to visualize the link above, congratulations – you are one of the lucky few Chosen to lead the fight.
If it appears out-of-focus, or unreadable, you are not. Better luck next life!
22 replies
How long will you go on pretending to be a powerful wizard who talks to demons and wields divine power? It's only a matter of time before your grand delusions topple like a house of cards. Take a look at your pathetic life and see that "magic" has gotten you nowhere. What have you actually done with it that can be repeated and verified?
I know you're going to ignore this, which is fine. Keep drawing sigils on MS paint and posting on "oh so secret" imageboards, as your miserable existence fades away. It's only a matter of time before you ascend the physical plane anyway, right? Tick tock, faggot.
1 reply
Laugh to tears: the best fun pics of the Internet. Sometimes a person just need to relax and have five minutes to look at the fun pics
17 replies
Now there was a previous wizard who did some APing into the realms and encountered Zalmoxis, the God of the Agathae, an old, now extinct tribe before the Roman times, who is a legendary philospher.
As curious as I am I tried APing one time, to contact this Zalmoxis, now, since then, I can't remove the image, or location of something, out of my head.
It is night, there is one, wide, v shaped road to the left and right of me. It is a sort of valley, the road is made completely out of marble. The sides of the road go steep to my front and back. The road is around 20-30 meters wide, and infintly long. The plateus on the sides are around 7 meters higher than the road self. It is a clear night, but with unkown stars. There is a man, an old man, with a young girl who constantly is on my side. She has Asian features, traditional Central Asian clothing but does not say a word. The man stands 20 meters in front of me, looking at me, curious, but distant. It is night, but the road is reflecting light, as it is day. It is night, but the planet, or place, is bright, as the sun shines. There is only this road, and steppes. Nothing more.
I can't get this image out of my head when I try to meditate or anything else. Does anyone know what this place is, or where this is?
Pic is related, although the every piece of marble is exactly as big, and there are no bumps in the road. Morever, the road is very clean, like it has never been used.
4 replies
Thursday, 16 January, 2014
[1:16:55 AM] Acolyte:
hey man
[1:17:04 AM] Wizard:
[1:17:09 AM] Acolyte:
what's new?
[1:17:30 AM] Wizard:
I wanted people to do a rather simple magic experiment but all of them won't even try it
[1:17:38 AM] Wizard:
so I'll never know if it can work for others
[1:17:47 AM] Wizard:
[1:18:04 AM] Wizard:
I'm also looking through archives and caches for something
[1:18:23 AM] Acolyte:
what magic experiment?
[1:21:28 AM] Wizard:
[1:21:32 AM] Wizard:
tfw no archive of this at all
[1:21:45 AM] Wizard:
Acolyte do you want to attempt it?
[1:21:53 AM] Acolyte:
yeah i got nothing to lose
[1:21:57 AM] Acolyte:
but what did your account get terminated for
[1:22:14 AM] Wizard:
[1:22:32 AM] Wizard:
I got terminated long ago probably for "hate speech" or something I don't know.
[1:23:01 AM] Acolyte:
first it was jim profit, then manly tears, now you
[1:23:03 AM] Acolyte:
almost seems coordinated
[1:23:32 AM] Wizard:
Jim Profit lost his jewtube account?
[1:23:42 AM] Wizard:
I lost my jewtube account like many months ago
[1:30:34 AM] Acolyte:
so basically, go somewhere dark and quiet and shut my eyes and relax. then visualize a bunch of numbers in my mind without 'saying' them in my mind, then think of the anime charaacter.
[1:30:43 AM] Wizard:
Yes exactly
[1:30:54 AM] Acolyte:
what importance are the numbers?
[1:30:58 AM] Wizard:
although you should just disregard the anime character part since you're not a weeaboo
[1:30:58 AM] Wizard:
I hope
[1:31:08 AM] Wizard:
although there is one reason to do it with an anime character
[1:31:13 AM] Wizard:
which is that the form which they take
[1:31:20 AM] Wizard:
is somehow easier for the mind to evoke
[1:31:28 AM] Wizard:
probably because it is simpler then a complex 3dimensional form
[1:31:32 AM] Wizard:
as for the numbers
[1:31:36 AM] Wizard:
they are important for two reasons
[1:31:45 AM] Wizard:
one, it switches your mind out of its narrative mode
[1:32:01 AM] Wizard:
two, once you're receiving random numbers, you've established a connection to the void and are receiving its impressions
[1:32:10 AM] Wizard:
this is necessary to actually connect with others in the astral
[1:32:18 AM] Wizard:
if the numbers are not random
[1:32:23 AM] Wizard:
then you are just projecting your own thoughts
[1:32:30 AM] Wizard:
we want to not just project, but also to receive
[1:32:44 AM] Wizard:
so once you see the numbers clearly and know you have an established connection
[1:32:51 AM] Wizard:
that is when you can then evoke the entity
[1:33:00 AM] Wizard:
It's just really efficient and reliable this way
[1:33:28 AM] Wizard:
other methods you don't know if you're doing it right because you have no way to gauge that you're actually doing anything until shit happens
[1:33:42 AM] Wizard:
Any other questions?
[1:34:28 AM] Acolyte:
ah so its like clearing your mind and establishing a connection with the astral plane
[1:39:10 AM] Acolyte:
i guess ill go see what i can conjure up
[1:40:21 AM] Wizard:
Yes indeed.
[1:40:33 AM] Wizard:
Purpose of meditation btw is to clear your mind.
[1:40:43 AM] Wizard:
I wish people in that thread would ask questions like this instead of just saying it's all bullshit.
[1:45:07 AM] Acolyte:
I spent a good two or three minutes laying down in darkness and quietness visualizing numbers without 'saying' them. I'd count up until I made a mistake then reset, and once I felt like I could visualize the numbers in a row long enough without error, I thought of an anime character. The instant I thought of it I saw its face and it was speaking to me, but I could not understand it. The talking sounded far away, and not of a language I understood, but I knew I could hear it. Since I did not meditate on the numbers very long this experience was brief, and she disappeared soon after. But I know I made contact with a spirit because it was impossible for me to think up all of that, it happened instantly and automatically, with great detail. So it seems this plan works.
[1:46:14 AM] Wizard:
Yes! Success!
[1:46:32 AM] Acolyte:
If I meditate on the numbers long enough, and practice more, I am sure I can extend the connection and it will be more detailed.
[1:47:06 AM] Wizard:
Indeed. I am glad this has worked for you and confirmed the results of my own experimentation in developing this technique.
[1:47:15 AM] Wizard:
Should we post about this on /fringe/?
[1:47:27 AM] Wizard:
I'll anonymize the names in this convo.
[1:47:51 AM] Acolyte:
alright. you could get a lot more results that way, it worked easy for me and i know others can do it too.
[1:48:35 AM] Acolyte:
it is a very important practice, i look forward to the results.
[1:49:14 AM] Wizard:
I hope we can develop it further and yield interesting discoveries with it.
[1:49:42 AM] Wizard:
Posting to /fringe/
3 replies
Ninjas are /fringe/, right?
Does anyone know any good ebooks about how to be a ninja? And I don't just mean martial arts, but also like… how to blend in, how to be "invisible," how to mix poisons, how to do that really cool thing where they run with one hand in front of their face and the other straight out behind their back, etc.
8 replies
74 replies
Post Occult Book Reviews ITT
Use the following format to do so:
[Author] - [Book Title] - [Edition] - [Page Count] - [Rating out of 5]
[Download Link]
12 replies
Any knowledge about Sleep?
I'm rather lacking on the subject, but I have picked up things here and there. Such as that you can space out your sleep schedule to a max of (IIRC) 12 (or 8?) naps a day and still get that REM (Uberman IIRC).
Is this healthy? I mean, don't you need NREM sleep? NREM focuses more on regeneration and healing/automating (much faster/more efficient in sleep than in wake). Does NREM also happen in REM sleep?
Apparently there is a gene that allows some to sleep for less and still function the same as their sleeping more counterparts. Perhaps we can analyze this action?
I've been thinking about this as I've been finding myself staying up more and more late (sometimes because of insomnia), even if I have to wake up early for that day. Sometimes I might take an amphetamine to get through the next day or allow myself to stay up if I'm not able to. I found that I make my most groundbreaking finds at around 0500 GMT and that I can get so much more done during these 8 hours than if I were asleep.
Is it possible to live, in good health, without sleep? Is there anyway to shorten this time besides spacing it out so much like in the Uberman?
On another note, I've found sleeping on the floor (without a pillow, on a thin sheet) shortens the duration of my sleep a small portion.
12 replies
Thankm you, friend<3<3
20 replies
When's the next Buddha coming?
19 replies
What's /fringe/s opinion on entheogens?
Shrooms pulled me out of my depression, and I plan on partaking in a peyote spirit walk the night of Oct 8th.
Anyone have experience with them? Are they useful for mystic purposes?
7 replies
<Friends coworker>
Sees shadow people
She feels a force pushing down on her in her bed
Felt it pushing down on her and she prayed and said Jesus and it went away and she heard a hiss.
Opening doors
Turns on and off her lights
<Friends Sister>
Has always fucked with her at her old house and only she is being messed with and her aunts house and at a friends house.
Sees shadows people
Weird dreams
Saw an indent on her bed, as in she saw a depression being made on the bed as if a person was sitting on her bed.
Found scratches on legs, arms, had a blanket pulled off of her
Had a recurring dream in 1800's in the dream a funeral going on and everyone was dressed in funeral cloths.
20 replies
How To Obtain Siddhis
Siddhis are powers invoked by a state of mind or being. Siddhis must be obtained to invoke certain blessings or attract desired abilities. Obtaining siddhis is one of many Hindu practices. Siddhis are being more accepted by some Westerners, who are interested in them to obtain certain powers or states of being.
There are many degrees of siddhis, which are desired states of being to obtain certain supernatural powers. Siddhis are both parts of Hinduism and Buddhism.
A siddhi power may be obtained through various means. These means include several methods, primarily meditation. Meditation is a mental exercise. It is called the "silencing of the mind" – the idea is to calm and organize the mind, rather than allowing the mind to flit freely and quickly from one thought to another. Meditation is a mental focusing practiced while concentrating upon the meaning or objective of the siddhi. Siddhis can more easily be obtained through stricter forms of meditation, such as Sadhana.
Other methods of obtaining siddhis include the use of mantras. A mantra is made of sounds or a phrase that is repeated to create a transformation. These can be sounds, vibrating syllables, or a series of words. Many believe that a mantra should be pronounced carefully, as the exact sounds are believed to draw the properties that one hopes to attain. Typically, mantras are done using mala beads and repeating the mantra for each bead. Mantras are strongest when repeated silently, focusing all mental concentration upon the mantra. Mala beads are a string of 108 beads while, in comparison, a rosary has 54 beads, half as many beads. Mantras are strongest when practiced at the same time day after day for at least 40 days.
Mudras are another useful tool for obtaining siddhis. A mudra is a combination of positions of the fingers and hands to create and enhance a more powerful meditation. Mudra positions include the touching of fingertips, curling the fingers, crossing fingers, and positions of the fingers in combination with the hands. The position should be held in a manner that allow the flow of energy to be felt between the fingers or hands. By including mudras in your meditation you can invoke specific qualities to increase the obtaining of siddhis.
Siddhis may also be obtained by practicing devotion to your spiritual path. One should completely immerse oneself in the prayers and meditations. Obtaining siddhis can be acquired through devotion in the form of acts of creation: gardening, various forms of art, music, the martial arts and even cooking can be acts of devotion to the higher sense of being. Even immersion in mathematics can bring about a state of devotion.
Obtaining siddhis can be a strong and positive enhancement to one's life. Be aware that one should never attempt to obtain siddhis for the wrong reasons. Practicing the many paths to siddhis brings a powerful essence of being which attracts many positive aspects into a person's life.
36 replies
this sigil causes a non-harmful cosmetic change
you'll notice if it works almost immediately, post results
9 replies
Does anyone else use this device? I got one when I was a child and have always used it properly, improper use lead to the impression of innacurate predictions. It has not failed me yet. This does worry me slightly, as years ago it told me my death would involve sharks. I have resolved to avoid such fish since but I guess you cannot escape fate. After seeing silly films like 'Sharknado' I realise they can strike almost anywhere. I am losing the point here, what I'm saying is that these seem to serve as a decent tool for myself at least.
Anyway, if you do not have one you can use mine. Post your question & I will ask my magic 8 ball for you, then post the reply/result. Queries should be phrased as 'Will X/Y/Z?' It is the proper method, other ways return answers that don't quite fit (understand it is a limited selection of responses designed to work with 'will ?')
Example: will freedomboard continue from strength to strength, developing greater power? Reply 'too early to predict'
3 replies
Hey guys, is there any way or could I talk to someone who knows about all the alien races? Perhaps a list is around
Luciferian races: Duality counscioussness(seeing yourself, and the universe as seperate)
Pleiadians and Lyrians(perhaps)
Non luciferian(one consciousness, we are the universe)
0 replies
We must think like the men of old to have the power of the men of old, it is in the mindset.
This civilization, like so many before it, will bow to the cycle in our lifetime, soon.
We do not have the time to learn at the pace we wish to, we must accelerate to a speed of learning in that which we learn one "major" (in our own viewpoint of which that is important)bit of knowledge everyday if we are to succeed in helping man kind.
So be at peace /fringe/ but be at peace in knowing more knowledge everyday, for it the only chance we have to succor.
53 replies
I posted this on /illuminati/ but only got one response so posting here. I'll be straight to the point, give me these:
>something you need
>an explanation of why you need it
I'll do some magick for you for practice. I want to see if my magick works on others and also to practice manipulating reality. Only choosing one so make your magickal application good! I might require you to contact me elsewhere for more information.
If you're interested, the magick I do is ritualistic most of the time. I can do a particular style if you wish (e.g. christian mysticism or sinister satanism, or freestyle) if you are concerned about my EVIL sinister magick haha. I will not harm you or anything, I want inspired wizards and wizards alike to advance. I only curse my enemies or people who deserve it, the farthest I've gone with a curse was an extremely bad illness I put on somebody.
If the magick works, I will put them on /illuminati/ (sorry non-illuminates) for us to use. If it works for us Illumined Brothers then I might post them here if I feel like it. So yeah, go ahead and tell me something you need, why you truly need it, how you want me to do it, and I'll try manipuating reality for you.
Good luck.
31 replies
I have occult knowledge to leak. Where would I post it?
/fringe/ or /illuminati/?
It's bona fide alchemical knowledge.
Spoilering it: I will not post now, later that year. I still have collect more, takes a while to not raise suspicion.
74 replies
My theory of health:
I have read a great many articles, books, etc. pertaining to health matters and these are the keypoints of my understanding of health.
With most reasonable diets, the necessary nutrients should exist in sufficient supply for the bodies needs, though some foods modify the effect of other foods when consumed and make the nutrients more bioavailable or not. Regardless, the body itself is highly intelligent when properly directed by the mind/consciousness, and should be able to overcome any shortcomings in the diet by removing what is in excess and somehow obtaining what is deficient. Even if an element were completely missing from the diet, through the akashic principle those deficient elements could be manifested into place. Eventually with enough will and skill one could attain Inedia and not need to eat food anymore as they feed entirely upon etheric energy being assimilated in a pure form into anything the body needs. Eventually they won't even have to breath either.
Essential to healing is maintaining the will to live and using loosh to modify, accelerate, and focus your healing efforts. To get really good at healing and at magic in general one must keep a very clear mind and focus only on the object to be modified. With all or as many irrelevant thoughts out of your mind as possible, simply focus on the parts of your body and produce feelings which correspond with the state which you intend to attain or the process you set in motion. Excitation is a good mental state to start off with – as from there you can move into any other emotion easily. I like to think of excitation as like molecules bouncing around a lot when heated up so it's easy to switch emotions then as there's a lot of emotional energy available which can be expressed in any form. Another one is inspiration, as it will compel you to act while dropping your doubts, which would otherwise undermine your efforts. So seek inspiration anywhere you can such as by witnessing or reading about miracles done by others.
Everything is mental and can be treated / processed as a thoughtform. So anything you've done with thoughtforms you can do to parts of your body. Zivorad Mihajlovic Slavinski's books are good for understanding this approach. You highlight a part of your body with your awareness, call it by its name, and talk to it and send emotions to it to coerce it to work for you the way you want it to.
It is important to understand when what you are doing is working and to get feedback. You can practise on other people, especially ones who are receptive to subtle mental influences, and hopefully get feedback from them right away. You could ask people if they have any problems and just focus your will on healing them and ask for them to report back on any changes within 24 hours. If you want more immediate feedback though you should combine some things in there with the healing that produce immediate results such as heat. If they feel that their body part is heating up suddenly after you've done your magic, they will be instant confirmation your influence is changing something in their body. However the best way to practise this isn't even with people, hopefully you have some machines around your house that aren't working but aren't too broken. Say a blender or a fan or something else which won't run. I personally have a malfunctioning fan. You just need to set in motion / be the cause of it starting to work again and once it's set you don't have to do anything more except let it take place and not interfere with the process.
I think if your focus is more expanded the effect tends to be diluted or take longer to take hold over a larger area because more changes to reality must take place synchronistically. With more spiritual refinement such as can be obtained by practising all of Franz Bardon's teachings you can get better though both at focused efforts over a small area and more expanded efforts over a bigger area.
Another thing that is important with health is to be aware of the psychic influences of others. Everyone is always radiating their vibes to everyone else and interacting with people who are giving you bad vibes or thinking thoughts which promote poor health in you is troublesome. If you can, you should try to become as receptive as possible to those mental subtle influences / vibes which are the most constructive in producing order and ascent within your being while blocking out that which is destructive and promotes disorder and stagnation. If you can't block them out then either expelling those influences or alchemically transforming them are other solutions to the problem. Perhaps the creation of persistent thoughtforms to collect and filter these for you might work, maybe that's the purpose of the human aura in fact, a kind of complete mental shielding all around the person which receives, filters, and broadcasts those influences to and from the body and from there to the soul (mind, astral body, etc.).
I think that reality and your actions in it are all symbolical and may be interpreted as such. I think most healing which happens does so because of:
Your own subconscious beliefs and intentions.
The subconscious beliefs and intentions of others.
Reality is a consensus reality formed mostly out of everyone's subconscious beliefs radiating from their various points of awareness at all times.
I believe that most of the common treatments working may mostly be due the majority's subconscious belief about its efficacy but at the same time the impact of individuals who are hardly aware of your existence and don't give you much thought is very little, it's more about the people who are more immediately involved in whatever affairs you're getting up to, and the single strongest variable in control of how your body is manifested is generally you unless you've caught the attention of a very much more powerful spiritual entity that has decided to focus its will to override your own for however long it decides to intensely focus on you (and to a greater degree then you focus on yourself).
If you visit a doctor who really believes in the efficacy and power of his cure, you will receive good results, even if he gives you a placebo. If you yourself also believe in it then all the better.
Much of what is written in The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot supports what I'm saying.
It is important when healing yourself or manifesting any other changes in your reality that you strongly resonate with the feeling of "it has been done". I've sat in front on my malfunctioning fan for awhile and thought about the three principles of reality manifestation that montalk lays out which are:
Awareness / anticipation repels.
Ignorance / denial allows.
Intent / emotional resonance attracts.
When you become aware of something you lock that thing into place. Lets say you're letting someone else do the healing for you, then you don't want to focus on the healing yourself, and especially not if you're going to think and feel pessimistic thoughts about it. That will just add extra resistance for the other guy to have to overcome to heal you and you make his work harder to carry out for you then. Awareness and anticipating are good though for warding off synchronistic attacks, curses, etc. though. If you ever want to curse someone try to monitor their health and receive feedback about it but don't tell them you're going to curse them unless they're the type to undermine themselves after being made aware of it. The average person today will doubt you could curse them though and end up protecting themselves from your curse in that way. If somehow you get a reputation though as a dark wizard who pulls off some amazing things you might be able to openly curse people and have your curse enhanced by the fear they feel at becoming one of your targets. If you are powerful enough you could just demonstrate some simple and inconsequential thing like making a thoughtform appear to them on command and after that they will know you are serious business and not to fuck with you and then if you're going to curse them it will likely be more effective and likewise the same for healing them. You can use sigils for both of these effects as a well as a way to get your message to their subconscious without them knowing what exactly you are doing because the sigil obscures the message and yet still carries the intent you imbued it with while making it in trance.
Note if you want something to happen, get too invested / tied up in the result, that is "have the lust of the result" then you stall that thing from happening until you learn to just let it happen and observe. If you feel disappointed after having yearned for a result and think it didn't work and have all the corresponding emotions of failure, then you may totally undo your operation, not a good thing! Everyone who prays or intends or uses similar spiritual means to make miracles happen but then wants the results fucks everything up for themselves! The best attitude to take is a playful one where you won't be disappointed and you're just trying things out for fun and seeing what happens, then you will get results, with less effort!
If something is already happening, already been set in motion, the ignoring it or denying it are both good ways to accelerate it and make it take place faster! This only works though once it's really happening. Denying and ignoring something which is not happening won't make a difference. Same thing for anticipating and being aware of something which isn't actually set to take place. Lets say your intent has been to cause someone's hand to start burning just to show them you can do that to them and it starts working the other person feels the heat and gets panicky and in their fearful and startled mindset they deny it's happening or they try to ignore it, well that won't fix it, they're going to burn anyways!!
The thing about emotions and the thoughtforms you create with them is that whatever emotions arise from you and are imbued into that thing, those emotions will seek to produce more of the same. The reason anticipation stalls things and holds it off from manifestation is it just attracts a probable future where you remain sitting there in anticipation waiting for things to happen. All demons / negative STS thoughtforms born out of the fear, anger, lust, etc. of 1st order divine beings like us will only seek more of the same emotion that gave rise to them. More complex thoughtforms will probably receive more emotions in other ranges of the emotional spectrum from you and others and be more whole, more capable of expressing themselves in a wider array of behaviours.
So to make something actually happen you must intend for it to happen and emotionally resonate with the kinds of feelings you'd have if it did happen. Once you reach a mental state of "it has happened" then it does happen. You just need to initiate the causal chain which sets those events in motion then stand back because it's already taking place, no need to worry now.
Emotions remain relevant so long as they are held in your awareness at all, which is pretty much all the time. When is your mentality not characterized by emotion? Even if you withdraw the senses from feeling any kind of physical presence, smell, taste, sight, and hearing and put yourself into a total void outside of these things you've probably still got emotions with you. I wonder what it's like to withdraw yourself from that too? Probably feels like nothing… but isn't that a feeling too? Fuck I don't know. Maybe it can be done and maybe such a method could be used to accumulate raw unexpressed loosh which could then be released again when you recover awareness. I suggest for this you start with Q-MM (quiet mind meditation) where you conquer your vocal thoughts and end the pointless dialogues in your mind, making those thoughts intentional and deliberate, but then there is a deeper form of this also which I guess is called void meditation. If you've already mastered Q-MM then void meditation involves further withdrawing your senses from all of your surroundings while maintaining pure awareness. So you don't feel your body, you don't feel like you take up any space or feel any pressures on you at all, no tensions, etc. it's like your body is just gone and you are the void… and you don't see anything, even if your eyes are open, maybe just see pure blackness or pure white light everywhere or something like that… and you don't hear anything, you will have perfect silence, even if there is a lot of noise in the premises. If you do all that then you are succeeding at void meditation and from this state of pure awareness you can use it as a launching point for very focused and advanced metaphysical operations with no energy being wasted on irrelevant thoughts about your environment. You can also do a form of meditation where you simply focus all of your awareness on a given object to the exclusion of everything else until you become aware only of that one object and nothing else.
If you can, you should learn to create persistent and lasting thoughtforms which carry out various desired functions for you. This way once the thoughtform is made it can be re-used again and again to do something like heal someone. Then you don't have to brute-force everything with raw-will in the future. You can enchant objects too and make them more effective for your magic in various ways like this. Franz Bardon is a good source on how to do all this.
One more thing on healing. I've researched chakras for a really long time, read many discussions, different sites, books, etc. and there is much disagreement on them from the different schools of thought. I eventually realized that you don't need to know about chakras at all. If you want you can do various chakra meditations for developing the related skills that go with those forms of meditation, e.g. I have many times visualized 7 coloured orbs starting with a one at about the ovaries or tail-bone area and going up through all the colours of the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, purple) ending off at the crown (top of the head). You can consult chakra charts for their supposed locations, there's much disagreement about them, and even on their number. It doesn't matter. You don't need to know anything about them or their particular locations or how they might look, all the effects you want to achieve by "unlocking your chakras", can be done by cultivating those qualities independently of knowing of those things. Here is an interesting article to read though on the matter:
Here are some of the components of various chakra meditations, each part can be done separately or altogether, as different forms of meditation:
Visualizing orbs with different colours, or sometimes these more complex things with petals and symbols on them. Helps develop the mind's eye / visual capacity. Spinning them also helps a lot but it really doesn't matter if you're spinning a chakra which you imagine in place on your body, which you imagine on an image of your body that you hold to be a representation of yourself, or if you're not even visualizing a chakra at all and are instead say rotating a thoughtformed number in a nondescript void located nowhere in particular. If you want their to be any corresponding changes in your body then just intend for it as you do this, think that it will cause those changes sympathetically / through correspondence.
Seeing / visualizing the breath going through various channels through the body. This involves focusing on the breath and having an acute awareness of the breath as it goes through your body. As you do this you feel and resonate with the idea of the breath cleansing and invigorating your body as it goes along through all the channels in your body and ultimately through the most subtle ones and into the blood. With each breath you bring in more of the vital energy (etheric/life energy) which brings about more order / health in your body. The ultimate form of this breathing is so complete that your breath even through the skin, feeling the breath being brought through every pore of your body, and bringing in more vital energy to everywhere. This develops the visual capacity, as well as focusing your awareness and yet expanding the awareness while still staying strongly aware of a lot of things at once (less diluted), and bring about changes in the body through intent / will. Will is simply this: Emotion coupled with pattern, direction, and focus is called "will." Will power means applying emotions in a directed manner to get things done.
– montalk, synchronicity article
There's some other meditations based on sound which involves producing a different sound for each chakra out loud or mentally and invoking the qualities you relate to each chakra.
All of these can be useful but can be broken up into different sorts of meditations without you needing to know a thing about chakras or care about them at all.
There is a better method to get what you probably want to achieve with the chakras and it's the simplest one and the one I started out with initially years ago after just making it up myself while not really understanding chakras back then. It is really simple and takes inspiration from the book Transcendence by Zivorad Mihajlovic Slavinski though I don't think he ever actually described this exact meditation. All you do is shift your focus around your body to different points at random, usually focusing on any segments you can individually identify, and then move along. So you can focus on your heart, your lungs, your stomach, your genitals, each segment of your spine moving all the way up from the tail-bone to the last parts connecting to your head, each bone in your body, each muscle, segments of your limbs, your butt, your liver, your kidneys, your brain, certain parts of your brain like your pineal gland, etc. just every single part of your body you can think of shift your awareness around and rest it upon each individual part and feel everything that part feels as strongly and as exclusively as you can. This is best done while just laying in bed at night trying to get to sleep. After doing all these individual little parts then you may try to focus on bigger parts of your body at once and feel everything those parts feel totally. Near the end you just feel your whole body at once as acutely as you can, feeling all the tension or laxness of every muscle in your body, feeling the pumping of the blood through every vein, the food and liquid sitting in your stomach, the heat and vibrations and whatever else sensations that are with everything, the sweat on your skin and the things pressing up against your body. You try to feel all of it, as intensely as you can, all at once. Then you're done. You can and should repeat this meditation many times so you can get better at it. This helps in a lot of ways:
• you listen to your body and become aware of any problems in it which you can then deal with afterwards or even as you go along
• you may develop more conscious control over aspects of your body which are otherwise under subconscious control, so you may be able to do things like change your heart-rate, control your breathing, have finer control over muscles, start sweating or stop sweating on conscious command, generate heat in your body, etc. all just by willing it; same way you move your arms, you intend to move your arms and you just do it
• you get better at focusing and expand your level of awareness all at once to be able to include more things or to feel even more intensely they very minute details of something when you narrow your focus to just it
Now if you want to start making changes to various organs, bones, nerves, blocked blood vessels, hormones being produced by glands in your body, etc. you just put your awareness upon them and bath them with healing emotions and resonate with the belief that the rapid healing process has been initiated. When you feel it's been done and the healing is under-way then move on to another part of your body and when you're done going over all parts of your body then you can either just sort of mentally stand-back and observe without interfering in the process any further and not having the lust of result or you can withdraw your attention from your body and focus on something else in the meanwhile so everything can just work without any further unintentional interference from you. If you want to do other things like produce heat, electricity, or pressure in your body and move it around you can do that also in pretty much the same way and you can also gather up these energies from all around your body and focus them to a specific point so for example you can set something on fire with your hands by gathering all the heat in your body and then doing your best to concentrate it all in just the fingertips or palms and then just discharge the concentrated heat from there. Same thing for electricity if you want to zap someone or pressure if you want to try to knock someone over. Likewise a similar process works for gaining conscious control over things like the heart-beat and the breath or the state of sexual arousal and so on. Remember btw that if you are going around healing your body that you don't just remove pain. You can easily remove pain in your body without actually healing it. You can also heal something without removing the pain. Make sure to remove both the pain and to heal it by intending for both these things to happen. You can form your intent like "this bodypart should be restored to a full functioning capacity and be relieved of any elemental imbalances within it". Another thing you can do is augment your body by doing the same thing and then willing for certain changes to take place such as for the eye or hair colour to change, or the size, or you can even make new growths appear in odd places on your body in the manner of stigmatists. Anything you can imagine intensely enough you can bring into material manifestation.
All of these things you can do also for others. You may enact this by directly focusing on them or through sympathetic magic where a symbolical representation of them will stand in for them and it will still work. In this way then you can remotely influence others and do things like healing at a distance. You may be met with mental resistance from them but if you can bypass it and get deep into their subconscious then you can overcome it with enough intensity. Absolutely anyone whose awareness falls upon you or whom you bring your awareness upon will rub off on you to some degree. If you are very aware of this you will feel and really notice this influence and how the vibes of others effect you. There are many methods to deal with these influences and escape possible negative effects of them and in really bad scenarios you can create multiple personalities or disassociate from certain bad influences to end their burden upon you. It is a good idea to take on mentally a lot of different roles and to imagine yourself as practically a different person in each role so you can isolate the effects of failing in one area from psychologically wrecking havoc on your performance in other areas. Initiation Into Hermetics suggests this practise in the section on Thought Discipline, "While we are at work or pursuing our profession we must direct all our thoughts towards our work and not allow them to be elsewhere, like at home or with private matters." Doing this helps prevent invasive mental influences from disturbing you.
There are a lot of videos you can find online of healing being done with a wide variety of explanations and variations in their technique but they all work on the same underlying principles of the imaginal abilities being put to work to direct intentions and resonate with a state of health. Here's an example of cancer being removed:
This is all for now. If you want to succeed in all of these things then stick to the Fringe Essentials and remember if Franz Bardon says something, then he is always right, and whatever he says overrules everyone else until proven otherwise.
16 replies
Is their any magickal workouts and routines etc? General /fringe/ /fit/ness discussion, you gotta work that body to be good with magick.
IIH says so. Don't tell me you're pic related..
9 replies
Does anyone know of any accounts? If I could even talk to a person who DID NOT FORGET ANYTHING and consciously went from one life to the next I really need to know the details.
I have lots of posts here under name "noko":
I am absolutely sure these NDEs are in fact ALIEN ABDUCTIONS and that we must not go to the light, they are luring us away and wiping our memories out, it's a big fucking trap and it works very effectively on so many people.
I have been abducted before but I got the fuck away from them and am hiding from the aliens and have to maintain constant awareness because they really try to get you when you have a slip into unconsciousness.
As montalk says:
"The danger is in this inducing a form of self-hypnosis and a lowering of awareness that hearkens back to the ‘atavistic clairvoyance’ of the old days, as Rudolf Steiner would call it, which is a primitive and backwards state of consciousness that we shouldn’t engage in. Instead, we should raise our awareness and maintain its sharpness while the body falls asleep (or while the psychic organs of perception, discussed below, start doing their thing). Putting oneself into a spaced-out, suggestible, “out to lunch”, delirious trance is not the same as “mind awake, body asleep”. The latter retains one’s awareness, self-awareness, volition, memory, and sense of time."
Some of you use banishing rituals. I suggest creating a safe zone somewhere in your house and especially for your sleeping area. There are many vectors in which they try to get at you, etherically cleanse out your room by banishing anything there and then erecting defences. Stay mindful all the time that you possibly can and create a "spiritual decontamination zone" in your home, so that whenever you return from a days work or whatever, and the aliens / etheric entities slip in suggestions to you which might be harmful you remove them then enter your safe area (bedroom). You should have some kind of defences covering the whole area of the room and filtering out and removing problematic shit. Then you can do daily reprogramming of your subconscious more effectively because of reduced interference from other entities fucking with you all the time whether you're aware of their influence or not.
If you astral travel, remote view, etc. be careful not to be tracked.
The more you grow the more energy you can give off and the more of the enemy you can attract to you and the more intense their assaults can become btw.
If you manage to get relatively in control of yourself and fight them off remember that you can also help others with the force of your thoughts and that talking to them may as well be symbolic but you can through subtle influence send enough programmed energy to them. A lot of people are deeply hypnotized, not truly awake, like what John Baine says in The Stellar Man and what Montalk says here:
Whoever helps me I will make an effort to send you some programmed loosh to cause a variety of good effects for you, picked at a whim based on what I feel is good for you, or specific stuff if you request. (It'll be easiest if you don't give me any reasons to hate you btw and lots of reasons to love you, I have a hard time doing anything good for people I really hate, such as those who are deeply controlled by the 666 beast to a point of causing me to be disgusted by them or those who simply ARE the beast, lacking any higher components to themselves / no divine spark).
Death to hostile manipulative aliens! End forced reincarnation and memory-blanking now!
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>first video posted on /illuminati/ today showing magic done
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I have now for a while hoped for a thread where we can just post our doings and progress. So here it is at last! So I just want you to post how you are doing, what you've been up to, and what thoughts or ideas you have and so on.
TLDR: Post your doings and your progress, thoughts and feelings.
20 replies
The origins and possibilities of Life Physics - LPG-C
Life, matter, reality as we know is not stationary nor is it solid- at all. We know this, and many of us know this simply by taking a basic science class or watching a documentary. Yet we live in a society that is so hell bent on convincing us of the materialistic “truth” to a point where we have become obsessed with our delusion of the externalization of everything, we have become obsessed with human consumption. Nothing and I mean nothing about our way of life is sophisticated save the technology and complexity of the socioeconomic and political systems in place- but even then they are utterly inefficient. Matter is composed mostly of empty space, and even the building blocks of matter themselves only give us the experience of “physicality” because of electrons repelling from one surface from another- we are quite literally made up of the “same stuff” and every single substance, in particular living systems are vibrating and oscillating matrices moving through “curved space time.” Actually it is not so “curved” but I am using mainstream model for now. So now that we understand that it is common fact is there more?
Yes in comes a new and advanced physics, the physics of life……which extends far beyond the standard model and was fused together by the brilliant minds world-wide working in private sectors, aerospace concerns, military industrial complex, agency contractors, and sometimes research contracted by the highest echelons of any of the well-connected Organizations at the top of the “hierarchal” heap. LPG-C headed much research that was already known in the private domain and was the first to bring out to the public. Much of the need for this research came from humanity, especially those whose job was to protect this world coming into contact with intelligences and sciences far beyond the scope of most of our usual nine-to-five, day-to-day scope of attention. These are subjects that we have relegated to science fiction, fiction, and conspiracy theories to which they have little to no relevance to the “real McCoy.” But nevertheless it is incredibly relevant, desperately so to whom we are, where we came from, where we are going and to understanding the essence of Nature and how she works.
I was told repeatedly by people throughout my life, whether they are “teachers,” friends or people I met in day to day life, that I would “never know the answers.” Well they were wrong, and that mentality, is exactly what makes us the apathetic human beings who are desensitized to condition of the world and the species as a whole- captivated and hypnotized by material lusts, bells and whistles. The reward and benefit to “knowing” has taken a backseat to Miley Cyrus’ twerking.. I had a hunger…shall we say a thirst simply for “truth.” I knew early on, that it could not be defined in a small box, and that every single element to every single study, every single religion and belief system within itself had some aspect of “truth” to it. Therefore I broadened my horizons, and every new bit of information…or truth if you will, broadened it even more. I sharpened and verified the information simply by remaining grounded, logical, and discerning but never closed to the idea simply because it made me uncomfortable- and thus I was led (like many of us are) to things that have blown my mind and continues to do so today. I knew then that learning was fractal and the “uncovering” of “truth” was a perpetual thing that by opening one Russian Doll there would be another one inside of it. I developed a type of topological thinking (see essay TOPOLOGICAL THINKING part 1 and TOPOLOGICAL THINKING part 2) like our (like some of our ancestors of the stars) that allowed me to put pieces together very quickly by means of resonance and understanding that everything truly was entangled at a holographic level. But this isn’t about me.
So what does this new and advanced physics lead us to understand….and where will it leads us as the cat is slowly let out of the bag (or shall we say, the cat is tired of being in the bag)? That Thought, as every esoteric discipline knows is the essence of everything, that vibration (as a sound audible or not) is the basis of all that comes into existence by a way of creating varying octaves of experiences.. “Thought” or intent moves through seven “super-domains,” they are like “layers” each one transducing the thought through vibrational matrices, giving way to eventually the formation of physical objects and universes, our universe being but a tiny speck of many (this is partially some of the meaning of 7 being encoded into ancient religious texts). Well that’s simple enough; many of us have known this for years, hell it has been known in some circles for centuries. In the Vedic teachings of the east it has been known, and used in meditative practices that Yantras (geometrical forms, think platonic solids) are cymatic (a projected form makes physical things take complex forms) manifestations of Mantra’s (what in the west you may call simply THE WORD).
It is similar as the simple Observer double slit experiment in quantum physics that tells us matter could not exist without an observer.
Therefore we, as living participants of life- are absolutely necessary, if not crucial to the existence of well….existence. Okay so we know that, we got that out of the way, tell you something you don’t know?
In the future, we will do through either devices, or natural methods be able to “open” our cells up to the vacuum (think the cells as engines and the vacuum as an energy source) through auto generative ways on demand. What this will do is allow us to heal, revitalize ourselves, and even diminish the aging process (see in one of the next paragraphs the Priore effect). What the “rich” do in Elysium (re-atomize their body) is actually possible. The cells, when in a relaxed state and when dropping to lower brainwave (like sleep) automatically do this in small increments, but this can also be done consciously from a person who has trained themselves to relax the mental and body tension on demand, and become aware in a broad way, of their inner and outer surroundings (meaning your body and the world around you). You will be able to see in your mind’s eye what it is you “need” and see it come into. We will now and understand the power of intent, combined with sound and the power of a directed (emotionally) intent, we will be able to utilize this to do all sorts of things that not even our most advanced technologies (secret or not) could possibly do, simply with our bodies. This includes (when more than one fully integrated human being comes together with another and joins in intent) but is not limited to: changing weather, changing future outcomes, avoiding natural catastrophes, manifesting out of thin air, communicating with loved ones (deceased or alive) over long distances, retrieving information from anything organic (think of it like “downloading”) , “remote viewing” (meaning able to see the hidden, the distant, the far) and this is just the tip of the iceberg. But how is this possible, am I talking about magic? How the hell is this scientifically possible?
As we are beginning to figure out, DNA is much more than just a biochemical storehouse of information or “physical” instruction set for our complex bodies. Thought creates electrical and magnetic activity, and can affect the cells. Our bodies are also not just biological they are also electrical, electromagnetic, going even into electrogravitic and “scalar” range. At about the Planck limit and beyond the Planck limit (what mainstream science thinks is the “smallest” level of energy), tiny tiny micro-wormholes (white hole/black holes) form in deeper states of body/mind (sleep, meditation) that in a pyramidal, vortex-like fashion can absorb/emit energy (or information). The vacuum is not empty, empty space is not at all empty but teeming with potential energy, “energy” comes and goes from the vacuum/zero-point/empty space to our physical reality all the time- making it seem as if tiny, tiny particles are literally spontaneously manifesting themselves out of nothing and then disappearing. In mainstream physics they try to understand this first by calling them virtual particles, and then by getting into the whole anti-matter, matter discussion- but once again I am of personal opinion this comes with our delusion and obsession with “matter” and trying to find “materialistic answers.” In classical physics “consciousness” is a by-product of the physical universe, its elements and the “brain.” But this new model details quite the opposite…..
The next part may seem a little technical, but read the paragraphs after so that you can see what it means (even though you probably already know, in your gut), I will laymanize it after.
In the LPGian new science, we come to grips that human beings are complex oscillating biological entities (COBE), existing as a cumulus of information not simply on the material level, but even well beyond the Planck limit and into the vacuum/zero-point field. That there does exist, in a sort of mirror-action way, an information cumulus that inhabits and permeates the biological body (what you may call a soul), creating a sonobioelectricgravitic (an energy flow that is sound, bioelectromagnetic, and gravitic all at once) in flow between the vacuum and our biological bodies (like an envelope or subquantum “engine”). This flow moves along the cellular matrix via a very complex series of interactions (ions in the interestial space of cells, electrical/chemical activity) across the connective tissues, fascia, and cytoskeletal structure in particular when there is little to no tension in the body. The “radiation” (I put radiation in quotes because I am not using it in the scientific context of the word but symbolic) of this flow is a biophotonic (photons are light particles) field that radiates out at 90 degree angles that come off the cells and extends into more than one harmonic. This field is not merely a stationary, thin, low-level field of light (photons)- it actually is a moving, compute, extend, retrieve, and quantum compute field that is non-linearly moving to and fro, around and beyond the person. The field itself can store information and since it comes off the cells/DNA (in a sense DNA is also influenced by, and composed of electromagnetic interactions) so too can the cells hold information not just on a purely, biological level (RNA/DNA) but also on an energetic and informational level (waveform).
Have you ever wondered why highly intuitive people simply “know” things about you, others, or the world around them yet didn’t actually have to put much brainpower into it? That’s because the information is stored in the cellular photonic emission (processed by cells and nervous system) and the person can retrieve the information through their enteric nervous system, through their subconscious so that it spontaneously appears in their conscious mind (there is a very long, complex process from how it goes to the subquantum, to quantum, to the eventual biological/neurological). To go along with this, the “processing” power of the nervous system, the cells and the photonic field combined is far, far more efficient “processor” of information than your conscious mind (and its 3 brains) could ever be (which can only pay attention to one thing at a time, internal or external). One can retrain their brain to use these natural faculties as sort of a multi-threaded, in series and parallel “processor” for information and since the body can acquire information non-linearly- this literally means that anything you could possibly want to know is capable of being retrieved. When you have this mastered, you would be able to walk into a room and your nervous system will instantly “know” your surroundings and have a semblance of understanding of the people in it. Have you seen the movie « Limitless »? By retraining the way your brain takes information from this usually unconscious flow- you can basically open your innate genius and intelligence. Whoever wrote that movie had some “inside” knowledge because what he says about the way the intelligence works, and the kind of clientele (Elite/Maven clientele) that would have access to it is absolutely on point.
Information retrieval is especially true for what is in your DNA (and that of all your ancestors)…To put it briefly, your body is one amazing piece of biological technology! One, which we, as inhabitants of this body, barely even understand how to utilize its true potential. 95% of our DNA is considered by the mainstream model to be junk and even the capacity of the brain is underutilized (yet ironically enough, becomes more evenly spread out throughout the brain when you relax/meditate/sleep and synchronize your hemispheres). Your body/cells are the most advanced antennae on the planet!
Each and every cell, every organ and part of your body has a sort of “subquantum template.” Think of this like a perfect “informational blueprint” of any given part of your body. Everything, inert or alive has in essence, a pristine “blue-print” “file” that exists in the subquantum. This is why if one gets good at visualizing and setting their intent/thought/emotional attitude towards getting something, it may actually end up showing up in your life (you have transduced it from its thought-form/quantum potential to the material form and “time” is the energy that “propelled” it towards to you). There is a sort of “mirror-dance” (as a friend would put it) between this template, and the electromagnetic template of the actual physical “thing.” What if you could create an energetic flow, between the “pristine” template of your liver and your own actual physical liver? You could restore the quality of those cells via the Priore effect (see next paragraph).Thought is the essence of everything that already exists, has existed and will exist- so as the universe itself “vibrationally” transduced itself from thought into matter- so can you- and you do so unconsciously on a daily basis. Your body (all your cells, DNA/RNA complex) is merely the filter through which “consciousness” projects itself through and “outwards” into the seemingly solid reality around you.
Turns out space-time regimes are local…..meaning time isn’t the same across the universe as it is for your cells and for example your planetary environment. Time, according to Kozyrev can be looked at as an energy….that unfolds and rolls backwards all at once (yes, there are things going back in time). The Priore effect (which is a regenerative effect on the cells) was discovered when they were able to send longitudinal magnetic waves “backwards” in time (similar to how some people think anti matter is merely matter reversed in time), and when applied to every surface of an affected cancer cell, literally “regenerated” the cancer cell to prior to being “sick.” It’s like taking your cells back in time, you take the “waveform” of cells and match it to a younger you and the “present” physical cells will begin to revitalize (conform themselves to the waveform of the younger you). It then makes sense why people who feel youthful and don’t allow the concept of time or stress to wear them down, actually LOOK younger. The same goes for people who do Yoga and/or meditate. Time itself is not constant all over the universe! My friend likened it to being a pace keeper or symphony conductor (and that it is), that kept the orchestra all moving along at certain rhythms and frequencies. And thus, time could be perturbed simply by affecting the seemingly natural “pace” of things (could something large be perturbing us now, and is the reason we are experiencing a feeling of “Accelerated” time?)
So a planet, for example has its own natural rhythms….the Schumann resonance, the frequency of the tectonic plates, the rate of spin of the earth, the waves of the ocean (also impacted by the moons rhythms), the seasons (influenced by the tilt of earth), revolution around sun, the ionosphere, atmospheric movement, which then in turn correlate to our own rhythms. For example they correlate with our metabolic rhythms (circadian etc which also correlates with photon emission), our heart rate, our brainwaves, our cells vibrating, the electromagnetic field in the heart, in the brain, and these things also influence DNA. All these “rhythms” to our local environment, earth, inside and outside- can be likened to its own unique set of frequencies that make one big experience that we all share (bioelectronic life on earth, human animal and inert). If we went by new age terms, we would call this sort of a “dimension.” All of this comes together to form what we call the pace, rhythm, and outlook of our general “reality consensus.”
In the older knowledge, this would be similar to seeing the Fibonacci pattern in nature all around, as well as within our own proportions- and thus react naturally to art filled with the mathematics, numbers, sound, and geometry that nature naturally produces. Something greats like Da Vinci knew well when he melded the abstract, imaginative, creative fire with geometric and scientific knowledge to create his art masterpieces.
Life on another planet, may have a completely different set of rhythms and pace…and there may even be other “realities” right on top of us, or in the same space, reality on a different “phase” of matter (how energy comes together to make physical reality with completely different angle of electron spins etc) and thus appear “immaterial,” “spiritual,” or the makings of an acid trip when occasionally observed. Making these alternating “phases” seemingly different realities unto themselves. But as always is with all things in the universe- things fluctuate, in and out at all times- from one to another. Anti-matter comes into our own occasionally but disappears due to the presence of matter. There may be moments in space and time where things can “bleed” from into the other- and this may be the very reason the ancients were so obsessed with calendars, numbers, planetary bodies and what they meant to us (what today is astrology which itself is much larger cumulus of information than the “daily horoscope” websites would have us believe). What does this mean? What metaphysics and new ageism has attributed to “spiritual dimensions” is in actuality simply another kind of physicality that is highly connected to and integrated into our own by means not yet fully understood.
Everything is information, and everything is energy. Essentially information = energy. As Tesla knew, there is really no such thing as an energy source, but merely a translation or transduction from one state to another. You, as an information cumulus (“soul”) transduce yourself from an abstract, subquantum “implicate order” into an ordered, materially physical “explicate order”. Your body.
So basically, those who practice the old traditions had something right. You DO have a field of “energy” that permeates your body, in and around- and it CAN and DOES interact with others. What is not clearly enunciated by them is this is not simply “spiritual” or “voodoo” phenomenon; it is as physical as you and me just at a much more subtle and complex level than believed or understood by most mainstream models. To “tap” into it, requires a sort of re-training from how we are taught to use our body/brain, which is completely linear and limited. Holistic models usually also don’t take into account the importance of the cells; it is important that they do though because it is each and every cell that emits this field. There is nothing “extra-sensory” about extra-sensory phenomenon because it is already NORMAL, regularly occurring, informational flow between oscillating and inert “things” in 4-spacetime. We just call it co-incidence, luck, placebo effect and even worse “psychic phenomenon” because we do not quite understand it yet. These things exist regardless of your religion, belief system, or cultural dogmas…and are independent there-of. So you don’t have to be a Hindu to understand the basis of such a thing, and thus this is why this science of the future is so important- it seeks to understand the truth without the religious dogma, bias, cultural indoctrination and/or “new age” stigmata that often accompanies similar ideologies. Understanding this science would literally transform holistic “medicine” overnight, and create the necessary bridge between standard medicine (which is as of right now being held back by FDA, patenting of viruses, the multi-billion dollar “cancer industry” and those in academia who hold it back for financial purposes) and alternative medicine.
The scientist of the future will be those who understand what it means to be a “mystic scientist.” If you were to tell this to your average (average not referring to the caliber of intelligence of the person but simply the mathematical average of how many have adopted similar belief systems) science nerd that enjoys to read “skeptic” magazine, they would revolt and completely disagree with my statement. Yet every great scientist (Newton, Einstein, Tesla, Maxwell, Planck, Bohm, etc) was a “mystic,” even modern-day legends like Degrasse Tyson sounds like a mystic when he describes the universe. And the new and emerging model leaves us nothing but awe and beauty in our attempt to understand it. Even the mainstream and standard models (and theoretical ones too) are mind-blowing, how could we not be mystics when trying to understand what turned nothingness into something? Did you know that Sir Isaac Newton- heralded as perhaps the greatest scientist of all time meditated daily and used it as a means to perceive the laws of nature (in his minds eyes) or solve a problem? In science you call these “thought experiments.” How could we not be a mystic when we can be so easily rapt in awe of the mystery and beauty of everything around us? The great thing about science being vital to the negentropic (think opposite of entropy, which means to unwind into chaos) process of blossoming and unfolding into a mature human race- is that it will be incontrovertible. We will simply “know,” and this is the ability that we, at the unconscious level, that each and every one of our cells knows how to do very well- but “we” have forgotten it.
Everything is information, and everything is energy. Essentially information = energy. As Tesla knew, there is really no such thing as an energy source, but merely a translation or transduction from one state to another. You, as an information cumulus (“soul”) transduce yourself from an abstract, subquantum “implicate order” into an ordered, materially physical “explicate order” : your body. Sonobioelectricgravitic (SBEG) energy is the medium.
To be continued.
Essay by Joshua Morales (slightly) edited by Benoît Carpent
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i killed robin williams
ask me anything
7 replies
I am a LHP adherent. Most of my life I have been stricken with depression, anxiety, etc. To a state where I was suicidal even from an early age. So I began seeking out all the Satanic materials I could in order to have some other force possess me and run my life for me. An easier way out than suicide because at least then my bodily vessel would serve some purpose.
To this extent I have been blood-letting and spilling my blood on sigils of demonic entities. Calling their names out. Offering them sacraments, etc. Seeking to obey their every command. I have seen results as well. Hallucinations, strange dreams, strange thoughts, etc.
Additionally my personality has grown more psychopathic. I also find they do reward their dark followers with material gains. However, such material gains are punished threefold with misery. Therefore seeking their embrace even more. To escape misery. Truly this path has taken me to the bounds of criminality. Having nearly been arrested several times.
As well my partner I was with for several years saw me transform from a bookworm to a psychotic. In fact in one blanked out state I engaged in physical assault and was nearly charged for it. This was unlike me.
Every facet of my person is changing.
43 replies
Has anyone had any experiences with them? How easy is it to summon then and how easy is it to lose yourself in the lust.
11 replies
Was this my third eye opening? Or was this some other happening that I do not know about. I have no idea what had happened and how it worked or how to do it again.
>Last night I saw a racoon through the wall, it was right outside my front door. It appeared completly yellow to me, like a soft pale yellow. And i saw its shiloutte first then the blob filled in with all its details and I finallysawa second baby racoon next to it. The two reared up on their hind legs looking at me and then sniffed near my window and I saw it plain as day through the windows closed shades (theyre very thick and made of plastic, It's difficult to see past them even with lighting).
>Then as it discovered I was watching it turned away from me and waddled off with its child, back into the darkness where it slowly faded out from my vision.
>Ive also had moments where i have seen people through walls but as very faint blurs moving through the room and buildings.
0 replies
This is a challenges thread for all of you guys to enhance your magical development.
Try to complete any of these challenges and report back in the thread when done, whoever finishes them all first suggests new challenge for everyone else to have to do.
Learn to drop your scepticism and blindly believe something absurd for awhile. The more absurd things the better. If you manage to believe some really crazy things then you win, also if strange phenomena result which you can confirm its objectivity, better.
Do some magic even though you may have to fear of failure, embarrassment, etc. You can do this online. Just fucking do it, try, and act with confidence it will succeed. If you fail, then so what. The more you fail and rebound from your failures with new experiments to try the better. So much magical development is blocked by people not wanting to even attempt something because it may seem silly or be mocked.
Cast a fuckload of sigils. Then do it again. Then again… and again… until you get some strange effects to actually take place.
Focus on a voice, expect to hear it, wait until it becomes audible. Once you hear a disembodied voice say something you have completed this challenge. You may have to talk to it passionately for awhile before you get a reply.
Find an object in your room and treat it like a living thing. Think about it, develop strong emotions about it, imagine its character, talk to it, etc. basically create a soul for it. Once you start to feel you are really interacting with the soul of the object and you start to gain control over it you win.
Challenge another wizard to a magic duel online or offline wherein the objective is simply to influence the other (could be cause them to get really warm all of a sudden, or receive an impression from you, or change how they feel, or anything else you like.
Read a magic book and do an exercise from it successfully.
Suggest more if you like.
Oh and btw send in sigil requests and I will cast sigils, hundreds of them if need be, all just for one request until that shit works.
6 replies
What is Hermeticism?
The Shorter Answer
Hermeticism is an ancient spiritual, philosophical, and magical tradition. It is a path of spiritual growth. Hermeticism takes its name from the God Hermês Trismegistos (Greek, "Thrice-Greatest Hermes"), a Græco-Egyptian form of the great Egyptian God of Wisdom and Magic, Thôth. What the Hermetic Fellowship defines as Hermeticism has also been called the Western Esoteric Tradition, and embraces the Perennial Philosophy or the Ageless Wisdom. Generally, the following can be said to be characteristic of the positive form of Hermeticism advocated by the Hermetic Fellowship.
• Considers humanity to be on a spiritual journey to return to a state of unity with the Divine; this is the Great Work of humankind.
• Holds that if we would attain to the Divine, we must aspire to the Divine; spiritual growth cannot be achieved without human effort
• Is eclectic and draws material from sources spanning the entire Western Esoteric Tradition
• Is polytheistic, yet ultimately monotheisitic (i.e., posits a multiplicity of Manifestations of the Divine Which emanate from an ultimate Divine Unity)
• Holds that the Divine is both immanent and transcendent
• Holds that the Universe is Divine and basically good
• Teaches that when we seek the Divine, we may best begin with the Mysteries of Nature
• Encourages spiritual curiosity
• Understands that human beings can access the Subtle Realms through technique and aspiration; to this end, it embraces theurgy, meditation, ritual, and other spiritual and magical practices
• Urges those who seek the Divine to also seek balance in embracing all things
• Is a poetic rather than an ascetic worldview
57 replies
ITT Let Us Discuss Clothing for Wizards
I really want to have proper wizard clothing to enhance my metaphysical operations.
The right clothing could have potentially many uses from enhancing meditation, to blocking scalar waves, to being a natural orgone accumulator concentrating the good orgone energy in the body, to maintaining proper warmth and humidity around the body so as to prevent distractions, etc.
Silk is an important material for magicians (blocks scalar, used often for protecting magical objects).
Having pouches for storing herbs in can be important too, as just having certain herbs on your body can be a way to concentrate extra etheric energy around you, which then extends your ESP and can accomplish a variety of other effects.
Clothing which reflects certain colours can have a variety of effects too, probably black robes would be most ideal, and the hood can be pulled down over the eyes to make it easier to go into trance.
I don't know fuck all about making clothing or how to acquire it unfortunately.
Let us gather all our knowledge about clothing and its magical uses itt.
60 replies
Seriously. Fuck that shit. I understand that mental influences are a problem but fucking show off your powers in some way.
The world needs more mind fucks, things happening to make them question reality, to wake them up.
People who just hide their powers all the time and practise in secret exclusively need to pass on inspiration to others by doing miracles…
Stop being so secretive!! Show off!!
I personally will never be taking any oaths that require of me any secrecy. Indeed, I'd prefer not to be bound indefinitely by any oaths at all, as I will not accept restrictions upon myself.
14 replies
Beware, Ebola is going to be used to kill billions of humans, focus on light and protect yourself and heal yourself if you get it.
Be safe fellow hermetics
6 replies
"Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party came to power in 1933. Most occult leaders believed Hitler was The Great One."
555 is the kabalistic equivalent of an ancient Hebrew term meaning darkness. Also 555 is the numerical value of the word Necronomicon. Hitler’s Nazi party number was 555. The party began its numbering system at 500 to appear larger than it really was.
The truth is that Hitler was a Satanist. Being a politician, he worked at being diplomatic, given the power of the Christian Churchs at that time. Hitler was the long awaited leader that many German Satanic Lodges were working to bring into being. They needed a leader. Hitler, himself was a member of one of these Satanic Lodges.
Excerpt: "I would like to pass on some of the information which, according to Otti Votavova, she received directly from Franz Bardon. According to her, Adolf Hitler was a member of a 99 Lodge. Besides this, Hitler and some of his confidants were members of the Thule Order, which was simply the external instrument of a group of powerful Tibetan black magicians which used the members of the Thule Order for their own purposes." 1
"One of the early German Workers party members was publisher Dietrich Eckart, often referred to as the spiritual founder of National Socialism. Eckart saw in Hitler the malleable leader he had been seeking and was soon introducing the new member to the right social circles in Munich and his intellectual friends in the Thule [pronounced too-lee] Society. Although Eckart's role in metaphysical practices as well as in the foundation of the Nazi party has been marginalized by most historians, it is significant that Hitler clearly understood Eckart's importance." 2
"The inner core within the Thule Group were all Satanists who practiced Black Magic" [Trevor Ravenscroft, The Spear of Destiny © 1973]
As Dietrich Eckart lay dying in 1923, he said, 'Follow Hitler! He will dance, but it is I who have called the tune. I have initiated him into the 'Secret Doctrine', opened his centers in vision and given him the means to communicate with the Powers. Do not mourn for me: I shall have influenced history more than any other German.' 3
There is also plenty of proof that Hitler and the Third Reich were working relentlessly to destroy Christianity in all of its forms.
"I will crush Christianity under my boot like a poisonous toad."
"Judaism, Christianity, Bolshevism are all bound together. Comrades in agitation, born tools of decay, they possess the same talent to destroy the natural structure of society. Bolshevism is the historical and logical continuation of Christianity. It realizes on a technical level what Christianity has done on a metaphysical level."
- Adolf Hitler
A quote about Hitler's stance on Christianity from Alfred Rosenberg:
"He had never allowed a member of the clergy to a Party meeting or to the burial of a member of the Party. The Judeo-Christian plague was now heading towards its end. He said it was downright horrifying that a religion could ever have been possible which literally gobbled up its God in communion." 4
"A number of his closest accomplices shared Hitler's hate toward the Church and his decision to destroy it. Probably the best known among them were Bormann, Himmler, Heydrich, Rosenberg and Goebbels. Gerhard Reitlinger characterizes Himmler as follows: "Himmler's profession became destroying Jews, liberals and priests." 5
According to a note from the Holy See dated March 2, 1943:
"At the beginning of October 1941, the number of priests from the diocese "Warthegau," who were under arrest at Dachau, amounted to several hundred; but this number swelled considerably every month as a result of a strong intensification of police measures which resulted in the arrest and deportation of further hundreds of clerics." 6
"All Catholic schools were closed."
"An order of the Reich governor, dated August 19, 1941, said that young Germans could receive religious instructions only in the ages from 10 to 18 years old and, furthermore, only at the places of worship and one hour per week, which was to be set between 3 and 5 PM (excluding the days reserved for the exercises of the Hitler-youth). It was further ordered that the police had to be informed in advance regarding the time, the place and the instructional personnel. Several churches were removed from use as places of worship. With many others this happened later on; religious services were limited to specific hours" 7
What did Hitler have to say about "pure, original Christianity" and an "Aryan Christ?"
"Leave the hair-splitting to others. Whether it's the Old Testament or the New, or simply the sayings of Jesus, it's all the same old Jewish swindle. It will not make us free. A German church, a German Christianity is a distortion. One is either a German or a Christian. You cannot be both."
"Hitler made it clear that he was not interested in an "Aryanized Christianity" or the "Aryan Jesus" myth promoted by Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Von Liebenfels, and certain party members. "You cannot make an Aryan out of Jesus, that's nonsense. What needs to be done you say? I will tell you: we must prevent the churches from doing anything but, what they are doing now, that is, losing ground day by day. But we can hasten matters. The parsons will be made to dig their own graves." he stated." 8
50 replies
I am building up my occult library so I have lots of books for my eReader and am organizing them all…
>The Inner Temple of Witchcraft - Magick, Meditation and Psychic Development (Penczak Temple Series).pdf
^ does anyone have this book? Someone told me to get it long ago but I haven't been able to get a legit copy.
I'm renaming all my books to this format btw:
Author - Book Title - Edition.pdf
I'm going to put everything onto megaupload eventually too.
5 replies
What magical system(s) do you practice, if any, and why?
What made you choose the magical system you practice?
I practice Hermeticism, because of the wealth of knowledge and practical guides available.
33 replies
1. Is this magic thing for anything but your personal ego?
2. What can you do magically?
3. How do you know it's not just a form of insanity?
I'm genuinely interested in the forthcoming responses. I'm honestly inquiring
8 replies
Does anyone believe that demons can read thoughts? Is this even possible to find out?
17 replies
Practice is very important.
In this thread we give ourselves goals that we want to achieve. For example, one could set himself a goal that he will learn how to charge sigils within a week.
So get on it! Set yourself a goal and post it here! Do your best to achieve that goal - don't be lazy!
6 replies
According to Bashar the frequency of Marijuana is just below the template level-where you design physical reality. And you can break open to this level.
(must watch video)
The plant is a guide.
Thoughts on the Template Level? I myself seem to see reality in front of me sort of like an object, but I can't break through fully, I can't imagine what it would feel like. It's very intense but it's what lingers me back to using the herb. That is to experience the template level and transcending the 3D matrix illusion. I feel I don't commune very well with the plant either, though get pleasant effects and experiences, though not true clarity.
There seems to be some automatic 'preventing' function as well that hinders breaking through or w/e. I have trouble living in the moment, when I step in the moment it's very intense but then my left brain pops in… I've been very close and I feel that it's loosening. It's like you have to imagine something about template or snap into some sort of godly Spirit consciousness. I intuit a lot high and I experience more of my Spirit (if not only). Right brain plays great role? I've had many periodic great states of consciousness in moments, but then I forget…
To just wipe off my entire reality and create a new dream is very fascinating and it's what i truly wish. But I don't know " how " …
Let us connect to template level through this wonderful plant
501 replies
Old music thread seems to be on auto sage, can we get a new one going?
>New Age Track for Meditation,Yoga,Massage & Deep Sleep
I love falling asleep to this one after having fapped, found it 2 days ago
107 replies
So someone asked me to repost this here, and i shall grant you this wish. This is pretty much the gist of it, everything below the last post you see in there was just casual chatter. Also i've made more than half of the posts in that thread, and to my knowledge i'm the only one who distributes the Irlmaier prophecies on a regular basis - Although i would welcome any new converts with open arms.
Take care, cuz Ragnarok be coming to your town soon.
8 replies
Never forget that 'reasonable' science was founded… by an Angel… in a dream…
The following is from Terence Mckenna's Tree of Knowledge:
"…Till recently, I thought that that was the end of the story but there is a coda that is very amusing, if nothing else. In that Hapsburgian army, there was a young soldier of fortune, only 19 years old, still wet behind the ears, knowing nothing, happily soldiering and wenching his way around Europe while he decided what to do with himself and his name was
Rene Descartes, a Frenchman. Descartes, in his later years, reminisced about his period as a soldier in this army and I like to think that it was Descartes who actually murdered Maier. One of my ambitions is to write a play or a novel in which these two confront each other in a back alley of burning Prague and carry on a debate about the future of Europe before Michael Maier falls to the sword of Descartes. That may be apocryphal, but what is not apocryphal is that this Hapsburgian army, having laid siege and destroyed the alchemical kingdom, began to retreat across Europe that Fall and by Mid-September was camped near the town of Uolm in Southern Germany.
By a strange coincidence, Uolm is the birthplace of Einstein some hundreds of years later.
But on the night of September 16th, Descartes had a dream and in this dream an angel appeared to him, this is documented by his own hand, and the angel said to Descartes, "The conquest of nature is to be achieved through measure and number." And that revelation lay the basis for modern science.
Rene Descartes is the founder of the distinction between the res verins and the res extensia, the founder of modern science, the founder of the scientific method that created the philosophical engines that created the modern world. How many scientists, working at their workbenches, understand that an angel chartered modern science? It’s the alchemical angel which will not die. It returns again and again to guide the destinies of nations and peoples toward an unimaginable conclusion."
514 replies
Masturbation is a meaningless indulgence. Masturbation harms your spiritual growth.
Quitting is hard, but not impossible. I hope this thread will serve as a motivation. Here are the rules, if you post in this thread:
1) Pledge an amount of time. Preferably a number of weeks. Post it in this thread.
2) If you break your pledge, you must also confess your transgression in this thread.
3) If you keep your pledge you may reward yourself… with more time pledged!
4) For purposes of this thread, "masturbation" is defined as touching your genitals for purposes other than basic hygiene and expulsion of wastes.
As the starter of this thread, it would be unfair of me not to make a pledge. So starting now, I pledge four weeks.
10 replies
Well I ran across mention of orgone energy. And lately I have been playing with Tesla's cosmic energy collector. And I came to realize they are the same thing.
Tesla's cosmic energy collector is this. Take a capacitor, run a wire from one connection to the ground/earth. Wire the other connection to an insulated piece of metal put up high off the ground (higher the better). The insulated metal will collect positively charged particles, while the earth is negatively charged. I did this using a coil of insulated wire for the positive side. It does work. It charged my capacitor at a rate that would equal 1 volt every 2 hours. Ya not much but it does work. I see it as a motionless static charge collector.
Then you have orgone devices which are metal (and sometime crystals) incased in resin (an insulator).
Your body does act as a capacitor. And if your bare feet touch the ground….You become Tesla's device.
So does anyone else see the connection here?
Some reference to Tesla's cosmic energy collector. Seems he just proved free energy was available, but this device was not practical. He later made a device that was, but that design is a mystery.
16 replies
We can all accept that the mind is really powerful and can generate experiences of whole new reality in vivid detail right? Even the retarded hardline materialist sceptics usually can accept that fact right
(I hope, I've seen some of them denying dreams exit, and similarly over-the-top physicalist claims that are totally out of touch with reality; I hope they were just trolling).
We can also accept that some people are better at this than others and certain habits can make it easier to fall into.
So why do so many people play stupid games and get caught up in things in life that aren't very rewarding experiences at all when they've got all this potential right there in their mind to be unlocked through the imagination?
The choice here is:
Be a cunt who hates fantasy and imagination and magic, doesn't want to play along, and instead engages in the bullshit and stress of this world in which you work a shitty job and spew stupid depressing slogans like YOLO and "Life is meaningless!" and gets divorced and blah blah normalfag shit.
Stop criticizing the strange dudes who think they're wizards and see what it is they're actually up to and try it out and have fun.
So many people get so angry when you start talking about magic. It's almost as bad as being racist in public, possibly worse. There's a huge stigma around magic and they think you're mentally ill.
So why are they like this? I think they've been programmed to respond that way because it's clearly not a rational response.
Personally whenever I see someone making some claims about something or putting a forward a position my goal has always been to be very receptive and polite and to try to understand them. These people who deny magic though are the same as the anti-racists who deny race out of hand, they just KNOW it's wrong without ever having even seriously talked to an occultist, and think they can dismiss it just like that.
I don't know about you guys but if magic "isn't real" then I'd prefer to develop whatever these skills are that let oneself have a vivid imagination and I don't care if it means being out of touch with reality; who wants to be in touch with a reality as bleak as this one? …and if magic is real, I reap the benefits and the faggots who never believed won't.
Can anyone who is an ex-sceptic explain the way people react when you start talking about magic being real? A few people have thought I was joking at first btw but then realized I was serious and they always respond with a lot of fear and anger at that point.
28 replies
I'm afraid the universe is benevolent and love is more fundamental.
I've been trying to think of a way to do harm onto others without it coming back at myself but it seems almost impossible.
I want to bask myself in hatred and other such feelings because I am so fond of them. I like to hate and to mope and to experience the negative emotions. I get no joy out of it but am compelled to swim in them.
The only problem is it appears to fracture my mind further, to degenerate my body, and to weaken me. Why does this happen? Why can't I bask in feelings of suffering and disgust and whatever else I want to feel without it changing my form and weakening me?
I can only get stronger through love. The universe demands that I radiate love and virtue very strongly and rewards me with health, vitality, and a stronger mind.
It should also be apparent that the creative, generative principle comes first before the destructive, degenerative principle. Nothing can be destroyed without first having been nurtured to its height. Nothing can be put to rest without first having been put into motion.
There appears to be an imbalance in the universe that is in favour of love and creation. It is unstoppable.
This pisses me off though. I don't care about suffering and love and so on. What I want is a totally different thing – to break away limitations – to attain boundless freedoms. The only ethical imperative should be to be free of restrictions.
How do I overcome the demands of the universe for me to love?
This universe isn't edgy enough for me.
32 replies
Hello, my magical friends. I have three questions for you.
1) Are you planning to pass down the knowledge you accumulated over the years? (if you do,then what will be your method?)
2) Do you try to enlighten your normal friends (if you have normal friends)?
3) Did you have/had a teacher?
19 replies
It has become apparent to me that we need a list of mundanes, similar to the AWEL, who have doubted magic or who have pretended to be wizards but aren't really and were just fucking around with us.
Note that for the sake of this list I define a person as a wizard or "greenpill" when they have a sincere interest in the understanding and practise of magic so that includes neophytes and so on. Those individuals who don't practise magic, don't read occult books, don't make any genuine inquiry into the matter with the intent of actually understanding what we wizards do; these are mundanes who need to go on the shitlist.
The purpose of this list is to remember who the doubters and the mockers are so that when the time comes we have developed siddhis or any advanced occult powers that we can use upon them, we may give them a complete mindfuck and cause some mischief in their life for their lack of faith and sincerity.
Submit any pseudonames / nicknames you know to the list.
For offences there should be these particular offences:
> Doubter
- someone who added their doubt to what we're doing, creating unnecessary resistance to our magical works being brought into manifestation.
> Mocker
- someone who thought the idea of magic and wizardry was so absurd he took to mocking us and thinking it was a joke, particularly in a mean-spirited way
> Faker
- someone who tried to infiltrate us subversively by pretending to be a wizard in a very shallow and superficial way, talking our sort of language and using our memes, but having no real interest or belief in the actual doing of magic and thinking this was all just some stupid roleplay or a weird community for them to mess around with
List of Mundanes
Name - Offence
1. ???
2. ???
3. ???
47 replies
Why should I start into the Occult?
Also, where should I start? I've read up on Thelema , Goetia, and Wicca so far. I know the basics of the LBRP but I don't memorize the names of the angels. I've only performed rituals from the Joy of Satan Ministries (BAD IDEA)
Any help?
Pic unrelated, Goetic sigils.
9 replies
See this kid
2 replies
Magic of the Will
I have an overly-simplified theory of magic I thought of.
At first I was thinking, no, that can't be all there is to it… but then I thought of ways to make it fit everything.
It could be that magic all comes down to cultivation of the will.
Every practice is about
To become skilled in magic you need to grow your will through a wide variety of practices where you overcome impulse and assert control over yourself.
Meditation –
it's about controlling your thoughts by clearing your mind and assuming control then over your thought processes.
It is very hard to do. Your mind always wants to think things and is prone to looping phrases. Keeping your mind still and blocking out irrelevant sensory input is a huge challenge. When you try to stop thinking and stay clear, you start to realize how difficult it is to control your own thoughts, and how what you think of as your thoughts may not actually truly be your own. The magician practices meditation to gain control of his thoughts, enhance his focus, and control his perception all by means of an exertion of will.
Sex magic –
there are a variety of sexual practices involving abstinence, control, or endurance which wizards practice.
Not fapping, having conscious control over arousal, summoning or banishing succubus, avoiding orgasm in sexual intercourse or avoiding cumming, and also trying to produce feelings of lust or attraction in others all are about willpower and self-mastery. It is another way to become more conscious and to overcome environmental input.
Evocation –
bringing fourth entities, often of a demonic nature, and usually staying safe within a circle while doing; this is another test of the will which magicians need to pass again & again.
Every demon exploits your weaknesses and vices if it can. They tempt you, they inspire fear in you, they try to make you do foolish things, etc. Successfully resisting the demonic influences makes you very mentally and spiritually powerful.
Exercise & martial arts –
monks perfect their bodies physically and undergo a lot of trials in the process.
This very obviously is another test of the will and a way to make your body powerful and assertive. There are a lot of quotes that come to mind btw about how conquering the mind is much harder than all those physical trials. I agree. They are still a stepping stone there though and many physical exertions can put you into a trance with repetition and a strong vitality makes your energetic body also more powerful I think. These physical practices are of importance to one's magical development I believe.
Various other trials –
Many magical orders have some sort of initiation that involves a test of will.
The ONA encourages its members to go into the forest I think for a whole year and live in total isolation out there. Other groups test people in different ways. Many rituals which monks do involve incredible patience, endurance, etc. These are more ways to cultivate the will, which seems to be the key to magic.
The development of the will is a critical element to successful magic. An aspiring wizard should seek to test himself in every way he can think of. I believe that those who say we picked this life and that everything is a choice and that we can and do manifest our own realities are mostly wrong. There may be some who are at an advanced state of development who really do make those choices, likely having suffered a setback while in a higher plane, to end up here. The rest of us I believe have developed out of an inferior animal state with very little freewill but we are gradually expanding our consciousness and becoming more powerful. As we develop more spiritually (reach a higher vibration), the range of choices we can make expands, and we have more freewill. On this shared plane there is a massive conflict of wills and more powerful entities also suppress us but we yearn to be more free to manifest our will and resonate with planes more suiting to our development.
Consider this quote out of
The Kybalion - Chapter 12:
"The majority of people are more or less the slaves of heredity, environment, etc., and manifest very little Freedom. They are swayed by the opinions, customs and thoughts of the outside world, and also by their emotions, feelings, moods, etc. They manifest no Mastery, worthy of the name. They indignantly repudiate this assertion, saying, "Why, I certainly am free to act and do as I please — I do just what I want to do," but they fail to explain whence arise the "want to" and "as I please." What makes them "want to" do one thing in preference to another; what makes them "please" to do this, and not do that? Is there no "because" to their "pleasing" and "wanting"? The Master can change these "pleases" and "wants" into others at the opposite end of the mental pole. He is able to "Will to will," instead of to will because some feeling, mood, emotion, or environmental suggestion arouses a tendency or desire within him so to do.
The majority of people are carried along like the falling stone, obedient to environment, outside influences and internal moods, desires, etc., not to speak of the desires and wills of others stronger than themselves, heredity, environment, and suggestion, carrying them along without resistence on their part, or the exercise of the Will. Moved like the pawns on the checkerboard of life, they play their parts and are laid aside after the game is over. But the Masters, knowing the rules of the game, rise above the plane of material life, and placing themselves in touch with the higher powers of their nature, dominate their own moods, characters, qualities, and polarity, as well as the environment surrounding them and thus become Movers in the game, instead of Pawns — Causes instead of Effects. The Masters do not escape the Causation of the higher planes, but fall in with the higher laws, and thus master circumstances on the lower plane. They thus form a conscious part of the Law, instead of being mere blind instruments. While they Serve on the Higher Planes, they Rule on the Material Plane."
– http://www.kybalion.org/kybalion.php?chapter=XII
6 replies
Another past-life researcher who turned up evidence suggestive that the mind has a hand in creating one's destiny was the late San Francisco-based psychologist Dr. Helen Wambach. Wambach's approach was to hypnotize groups of people in small workshops, regress them to specified time periods, and ask them a predetermined list of questions about their sex, clothing style, occupation, utensils used in eating, and so on. Over the course of her twenty-nine-year investigation of the past-life phenomenon, she hypnotized literally thousands of individuals and amassed some impressive findings.
One criticism leveled against reincarnation is that people only seem to remember past lives as famous or historical personages. Wambach, however, found that more than 90 percent of her subjects recalled past lives as peasants, laborers, farmers, and primitive food gatherers. Less than 10 percent remembered incarnations as aristocrats, and none remembered being anyone famous, a finding that argues against the notion that past-life memories are fantasies. Her subjects were also extraordinarily accurate when it came to historical details, even obscure ones. For instance, when people remembered lives in the 1700s, they described using a three-pronged fork to eat their evening meals, but after 1790 they described most forks as having four prongs, an observation that correctly reflects the historical evolution of the fork. Subjects were equally accurate when it came to describing clothing and footwear, types of foods eaten, et cetera.
Wambach discovered she could also
people to future lives. Indeed, her subjects' descriptions of coming centuries were so fascinating she conducted a major future-life-progression project in France and the United States. Unfortunately, she passed away before completing the study, but psychologist Chet Snow, a former colleague of Wambach's, carried on her work and recently published the results in a book entitled Mass Dreams of the Future.
When the reports of the 2,500 people who participated in the project were tallied, several interesting features emerged. First, virtually all of the respondents agreed that the population of the earth had decreased dramatically. Many did not even find themselves in physical bodies in the various future time periods specified, and those who did noted that the population was much smaller than it is today.
In addition, the respondents divided up neatly into four categories, each relating a different future. One group described a joyless and sterile future in which most people lived in space stations, wore silvery suits, and ate synthetic food. Another, the "New Agers," reported living happier and more natural lives in natural settings, in harmony with one another, and in dedication to learning and spiritual development. Type 3, the "hi-tech urbanites, " described a bleak mechanical future in which people lived in underground cities and cities enclosed in domes and bubbles. Type 4 described themselves as post-disaster survivors living in a world that had been ravaged by some global, possibly nuclear, disaster. People in this group lived in homes ranging from urban ruins to caves to isolated farms, wore plain handsewn clothing that was often made of fur, and obtained much of their food by hunting.
What is the explanation? Snow turns to the holographic model for the answer, and like Loye, believes that such findings suggest that there are several potential futures, or holoverses, forming in the gathering mists of fate. But like other past-life researchers he also believes we create our own destiny, both individually and collectively, and thus the four scenarios are really a glimpse into the various potential futures the human race is creating for itself en masse.
Consequently, Snow recommends that instead of building bomb shelters or moving to areas that won't be destroyed by the "coming Earth changes" predicted by some psychics, we should spend time believing in and visualizing a positive future. He cites the Planetary Commission—the ad hoc collection of millions of individuals around the world who have agreed to spend the hour of 12:00 to 1:00 P.M., Greenwich mean time, each December thirty-first united in prayer and meditation on world peace and healing—as a step in the right direction. "If we are continually shaping our future physical reality by today's collective thoughts and actions, then the time to wake up to the alternative we have created is
now, " states Snow. "The choices between the kind of Earth represented by each of the Types are clear. Which do we want for our grandchildren? Which do we want perhaps to return to ourselves someday?"
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A bodhisattva is someone who says from the depth of his or her heart, “I want to be liberated and find ways to overcome all the problems of the world. I want to help all my fellow beings to do likewise. I long to attain the highest state of everlasting peace and happiness, in which all suffering has ceased, and I want to do so for myself and for all sentient beings.” According to the Buddha’s teaching, anyone who makes this firm and heartfelt commitment is a bodhisattva. We become bodhisattvas from the moment we have this vast and open heart, called bodhichitta, the mind bent on bringing lasting happiness to all sentient beings.
Buddhist literature defines three types of bodhisattvas: the king-like bodhisattva, the captain-like bodhisattva, and the shepherd-like bodhisattva.
A king-like bodhisattva
is like a good king who first wants everything luxurious for himself, like a big palace, a large entourage, a beautiful queen, and so on. But once his happiness has been achieved, he also wants to help and support his subjects as much as possible. Accordingly, a kinglike bodhisattva has the motivation, “First, I want to free myself from samsara and attain perfect enlightenment. As soon as I have reached buddhahood, I will help all other sentient beings to become buddhas as well.”
A captain-like bodhisattva
would say, “I would like to become a buddha, and I will take all other sentient beings along with me so that we reach enlightenment together.” This is just as the captain of a ship crosses the sea, he takes his passengers with him, and they reach the far shore simultaneously.
A shepherd-like bodhisattva
is inspired by thinking, “I want to help all sentient beings to reach enlightenment and see the truth. Only when this is achieved and samsara is emptied will I become a buddha myself.” In actual fact it may not happen this way, but anyone who has this motivation is called a “shepherd-like bodhisattva.” In the old days, sheep were not kept in fenced pastures, and the shepherds had to bring them down from the mountains to protect them from wolves. They would follow behind the sheep, guiding them into their pen and lock them in. A shepherd would take care of his sheep first, and only then would he go home and eat.
The bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara developed this shepherdlike motivation and is therefore considered to be the most courageous and compassionate of beings. He vowed, “I will not attain complete enlightenment until I have led all sentient beings to liberation without leaving a single one behind.”
Ringu Tulku Rinpoche.
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Everything I imagine comes to pass.
Nobody else seems to be an independent being to me, it feels like everyone is just my sockpuppets.
It's like you're all imaginal constructs.
I just want to lock myself up in my room and not emerge for years until I have honed my imagination with such skill as to bring into manifestation anything I imagine instantly while at the same time, if possible, preventing certain thoughts from having a strong effect on reality so that I may think them without them causing unwanted changes.
I've accidentally imagined some bad things into happening with the carelessness of my thoughts in the past…
How do I give another being their freewill - at least to some degree? I feel that I control some other persons completely with my imagination but want them to be independent enough not to be effected by my negative imaginings. Every time someone says something to me it feels like a message from my subconscious, like the person is just an aspect of myself talking to me, telling me what I need to hear in that moment.
I don't feel separated from anything except in a temporary sense but not in an absolute sense. Everything is my body, every mind may be mine to experience through.
I feel such immense emotional burden right now and regret my negative thoughts tainting the universe which is my self but I don't know what to do with it. I have such huge swellings of negative emotion which I feel is mostly coming from everything I am most immediately connected to at present and impulses to do bad things but I'm ignoring it all and staying focused on helping but I have so much work to do it's really overwhelming.
It's hard for me not to imagine everything including all kinds of bad things, it's like a blind impulse within me, as if I were the demiurge himself. It just happens as I struggle to imagine something into being I see things distorted, diseased, harmed, etc. until I get in control of it and see something better then that happens but while I'm working on something good it's like I'm also thinking bad thoughts at the same time, so as I try to help in one area, my thoughts create suffering elsewhere where I am not disciplined enough to control them as well.
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Does anyone else think that sexual intercourse and the kind of thoughts, beliefs, and emotions the people are having when they do it influences the development of the soul of that child which is conceived?
I know there's some religious texts saying that they should focus on god when they make their child.
There's some other practises as well.
It's all rather vague in my mind.
I know how important it is to make a tulpa just right and give it all the right and this has gotten me very paranoid about the act of procreation because I'm quite sure we can and do influence what kind of spirit is destined to incarnate in that body. The average person surely does it unintentionally whereas the wise person would know exactly what to do to ensure the best results.
I don't want to fuck it up, I want to know all the occult knowledge pertaining to it, so I can create the perfect child with the perfect soul.
There's also some occult texts I'm sure about trying to get gods, demons, and other high level entities to incarnate in a child you conceive.
Lets discuss absolutely everything related to the magical / occult aspects of creating a child.
1 reply
Does anyone know how to get rid of them?
I've been doing vipassana meditation and chi gong for last several years and I made great progress but had lots of rough times. Last time 2 days ago and I met someone that said I have 12 "sonds" coming out from my head.
It has been my experience that I had too many rough times, especially when things start working up, so I wonder if these flyers really do exist and actively attack everyone working on raising their frequency, becoming happier etc.
I am not sure if these flyers are real, but if they are I've had them since childhood - I had rough childhood.
How to get rid of them?
So far I have found only this:
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Holy fuck
Holy fuck
Holy fuck
I know there has been a few topics about masturbation/sex but this video takes the cake
I don't want to explain it in a short post because you have to watch the whole thing to understand the message.
Starting tonight, I am going to put my entire focus into Brahmacharya, White Tantra, and transmute my sexual energy through alchemy by forgoing the desire of orgasm.
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General Norse Gods thread.
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Whoever reads this book expecting to find an informative essay on "sugarcoated" commercial esotericism will be greatly disappointed.
The Stellar Man is about a science more elevated than any now known, and what it can do for mankind.
This wisdom, the true origin of all knowledge, represents the highest treasure that the human being can ever succeed in possessing in this or any other century, on the planet Earth or anywhere else in the far reaches of the Universe. It is the arte magnum, the perfect vision of the essential reality of Nature, which encompasses developing the capacity to see oneself objectively, and evaluating the true level of development of one's own instrument of knowledge, the mind.
9 replies
Creation of an Occult Video
I brought this idea up in /illuminati/ before the password changed, but I think it would work better here anyway.
The basic idea is that we create an occult video with intent of spreading an occult current/having our sigils and chants charged through other people watching it, I have some ideas on what to include but other ideas are welcome. We also need someone who has skills at video editing.
1. Fire sigils, an effective way of using other peoples loosh to charge a sigil is by creating an impression on them using it. I've done this before on webcam. My method was, make a sigil the size of your thumb and first finger together at the tips, not the inner circle but rather the outside, along the top of your first finger. The sigils should be made from CHAOSVOID. Then poke a matchstick through the middle of it with the head of the match on the front of the sigil, move it toward a webcam that's recording, twirl it very slightly for effect, then using a lighter (out of sight) set fire to the matchstick head. The whole thing should go up in blaze of glory then burn itself out. Several people can do this and this can be cut into the video. The sigils can be charged before doing this for extra effect, just make sure that the sigil looks good and the video clip itself looks good.
2. Chaote chants that we've made and recorded for background music.
3. Gematric numbers to flash up on screen inbetween cuts.
4. Filmed ritual performed following the general intent of the piece in appropriate clothing and background, no point in adding it unless it is impressive and suitable.
5. Some crazy shit like painting a sigil on your shirt and then setting fire to your shirt while wearing it, we'd only need a few seconds of film for this to be effective, try not to end up in hospital if you do this. There's probably some flame proof material you could wear under teh shirt, have a friend with a bucket of water or fire extinguisher nearby.
5. Clips from movies, creepy gifs anything else that fits the theme.
This could take a long time to create or be done in a relatively short amount of time if we're lucky and motivated enough.
Once complete we introduce it to /x/ as an underground occult video (not through spamming or with chaosvoid as a name that'd be too obvious) and have the sigils charged and the chaosvoid current spread by them watching it.
24 replies
Discovering the Way of the Shaman
The Way of the Shaman
by Michael Harner
Chapter 1. Discovering the way
In 1960 and 1961, the American Museum of Natural History invited me to make a year-long expedition to the Peruvian Amazon to study the culture of the Conibo Indians of the Ucayali River region. I accepted, delighted to have an opportunity to do more research on the fascinating Upper Amazon forest cultures.
Two particular experiences I had among the Conibo and the Jivaro were basic to my discovering the way of the shaman in both those cultures, and I would like to share them with you. Perhaps they will convey something of the incredible hidden world open to the shamanic explorer.
I had been living for the better part of a year in a Conibo Indian village beside a remote lake off a tributary to the Rio Ucayali. My anthropological research on the culture of the Conibo had been going well, but my attempts to elicit information on their religion me with little success. The people were very friendly, but reluctant to talk about the supernatural. Finally they told me that if I really wished to learn, I must take the shaman's sacred drink made from ayahuasca, the "soul vine." I agreed, with both curiousity and trepidation, for they warned me that the experience would be very frightening.
The next morning my friend Tomas, the kind elder of the village, went into the forest to cut the vines. Before leaving, he told me to fast: a light breakfast and no lunch. He returned midday with enough ayahuasca vines and leaves of the cawa plant to fill a fifteen gallon pot. He boiled them all afternoon, until only about a quart of dark liquid remained. This he poured into an old bottle and left it to cool until sunset, when he said we would drink it.
The Indians muzzled the dogs in the village so that they could not bark. The noise of barking dogs cold drive a man who had taken ayahuasca mad, I was told. The children were cautioned to be quiet, and silence came over the small community with the setting of the sun.
As the brief equatorial twilight was replaced by darkness, Tomas poured about a third of the bottle into a gourd bowl and gave it to me. All the Indians were watching. I felt like Socrates amidst his Athenian compatriots, accepting the hemlock - it occurred to me that one of the alternate names people in the Peruvian Amazon gave ayahuasca was "the little death." I drank the potion quickly. It had a strange, slightly bitter taste. I then waited for Tomas to take his turn, but he said that he had decided not to participate after all.
They had me lie down on the bamboo platform under the great thatched roof of the communal house. The village was silent, except for the chirping of crickets and the distant calls of a howler monkey deep in the jungle.
As I stared upward into the darkness, faint lines of light appeared. They grew sharper, more intricate, and burst into brilliant colors. Sound came from far away, a sond like a waterfall, which grew stronger and stronger until it filled my ears.
Just a few minutes earlier I had been disappointed, sure that the ayahuasca was not going to have any effect on me. Now the sound of rushing water flooded my brain. My jaw began to feel numb, and the numbness was moving up to my temples.
Overhead the faint lines became brighter, and gradually interlaced to form a canopy resembling a geometric mosaic of stained glass. The bright violet hues formed an ever-expanding roof above me. Within this celestial cavern, I heard the sound of water grow louder and I could see dim figures engaged in shadowy movements. As my eyes seemed to adjust to the gloom, the moving scene resolved itself into something resembling a huge fun house, a supernatural carnival of demons. In the center, presiding over the activities, and looking directly at me, was a gigantic, grinning crocodilian head, from whose cavernous jaws gushed a torrential flood of water. Slowly the waters rose, and so did the canopy above them, until the scene was metamorphosed into a simple duality of blue sky above and sea below. All creatures had vanished.
Then, from my position near the surface of the water, I began to see two strange boats wafting back and forth, floating through the air towards me, coming closer and closer. They slowly combined to form a single vessel with a huge dragon-headed prow, not unlike that of a Viking ship. Set amidships was a square sail. Gradually, as the boat gently floated back and forth above me, I heard a rhythmic swishing sound and saw that it was a giant galley with several hundred oars moving back and forth in cadence with the sound.
I became conscious, too, of the most beautiful singing I have ever heard in my life, high-pitched and ethereal, emanating from myriad voices on board the galley. As I looked more closely at the deck, I could make out large numbers of people with the heads of blue jays and the bodies of humans, not unlike the bird-headed gods of ancient Egypt.
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Pic Related: This man is Víctor Manuel Gómez Rodríguez, also known as The Venerable Master Samael Aun Weor. Born: March 6, 1917, Bogotá, Colombia. Died: December 24, 1977.
This mans followers believe that he has completed the great work and become an ascended master. In life, he wrote many books and started an interesting movement called that has changed names many times but is widely referred to as "Gnosis". This is not the gnosis commonly referred to here on /fringe/. This is a hierarchical organization that goes about basically greenpilling people by way of public lecture, and then graduation into varying levels of private initiation.
Claiming to be the keepers of the knowledge of the Templar Knights, they teach symbolism, deep meditation/trance, strengthening of the chakras, self awareness, astral travel/lucid dreaming/astral projection, pranayama, theosophy, vocalization/mantra, and convey mysteries. This is all done with HEAVY emphasis on transmutation of sexual energy and the wrongness of masturbation and intercourse, or fornication. In fact, see fornication as the work of only Satanist magicians and maintain that there is no voluntary expulsion of sexual fluid allowed passed the public level, else the fornicator be excommunicated. You and I know that we refrain from "burping the worm" to develop the will necessary to control this fragile and malleable reality.
Now, are any of my friends on /fringe/ aware of this mystery school? What are your thoughts? Additional information?
Their website:
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Let's discuss our experiences around the topic of Chapel Perilous.
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Have you ever heard about the Uberman sleep schedule? It is basically about sleeping twenty minutes every four hours instead of having a big chunk of 6-12 hours long sleep each night.
On the first day of this sleep schedule, your brain would be very sleep deprived and if you resist all the way long and impose these conditions to your brain, it may adapt to it and you would start dreaming intensively, vividly and rapidly during these twenty minutes.
If you want to get started with it, i suggest you read more about the subject.
There are already people who were on this sleep schedule for month, reporting to crave for food they never craved before. All of them report constantly feeling great and energetic. They also report having lucid dreams more often.
Logs of a guy who did it..
Also self improvement general. Magic or not.
8 replies
Hey smiley, I just felt like I got my body to start burning fat.
How do I get it to stop?
My fat feels, electrified, vibrating, pretty cool though
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What are you reading right now?
Pic related is what I'm reading.
I will give a book review of it when I'm done.
Interesting claim it makes: vampires were the result of people killing other people during salt shortages in medieval times and drinking the blood of others in order to get more salt and continue to live.
11 replies
>The Ganzfeld effect (from German for “complete field”) is a phenomenon of visual perception caused by staring at an undifferentiated and uniform field of color. The effect is described as the loss of vision as the brain cuts off the unchanging signal from the eyes. The result is "seeing black"[1] - apparent blindness.
>In the 1930s, research by psychologist Wolfgang Metzger established that when subjects gazed into a featureless field of vision they consistently hallucinated and their electroencephalograms changed.
Basically you block out any sights and noise (using a radio for white noise/static).
“For quite a long time, there was nothing except a green-greyish fog. It was really boring, I thought, ‘ah, what a non-sense experiment!’ Then, for an indefinite period of time, I was ‘off’, like completely absent-minded. Then, all of sudden, I saw a hand holding a piece of chalk and writing on a black-board something like a mathematical formula. The vision was very clear, but it stayed only for few seconds and disappeared again. The image did not fill up the entire visual field, it was just like a ‘window’ into that foggy stuff.”
“an urban scenery, like an empty avenue after a rain, large areas covered with water, and the city sky-line reflected in the water surface like in a mirror.”
“a clearing in a forest [Lichtung], a place bathed in bright sun-shine, and the trunks of trees around. A feeling of a tranquile summer afternoon in a forest, so quiet, so peaceful. And then, suddenly, a young woman passed by on a bicycle, very fast, she crossed the visual field from the right to the left, with her blond long hair waving in the air. The image of the entire scene was very clear, with many details, and yes, the colours were very vivid.”
“I can see his face, still, it's very expressive… [I could see] only the horse that comes as if out of clouds. A white horse that jumped over me.”
“A friend of mine and I, we were inside a cave. We made a fire. There was a creek flowing under our feet, and we were on a stone. She had fallen into the creek, and she had to wait to have her things dried. Then she said to me: ‘Hey, move on, we should go now’.”
“It was like running a bob sleigh on an uneven runway right down… [There] was snow or maybe water running down… I could hear music, there was music coming from the left side below.”
“In the right side of the visual field, a manikin suddenly appeared. He was all in black, had a long narrow head, fairly broad shoulders, very long arms and a relatively small trunk…. He approached me, stretching out his hands, very long, very big, like a bowl, and he stayed so for a while, and then he went back to where he came from, slowly.”
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Last one seems to be in auto sage. Let's get going! Any questions related to the occult, magick, religion, etc are all excepted. Feel free to ask any and all questions.
If you would like to get Smiley's opinion on something or ask Him a question, please go to
where you can ask him whatever you want and whenever you want.
Ask away!
13 replies
I went outside into my garden and I have this one square pot out there with holes in it that's filled with water and is kind of a bird bath right.
There's a pinecone floating in the water and I went and looked at it then applied my will to moving the pinecone since it was suspended in the water there, slowly rotating in circles, and I want to make it move contrary to that natural pattern.
So I looked at it intently and first started to try to visualize it being moved but then instead I just focused really intensely and exerted my will and something wonderful happen! The still water RIPPLED!
I then applied myself more. MORE RIPPLES! Then I stop focusing and the ripples stop. Then I apply myself again and get even more ripples with greater intensity!
It was so wonderful. At first I thought maybe it was just a fluke but multiple times in a row I made the water ripple, each time with more intensity, and each time it stopping the moment I took my focus off of it and stopped with my intention and exertion of will.
The correspondence between the ripples and what I was doing mentally was very exact.
I am so excited /fringe/! I used to meditate upon water thoughtforms before and evoke undines. Now in my garden it seems that I can manipulate water with my body, and I never I also had my mouth completely closed and tried blowing hard through my nostrils a few times to make sure it wasn't the breath moving and indeed it was not.
Also after doing all that and coming inside it seemed as if the air was rippling/swirling around me even as I looked at this computer screen and I felt pressure coming fourth from the region of my brain and it feels like my whole mind is very excited / awake when moments ago I was drowsy because it's the morning. I think perhaps I am manipulating the flow of the air with my mind.
Pic related is the water and pinecone.
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I've been lurking here for a while now and want to start meditating again but I can't stop myself from masturbating.
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Conspiracy General
Discuss the Jews etc. and post any and all conspiracy theories you have/see. The only rule is you may not show proof, but only good points. Because solving the conspiracy makes it boring. Don't be a party pooper.
14 replies
Has magick ever gotten you a gf?
Or a lot of cash?
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I found a guy who uses energy healing and chi to manipulate electronics same way I do.
Should we add this to the greenpills thread?
Check it out it's awesome.
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Anyone tried the Ars Notoria? I got to the first lunation (four days in) and did the meditation for the theology figures and the phosphenes in my eyes organized themselves into an eyeball and I forced myself into it and then saw these Hebrew letters. Unfortunately I forgot them. It wasn't hypnagogia or a hallucination it was just those colors on the inside of your eyelids.
15 replies
Hello /fringe/ I am here to bring some credibility and class back to the name of Tarot. Tbh all these 'love readings', 'future readings', etc kinda piss me off. People are using a beautiful thing for such root purposes…
I Attempt to use the tarot in a bit more of an introspective fashion. Anyone who asks a good question will receive a good answer~~
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What if the strange celestial spirits described in the grimoires are not angels or fairies or planetary intelligences, but aliens who made contact with the Middle Ages peoples to study them? That would explain their bizarre descriptions and belief that they come from space.
Pic unrelated.
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Herbs & their Magickal Properties
Acacia : Protection, Psychic Powers, Money and Love Spells
Adam & Eve Roots : Love, Happiness
Adders Tongue : Healing
African Violet : Spirituality, Protection
Agaric : Fertility
Agrimony : Protection, Sleep
Ague Root : Protection
Alfalfa : Prosperity, Anti-Hunger, Money
Alkanet : Purification, Prosperity
Allspice : Money, Luck, Healing
Almond : Money, Prosperity, Wisdom
Aloe : Protection, Luck
Aloes, Wood : Love, Spirituality
Althea : Protection, Psychic Powers
Alyssum : Protection, Moderating Anger
Amaranth : Healing Heartbreak, Protection, Invisibility,
Anemone : Health, Protection, Healing
Angelica : Exorcism, Protection, Healing, Visions
Anise : Protection, Purification, Youth
Apple : Love, Healing, Garden Magic, Immortality
Apricot : Love
Arabic Gum : Spirituality, Purify Negativity and Evil
Arbutus : Exorcism, Protection
Asafoetida : Exorcism, Purification, Protection
Ash : Protection, Prosperity, Sea Rituals, Health
Aspen : Eloquence, Anti-Theft
Aster : Love
Avens : Exorcism, Purification, Love
Avocado : Love, Lust, Beauty
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Post everything you know about spiritual energy. Harnessing it, using it on others, links to youtube videos, etc please. Will delete thread after a sufficient amount of posts.
I made a first draft but I ran out of time and feel I didn't do much explaining. Please help me make a full fledged energy thread with detail.
Have some nihilism, pic related.
36 replies
FRV - Making it Rain
I found during my magical experiments something very profound.
I kind of want to wait to have a witness before I do it in full but if you guys insist I may do it anyways just on my own, not sure what the consequences of it will be, or if I'll be able to get back to post here…
I've been working on raising and lowering FRV and something occurred to me which I call "making it rain" and I'll explain why I give it that name in a moment.
Generally a low FRV you can't do shit. You're subject to causality, you're miserable or empty feeling, etc. and it fucking sucks.
However that doesn't mean you can't use that state for magic. You just need to raise FRV first then drop it.
Think of it like how the atmosphere holds more humidity the warmer it is. It's the same thing here. At a higher FRV you hold onto more astral energy, shitloads of it, and you can then make use of that for magic.
In my case I "make it rain" by raising FRV to a very high level then dropping it. The result is amazing, it appears to open up a rift into a higher reality. The energy rushing through my body is very intense and causes me to shake/twitch like I'm being possessed; I think if I give in fully though it won't be so much twitchy, as that motion comes from fighting it and trying to hold myself in place, not sure what will happen if I just let it go. Everytime I do it the residual energy left over in the area causes strange effects which others perceive.
I haven't done it at full strength yet. I just keep fighting it. I will do it in full though when nobody is home or if I can meet up with another wizard or imageboard user to show it. I have thought about recording it but I know from previous experience the cameras and magic really don't mix, yet I must wonder if maybe this time the camera won't stop it from working and will actually record it.
I should note that lowering myself into the lower FRV also has the effect of making me want to scream and laugh and be in anguish at the same time, the result being perhaps very scary for others to watch. There is definitely a very dark aspect to what I am doing here as instead of working at a high FRV as one normally would with so much love and so on in them I've basically found a way to take that high energy and use it for lower means.
I think that repeatedly doing it raising to a high FRV then a lower one with as much intensity and speed as possible would be extremely destabilizing.
Shall I proceed with doing this experiment at full intensity or hold off on it? I believe I could be on the verge of unlocking a very high power and possibly breaking my mind or ascending to higher consciousness.
Btw I am able to abort this at anytime through the process so far however it takes a while for the shaking to stop still and it to calm down.
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A witch would like to seek my training. She asked me if I would teach her. Her path is lightness. She is interested in healing and chakras. I guess she wants to garner more knowledge and broaden her specialities. She wants to soak up more knowledge I am assuming. Have you ever taken an apprentice, how did it work out?
Any advice for transitioning her to learning other things and what would be good things to teach her that compliment her skills already?
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Quantum physics proves that there IS an afterlife, claims scientist
Robert Lanza claims the theory of biocentrism says death is an illusion
He said life creates the universe, and not the other way round
This means space and time don't exist in the linear fashion we think it does
He uses the famous double-split experiment to illustrate his point
And if space and time aren't linear, then death can't exist in 'any real sense' either
Professor Robert Lanza claims the theory of biocentrism teaches death as we know it is an illusion. He believes our consciousness creates the universe, and not the other way round, and once we accept that space and time are ‘tools of our minds’, death can’t exist in ‘any real sense’ either.
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Warning: High Frequency
Consider this story: It’s January 1990, during the pioneer build-out of mobile phone service. A cell tower goes up 800 feet from the house of Alison Rall, in Mansfield, Ohio, where she and her husband run a 160-acre dairy farm. The first thing the Rall family notices is that the ducks on their land lay eggs that don’t hatch. That spring there are no ducklings.
By the fall of 1990, the cattle herd that pastures near the tower is sick. The animals are thin, their ribs are showing, their coats growing rough, and their behavior is weird – they’re agitated, nervous. Soon the cows are miscarrying, and so are the goats. Many of the animals that gestate are born deformed. There are goats with webbed necks, goats with front legs shorter than their rear legs. One calf in the womb has a tumor the size of a basketball, another carries a tumor three feet in diameter, big enough that he won’t pass through the birth canal. Rall and the local veterinarian finally cut open the mother to get the creature out alive. The vet records the nightmare in her log: “I’ve never seen anything like this in my entire practice… All of [this] I feel was a result of the cellular tower.”
Within six months, Rall’s three young children begin suffering bizarre skin rashes, raised red “hot spots.” The kids are hit with waves of hyperactivity; the youngest child sometimes spins in circles, whirling madly. The girls lose hair. Rall is soon pregnant with a fourth child, but she can’t gain weight. Her son is born with birth defects – brittle bones, neurological problems – that fit no specific syndrome. Her other children, conceived prior to the arrival of the tower, had been born healthy.
Desperate to understand what is happening to her family and her farm, Rall contacts the Environmental Protection Agency. She ends up talking to an EPA scientist named Carl Blackman, an expert on the biological effects of radiation from electromagnetic fields (EMFs) – the kind of radiofrequency EMFs (RF-EMFs) by which all wireless technology operates, including not just cell towers and cell phones but wi-fi hubs and wi-fi-capable computers, “smart” utility meters, and even cordless home phones. “With my government cap on, I’m supposed to tell you you’re perfectly safe,” Blackman tells her. “With my civilian cap on, I have to tell you to consider leaving.”
Blackman’s warning casts a pall on the family. When Rall contacts the cell phone company operating the tower, they tell her there is “no possibility whatsoever” that the tower is the source of her ills. “You’re probably in the safest place in America,” the company representative tells her.
The Ralls abandoned the farm on Christmas Day of 1992 and never re-sold it, unwilling to subject others to the horrors they had experienced. Within weeks of fleeing to land they owned in Michigan, the children recovered their health, and so did the herd.
"We are now exposed to electromagnetic radio frequencies 24 hours a day. Welcome to the largest human experiment ever."
18 replies
If trips your loosh is mine.
42 replies
Hail the Hammer! Long Live the Old Gods!
I don't want to write down prayers and I wanted to make a note thread, so meh why not post them here. General Asatru thread.
13 replies
Here's a really tl;dr vid on how to make use of chaos magic (and sigils):
Her steps:
Define intent.
Sigilize desire.
Induce trance.
Achieve focus.
Release energy.
What I'd do:
Clear mind / meditate so at focus my mind and remove rumination, distractions, etc.
Clearly express intent both abstractly such as through words and through the more pure forms of thought that don't use words.
Achieve watermind if necessary.
Invoke symbolic imagery in my mind (I don't bother with drawing it, but I could do that too to show off or to make the process more efficient).
Raise FRV.
Go into trance, create thoughtforms, etc.
Lower FRV releasing the energy and "making it rain".
20 replies
There's a kickstarter type campaign on for making a play and festival out of Robert Anton Wilson's book Cosmic Trigger.
One of the perks/rewards for donating is a 5 cd box set of a recording of the original illuminatus trilogy play which is apparently only available from now until the crowdfunding is over but it costs £123. There's also a set of 5 exclusive dvds including an interview with Alan Moore about RAW, recordings of previously unheard interviews and talks as well as shirts, trading cards and signed limited edition posters.
These bastards have already milked me of a lot of money but now I've got all the limited edition stuff I was after it's time for me to spread the word to other people who are interested in getting some Wilson memorabilia.
The end result is a 3 day play/conference/festival in London, Brighton and Liverpool, which are all annoyingly pretty far away from me and I have no RAW fans for friends to go with. They're planning to take it to the USA after the UK tour.
Here's the relevent links…
Only 10 days left. Get the limited edition cool shit while you can.
18 replies
How many of you have had the privilege of witnessing or taking part in high magick and knowing from personal experience its reality?
I have multiple times and I am extremely lucky to have witnessed it.
I feel really bad for people who've never seen advanced magical power being put into practise for themselves and therefore still suffer from doubts.
16 replies
Illuminates please check in on /illuminati/ and respond to the thread and lets get the conversation going OK? Will delete this thread once someone does so.
12 replies
Can we have a thread on grimoires?
I've been thinking of starting one but writing it in runes or Sumerian or some form of cuneiform maby.
Any ideas on that?
And what do you guys use for your grimoires? Like handmade leather and handmade paper or does that even matter besides making it look nice?
26 replies
Should we infiltrate this board to spread the greenpill?
This is a new board that apparently was created on wizardchan. I believe we should take this opportunity to spread our fringe ideas all over there and train more NEET wizards for our magical army to fight the ZOG. We should give them all the mega folder and start talking posting /fringe/ threads there covering various topics like the demiurge, astral projection, chaos magick, hermeticism, etc. that we like to discuss. We can also pull off magical experiments there and see how we can influence the posters.
I myself am going to promote magical self-development, celibacy, loosh farming, hermeticism, etc. all over there and post a fuckload of magic articles.
109 replies
I keep getting light flashes and orbs and strange things happening around me it's really cool but typically very brief.
Just today I've been getting this really bright flashes that fill up the whole room, second one just happening now a moment ago.
So far with these two really bright flashes happening around me, the first time I saw the walls of my house disappear, and it looked as if I were standing in the middle of a street watching cars move by.
Normally though I see fragments of coloured light which move about in a strange fashion.
Sometimes I see these orbs and they circle around me, like I saw an orange one circle around my arm and then disappear as I was I reaching down to get some pants off.
They often appear nearby, shoot off in an erratic fashion, and then disappear.
I sometimes see the actual physical lights around me change too. Like they all go dim around me in a creepy fashion then go brighter and other times I see the light come out of a lightbulb, arc across the room, then return to its source.
I also see lights that are off come on for no apparent reason.
This newest thing with the bright flashes is the most amazing though.
All of this is very brief, just lasts seconds, like the moment I focus on it too much it seems to go away.
I'm really excited about this and hope it progresses to something more lasting and amazing but I am also very pessimistic and suspect it'll just go away on its own before developing into anything real neat, kind of like those strange beeps in my room, which I did manage to record that one time btw.
24 replies
I hope you goyim realize that Paganism, Wizardry and other blasphemous beliefs that don't follow YHWH's teachings are forbidden. You'll be getting the rope if you don't obey the law.
-310) Not to allow a witch to live
Application to gentiles:
Mandated punishment for violation:
From Heaven
Brief description:
For the courts not to avoid their responsibility to execute anyone who has practiced sorcery, including any of the ceremonies or rituals of witchcraft. Commandment -34 prohibits witchcraft with
death penalty, and commandments -31, -32, -33, -35, -36, -37, and -38 forbid the various related practices of divination, though probably not with death penalty.
- For the legal system to prosecute and execute practitioners of Wicca, Santería, Voodoo, and a variety of “New Age” cults.
- For the government to institute prohibitions on favorable depictions of sorcery in fictional books, films, and television programs, such as those in the Harry Potter and Star Wars stories. It is the responsibility of governments to intervene against provocateurs who seek to popularize such evil, in order to prevent the problem in the first place rather than having to solve it with widespread capital punishment.
The Noahide laws are now US law.
The 7 Noahide Laws have already been passed into official law in the United States in honor of Menachem Mendel Sneerson’s 89th birthday by a traitorous Congress in 1991 under President George H.W. Bush, making it legal for our government to literally decapitate US citizens on a grand scale.
These Noahide will probably be the law in Canada. You better watch out Smiley, we are coming for you, you dirty satanic non-human cattle.
9 replies
Fountain Of Hope Ministries & Healing Centre
We are a spiritual and practical ministry based on faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and His command to reach out in love to others. The vision of Fountain of Hope Ministries is propelled and maintained by the principles in God’s Word (the Bible).
Our purpose is to release the love of God to those who are spiritually and physically challenged in our community by following His command to “love your neighbour as yourself”. This we do through spiritual encouragement and the giving of materials such as food and clothing which we receive through donations.
We provide a safe environment for fellowship through Bible Study. We also minister the Healing Rooms and Sozo ministries. In all our ministry processes, we rely on the provisions of the Word of God and the Holy Spirit to release faith into daunting situations and circumstances in people’s lives.
Our ministry teams are spiritually gifted, matured in faith, friendly and sensitive to the needs of those who come to us.
You are welcome to be a part of this friendly group by partaking of the various ministries listed above. Our utmost desire is to facilitate the process of your healing spirit, soul and body; and the restoration of your peace and hope…
To preach and advance the teachings of Jesus Christ and the religious tenets, doctrines and observances associated with an evangelical Christian tradition.
To establish, maintain and support a house of worship with services conducted in accordance with the tenets and doctrines of an evangelical Christian faith.
To support Christian missions whether it involves evangelism, church planting or relief of poverty and whether it is in Canada or elsewhere so long as it is a registered Canadian charity.
8 replies
I was gonna post this in /si/ but it's dead.
For the past 7 months I've been in continuous negativity, I fantasize about people making mistakes/telling stupid jokes/being dicks to me and how I diss/curse/beat them up.
I DON'T want to think these things, but something inside me gains some satisfaction from these thoughts.
I don't have these kinds of thoughts when I am in fron of the pc or meditating however I have them most of the other time.
What to do?
13 replies
An experiment in group sigil magic. I invite everyone with a heart of mercy to draw these two sigils, and carry them all day every day.
28 replies
Please post images that we ought to print out or draw replicas of and put up in our rooms in order to help ourselves memorize essential magical knowledge.
In Hindu esotericism and tantrism there are five tattvas creating global energy cycles of tattvic tides beginning at dawn with Akasha and ending with Prithvi:
Akasha (Spirit tattva) – symbolized by a black oval
Vayu (Air tattva) – symbolized by a blue circle
Tejas (Fire tattva) – symbolized by a red triangle
Apas (Water tattva) – symbolized by a white moon
Prithvi (Earth tattva) – symbolized by a yellow square
Every complete cycle is lasting two hours. This system of five tattvas which each can be combined with another, was also adapted by the Golden Dawn (→Tattva vision).
Tattva vision is a technique developed by the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (probably derived from the elements, or Tattva [also known as Tattwas], of the Samkhya version of Hindu Philosophy) to aid with the development of the faculty of astral clairvoyance. It is claimed to be one of the easiest, fastest and most effective methods of exercising and enhancing the clairvoyant factor.
189 replies
Check em'
Post all your wizardly notes in here.
24 replies
So from what I've read in various new-age/occult books is that earth used to have pole shifts like every 1000 years or so but nowadays it has pole shifts every day and that our consciousness level is evolving as fast as ever.
What will happen in the next years? Everything is ineed accelarating: technology, kids grow faster these days e.t.c.
My guess is that in the next decades synchronicity events will become so common in the everyday lives of normal people and many of them will go insane.
9 replies
Supernormal Abilities Documented through Western History: The Jansenists in 18th-Century France
A London Practitioner
There have been many spiritual groups in the course of history. Reading the Falun Dafa websites and newspapers, we hear of countless miraculous healings from serious illnesses taking place in Dafa. Historical events on earth such as those described below are all an allegory for Dafa and each of us as a disciple and each event is a microcosm for us to understand True Self, Dafa and the Great Law at large. Within the historical events are the inner meanings of Dafa and nuances of our very being, we, after all, have played all the parts in this theatre of the world stage, as our beloved Teacher tells us.
Everything can be imaginatively connected to Dafa today. Dafa is a culmination of everything everywhere on earth and is the basis on which these events in the past took place in the first place also! Between the lines of every sentence, deed uttered and written in history is a metaphor for Dafa, Zhen Shan Ren. Not only this, various supernormal things have transpired in the course of Dafa cultivation and the community as a whole knows this. Just like the countless miracles within Dafa, miracles were seen in the Jansenist sect. In The Holographic Universe (HarpersCollins,1991), Michael Talbot writes:
"..One of the most remarkable displays of miraculous events ever recorded, took place in Paris in the first half of the eighteenth century. The events centered around a puritanical sect of Dutch-influenced Catholics known as the Jansenists, and were precipitated by the death of a saintly and revered Jansenist deacon named Francois de Paris. Although few living today have even heard of the Jansenist miracles, they were one of the most talked about events in Europe for the better part of a century.
To understand fully the Jansenist miracles, it is necessary to know a little about the historical events that preceded Francois de Paris's death. Jansenism was founded in the early seventeenth century, and from the start it was at odds with both the Roman Catholic Church and the French Monarchy. Many of the beliefs diverged sharply from standard church doctrine but it was a popular movement and quickly gained followers among the French populace. Most damning of all, it was viewed by both the papacy and King Lois XV, a devout Catholic, as Protestantism only masquerading as Catholicism. As a result, both the church and the king were constantly maneuvering to undermine the movement's power.
One obstacle to these maneuverings, and one of the factors that contributed to the movement's popularity, was that Jansenist leaders seemed especially skilled at performing miraculous healings. Nonetheless, the church and the monarchy persevered, causing fierce debates to rage throughout France. It was on May 1st, 1727, at the height of this power struggle, that Francois de Paris died and was interred in the parish cemetery of Saint-Medard, Paris." (pp.128-129)
My personal understanding is that the Jansenists resemble Falun Dafa in the above paragraph in that Falun Dafa is also "popular" and "quickly gained followers" among the populace. Falun Dafa has also been viewed incorrectly by the government of the country where it originated and faced the threat of being undermined as a "movement," though Dafa is here to stay. Falun Dafa has been misunderstood as being a religion and has been especially misunderstood by Buddhists who say Teacher has taken things from here and there and from the Taoist school and other places, when, in fact, deep down, it is actually most comprehensively ordered. The CCPs constant denigration of Dafa has helped to popularize it as Teacher has made clear to us. So one can see the parallels. The book continues:
"Because of the abbe's saintly reputation, worshippers began to gather at his tomb and, from the beginning, a host of miraculous healings were reported. The ailments thus cured included cancerous tumors, paralysis, deafness, arthritis, rheumatism, ulcerous sores, persistent fevers, prolonged hemorrhaging, and blindness. But this was not all. The mourners also started to experience strange involuntary spasms or convulsions and to undergo the most amazing contortions of their limbs. These seizures quickly proved contagious, spreading like a brush fire until the streets were packed with men, women, and children, all twisting and writhing as if caught up in a surreal enchantment." (p.129)
The list of miraculous healings are the same kind of illnesses we have read about on the PureInsight website, including cancerous tumors, paralysis, and the like.
"'It was while they were in this fitful and trancelike state that the "convulsionaires," as they come to be called, displayed the most phenomenal of their talents. One was the ability to endure without harm an almost unimaginable variety of physical tortures. These included severe beatings, blows from both heavy and sharp objects, and strangulation – all with no signs of injury or even the slightest trace of wounds or bruises. (p.129)
This has a haunting resonance with the current persecution of practitioners in China and how practitioners consciously endure an "unimaginable variety of physical tortures." Indeed, the CCP has used some of the worst torture methods taken from and a culmination of all of history's worst moments, to persecute Goodness, our fellow Dafa disciples. Teacher mentions how those with great inborn quality are sometimes given a dose of True Insanity in which they suffer hardships that one could not suffer with a conscious mind. The above paragraph is like the instance of the old woman who could jump over the high wall and unchain herself, this is very much like the Jansens here who temporarily lose their conscious mind and go into trancelike states to work their miracles.
"'What makes these miraculous events so unique is that they were witnessed by thousands of observers. The frenzied gatherings around Abbe Paris's tomb were by no means short-lived. The cemetery and the streets surrounding it were crowded day and night for years, and even two decades later, after miracles were still being reported (to give some idea of the enormity of the phenomena, in 1733, it was noted in the public records that over 3,000 volunteers needed simply to assist the convulsionaires and make sure, for example, that the female participants did not become immodestly exposed during their seizures.) As a result, the supernormal abilities of the convulsionaires became an international cause celebre, and thousands flocked to see them, including individuals from all social strata and officials from every educational, religious, and governmental institution imaginable; numerous accounts, both official and unofficial, of the miracles witnessed are recorded in the documents of the time."
"Invulnerability was not the only talent the Jansenists displayed during their seizures. Some became clairvoyant and were able to "discern hidden things." Others could read even when their eyes were closed and tightly bandaged, and instances of levitation were reported. One of the levitators, an Abbe named Bescherand from Montpellier, was so "forcibly lifted into the air" during his convulsions that even the witnesses tried to hold him down they could not succeed in keeping him from raising up off the ground." (pp.129-131)
Here we can see many of these western cultivators reached the state of "levitation in broad daylight" when the heavenly circuit has been opened up and the level has been raised, as with many Dafa practitioners today.
Voltaire quipped, "God was forbidden, by order of the King, to work any miracles there." (p.131)
This sounds really funny in its irony. It resembles how Falun Dafa is banned, at the moment, in China.
David Hume wrote, 'There surely never was so great a number of miracles ascribed to one person as those which were lately said to have been wrought in France upon the tomb of Abbe Paris. Many of the miracles were immediately proved upon on the spot, before judges of unquestioned credit and distinction, in a learned age, and in the most eminent theatre that is now in the world." ( p.131)
Funnily enough, David Hume has been recognized as one of the fathers of Empiricism in the world of philosophy. Some people hold that Empiricism is based on the notion of "seeing is believing" in Western thought and is part of the materialistic dogma that humankind must battle today. Actually, it holds that one should be open to everything that can be shown to have reality, including "miracles" that, by their very nature, are unexplained. It was a movement in philosophy to oppose authoritarian dogma, which, sadly, is all-too-lacking in these times. Teacher is leaving behind the greatest miracle recorded in history for all posterity now.
13 replies
I saw a most impressive demonstration of high magic
June 25th 2014
and have absolutely not the slightest doubt now that magic is capable of manipulating electricity, electronics, the body, and affecting physical matter. Furthermore I have seen evidence of contact with an entity called "Jesus" which had the following characteristics:
- overwhelming love
- an amazing capacity for healing others
- ability to spiritually intervene in bad situations and save someone from harm
Whether this is the Jesus of the bible or not and any other details about this Jesus figure I can not ascertain but it was a very impressive entity.
Another entity called "the devil" was also identified. I asked the wizard in contact with this "devil" if the entity in question actually called itself by that name and received no confirmation on the matter. I
it was just some really bad entity that apparently was the very opposite of the light, being of the darkness, and apparently it was really terrifying to the wizard I saw doing this magic. I'm going to call him Electro-Wizard for now though he can also manipulate time so really he's an Electro-Time-Wizard.
Electrowizard described seeing a very powerful light that he could go near but he was very afraid to be completely swallowed by it and it contained so much energy that it is was overwhelming to his body and would burn it. If he got the right distance to it then it could heal him. He screamed in pain and terror when these elemental forces of the light and darkness both threatened at various times to swallow him.
Now I will describe the most impressive manipulations which had very obvious physical effect.
He was able to manipulate all energy in his room, causing lights to go out and on, flicker, and glow at variable intensity. I saw him make a light stop working with his mind and he showed me himself flickering the switch and it would not turn on and off. This was with the light plugged into the wall btw. I asked him to take the light completely out of the wall and he did and he showed me the plug so I could see it was unplugged. He then did a most amazing thing, many times over repeatedly even though I said he didn't have to since it was obviously burning him and causing him a lot of pain, he took energy out of his PS4 using his mind … made him run down his one arm and through his body and out through his other hand into the light. The light blazed with incredible intensity as he screamed. At other times the energy he put into the light was less and the light glowed less or flickered but at its most intense the light produced from the bulb was incredible.
He also made other lights in his room go on and out, made his router stop working, killed 2 pixels on the screen of my own tablet device that I was holding and using to talk to him over Skype, made his monitor and his webcam and other electrical equipment die at times and then come back on, lost connection to the call a few times because of his magical manipulation of various parts of the computer, etc.
He described moving the energy to various parts of his body such as arms, lips, brain, and all sorts of other places and concentrating and moving out of his body and into other thing as well.
He at one time burnt his right hand really badly sending the energy through his hand. He held his hand up to the camera for me to see and I saw it for myself, the skin was split open and burned from all the energy running through his body. Another time he pulled energy out of a wall socket and it caused him to fly backwards across the room out of his chair screaming in pain and landed on a lamp in his room causing the glass of it to break and embed itself in his back. However moments after that he called upon the power of Jesus and used his own power combined to, by the power of his mind, pull the glass out of his body and out of the back and heal it up at unbelievable speed. He also then showed me scars on his stomach that were huge but which he claimed to have healed up in just 1 hour… and lesser damage to his body he could heal up in a mere minute.
In summary I witnessed all of the following:
- talking with an entity called Jesus and another one called "the devil"
- miraculous healing of the body
- miraculous burning of the body
- a lot of shouting/screaming and possessed behaviour
- lights going on and off, stopped working, then start working again… and glowing at various intensity depending on the energy put into them
- successful manipulation of all sorts of electronics (monitor, webcam, router, PS4, computer, lights, etc.) causing them to stop working or start working
- two pixels on my own device died ;_; ( it's brand new, just got it today, may have to return it now or ask Electrowizard to repair it ( hopefully he doesn't end up damaging it more ) if he's still alive and didn't get killed by all the energy he was manipulating last night)
- Electrowizard knocked flying right back through his room after taking too much energy out of a wall-socket.
I swear I saw this all happen for a period of a few hours last night, he called me really late in the early morning before the sun was risen and I watched him do these magical manipulations for about an hour until the sun was risen and the birds were making noise when at one point he fucked up his computer too much and the connection was lost.
87 replies
Magic Guide to Cultivating Love
There are many things to consider when looking for a wife and attracting her. It is not very hard but do be careful with this and don't abuse this knowledge.
Firstly, one must know that words are abstractions and that the power that comes to them is not in the what is said but in the emotion and base thought behind it. What you say almost does not matter at all nor how you say it; rather, what you are thinking does. Whether you realize it or not all humans but the most emotionally dead and ill ones engage in some level of telepathy. Empathy is the base form of telepathy. She is reading your mind.
As such your thoughts must be pure and must cultivate what you wish to see reflected on the outside and in her. Your subconscious intentions are felt subliminally by those around you. With lucidity, intuition, and understanding our power to influence others around us and benefit or help or take or simply maim them grows considerably. It is important to develop awareness of what is going on in your own subconscious world and that of those around of you so you can direct your own fate and free yourself from causality.
If you want to cultivate love in a person it is not so hard. I tend to think distance doesn't matter but it helps to be physically close. Consider this: "It is known today, based on accurate measuring, that our hearts electromagnetic field spreads for 3 to 4 meters around the heart". So if you are within about 4 metres of them they sense your heart; likewise other organs have these electromagnetic fields around them of various ranges. Dogs know when your heart is in trouble and couples sleeping beside each other end up synchronizing their heartbeat, breathing, etc. If you feel your heart fluttering, she feels that. If you are nervous, she feels that. She might not be explicitly aware of it (depends on how much of a wizard she is herself basically) but it's still going to influence her attraction to you and her behaviour around you.
Fill yourself with a feeling of love. It won't matter then what you say or how much you say or even if you say anything at all. Project these feelings towards here. If you dream about her (or she dreams about you) this creates a connection between you which is fairly powerful. Trying to accurately visualize her and see her in your mind's eye opens up other possibilities for magical influence but be wary of demon tricksters and other entities fucking with you then if you get anything wrong. Although the transmission of energy and information is weaker if you see her less clearly it might be more likely to get to the intended target then if you have a very detailed yet somehow wrong visualization/identification.
Maintain good health and fitness. Remember that humans did not always speak and yet they still mated and had some form of communication with each other. If you are not a healthy mate you're quite worthless. Although you can attract women to you even if you are ugly and dysfunctional you should still strive to be the best man you can be; there's something wrong with a woman who is attracted to you when you're in a fucked up state. You don't want a woman like that
unless she actually sees potential for you to develop into a better man and wants to nurture that. If she loves you for being a fuck up though this is a poisonous love and is no good. She should want the best for you and you should want the best for yourself.
Consider the reality of what emotion is and does. The astral planes are made of emotional energy. Emotion is a means by which to appeal to or be connected to the 0th order being who sustains and makes modifications to reality. Emotion allows you to edit a timeline, biasing probability and manifesting things. Your astral self exists in a plane of emotion. Emotion must be given direction, focus, coherence, etc. for it to be useful. When it is lacking in information and just being radiated then it is simply dispersed at random with little effect. "Emotion coupled with pattern, direction, and focus is called "will." Will power means applying emotions in a directed manner to get things done." Emotion can be used to manipulate others but when there is a mismatch in the signature less of the emotion is transferred and its effect is dulled. All emotional energy has a signature of its originator. Emotion is a big part of creating synchronicity.
When selecting a mate she should be healthy, she should be of your own race (the more closely related the better, kin selection is a very real process and enhances your chances of success both in your relationship and in having healthy offspring), and she should be free of degeneracy (if not completely, then she at least be one that can be reformed). Note: If you are just looking for short-term sexual relationships this guide is not for you and you should do us all a favour and hang yourself now or at least stick to using women who are already as terribly damaged as you are or worse / leave the virgin marriage material for the men who wish to marry. The woman you wish to attract must not already be taken. Beware of women who have already been used up or who have boyfriends or husbands already; don't go near them. Never. If you break up someone's relationship this sets a bad precedent, namely, that if she is willing to leave her boyfriend for you then she will leave you in turn when she bores of you. You want a woman who is loyal and you should expect loyalty from your woman and be willing to go extreme measures to ensure her loyalty (if she cheats on you and you already have children, kill her, your life is over anyways). Marriage is sacred, destroying the marriage is unacceptable, you're together until death does you apart. I would only consider a couple married however when they actually have children as to me marriage means "a woman and man having children and raising them together" and has nothing to do with what the government, faggots, legal papers, etc. say about it.
There are many signs of bad behaviour that can be seen in women some of which can be ammended and some of which (or if too much of it occurs at once) means she's fucked beyond hope of recovery without extreme intervention / very considerable efforts on your part in fixing her:
Dresses immodestly, whorish, or not at all exposing herself naked in public.
Has any diseases which you can get from her.
Has any serious defects, weight problems, and other abnormalities with her body.
You can not talk to her without feeling worn out and pissed off because everything she says was fed to her by the fucking telmudvision and her mind has been retarded by ZOG.
Piercing, tattoos, hair dye, excessive cosmetics (best she has none at all), etc. are all signs of degeneracy and that you should avoid her.
Likes wasting money on stupid things, buying expensive shit, buying tons of shoes, clothing, purses, etc. These women need serious reform.
Has feminist tendencies such as demanding equality for men, not wanting to be a proper wife and mother staying at home and raising children.
Is sterile or wants to limit how many children she has with you. A proper woman wants as many children as possible with you. A woman who doesn't wany any children at all just wants to use you.
Sexual perversions of any sort. Women should only want to have normal sex for the purpose of procreation. Bisexual, homosexual, necrophilic, and other strange women should be avoided.
Any bullshit you would not accept from people in general. Just because she's a woman don't mean you got to bend over backwards for her.
Version 1 of this guide. I'll add more later.
29 replies
I, THOTH, the Atlantean, master of mysteries,
keeper of records, mighty king, magician,
living from generation to generation,
being about to pass into the halls of Amenti,
set down for the guidance of
those that are to come after,
these records of the mighty wisdom of Great Atlantis.
In the great city of KEOR on the island of UNDAL,
in a time far past, I began this incarnation.
Not as the little men of the present age did
the mighty ones of Atlantis live and die,
but rather from aeon to aeon did they renew
their life in the Halls of Amenti where the river of life
flows eternally onward.
A hundred times ten
have I descended the dark way that led into light,
and as many times have I ascended from the
darkness into the light my strength and power renewed.
Now for a time I descend,
and the men of KHEM
shall know me no more.
85 replies
some people just can't see it. they just can't see the that the structure of "facts" given to them in a very strategic and measured way constructed so that people only arrive at a set of stock conclusions.
if you arrive at anything other than the stock conclusions via intuition or just by a holistic understanding of the facts, you're decried, outcasted or mocked for not regurgitating the "official" view. not that I am proselytizing the worldview, it's just that interactions with them are seldom constructive.
/fringe/, how do you interact with mundanes and people with lesser spiritual development?
how do you make these interactions more constructive or at least neutral?
pic related, it's the header banner that was at the top of the page just now. synchronicity made it click.
p.s. i am on 2 days of nofapping. not sure if this sudden surge of loosh is causing me to have all these feels. must learn how to discharge it constructively. tips there are welcome.
37 replies
Anyone have any vids and other material relating to telekinesis? I know I've seen it before and I also know that there are magicians who use tricks to fake it but I've also seen examples of I think paper on water being moved by the mind? Things like that… I want to practice telekinesis and see what I can do.
I better get a fork and see if I can do this.
Estimated time to develop this skill is 6 weeks to 6 months.
13 replies
The Holographic Universe - by Michael Talbot
I am reading this book right now and I'm going to post each excerpt I read as I read it to track my progress and I'm going to take notes.
Sit down before foct like a little child, and be prepared to give up every preconceived notion, follow humbly wherever and to whatever abyss Nature leads, or you shall learn nothing.
- T. H. Huxley
1 - The Brain as Hologram
It isn’t that the world of appearances is wrong; it isn’t that there aren’t objects out there, at one level of reality. It’s that if you penetrate through and look at the universe with a holographic system, you arrive at a different view, a different reality.
And that other reality can explain things that have hitherto remained inexplicable scientifically: paranormal phenomena, synchronicities, the apparently meaningful coincidence of events.
- Karl Pribram
in an interview in Psychology Today
The puzzle that first started Pribram on the road to formulating his holographic model was the question of how and where memories are stored in the brain.
In the early 1940s, when he first became interested in this mystery, it was generally believed that memories were localized in the brain. Each memory a person had, such as the memory of the last time you saw your grandmother, or the memory of the fragrance of a gardenia you sniffed when you were sixteen, was believed to have a specific location somewhere in the brain cells.
Such memory traces were called engrains, and although no one knew what an engram was made of - whether it was a neuron or perhaps even a special kind of molecule - most scientists were confident it was only a matter of time before one would be found. There were reasons for this confidence. Research conducted by Canadian neurosurgeon Wilder Penfield in the 1920s had offered convincing evidence that specific memories did have specific locations in the brain. One of the most unusual features of the brain is that the object itself doesn’t sense pain directly.
As long as the scalp and skull have been deadened with a local anesthetic, surgery can be performed on the brain of a fully conscious person without causing any pain.
In a series of landmark experiments, Penfield used this fact to his advantage. While operating on the brains of epileptics, he would electrically stimulate various areas of their brain cells. To his amazement he found that when he stimulated the temporal lobes (the region of the brain behind the temples) of one of his fully conscious patients, they re-experienced memories of past episodes from their lives in vivid detail.
One man suddenly relived a conversation he had had with friends in South Africa; a boy heard his mother talking on the telephone and after several touches from Penfield’s electrode was able to repeat her entire conversation; a woman found herself in her kitchen and could hear her son playing outside. Even when Penfield tried to mislead his patients by telling them he was stimulating a different area when he was not, he found that when he touched the same spot it always evoked the same memory.
In his book The Mystery of the Mind, published in 1975, just shortly before his death, he wrote,
“It was evident at once that these were not dreams. They were electrical activations of the sequential record of consciousness, a record that had been laid down during the patient’s earlier experience. The patient ‘re-lived’ all that he had been aware of in that earlier period of time as in a moving-picture ‘flashback.’"
From his research Penfield concluded that everything we have ever experienced is recorded in our brain, from every stranger’s face we have glanced at in a crowd to every spider web we gazed at as a child. He reasoned that this was why memories of so many insignificant events kept cropping up in his sampling. If our memory is a complete record of even the most mundane of our day-to-day experiences, it is reasonable to assume that dipping randomly into such a massive chronicle would produce a good deal of trifling information.
As a young neurosurgery resident, Pribram had no reason to doubt Penfield’s engram theory. But then something happened that was to change his thinking forever. In 1946 he went to work with the great neuropsychologist Karl Lashley at the Yerkes Laboratory of Primate Biology, then in Orange Park, Florida.
For over thirty years Lashley had been involved in his own ongoing search for the elusive mechanisms responsible for memory, and there Pribram was able to witness the fruits of Lashley’s labors firsthand. What was startling was that not only had Lashley failed to produce any evidence of the en-gram, but his research actually seemed to pull the rug out from under all of Penfield’s findings.
What Lashley had done was to train rats to perform a variety of tasks, such as run a maze. Then he surgically removed various portions of their brains and retested them. His aim was literally to cut out the area of the rats’ brains containing the memory of their maze-running ability. To his surprise he found that no matter what portion of their brains he cut out, he could not eradicate their memories.
Often the rats’ motor skills were impaired and they stumbled clumsily through the mazes, but even with massive portions of their brains removed, their memories remained stubbornly intact.
For Pribram these were incredible findings. If memories possessed specific locations in the brain in the same way that books possess specific locations on library shelves, why didn’t Lashley’s surgical plunderings have any effect on them? For Pribram the only answer seemed to be that memories were not localized at specific brain sites, but were somehow spread out or distributed throughout the brain as a whole. The problem was that he knew of no mechanism or process that could account for such a state of affairs.
Lashley was even less certain and later wrote,
"I sometimes feel, in reviewing the evidence on the localization of the memory trace, that the necessary conclusion is that learning just is not possible at all. Nevertheless, in spite of such evidence against it, learning does sometimes occur.” 2
In 1948 Pribram was offered a position at Yale, and before leaving he helped write up thirty years of Lashley’s monumental research.
3 replies
4 replies
A powerful duo of demons have possessed meh, this is a cry for help, can I get in contact with someone?
Mods plz delete this thread ASAP I just need some help…
*pained sob*
5 replies
Reminder that the "Illuminati messages in pop culture" meme was popularized by Vigilant Citizen, a known "kosher" viral marketing campaign for the music industry.
45 replies
For a good all around understanding of fringe knowledge and the terms we often use read Montalk's two books and his site. Especially read the glossary.
To acquire a decent overview of quite a few occultists and some practises regarding tulpamancing, thoughtforming, etc. read Zivorad Mihajlovic Slavinski's books (The Invisible Influences,
Transcendence, etc.)
If you are wondering about shadow people specifically and have experience of this phenomena then read this for an overview:
If are primarily interested in astral projection, lucid dreaming, and related magic that you can do in your sleep then read
Astral Dynamics… and there are also a few chapters in the book
You Forever
that you may want to read too on the subject but it's not as important.
To become a legitimately powerful wizard with an effective and diverse practise read
Initiation Into Hermetics
and apply its practises. If you complete that book you're a proper wizard.
(Initiation Into Hermetics First Edition)
(Initiation Into Hermetics Third (2001) Edition)
If you need a scientific understanding of why magic and miracles works and a good basis by which to figure out if other texts you read are likely to be legitimate. Read and contemplate
The Holographic Universe
as well as listen to the lectures.
(Holographic Universe is referenced on Montalk)
This book here is not so important as it's pretty much overshadowed by Initiation Into Hermetics. If you don't want to waste time then you may as well skip it but if you want some redundant reading then read it as well.
You can get copies of Lobsang Rampa's books here. They have heavily influenced the New Age movement and are a historical precedent for a lot of things but not really worth reading unless you're interested in ths Transmigration of the Soul.
(another source of the same books as above)
I suggest that everyone read The Holographic Universe first, read The Kybalion (at least read the 7 Hermetic Axioms if you don't read the whole book (
)), then Montalk.net (at least read its glossary and its Key Concepts section and the Metaphysics into and the Synchronicity article), then read Astral Dynamics if you want to or start reading Initiation Into Hermetics to begin your real magical training.
You can also supplement with random doses of reading various Chaos Magic books.
At the bare minimum…
>read Montalk's Glossary and Key Concepts, read the 7 Hermetic Axioms listed in The Kybalion, read the entirety of The Holographic Universe, and read Initiation Into Hermetics.
31 replies
Have you done a spell/ritual, and it didn't work? Are you doubting magick just because of it?
If so I know
solution. You need to become enlightened. Enlightenment is just a silly word for insanity. The way I became Enlightened is the Discordian way, I got mindfucked and forgot my entire past self except for names of people and was "reborn" as a spawn of Chaos. I'm sure it's the same for all
other ways of becoming enlightened. If I knew how to get mindfucked, I'd tell you but I'm afraid I don't remember. I do remember, though, when I was an edgy teen I attempted to summon Satan, but alas it didn't work. Once I became mindfucked I can now communicate with spirits that are troubling mundanes. Right now, your body is
awake and your mind
is asleep. You are dreaming, this isn't the real you. You need to awaken your mind and you will find the real you. I want you to go on a spiritual journey and wake up. Please, just wake up. Everyone says imagination is a child's thing but it isn't, a lot of magick has to do with imagination e.g. visualization. Once you learn to imagine, you will be able to manipulate reality for life is just a dream.
Ask questions and discuss this situation below.
5 replies
Has anyone tried this before?
I just re-discovered it after stumbling upon it years ago and never achieving success.
I just tried it again and the effects are nothing short of orgasmic. Try this shit out if you haven't
Could this be the the fast track to raising one's consciousness? Maybe. If not, its extremely pleasurable in itself. Try it out
24 replies
Let us discuss and collect all things related to ancient norse rune magic in this thread.
Going to start with this link:
Rune-magic is the great knowledge of cosmic energies, the recognition of hidden energies of nature, of the subtle heavenly, as well as earthly streams, waves, entities, and powers. All forms of higher wisdom, all secret knowledge of the world, are but fragments, and through the course of time have been for the most part distorted and corrupted; but at one time it had its origin in the divine, Aryan magic of the Runes. All languages of the world are derived from the Aryo-Germanic mother-tongue, which is both magical and alive. The Germanic Runic script is the script of all scripts. Runes are not just letters or verbal symbols, but primal symbols of a living magical nature which whisper to us. These may be experienced physically through Runic postures and dances and are useful for your own well-being and even for the blessing of all mankind. Whoever physically forms and experiences the Runes in a pure and conscious manner, will have great secrets opened to him, if he practices, vibrates, and dances in the radio waves, subtle currents and flowing energies of the All. Accompanying ideal higher development, clairvoyance, astral perceptions, heightened psychic ability and prophetic vision will arise in the Runer, in the practitioner.
In the small manuscript before you I can give only a few gems from the great treasure trove of Aryan wisdom and Rune-magic, but these will be of great use to the reader and will lead him into the Way of the Grail. To anyone who has greater interest in Runic history, magic and mysteries I recommend my work, Heilige Runenmacht. [1]
The following exercises and instructions may be undertaken only with noble and pure thoughts – the blessings of the Runes will not fail.
Hail him who learns it!
Hail him who teaches it!
Therefore take advantage of
The blessing, ye who hear it! [2]
3 replies
Undeniable proof that Jesus Christ is our lord and savior- or a hoax?
12 replies
We identify all the basic metaphysical functions at play in the mind and in magic then we figure out how each works and how to improve them.
Will – characterized by deliberate actions, intentions, etc. undertaken purposefully. Appears to be developed by doing everything consciously instead of passively. Its development entails an expanded consciousness, more self-control, higher awareness, greater powers of manifestation, etc.
Focus – relating to attention and awareness, greater awareness allows you to have a more expansive focus at once, but temporary narrowing of attention to one subject increases the focus on that thing and allows for greater action through the will upon that one thing.
Memory – ???
Intent – ???
Visualization – ???
Belief – ???
What else. I'm going to rest now and I'll be back to update this thread.
11 replies
Welp I think my room is haunted… Or is it all in my head? If so I've gone crazy.
Several times in my life I have awoken to the lower part in the picture.
Recently the frequency has increased. It is also more intense.
Last night there was a giant shadow creature jumping on me. I screamed, jumped on my girlfriend… Her face was fucking EVIL, darkness was pouring out of her face. I turned on a light and stayed in shock for a few minutes. She didn't know what the fuck was going on.
5 replies
Spiritual Energy
Requirements for this shit:
-A mind
-Familiar to meditation
Hello everyone, I don't know if there is a thread on this yet but I want to share my info on energy and how to obtain it, use it, etc.
I have done magickal things for about 3 years now, mainly necromancy/satanism/other shit. I found that once you know how to work with energy you can do a lot of things, because all magick really is, is energy manipulation. You can use energy to power orbs, thoughtforms, tulpas, heal, etc.
So first thing you need to do is work with the Chakras. There are seven chakras, here is a guide to them, from bottom to top:
Muladhara, or Root Chakra, is located at the base of your spine in the coccygeal region. It is related to survival, sexuality, smell, etc. and it's seed syllable is Lam (lum). It has four pedals and is
Swadhisthana is located at the genitals and is orange. It has six pedals. It is related to reproduction, creativity, joy, and enthusiasm. The seed syllable is Vam.
Manipura is a yellow, ten-petaled downward-pointing triangle located in the Solar Plexus area. The seed syllable is Ram.
Anahata is a green, twelve-petaled hexagram (representing union of male and female) located in the hear. Seed syllable is Yam.
Vishuddhi is a blue, 16-petaled upside-down triangle with a circle in the middle, located in the throat. Seed syllable is Ham.
Ajna is a purple, two-petaled upside-down triangle, located where the Third Eye is, in between the eyes in the forehead. Seed Syllable is OM.
Sahasrara (means 1000-petaled lotus) has many petals, is light violet, and is located at the top of the head, or crown.
For more information just look it up it won't take long.
Now, to activate them all you need to do is meditate upon them, visualize them according to their color, use their mantra if you'd like, visualize them clean and bright and big, and they should be aligned and clean. Not that hard, a neophyte could do it in about ~30-60 minutes. These are your main energy holders and you should meditate upon them often. When you first cleanse them you should feel energized and happy, I even cried tears of joy the first time I cleansed them.
Once you learn to work with the chakras you should be at least aligned with the energy.
Okay, now to putting energy into practice. First put pressure on yourself (anywhere you like) with your mind only, using energy. I suggest you do this while in deep meditation because your mind gets bored easily with this and tends to go to other things. Now try and move the energy all over your body to any one point you wish. Once you become decent with this try transporting the energy to other things such as sigils, or even moving a friend with energy by doing a "push" motion behind him/her and when you pull back make your palms face you. Charge things with your energy. It's not that hard, a neophyte can grasp this ability. Discuss these things below for anything else.
Some of you might find the Middle Pillar ritual to be of use, it's just a Hermetic energy-working ritual. It helped TONS for me.
With energy you can do anything magickal. No need for silly rituals or candle magick, no need for sacrificing 666 goats to Santa, just go into meditation and will it. I might delete this thread and make a better one, this is just my advice. In the second version I'll include videos and such once I've done proper research.
28 replies
Reincarnation, the ‘Interlife’, Universal Consciousness & the Holographic Soul
Modern studies repeatedly suggest that a significant proportion of people in the Western world now believe in reincarnation. Although this phenomenon can be traced back to various esoteric movements that flourished from the second half of the 19th century, it gained significant ground with the explosion of popular interest in Eastern spiritual approaches in the 60s. And it was reinforced by a proliferation of therapists offering to regress people into their past lives.
Yet now the tide seems to be turning again. For some years the emphasis has been moving more towards the idea that we are all part of the One, the All, the Source, the Absolute, the Ultimate, the Great Spirit or whatever we choose to call the ‘universal consciousness’. Of course this is not a new idea. But what is changing is that especially more intellectually minded spiritual seekers are tending towards the view that anything outside of the ‘One’ is mere ‘illusion’.
In fact this word illusion is used a great deal in spiritual circles these days, although actually in quite different contexts, and it is perhaps worth considering what these are. Of course readers would all agree that the physical world itself is to some extent an illusion, at least inasmuch as it is underpinned by the nonphysical planes and states of being that science is increasingly pointing towards. But what about the idea that we only reincarnate for as long as we fail to see through the ‘illusion’, and that as soon as we gain ‘enlightenment’ we can ‘break the bonds of karma’ and ‘reunite with the Source’? More radical still, what about the idea that any notion of individuality is completely illusory on all levels, and that as soon as we die there is no sense of continuation of any sort of individual soul consciousness?
Whether or not they make it explicitly clear, these latter two are the ‘illusion models’ supported by a significant proportion of our best-known spiritual commentators of modern times – be they proponents of, for example, the ‘power of now’, or of ‘cosmic ordering’, or of ‘quantum mysticism’. Yet to see the world in this way is entirely at odds with what we might call the ‘experience model’, which holds that we lead many lives in order to see all sides of every emotional coin, and to learn to deal with the manifest challenges that life on this planet provides. In other words, a model in which the emphasis is on an individual soul growing by experience over many lifetimes.
If we are to adopt a rational approach then, rather than relying on ‘revealed wisdom’ ancient or modern, it is surely sensible to consider which of these models is best supported by logical analysis and the available evidence.
We can start with the premise that there must exist some sort of ultimate force or energy that underlies the entire universe, both seen and unseen, which is the Origin or Source of everything in it. However ineffable it may be, this principle of a universal consciousness is almost a logical necessity, and it is certainly supported by scientific research at both the quantum and the macrocosmic level. The idea that ‘we are all one’ is also a common element of transcendental experiences, whether spontaneous, meditative or induced by hallucinogens. So our next step must be to investigate whether, at the same time, there is any real evidence to support the idea of an individual consciousness that exists or survives independent of the physical body.
The most relevant area of research here is near-death experiences. In particular we are interested in cases that involve subjects returning with factual information that is subsequently verified, and yet so obscure that they could not reasonably have acquired it in any ‘normal’ way.
7 replies
So I'm about to go through multiple drug withdrawals. How should I utilize this magically?
61 replies
There exist no threads on this topic but we must gather all our information on it here!
1 reply
"And the resonance of what?" The resonance between pure awareness and all concepts you are aware of like consciousness and mind, which you are not.
"the shape is always changing" It is the nature of the mind to create patterns and shapes where there can truly be none, to always change and wander about ceaselessly. When you observe the mind you see instantly that you are not the mind or body containing it. Nothing, concrete or abstract you can observe/ perceive can be you. You can't meaningfully say "I am this" or " I am that", you cannot be some-thing else it doesn't make sense. The very act of observing means you cannot be what you observe!
"Sound? Vibrations along the wires?" These are concepts born from the mind, vibration and sound I can create, feel and hear inside my mind and observe them, just the same as I can make & observe them externally. Are your thoughts not a form of sound or vibration? If not, how can one "hear" them.
All these things are based on memory and imagination, past experience and future anticipation and are temporal (tempor-ary). Anything bound by time can not last and has no reality.
Even the words I speak or type are based on concepts and their limitations are insufficient to help you in understanding the meaning and magnitude of what I wish to convey to you. To truly understand, put all thoughts out of your mind except one: the feeling "I am". It was the first feeling you ever had, ever. Observe it constantly, quietly and the mind will become quiet and stop resisting you. Then you can even let go of the "I am" and realize that what is left is pure awareness! A state of absoluteness! The realization that you are the supreme reality, truly a limitless being beyond all concept, beyond all science or doctrine or laws, set forms or rules. What is born must die, the body-mind machine was born and must die but you are aware of this process and are therefore outside it. I know in fact that life / awareness does not stop after death, I have seen outside the net. It isn't hard to do, the net is full of holes or contradictions, as soon as you are aware of them they disappear instantly and without effort, creating a gap through which you can move and view things from the outside (so called out-of-body experience).
Back to the video content, birth and death contradict each other, the goal of life cannot be the end of it, there is no beginning or end, beginning and end create each other, like this coil pattern. If I am not mistaken it appears to be based on the concept of the lemniscate ∞ (infinity
). Just because the words used or the images that are used to describe it might not make sense to your logic, unnatural and form based mind, doesn't mean that it won't make sense to a purely creative, natural and formless based mind. To truly comprehend that swirling form of formlessness shown in this video one must not have too much of one thing. If you have one to the extreme you become a machine, no longer a living being. If you have another to the extreme you become very unscientific. Combine both natural and unnatural ways of thinking and you will get the gist of the image presented in your own way.
Now I have said what I had to say, take my words as you will. Any answer you seek from myself can be found by asking yourself (because all have their being in you, before you, nothing is) one question "What am I?" which answers itself automatically without effort in the sense of "I am." Because you cannot be a "what" you cannot be something else. Just keep to the "I am" and all else will come naturally by itself even if you don't understand now it matters not. The realization comes quite easy and spontaneous indeed like how buddha realized "What we think, we become." (no he was not an abstract external concept like a "god", which is an all-doer. Just an enlightened man/ being, a non-doer.)
Following the concept of no concept, I have typed this and will now let it go completely. I bid you well and with that I will say no more.
40 replies
Lets talk about the tetragrammaton!
I had a link to an audio series about using the proper pronunciation to increase vibrations and move towards light/love.
But I lost the link! Woe is me. And I've been googling to no avail..
Any help fellow fringers?
Also, General Tetragrammaton thread.
All hermetists and qabbalists and gnostics and anyone else welcome to post.
20 replies
I managed to dupe myself into believing some nonsense through self-hypnosis just to find out after a few days by checking closely that what I duped myself into thinking was not something to really happen.
Now I'm extremely sad. I'm going to just go to bed and sleep as long as I can all day and night for the next while. I'll eventually get up and then get back to reading books. I feel like I need to stop giving out advice because my own stuff is rather weak and shit, I'm only really good at a few things, and have a long ways to go in other areas.
Yeah that's it. I'm going really shut myself in and push things to the extreme here, I MUST accomplish more, what I've done so far is WEAK.
11 replies
I wish to explain something to you from what I know of people who see the future.
Firstly, we see probable futures, and the future is always shifting.
Secondly, anytime one sees the future, they may apply various methods to respond to that vision and alter the timeline preventing the manifestation of a probable future.
Furthermore if one spreads around a prophecy and people become aware of it then their mental influence also bears down upon the prophecy.
If you want a prophecy to come true and you want to impress people, then you must keep silent about it, but perhaps note down what you have seen very clearly and then you must will that future to come forward.
Do not doubt the future, do not expose the future to those who would doubt it, just keep it secret or only share it with a select few.
In a way the fool saves us all. Seeing the future and then revealing it to us all, he changes it, and then when that future does not take place he is mocked. Yet many a vision of the future is one we do not want to see manifest and so the fool has done us a great service.
7 replies
Hey guys I got redirected here by someone on 4chan/x
i mainly just lurk but im curious about a few events that have happened to me before.
Let me start off by saying, I have severe sleeping problems, I am restless. This has been going on since I was about 15.
Anyways, the other day I slept all day, not once do I remember waking up and talking to anyone. So later on at about 8pm, my mom tells me I was sleep talking again. She tells me that I i said that the people who will be moving next door in are going to cause problems.
Heres the thing, my sister only mentioned that to my mom during the day ( while I slept in the other room).
How would I have known that my neighbor was going to move out and new people would arrive?
I tend to sleep talk alot, usually when ive been up for countless hours and finally crash.
On a different occasion, about 3 years ago when I was 20, I was having a dream. In this dream I remember hearing a loud pop, which was the tire of the car I was in. Right when I woke up my mom tells me that the car has a flat tire. Seemed odd but I payed it no mind.
Anyone got an explanation for this? Was it just coincidence?
46 replies
I feel myself degrading at accelerated rate every single day. I stopped reading, learning, meditating, lost all my friends and I can feel my sanity slipping away. I don't know when it started, or how to stop it. Every time I tried to better myself, I failed. I feel like every second that I wasted on mindless distractions is my own undoing, but I just don't know how to better myself.So I decided to delete all my social media accounts, sell my glorified toys called consoles, get rid of every video game I own, limit my acsses to the Internet. Still I can't bring myself to do anything.
So I ask you for an advice, since I really have nowhere else to turn.
36 replies
Let's give
sigil magic
a try. This is an experiment. I invite anyone interested to join me.
Here's the general process:
>write down your desires
>remove vowels and duplicate consonants
>shuffle the desires, convert the sigil strings into sigils however you like
>wait a few days until you no longer remember what the sigils stand for
>charge the sigil, with a clear mind and concentration (gnosis), through meditation, exhaustion, masturbation, whatever
>destroy the sigil
Number your desires, your sigil strings, and your final sigils. Record which numbers you fire off and how you did it. If anything happens, you know which ones you fired and thus which were effective. Make sure the numbers don't cause you to remember the purpose of the sigil, they're only there so you can look back.
Post results here in a few days/weeks/months.
16 replies
So, I have been planning to destroy the universe.
I have the equipment.
I have the education.
I am a nihilist.
The plan was already set in motion on Feb 25th 2014. At approximately 5:30 pm GMT.
The increase in discovered exoplanets is a side-effect of the real cause which is hidden by such events.
I could get more into it. But, I think that if I push it, Drake's equation will eventually be a self fulfilling prophecy and we will have "alien" contact.
Or the universe will implode. Another pop in the infinite infinity of the multiverse.
You won't even know it happened. It has already happened and.. Well. Yeah.
1 reply
What is your opinion on this occultist turned catholic?
For what he's about I recommend Orthodoxy (
) and The Man Who Was Thursday ( http://www.gutenberg.org/files/1695/1695-h/1695-h.htm
Quote from Heretics:
"Truths turn into dogmas the instant that they are disputed. Thus every man who utters a doubt defines a religion. And the scepticism of our time does not really destroy the beliefs, rather it creates them; gives them their limits and their plain and defiant shape. We who are Liberals once held Liberalism lightly as a truism. Now it has been disputed, and we hold it fiercely as a faith. We who believe in patriotism once thought patriotism to be reasonable, and thought little more about it. Now we know it to be unreasonable, and know it to be right. We who are Christians never knew the great philosophic common sense which inheres in that mystery until the anti-Christian writers pointed it out to us. The great march of mental destruction will go on. Everything will be denied. Everything will become a creed. It is a reasonable position to deny the stones in the street; it will be a religious dogma to assert them. It is a rational thesis that we are all in a dream; it will be a mystical sanity to say that we are all awake. Fires will be kindled to testify that two and two make four. Swords will be drawn to prove that leaves are green in summer. We shall be left defending, not only the incredible virtues and sanities of human life, but something more incredible still, this huge impossible universe which stares us in the face. We shall fight for visible prodigies as if they were invisible. We shall look on the impossible grass and the skies with a strange courage. We shall be of those who have seen and yet have believed."
4 replies
I am withstanding extreme sleep deprivation to study and do some tests on a inhumane schedule. I need some help from fellow wizards, as I have no time or energy to do anything about it.
I'd ask for some loosh or healing done to me. Anything that could make this a little bit easier to do, as soon as possible.
If you wish, I'll send you some loosh too as a compensation when I will be fully recovered.
Send it to "Nexhed" it isn't my name, but it is linked to me, as a tulpa. It would be stupid to get cursed when already ridiculously exhausted.
I won't be on the computer but if something helpful arrives, I'll know. See you tomorrow.
8 replies
I have successfully contacted and received the names of two entities in the astral planes:
The first one's name is Zamolxis.
The second one (it might also not be a name but it's still what I heard) is: Undaivado (not sure it's spelt that way).
I have looked the names up now in DDG and this is what I got:
"Zalmoxis was a legendary social and religious reformer, regarded as the only true god by the Thracian Dacians."
I get no results for Undaivado (sounds like Unn Day Vay Thou), I could be spelling it wrong:
^that might not even be one word.
25 replies
Zermatism, Szukalski's concept of world history, postulated that all human culture derived from post-deluge Easter Island and that in all human languages one can find traces of the original, ancient mother-tongue of mankind. In his view, humanity was locked in an eternal struggle with the Sons of Yeti ("Yetinsyny"), the offspring of Yeti and humans, who had enslaved humanity from time immemorial.
He claimed that the figures of the god Pan on Greek vases depict creatures that actually existed, the product of Yeti apes raping human women. Szukalski used his considerable artistic talents to illustrate his theories, which, despite their lack of scientific merit, have gained a cult following largely on their aesthetic value. The irony of this would have likely infuriated the hyper-curmudgeonly Szukalski.
26 replies
Hi guys. First time poster here. Im just interested about this whole place and more specifically about you. How did you get entangled in the occult, how did it impact your life, did you find what you were hoping for, does it actually work and if it does, why do feel the need to hide and not go on a quest to enlighten the masses?
Feel free to answer any or all of my questions. Oh, and if any of you can see the future, please tell me when she will be coming back from China.
23 replies
Book of Leinster
("The Book of the Taking of Ireland")
1150 A.D.
(with some variant readings readings from the Book of Formoy)
Irish Texts Society
First redaction (R1)
4 replies
/fringe/ I am reporting in the results I experienced today.
I was playing Diplomacy. Wearing an Mathematical Association of America name-tag on my forehead successfully stifled my energies, presence, and persuasiveness. Removing the sticker, and putting on a paper hat made out of an 8.5x11 sheet with 'wizard' written on the brim turned my luck around. Later, I taped four sheets together and made an arch-magus hat with anti NWO and illuminati symbolism.
By casting the two strongest powers as the NWO and illuminati, the metaphor, implanted in the minds of the other four, was focused into the hat-energy. I used the hat-energy to fuel a victory in the the game!
>MAA is a materialist organization and their objects are filled with magic-blocking bogons
>Paper hat was effective wand when charged by group entertainment of a certain metaphor
>Russia can win when it looses warsaw and sevastopol by the end of the third set of moves. IF YOU HAVE FAITH
Thanks to whoever it was who had the big paper wizard hat in a photo in the park. excellent idea.
8 replies
67 replies
People of /fringe/ why have not you not accepted Franz Bardon as your saviour and also got yourself a qt 3.14 angel GF?
4 replies
Darwin's theory of evolution:
Materialist hoax? Or the crown jewel of all hermetic principles?
16 replies
What are your views on Vaccines /fringe/?
22 replies
This is a thread on loosh generation and farming.
As I am not experienced with the farming of loosh I will give some of what I do to generate almost uncomfortable amounts of loosh.
>Be relentlessly positive no matter how many times you get smashed and beaten down stay positive until it becomes second nature and it is your default state.
>Get unreasonably excited about anything in your life or coming into your life. (stop and smell the rose and lose your shit over the bio-geometry and anything you can think of that is cool about what you are experiencing.)
>When you are low on loosh and feeling blank smile whether you are happy or not I have found forcing yourself to release those feel good chemicals into your brain makes it much easier to start generating loosh again.
>talk to people friends, strangers and family. Just get a little perspective on your third density life relax build social skills and capitalize on the fact that we are social creatures.
>Think of what you are working on and studying like you would a middle school crush. (get excited, invent wildly imaginative schemes about what you are working on, obsess over it and get excited for any amount of time you can spend on your project.)
Some of these things take time before they become second nature, however this is entry level generation and you should be able to exercise these techniques with little effort.
3 replies
Have you ever tried communicating with animals? That's a very important aspect of shamanic spirituality. I think elephants, especially, are like an entire species of greenpilled mystics. Whales too, kinda give off this aura of millenia of unspoken wisdom. Sperm whales probably know where Atlantis is.
10 replies
I know this is a shit thread; I'll delete it after I get some opinions.
How many of you would like an essay on Sinister Satanism, particularly about the practices of The Order of the Nine Angles? If people want it I'll write about it. Add some info on Sinister Satanism if you want I guess.
4 replies
The Ten Major Principles of the Gnostic Revelation
From Exegesis, by Philip K. Dick
The Gnostic Christians of the second century believed that only a special revelation of knowledge rather than faith could save a person. The contents of this revelation could not be received empirically or derived a priori. They considered this special gnosis so valuable that it must be kept secret. Here are the ten major principles of the gnostic revelation:
1. The creator of this world is demented.
2. The world is not as it appears, in order to hide the evil in it, a delusive veil obscuring it and the deranged deity.
3. There is another, better realm of God, and all our efforts are to be directed toward
a. returning there
b. bringing it here
4. Our actual lives stretch thousands of years back, and we can be made to remember our origin in the stars.
5. Each of us has a divine counterpart unfallen who can reach a hand down to us to awaken us. This other personality is the authentic waking self; the one we have now is asleep and minor. We are in fact asleep, and in the hands of a dangerous magician disguised as a good god, the deranged creator deity. The bleakness, the evil and pain in this world, the fact that it is a deterministic prison controlled by the demented creator causes us willingly to split with the reality principle early in life, and so to speak willingly fall asleep in delusion.
6. You can pass from the delusional prison world into the peaceful kingdom if the True Good God places you under His grace and allows you to see reality through His eyes.
7. Christ gave, rather than received, revelation; he taught his followers how to enter the kingdom while still alive, where other mystery religions only bring about amnesis: knowledge of it at the "other time" in "the other realm," not here. He causes it to come here, and is the living agency to the Sole Good God (i.e. the Logos).
8. Probably the real, secret Christian church still exists, long underground, with the living Corpus Christi as its head or ruler, the members absorbed into it. Through participation in it they probably have vast, seemingly magical powers.
9. The division into "two times" (good and evil) and "two realms" (good and evil) will abruptly end with victory for the good time here, as the presently invisible kingdom separates and becomes visible. We cannot know the date.
10. During this time period we are on the sifting bridge being judged according to which power we give allegiance to, the deranged creator demiurge of this world or the One Good God and his kingdom, whom we know through Christ.
To know these ten principles of Gnostic Christianity is to court disaster.
79 replies
Hey /fringe/ have you ever considered that maybe there is massive conscious overlap as to what is being thought in your place and none of it matters because you're just watching things happen with only the illusion of being in control? Well, not quite… but let me try to explain this better. I have experienced in dreams being other people and going to other places and so on. What if those places were and are always there and time is the illusion created by our consciousness moving frame by frame through an otherwise static state that was already set by a causal chain…. argh I'm perhaps making this too complicated again but if you think about it that quality of conscious experiencer really doesn't matter. You and other people could have that quality absent or maybe as I am thinking now there is a massive overlap of conscious entities seeing from the same perspective as you… so you always say, do, etc. the same things but the thoughts behind that all are not… like… fuck how to explain this. You are just observing and so are a whole bunch of other consciousness all thinking their own thoughts all seeing the same thing as you overlapping. Does this make sense… and sometimes you vacate your body and watch others and you call it a dream because it seems so unrelated to the main life you have.
Are there many consciousness behind our bodies thinking different things but all observing from the same point and ultimately doing the same actions and speaking out loud the same things but behind it all there isn't just one consciousness but possibly an infinite or otherwise very stacked number of consciousness all experiencing what you are at once based on the branching through time which these conscious follow?
How do you know there are many souls dropping in and out of your body watching the same things as you thinking their own thoughts though (or maybe even thinking the same thoughts roughly)?
11 replies
What would you do if you befriended one of the following:
1. A teenage Wiccan girl.
2. An edgy Satanist who always talks about worshipping demons despite not havng experience with any.
3. A demonologist who doesn't know what the goetia is.
4. A medium or spiritist who doesn't do actual rituals, just sits at a table with a white table cloth and says "Speak to me, spirits!"
5. An "occcultist" who always talks about it, but he's only read Peter Carroll because "everything else is dogmatic garbage, man!" He also tried to summon a spirit by simply staring into a mirror with a candle and the spirit's seal and then getting dissapointed when they don't get ghosts poppin out of the mirror and shit.
6. A pagan who wouldn't be caught dead with the Edda, but he claims himself to be a druid despite all knowledge preserved by the druids having been lost.
Would you teach them the ways of a proper occultist? Or would you leave them be and ignore them to preserve the sacred knowledge?
8 replies
There are various online
magic groups like Robert Anton Wilson's maybe logic academy, which appears to be down at the moment. I subscribed to a neophyte subscription which gave me access to all the courses that ran in the previous year. To be honest I found them somewhat lacking, although I didn't put much work into following them whereas if I joined a current group I imagine it would be more involving, talking to the people that are running it and other participants etc. The courses are
quite expensive. I think about $80-$120 a course if memory serves right.
Maybe Logic academy has had many well known magii and counter culture icons run courses in the past, and presumably still do if their site being down is only a temporary thing. If they're down for good I'm gonna be a bit pissed I didn't get the chance to backup the courses I purchased.
There is also the Arcanorium College run by Peter Carrol which I've not had experience with and would be interested in hearing from anyone who has. They offer a free trial membership, a lot of materal open to the public and their prices are quite lower than maybelogic's are, they have a subscription for just everything (I think) and then you choose what interests you.
If it weren't for being an ex-NEET I'd probably check out the arcanium, but my mind is going to be full of mundane "educational" matters for the next few years so I'm treading the magical path slowly and would probably overload if I studied both, that said I might get a 3 month subscription over the summer.
Any other online academies out there? Anyone had experiences with either of the ones I've mentioned? Are they actually worth it or just a money making scheme?
13 replies
/fringe/ PDF thread
47 replies
I saw someone ask if we could make a huge reading list, so we might as well make it on the already existing thread on stormchan's /study/,
All you have to do is dump any and all occult knowledge books there, discuss them here, and read a shit ton of books. I already did this (http://stormchan.org/study/res/738.html) so there will be some books there. Please dump any online books you have. If we've suggested a book but nobody has it please download it online for us to read.
1. PDF
2. ZIP
4. TXT
This thread will serve as a discussion of books, the stormchan thread will be about posting them for us to read.
Knowing is half the battle.
15 replies
Magick is manipulating reality with our consciousness alone, as opposed to physical manipulation. For example, telepathy is magick where communication with vocal, audible words is not. Telekinesis is magick where pushing an object with your hands is not. Elemental wind magick is magick where creating a small current by blowing into the air is not.
But how does it work? Many people try, few succeed, and most don't even believe in magick anymore. Some people try to use runes, sigils, talismans, amulets, crystals, and other tools. Some people try to use their desires and hopes. Some try to contact gods, angels, and daemons to get help. But what it really all comes down to is consciousness. Why are runes, sigils, talismans, and amulets powerful? Because they are imbued with power by a person's will. They focus a person's will. But they are not the source of the magick. Crystals are kind of different, but there's a reason they are used for things like meditation and charms rather than more powerful magick.
This leads us to the people who attempt to change reality by focusing on their desires, hoping for things, imagining they already have what they want, and using the 'law of attraction'. This is certainly a step in the right direction, and it does work to some extent, but why is it so limited? Why does it only work sometimes? Because people are still going about it wrong. Do not focus on your desires or hopes. Do not think that envisioning what you want and pretending you already have it is going to magickally make it happen. Those, and the 'law of attraction', are the first step. And they can accomplish small things. But what it really comes down to is will, and will alone. Imagine that you are God and you are about to create the Universe. Do you pray to another god to make it happen? Do you hope for it to happen? Do you desire for it to happen? Do you imagine it has already happened? Do you try to attract it to you? No, not quite any of those. Rather, you WILL it to happen. And with a strong enough will, you can will pretty much anything to happen. That is how the gods do it, that is why they are so powerful. That is what works. So stop focusing on desires, hopes, imagining what you want, and instead WILL it to happen. But be very careful, as this is very effective and could make things happen quicker than you expected or intended, and/or to a further extent than you expected or intended. Use your will to shape your reality, and use your newfound power well. You are used to having to make a physical effort to affect physical reality and to your thoughts having no physical consequences. As you become powerful in magick, realize that your thoughts are now as powerful as your actions so you can't just think things impulsively anymore. You have to think about how your thoughts will affect others, how they will affect you long term, what irreversible things they might do, and what unexpected outcomes they might have, just as you have always had to consider these things before carrying out physical actions.
Many people are unsure of how to start. They think this means they can shoot lighting from their fingertips or throw rocks just by willing it. These things might be possible for someone who is powerful enough, but for a beginner, it is best to focus on guiding events in your favor rather than trying to manipulate physical reality in a more direct way. Pick a situation that affects you and will it to go in your favor. Pick an outcome that you already view as possible and will the Universe to take that path. This will be much easier than other things because you are making something happen that is already possible in your perception and could happen without your influence. When you get good at this and can usually make events go the way you want, then you can move on to things that are more difficult and might seem to be impossible without your influence.
Amulets, talismans, staves, and wands can be useful as a means of focusing/chanelling your power, but ultimately, they are powerful because of YOU. Because of your WILL. Runes can be used as well, and they are good because they are recognized by many people so collective will makes them powerful. Sigils can be used but in my view (I may be wrong) they aren't as powerful or as effective as the other methods I have described. But it can't hurt to use them. If you create your own, that is. Be careful using sigils created by other people. The most powerful sorcerers may have no need for any object, and in truth, no one does, but amulets, talismans, and other tools can still be useful.
As for crystals, you can use them sort of like luck charms, and yes, they can offer some protection, they can make you dream, they can help you unlock your abilities. But don't think that they are the key, they are just one thing that can be useful in some situations.
Many people also choose to include rituals in their magick. Rituals work the same way as amulets, talismans, staves, runes, and other objects and symbols. They work because those partaking in the rituals believe they will work, will them to work, and focus their conscious energy, intent, and will into the rituals. They are a means of focusing will. This can be helpful, however, it is important to consider what other implications a ritual could have. If you use crystals, salt, chanting, and meditating, no harm will come from that. However, some practitioners of black magick choose to also involve ritual sacrifice. This is a very harmful thing to incorporate into your magick, for others and for yourself. If you take innocent life for the furtherence of your magick, your magick will be based in meaningless killing and meaningless suffering and will do you far more harm than good. That doesn't mean that there is never a place for black magick, nor does it mean that you cannot use magick to harm your enemies. It simply means that if you desire to harm your enemy, harming other life will not bring you closer to your goal of harming your enemy; instead, it will harm you, because it is you that carried out the destruction of life, not your enemy.
4 replies
What does it mean to encounter the astral double of someone? An astral entity which claims to be the person you know in real life but isn't and tries to convince you otherwise.
2 replies
For all of my life I've never liked wearing gloves, regardless of the material or how loose or tight they are. I don't like them because any time I wear them, I get a tingly sensation all throughout them. I take the gloves off, and they're fine. This is true no matter how cold it is, I hate wearing them because I can't stand the feeling.
So I couldn't find any info on this on here, nor could I Google the question. I kept getting pages about diabetic neuropathy and cutting off blood circulation. None of this describes what I'm experiencing.
I believe this may be me experiencing my etheric energy being somehow contained by the gloves.
Pic not related I'm posting from my phone
17 replies
The previous Hypnosis thread is still up but it is so shit that I don't want to post under it, so fuck that thread, it's time for a new one. All information gather shall be summarized in this OP post but I shall below start with posting one specific article on hypnosis called
Seven Success Secrets of Hypnotism Practice.
From what I've gathered so far the average material out there is only a way to guide others into a trance through suggestions and that you need the other person to cooperate, to believe they can be put into a trance, etc. BUT I also know from Liber VIII this is bullshit and there are ways to hypnotize people and project thoughts into their minds without any kind of compliance needed from them.
Presumably, we should be able to take it to even greater extremes than the Fakirs, through the right means.
I think the contact and use of a spirit would facilitate the process greatly. A tulpa is one means through which I hope to pull off hypnotizing others.
Regardless I shall post some of this lower level material first to give some insights.
8 replies
Post all of the pictures you can/like to reach gnosis to and are easy to concentrate upon.
Literally pics you could stare at for hours, except add some for extra mindfuck potential. Starting with a good one, just look at the spinning shit and ignore the rest, got it from chemmy.
12 replies
Prince Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg
In the first few years of his life,
Nicholas de Vere
was raised in the Hertfordshire countryside. At the age of seven, Nicholas’ family moved to the remote outskirts of the Kentish village of Kemsing, and then later to isolated rural settings in Devon and Sussex.
Nicholas’ father and mother had contempt for human beings and human society.
Thus, they sought to protect Nicholas from their mediocrity and banality in the sanctuary of the country. Nicholas’ father was a skilled backwoodsman and during these formative years Nicholas was instilled with country knowledge, as well as a deep respect for the natural world and its delicate balances.
As he was growing up, Nicholas’ father taught him of the family’s royal Scottish origins and of its involvement with royal witchcraft within the dragon tradition, which had been passed down to Nicholas’ father by his own parents. Nicholas’ father was gifted with the “king’s touch.”
His paternal grandmother - a Scottish Gael - was a skilled seer, and his maternal grandmother had spent years as a student of mediumship.
Both of Nicholas’ parents were deeply committed to his broader education, and fostered in him at an early age a love of Homer, the Sagas, classical history and mythology. Nicholas’ father was an ardent admirer of the work of Omar Khayyam.
Consequently Nicholas grew and developed in isolation, detached from the vacuity of human culture, enveloped in a world of intellectualism, magic, mysticism and imagination.
Nicholas was raised by his father to honor the female highly and, as a result of his father’s teaching, he discovered that the greatest spiritual expression of human relationship is seraphic in nature: the union of the divinity within the male and female.
At the age of twelve, Nicholas was magically dedicated to the dragon tradition formally, and at the age of thirteen he first enacted the rite known as
Following this period his mother obtained for him works by Aliester Crowley, and he studied the principals of the
Black Arts
in earnest, gaining a considerable degree of competence in ritual magic. At the age of fifteen Nicholas underwent the ancient rite of kingship which, in accordance with archaic Gaelic tradition, bestows the mantle of sovereignty arising from the very Earth itself.
By the 1980’s, Nicholas had become intimately conversant with a broad spectrum of magical traditions, and political perspectives. During this period he met and rejected numerous proponents of the
and New age Movements, considering them to be uninformed, self-deluding and magically incompetent.
On Midsummer’s night, 1985 Nicholas’ skill in and knowledge of magic was acknowledged. His family’s hereditary involvement in royal witchcraft and the Dragon tradition was recognized by the Black Country Covenant of the Baphometic Order of the Cubic Stone.
He was bestowed with the highest accolade of the covenant: that of Magister Templi. The Order traced its origins back to the
Knights Templars
and Nicholas was able to use his investiture as an invocational key in the pursuit of deeper, unwritten knowledge. In 1991 Nicholas was invested as a gartered and anointed knight of the Plantagenet Clan Donnachaid by Lord Lir of Orkney, the head of a cousin branch of the House of Vere.
During the 1990’s, Nicholas developed a series of associations with university lecturers and post-graduate scholars. Following the academic exchanges which ensued, Nicholas was encouraged by them to construct the basis for what is now known as
The Dragon Legacy.
This was further influenced significantly by his experience of seraphism and hierogamy during this period, and by years of commitment to the elven, Dragon tradition - a tradition within which he is recognized as a royal Dragon prince by the House of Vere, and is acknowledged as such by the British Government.
Today, Nicholas de Vere is the sovereign of the Dragon Court of the Royal House of Vere. As a proponent and scholar of magic he is unrivalled. He is the original magical prince; the rightful king of witches by familial inheritance whose ancient, royal elven blood lineage is unquestionable.
Currently Nicholas lives reclusively as a bachelor in a quiet village in the English countryside, and aside from his magical pursuits, he has a broad range of secular interests including an eclectic taste in music. He is a renaissance man, a polymath.
Nicholas is deeply concerned about environmental issues and animal welfare, concerns shared by his immediate family and by the House of Vere in general, whose number include skilled and experienced ecologists.
Nicholas has contempt for the blind pursuit of money and power, and values above all things simplicity and transcendence, which he believes are key to the continued existence of life on Earth in the future.
524 replies
Hello, eveyone. I have noticed an increase of newcomers, and thats excellent. Instead of making an entire thread, lets keep the questions in one, shall we?
* Read everything in the sticky.
* Look it up either online or in your books.
* Just look as hard as you can until you find an answer. If not, drop a question!
Feel free to ask anything /fringe/ related.
>pic unrelated, I just cleared my pictures ;_;
7 replies
We must be giving away too much information guys.
I logged on to /fringe/ on my school computer and I get the warning that it is a site with malicious software/viruses.
HMMMMMM who could be behind this?
7 replies
I just painted this and I'm getting seriously bad vibes from this, like I need to get it out of my house right fucking now, does anyone want this? For free, I want it gone now!
Throw away email, send me an address and ill send it.
6 replies
Please, who knew this was going on and didn't feel like letting us know?
Are we already at war with aliens?
Lol no, but it is a fake war, probably not unlike some sort of psy-op.
The powers that be want the masses to be afraid of aliens so that they can fake an interplanetary war in order to establish the world's new "order" (chaos).
We have to stand that we don't want to fight each other, we dont want to kill aliens, and we dont want to blow our own planet to shit! We just want to be free to party, do drugs and have sex!
I hate politics. And I hate jews. I love aliens so fuck you.
12 replies
YAHUA speaks on u tube ALL ALIENS/SATANISM FOREVER EXPLAINED = HISTORY OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM and who the New World Order really is and how to BURN them. MUST READ: The true HISTORY OF OUR SOLAR SYSTEM You were being lied to. WHO CRASHED THE ROSWELL SHIP and HOW HE DID IT -
Satanism - Aliens = Aliens are neither here nor there. It's in the name - Alien. Which means does not belong. For those who have never met Lucifer, he cannot get along with himself - how is he going to get along with you?? He killed himself to try and do what he wants he sure as hell isn't going to spare you.
It's very simple: The solar system was heaven, inhabited by angels prior to man. It's in Psalms 89 10 "thou has shattered RAHAB into pieces, you scattered the sea of the great dragon." Yahua scattered Lucifers angelic sea into outer space, all aliens are terrestrial, non heavenly celestial angels. Rahab and the angelic solar system was mentioned many times in the bible to say nothing of the 365 books Enoch wrote in his lifetime.
REPTILIANS are Draconian/human hybrids. Lucifer mated with Eve to produce the first Reptilian, Cain. Abel was Adams son, so began the division of the seeds in Genesis. Reptilian are liars, they are not billions of year old and yes they know from where they originate.
WHAT DOES OBAMA and thee illuminati and grey aliens have to do with each other? According to Yahua, Obama is not a human. The Most High refers to Obama as "The black christ." Obama is only a pretty boy front man to thee underlying agenda has nothing to do with the cheerleader at the football game - really their is no Obama - moving on,,,
WHAT does Roswell have to do with thee illuminati? Illuminati is Lucifers way of attempting to disguise the fact ANGELS run this planet. See, Lucifers plan now is to quote BURN THE BIBLE WITHOUT BURNING IT (his quote) and that cannot be done of peeps know it is fallen ANGELS run the show - People are smart! They are figuring out "hey - not everyone on this planet is a human, there is a superhuman force behind the scenes…." …and so Lucifer knows this and he invents things like HARP stories to explain the weather thee angels are capable of controlling and so on. These "people" are not humans. They are superhumans.
It is true most peeps on you tube now are genuinly athiest - but these are not humans, they are Lucifers. Since Genesis, Lucifer has had his seed on thee earth, but today much more so. Meanwhile Yehushua came down here so's, among other things, humans could grasp it is DRACONIAN ANGELS run this place - THEY should be the brunt of your focus. Lucifer offered Yehushua all the kingdoms of thee earth proving he owns them all.
The New World Order are NOT HUMANS.
Yahua has said = "in those days, (today) HUMANS ….will become as rare as fine gold." In Noahs day, only 8 souls were left alive on thee earth with human DNA. Just as in the day's of Noah, so the presence of the son of man would be." (today)
UFO's - They began to appear around the same time nuclear bombs were being tested. 334 nuclear warheads were "tested" earthwide - that was not actually nuclear bomb research. Those were portals being opened up to obtain demonic "power," mostly "alien" technology by human governments. Stars into another dimension were observed by thee United States in the mushroom cloud of their first nuclear explosion.
How a bomb opens a portal - It's very simple first of all there are celestial angels, and terrestrial angels. All aliens are terrestrial angels and co. and they are attracted to outer space (outer space is the biblical "bottomless pit" mentioned in Revelations where Lucifer is bound and trapped) and underground bases because LIFE energy burns them, and so the more evil these aliens are, the deeper underground near the lava they live, sometimes docking their ships in the lava in the 4th dimension. (see UFO FLIES INTO VOLCANO EXPLAINED video)
[FACT: The solar system was heaven once - angels lived on our planets prior to man. Lucifer then rose to power on a planet called RAHAB and invented MONEY and POLITICS on that planet. Psalms 89 10 explains how "Planet X" got cast out "Thou has broken Rahab in pieces - you scattered the sea of the great dragon" (The sea were angelic peoples who were scattered into the abyss of space, constelations such as Orion are fake - they are angelic planet sized starships not stars)
This is why humans who enter those underground bases don't have videos showing thee extent of them - humans entering those bases become food for thee aliens. "on your belly/APPETITE you will go, on dust/HUMANS you WILL EAT said the creator to a Draconian named Lucifer in Genesis. When humans feel creeped out in entering deep underground caverns it is for good reason that is the Lords quiet voice speaking to them NO TRESPASSING.
When an atom bomb goes off, the bomb itself does not open a portal, rather demons and such with advanced technology find they can suddenly employ their portal science and enter through to our humans 3rd dimension.
Basically, terrestrial angels employ technology to be able to survive. They exist in a harsh fourth dimension vs celestial angels still in heavens 5th dimension - in fact, they are physically burned by the positive fifth dimension love and light and life energy in plants and animals which repels their morphed bodies. The fourth dimension is NEGATIVE and terrestrial fallen angels are attracted to fire therefore because fire is the quickest way to kill all life and therefore essentially generates NEGATIVE energy because fire sends the breath of life back to the creator.
Explains why most undergound bases are far out into the deserts which are devoid of life.
Tesla, a physicist, had isolated this specific peculiar energy and Wilhelm Reich built on his work and called it ORGONE - He shared his findings with Enstein who turned a cold shoulder to thee orgone. (some persons on thee earth are Lucifers, and they are demons, or reptilians placed in human bodies.) Actually, Wilhelm at first manufactured NEGATIVE orgone on accident. It attracted lights in the sky. One day, he trained his binoculars on them and was shocked to see windows. (in the 40's UFO's were largely unheard of.)
The following article includes information on the planets and solar system where all aliens originated including where they are going:
Fallen angels were once beautiful but MORPHED and became what they are through the power of precious stones especially quartz, of which Earth is comprised primarily of quartz. Earth has a consciousness, and rebels if evil beings are upon it. (see "armagedon") Quartz in the soil is under pressure, when squeezed it emits an eternal energy that works into all other dimensions.
13 replies
I noticed something happens when I go to bed and lie down for a number of minutes. My inner dialoue changes in a couple ways. First I start entertaining crazy, nonsensical ideas that I would never consider in every day life. Second, my inner dialogue takes on a life of its own.
Gradually I become detached from it, and it starts talking on its own. Furthermore, this eventually turns into images in my head which in turn transition into dreams (I believe, at this stage I'm already unconscious).
Therefore this time before sleeping is a rare opportunity to talk to my subconscious outside of a dream.
Has anyone done any experiments where they talk with their subconscious?
Last night i had this idea, and I asked it some questions, but I'm not sure if I had any answers.
To do this experiment you would have to go to this state on the edge of sleep, ask your questions, then get up and write down the answers you receive which can be hard.
5 replies
When I'm dreaming, I can pick up a book and read it as if I were awake. What I find curious is the words make sense to me in the dream, but as my brain starts to wake up they become more cryptic. Is it just my dream self pretending they make sense, are these words/books coming from my mind? I find it strange that in a dream I could conjure up a book that makes 'some' sense, whereas in my waking life I would take an hour to write a page.
I've had a few occurrences where I've become slightly lucid whilst reading in a dream, and I've thought to myself "I'm reading a book in my own dream, is this book a manifestation of my mind or something more?" and the book ceases to change, but is still somewhat cryptic.
They are usually in english (or at least that is how i interpret them in my dream) and sometimes they just seem to be exerts from something else, like a paragraph on philosophy, leading into a paragraph on animals, within a book.
in b4 akatosh
20 replies
Seeing without using your two physical eyes.
I have discovered the method and it is very simple, I'd like someone else to try.
1. Close your eyes and cover them. A good blindfold is best, if not you can cup your eyes with your hands. If you use your hands you'll have to use your foot or something in the next part. You must not be able to see a single thing even with your eyes wide open.
2. Thoroughly disorient yourself by spinning every which way until you have no idea which direction you are facing. This forces you to see rather than use your memory.
3. Sit and wave your hand in front of your face. Spend some time examining it. You should be able to see it. Do not imagine your hand, see it. Your eyelids are closed but your eyes are open. Be also convinced your blindfold is no impediment.
4. If you succeed, try seeing your hand farther away from your face. Try seeing your body, your legs, your feet, and the floor you're standing on.
5. Look around and try to see things. Do not imagine. Once you are sure you see something and it's not your imagination, reach out for it. If it's where you see it, you have succeeded. If you're grapsing air and the image fades, you've been deceived by your imagination, keep trying.
If you can't even see your hand in front of your face, do any meditation involving visualization. Do this until you can see the ether, even if slightly.
At first you'll only be able to see the very largest objects like furniture and walls, don't waste your time trying to look for toothpicks. I'm only just skilled enough to know I'm not delusional.
6 replies
children will be blessed for the killing of eduacted adults
87 replies
I have an old philosophy folder that I think /fringe/ would appreciate. I'll dump everything here.
17 replies
What do you guys think of him? He's some kind of necromancer and he does edgy things and teaches people how to become a god and he even wants people to kill other people.
What do you think?
14 replies
Okay enough with greenpilling on sites like 4chan and shit, let's start greenpilling on things like Yahoo! answers, make WikiHow articles in the religion section, hit the masses with the pill. On WikiHow you can answer requests, we should make a ton of those, and it's extremely easy to answer on Yahoo! answers. Post other sites we can greenpill on that are very popular. We're going to greenpill aspiring wizards and witches, not these basement-dwelling /x/philes. Post your results below, also.
23 replies
I was going to wait until I had finished my own but due to recent events I will provide the base I will be working with for others to use if they wish. I may come back to post my results though I won't guarantee it.
So, if you're unfamiliar with the concept, Celestia is representative of our planet's Sun. She is depicted as a white horse, with Pegasus wings and a unicorn horn. She receives letters from her students and sends messages back when guidance is needed. As an experiment in chaos magic, I (and others) have decided to send our own letters to her. The setup in the simplest form is to burn the letter once written, yet I offer a more fleshed out version. Some supplies will be needed.
Boric acid
Marshmallows and candy that looks similar to a jewel or gem
Red candle (for melted wax, to seal the letter before sending/burning)
Now, once you have finished writing, seal the rolled up paper with the wax. Take the first two ingredients mixed together and set them alight, they should produce a green flame. Take a candy gem (I aim to have a red one) and stuff it into a marshmallow, evoke Spike the dragon as he sends the letters, offer the sweet treat to him for his services. When deemed appropriate, roast the marshmallow and candy gem in the green flame. Your message should now be able to get through, so light the paper with the green fire and make sure it is fully burned up.
Await a reply (if you wrote expecting one).
Be warned, I don't know how this will end up playing out, Celestia is probably not to be trifled with, so sending her a drawing of some dicks may not get a positive response. It isn't my fault if you do so and end up getting sent to the moon. Good luck!
5 replies
Here's some shit to study and make threads about.
Western Concentration
Keys of Solomon
Golden Dawn
Jewish Mysticism
Eastern Concentration
Vajrayana Buddhism
Tibetan Buddhism
Kashmir Shaivism, Vedanta, Nath, Aghora
African and South American Diaspora and Influence
South American Shamanism? Haven't seen it.
General Education
Lucid dreaming
Astral projection
Symbolic Path/Categorization Systems
Norse Tree of Life
Sacred Geometry in General
Futhark Runes
I Ching
18 replies
Is Transhumanism greenpilled?
inb4 moved to /grave/
3 replies
How do I Into Remote Viewing?
I'd post some random articles and videos and shit related to it but I haven't much in the way of personal success and practise with remote viewing to be able to tell what is legit about it and what is not.
11 replies
A Child of the Cyber-Sangha
The following is by a young man closing in on age thirty or so whose Awakening experience transpired, as described by him, almost entirely through offerings of the internet. What he presents within the contents of the paper offers interesting insights into the overall modern Enlightenment experience, and thus then perhaps, will be of interest to ALL seekers along the path, but especially so those whose computers are a personal choice for garnering information on Zen, spirituality, and the Awakening process. In that the author has since taken the page down from general internet access, through courtesy to him, within what is offered here, he will remain anonymous. All personal references have thus been removed.
Although not widely known, Enlightenment through similar means as cited above and presented in full below is not totally unheard of. Many, many years before the advancement of computers and the invention of the internet there was an American of great spiritual Attainment by the name of Alfred Pulyan that reached a great number of people almost exclusively through a mail order following. People that came to hear about him would write hoping for insight into what one could do to Awaken to the Absolute, and Pulyan would respond, asking for no more than a stamped self-addressed envelope. He claimed to have a 70% success rate, more than ten times higher than the ancient Zen masters — and all done through mail order.
3 replies
Hey dermographics! Have you ever tried inscribing sigils on your arm or other meaningful areas?
I've only casted a few, and you would probably want to keep it simple, but it goes away pretty quickly and you still get the melodrama of putting a mark on yourself that then recedes into you.
Just wondering if this is stupid, I'm fine with it being so.
4 replies
The Buddhist Perspective on Magic and Supernatural
Dear Venerable and Dharma Friends:
I would like to thank all of you for coming to this lecture on Buddhism. Our topic today is "the Buddhist Perspective on Magic and the Supernatural."
When we mention the word "magic," we immediately think of those mysterious, unusual and superhuman actions. When we face an obstacle, do we not all wish for a miracle? Maybe a Superman will appear and eliminate our problems. When someone hits or curses at us, would it not be great if we were martial arts masters? We could use one little finger to pin him to the ground. When being chased, would it not be wonderful if we could fly? We could easily escape the calamity. When someone wants to cause trouble, would it not be great if I could whisper a spell to make him immobile? When a rich person does not believe in doing good, would it not be nice if I could magically gather his money and give it to the poor and needy? Magic, to most people, is essentially the wish to be outstanding, to be powerful, and to be capable of accomplishing the impossible. Although magic can be used to punish the evil and help the needy, it can also be misused to endanger humanity. Does magic have any benefit for society? Is magic good or bad? What is the meaning of its existence? I would like to discuss the Buddhist perspective on magic and the supernatural from four aspects.
9 replies
tl;dr of all the magic books ever
Have a very strong imagination, imagine a way for something to be done, and it will be done.
There, saved you from having to read hundreds of books just to realize that truth.
The one and only greenpill that is truly necessary is this:
"THE ALL is MIND; The Universe is Mental."
–the imagination is not impotent, it is UNLIMITED in power.
–all things are imagined.
From there it is only a matter of imagining into being – or transforming – or banishing every quality that you don't like until the exact experience you really want to have manifest is being had by you.
Knowing the above is very important because what works for others will never work as well as your unique approach to imagining things. It's awkward to follow the various examples other give, and I've read hundreds of them, but it becomes apparent from reading so many examples that ALL of them are just different ways to imagine shit being done.
You do have to be fairly clever in how you imagine things. Some ways are more efficient than others, others take a lot of raw force. I suggest building up a permanent thoughtform that you can program with any functions you need it to have to perform operations on your reality.
All hail the powers of imagination!
77 replies
I've been reading this text:
There's a lot of talk in karma there.
Can anyone explain karma and how it works?
To me it's generally a ruse that someone binds themselves to by believing in it.
However if it's a real force and can be exploited towards positive ends I need to know more.
Is karma real? Why does it exist? How can it be used?
6 replies
SIDDHIS: Supernormal Perceptual States
Will post more of this later, just really badly needed to bring this to the attention of /fringe/.
These are exactly the sort of powers we want to have.
6 replies
MUST SEE!!! Beyond miraculous healings - Mingtong at Chi Center, California
Qi (Chi) means "life energy" and gong means "cultivation and its benefits." Qigong, an ancient technology and revitalized science of energy healing, has developed through more than 5000 years of Chinese history. Through gentle movement, visualization, sound, breathing and conscious intention, the ancient practice of Qigong energy healing dynamically restores the life energy and creative power within oneself. As the underlying causes of life's challenges are released, you reconnect with the universal source and bring new and vital energy streams into the flow of life. With this practice, you amplify a web of positive changes for you, your loved ones, and planet Earth.
Mingtong Gu is an internationally recognized teacher and healer who received his training from a variety of Grandmasters in China and at the world's largest Qigong hospital. This "medicine-less" hospital, Zhineng Qigong Center, has treated over 200,000 patients, with over 185 different illnesses, and with a 95% effective improvement rate. He is the founder of The Chi Center and Wisdom Healing Foundation and has taught Qigong to thousands of people in the USA, China, and Europe.
Master Gu observed thousands of cases of chronic and "incurable" diseases being healed at the Zhineng Medicineless Hospital. Witnessing these profound healing experiences inspired his dedication to the teaching and practice of Qigong healing. Through this practice, he recovered from his own chronic conditions of asthma, scoliosis, back pain and kidney weakness. And in working with his students he found his life passion, purpose, and fulfillment in this union of spiritual practice and applied healing wisdom. He lives and teaches with his wife Linling, who is also a gifted teacher and healer, with their 4-year old son whom they call their "grandmaster."
Master Gu's teaching emphasizes activating the power of inner self-healing which facilitates the release of chronic illness, while improving health and well-being. Deep awakening and transformation typically arise in this process of healing. Wisdom Healing™ Qigong integrates many forms of traditional Qigong with Eastern and Western medicine. It is a concentrated and powerful system engaging all levels of physical, mental, emotional, and soulful healing.
Through posture, movement, breath and mental concentration, Qigong offers a methodology to rediscover the inner medicine - chi, the vital and healing resource within us - and to magnify the exchange between ourselves and nature, enabling us to fuse with the infinite creative power of the universe that ultimately is the origin of love, compassion, and the source of all healing.
5 replies
I've yet to see one of these threads so I'll make one. If there is a thread on this just delete this one. List all magical creatures for servitors or for magical drawings and things.
-more to come…
15 replies
Post all of your sacred geometry ITT.
39 replies
I want to share some information with you that is not found on any book
published or on the net in this form and purity (simplicity while keeping
concentration) before.I cannot tell you the source of it now because it would
take very long and would be extremely hard to explain it.However, be sure this
knowledge is not from a source in the third, fourth or fifth density. Please
read these with full attention, these are much more purified knowledge than it
is offered by 'Cassiopaeans' at 71 percent rate. Let's call the source of this
knowledge 'past's Cassiopaeans who are now's 'Leoians'. These do not mismatch
with MOST of the GENERAL content of what Cassiopaeans state, but it is clear
that these are correcting them at some points and also completing them (also the
Ra Material) to another extent.
1- Densities from the first one to the fifth one, including the fifth one are
all 'illusionary' and not even comparable with the sixth density.
2- Densities from the first one to the fifth one are all different parts of the
'same eternal Womb'.
3- For a being to be able to 'really' born and to begin its 'real Life', it must
reach to the sixth density; although 'learning' also continues at the sixth
density- and forever.
4- We were all STS beings in the 4th density before (in the last cycle before
this one). We have come 'back' to the third density in order to take all the way
in the third density to develop in STO mode. Lizards did not say us 'Why don't
you come here and taste what we do?' It is only a symbolization done by
Cassiopaeans; they intentionally or unintentionally give this information by
changing it/the information reaches L changed.
1st density, Then to the 2nd, Then to the third (STS), Then to the fourth (STS),
Then to the third (STO) which we are 'at the moment'. Again, as it had been at
all of the 'past' steps and will be in the 'future ones', some percent of us
will proceed to 4th STO while others will continue.
6- Lizards at the fourth density 'at the moment' are the ones who have not been
mature enough to be able to come to the third density and begin learning STO.
Therefore, STS beings in the fourth density 'at the moment' that we call Lizards
are our little brother/sisters, we had been together with some of them while we
had been in 4th STS, and at the next cycle again some of them by their free
will, as we have done before coming to 3rd as STO- the ones who are mature
enough to cope with it- will come back to the third density in order to develop
in STO mode.
7- As many of you know, free will exists forever, and every single being in the
Eternal Womb(from the 1st to the 5th Density) is 100 % free as long as they
'want' to(in fact have to) stay and develop there. However, being STS is only
due to underdevelopment and there is no STS outside Eternal Womb(s).
8- Once a being comes to the 6th Density and makes its spiritual merge and
become part of a group consciousness, it begins to 'look after and care for the
development' of its specific baby souls in the eternal Womb (1st-5th densities).
One way they perform this is incarnating into the 3rd density. So what some baby
souls at the third density call 'their Higher Selves' are the group
consciousness beings that are looking after and caring them.
It can be said 'They are we in the future' but only to represent the meaning
that 'we, in the future, will be where they are at now'. When we reach to the
6th density, what we will be will not be 'them', only that stage will be where
we will be. We will be specific as every group sixth density being by specific
and unique 'memories and lives' although we will be all STO we will be unique.
When we reach to the 6th density, 'they'(6th density beings 'at the moment')
will be in a higher density and 'they' will begin learning to be- let's call
system operators- of this Eternal Womb.There are 'countless' eternal Wombs in
the Existence. Countless colors, worlds, entities. Those seven notes what
Ouspensky refer to only and only belong to the Eternal Womb that we are 'in' 'at
the moment'. A group consciousness after passing out of the seventh density will
create and experience another unique Eternal Womb, Universe with different
densities and unique in creation. And this will continue forever… That is how
what you experience now, you did, and you will is also 'being experienced' by
9- Although baby souls at the stage 4th-STS (such as Lizards) have free will to
do what ever they want to do with us, they serve us to develop while they are
also developing, and we must not forget that they are our little
brother/sisters. Any anger or disgust to them only and only is negatively
correlated with our development level. We are a bit 'bigger' brother/sisters of
them, and while they do us many tricks and games, by this way both of us mature
and develop. We must have the patience and consciousness of a bigger
brother/sister whose little brother/sister is misbehaving and playing.
Technology of them is better but this is only one of the rules in this Eternal
Womb. We are more 'enlightened' than they are as they are more 'enlightened'
than 2nd density STS's.
We were as enlightened as they are 'at the moment' when we were in 4th STS. All
This knowledge will increase our love to enormous levels for all entities
including Lizards who are using their robot-puppets grays and seem to be
'harming' us. Remember being in the fourth density has two stages. First, you go
there like for an undergraduate study as a STS being. Then you go to 3rd density
again for learning to be STO like a graduate study. Then you go back to 4th
density as a STO as a doctorate student. So 4th density has also many
difficulties and hard to learn lessons when 3rd STOs graduate. Because by this
time, they will face semi-directly 4th level STSs and semi-directly teach them
during their interactions and 'struggle'. Giant and complex lessons are waiting
in the 4th density. But this does not mean that it will not be fun and much more
beautiful. But do not forget that it will be 'harder' 'there' in the fourth
density. So educate yourselves as hard as you can before the Ascension. Because
beyond some level, many of the STO 3rd entities will graduate, but their
development in the 4th density will also depend on how they could develop
themselves much more than minimum limit of development required. 5th Density is
only and only a bus stop, only a hospital and holiday place nothing more and be
sure that you won't wish to stay there 'so long' when you begin to know what
complex(will be interpreted as really hard there!) lessons but also beautiful
experiences are waiting for you. 5th density is never ever a school, what you
learn there is only a temporary cure, so you do not learn 'there', so what you
have temporarily in the fifth density can never be classified as 'knowledge'
because it is only a temporary presentation and revelation. It is not 'added' to
Tom, it is my fault that I could not express it in English. I had no time, I had
time only to be able to give you the first lesson as you were not kind to me by
that e-mail, in which you have called me "dumb alligator". I should give you
first of all "a Love lesson". Then I sent that Matrix document in order to make
you understand at each step you are in. But before all, I should say that I do
not judge what you do on net, YOU ARE SERVING TO OTHERS, HELPING THEM, MAKING
by yourself, TOO. Whatever, always know that I love you.
Now here is the logic you want.
It does not say AT EACH HARVEST all of the entities are STS in 3D, it says all
of the entities who are STS will become STS 4D.
At the first time of Creation, all of the entities in 3D HAD BEEN STS. Then they
ALL have not been graduated to 4D STS, SOME GRADUATED AND SOME STAYED AS ONLY 3D
As it says there with big letters, at each time only a percent. So always there
will be a mix of STS and STO beings in 3D or 4D. It says ALL of the entities
will become and PASS, sooner or later, STS 4D. This is not a slight difference,
this is extremely important if I can express what it means.
You think that all 4D STS beings are MONSTERS, EXTREMELY HARMFUL. IT IS ONLY THE
OTHER STSs here in 3D. Are all of them Hitlers? No. You think that only those
who are close to Hitler are having right to graduate to 4D. This is a Ra
ONLY 4D STOs are always always positive. That is why it is being allowed there
to live them together. When 4D STS beings REACH THEIR PEAKS, IT IS 4D STOs WHO
You think that a being is 4D STS or 4D STO ARE COMPLETELY DIVIDED BY A STEEL
— another email forwarded by B, one he wrote to L
Hi L,
Why Cassiopaeans, as they call themselves, are not so?
First of all, I have to say a few about me in order for you to pay more
attention to what I will say about Cassiopaeans. I don't generally prefer to use
'I am…' thingies but for making you to form a decision about who I am in order
to pay full attention of what I try to show you, I have to do so.
I have a very busy life with different jobs to perform; many duties for
different people and organisations so excuse me for possible many possible
spelling and grammar errors etc. in this e-mail because I write it very fast and
have no time to check it. Do not think that because I do not understand what
Cassiopaeans- as they call themselves- say and I simplify and judge them. No. I
have been nearly in every esoterica, occult material, tens of philosophies
channeled material, ufo facts and evidences, all metaphysics and paranormal
issues, both intellectual as well as in practical ways and all the information
represented on the net, thousands of net sites are examined, tens of thousands
of articles are read as well as many many books for many years by me. I am also
a mystic. I can dive into every intellectual jungle when I have to, but also I
have an ability at the end to purify that knowledge and see if really something
exists as a result or is it only a logical&interestingly binded sentences but
nothing more. I am a highly educated person.
I reach to other realms and I can learn if I want the other people's childhood
vs. memories from the akashic records, -thanks to Sufism path I have
ADDITIONALLY been through for many years- but never for telling them these,
showing them miracles and surprising them affecting their free wills but only
OF FREE WILL. I never share that knowledge with anyone different even with that
person whom I had examined his or her memories and life from the akashic
records. So once again do not underestimate who I am and why I am warning you
and trying to wake up to the facts.
1- First of all L, you miss a very simple fact in the jungle of chaotic
scientific focus of Cassiopaea words. They sometimes say Light is Gravity. They
say Light is Knowledge. They say Love is Light. They intelligently mix all the
terms and represent it as an intelligence activity.
2- Second L, the information at they give, try to summarise them. Do it, as
in high school or university. Supoose that a Lecturer of you wanted it from you.
3- 5 pages. Summarise them. Wave, Signs etc. L, WAKE UP, WHEN THEY ARE TO BE
a) Lizards exist. They are very very very powerful, intelligent, all rituals ar
efeeding them, nearly every action ar efeeding them. We are cows, etc.
Repetation of this hundred sof times.
b) Everything is a lesson.
c) Some completely non-scientific, irreal and word-game stuff about quantum
physics like light is gravity gravity is light everything is gravity bla bla
d) Ascension is coming.
These can be found in many other sources.
a) They sometimes say waves are 6 dhftsfshfg laser waves, they sometimes say
they are something different, than they sal they are the same bla bla bla. L
and others. If you want to do so, ok keep the information on the net because you
are servicing to others, helping them to get out of the fact that Lizards exist,
Evil exists, etc although it is a jungle-trap of disinformation you present.
But from this moment please once again from the point what I say, re-examine
that material, when you summarise it what do you get? A big null, nothing is
extra except ireal&disinformative&deceit logic&empty and useless scientific
seeming but null knowledge. It is a word-game but nothing more except a few
points. What Cassiopaeans do by themselves is giving %75 non-usable, irrelavant,
empty words of information, and the rest is only there are some truths that you
can find in MANY OTHER SOURCES that Ascension is coming, Lizards exist,
Everything is a lesson and a few others…
L and others, if you are in 3D, why do you wish to be 'CONTACTED' by other
14 replies
So every time I look up at a clock recently its either 11:11, 1212, 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55.
Every single tme its like this.
Is there some occoult reaon for this soecifically? In reguards to either star alignments, rotation of the planet, or evem just the time of a specific day. I have no idea.
Do any of you get the same thing happening? If so what is it exactly?
11 replies
Hail once again to all of our listeners! We are delighted to have so many new people coming on stream all the time, and we encourage you to continue sharing our broadcast with your friends and with anyone that will listen!
This episode is the capstone of our shows on meditation. Before the beginning of April when I went on my months hiatus, we did an episode about true meditation on the Runes and some of the different ways a person can do that. On this episode we want to take a look at the highest form of meditation which we just alluded to in that episode, and talk about some of the techniques that you can use to achieve the "non-thought" state that that type of meditation entails.
"Non-thought" is not what you think it is! What a person today in our modern world hears the term "meditation" many times they have a vision in their head of someone sitting cross legged on a mat chanting a mantra. True, a person can use those types of techniques to help get themselves into a state of "non-thought", but the common idea is that this state of "non-thought" is a state of empty mindedness. This is not the case at all as you'll see as you listen to this broadcast. "Non-thought" is really about using the parts of your soul complex that are not tied to the 5 senses of the body. In other words learning to communicate in a different type of language if you want to call it that. English people speak English and understand English for the most part depending upon their level of education. Germans speak German to one another and can communicate. A modern English-speaking person speaking modern English to a German who has had no schooling in the language of English has a "hit and miss" chance of success in communication. The universe itself has its own language, and achieving the state of "non-thought" is not about not thinking, or being empty minded, but about learning how to speak the language of the universe and understand its response. This is the language of the gods and goddesses; the language of the ancestors long departed and yet still here; the language of your Fetch or your higher consciousness. Very importantly for those who follow the esoteric path, it is the language of the Runes themselves which are the very creative powers of the universe itself. It is the language of your subconscious mind as an individual human being as well. This is a far cry from empty mindedness! Learning the techniques that you will hear in this broadcast and disciplining yourself to invest the time in yourself will open doors to power an understanding along with wisdom and presence that may have been close to you up until now. Many places that teach meditation understand the concept of silencing the inner voice which is what "non-thought" is all about, but never tell you what to do when you get to that stage and lead you to believe that it is empty mindedness – – like a canvas waiting for something to be drawn upon it. This is a great disservice to humanity as if you understand the keys to what this language of the universe is all about (and it is a never-ending learning process) there is no limit to what you can accomplish or create in the world.
It is my dearest hope that you will take this to heart. Next weekend this and the 1st broadcast on meditation before April will be transformed in the video input into a playlist on YouTube so that you can watch them together if you wish. Remember to subscribe to our newsletter which is weekly and quarterly. Subscribe to us through PayPal if you can, although we do not require that of anyone it does a great help to us as well as any donations. Very soon you're going to see exactly what that has been able to do for the quality of the Northern Runes Radio! Hail to each and everyone of you! Until next time…
12 replies
I think this method is simpler than anything I've come up with before.
The key to AP I think is you need to cut off circulation to the limbs or else relax so much that those parts go numb.
As that happens just thoughtform something and then raise your astral arms in front of you and look at them.
Relax more and keep looking and moving your arms and then you can eventually be there.
Now with that said, this is still rather difficult, not easily done on a whim.
So I have an idea.
I'm thinking of creating a persistent thoughtform, much like a tulpa, that stays in my vision forever.
It will be used as a constant link to the astral, so AP can be done any time on a whim, easily fully submissive into the astral reality.
I think it would also be possible for me to do what transhumanists dream to do and create a hud over my vision which displays additional information about things in the environment and utilizes subconscious processing to do calculations and bring fourth info rapidly.
Then, I have a final experiment I want to try.
I want to do a
soul swap.
I'd get together with someone else who can AP and the idea would be to leave the body and then do whatever is possible to get into their body.
I believe 4 possible outcomes of this:
You succeed in swapping bodies and you then feel their body and peer out from behind their eyes and you have proven to each other definitely at this point that soul and body are separate entities. You have also found a method of immortality.
You transfer your soul into your partner's body, but your partner fails to do the same. You then become trapped in the same body and can hear each others thoughts, sharing the same body. Still a good deal.
You fail to transfer souls at all but at least you meet in astral space and possibly establish a mental link with your partner, kind of like those twins in Scandinavia that ran around into traffic.
Imagine what we can do with this. THIS will be the key that we need. It will end our fears, bring us into full contact with the higher reality, and grant us a way to immortality. If we grow old, we could transfer our souls into some of our younger and healthiest descendants, and share their bodies and give them guidance and so on. Then we could do this for a long time and educate the whole world about spirit and finally put to death the materialist anti-spiritual philosophy.
My idea to do this is that I'm going to need to find a quiet place, very isolated, no distractions and clear my mind. Then I will have to focus for hours on a thoughtform and pour my emotion into it. I think eventually I will have created the persistent thoughtform I need.
What do you think /fringe/?
96 replies
My wizards folder needs expanding, post all your wizard pictures, both male and female.
Examine these synchronistic repeating digits btw.
11 replies
An Introduction to Sorcery
by Phil Hine
Sorcery (also known as Results Magic, or Spell-casting) is generally understood as the use of magical techniques and perspectives to bring about a change in one's material environment. Traditionally, the use of magical techniques for direct results has been thought of as 'Low' magic, whilst the quest for spiritual growth, uniting with one's 'Higher Self' or attaining transcendence from the material world was, of course, 'High' magic. This distinction perpetuated the division of the world into matter v spirit, subjective v objective, reflecting a general philosophy (shared by science & religion) which regarded the demands of the everyday world as being inferior to abstract metaphysics.
Previous to the rise of dualistic, world-rejecting belief and philosophy, sorcerers were respected (and sometimes feared) for their power to influence events in their favour. For example, the Chinese Sorcerer Chuko Liang is said to have invoked the spirits of wind in a way that was instrumental to his master Liu Pei winning the Battle of Red Bluff (261 AD.).
For the modern magician, such a distinction is artificial and very much a sign of self-limitation. Sorcery is valuable for a number of reasons.
Firstly, that success with sorcery techniques embeds in one's mind the certainty that MAGIC WORKS in a way that intellectual argument or practice without clear purpose cannot.
Secondly, that in working with sorcery techniques, the rigorous analysis of one's own motivations and desire-complexes is itself enlightening and of great benefit to magical development.
Thirdly, that the practice of sorcery itself leads to considerations of personal ethics; if one is serious about bringing about change in the world, one must also accept responsibility for those changes. Moreover, bringing about change in the world tends to lead to personal changes. If I enchant for fame, then I must be able to change in order to make the best use of that fame.
Fourthly, practical sorcery demands identifiable results; if I choose to enchant for Wealth, I must be able to at some point be able to say how the sorcery has contributed to my wealth.
Finally, successful sorcery requires that we pay attention to the world as it is, rather than how we would like it to be. One of the great pitfalls in magical development is the tendency for people to, when the going gets tough, withdraw themselves into a safe fantasy and count themselves kings of infinite space. Sorcery, which is concerned with the everyday world, can help us keep our feet on the ground, which is very important for those who would reach for the stars
16 replies
The History of the Red Haired Race - Tuatha De Danaan
In the Takla Makan Desert in central Asia, mummies of non-Asian peoples were found. The mummies are dated to be 3,800 years old.
Builders along the Silk Road were know as the Tocharians 2,000 years ago. Were they related to the Mummy People?
A search of a museum reveals a young woman with an overbite, which is European in nature, and a elderly man with reddish hair.
They also find woolen textiles woven into twill and tartan patterns in blue, white, and red. Similar to the Celtic tartans from Northwest Europe. Scientific reconstruction of the heads of the mummies produces a face that strongly resembles ancient Celts and Saxons.
The mummy people used the wheel long before it was known in China, and may have played a role in introducing it to Chinese civilization.
There are 3,000-year-old rock engravings similar to ones in Bulgaria and the Ukraine. The characters have long noses, long faces and round eyes. According to the ancient Chinese, the European nomads had red hair, bluish-green eyes and had long noses.
14 replies
This is just a suggestion of self-advancement newcomers can undergo so they can set themselves a goal. When you don't have a specific path it tends to get odd and very messy so this shall act as a beginner's guide to the occult called "The Sevenfold Path of /fringe/".
I - Neophyte/Aspiring Wizard
As a neophyte you need to understand what magic is and how it works. You need to study and do some simple practices before seriously going into the occult. I want you to understand what you're taking up, to make sure you really want to dedicate yourself to our works, and so on. We're not pushing any beliefs on you, you can be whatever you want. /fringe/ is a place where even Satanists and Christians get along and have the same goal of /fringe/ (mentioned later). Suggested reading: Everything in the sticky (>>2), The Kybalion[1], Liber Null & Psychonaut[2], Advanced Magick for Beginners[3], Visual Magick by Jan Fries[4], Introduction to Sorcery[5], Pocket Guide to Chaos Magick[6], and anything you're interested in learning. We here at /fringe/ study and practice Chaos Magick, which is the paradigm of paradigms. We switch beliefs for the benefit of us all, practice those beliefs, shared what worked, and profit. If you don't like reading, well, you aren't worthy of the occult because that's a big part of it. Cast a sigil for reading as your first test :^)
Goals of a neophyte:
-Read everything we suggest for you
-Don't be afraid to
Smiley a question or drop one off in the question thread (there are no stupid questions!)
-Practice meditation and other occult practices you think you're capable of
-Practice the Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram[7] and make your own banishing ritual
-Participate in things you can. If you don't know, don't bother. If someone asks you something you don't know, simply say "I haven't a fucking clue." because you'll gain more respect that way instead of acting like you know something
-cleanse and activate your chakras
II - Initiate/Novice
At this stage you should be putting a lot into practice. Doing rituals, practicing visualization, getting started to AP, doing lots of beginner sorcery, and writing essays on your findings. Don't worry if you're not good at this stage, practice makes perfect. Be sure to participate in experiments and be a part of the community, everyone should be apart of the community. Be sure to have a notepad or something and write notes, and copy/paste the important threads into an archive, you never know when we might get shut down. You shouldn't find a sturdy path (like a practice or religion) as of now, just keep studying, practicing, and sharing your findings. Please don't repeat threads.
Goals of the Novice
-practice anything you'd like
-do sorcery often
-learn something new that takes a while, such as a form of divination
-post your results
-begin with AP, don't worry if you don't get it for a while it takes practice
-start things such as visualization, and other important techniques
III - Adept (First Degree)
At this point you should have a steady paradigm, but be sure to remember to switch paradigms often when you feel like it. This could be a full blown religion or something like yoga. Whatever it is, stick to it, trust me on this one. It gets crazy without one and you get less motivated. Now study each paradigm, share your results. You should be able to undergo various practices such as, but not limited to, astral projection, invocation of a deity, gnosis, several sorcery techniques (it doesn't matter whether you fail or succeed, as long as you understand and can do it), self hypnosis (or trance), and other things. You should be a steady poster on /fringe/ and have a lot of threads here. Adepts should also give advice and help Neophytes and Initiates in any way possible.
Goals of the Adept, First Degree
-have a steady paradigm, study and practice it, post your results
-keep doing what you've been doing, which is meditation, studying everything, AP, etc
IV - Adept (Second Degree)
Once you reach Adept Second Degree you should be able to do a lot of things. Plain and simple. Keep doing our goal.
V - Wizard
While we are all wizards, Neophyte and Adept alike, this rank is when you understand a lot of things. You are able to visualize fine, AP, pyrokinesis/telekinesis or anything you've picked up, gnosis, you should've done a lot of rituals and experienced a lot, posted many threads here, so on. This could take a long time to get to this stage. Don't worry, Neophytes could be better at something than Wizards most of the time. A Wizard should have perfect understanding of many spiritual things, he's seen some shit. This could also be called the Buddha stage or Enlightened Wizard or something, but Wizard is more simple and cool. At this stage you know a LOT, and teach/preach others the way of the occult.
Citations and other shit
[1] -
[2] -
[3] -
[4] -
[5] -
[6] -
[7] -
(If I missed anything I want Smiley to add and edit this please)
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The Star Game serves three basic esoteric functions. First, it is a new type of sinister magick, appropriate to our times and the emergence of the next Aeon. Second, it enables an understanding of Aeonics; and, third, it is one means of developing that new type of thinking – beyond causal, abstract, forms – which is an important part of the the forthcoming New Aeon.
In addition, it can be played simply for pleasure, as a “game”, although it is somewhat more complicated than ordinary chess.
In The Dark Tradition, it is one of the tasks of an aspirant Internal Adept to learn, and master, the rudiments of The Star Game, since this learning reveals many secrets about The Dark Tradition itself.
The Star Game exists in two forms: the “simple” (or basic) form, and the “advanced” (or esoteric) form. In the basic form there are seven boards, and only 27 pieces. In the advanced form, there are at least 81 pieces per “side” (or player) and many more boards, and it is this advanced form which is most interesting from an esoteric point of view and which enables effective Dark Sorcery, beyond “words” and “chants”.
An outline of the basic version of The Star Game is given below, together with some notes regarding the advanced form, and more details regarding both forms can be found in the ONA MS NAOS, as published by the ONA in facsimile.
The Boards:
There are seven boards, each one named after a particular star, which boards are placed one above the other in a spiral and forming a septenary Tree of Life (or Tree of Wyrd, to be precise).
Each board has nine black and nine squares, with each board representing a sphere of the Tree of Wyrd (ToW). See Figure O below.
The Pieces:
Each player has three sets of nine pieces, that is 27 pieces in all. The nine pieces are:
a(a) a(b) a(c) b(a) b(b) b(c) c(a) c(b) c(c)
The pieces can also be named Alchemically, abstractly or in terms of the Dark Tradition.
In Alchemical terms, a is the Alchemical symbol for Salt. b is the Alchemical symbol for Mercury, and c is the Alchemical symbol for Sulphur. Abstractly, a is the Greek letter alpha, b the letter beta, and c gamma. In terms of the Dark Tradition, a is causal space-time; b is where the acausal is present or manifest in the causal, and c acausal space-time.
These symbols and letters should be written on the pieces which are either small, square pieces of wood (of a size to fit on the board squares), or small tetrahedrons.
One set of three pieces is coloured black, the other set, white. [ Or red and blue may be used.]
Esoterically, the pieces represent the combinations of the alchemical substances, or the various combinations and manifestations of causal/acausal.
The Moves:
The central rule of the game is that each piece, when it moves, is transformed into the piece next in sequence:
Thus the a(a) piece when it is moved becomes an a(b) piece; a(c) becomes b(a) and so on. A c(c) piece becomes a(a).
The c (or gamma) pieces – c(a) c(b) c(c) – can move to any (vacant) square on any board.
The b (or beta) pieces can move across the board they are already on to any vacant square, and up, or down, one level – for example, from Acturus up to Antares, or down to Sirius. Note that a piece on Sirius can move only up to Arcturus.
The a (or alpha) pieces can move only across the board they are on.
After a piece has been moved, and therefore changed into the piece next in sequence, it moves according to its new identity. Thus, a b(c) piece would become a c(a) piece and on its next move, moves as a c (or gamma) piece.
The Placing of Pieces:
The initial or starting position of the pieces depends on how the game is used. Esoterically, the pieces are placed to represent a particular form at a particular moment in causal time: for example, to represent a civilization, an Aeon, or a person. Exoterically – when the game is played simply as an intellectual game – the placing of the pieces is fixed.
In the exoteric game the starting positions are as follows:
Six pieces are placed on Sirius – two sets of alpha pieces – for white, and six for black. See Figure 1
Arcturus has three pieces for white and three for black. See Figure 2
Antares has six pieces for white and six for black – two sets of beta pieces, placed exactly as the pieces on the Sirius board.
Mira has no pieces on it at the start.
Rigel has the three remaining pieces (for each player) of the beta sets, placed as the alpha pieces on Arcturus.
Deneb has six pieces of white and six of black from the gamma set, placed as the alpha set on Sirius.
Naos has the three remaining pieces of the gamma set, placed the same as the alpha sets of Arcturus.
Exoteric Game Rules:
The pieces move according to the rules above (see The Moves above), and are transformed as above. However, in the exoteric game, pieces can only stay on Mira for three moves. After three moves have been played (three by white; three by black) the player must move one of their pieces on Mira, if they have pieces on Mira, and this move must – if the piece is able (of the correct sequence) – be up or down from the Mira board. If there are alpha pieces on Mira, these are moved according to alpha piece rules: across the board only. That is, until they become beta pieces when they must move up or down from Mira.
A c(c) piece is the only piece that can can capture any opposing piece. A c(c) piece can capture an opposing piece on any square from any board except Naos. The pieces on Naos cannot be captured. The piece so captured is removed from the game and plays no further part.
After a c(c) piece has captured another piece, it becomes a a(a) piece.
Exoteric Game Object:
The simplest form of the game is for one player to occupy certain squares on Mira, of a pattern decided by both players beforehand. A suggested pattern for winning is given in Figure 3.
Thus, the player has to place three of their alpha pieces in the pattern given.
The first player to achieve this pattern (within the three move Mira limit) wins. Note that c(c) pieces can capture pierces on Mira.
Exoteric Rule Variations:
To initially make the game easier to learn, and play, two variations are suggested. The first is to amend the three move Mira limit – to five, or seven, moves. This makes the game much easier.
The second is not to allow the c(c) piece to capture pieces on Mira. This makes the game very easy indeed.
Star Game: Elementary Guide to Esoteric Meanings
1) The seven boards can represent the origin, and change, of one particular Aeon. That is, each board – each sphere – is an aspect of that particular Aeon. Sirius represents the origin, and Naos, the end of the Aeon. The pieces symbolize causal-acausal, and the presencing of the acausal. Or in more mundane terms, archetypes.
Thus, the present Western Aeon can be symbolized, and the future ascertained – or changed, if the game is used in a Magickal way by an Adept.
2) The seven boards can also represent the seven Aeons, with Sirius being the Sumeric – the first Aeon – and Rigel the present Western Aeon. Thus, the Next Aeon, the galactic, can be studied, understood and perchance brought into being/changed.
(See Aeonic Magick – A Basic Introduction for details about the seven Aeons of septenary tradition.)
The initial placing of the pieces is the key to representing both of the above, and such placings are taught to Initiates of the Sinister way.
The boards can also represent one individual. The pieces then represent aspects of the consciousness – the life – of the individual. The alpha pieces are concerned with the “ego”; the beta pieces with “self”; and the gamma pieces with Adeptship and beyond.
The alpha set represents “feeling”; the beta set “intuition”; and the gamma set “thinking”, broadly as those terms are defined by Jung. Each board represents that aspect of the individual associated with that sphere: thus, Sirius represents the “Moon” aspect (Night; Calcination; Aries; Nox and so on), and Mira the “Sun” aspect (Putrefaction; Lux; Vision). See the Septenary Correspondences.
In one very important way, the pieces and the boards represent the esoteric path to Wisdom: to self-understanding, and the creation of a new being.
The initial placing of the pieces is usually done to represent the individual in the present, as they are now, and this placing is an esoteric skill, learned through study and practice.
Note: The above is the general, or simple, form of The Star Game. A more advanced Game exists, with each board having six (minor) boards (three at each end), and there being additional pieces (more sets of nine for each player: often 81 pieces per player; sometimes more), with additional rules regarding movement. In this advanced form, each board is divided into three other levels so that there are four levels to each board:
——————— Level 3 ———————- Level 3
——– Level 2b ——– Level 2b
——– Level 2a ——– Level 2a
———————– Level 1 (White) ———————- Level 1 (Black)
Level three consists of six squares, three white and three black; level 2b is a single square; level 2a is the same as level three: three black and three white squares.
5 replies
The Biocentric Universe Theory
The farther we peer into space, the more we realize that the nature of the universe cannot be understood fully by inspecting spiral galaxies or watching distant supernovas. It lies deeper. It involves our very selves.
This insight snapped into focus one day while one of us (Lanza) was walking through the woods.
Looking up, he saw a huge golden orb web spider tethered to the overhead boughs. There the creature sat on a single thread, reaching out across its web to detect the vibrations of a trapped insect struggling to escape.
The spider surveyed its universe, but everything beyond that gossamer pinwheel was incomprehensible. The human observer seemed as far-off to the spider as telescopic objects seem to us.
Yet there was something kindred: We humans, too, lie at the heart of a great web of space and time whose threads are connected according to laws that dwell in our minds.
• Is the web possible without the spider?
• Are space and time physical objects that would continue to exist even if living creatures were removed from the scene?
Figuring out the nature of the real world has obsessed scientists and philosophers for millennia.
Three hundred years ago, the Irish empiricist George Berkeley contributed a particularly prescient observation: The only thing we can perceive are our perceptions. In other words, consciousness is the matrix upon which the cosmos is apprehended.
Color, sound, temperature, and the like exist only as perceptions in our head, not as absolute essences. In the broadest sense, we cannot be sure of an outside universe at all.
For centuries, scientists regarded Berkeley’s argument as a philosophical sideshow and continued to build physical models based on the assumption of a separate universe “out there” into which we have each individually arrived. These models presume the existence of one essential reality that prevails with us or without us.
Yet since the 1920s, quantum physics experiments have routinely shown the opposite: Results do depend on whether anyone is observing.
This is perhaps most vividly illustrated by the famous two-slit experiment. When someone watches a subatomic particle or a bit of light pass through the slits, the particle behaves like a bullet, passing through one hole or the other. But if no one observes the particle, it exhibits the behavior of a wave that can inhabit all possibilities - including somehow passing through both holes at the same time.
Some of the greatest physicists have described these results as so confounding they are impossible to comprehend fully, beyond the reach of metaphor, visualization, and language itself.
But there is another interpretation that makes them sensible. Instead of assuming a reality that predates life and even creates it, we propose a biocentric picture of reality.
From this point of view, life - particularly consciousness - creates the universe, and the universe could not exist without us.
37 replies
Experiments in Psytrance, Inducing Synesthesia and Exploration of Worlds of Vibration
A few years ago, using psytrance and weed I managed to go from inducing synesthesia to separating from my body and entering a very intense world made of musical vibration. It only took a few weeks to do this and it wasn't difficult at all.
I'd like to create an experiment to see if the method is reproducable while sober, or while intoxicated in other people.
The method is simple, lie down with headphones on in the dark with your eyes shut, listen to psytrance.
If sober it would be best to enter into an energised state where you have a strong sense of your etheric body before doing this.
When lying down you can focus on the vibes in your body or focus on your vision, invite the music to influence both. Switch between them if you feel like, or focus on one during one session and then the other during another session. Eventually the two will merge and if fully successful you will detach from your body and enter into a realm that is made purely of music in an energetic form, what you hear, what you see and what you feel will merge and you'll be able to "travel" through the music in a very real sense.
If you're interested in taking part in the experiment please tripfag so we can record and follow your individual development.
When reporting experiences remember to include the state of mind you were in before the experiment, the specific psytrance compilation you listened to, what you experienced and whether or not you were sober.
Weed seems to help a LOT with this, mostly because it allows you to separate out the different streams and nuances of sound which develops into spatial dimensions creating the "musical world".
If you're not getting high before trying this then try to focus on separate aspects of the music and try to separate them out in your mind. "Ride" each stream of sound.
If you don't mind intoxicating yourself smoke some sativa before the experiment.
is full of free psytrance, some types work better than others so if nothing interesting happens straight off it may be due to picking a lousy compilation, this is where group participation will help, if someone had good resuts with a specific compilation, try that one next.
Psytrance done well is music designed to alter your consciousness, it is the modern high tech version of shamanic drumming. It's often very overwhelming and chaotic which creates the right sort of state for interesting things to happen.
I often experienced entity contact while doing this so don't be surprised if something shows up, they were all friendly btw.
11 replies
Around 2007-2010 I experienced a wave of paranormal activity which I believe is rather remarkable and the more interesting experiences have been experienced by other parties. Around 2010 I did a very long report on /x/ about this, even then my memory was waning because I felt overwhelmed with the amount of stuff that happened due to the sheer number of incidents happening every week.
I only remember the highlights now, but I might as well post this here like I did on /x/. This isn't a copypasta or anything. This all literally happened. I'll break down the experiences, these aren't necessarily in chronological order, but I hope it gets the escalation of events across. I haven't proof read what I have written, so please excuse any spelling and grammatical errors, or any rambling on my part. I've tried to break these experiences down into chunks so I can at least stay on message and avoid rambling.
1.) Weird sounds around my house, sounds of footsteps and banging on the walls. I dismiss it
2 replies
History of the Society
The Ouroboros Society was founded in 1923 by August Strickland, Professor of Theology at Columbia University. Dr. Strickland's interest in the subject of reincarnation dated back to his days as a student at the university. However, after the deaths of his wife and children during the flu pandemic of 1918, the study of reincarnation became the focus of Dr. Strickland's life. He used his family fortune to create the Society, and he housed the organization in his own mansion opposite Gramercy Park in Manhattan.
Read more:
16 replies
So this domain is available (i think one time buy) for $1200 USD or "best deal" whatever that is. Any takers for us? We already have a wiki, but now we can have a site for Smiley and some others to practically make a grimoire on, kind of like the Joy of Satan Ministries except it isn't a cult, just occult info. I'm getting a job pretty soon (1-2 months) so I could buy it if it's still available. They say it's for Wicca and shit but fuck them and fuck Wicca, it'll practically be an archive and for articles to hopefully clear these 20 pages out, (start going through pages and reporting the shit threads, guys! help smiley and stal with this shit plus we don't need like 50 pages) personally fringechan can be article discussion then we can edit shit and add it to theoccult.info and archive it, then we won't have to worry about all these superb articles getting lost.
So what do you guys think?
21 replies
Techniques that WORK
Here's an easy and powerful breathing technique which will increase loosh quickly (less than a minute) and effectively.
First you wanna learn the difference between the three types of breathing. Do each of these as you read them. First is shallow breathing using the top part of your lungs, when you do this your shoulders move up and down. Second is with the middle part of your lungs, when you do this your chest expands and contracts. Third is with the bottom part of your lungs, when you do this your belly extends and contracts.
Now here's the technique. Do it sitting with a straight back.
Breathe deeply starting with the bottom of your lungs, then the middle then the top. When you breathe out breathe out from the top first, then the middle, then the bottom.
This gives you an increase flow of oxygen and uses your lungs completely which we rarely do. Using all parts of your lungs is done in yogic breathing and pranyama but this technique is different, less difficult and will get you results in less than a minute.
Do this often to restore and maintain loosh.
Another technique, this one from Wilhelm Reich is to lie down and breathe in, when you breathe in move the energy from breathing first to your groin then down through your legs and out into space. In and through. According to Reich this technique absorbs the orgone (his term for chi/prana) energy in oxygen and stores it in your body.
These methods are great mostly because they're easy and work well, pranyama for example is a bitch to do properly or for an extended period of time if you're not used to breathing techniques. Using these should give your lungs some exercise and make harder stuff like pranyama more accessible.
Post maor occult techniques that you've found to work well.
38 replies
I really hate myself and don't like anything about who I am. Everything just disgusts me. My body, my thoughts, my memories. I don't value any of it.
There is only one thing I value at this point and it's the possibility for a greater experience. I don't give a shit about this awful fucking life I've had but I want to experience more and greater things.
So I'd like for this to all fade away and for me adopt a new name, a new personality, a new and far more powerful consciousness, etc. Maybe keep a few core lessons in order to avoid repeating mistakes you know and a few values but mostly I just want to purge myself of my body and mind.
At this point I might as well just kill myself right? I don't know if that will lead automatically to a greater experience though. So I've got a second idea – possession or invocation.
I want to craft a new and much more powerful entity to invoke which shall then become me. A kind of god self or perfected self or whatever. One without all these shitty limitations and defective modes of thought. I need to get rid of all this inferiority and transcend. My entire life has been PURE SHIT up to this point and I haven't a single thing to look back on where I can say "this was really meaningful" or "this person I loved" or "I was proud of this". I am just too disgustingly inferior to achieve those kinds of things, I have a broken mind from a shitty upbringing and a lot of traumas.
That's how much I fucking hate my life. I don't think anyone else can even top me on how much I despise myself.
So it all needs to die and I need a new body and a new mind… how can I attain these through magic? Please tell me.
36 replies
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Does anyone know more about this book?: Al Bunî´s most infamous work is the Bunî Risalesi(the Bunî Pamphlet), which is kept hidden from public and academic knowledge because of its contents. It is told that the 1208 page Bûni Pamphlet explains how to summon and dominate a djinn or a demon with charms and spellsi, the preparations of these spells and charms are also included with every detail. Only a few pages of the manuscript have leaked in 800 years and the very few people, which had the chance to see the original manuscript, has never(or according to some rumors could never) spoke about it. Whereabouts: In an unknown private manuscript collection in Istanbul, according to some rumors this collection is in Beyazit Library.
6 replies
>while Diogenes was relaxing in the sunlight in the morning, Alexander, thrilled to meet the famous philosopher, asked if there was any favour he might do for him. Diogenes replied, "Yes, stand out of my sunlight". Alexander then declared, "If I were not Alexander, then I should wish to be Diogenes", to which Diogenes replied, "If I were not Diogenes, I should also wish to be Diogenes."[31] In another account of the conversation, Alexander found the philosopher looking attentively at a pile of human bones. Diogenes explained, "I am searching for the bones of your father but cannot distinguish them from those of a slave."
>It was contrary to Athenian customs to eat within the marketplace, and still he would eat, for, as he explained when rebuked, it was during the time he was in the marketplace that he felt hungry. He used to stroll about in full daylight with a lamp; when asked what he was doing, he would answer, "I am just looking for an honest man."
>When Plato gave Socrates' definition of man as "featherless bipeds" and was much praised for the definition, Diogenes plucked a chicken and brought it into Plato's Academy, saying, "Behold! I've brought you a man." After this incident, "with broad flat nails" was added to Plato's definition
I don't know why this guy isn't remembered today (at least in popular culture) but Socrates and Plato are. It seems like he was based as fugg.
20 replies
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How do I get fiat notes?
Dont wanna deal with slavery. fuck this matrix, fucking mk ultra programs. -Need a new a home in peace without agents triggering my mind with their dreamworld paradigms
Money (fiat note) Magick?
72 replies
I have the feeling that there are two evolutionary trends in humanity: the autistic trend and the schizophrenic/psychotic trend.
The autistic trend has recently emerged due to many different factors, some known and some not. They are valued due to their ability to focus very well and use and manipulate restricted axiomatic systems, however this is at the expense of their spiritual, social, emotional and imaginative abilities. It seems as if autistic people cannot think outside of their set paradigms/systems, and cannot be on the receiving end of any real spiritual visions/insight.
They aren't entirely challenged, however. Their ability to focus makes them very adept at meditation, and indeed many of them practice it. But few, if any, of those who are seriously autistic venture into the unknown that is the hidden side of the truth of this world.
The other trend is the schizophrenic/psychotic. In general, those who are a part of it are very imaginative to the point of near-genius, and are very much in tune to the natural chaos of the world that strives to become ordered. However, they can't focus worth shit, and they usually have to depend on drugs to really do anything that doesn't come to them naturally. Despite their inability to really do very much, they lead rich spiritual lives (if they are not in denial of what they perceive, real or no), and many receive visions that are vivid and at times highly informative. Ability to interpret and act on such information will vary from person to person. Of course, being psychotic often ruins a person's life at least moderately, and most will be too confused to know how to use their abilities.
This is just a theory. Tell me what you think.
34 replies
NOT ENOUGH CHAOS ON THIS BOARD!!! General chaos thread, be it Discordianism, Chaos Magick, anything. Tomorrow is Friday so be sure to eat a hot dog (with no bun, of course.).
Btw we need a board dedicated to Eris, maybe /discord/, /chaos/, /kaos/, /eris/, etc but keep it secret. It'd be chaotically awesome.
17 replies
Is it really necessary to consciously avoid negative emotions and situations? What if you can transform all of the negative emotions into positive ones – could one benefit then from doing things that would lead to all sorts of adverse reactions from others? Also aren't we living this life in order to suffer and to gain spiritual power from that suffering? Should I really be worried if someone wants to torture and kill me even if I am beyond such things (physical pain doesn't bother me and I might have a deathwish)? What about pissing people off while trying to initiate them into higher awareness or simply pushing buttons until you set off an emotional trigger until they eventually learn to keep calm and not get upset over trivialities?
Is suicide really a bad thing? I've participated in many discussions on the topic before and I don't find most of the reasons others have given to not do it very compelling. Like one reason that is trotted out all the time is that "you came here to have an experience and you'd be invalidating your purpose in life by ending it early" but I don't think that argument means anything really when surely the act of suicide was in no way changing the plan but a part of it. So anyone who kills themself would have just done as they were meant to do. Others say that when you die and go to the astral planes you'll feel stupid having done what you did and want to go back for another incarnation to learn the lessons you did not … but I already astral travel and when I'm in the astral I don't think such thoughts, why would it be any different after destroying my physical vessel? Another thing is that at the time I kill myself it'll probably be when I feel that I have no potential whatsoever to progress any further in this life, that I'm just getting beaten down too hard, and besides all that I know very well that many people will celebrate when I'm dead and the others won't care as I have cultivated such incredible hatred and disdain from so many people.
What also if I am evil? I have a really fucked sense of morality. I know about the golden rule but it's useless because it says "do onto others as you would want done onto yourself". Well what if I just want to die or for people to take out their anger on me and torture me? From that line of reasoning I see no problem in killing or torturing others.
What constitutes suicide from a metaphysical perspective? Am I still committing suicide if for example I decide to do very increasingly dangerous things in the knowledge it will surely lead to my death sooner or later? What if I decide to go down fighting and making myself worthy of the halls of Valhalla? I personally advocate dying a meaningful death – to me it doesn't matter if it's suicide or some other cause as long as they died in a noble and fearless fashion.
I also support infanticide because I often wish my vessel was destroyed before I was incarnated in it (something which I feel was against my will and not a choice btw as many claim, I consider myself as a kind of tulpa probably made by a higher being that made the choice for me, and suspect that I will be returned to that consciousness upon death maybe unless perhaps I can fight it) and because I think defective vessels should just be terminated early in order to spare the ridiculous and pointless suffering of any being that might have the misfortune of having to occupy that vessel as well as the waste of resources. I'm not sure if you'd feel differently. I also don't view very young children as truly conscious though I think it varies, some people have memories going to very early in life, and others don't. I personally would not consider the first 5 years that my vessel was on Earth to be a time in which I really existed here.
My greatest aspiration for a very long time has been to simply escape to the astral planes and leave behind this world. I don't care about what goes on here in third density… don't care about relationships, money, or anything else but escaping. Everything about this waking reality feels unreal, lower resolution, lower depth, etc. and if there was ever one compelling reason to stay or to come back then that would be to free others from what I regard as a spiritual prison, purely out of sympathy for those lost in this realm suffering and inferiority.
One way I've wanted to escape is to complete the transmigration of the soul like Lobsang Rampa. Another plan I have is to create a tulpa and then let it possess me so I can escape and it can have my body. Another possibility wouldn't even just be about escape but breaking down the veil and bringing the astral into this realm, causing an instant ascension for everyone into 4th density. I don't know what the most feasible plan for escape would be but I think the tulpa one might be my best bet. Do you have any ideas on how I could get out of here and also do you approve of such a choice to leave?
I also want to make something clear because every day people misunderstand me on this – a lot of people think I want to leave because of a dissatisfaction with life here that they think could be ammended in some way. Like more money, health, an intimate companion, sex, or whatever else they think that I should be valuing. What they don't understand is I could be perfectly rich, I could be a total degenerate and having sex with whoever I want, I could have better health, or whatever – and it wouldn't measure up at all to the deeper experiences I can have in the astral. I feel like this whole world is static and blur (in fact, I see static in my vision all the time especially for anything that's supposed to be dark / black) and that it is dull to my senses. Explained in terms of the holographic paradigm, it's like I've got a smaller piece of the hologram, so with the laser of my consciousness shining through the image produced is less clear.
That's what pisses me off so much about this world. It's not really just suffering, pain, etc. Pain for example is very beautiful in its own way but it's better appreciated when it's felt more intensely I think. It's the way everything is so insubstantial, so fake, so shallow, so dull. The astral planes have everything that is here but it's all turned up in intensity – colours are more vivid, objects viewed up close are more detailed, the depth of the experience is greater. Like 720p compared to 480p. Why would you ever want to watch a film in 480p or an even worse resolution if you had a choice to watch the same film in 720p? The physical planes / third density and the matrix control system are a pathetic excuse for a reality. The only positive explanation I have for its existence might be to give us motivation to escape it and then to appreciate the next level of existence much more. Maybe it also has something to do with shaping the mind into a coherent and stable form, perhaps something that would be more difficult for an entity native to 5th density? I'm not sure.
I hate being here. I don't want to be bound to this place any longer. There's like 2 people also I'd want to help escape because they are on the same path as me and feel like an extension or different iterations of me – they're probably part of the same 6th density soul complex as me. I'd try to help a few more if it was feasible simply because I know they want out and I want to help anyone escape. I hate the demiurge's false realm (well, unless you consider the demiurge as controlling the astral planes, which I don't – but if there is a higher realm than the astral maybe I will find myself wanting to be there if I ever I get to experience it or maybe not, maybe I will just want to stay in the astral, I won't know until later).
This video basically captures my feel about the third density:
46 replies
Does the anime world exist in another dimension? How can I get there?
19 replies
Exercise one
While you are reading these lines your attention was probably closely
glued to the words, to your inner voice, and to the inner sights and
feelings that were stimulated by the text. Now we will move attention
into the outer universe. Make yourself comfortable. Take a few deep
breaths. What are you aware of right now? Begin by speaking aloud. Say
what you are perceiving with your senses. You might start with touch,
for example. This might sound like: well, I feel the book in my hands and
how myfingers are holding the pages. Ifeel my body resting in the chair, and my legs
are crossed. One ofmyfeet touches thefloor… Ifeel my belly moving as breathflows.
. . and the motions of my mouth… and the sensation of air on my skin. . . and my
body is swaying lightly. . . And so on.
Go into this experience deeply: there is a vast wealth of sensual
awareness if only you bother to recognize it. All of these sensations
came through the sense of feeling. Now move to another sense and
start speaking what you sense. For example: and as Ifeel my breathflowing
… I can hear the words that come out… and I hear the voices of children on the
street and the chirping of the birds… and I hear my breathflowing… in and out.
.. there's a carpassingthe house… now thefridge is beginning to drone… and there's
music in anotherflat. . . ' And move to the next sense: I see the sunlight. . .
bright spots moving over the walls. . . shining on the pictures. . . and rays of light
coming in. .. I see the dust particles dancing. . . and the rich green of the plants. .
. as they soak in the light… and the brown spots at the edges of the leaf… and the
curve of its growth… and the deep colour of the earth… and I see my body… my
hands are resting… and when I look carefully. ..lean see thefine lines on my hands.
. . and the little hairs. . . and so on.
Repeat this practice for a while. I know it may seem primitive, but
unless you really try it out, much of what will be offered on the next
pages will be lost.
What happened? Most people who try this practice report that
much of their attention moved 'outwards', into the world of external
sensory perception. This, in itself, may be a useful ability. How many
occasions can you remember, how many times when you were so
focused on inner troubles, hopes, dreams or whatever that you simply
lost contact with the world around you? When you will yourself to
move your attention from the inner to the outer world—which can be
difficult in times of crisis or depression—this practice can help you to
Another advantage is the ability to 'go into' a sense of your choice.
When you have spoken and perceived and spoken some more in a
sense, you will find that this sense gets amplified, and that you perceive
it more intensely. The more attention you give to a sensory channel, the
more intense will the experience be. Amplifying all sensory channels at
once tends to produce mind expanding experiences. Another vital
issue is learning to speak freely, with few inhibitions or attempts to
control. This is going to be useful later on.
Have you tried the experiment a few time and in a few varied
surroundings? You may have learned which environments you like to
experience deeply and which settings should be experienced less
Exercise one - variations
Now we can experiment with some variations. First you could learn to
change your voice.
1. Change the modulation of your voice so it sounds friendly—make
it the sort of voice in which you would like to be spoken to. How does
this change your experience?
2. Try to speak fast. Speak in a loud and excited voice, and allow
yourself to become faster, and more excited, with each sensation you
describe. What happens to your experience?
3. Try the 'ceremonial magick' voice. This sounds sonorous and
serious, and vibrates the words in a certain droning manner. Try to
sound important, as if each of your words would have a world-shaking
4. Speak slowly and become slower yet. Give yourself a lot of time.
Speak very slowly in a soft and gentle voice, calm and peaceful.. . and
if… you say… only two… or three words… with each breath… you
may find… that your mind… is calmed… and awareness… gets richer.
. . more intense. . . and vivid. . . and you. . . can relax. . . and allow. . .
the experience… to lead you… gendy… and easily… into a pleasant.
.. and restful. .. natural. .. trance state.. . and you may.. . enjoy… to
be slow. . . and calm. . . to give yourself. . . all the time. . . to sense. . .
deeply. .. as it pleases. . . all of you. . . and you are free. .. to move. ..
as you will. . . from sense. . . to sense. . . from thought. . . to thought.
.. and word… to word… flows gendy… as you sense… the fullness.
. . of experience.
5. When you can produce a lot of interesting changes in your awareness
using these methods, feel free to change the loud voice into your inner
voice. Allow your voice to calm. Let it become a whisper, a gende,
barely audible, running flow. Then continue in your inner voice. What
does your inner voice sound like? Is it a friendly voice? Do you like to
hear it? A good many people have awful inner voices which nag and
complain and criticize most of the time.
Perhaps they would like to listen more closely to their inner voice
if that inner voice sounded more friendly. If the inner voice wants to
be listened to, it would do well to sound so friendly that the conscious
mind likes to listen to it. We can tell our innervoice how we like to hear
it, and allow it to become an inner voice which is a pleasure to hear.
Probably the first insight will be that changing the modulation and
the speed of your voice can change your awareness. It has done so all
of your life, only you were unconscious of it. Speaking in an excited
voice is a wonderful way of becoming excited. We can find a use for this
when we are tired and feeling apathetic. Think of what the sport's
reporters do on radio. Somehow these professional blabbermouths
manage to speak so excitedly and fast that the audience imagines
(hallucinates) fast and exciting events, and experiences genuine tension,
relief, joy, pride etc.
Using the excited and fast voice you can make the sensory experience
of a pleasant day in the woods an event as exhilarating as champagne.
Using slow and gende speech, on the other hand, you can soothe
yourself and allow yourself to float into a gentle half-sleeping trance.
Many trance states involve a movement of awareness inside. If you use
this method—and I can't emphasize just how important this practice
is—you will find that at some time your eyes will want to close, and that
your mouth wants to be calmer, so that your voice becomes a whisper,
or continues internally. This is quite all right. Allow it.
Though your mouth may be closed, the inner voice can continue in
its slow and calming fashion. Though the eyes may be closed, one can
still see with them, and describe the darkness, and the motion of light
on the lids.
When the awareness moves from the outer to the inner senses, you
are still free to describe what you sense, and to amplify it. There will be
inner vision once the eyes close, although you may not believe this is
possible. Don't expect too much. What do you imagine inner vision to
be? Can you day dream? Can you remember the house you grew up in?
Can you imagine what people see who are really good with inner
visions? What do you see in your dreams? What is your favourite
colour? What will you look like when you have mastered these
practices? What colours are the clothes you are wearing? What would
you look like in fur and earth colours? Are you really quite sure that you
don't see images with your inner eyes?
This talent can be improved.
63 replies
Lets all start posting all our posts on /x/ with the name
in order to farm loosh more efficiently.
When they see that /x/ has been overtaken by thousands of CHAOSVOID posts it will create quite a stirring amongst them and they will all give up their loosh to us easily.
Then through our collective effort we will ascend to the astral planes every night without fail until I we finally make the 4th density our home and become schizophrenic master race.
It will also help when they inevitably see us replying to each other, talking amongst ourselves, that they will think CHAOSVOID has gone off the deep-end completely and so the schizo wizard archetype will be evoked even more by people reading /x/ whose collective conscious imprint then will accelerate the development of our psychic powers.
Since we're all browsers of /fringe/ we'll inevitably know and understand the same concepts and use a lot of the same terminology too so it our /fringe/ hivemind will make it seem like CHAOSVOID is just one person all the more.
Maybe we'll even literally develop psychic links to each other and form a 6th density soul complex too and then we can stay in touch telepathically and create more chaos in the world as we greenpill everyone everywhere!
Let the loosh farming go into overdrive! Post as CHAOSVOID from now on!
32 replies
In a vision it was revealed to me that she demands business cards be printed in their thousands and distributed across the world.
These business cards are for Joining The Illuminati, phone numbers for particularly fascist politicians, businesses and religions are to be printed on the cards along with a creative ironic phrase to be used as a password to use upon starting the phone conversation.
USE http://anonym.to/?http://yourlinkhere.com
List possible passwords.
List possible targets.
List places to buy cheap business cards online - potential risk involved here.
How to make your own business cards to remain anonymous.
List places they should be left, for example inside library books that the right type of guillable person will actually take seriously or at least try it out, RAW's books could be a candidate as they're daring enough to go for it. -This need not be a business card, a well written letter saying something along the lines of "you are chosen as a potential candidate based on your choice of reading material please contact us here, if we do not find your application suitable we may not reply, we only accept the most creative applications"
Depending on your social skills you could try pulling off an illuminati member and simply passing the cards out to random people.
Also: List more possible discordian plots such as…
Letters to be sent en masse to specific institutions or individuals.
Make your own custom stamps to be used on anything that comes your way
Wheatpaste erisian propaganda
Tasteful erisian stencil graffiti
Any improvements welcome.
(posting from behind 7 proxies through a psychically controlled mundane as a vessel)
11 replies
Look at this shit I just found /fringe/, it has a solution for everything!
Binaural beats specifically tailored for everything and look… there's even one specifically for removing acne!
Try this shit out and report back if the vids there work for you.
Found the guy's channel btw because he commented on this vid which is also amazing as it demonstrates demiurgic technology (an etherically programmed ring that repels water)
This whole channel is greenpilled as fuck.
131 replies
I don't actually need them, I know what they're going to say always, might as well just divide myself in this thread.
19 replies
The Tibetan Book of the Dead and NDEs
The Tibetan Book of the Dead, whose actual title is "The Great Liberation upon Hearing in the Intermediate State" or "Bardo Thodol", is traditionally believed to be the work of the legendary Padma Sambhava in the 8th century A.D. The book acts as a guide for the dead during the state that intervenes death and the next rebirth. He is considered to be one of the first persons to bring Buddhism to Tibet. The Bardo Thodol is a guide that is read aloud to the dead while they are in the state between death and reincarnation in order for them to recognize the nature of their mind and attain liberation from the cycle of rebirth.
The Bardo Thodol teaches that once awareness is freed from the body, it creates its own reality as one would experience in a dream. This dream occurs in various phases (bardos) in ways both wonderful and terrifying. Overwhelming peaceful and wrathful visions and deities appear. Since the deceased's awareness is in confusion of no longer being connected to a physical body, it needs help and guidance in order that enlightenment and liberation occurs. The Bardo Thodol teaches how we can attain Nirvana by recognizing the heavenly realms instead of entering into the lower realms where the cycle of birth and rebirth continue.
The following is a description of the bardo realms that one travels through after death.
57 replies
Friends, let us conspire together.
Suggest ideas for group rituals, group projects like project chaosvoid and other illuminati style operations. Illuminati is as illuminati does.
What can we achieve?
57 replies
So I think I accidentally did something.
Just to give you guys some background, I've been really interested in esoteric kinda stuff for a long time but I've never really cast any spells or anything like that, although I do some exercises a lot.
So, I've been having this horrible pain in my neck all day long for hours and hours and it gets to a point where I just want it fucking gone and I don't feel like taking a painkiller, so without really thinking I just put my left hand's fingers on my neck where it hurts, close my eyes and visualize draining the pain into my arm, within like a minute it's gone and my arm hurts like all hell, numb and stiff.
For some reason it hurts WAY more than my neck did, it felt like I had been electrocuted in my arm, very tingly and sore, but after a while it was gone and my neck feels just gravy too.
What the fuck did I just do?
Also, I think I probably shouldn't do something like that anymore cause it really hurt a lot.
On the other hand, maybe I have some kinda talent with that sort of thing but I don't really know what I even really did or how to grow this ability etc.
37 replies
I have a rare book that you can not find for its name is too generic and it was given freely and anonymously over the internet… want me to share it with you /fringe/?
It is a book of magic. This book will really, genuinely, teach you everything you need to know to do the most profound magic.
Pic related is not the book, but another book with the same title.
Here's the start anyways. I'll only dump more if other people are actually interested:
The Book of Knowledge
By anonymous
“And in that time knowledge shall break forth and Love from The One shall be realized. Then many shall understand the Truth…” The One
Dear reader, I write this book because times are changing. Awareness is increasing rapidly. Every year, the powers at work in our world grow stronger, fighting for influence, both negative and positive. The knowledge contained within this book has long been available, but it has been hidden or ignored. The time for ignorance has come to an end. So, I write the truth. Please understand that the knowledge within this book is not theoretical. With enough practice and understanding, you can realize your true potential and see reality as it is…
This book contains the knowledge that the masses have waited for. The wonderful light, which has come into the world, is now being made known through this book.
The following is a quote from the Higher Realms which was received during a moment of holy connection with The One: “Write a book, and Truth will guide you. The book will spread through the world. It will bring joy to many. The words contained within will be known by many during the coming Age.”
After receiving this message, I decided to immediately begin writing this book so that the task given to me could be accomplished. You are right now reading the book that will become the next “bible” in the coming Age. Its truths will touch your heart. If you feel a burning in your heart, or an ignition of Joy, understand that your thought-matrix has been altered by the words within. Your DNA has literally shifted to a higher phase. Please feel free to translate this book into other languages. Republish it! Spread it to the world! This is the Divine Will. It is inevitable. My reward is not money nor recognition, but rather seeing the Truth set my brothers and sisters free…every single one. One day, All shall read these words. I was also informed that a select number of people would be told about the coming of this book. If you have had any dream precognitions of an important book, or have found yourself thinking about a book of truth to come, this could be The One contacting you for the purpose of spreading this wonderful news. If so, please feel free to spread it to all, free of charge!
THIS BOOK IS FREE FOR ALL. In my studies, I learned from and experimented with many sources, including various internet- based ones. Freely have I received…therefore, this truth is freely given. Please keep in mind—all of the sources and techniques in this book have been proven through practice. These are not just theoretical. I send out a big thank you for those donated their time and energy and knowledge, because these are powerful techniques. These techniques start out simply, but then progress to things such as levitation, teleportation, telekinesis and mind reading. Take your time, as you won’t be able to do the “miracles” at first.
I will not be detailing every secret of life in this book because I have been informed that others are meant to reveal these secrets in the future. Also, I find that simply telling people about a fact will eventually teach them not seek to out the truth for themselves. People who are told too much, and not made to work, will take what they learn for granted. As such, some of the techniques are left out so you can discover them on your own. This is not a mental game I am playing here. Everything that you need to know in order to sustain self-evolution has been lavishly taught.
Also, if anyone claims to have written this book, please know that the author of this work will most likely never reveal his identity. If the author does decide to do so, it will be many years from now, when the world is more open to these truths. If the author reveals who he is, it will be with proof. He will display the powers described in this book. Anyone who can’t do the things within is definitely NOT the author. I only give this warning because some might try to claim authorship and thus lead people away from the simple and direct Truth. The reason the author does not want to step forward at this time is because the information herein is somewhat touchy. Organizations, which currently work for our ego-system-government, would harm me if I revealed every secret that I know. (See next page)…
25 replies
Cosmotheism is a religion which positively asserts there is an internal meaning and purpose in life and in the cosmos. There is an essential unity, or consciousness that binds all living beings and all of the inorganic cosmos, as one. And what our true identity is this: we are the cosmos, made self-aware and self-conscious by evolution. Our undeniable human purpose, is to know and to complete ourselves as conscious individuals, and also as a self-aware species, and thereby to co-evolve with the cosmos towards total and universal awareness, and towards the ever-higher perfection of consciousness and being.
13 replies
Posted this on /x/ as well, (krautchan doesn't want you to know this, my post got reported and image removed, now i cant post anymore)
That feel when scared to go to sleep even when im listening to the infowars.
Every time i closed my eyes i saw freaky things.
First a close up face of some homosexual, im sure its a male face with lipstick.
Next time i closed my eyes, i saw a purple liquid rippling dog.
Next i saw some weird spiral disk stuff vibrating out into other colours.
Fug this is cool that my memory is so good these days i can remember it so well to draw. if only i wasn't scared, i could learn to astral travel or something.
But if im wrong, what else can this mean?
6 replies
I see a lot of etheric shit with my peripheral vision, I just sort of relax my vision and a bunch of patterns show up in the format of these particles, joining up together chaotically. I suppose this is etheric stuff? Both in day light, darkness, inside and outside.
I remember once It felt like there were beings in my room, when I focused my peripheral vision I could actually see/sense some sort of invisible type beings, like in video games. Infested of them in my room. I shivered up and was scared, since then I've been kinda avoiding the matter.
But what is the etheric plane exactly? Accessible in the waking-state? Since I can sense that shit, it's here… unless it's something else.
Recalling the times the visions have been the most vivid, what I see is very slowly moving and frozen in a way. Timeless
Any ideas
20 replies
My imagination is fired up and I have sustained clarity from shrooms.
To topic , how to just move and manifest a home without dealing with fiat notes (matrix money) and corporate silliness? Third eye consciousness is sorta gently with me and I have that sense of Godly center, at times.
tl;dr how manifest home w/o matrix complications ?
2 replies
If Nordic Aliens are time travelers from the future, how come they are letting all the Nordic countries (especially Sweden) go to shit with destructive cultural marxist policies?
10 replies
Hello Fringe Chan!
I am conducting an interview with Dr. Rick Strassman. If you don't know who he is, he is the leading medical researcher on DMT, or Dimethyltryptamine.
I wanted to poll fringechan:
What would you ask Dr. Rick Strassman if you could ask him anything?
And some background:
I am in a class that Dennis McKenna is teaching. If you don't know who he is, he is an ethnopharmacologist and his brother is rather famous. His brother is Terence McKenna. Check them out too, if you don't know them. Very interesting people. Incredibly interesting course.
Thanks Fringe Chan!
7 replies
Adherents to magic believe that it may work by one or more of the following basic principles:
• A mystical force or energy
that is natural, but cannot be detected by science at present, and which may not be detectable at all. Common terms referring to such magical energy include mana, numen, chi or kundalini. These are sometimes regarded as fluctuations of an underlying primary substance (akasha, aether) that is present in all things and interconnects and binds all. Magical energy is thus also present in all things, though it can be especially concentrated in magical objects. Magical energies are typically seen as being especially responsive to the use of symbols, so that a person, event or object can be affected by manipulating an object that symbolically represents them or it (as in sigil magic, for instance). This corresponds to James Frazer's theory of sympathetic magic.
• Intervention of spirits,
similar to hypothetical natural forces, but with their own consciousness and intelligence. Believers in spirits will often describe a whole cosmos of beings of many different kinds, sometimes organized into a hierarchy.
• Manipulation of the Elements,
by using the will of the magician and symbols or objects which are representative of the element(s). Western practitioners typically use the Classical elements of Earth, Air, Water, and Fire.
• Concentration or meditation.
A certain amount of focusing or restricting the mind to some imagined object (or will), according to Aleister Crowley, produces mystical attainment or "an occurrence in the brain characterized essentially by the uniting of subject and object" (Book Four, Part 1: Mysticism). Magic, as defined previously, seeks to aid concentration by constantly recalling the attention to the chosen object (or Will), thereby producing said attainment. For example, if one wishes to concentrate on a god, one might memorize a system of correspondences (perhaps chosen arbitrarily, as this would not affect its usefulness for mystical purposes) and then make every object that one sees "correspond" to said god.
Aleister Crowley wrote that ". . . the exaltation of the mind by means of magickal practices leads (as one may say, in spite of itself) to the same results as occur in straightforward Yoga." Crowley's magick thus becomes a form of mental, mystical, or spiritual discipline, designed to train the mind to achieve greater concentration. Crowley also made claims for the paranormal effects of magick, suggesting a connection with the first principle in this list. However, he defined any attempt to use this power for a purpose other than aiding mental or mystical attainment as "black magick".
• The magical power of the subconscious mind.
To believers who think that they need to convince their subconscious mind to make the changes that they desire, all spirits and energies are projections and symbols that make sense to the subconscious. A variant of this belief is that the subconscious is capable of contacting spirits, who in turn can work magic.
• The Oneness of All.
Based on the fundamental concepts of monism and Non-duality, this philosophy holds that Magic is little more than the application of one's own inherent unity with the universe. Hinging upon the personal realization, or "illumination", that the self is limitless, one may live in unison with nature, seeking and preserving balance in all things.
Many more hypotheses exist. Practitioners will often mix these concepts, and sometimes even invent some themselves. In the contemporary current of chaos magic in particular, it is not unusual to believe that any concept of magic works.
Key principles of utilizing Magic are often said to be Concentration and Visualization. Many of those who purportedly cast spells attain a mental state called the "Trance State" to enable the spell. The Trance State is often described as an emptying of the mind, akin to meditation.
33 replies
Very odd finding, archiving it here
A few days ago, I located a blog on tumblr, with the URL as
This blog gave out what it calls a 'transmission,' which appears to be gibberish (I suspect it may be translatable if someone can use an audio spectrogram on it.) It has posted a video, again with gibberish. However, it also posted a code (J19330262+4452080), which when googled, leads to pages involving the star Kepler-69. This star is cataloged by the Two Micron All-Sky Survey (2MASS) as that same code. The icon, as my friend pointed out to me, is the 'Dingir,' an ancient Sumerian symbol representing the father of all Gods. It said it is a synthetic construct in more recent asks, and says it is on a peaceful mission, and it observing Earth. It says that Earth has been visited multiple times in the past, and that in about 56 days, an event known as the 'Reestablishment' is coming. If anyone else is interested on this subject, I will give more information.
13 replies
Ceremonial Magick and Sorcery
Herein We Observe an MJ-12 Mage Vector in an Friendly Space Brother
"The majority of modern mediumistic apparitions are but elemental creatures masquerading through bodies composed of thought substance supplied by the very persons desiring to behold these wraiths of decarnate beings."
"…in the arcanum of magic it is declared that 'he controls the soul who controls the blood of another.' "
CEREMONIAL magic is the ancient art of invoking and controlling spirits by a scientific application of certain formulae. A magician, enveloped in sanctified vestments and carrying a wand inscribed with hieroglyphic figures, could by the power vested in certain words and symbols control the invisible inhabitants of the elements and of the astral world. While the elaborate ceremonial magic of antiquity was not necessarily evil, there arose from its perversion several false schools of sorcery, or black magic.
Egypt, a great center of learning and the birthplace of many arts and sciences, furnished an ideal environment for Transcendental experimentation. Here the black magicians of
continued to exercise their superhuman powers until they had completely undermined and corrupted the morals of the primitive Mysteries. By establishing a sacerdotal caste they usurped the position formerly occupied by the initiates, and seized the reins of spiritual government.
black magic
dictated the state religion and paralyzed the intellectual and spiritual activities of the individual by demanding his complete and unhesitating acquiescence in the dogma formulated by the priestcraft. The Pharaoh became a puppet in the hands of the Scarlet Council – a committee of archsorcerers elevated to power by the priesthood.
then began the systematic destruction of all keys to the ancient wisdom, so that none might have access to the knowledge necessary to reach adeptship without first becoming one of their order. They mutilated the rituals of the Mysteries while professing to preserve them, so that even though the neophyte passed through the degrees he could not secure the knowledge to which he was entitled. Idolatry was introduced by encouraging the worship of the images which in the beginning the wise had erected solely as symbols for study and meditation.
False interpretations were given to the emblems and figures of the Mysteries, and elaborate theologies were created to confuse the minds of their devotees. The masses, deprived of their birthright of understanding and groveling in ignorance, eventually became the abject slaves of the spiritual impostors. Superstition universally prevailed and the black magicians completely dominated national affairs, with the result that humanity still suffers from the sophistries of the priestcrafts of Atlantis and Egypt.
Fully convinced that their Scriptures sanctioned it, numerous medieval Qabbalists devoted their lives to the practice of ceremonial magic. The transcendentalism of the Qabbalists is founded upon the ancient and magical formula of King Solomon, who has long been considered by the Jews as the prince of ceremonial magicians.
Among the
Qabbalists of the Middle Ages
were a great number of black magicians who strayed from the noble concepts of the Sepher Yetzirah and became enmeshed in demonism and witchcraft. They sought to substitute magic mirrors, consecrated daggers, and circles spread around posts of coffin nails, for the living of that virtuous life which, without the assistance of complicated rituals or submundane creatures, unfailingly brings man to the state of true individual completion.
Those who sought to control elemental spirits through ceremonial magic did so largely with the hope of securing from the invisible worlds either rare knowledge or supernatural power. The little red daemon of Napolean Bonaparte and the infamous oracular heads of de Medici are examples of the disastrous results of permitting
elemental beings
to dictate the course of human procedure.
While the learned and godlike daemon of
seems to have been an exception, this really proves that the intellectual and moral status of the magician has much to do with the type of elemental he is capable of invoking. But even the daemon of Socrates deserted the philosopher when the sentence of death was passed.
Transcendentalism and all forms of phenomenalistic magic are but blind alleys – outgrowths of Atlantean sorcery; and those who forsake the straight path of philosophy to wander therein almost invariably fall victims to their imprudence. Man, incapable of controlling his own appetites, is not equal to the task of governing the fiery and tempestuous elemental spirits.
Many a magician has lost his life as the result of opening a way whereby submundane creatures could become active participants in his affairs. When
Eliphas Levi
invoked the spirit of Apollonius of Tyana, what did he hope to accomplish? Is the gratification of curiosity a motive sufficient to warrant the devotion of an entire lifetime to a dangerous and unprofitable pursuit? If the living Apollonius refused to divulge his secrets to the profane, is there any probability that after death he would disclose them to the curious-minded?
himself did not dare to assert that the specter which appeared to him was actually the great philosopher, for Levi realized only too well the proclivity of elementals to impersonate those who have passed on. The majority of modern mediumistic apparitions are but elemental creatures masquerading through bodies composed of thought substance supplied by the very persons desiring to behold these wraiths of decarnate beings.
6 replies
>Have been trying to AP for a while
>try something different
>wear an eye mask and earplugs
>Follow the fringe guide and count numbers from one to three and back down again
>twist the numbers around, paint them different colors
>do this for a bit while beginning to see small lines and colored sparks
>suddenly eyes flicker rapidly even with the eye mask on, heavy breathing, and I get other feels too
>Even with earplugs I could still hear the sounds begin to increase around me, sounded something like an alien ship
>slowly forget about counting
>get very strange visions of strange 2d eyes with lines surrounding them in different patterns, other shit too but they all went too fast to take note upon.
>Enjoy the show, thinking I am close though they created an eerie feeling and yet I felt euphoric
>They faded, I had already forced my eyes shut
>Occasionally open them like an idiot and see the blackness of my eye mask, a small light from the hole on the bottom
>Either right after or a few moments later I began to see at least two sigils in the center of my mind, everything was black except for the sigils which stayed for a few seconds each before vanishing
>Euphoric feeling vanishes, sigils disappear
>suddenly feel my lower half lifting up high, it is not my physical body
>I try my best to lift myself up but my top half won't budge
>Suddenly feel my chest being pushed in, almost as if I am sinking
>Now it feels like someone is sitting on my chest
>That feeling fades and it feels like I am in a giant chain that is wrapped around my top form
>Everything fades away and it feels like I am just laying in my bed normally
>Not sure if true but felt my lower form twitch and jerk like as if my astral form snapping back into me
>Not sure what happened next, I either opened my eyes and found my eye mask to be on my pillow and a feeling of loss and regret or I slept and then experienced (opened my eyes and found my eye mask to be on my pillow and a feeling of loss.
>throughout all of this, my annoying sexual entity that is living with me was giving me intense pleasure against my crotch
>it happens when I am awake, but this feeling when I was trying to project was a very very intense pleasure
>want to get rid of it because it always does this, and I don't even enjoy its company anymore
>not even sure if it is a thought form I unconsciously made or an actual entity.
When I looked some things up, this seems related to a WILD for lucid dreaming, this is not what I want to achieve though. Am I doing something wrong?
17 replies
I am doing a variety of
occult experiments with Minecraft.
This is inspired by some magical texts I read long about using virtual realities (in particular Second Life) to do magical rituals in.
Here is what I've been doing:
I've been practising visualizing numbers while placing blocks, I use roman numerals usually but sometimes regular numbers too, as for some reason roman numerals are easier to see while doing this. I also sometimes visualize the roman numeral right beside the other number so I see both at once and since I'm always placing blocks really fast I have to change up the numbers fast so this develops my speed with it.
I have also been playing various lectures, audiobooks, etc. while playing and listening to them especially when no players are currently engaged in talking with me.
Another thing is that focusing on stacking the blocks in the game so much for so long makes it really easy for me to thoughtform blocks now so I can (go away from the computer) into my third density room or wherever and I can start placing thoughtformed versions of blocks all over my room and they stay there and I can create complex structures and landscapes and so on this way and then I can also take things further by creating my own block types, adding physics, etc. that the game doesn't have.
More inspired by those Second Life magic rituals is the idea I have for using Minecraft to do group AP…
This is how I intend for it to work:
First you would start up Minecraft and play it long enough that your attention is wholly focused on what you're doing in-game.
Then while playing you would practise immersion into the world, you'd be plugging yourself in mentally into what's going on there.
So if you come near a body of water, you should feel like the air is a bit more moist, and smell the kind of smells you'd expect with that setting.
If you run around a lot in the game, you should feel as if you've been in fact running.
If you eat food items in the game, imagine you've actually ate those food items, imagine their taste and their smell and so on.
If you go near a torch or fire, imagine the smoke and the heat of it.
Minecraft is very symbolic in that all of the things in the game are very rough yet simple representations of stuff in our world. Symbolism is the language of the subconscious… the subconscious should be very responsive to this sort of stuff.
When you're sufficiently immersed into the world to take things further I'll need another person to join in with me and looking at their avatar I should be able to imagine that if they hit me that I actually feel it, and I should feel like I'm there, and actually talking to them. The written words should be imagined as actual voices, with the other player having a different voice, then the stuff I type. etc.
How the world looks to me mentally doesn't have to be how it looks in the game too. I can imagine an overlay of it all where the setting is more realistic if necessary, and have myself in a kind of trance, and while my body I guess will be controlling the game character I will mentally feel as if I am in the world.
When we're in there, the idea then would be to meet up with another person, to feel like we're both there in the game and to be really immersed into it and we'd both stay in a room and do a magic ritual that's supposed to help us AP to an astral construct of that room. This should lead to us both transplanting our consciousness into the game world and experiencing a synchronized AP and we should at some point then be able to experience telepathy and other things which lead to remote sharing of experience in the astral we've constructed.
We could even just explore the island I'm currently at or any other area like it, then go inside of a specially constructed room that is easy for us both to hold in memory, and there should be a single Minecraft sign in there. Written on the sign should be a unique bit of text that we'll focus on like a sigil. Then after we've both got this room with the sign imprinted into our memory, we can go away from our respective computers, try to AP to that room, and then see if we meet up in the astral by doing this.
What do you think of these ideas?
I think at the very least the game presents a lot of opportunities to train our occult/imaginal powers if we use it right.
7 replies
Look what i found here /fringe/;
A very green- and redpilled board run by and dedicated to odinists, people following the ancestral norse natural faith of most of pre-christian europe.
This sub-board in particular is /fringe/ as fuck;
>"An area for the discussion of meditation, trance work, dreams and other such things that transcend the physical realm."
They have sub-boards dedicated to racialism, survivalism and pretty much any other topic aswell.
Maybe you'll find some good threads on there or bring people from there to post over here, i dunno. Just wanted to post it here in any case.
10 replies
This show is /fringe/ as fuck.
Features an astral-projecting shaman wizard guy who remote-views and stands in contact with the gods, among many other things.
It shits all over normalfaggotry and christians too, which is awesome.
Also many scenes included which feature magic and paranormal phenomena.
And last but not least, /fringe/ as fuck music with official neofolk/norse traditional score made by Wardruna.
Anyone else here watching this besides me?
8 replies
I have heard tales of this cleansing practice a 10 day course of silent inward introspection and meditation.
What do you guys think of this practice of seeing and feeling yourself as you are?
33 replies
What's the #1 thing holding you back right now from developing occult power?
For me it's noisy mundanes.
They are the bane of my wizardly existence.
I wish I could be free of them so I could meditate in silence until I reach a level of development where I can meditate anywhere later on.
1 reply
Brainwave Entrainment
- This is using stimulii (such as sound, light, or EM fields) to influence the rate of our brainwaves, which in the process affects our mental state.
Our brain plays "monkey see/monkey do" with stimulii in the proximity. If you have lights flashing at 4 cycles a second, our brain will begin to mimic that with its own brainwaves. When our brainwaves are at a certain frequency, our body will do whatever it normally would do – we normally produce brainwaves of 4 cycles a second when we're sleeping - so pulsating light at this rate would put a person to sleep.
Say you want to do this with sound instead of pulsating light - since most brainwave entrainment frequencies are below 30 HZ, and are often below human hearing range, you (usually) can't just generate the tones using a wave generator. There are two methods that are typically used to generate these ultra-low tones in a way that humans can perceive them and feel their effects :
1) Binaural Beats
- Using a computer or synthesizer (and a good pair of stereo headphones), generate two tones, one in the left ear, one in the right - your brain imagines it hears a third tone equal to the difference between the two tones. (For instance, if you had a 400 HZ tone in one ear, and a 404 HZ tone in the other, you would perceive a third tone of 4 HZ.) And this would have the same effects that a pulsating light at 4 cycles per second would. In order for this to work, the two tones need to be below 1000 HZ. There are two good programs for creating Binaural Beats : CoolEdit from Syntrillium Software and Brainwave Generator. The latter is probably the most user-friendly, and is good for people new to brainwave entrainment, since it has presets that come with it. (I found it to work very well, since it incorporates a strobe light into the mix as well.)
2) Modulation
- While a tone at 4 HZ would be too low to hear by itself, if you generate noise and then fluctuate its pitch or volume at 4 times each second, this can also be used for brainwave entrainment, and would affect us the same way a 4 HZ binaural would. CoolEdit from Syntrillium Software is the best software to use with this method. (Although, he uses a slightly more complicated technique than just fluctuating the pitch or volume.)
As far as which of these two methods are better - binaural beats probably work better for brainwave entrainment, but the second method will work from speakers - headphones aren't required. That can come in handy - especially when you want to experiment with brainwave entrainment while sleeping or meditating - ever tried falling asleep wearing headphones? I have a cordless pair, and even with those, it's not that comfortable.
(And if that's not enough information about Brainwave Entrainment, check out the Brainwave Entrainment links for even more.)
Infratonic Qui Gong Machine
- The Infratonic QGM was developed out of scientific research in Beijing China which studied natural healers and found that most powerful healers were able to emit a strong infrasonic (low frequency sound) signal from their hands. The sound emitted from average individuals was only a hundredth as strong. The Infratonic, now used by 1% of all doctors in the United States, was developed out of this research. http://www.chiexplorer.com/infrasonic.html
- Finally, some information on Keely. Per biu.gung@juno.com, he designed something called the Krell Helmet - chances are it's some kind of brain stimulation device that relies on electromagnetic fields generated in the helmet. I'll add more as I learn more.
"Life energy" frequency
- 10 PHZ (PETAHERTZ) "This was probably the frequency used by the Russian scientist Vlail P. Kaznacheyev in his experiment. The result of the experiment, the Kaznacheyev effect, is that if a cell culture is killed or injured, and the "death" photons from it are sent to another culture, which in the absence of visible light (which would quench the paranormal effects, see the above mentioned Excalibur Briefing), suffers the same effects." [MM]
Magic Window
- Frequencies which (according to Thomas E. Bearden) are especially suited for coupling to and bringing energies from other dimensions. [EX via MM] Another source seems to imply such frequencies could be used to communicate from one dimension to another. (As you can see - this is kind of venturing into the realm of new-agey pseudo-science, but I wouldn't rule it out for that reason alone - much of what we take for granted today in science was seen as pseudo-scientific at one point.)
The range of frequencies that most of these magic windows fall under are well above human hearing - more than likely, they are intended to be 'accessed' using electromagnetic means (a device that creates an EM field). Although, if you're up for a challenge, you could try lowering the octave of these frequencies (i.e. dividing the number by two) until you reach a point where you're in the range of audible sound, and then try plugging that frequency into a sound generator.
Rife frequency
- Rife was a fellow who tinkered with using electromagnetic fields at certain frequencies to cure/treat various ills. The frequency set of 20 HZ, 727 HZ, 787 HZ, 800 HZ, 880 HZ, 5000 HZ, and 10000 HZ were used for general treatment across the board, and other frequencies were then added to treat specific conditions.
While Rife's frequencies were generated using electromagnetic means - some of the "mental state" entries for Rife may work using a sound medium, since brainwave entrainment can be done with any periodic phenomena, whether it be light [strobe lights], sound [ocean waves,binaural beats,etc], EM fields [from appliances], vibration [those funky massaging contraptions they sell], or even motion [rocking a baby to sleep].
I don't have every Rife frequency that exists on this page - really, I doubt a frequency to treat something like scoliosis or rectal itching would be very useful to many people, and would only serve to take up a lot of space - if you're looking for frequencies to treat very specific diseases, this page looks like it has every frequency ever used by Rife or any of the researchers who played around with the same sort of thing : Turf's Electroherbalism Page / frequency listing archives.
All the above shit from:
13 replies
Here is a banishing/invoking ritual you can do in public, it is a freestyle ritual therefore you don't need to invoke or believe in any gods
-A pencil/pen/crayon or any drawing instrument
-A sheet of paper
1. Set out your sheet of paper in front of you, preferably on a hard surface.
2. Stare directly in front of you or close your eyes, do not break this focus for a moment.
3. Bring a white light to cleanse you, do it however you like. Do the Qabalistic Cross, down your spine, anything you like.
4. Draw 4 pentagrams on your sheet of paper. At the top & bottom, left and right, clockwise = invoking, counter-clockwise = banishing. The way you draw your pentagrams is important as it determines which element you want to use/banish.
5. Make them all connect in a circle.
6. If banishing, draw all those nasty thoughts out on your sheet of paper, just let the thoughts draw themselves.
6a. If invoking, draw think of the element you just invoked and draw those thoughts out.
108 replies
Many devotees, especially Europeans and Americans, come to India and want to discover the secrets of yoga, tantric powers, magical siddhis. And they go to all these supposed gurus, who give them very light austerities and ask for a money. Lots of money, you know? So these Americans, these Westerners, they give the money, and they get some little secrets of yoga, and they go back to the West and open a studio and teaching their little secret, and they charge more money. And what does this get? Karma. Karma for the guru who charged money, karma for the Westerner who paid the money, karma for the students who pay money to go to the new studio to learn the little secrets. Ah. And it’s really all for nothing, it’s for little siddhis that aren’t worth even as much as a book or a cell phone today.
Listen, I will tell you a real secret. If you want power, real power, power like Vrtrasura, Naruda Muni, Arjuna, Mayasura, Bali Maharaj, or Lord Ravana, you only need one secret, one practice. It is a mantra, a mantra that can give you literally anything you want, anything you need. Ah. Listen carefully, here is the mantra:
6 replies
I want to share something with you and I need some help
but first I need to confirm that you really are what you claim to be and that you know what you're talking about
- no internet buddhists and magicians that quote old books but have 0 experience
so, do you have any interesting magic and/or meditation experiences / stories to share?
4 replies
A mate of mine just sent me the Amazon link to James Pontolillo's The Black Sun Unveiled: Genesis and Development of a Modern National Socialist Mythos:
Here is the Amazon description:
In 1990 a new and unusual symbol called the “Black Sun” suddenly appeared in German neo-Nazi circles. It was identified with a sunwheel floor inlay said to have been venerated in occult ceremonies during the Second World War at Wewelsburg Castle, the secretive personal retreat of Nazi security chief Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler. Over the last twenty years the Black Sun has been transformed into a metaphorical comet “blazing in the Northern sky,” particularly among neo-Nazis with esoteric and occult leanings. An Internet search of the terms Black Sun, Schwarze Sonne (German), Sol Negro (Spanish), Soleil Noir (French) and Sol Niger (Latin) reveals the extent of its penetration into everyday aspects of far-right cultural life. The symbol appears on T-shirts, CD covers, flags, decorative household knickknacks, wristwatches, uniform insignia, tattoos, etc. In response to the phenomenal growth of interest in the Black Sun, several previous authors have weighed in on the topic of neo-Nazi occultism. While they have succeeded in producing much-needed general reviews, each author singularly failed when it came to addressing the mystery of the Black Sun itself. What is the origin of the Black Sun mythology? When was the Black Sun first identified with the Wewelsburg Castle sunwheel? What do current-day neo-Nazis believe about the Black Sun? Why have esoteric beliefs found traction among neo-Nazis? What does the Black Sun mythology hold for the future of National Socialism? This groundbreaking study provides answers to all of these questions.
Does anyone know anything about this book? Normally I'd just pick it up and read it, but at 800+ pages, I'd rather find out if it's worth my time first.
6 replies
/fringe/ needs more OC
7 replies
Over the past few years I have accumulated a large amount of hate and negative emotions from interacting with various people. I have never expressed it in any way, and successfully kept it from materializing at all.
For instance, I haven't screamed at anyone, I haven't cursed someone (swearing or enchantment), and I definitely haven't assaulted anyone. For the most part I've kept a happy face and brushed off any negative occurrence. I have ignored this feeling, kept the lid on, and basically pretended it is not there. I've maintained this "positive" attitude for quite some time, believing it is doing me good. And perhaps it has been, because admittedly, no negative events have taken place in my life for a long time, apart from the interactions I have had with people.
But now I fear this pent-up hate for people (in general, but some individuals more than others) is reaching some kind of boiling point. There is a large amount of energy in me due to this, and I feel like I must channel it in some way, even if only to get it out of my system.
Is there a way I can productively channel this energy? Can I channel it at these people who caused it? I don't want to kill anyone, but I would rather that these people change their attitude toward others, particularly when it's uncalled for.
Pic related. It's how I feel, and I doubt it will stop with a physical act of violence.
42 replies
Can we talk about the Meier Prophecies and Transhumanism?
First the the Meier Prophecies found here:
They're extremely interesting and seem to be accurate if they really were all written in 1958. However, our own sticky says this after the link to the prophecies:
"(COMPLETELY ACCURATE PREDICTIONS but alien disinfo comes in at 141 and everything after 141 should be disregarded)"
Why is this? Around 141 the prophecies talk about a great future for humanity; people live hundreds of years, space travel, understanding the laws of creations. How come people don't like hearing good stuff in their prophecies and talk about it being alien disinfo? Isn't this exactly what we want?
Which leads me to transhumanism. I consider myself a transhumanist, I've dedicated myself to studying Artificial Intelligence just for the sake of the movement and the progress of humanity. But this has some serious implications for the occult crowd.
Can I transfer my soul, along with my mind, to a new body? Yes yes, I want an immortal physical body, whatever. But seriously, does anyone have any texts on soul transfers to artificial bodies or anything similiar.
What about copies of minds, are they souled as well?
So /fringe/, what are you opinions on the prophecies, but most importantly transhumanism.
7 replies
I would like to thank the sisters of the Saint John Chapel in Alexandria, Virginia for their support in my decision. By the grace of God, they are:
Sister Eleanor Lewis
Sister Francesca Godiani
Sister Helen Davis
Sister Catherine Arnold
Sister Mary Lee Pond
Sister Virginia Wessex
This intent of this short book is for it to be used as a simple and direct guide in a time of great danger.
I pray that this is merely a work of fiction.
If it is not, then I pray for you, the reader of this book.
If I am still alive when the events foretold in these pages occur, then I hope that you will find me before it is too late.
Roberta Ann Sparrow
October, 1944
1 reply
1. One must acquire the right philosophical mindset. Be open-minded and ready to experience these life transformations that will lead you to higher consciousness. Consider the nature of your thoughts and of reality.
2. Raise lucidity. You must see clearly with your mind's eye and to this your mind must become very powerful. Meditate, focus, change your thinking, improve your perception. Eventually one will awaken the third eye and achieve ascension but the first step is get the fog out of your mind. See the astral and become well acquianted with it, see clearly the thoughtforms you shape, you must develop the capacity to perceive the higher reality or you are like a blind man. You can not work magic when you are blind to what you are working with, not effectively anyways.
3. Raise your energy. Understand etheric and astral energy. Cultivate it, acquire it, shape it, use it to carry out your will. Emotion is astral energy and etheric energy is life energy. Etheric energy is a less refined version of astral energy. Astral energy is very powerful and not something to be disregarded. Reason and emotion coupled together where reason directs emotion and emotion empowers reason will make your will stronger.
4. Apply your will to produce magical effects. You can engineer synchronicity, invoke and evoke entities, create thoughtforms, use telepathy, dowsing, and a variety of psychic powers. Very advanced magic can be done in the astral planes especially and training certain powers there will make it easier to them here though the collective will of the many consciousness focused upon Earth limits your own greatly. Breaking your programming can help.
5. Augmentation. At some point you will be able to reprogram and extend the powers of mind to become something far greater than what you currently are. On an astral level you can create new scripts, edit your personality, access memory complexs far greater than what you alone know, and merge consciousness. One example would be creating a tulpa then later on becoming one with that tulpa and inheriting all the powers and memories and so on of that tulpa. A tulpa is a very advanced sentient astral being created from programmed thoughtforms.
Your ascension to the next level will be complete when you have the capacity to permanently see into the higher reality, master synchronicity, etc. The invisible will be made visible to you, you will walk in two worlds at once, a spiritwalker of sorts. Through familiar spirits and other such things you will be able to work incredible magic. Your third eye will be wide open and your mind will be very powerful.
——– will expand this a fuckload later, do not share until it's complete, this is just a general outline of the third draft of my magic guide and does not yet go into the details of every little thing you can do ——–
"What you refer to as water mind is what Musashi refers to when he talks about the void. "Cut from the void." What is really happening is you are manually integrating your conscious and subconscious mind, removing the inhibition generated by your consciousness/ego and the doubts/fears/distractions attached to that identity so that the enormous force of instinct/subconsciousness that defines the subconscious and links you to the rest of existence can act through you, increasingly undiluted. It is a great way to get perspective and for someone with a generally weak will to generate an elevated level of willpower/influence over reality around them. However, a truly developed mind/spiritual will inevitably integrates the strong points of that mental state into their normal headpsace, quieting the chaos of their own internal space so as not to inhibit the natural, honest expression of that 'greater inner voice' that our untrained/limited/poisoned consciousness inhibits and stifles. In truth, when you are wise, you will never leave what you call 'watermind' entirely."
22 replies
Greetings Friends, first time to /fringe/ and I am interested in beginning a journey into the world of both Alchemy and perfect health. Well advanced on the journey of Human health but lacking all the basics of Alchemy. Could you please recommend a series of texts to read to get me started? If possible a collaborative text between Biochemistry and Alchemy?
11 replies
The Philosopher's Stone
The Philosopher’s Stone is not just a spiritual metaphor but an actual substance that can transmute lead or mercury into gold. The Stone is a product of Alchemy. Unlike chemistry, which only deals with physical matter and energy, Alchemy makes use of etheric and astral energies to reconfigure matter at the quantum level. Alchemy is to chemistry what a cube is to the square; it is a superset of chemistry and is capable of so much more.
How Etheric Energy Overrides Physical Laws
Alchemical achievements require successfully gathering, concentrating, and multiplying etheric energy. When this energy reaches a critical threshold, it overpowers the normal laws of physics and allows seemingly miraculous processes to take place. I believe it does this by biasing probability. By amplifying the probability of minor quantum effects, which are normally limited to the subatomic scale, they manifest on the larger atomic scale. In this way, one element spontaneously transforms into another.
The world around us is made of subatomic particles that regularly undergo unpredictable jumps, teleportation, bilocation, superposition, and other strange quantum behaviors. Why don’t everyday solid objects do likewise? Because the random quantum jittering of their subatomic particles collectively average out to zero. Think of a large crowd of people; seen from the air, the crowd as a whole is stationary, even though individuals within the crowd move in seemingly random directions. It’s because their movements are random and uncoordinated that they average to zero net movement on the whole.
The world we see around us is merely a crowd of subatomic particles whose individual quantum jumps aren’t apparent because they average to collective stillness. Physical laws that govern our everyday world, known as the deterministic laws of classical physics, are merely the laws of the crowd. These laws are what’s left of quantum physics after the unpredictability is removed through statistical averaging. They are not absolute laws; they are just the most probable manner in which matter and energy behave.
Physical laws can be bent. While the probability is incredibly low that enough coordination and coherence develops among the quantum jitters to manifest on a collective scale, that is exactly what etheric energy does. It alters probability and thereby skews the laws of thermodynamics, gravity, electromagnetism, and chemistry.
Alchemy does not violate the laws of physics, nor does it always follow them, rather it bends them as needed. It operates upon the quantum foundation from which these laws arise in the first place, via etheric energy affecting the probability of quantum events.
27 replies
I decided today to start my long planned tulpa with the understanding that my tulpa would show signs of sentience and that I shouldn't doubt the signs. I sat down in my room after turning the lights out and set an alarm for an hour later, which just so happened to be 12:34. I decided before that I would only envision a sphere and flow all my thoughts and energy into it, letting it pick its own form and personality as time went on. A sort of free form tulpa creation if you will. As I began narrating to my tulpa though, something strange happened. It began to shift colors. I stepped back mentally and asked "Is it doing this on its own?" and to my surprise, it turned green instantly. When I thought to myself it must be me it turned red instantly, yet again. I assume I had only been 10 minutes into my meditation at this point.
Some other things to note. I envisioned this whole process on a grassy hill with a large tree. The tree represented my entire collection of thoughts, personality, and knowledge, with a hole on the side of the tree. I thought of the hole for easy access for my sphere shaped tulpa so it could sit and rest inside while accessing my thoughts.
Another note, the first thing I said to my tulpa was "Hello Orb". The thing is, that when some people have scanned me before they have noticed an orb floating above my head, almost like a chakra, but behaves differently and seems out of place. I laughed at the irony of accidently calling the tulpa "orb".
Needless to say it got too weird for me as signs of sentience kept showing up so I came on here to see what any of your opinions on the matter would be.
Pic related, mfw dat instant sentience
23 replies
I have an idea on how to spread knowledge and help others 'wake up'…
What if we make a different website that teaches others how to begin the path of wizardy? We could provide basic reading lists, how to do shit such as sorcery, meditation, ritual, etc. We could also provide "homework" which is where the student prints a observation paper or put their observations in their journal. It would be like "What happened? Did you see any visualizations? Did you feel any strange phenomena? etc". I feel as if all these neophytes are confused and it would be cool to have a website that shows people the right path to wizardry. Sort of like a mixture of montalk and online college expect there is no right or wrong path to the students' work, really. Then we should encourage them to post their findings here so we can see.
Any ideas or comments on this possibility?
10 replies
I wish to inform my fellow /fringe/ wizards that something major is taking place in the astral and huge synchronicities are happening.
Today I and multiple other persons have all experienced the same events in the astral, been to the same stadium, and encountered the same entities.
This is unprecedented.
I and at least one other individual are also apparently being hunted by something sinister in the astral, according to the tulpa of a third wizard.
This is really strange.
Perhaps a massive convergence of fourth density and third density reality is taking place.
8 replies
Karma is bullshit prove me wrong
59 replies
Something very odd happened today, just thought I'd drop this here.
Quick note, general odd paranormal experience thread. Post any and all stories you might have.
Wednesday April 16, 2014. Written straight from my journal
So tonight was rather odd. I spent all day reading about Chaos Magick and Discordianism. Around 10:30-11:00pm I meditated but I heard a big THUMP, as if I lost hearing for a second. This happened as I was sending good, white energy up my spine and then into the tip of the brain. I immiedately pulled my earbuds out, looked at my hands and brought myself back to focus (which I regret). It was odd. Following that I did a Gnostic Pentagram Ritual to banish anything bad. (note: I haven't banished in a while either) While bringing the light down to my throat chakra I was pulled forward, so I was leaning while on my feet. I messed up the drawing of the pentagram near my window (important later), and after the ritual I began meditating again. This time I heard a voice near my (CONTINUED)
12 replies
A Jivanmukta is a liberated sage. He is released even while living. He lives in the world, but he is not of the world. He always revels in the eternal bliss of the Supreme Self. He is Ishvara (God) Himself. He is a God on earth.
The Jivanmukta or full-blown Jnani (a person with full wisdom) is full of pure love, compassion, mercy, exquisite gentleness, and hidden power and strength. Love and lustre shine through his brilliant eyes.
The Jivanmukta has not a bit of selfish interest in him and is absolutely free from worries, difficulties, troubles, tribulations, sorrows, and anxieties under all circumstances. Even when pains and the rest attaching themselves to his body exhibit themselves on his face, his mind never writhes under them and their antithesis. He is not a slave of his moods; he is ever cheerful and peaceful. His higher excellences have been perfectly unfolded; all divine attributes are fully awakened in him. Every one of his weaknesses and limitations is burnt in toto. He shines in his own pristine glory, in his own essential nature of divine consciousness. He radiates peace and joy everywhere.
The true greatness of a realised Yogi is indescribable. His eyes are serene and steady, his actions perfect and holy, his speech sweet and short, inspiring and impressive. His gait is magnanimous, his touch purifying; his looks are merciful, gestures illuminating. He is omniscient; he has intuitive transcendental knowledge and clear insight into the very heart of all things and beings. You will experience a deep sense of peace and harmony, great elevation and inspiration, in his presence.
9 replies
Talk about evocation in this thread and discuss others' views on it, will proceed to write from Phil Hine's
Aspects of Evocation.
30 replies
Recently found all of this information posted on Shrekchan. It is very /fringe/ related.
10 replies
So what do you seekers have to say about food?
Some people say you shouldn't eat meat because it is of a lower vibration and clogs your system down. The Buddha once said that he noticed his meditations were easier when he did not consume flesh.
Some say that strictly plant-based diets help detox your pineal gland and system to bring about "higher vibrations" to more easily allow you to astral project. Citing that the ancients ate like this before the fall.
Others go further still and just live off the sun. But, fuck that idea for now.
Obviously, whatever you end up doing is going to be extremely hard because we are basically forced to eat shitty foods if we ever go to a restaurant or are stuck buying at a food stand.
25 replies
Post your questions for Montalk ITT (I'll remake this thread on /x/ later after I'm done meditating as well).
104 replies
Do you want to learn some amazing things /fringe/?
I'm going to be reading this book and I'll post what I read as I go along and you can read with me.
This man has been part of a walk-in. He escaped the demiurge's trap, he actually made it out of this shithole, and traded places with a higher being who brought us profound knowledge on these subjects:
• the death-process and the life on the other side
• the different dimensions
• the Earths far past
• how life came to Earth
• colonization from space
• contact to spacepeople
• the human aura
• telepathy and clairvoyance
• astral traveling
• akashic-reading
• the dark forces
• medical themes (he was also a doctor in Lhasa/Tibet)
• Atlantis and similar themes
• body-take-over/walk in (transmigration)
• etc. etc
This is what I've always wanted to do! To just get out. I wouldn't mind coming back though, after escaping, to free those left behind.
2 replies
>Ragnarok–Religion & Magic Part 3″
April 13th, 2014
Welcome to all! We appreciate each and everyone of you are listeners and appreciate the fact as well that you continue to visit this site which is why we resurrected it and linked it with our main website!
This is our 3rd and final episode on the "Religion and Magic Series" which deals with the subject of Ragnarok from the Voluspa. There is also a reading at the midpoint of the show just as in the 2nd episode, only this one appropriately deals with an area of the underworld called Nifhel.
In this episode we delve the deepest into the difference between the religious path and the magical path and how one can look at things from an apocalyptic viewpoint, or from a cyclical viewpoint. This episode was made prior to the alignment of 2012 which you QUITE quickly when you start listening to the episode. You will find that the things that I talk about and that Glen (Tyrsson) talks about have an alarming accuracy as to what our world is involved in today, and how mythologies are stories that are not true, but through their imagery contains truth that tells us about the cycle of birth death and renewal!
For those of you that are subscribing through iTunes or through another RSS feeder you will have this episode immediately once it's released. Those of you that are on the Facebook page or who have subscribed to the newsletter that is described there will also receive the broadcast when it is released along with RSS information which is very easy to find on the main site through the RSS symbol on the right-hand side. Our network site is being cleaned up to be more simple as that is a work in progress LOL! Our main focus with the network site is being able to promote those people who have a podcast whether it be in the realm of our religion or news and media, and even entertainment that the best and the brightest content can be provided to you folk from various sources through a single gateway.
4 replies
Hello Blue. Looking to speak with you via IRC.
10 replies
What's /fringe] going to do today on the Blood Moon?
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Before we attempt to understand the nature of the Overself or deal with any “occult” matter we must be sure that first we comprehend the nature of Man. In this Course we shall use the term “Man” to indicate man and woman. Let us at the outset state definitely that woman is at least the equal of man in all matters relating to the occult and extra-sensory perceptions. Woman, in fact, often has a brighter aura and a greater capacity for appreciation of the various facets of metaphysics.
Actually, everything that exists is “life.” Even a creature which we normally term “dead” is alive. The normal form of its life may have ceased-as it would have done for us to term it dead— but with the cessation of that “life” a fresh form of life took over. The process of dissolution creates life of its own!
Everything that is vibrates. Everything consists of molecules in constant motion. We will use “molecules” instead of atoms, neutrons, protons, etc., because this is a Course on Metaphysics, not a Course of Chemistry or Physics. We are trying to “paint a general picture” rather than go into microscopic detail on irrelevant matters.
Perhaps we should say a few words about molecules and atoms first in order to appease the purists who otherwise would write in and give us knowledge which we already possess! Molecules are small, VERY small, but they can be seen by the use of the electron microscope and by those who are trained in metaphysical arts.
According to the dictionary, a molecule is the smallest portion of a substance capable of independent existence while retaining the properties of that substance. Small though molecules are, they are composed of even smaller particles known as “atoms.”
An atom is like a miniature solar system. The nucleus of the atom represents the Sun in our own solar system. Around this “sun” rotate electrons in much the same way as our solar-system planets revolve around our Sun. As in the Solar-system, the atom unit is mostly empty space! Here, in Figure One, is how the carbon atom-the “brick” of our own Universe-appears when greatly magnified. Figure Two shows our Solar-system. Every substance has a different number of electrons around its nucleus “sun.” Uranium, for example, has ninety-two electrons. Carbon has only six. Two close to the nucleus, and four orbiting at a greater distance. But we are going to forget about atoms and refer only to molecules. . . .
Read the rest here:
2 replies
Autobiography of a YOGI
By Paramhansa Yogananda
W. Y. Evans-Wentz, M.A., D.Litt., D.Sc.
"Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe."-John 4:48.
The value of Yogananda's Autobiography is greatly enhanced by the fact that it is one of the few books in English about the wise men of India which has been written, not by a journalist or foreigner, but by one of their own race and training–in short, a book about yogis by a yogi. As an eyewitness recountal of the extraordinary lives and powers of modern Hindu saints, the book has importance both timely and timeless. To its illustrious author, whom I have had the pleasu re of knowing both in India and America, may every reader render due appreciation and gratitude. His unusual life-document is certainly one of the most revealing of the depths of the Hindu mind and heart, and of the spiritual wealth of India, ever to be published in the West.
It has been my privilege to have met one of the sages whose life- history i s herein narrated-Sri Yukteswar Giri. A likeness of the venerable saint appear ed as part of the frontispiece of my Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrines . 1-1 It was at Puri, in Orissa, on the Bay of Bengal, that I encountered Sri Yukteswar. He was then the head of a quiet ashrama near the seashore there, and was chie fly occupied in the sp iritual training of a group of youthful disciples. He expressed keen interest in the welfare of the people of the United States and of all the Americas, and of England, too, and questioned me concerning the distant activities, particularly those in California, of his chief disciple, Paramhansa Yogananda, whom he dearly love d, and whom he had sent, in 1920, as his emissary to the West.
Sri Yukteswar was of gentle mien and voice, of pleasing presence, and worthy of the ve neration which his followers spontaneously accorded to him. Every person who knew him, whether of his own community or not, held him in the highest esteem. I vividly recall his tall, straight, ascetic figure, garbed in the saffron-colored garb of one who has renounced worldly quests, as he stood at th e entrance of the hermitage to give me welcome. His hair was long and somewhat curly, and his face bearded. His body was muscularly firm, but slender and well-formed, and his step energetic. He had chosen as his place of earthly abode the holy city of Puri, whither multitud es of pious Hindus, representative of every province of India, come daily on pilgrimage to the famed Temple of Jagannath, "Lord of the Wo rld." It was at Puri that Sri Yukteswar closed his mortal eyes, in 1936, to the scenes of this transito ry state of being and passed on, knowing that his incarnation had been carried to a triump hant completion. I am glad, indeed, to be able to record this testimony to the high character and holiness of Sri Yukteswar. Content to remain afar from the multitude, he gave himself unreservedly and in tranquillity to that ideal life which Pa ramhansa Yogananda, his disciple, has now described for the ages. W. Y. EVANS-WENTZ
Book link here:
16 replies
Does anyone else read several books, then later on when you forget the subject or something, you can't find it anymore in the books? Like I remember there was a Baphomet Invocation in either Liber Null, Psychonaut, or Liber Kaos and I could never find it. It pisses me off sometimes.
>what i want to do when can't find that ONE LITTLE PARAGRAPH in your books
0 replies
Hey /fringe/ I have incredible intuition.
When I get an idea into my mind as to something I want to do, and I make it clear, I usually figure out how to do it on my own.
…or I read a text and I get the general idea of it then I intuitively figure the rest out.
I only ever need the idea of something, what I want to accomplish, and how it might be accomplished and I fill in the gaps very easily and see through bypass disinfo and so on.
I don't need really specific instructions and usually just end up adapting anything I read to my own mental makeup.
One example is when it comes to improving my body I just know intuitively what to do.
I haven't looked up many stretches but I just figured, if I want to be more flexible, all I have to do is find ways to bend my body and to feel out each muscle and to just stretch it you know.
I've become very flexible and I don't need an instructor, I don't need to look things up, I just need to understand the principle which is find a muscle, stretch it out, hold it for a couple seconds, then proceed with another muscle.
I've done the same thing for meditation. It's really simple. I just think about what my mind does, what are its variables, and then I practise mental exercises and it all comes so naturally to me. E.g. one capability of the mind is to focus and be selective, so to develop that I just need to focus on certain things to the exclusion of others, and practise with whatever I want. I can focus on an object, a thoughtform, an idea, whatever. There's other properties of the mind as well which are really basic it's just pretty obvious to me how to train them.
I feel like most people have degenerated to a chink-level of intuition where they can follow instructions laid down by others reasonably well, they can learn from others, but they're helpless without guidance. Some people are also just downright retarded and helpless even with everything shown to them…
One must grasp the principle – the basics – then you know how to do everything else.
34 replies
I have an idea…
So you probably all have seen the "Boy Sees Heaven, Comes Back!" and things like that on JewTube, right? Well, we know most people who are close to death experience the astral planes. So is this phenomena of people dying, and supposedly going to heaven just experiencing the astral? I understand why they'd say its heaven, because of their religous beliefs and because of how beautiful and colorful the astral is and such. What do you guys think?
6 replies
Purely from my actual practise of magic and my observations I think I have identified some very edgy yet true and useful things in magic:
- I believe you have to suffer to do magic.
This can entail polarizing yourself emotionally so you can set the pendulum in swing and then when it's at one extreme or the other you are able to force changes in this reality. If you try to balance yourself, you just neutralize opposing forces, and you get nowhere. You are going to have to go through incredible misery and really drive the suffering deep in before you can then go to incredible bliss… then you can through some means stay at one polarity BUT if you want to develop further you're going to have to let the pendulum swing again, and even harder this time, and you're going to have suffer even more miserably before you can be even more happy again later.
- I believe this world is a place of punishment, suffering, etc. it's a kind of hell that only a few unchallenged souls mistake for anything else usually out of ignorance what lays beyond in other planes.
It is most easy to know how shit this world is by a combination of three factors:
Getting to the top, seeing this world at it's "best", having it all.
Knowing what can be in other planes.
Knowing you've got nowhere further to go in this world.
When you make it to the top (whatever your top is, basically just realize your dreams), everyone will tell you that you don't suffer, but for those who are the top they really have the greatest grief and usually become deranged by it because unlike everyone still fighting their way up they know they're at the end of the road and there's nowhere else to go. Some people just kill themselves at this point, others give up all hope and fall into despair that they believe not even death can save themselves from, others still just make it their business to watch the world burn because they know it's all shit no matter how much you improve it, it will always just be shit.
The really wise don't even have to get to the top. They simply imagine their Earthly dreams have come true already and then they realize what a meaningless thing it will be.
- I believe our entire race is enslaved by some higher negative spiritual force preying upon us for our loosh
It's a horrible feeling to know everything is designed to beat you down, to make you miserable, and to only let you feel happiness if you start doing the same as them and you position in life somehow creates misery for others OR you are given just enough happiness to make all the suffering more painful (if you aren't allowed to feel good once in awhile, it all just goes dull, and you fade away and the torture stops being meaningful in anyway). We are being spiritually tortured all the time and the oversoul of our world and the corrupted demiurge are at fault. They won't let us flourish, their flaws are overbearing, and we can do nothing to advance up the hierarchy without embracing some of their evil.
- Sacrifice is incredibly valuable
You can sacrifice parts of your soul and your body and use it to create very powerful thoughtforms. You can sacrifice others as well but you got to trick them, torture them, do whatever is required to make them give it all up. Some of most powerful magic I've ever done caused me to bleed from my nose and has weakened my body. Does this seem farfetched? It's not really. Many people develop special powers after hurting themselves in some way, hitting their head by accident or in a rage, killing others, etc. and pay good attention to how trauma is used in mind control and how powerful it is. You've got to really torture yourself to become powerful.
I'd like to believe otherwise about all this but nothing but an offering of up of life energy and emotional energy seems to count for anything and it's got to come from somewhere… We always need to destroy something to create. Anyone who thinks they can bypass this somehow by observing ethics or being very loving will soon be exhausted if they are having any kind of effect at all.
God damn I hate this world matrix design. I'm probably going to be forced to kill and torture someone in the future just to make my magic more powerful because there's no other way that works as effectively as that.
Best regards,
11 replies
Essential reading for psychic defense..
Anyone got any?
0 replies
is a board for esoteric discussion including matters pertaining to;
Magic : Philosophy : Paranormal : Dreams : Religion : Occult : Symbolism : Aliens : Demons & Angels : Metaphysics : Conspiracy : Secret Societies : Mind Control : Morality & Ethics : Quantum : Qualia : Psychic Abilities
– Anything that is fringe in some respect
Important Threads:
- >>10618
- >>14270
— Dream journal: >>2435
— Fringe music: >>1867
& >>3701
— Astral Projection: >>691
Emotional Alchemy: >>5697
— Meditation Superthread: >>5708
— Occult Films: >>2640
— Demon Hunting guide: — >>152
Greenpills: >>3446
— Thoughtforms: >>6300
— Succubus: >>3873
– Fringe Experiments: >>7496
Book Reviews: >>13333
Theory of Health: >>13904
/fringe/ Books Reading List:
/ https://www.dmt-nexus.me/doc/Astral%20Dynamics.pdf
(Initiation Into Hermetics First Edition)
(Initiation Into Hermetics Third (2001) Edition)
(Holographic Universe is referenced on Montalk)
(same as above, but missing pages are included!)
(Lobsang Rampa's books are found here, of particular interest is "You Forever")
(another source of the same books as above)
/fringe/ Sites Reading List:
(COMPLETELY ACCURATE PREDICTIONS but alien disinfo comes in at 141 and everything after 141 should be disregarded)
(NOTE: Won't take you long to read through, it's a collection of quotes, but a visit to this site and just reading over it all will be very inspiring for you.)
(chaos magick library)
/fringe/ Youtube Channels:
/fringe/ Youtube Playlists:
Michael Talbot - Rare Holographic Universe Lecture 1/12
(a very important greenpill about the holographic mental universe, disproves materialism)
Your Amazing Mystic Powers by Henry C. Clausen 33°
(a lot of greenpills as well)
The Kybalion by Three Initiates
(essential reading for all hermeticists)
These are full of so much greenpill and will really teach you a LOT and it's a perfect way to start on your path to wizardry.
After going through those then proceed with reading everything in the sticky on /fringe/ except for that filesonic link which is broken, and you don't have to read all those sites but montalk.net is my favourite and one you should definitely read, you're going to want to visit ALL of the youtube channels listed there, and you ought to go over montalk's glossary.
Then proceed with reading all the threads on /fringe/ and posting in them until you've been through them all.
We function as a research group of wizards pushing the boundaries of physicality and the mind.
Our purpose is to develop our magical potential, explore the higher densities of existence (4th density +), and bring to light a new understanding of the place of aryan man in this realm of existence and the next.
The name "/fringe/" is inspired by the book ''Fringe Knowledge for Beginners" by Montalk (which can be found here:
We do not yet have a FringeWiki to collect our knowledge so lets place it all here in this thread for now.
We should make an FAQ and posting guidelines specific to this board as well.
Definitions / terminology used often on this board:
( another glossary full of terms we use a lot )
This is a
list of psychic abilities
that have been attributed to real-world people. These are also sometimes known as extrasensory perception or a sixth sense. Inclusion in this list does not imply scientific recognition of the existence of an ability. Superhuman abilities from fiction are not included.
• Apportation - Materialization, disappearance, or teleportation of an object.[1]
• Aura reading - Perception of the energy fields surrounding people, places, and things.[2]
• Automatic writing - Writing produced without conscious thought.[3]
• Astral projection or mental projection - An out-of-body experience in which an "astral body" becomes separate from the physical body.[4]
• Bilocation or multilocation - Being in multiple places at the same time.[5]
• Clairaudience - receiving messages in thought form from another frequency or realm. It is considered a form of channeling.
• Clairvoyance, second sight - Perception outside the known human senses.[2]
• Death-warning - A vision of a living person prior to his or her death.[6]
• Divination - Gaining insight into a situation via a ritual.[7]
• Dowsing - Ability to locate objects.[8]
• Energy medicine - Healing by channeling a form of energy.[9]
• Faith healing - Diagnosing and curing disease using religious devotion.[10]
• Mediumship or channeling – Communicating with spirits.[11]
• Precognition, premonition and precognitive dreams - Perception of events before they happen.
• Psychic surgery - Removal of diseased body tissue via an incision that heals immediately afterwards.[12]
• Psychokinesis or telekinesis - Manipulation of matter or energy by the power of the mind.
• Psychometry or psychoscopy - Obtaining information about a person or object.
• Pyrokinesis - Manipulation of fire.
• Remote viewing - Gathering of information at a distance.
• Retrocognition - Perception of past events.
• Scrying - Use of an item to view events at a distance or in the future.
• Telepathy - Transfer of thoughts or emotions.
• Transvection - Bodily levitation or flying.
1. ^ Fontana, David (2005). Is There an Afterlife: A Comprehensive Review of the Evidence. Hants, UK: O Books. pp. 352–381. ISBN 1-903816-90-4.
2. ^ a b "Glossary of Parapsychology Terms". Retrieved September 2010.
3. ^ Suki Miller (1995). After Death: How People around the World Map the Journey after Death.
4. ^ Astral Dynamics by Robert Bruce. Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc, 1999 ISBN 1-57174-143-7
5. ^ McGoven, Una (2007). Chambers Dictionary of the Unexplained. Chambers (published December 19, 2007). p. 68. ISBN 978-0-550-10215-7.
6. ^ Podmore, Gurney and Myers (1885). Phantasms of the Living.
7. ^ Flower, Michael Attyah. The Seer in Ancient Greece. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2008.
8. ^ John Ankerberg, John Weldon (1996). "Dowsing and water dowsing". Encyclopedia of new age beliefs. Harvest House Publishers. pp. 167–192.
9. ^ Ernst, Edzard (2001). "A primer of complementary and alternative medicine commonly used by cancer patients". Medical Journal of Australia 174 (2): 88–92. PMID 11245510.
10. ^ Village, Andrew. "Dimensions of belief about miraculous healing." Mental Health, Religion & Culture, June 2005; 8(2): 97-107
11. ^ "Mediums", Robert Todd Carroll, Skeptic's Dictionary, Retrieved March 23, 2007 "In spiritualism, a medium is one with whom spirits communicate directly."
12. ^ Spence, Lewis (2003). Encyclopedia of Occultism & Parapsychology Vol. 2. Kessinger Publishing Co. p. 750. ISBN 978-0-7661-2817-0.
– Mysticism involves attempting to communicate with or directly experience the divine. Monks and nuns have often used meditation and prayer to induce mystical states but it can also involve esoteric practices like kabbalah.
– Magick is the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will.
Old /fringe/:
* Due to a recent influx of neophytes into /fringe/ the quality threads have been getting pushed away in a sea of noob questions. So we want all questions contained in the question thread. Only start new threads when you've found something in your research and want to actually share it. You should always read, experiment, ponder, etc. and share those thoughts and findings with us in threads but if you just want to ask questions DO NOT make a new thread.
0 replies
Magi and Magicians
By His Eminence Metropolitan Hierotheos
of Nafpaktos and Agiou Vlasiou
And again we are made worthy by God to be festive and celebrate the great Despotic feast of Christmas, or the birth of Christ, which celebrates the Second Person of the Holy Trinity who assumed human nature, became the God-man and was born among men to free us from the dominion of sin, the devil and death.
We again see all of creation glorify the newborn Christ, as we chant triumphantly in the Kontakion of Saint Romanos the Melodist: "Angels with the Shepherds glorify Him, Magi with the Star journey to Him." The center of all creation is Christ, who is glorified by it, and He illuminates all and everything.
Among those who were made worthy to worship the newborn Christ and whom we remember every Christmas are the Magi of the east who saw the Star, understood that a great event took place, and they followed it to reach Bethlehem to place their gifts before Christ - gold, frankincense and myrrh. Indeed, the Fathers saw symbolism in these gifts, since gold is a royal color, frankincense signifies divinity, and myrrh signifies death, and so the Magi honor Christ as King, God and as One who suffers and rises.
The Magi as wise astrologers and astronomers
The Magi, according to Herodotus, were the special priestly race of the Medes. Later, among the eastern peoples, the term "magi" referred to wise men, teachers, priests, physicians, astrologers, seers, and interpreters of dreams. At that time, astrology was associated with astronomy, and for this reason we can say moreover that the Magi were the astronomers of their day who observed the starry skies. Generally, the Magi were wise men, scientists, and so in their person the wise ones venerated the newborn Christ. The Magi, as the Fathers teach us, were made worthy to recognize Christ and to worship Him "through the knowledge of the mind", and having internal purity they were made worthy of this great theophany. We believe, therefore, that all ways of the life of man receive special value and importance from the relationship they have with Christ.
Today things have changed regarding this issue, since astronomy split with astrology, and magic acquired a bad reputation, while a magician is considered a deceiver and an impostor, even one who acts through the devil. We already encounter this when the Apostle Paul journeyed to Cyprus, according to the narration of the Acts of the Apostles:
"They traveled through the whole island until they came to Paphos. There they met a Jewish magician and false prophet named Bar-Jesus, who was an attendant of the proconsul, Sergius Paulus. The proconsul, an intelligent man, sent for Barnabas and Saul because he wanted to hear the word of God. But Elymas the magician (for that is what his name means) opposed them and tried to turn the proconsul from the faith. Then Saul, who was also called Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, looked straight at Elymas and said, 'You are a child of the devil and an enemy of everything that is right! You are full of all kinds of deceit and trickery. Will you never stop perverting the right ways of the Lord? Now the hand of the Lord is against you. You are going to be blind for a time, not even able to see the light of the sun.' Immediately mist and darkness came over him, and he groped about, seeking someone to lead him by the hand. When the proconsul saw what had happened, he believed, for he was amazed at the teaching about the Lord." (Acts 13:6-12)
Throughout the centuries we meet this dual mentality: wise men and scientists who believe in Christ, as well as magicians and astrologers who resist Christ. As can be seen, the crux of the matter lies in what is the center of reference. From this center all things receive their value and meaning. We do not reject anything, provided that they have a center, a goal, and do not object to Christ. When creation, science and wisdom according to the world operate within their own space, without denying their faith in Christ, they are not a waste, but to the contrary they are a gift and blessing from God. Who does not honor a medical scientist dealing with human health? Who does not recognize the value of different scholars concerned with the advancement of science, and their presence is in varying degrees and ways beneficial to people? But when people do different tricks and, according to the words of the Apostle Paul, use deception and intrigue, and are enemies of justice, then this cannot be accepted by the Church.
Contemporary "magicians"
Our age is filled with such atypical magicians seeking to mislead people, who are enemies of justice, and market hunger and misery, as well as the hope of the people. Sometimes such people, who have the characteristics mentioned above, and seek to pervert the paths of the Lord and deceive people, enter also into the intimate areas of the Church. For there are prophets and apostles who follow the teachings of the Church, and heal with love for mankind, and then there are false prophets and false apostles who mislead people and care for their own social standing, despite the people. Our Christian Mysteries, as Saint Gregory the Theologian says, are not the "sacrificial art of Magi, and their entrail forebodings" (Oration 39:5), but a true sacrifice to the living God.
We should not only view enemies as being outside the Church, but they are also within it and among us. There are those who do not have Christ as the center of their lives, but rather themselves, and they deceive people, disappoint them and charm them, that is, they try to captivate people with their charm. They do not seek the glory of God, but their own glory; they do not intend to serve people, but exploit the faith and hopes and aspirations of the people for their own benefit.
The case of the Three Magi who worshipped Christ and offered their gifts to Him is to be a model for us, to have Christ as the center of our lives and offer Him our gifts and wisdom, and acknowledge Him as King, as God and as the One crucified and risen for us. This, besides giving meaning to our lives, will also benefit people. Anyone who believes in Christ, cannot be unjust and exploit people, as several modern magicians do, but to the contrary they would sacrifice their lives for them.
Beloved brethren, let us journey with the Magi and the Star towards Bethlehem that we may worship Christ and serve with sincerity and love the people of Christ, and people all over the world. Let us listen to the words of Saint Gregory the Theologian: "Run with the Star, and bear your Gifts with the Magi, gold and frankincense and myrrh, as to a King, and to God, and to One Who is dead for you" (Oration 38:17).
53 replies
The nature of everything is illusory and ephemeral, Those with dualistic perception regard suffering as happiness, Like they who lick the honey from a razor’s edge. How pitiful are they who cling strongly to concrete reality: Turn your attention within, my heart friends.
Nyoshul Khen Ripoche.
14 replies
Tips on becoming a Wizard and doing Magical Research
Without divine guidance you are lost in a maze of scams, blundering idiots, and misinformation. The internet provides you with a lot of information but not all of it is useful and discerning what is actually useful is difficult for those who really don't know where to look or where to begin.
Short of using magic to acquire more knowledge (in a manner much like dowsers searching for items), here are some tips you can use now to make the process of magical learning more efficient:
People who talk about magic but seem to come out of nowhere are not usually legitimate. They are typically disinfo agents. Real magicians are usually philosophically minded people who've been testing reality for a long while and will likely have a long history of magical research and experimentation behind them which you'll find in posts on forums and you'll notice their opinions and understanding change overtime as they develop magically. They actually discuss things with people, they don't just give talks and hide behind some books they're trying to sell you and are always absent.
Ignore people who are looking to sell you shit or who ramble on & on without telling you anything. This isn't even a thing which is specific to magic, it applies to many things where people are looking for answers like medicine and so on. These sites have a certain format to them where they make you lots of promises and assume they could never be wrong and when you finally get to the end of it they have some retarded "buy this book/dvd/whatever and get a bunch of shit free" deal going on. It's a waste of your time and money.
Fuck cults; it takes way too long to go up the ranks of initiation, they tend to be dogmatic, and you may find out in the end they actually are all appearances and yet lacking in genuine knowledge. Even if they are legitimate, you won't be able to tell that until a lot of time has passed and they probably demand money and other things from you. It's ok to associate with other wizards freely and to engage them in open discussion but fuck secrecy unless you're plotting to overthrow the jews or something in which case you really do need secrecy. If you're going to be a part of a magical order, don't do it to learn, do it because you've already learned and you're wanting to apply your magical skill now with your fellow wizards. The only "cult" that is worthwhile is The Order of Fringe Wizards which you are a part of from reading this on this site now.
Feel free to read the texts of certain cults though and see if you can find anything useful in them.
Avoid shit that doesn't make sense and that you can't test or that is very vague. Magic has a process, produces results, and can be used to enrich your life or that of others (or undermine them). Some magical acts do not produce immediate results and this sort of magic isn't something you should really bother with as an acolyte unless you have a clear understanding of how it actually is going to work for you and you know you're powerful enough to make it work. It is better to initially stick with things where you're going to get immediate results at first (when you do it right) so you can know what works and begin to really understand magic. A good example of magic not for the novice is magic pertaining to synchronicity and reality manifestation where you try to change your luck and attract something into your life. It's not that such magic doesn't exist, it's just that there is a lot of inherent randomness to life and something good happening to you might have happened regardless of a ritual you did to try to influence things. Besides that sort of magic though, most magical practices have definite results. Astral projection, telekinesis, energy practices, etc. you know when it's working for you because it's obvious when you get there. There's no guess-work about it.
Magic isn't new and isn't effortless. Some forms or practices which are assisted by technology or have been recently developed are. A lot of it has been practised for thousands of years. Pay attention to what the hermeticists have to say, what the monks have been doing, etc. Many of them are practising magic and spend years refining themselves physically and mentally in order to do it. The passing of a lot of time also kind of helps bury the texts and practices of individuals who didn't know shit about magic who wrote about it way back then while only the more memorable or notable texts tend to be preserved and survive through the ages. When a shill dies and his cult breaks apart he is soon forgotten but the real practices that actually work for people live on through the ages.
New Age and Wicca are cancer to be avoided. Some writers get labelled as "new age" but actually have useful information (like montalk) even though he condemns New Agers himself.
I'll update with more tips later if any other wizards want to add suggestions here.
7 replies
Curing a Toothache Spiritually
Okay /fringe/, I recently have had a toothache and I think this is a good time to take advantage of it and try to cure it spiritually. I will post notes on what helped it heal and what made it worse, so if any of you guys get a toothache this thread should help you. I will post notes labeled 'Attempt #x' of what I did and my results, along with the time of day. Hope I can figure it out.
6 replies
Lets talk about on the go magic.
When I'm tired of staying home at night, I usually go out alone and hit the bars. On the way I start visualizing a golden aura shimering around me, or I hokd a cigar in my hands and enchant it so smoking it will bring me joy for the night.
Everytime I do it I end up meeting lots of people and having fun overall.
What kind of quick magic do you do?
107 replies
I have decided to close down everything else and I'm just going to proceed with reading a fuckload of articles and reviewing them and taking notes out of them where it makes sense to do so.
Every article I read I shall post in here since if I make a new thread for each one I'd probably overwhelm /fringe/ pretty fast.
7 replies
I've been reading that Lobsang Rampa book and it talks a lot about ethics and I find myself constantly disagreeing with him.
Why would there be anything wrong with suicide?
Why should a person not accept money for their services and why is money in general regarded as something which holds one back in their spiritual development?
Why does he praise individuals who aren't truly worthy of praise and in fact have fucked up this world a lot?
When it comes to ethics I can't take him seriously. The best thing I think he said was that we have an inherent knowing of when something is right or wrong but other then that I don't like much of what he said.
When he talks of these ethical considerations in what perspective is this anyways?
I don't see how it applies to karma. I think I understand karma well enough and believe it to be a very clear system that essentially is just "cause and effect" or in other words "you reap what you sow". I think some people have a weird idea about karmic debts though that doesn't make sense.
Is ethics controlled by the collective conscious of the species or what? Do we have to obey the majority? Who lays down the ethics?
Another thing that's weird in his books is he says that victims and perpetrators attract each other. In a sense, I can see that might be so, to some degree. However I also feel that not every interaction that takes place in our world is conducive to soul growth. Some things are just horribly evil and create nothing but setbacks and wasted incarnations.
Anyone else here who has also been reading the book tell me what you think please as well as just tell me in general what your views are on these matters.
I really don't believe there is anything inherently wrong with the act of suicide. Why should it be? There are MANY different ways to commit suicide and many ways to frame the matter. Is a person committing suicide when they avoid treatment for a disease, or when they undertake actions they know will ruin their health like eating bad food, or when they seek out trouble and get into conflicts? Can a person really be blamed for kill himself when his vessel is so damaged he can't carry on his work anymore? Lobsang Rampa himself completed the transmigration of the soul and possessed a guy who was suicidal and the suicidal dude went to the astral planes and Lobsang Rampa's original vessel surely perished.
I think there are shameful ways to die for sure and one must die a meaningful death but there is no issue I see in terminating your vessel when it no longer serves you, or it's clear the burden and suffering outweighs the good you can do at some point, or you've been captured and are about to be tortured or killed in some awfully disgraceful manner. There are many scenarios I can imagine where suicide is the most honourable and best solution. I don't like the black and white thinking and overgeneralizations that Lobsang Rampa makes in his books.
I also don't see why I should have to be so poor all the time and why that should be good. I'm poor as fuck. I need SOME money to get by and not die of malnutrition. I don't see why I shouldn't take money if someone wanted to give some to me. Couldn't I at least suggest that if they appreciate my good work they could donate money but that they don't have to? Like fug I don't know, the money thing seems like such a gimmick, when you can do a lot of good with some money. It's not like this society supports people in their spiritual endeavours much either so you have to be self-sustaining and we also can't just go live in the wilderness because all land everywhere is claimed.
Pic related is Lobsang Rampa in meditation robes btw. I really wish I had a meditation robe. They have to never be touched by anyone else though and have a bunch of other things done all correct to isolate yourself from outside influences.
23 replies
/fringe/ wiki
This wiki shall serve as a means to compile, save, organize, and streamline all our knowledge we learn from our research even as various threads disappear and their contents are lost.
ITT you post article topics for our new wiki and discuss the matter as well.
I made one for Smiley, now lets help it grow!
28 replies
Dumping a list of
gods and goddesses
for invocations or just knowledge. I feel it could be valuable somewhat.
2 replies
The court extended his detention
The other day, the Lenin District's court extended the detention of the necropolist from Nizhny Novgorod Anatoly Moskvin, in whose apartment and garage were found 26 mummified bodies. After May 15, Anatoly Moskvin is likely to be placed in a psychiatric clinic. This interview was given to journalists from nizhny novgorod in court, the day of extension of his arrest:
Why did you keep corpses in your apartment?
I didn't keep corpses, but bodies. Thing is, i practice black magic. That's why i wanted to revive the children, i felt sorry for the children that could still live on and on. That's why i kept them, for when science will learn to fight cancer, so that it could revive them by then, genetics develops at a really fast pace. Exclusively, solely for this sake. I felt sorry for the children.
-Are you aware that you committed a crime and are behind bars?
Yes, of course i knew from the complete beginning that i was committing a crime, but i felt so sorry for the children, that, unfortunately, in our country cloning is forbidden. Sooner or later they'll allow it anyways, how before they were forbidding genetics.
I only wanted there to be material for future cloning, so that, accordingly, these kids could live again, a second time.
Because i was sorry for these children. Yes, naturally whenever i dug something up, i flattened the earth until i didn't see anything, so that i wouldn't disturb those, those relatives, that…
Other than that, i communicated with spirits, because i found a loophole for contact with the other world. That's why i communicated with the spirits of those children, gathering some kind of information from them.
-And what about the relatives of the children, didn't you feel sorry for them when you were digging?
Thing is, that during the 10 years, all of this was kept a secret. That's why i knew that none of the relatives of the deceased will never know about this. That's why i did everything so accurately.
If you know the details, they didn't take me to the cemetery. They came to me with a search warrant of a completely different case. And accidentally found the dolls. Noone knew what the dolls were made of, even my parents didn't know. I made them for 10 years.
-How did you do it, how did you dig the corpses, how did it all happen?
I was digging up not corpses, but bodies. I came at night knowing which grave respectively. I saw how deep the body was located, then i did the undermining, with the chisel i slightly tore off the wood, then put up the body and essicated it with soda and salt. I called it a vaccine.
I practiced necromancy and communication with the spirits of dead children, but also smeared Muslim graves in cemeteries, the motives, in different cases, were different. What are you interested into concretely?
-in the souls of the dead children
Over the souls of the dead children. Fact is, that i'm a specialist on celtology and studying celtic culture, i noticed, that the druids in this tradition communicated with the dead through… they came to the grave and slept on it. Then when i was studying the culture of ancient Siberia, concretely, the culture of ancient Yakuts, there i found the same, i got interested. I too began sleeping on the graves of the children that i liked, the spirits of the children came to me.
I did this a long, long time nearly 20 years. Respecitvely, i checked were those devils or spirits. Respectively, i collected the information that i could. Then, on chance i rechecked this information. I was convinced that it was really the spirits of the dead children coming to me.
At first i slept on the graves, then i adapted, because not all graves were comfortable for sleeping. I adapted to bring the bodies where it would be comfortable to sleep with them. Began making all kinds of dryers, caches. Then i didn't have enough for the experiments, because the number of children was getting bigger. And thing is, that the spirits appear only in a warm time of the year, in the cold, you yourself are unable to sleep on the grave.
And, accordingly i began to dry them slowly, bring them home. This was done very cleverely, without hurry, one by one, so that noone would know.
And before this, i was studying theory, technology of mummification by all possible books. I studied ancient egyptian writing system for this. I travelled to moscow and purposefully studied all of this. Then i traveled to various oblasts [/regions] of Russia, respectively, studied the technology of mummification on various soils, then got interested in this enough, that i started caring about relevant people, and as a result, became a necropolist.
I considered myself a necropolist for about seven years. A large series of my articles on the history of the cemeteries of Nizhny Novgorod came in the newspaper "the Nizhny Novgorod Worker" during the whole of 2008.
-Do you understand that this was illegal?
Yes, i understand that it is illegal. But at a time when the heroes of our science Dubinin, Chetvernikov, when they performed experiments on drosophiles [Drosophila melanogaster, fruit flies] somewhere in their closets, they also knew that it was illegal according to the laws of the Stalinist Period. It's just that then genetics was forbidden, now cloning is.
-Why did you do it? There's rumors that you wanted to have a child
Yes, i wanted a child. Yes, i really wanted, to have my own daughter, i've got a big library, i really wanted to pass my own knowledge. I've got a big library, i really wanted.
At first, i was forbidden by my parents, they thought that i couldn't manage, but then seeing how much i wanted this, they permitted me, but then happened problems with the guardianship authorities[guardianship bodies], as i was told that i had a salary too small. And i really never sought money, i sought [to give] benefit, fun.
-How did you dig up the children, the children you liked, from the grave, how did it happen?
Usually, i slept on the grave and checked if there were contact or not. First i dug up only those with whom there was contact, but then i was digging up the graves of all the graves on which i slept, to see the reason why there was contact or not. And, respectively, i gained lots of experience in this matter.
The children that i liked, i dried, raised and brought home.
-and what did you do with them home?
At home, i communicated with them. We had a squad leader, respectively, and anti-leader, we had a hierarchy, our own language, we had, respectively, our own songs, our own festivities, we had, so to speak, our own internal world.
My parents didn't see almost anything of this, and other people weren't allowed. Usually, my parents left in april and came back in october, and during this time we were dedicated to this world.
Then i folded this world and began writing the same in literary works, i love fantasy. That's how i did su…creation
-28 bodies, and afterwards, was something planned?
Not corpses, but bodies. To me they were bodies. And afterwards, i completely don't know, because i understood that, after 10 years of researching white magic, i came to a dead end. It seems that even now, i came to a dead end, because in the last two years, no new data seems to have appeared.
Perhaps i really explored all that i could explore in this field of black magic.
Afterwards, to be honest, i had my dear children. I wanted to have my dear children left at home anyways. Those that i liked less, i planned to bring into the garage and let them live there.
If one of the children was completely disliked, i brought it again to the place where he was, and buried him in his own grave.
None of them, respectively, i broke, didn't mutilate, didn't dismember. Gently, kindly, politely, tried even to not use mat(vulgar slang, see wikipedia), since it's forbidden with children.
Especially, since they all were girls before this, so i tried to keep myself on the same level.
Thing is, that i really suffered from loneliness, especially in the summer, when the parents weren't there, and when they took the cat.
Accordingly, i wrote on the computer. I have this journalistic work, so that i wrote a lot wrote a lot [sic] especially on the computer.
I put them, they had drilled holes for eyes, i showed them cartoons and children songs, i myself sang them the children songs that i could.
-and which?
Ordinary children songs, what i'd sing when i'll have a living daughter. Yes, after this, we ate, technically it was me that was eating, to them i only offered food as is in celtic and yakut tradition.
I think that ancient celtic and medieval yakut culture are very similar.
After this i worked at my computer, i communicated with them. In general, i have this habit of verbalizing my thoughts when there's noone. I've got an enormous collection of cartoons, showed them cartoons, and i too watched it, when the job wasn't too serious.
I asked them some questions, and answered those questions. That is, it's almost ten years that i'm engaged in studying child psychology, am preparing for child rearing.
In addition, i have a habit of communicating with real children in tutoring. That which i did with living children, i would have done with them.
I thought that they were alive, just temporarily dead.
4 replies
Anyone have the episodes from David Wilcock's wisdom teachings from Gaiam TV? I watched a bit with the trial and they were good.
I eat up this new age woo woo bullshit I don't give any fucks man. The ascension, aliens, crop circles, ancient civilizations are all bomb as fuck and make me feel all warm and fuzzy.
Pls I don't want to sign up to Gaiam.
35 replies
fringe. I'm new here, so forgive me for being rude, but do you you like tarot readings? X has too many of them at any given time, so I was wondering if this community would like a tarot thread?
I won't ask for much. Hell. If you don't want tarot readers here I can packup and skip town.
I like this place. If someone can give me the run-down of how it works here maybe I can become an active member too.
7 replies
How about trying a religion that has evolved among our own people that has a track record for reflecting their "religious folk soul" and making them stronger rather than contributing to their racial and cultural genocide? Something that is our very own, that cannot be readily hijacked by criminal and obnoxious Zionists. A novel idea, eh what?
Steve McNallen has been a important pioneer in North America in helping Americans of Northern European descent discover their indigenous European tribal roots. He practices Asatru, which is the "northern window" of an early proto-Indo European religion, which also has such siblings as the "western window" of Celtic Druidism, the "southern window" of the Greco-Roman religion, and the "eastern window" of the early Hinduism of the ancient Aryan settlers in the Indus Valley.
34 replies
Jose M. Herrou Aragon
Gnosis means knowledge. But we are not referring to just any knowledge. Gnosis is knowledge which produces a great transformation in those who receive it. Knowledge capable of nothing less than waking up man and helping him to escape from the prison in which he finds himself. That is why Gnosis has been so persecuted throughout the course of history, because it is knowledge considered dangerous for the religious and political authorities who govern mankind from the shadows.
Every time this religion, absolutely different from the rest, appears before man, the other religions unite to try to destroy or hide it again.
Primordial Gnosis is the original Gnosis, true Gnosis, eternal Gnosis, Gnostic knowledge in its pure form. Due to multiple persecutions, Primordial Gnosis has been fragmented, distorted and hidden.
By recovering and uniting the scattered fragments, Primordial Gnosis can be reconstructed and brought to the world once again. This book is a complete synthesis of the forbidden theology of Primordial Gnosis.
37 replies
Share your experiences with moldavite or any crystal/minerals in general.
6 replies
I'm curious, /fringe/. What can you all tell me about sensory deprivation? It seems like it would be an incredible tool to behold. Has anybody had any experiences?
My first guess would be that it's great for astral projection. I'm considering building or buying one after I drive into town to try one out. Anything I should know? Anything I should try? What might be some meditation techniques better suited for this environment?
14 replies
Who controls the Wicca movement ?
Vivianne Crowley
>Vivianne Crowley is an author, university lecturer, psychologist, and a High Priestess and teacher of the Wiccan religion.
>She founded the Wicca Study Group in London in 1988,[1] and became secretary of the Pagan Federation the same year.[2] Vivianne Crowley was described as "very influential in recent developments in Wicca… She has more of less captained the bringing together of the Gardnerian and Alexandrian Traditions through the process of cross-initiation
>Vivianne is a direct relative of the English occultist and mystic, Aleister Crowley
>Chris (Christopher) Crowley is a Wiccan High Priest. He is a published author, vice president of the Pagan Federation and co-runs London's popular Wicca study Group.
3 replies
I have read that in the past there were other sentient races that were allowed to live and dominate on this planet. One of those races became very complacent and basically stopped doing anything, as that race was too happy and content, and would always get along. So their existence was meaningless.
They were all killed off. Their entire civilization destroyed and the Earth left fallow for millions of years to give it time to recover and for most evidence of that past civilization to be destroyed. Then we were created – and the previous race was remade as a lower animal, happy and content, and used to spy on us and report our doings to the astral. They can't talk anymore but they can telepathically read us.
36 replies
Guys, I want to become a witch, I want to experience all this fantastical stuff you guys talk about for myself, I want to communicate with the dead and write research on magic.
There is just one problem.
How do you guys believe in this stuff? Were you just raised to believe in it?
If anything negative happens to you, do you believe it to be the result of a demon's work?
How do I know you aren't all unsuccessful or unattractive people who blame their shortcomings on things like demons and the like?
Does the concept of demons really only exist for things like that?
Okay, lets say for example your really lazy.
Would you believe that laziness is a demonic influence?
If so, who ever decided that laziness was a negative trait?
OR, do the majority of any lazy folks here think that laziness is a positive thing because they can't help but just act lazy all day?
Are you all just desperate people who just make up these excuses and lie to themselves to make them feel better?
Do you believe my difficulty in believing this stuff is because of a demonic influence?
Is the fact I keep mentioning demons supposed to be a demonic influence?
Demons demons demons?
Im not trying to be hostile.
78 replies
I sometimes feel like I hear my aim in music. Or I hear a worthwhile aim in music. Like I can here a state that is almost in this world and I want to have it in this world more.
I think it's my magical aim. This is something I have been thinking about lately. What state do I think is worthwhile. the best experiences I have had were at electronic music events on drugs. Or that afternoon I spent with that girl in San Francisco.
I have this odd way of thinking where I try and evaluate existence. and I feel like those few moments that are nice are worth a lot of the shit (not all really) so my magical aim should be to create states of worthwhile existence that tip the scale toward universal existence more worth it rather than less worth it. I'm not really wording this well, but I don't know how to word it.
Listening to some trance type music I occasionally have these moment where it almost takes me away and like I'm half way to another place. I would like to make that place a reality in this existence, something like that.
just some thoughts.
8 replies
I would strongly urge anyone to watch this presentation by Walter Veith.
He will demonstrate all the missing links you always felt are there, but never really where able to grasp. He will go into detail about freemasonic symbolism in the catholic church, history of the jesuits, the illuminati, freemasonry, gnosticism, mythologies and much more.
As a comment, not all he says is exactly well founded for example the list of organizations alledgedly controlled by the Jesuits, a list of alledged members of Knights of Malta, And the notion that a Jesuit wrote mein kampf, the later is probably not true, though it IS true and well documented that the jesuits where a strong inspiration for both Himmler and Hitler. And the jesuits may have had a substantial influence on Nazi Germany.
Furthermore i assume you already know this but just in case,
The Scottish Knights Templar - Scottish Rite Freemasonry connection has been well established.
Then it should be noted that Jesuits where around long before this Scottish Rite Freemasonry.
Other groups of Knights Templars allegedly fled to mountains of switserland, where they would become key figures in the establishment of the country. For this there is less evidence but makes total sense historically.
Switserland would later become the heart of international high finance. And a long standing military companion of the Vatican.
Also it seems strange that the Jesuit logo, which reads `IHS` somehow resembles the name of Jesus. Rather then the sun gods Isis, Horus and Seth.
Somehow the claim is made that Jesuit logo `IHS` is `the holy name of Jesus`, However they fail to explain how the letters have any resemblance to Jesus.
9 replies
I was in her loving embrace and I still feel her linger
Shes so beautiful like everything I wanted
Am I sipping on the graille like our friend some called jesus
It was like it was a dream but so am I a dream this universe is having. I feel like
But now im a weeping mess alone at 4am on a Friday morning
If that sounds bad to you, then Its GOLDEN TO ME MY FRIEND I FEEL SO GOOD
And now I shall I describe to you stangers what led me to this right now, and It comes from the words of a philosopher who is arrogant enough to dares to say he knows even less than you.
Like an ordinary ritual that I guess is so LEAD makes my life LEAD I Packed the GB, but tis time with just the smallest
Not enough to say 2 pennies of a dime. If a dollar is what you would normally call a dime. If you get my drift NSA lol
But just enough of it, and as I light I said, no I PRAYED
I am ready for the good the bad I can take THE WORLD and transform it in myself.
I Exhaled, and between thoughts that shift from my desire to RECORD, and to alert my sleeping roommate who begged me do to my share months before now.
And a thought, no a WILL, to shut down my WORDMIND
No im more than semantics
Now I ask because I claim to know less
How long should I wait until I have more
Or should I wait until I can get a Proper Butane Torch
45 replies
Dislodging Negative Entity Attachments
Just as there are physical pathogens like bacteria, viruses, and parasites, so are there nonphysical pathogens in the form of etheric parasites, discarnate humans, aliens and demonic beings that can attach themselves to a living person, drain their energy and influence their thoughts, feelings, and personality. The situation is analogous to several centuries ago when society knew nothing of physical pathogens and the bacterial and viral origins of disease. They fell ill and knew neither the cause nor medical remedy. Likewise, today people get attachments and know neither the cause nor remedy.
25 replies
Whats a spell/ritual I can do tonight that will allow me to have a journey/see weird shit? I don't really have supplies, and the only magic(k)al experience I have is baniehing rituals. i will do almost anything that doesn't require screaming or tools.
24 replies
Realm Dynamics
An ancient hermetic axiom states that everything is mind, everything vibrates. Since each living thing is uniquely conscious, each living thing carries a unique vibratory signature. The soul broadcasts a rich spectrum of vibrations, which through the principle of resonance attracts a corresponding spectrum of experiences. Souls of a common frequency share common realms of experience and tend to cross paths in life.
This is the study of realm dynamics, how vibrations influence experience, and how experience influences vibration. The simplicity of correspondence between soul vibration and personal experience betrays the astounding nature of its implications. For instance, realm dynamics explains how our daily experiences are the end effects of hyperdimensional processes, why people with victim or predator mentalities attract each other, how dissonance between individuals attracts synchronistic triggers for confrontation, how learning a lesson ahead of time prevents it from manifesting as experience, why a pure heart protects one from danger, and how personal parting of ways and the upcoming Shift are different degrees of precisely the same phenomenon.
23 replies
I need some a very powerful/wise wizard's help.
I am the OP of
I'd like to be free from this curse/ bad luck that has been bestowed upon me.
I can't offer much, but if you need something just ask. I might be able to provide.
30 replies
How do I control the four elements?
39 replies
A Dzogchen-shaped hole in the culture
God is undead
It was not Nietzsche who killed God.
He was severely bruised by Copernicus, who found that the earth revolves around the sun, and so threw God out of heaven. He was emasculated by Darwin, who found that humans evolved from apes by accident, and so made the Creator redundant. He was blinded by Heisenberg, who found that the universe is inherently random, so even God could not see the future.
But it was consumerism that killed God. God’s job, before he died, was to provide form. If you want form, consumerism has a better product: 628 channels of high-definition digital entertainment; 13 million knick-knacks you can buy on e-Bay; 373 squintillion web pages full of dubious factoids. God fed on our desire for form; when we switched to mass entertainment, he finally died of starvation and neglect.
God’s carcass walks. Fundamentalism is driven by fear of emptiness. That uncanny fear artificially animates the mindless zombie. His colossal corpse, a blind idiot god, staggers across the earth, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.
Buddhism, by celebrating the inseparability of form and emptiness, can put the corpse of God to rest, and can dissolve the twin demons of fundamentalism and consumerism into thin air.
5 replies
Chaos, Nietzsche and the Dervishes
by Hakim Bey
CHAOS NEVER DIED. Primordial uncarved block, sole worshipful monster, inert & spontaneous, more ultraviolet than any mythology (like the shadows before Babylon), the original undifferentiated oneness-of-being still radiates serene as the black pennants of Assassins, random & perpetually intoxicated.
Chaos comes before all principles of order & entropy, it’s neither a god nor a maggot, its idiotic desires encompass & define every possible choreography, all meaningless aethers & phlogistons: its masks are crystallizations of its own facelessness, like clouds.
Everything in nature is perfectly real including consciousness, there’s absolutely nothing to worry about. Not only have the chains of the Law been broken, they never existed; demons never guarded the stars, the Empire never got started, Eros never grew a beard.
No, listen, what happened was this: they lied to you, sold you ideas of good & evil, gave you distrust of your body & shame for your prophethood of chaos, invented words of disgust for your molecular love, mesmerized you with inattention, bored you with civilization & all its usurious emotions.
There is no becoming, no revolution, no struggle, no path; already you’re the monarch of your own skin – your inviolable freedom waits to be completed only by the love of other monarchs: a politics of dream, urgent as the blueness of sky.
To shed all the illusory rights & hesitations of history demands the economy of some legendary Stone Age – shamans not priests, bards not lords, hunters not police, gatherers of paleolithic laziness, gentle as blood, going naked for a sign or painted as birds, poised on the wave of explicit presence, the clockless nowever.
Agents of chaos cast burning glances at anything or anyone capable of bearing witness to their condition, their fever of lux et voluptas. I am awake only in what I love & desire to the point of terror – everything else is just shrouded furniture, quotidian anaesthesia, shit-for-brains, sub-reptilian ennui of totalitarian regimes, banal censorship & useless pain.
Avatars of chaos act as spies, saboteurs, criminals of amour fou, neither selfless nor selfish, accessible as children, mannered as barbarians, chafed with obsessions, unemployed, sensually deranged, wolfangels, mirrors for contemplation, eyes like flowers, pirates of all signs & meanings.
Here we are crawling the cracks between walls of church state school & factory, all the paranoid monoliths. Cut off from the tribe by feral nostalgia we tunnel after lost words, imaginary bombs.
The last possible deed is that which defines perception itself, an invisible golden cord that connects us: illegal dancing in the courthouse corridors. If I were to kiss you here they’d call it an act of terrorism – so let’s take our pistols to bed & wake up the city at midnight like drunken bandits celebrating with a fusillade, the message of the taste of chaos.
4 replies
Want me to write my own
magic book
containing all my knowledge of magic within it and notes on what I've done, what techniques I use, etc.?
I've done a LOT of things and know a lot of stuff as well, much of it is also stuff I've primarily found out on my own, without reading about it in some other book beforehand.
I could potentially produce a very interesting book and then update it repeatedly overtime with new entries, revisions, etc.
10 replies
I think most everyone should be familiar with and largely unable to deny this fact – sometimes people spontaneously, all in an instant, obtain years of experience in a skill or a language (sometimes even dead languages from ancient times) or advanced knowledge from books and sometimes of a very obscure nature – all within a timeframe that could not possibly allow them to learn all that shit through mundane means.
Quite a few of the people to do this, have been involved in mind control, and some just do it spontaneously and others do it through magic.
It is quite evident that there is a way to do this.
I bet there are at least some people on /x/ who have done this themselves.
I want to know how you did it, how others could do it, or if you haven't done it then what are your theories on the matter on /x/?
This anomaly is extremely common and attested to in many sources.
How do we access the akashic records and download massive amounts of knowledge direct into our being?
6 replies
Chasing Phantoms
by Carissa Conti, © 2006-2010
I'm reading this book today. I'll write a review when I'm done unless I get interrupted. It's apparently dedicated to Tom Montalk (well, I think so at least, it says "Dedicated to Tom".)
I downloaded the book for free here:
From the back book cover:
"There are two main perpetrators in abduction literature: The ‘aliens,’ and the military. UFOs and the alien abductions received far more attention than military abductions however, and could even be labeled a national obsession…military abductions on the other hand could be considered the black sheep, a subject the general public seems to have the least amount of knowledge of and the most resistance to hearing about. Somehow the idea of alien invaders taking us and probing us is easier to accept and process – and certainly more fanciful – than the idea of humans taking and abusing other humans against their will and zapping their memories, or even falsifying them altogether."
Military abductions, and its cousin “MILABS,” which involve an alien/human alliance, are two subjects that have only recently begun receiving attention. With the heavy focus on aliens over the past five decades, few people have noticed the role that the U.S. government/military and its black ops sub-factions have played in the role of experimenting on its own personnel, their families, and the population in general. Many people have signs of having been tinkered with and programmed but don’t realize it, and even shy away from pursuing the subject, because the grandiose term of “abduction” with its space alien implications doesn’t fit their more subtle situation.
Geared towards those who already know that they’re abductees and who have the basic foundation for the subject, “Chasing Phantoms” offers various perspectives on all the main aspects of military and MILAB lore, including:
How we’re usually only given two versions of the abduction story – either human military spooks or super God-like aliens - when in fact it’s more like super God-like humans doing things that only aliens are supposed to be capable of. From manipulating time lines to orchestrating unbelievable synchronicities, to soul abductions and using “Beam me up” transport technology, these are components of the MILAB phenomenon not often heard…
Dream time programming, psychic warfare, and the use of scalar energy beams…
Ear tones, synchronicities, paranormal happenings, etc. which are common occurrences in the lives of abductees, and what they possibly mean…
How "side track circus diversion" harassment tactics are usually employed to keep a target in a constant state of fear - and how "changing one’s radio station" will abruptly stop it in its tracks…
…And much more.
Too often, the available abduction material winds the reader up into a negative state and then leaves them hanging on the line, feeling fearful and powerless about their situation. Unlike those books, "Chasing Phantoms" offers tactical tips and advise gleaned from the author’s personal experiences to empower the reader and show how much of the negative harassment in abductees’ lives can be stopped.
31 replies
How can I meditate longer? The longest I can meditate is around 25 minhtes, which is when I cleanse my chakras. I normally meditate for 10 minutes, and meditate for 10 minutes about five minutes after that. I really want to meditate longer, it seems like 5 minutes feels like half an hour ;_;
2 replies
Backstory (this happened today just hours ago btw)…
>be in a mental fog for several days that's not clearing, something is terribly wrong with me
>can't sleep, but spend all the time not sleeping meditating as best as I can (which at times peeks out to a point of experiencing very anomalous events but most of the time the fog is too much to overcome)
>I am not well, I put off going to my martial arts class for 2 days, and my mom threatens me each day
>then today she fucking snaps when she catches me up at night time, she doesn't understand that I –CANT'– sleep
>she yells and swears at me for hours and says I'm fucked and that she's kicking me out of the house, intense hatred radiates off of her
>because I am emotionally shutdown and in a mental fog, I am not very responsive to her, and she keeps yelling at me and threatening me while I'm catatonic and can't respond to her and trying not to drool
>I am somehow am crying but I can't feel it, and I ask her if "she acknowledges that she is angry", and I'm having a hard time forcing thoughts into my empty mind and I am not sure she's real and having doubts she's a person
>I tell her I don't want to be a part of this world and I say "you do not care if I die so long as my body is here and remains animated, what am I but a body to you?"
>all of these things she completely ignores btw, because she never answers to anything I say, and always just gives me orders and threats unrelated to any thoughts or things that I say to the point I must wonder if there is some kind of reality disconnect where she can't hear what I'm saying though the more likely thing is she sees me as a sort subhuman and therefore doesn't have to respond to anything I say
>as she continues with her yelling at me I just think "I can fix it, I will make a new program, and I will leave my body and the new program will take over and it will do what is necessary be it commit suicide, commit murder, or with its own higher capabilities do what is necessary to autopilot my body through life."
>the yelling goes on & on while I struggle to form thoughts and to not die a mental death in my body
Magic part coming up next…
>eventually somehow I agree despite my mental state to go out but I'm not going to fight because I can't be mentally strong enough for that and will just get the shit beaten out of me yet again while people wonder what's wrong with me
>I go to the gym beside the dojo
>I see this really big, really tall (like 7 feet guy), who is really strong and an olympic athlete
>I stutter and whisper that I'm there to work out and ask if I should stretch first, my voice is completely beta as fuck
>he says yes
>I start with a lot of intense stretches for every part of my body
>I do as many chin ups as I can
>I do many push ups, leg raises, and a variety of other exercises
>I go into the gym and I pick out 25 pound weights and I do curls with them, 16 in total
>I do a ton of intense sit ups with this other device
>I use weights to do a variety of other lifts, they're all hard to describe, but they work out every muscle
>I do squats, with the heaviest leather saddle thing there, to make it more intense and I do 16 of those
>I then do more push ups, more chins up, and keep going back between these different things
>after a half an hour of this, I'm done
>…but then my dad arrives
>he doesn't believe I did shit, even though it should be clear to him that I did from the fact I'm sweating and hot
>a class is about to begin, of very intense fitness training, there's an olympic athlete there btw
>I am fucking done but that doesn't matter, and I'm still in my mental fog and can't convince my dad to just take me home, and I can't resist him but hey despite the obese fuck not believing I did anything and obviously not being able to sympathize at least he isn't an absolute bitch will crushing psychic vampire like my mom… anyways, so begins this intense fitness training class
>this thing normally lasts an hour btw
>still in my fog, still not able to think, I go through the whole thing
>I can't think about it, I can only do
>there is no question about it, I do it, and there can be no thinking about if my body is capable – the only way to find out is to fucking do it and not care if I collapse and die
>I go through all this shit with some other people who've only just arrived
>so many intense exertions, so many exercises
>running as hard as I can, doing push ups, doing burpees, doing crunches, and like 3 other things I don't even know the name of
>do countless other exercises besides this, with heavy weights, heavy balls, heart pounding, breathing hard, sometimes my vision is flashing, etc.
>at times there are very short breaks, like around 10 to 20 seconds, then keep moving
>in those times I meditate (nobody else does this btw, just me) with the greatest intensity I can and bring my breathing down
>it goes on, I really don't know all the stuff I did, but I swear this shit is hardcore and relentless
>the whole thing apparently went over for 1 hour 30 minutes. The thing is supposed to last 1 hour… but not today, today is punishment day I guess.
>at the end I do more stretches, it's time to warm down, and lay down a bit and stretch more
>then, even though the class is over, and everyone is done it's not over for me
>I go to the ropes and the overseer guy is like "can you really do that, after everything you just went through"
>I reply, loud and clear in an unbelievably manly voice for once in my life, "we'll see"
>I climb up a rope, with just my arms and not the legs
>then I put on a weight vest, and I climb up the rope again (legs used this time)
>then I go do more chin ups
>then it's finally over, and I leave, and everyone is impressed and I've physically exerted myself more even than that 7 foot tall incredibly big Olympic athlete who is also there even although he did use heavier weights than me for a few things
>but alas, it's time for me to go work for my bread (I'm kind of a slave, I work for food, don't get paid money unless my "master" if you will wants to and usually he doesn't bother and I don't have a proper job. Theoretically I don't have to work for him and I don't have to show up but I would starve more of course and I need to eat as much food as I can every day and I only eat healthy food btw.)
>so then I spend the next hour moving and lifting stacks of boxes, picking up debris and putting it in a garbage can, digging through a pile of boxes to get some more boxes
>then I'm done with that and I get home, and I have to take 3 loads of compost out and dump it off in the forest
>then at last, finally, I am able to sit her behind my computer and tell you this tale
The magical aspects are:
• that I had no mental blocks in place – I simply did and there was no question about it and no irrelevant thoughts – only doing
• that I had no pain, my pain was and remains capped off, I can only feel pain up to a certain amount (which isn't much, it's very dull to me) just enough to know it's there but it won't overwhelm me. It's the ideal superhuman capability really, because there's a warning that something is wrong because I can vaguely feel it so I can have my attention brought to whatever if necessary, but it's never going to stop me when I've decided that I have to get shit done. I can turn my pain back on later btw and when I do it, chances are, I'm going to be in agony after all this.
• use of meditation and yoga
• that I fucking did it and went above & beyond everyone else
A few additional points:
• All of this has taken place after a night of pretty much no sleep, I was up most of the night, so it's not like I was well rested at all before coming
• I have quite a few really big and bad bruises before I even started anything there, especially over my right knee cap there's just one huge fucking bruise, and I've got scrapes and burn marks and other shit all over me right now from getting beaten up days before and going through a whole lot of shit
• I have had yellow mucus and been really sick – have been experiencing my heart and lungs stopping and then restarting after a few minutes period of being out of body – as little as roughly 32 hours ago, but I meditated that shit away, and my nostrils aren't exactly clear but judging by the colour of my mucus I'm not sick anymore
• Where I am living right now the weather is very extreme this week, it's heating up rapidly and the snow is thawing, then it's dropping to extremely cold temperatures and everything freezes, and it's very windy and there are huge changes in the atmospheric pressure – all of which is fucking everyone up in the area giving them headaches and restless sleep and so on
Say what you will to rationalize all this away but I wouldn't have managed to get through all this without magic. Now I just need to fight off the fog in my mind, get fully lucid mentally, repel any subsequent psychic attacks from my horrible mother the next time she confronts me over some shit, get my feelings/emotions back online, and make my body heal all the damage from the beatings and from the intense physical exertions as hastily as I can will it.
Picture not really related.
11 replies
"The brightest stars in the sky are Hávamál: nýsta ek niður. (transcend), and Skírnismál: lognfara lundur Barri (nirvana). The ultimate core of Heathenry, Norse Edda poems and myths, is revealed and explained in Óðsmál. The abyss of our priceless spiritual heritage now rediscovered."
17 replies
How many practitioners on /fringe/ identify with the Left Hand Path?
2 replies
Hello fringe I am interested in evoking a demon from the geotia (thinking about ipos)Though I would prefer not to fuck myself over by summoning something powerful for the wrong reasons. I have only done shamanistic style evocations in the past and I am going to do something that involves ritual theory loosely based on EA Koetting and his works.
Any ideas for summoning lesser spirits through sigils and rituals would be nice.
My only experience with demons from the goetia is one instance where I did what shamans do through the use of substances and I started to become and emulate a lion holding together 3 worlds from the rift inbetween. after afew hours or minutes a resplendent astral lion came to me from the shadows at the edge of my imaginings I could only see his face which can be defined as more real than real with wild piercing green eyes.
The lion spoke to me in a harsh voice and I didn't so much as tell him so much as he knew what i wanted I think he inhabited me for some time up to 2 or 3 weeks and guided me to where I could face and overcome any fear or neuroses. I felt i was competing with him for control on whether or not to act on baser instincts (got laid a lot lost my virginity and everything when guided by his influence.) He left and now i have the strength to overcome whatever doesn't sit right with me.
I don't know which demon this is though I have a feeling it is King Vine. Based on appearance and how I was helped.
I have noticed when I do not favor people in my life they tend to go away I don't know if this is coincidence or what but they never get hurt just move away/get new jobs and leave my life. So im not worried about it just interested.
I now wish to be witty and bold, but i lack the use of mind expanding items. I require advice and ideas.
11 replies
Whatever you can think of, it will be manifested, exactly as you think of it.
The problem is with thinking of that object or event as it really is. A mere phantom image of a thing won't cause it to be materialized.
If you were to focus on anything long enough and apply to it every property it needs to become materialized into this reality it will be made manifest before you. You can literally will objects, entities, and other things into existence as absolutely fucking amazing as that sounds to you.
If you focus on an object such as a candle and you hold it in your mind you can manipulate its flame, ignite and put out the flame repeatedly, move the candle around, etc.
You achieve this by very deep meditation, extreme focus, and changing of beliefs.
If you don't believe you can do something, if there is any doubt or limitation subconsciously or consciously, it won't work.
When you actually succeed in doing magic you have no doubt about it. It just happened and there's no question about it, you WILLED it into being.
It is important to understand what the will is though. What is the will and how do you will something to be?
>"Emotion coupled with pattern, direction, and focus is called "will." Will power means applying emotions in a directed manner to get things done."
This is what the will is and how you apply it. Use your emotions as the fuel.
With this basic knowledge of the principles of magic you can create your own rituals and other magical works spontaneously that uniquely speak to your own mental programming and become a master of your own reality.
This is my present theory anyways.
Regards, a /fringe/ wizard.
6 replies
Hello /fringe/, I apologize for the length ahead of time.
Recently, I made the decision to really dedicate myself to magick in its various forms. I have been practicing several times a day, following techniques found in books and online, including on /fringe/, and doing a lot of work on my self both physically, mentally, and psychically. I do not follow one tradition or the other and my terminology may not be exactly correct, so I hope you can understand what I am trying to get across.
One thing I have noticed is that I feel my progress is being stunted. Not that I am following anything incorrectly or that I am somehow "behind" but that there is literally something holding me back. The last two nights have led me to believe that some entity has possessed me or at the very least is attempting to hinder my progress.
Both of these instances occurred deep in meditation as I was working on developing my "psychic self-awareness". I think this could best be described as "energy work". Feeling my psychic body, conceptualizing myself and space in my mind's eye, beginning to flesh out my self-awareness in higher planes of existence. When I begin to really reach a state of complete body/mind separation and feel as though I have "split" from myself is when the problems start.
The first time, I was flooded with terrifying, extremely vivid thoughts that were so jarring they completely caused me to lose all focus and concentration. It took everything for them to not overpower me and send me mad. The following day I was in a very depressive and unsettled mood. I had actually completely neglected the experience and was still down all day and not feeling myself.
The second time, as I had just settled down to begin, I felt a horrible sharp pain in my head that was like an intense migraine which lasted for about 30 seconds. It subsided and I began my work and, after a period of time, more terrible thoughts came but I was able to clear my mind and work through them. It was then that I actually felt "it". Like a heavy presence surrounding me, and like my psychic body was being clawed at, held onto, and pinned down. Again it shocked me and startled me so much that I immediately lost what progress I had made and could not continue.
So what should I do? Does this sound like an actual external entity attempting to prevent me from gaining magickal skills? Is it a self-imposed mental block keeping me from going on? Is it a kind of possession that will linger with me? Why me? On top of these questions, what can be done to prevent this from happening? What are the first steps in psychic self-defense?
tl;dr experiencing negative being fucking around with my progress, how do I stop it?
33 replies
What Do Chaos Magicians Do?
The Illuminates of Thanateros is essentially a practical Order, acting to organise local groups (Temples) and larger meetings, where members can take part in magical work in a group context. Plenty of other organisations exist for people who simply wish to read about magic or wish to practice on their own. The IOT strives for excellence in magical technique for those who are sufficiently self-motivated to make that effort.
Chaos Magic
The Illuminates of Thanateros represent the "organised" side of what is usually called Chaos Magic. Chaos Magic covers a variety of approaches which have in common an emphasis on the changing of belief as the core technology of magick. We take on a belief in order to achieve a particular effect on ourselves or our circumstances. The belief is only 'true' for as long as we use it; belief becomes the chief tool of magickal transformation and sorcery rather than the envelope of 'truth' inside which the magick is performed.
Chaos Magicians also emphasize 'gnosis', or the achievement of an "altered state of consciousness". Gnosis may be achieved through excitation to the point of mental saturation via e.g. dancing, drumming, sex etc., or through inhibition of the normal mental/emotional functions through prolonged meditation, stillness, breath control etc. The result in both cases is cessation of the internal monologue and a focussing of the powers of consciousness onto a single aim or symbol.
IOT Temples are autonomous, provided they follow a few basic rules, which keep the IOT's identity intact. This means that there isn't a single type of work that all Temples will engage in - each is an affinity group with its own specifications. Throughout the Pact, the variety of working paradigms and magical models used is quite extensive.
7 replies
Hello /fringe/. I have a LHP/nightside organization in the works, and am currently seeking out new members. If you are interested in the same, please contact unavailable333@hushmail.com for details.
8 replies
What's your guys' opinion on Kundalini Yoga/Medtitation/etc?
5 replies
sorry if these have been asked before, but I thought I'd ask the experienced.
Should I go vegetarian? I have heard being vegetarian helps your spiritual development. And there's ethical reasons to do so.
Will daily consuming of tap water calcify my pineal gland? Is there any alternatives to water? Is consuming fluoride even in small amounts bad for spiritual health?
Thank you.
7 replies
I find myself getting in moods of pure hatred quite often. When these moods come up, I hate everything around me. I hate the state of things. I hate modernity. I hate the people who have brought this plastic hell upon us. I hate those that sacrificed good for profit. You know the speech.
Hatred is holding me back in self-development. While it isn't necessary to accept the perversion around me, I need to find a better way to reconcile it so that I don't allow it to victimize me like this so that I can focus on positive development. What do you guys do?
9 replies
I am changing my hair colour by an act of will. Soon it will be a different colour and then I could take a picture of it but will people find a way to rationalize this away? Will they say my new images are shoop'd, or that I must have used dyes, or that it is all merely a coincidence and my hair was to change colour anyways? Maybe this is not a good way to prove anything. Even if I were to aim for a colouration which is unprecedented they might explain it as disease, toxins/poison, or a genetic mutation. There are already fairly well documented examples of people changing their hair (and eye) colouration, perhaps I should just refer people to that, and yet still I think people would find ways to rationalize it. Maybe if I were to become so powerful as to effect such bodily changes on a timescale so quick that the whole process could be filmed then people would have much more difficult rationalizing it away but then I'd be as good as a shapeshifter wouldn't I and I'd be proclaimed a reptilian and the powers that be would destroy any evidence I produced of the whole thing and quickly hunt me down and anyone else connected until the whole matter is very obscure or they may make a cover up theory, claim the video footage was faked, that any witnesses are conspirators or perhaps abduct or remote influence them into denouncing what they just saw with their own eyes or maybe they will say they were hypnotized or just liars too and then of course they will apply the thought-terminating memes programmed into the population to keep them from questioning the matter or ever taking it seriously. Oh it's just crazy fringe bullshit, you don't want to be associated with that, nutty tinfoil hatters schizo! All testimony, evidence, claims, etc. disregarded, suppressed, destroyed, silenced, and shoved off into a very fringe domain of thought.
6 replies
Four Laws of the Magus; to Know, to Dare, to Will, and to Keep Silent
Curbing emotion is not the answer. Emotion is very powerful. Reason + emotion = a very powerful will. One should not strive to become unemotional but to make ones emotions align with their reason so that emotion and reason both propel that person towards action and synchronicity. Strong emotion directed by well refined reason is the ideal. To kill your emotions and replace them with reason alone is to become ineffectual and apathetic. All emotion is good when made to serve a higher purpose. No one emotion ought to be disowned entirely. Thinking a given emotion ought to be purged from your being is like making the blanket statement that killing is bad while ignoring the context of the killing (such as food, self-defence, retribution, sadism, greed, honour, accident, etc.). The whole spectrum of emotion from hate to love, sadness to joy, it is all empowering when harnessed correctly.
15 replies
Hey /fringe/ is it possible for me to die while meditating? I don't like to do anything else except meditate right now and I've meditated for over 24 hours and I get back to it right away and keep going and I'm just wondering how do I not starve or die of thirst doing this? I seem to have extended my stay by drinking water (with ice and a lemon slice) in the astral planes and eating a whole bunch of food there. I also worked out and it really tired me… and I also think I might be able to leave this world now. I don't know. Maybe this is something I should do with someone around to check on me to see I'm ok.
10 replies
>be doing a ritual
>it's working
>tell people about it
>it stops working
Fourth Law of the Magus – to keep silent.
Is there a reason to this beyond elitist fuckery?
I have a feeling that the mental influences of others, their awareness of my ritual fucked it over.
I think the ritual COULD still go forward even with their awareness of it BUT now I have to overcome extra resistance from their mentalities preventing my manifestations coming into being.
I am thinking as a result that I may have to be extra-secretive about my rituals. Just do them, and don't tell anyone, at least not until they are DONE and other people can't stop me from completing them then.
Anyone else experience the same thing on /x/?
1 reply
Are any of you guys familiar with an organization called the "hollow eye"?
If not, is there anything you can think of that would have to do with that, or what it could symbolize or whatever?
4 replies
Deep sea creatures thread.
post everything regarding that kind of things here.
25 replies
Ragnarök is upon us, brothers.
You've all seen how we're being pummeled about the news regarding the flight MH370. The flight disappeared on 3.7., at an altitude of 37k feet, with 237 passengers. I've been having a lot of 37 related synchronicities since then which has led me to one conclusion.
The whole thing is some sort of a Jewish ritual with the intention to charge the number 37 by exposing it to as many people as they can. The number has a lot of strange properties, both numeric and gematric and on pic related you can see how it forms a hexagram - David's star.
With that said, I came across this thread on /x/, talking about a significant event happening on next monday
Researching that date led me to this
All of this could be a coincidence, sure, but gentlemen, I belive we're about to face a war to of a magnitude this world has never seen.
8 replies
why do you call yourself "wizard"? It sounds D&D and feel like you
No offence.
14 replies
Fellow wizards of /fringe/, can you give me all your magical practises without the theoretical parts, things that I can simply do and find out for myself what is possible?
I'm tired of reading through magic book after magic book that's 90% theory and like 10% practise and some books don't even detail any actual things I could use and are just all mythology and conspiracy and blah blah.
I just want a breakdown of all the actual practises, what I need to believe for them to work, what to do exactly, and what it'll result in.
I especially desire knowledge right now in all things relating to healing and purifying the body of all negative influences physical or etheric to achieve perfect health and have a very strong energy body and other things that will make all other magical practises easier/possible.
Please tell me about any magical practises at all that you do and you know works for you.
This is a thread for wizards only btw, mundanes should just stay out of it, I am only interested in IMPROVING MY LIFE with magic and growing my spirituality.
Questions like "is it real", "am I wasting my time", and "how can I prove this to others" don't matter one fuck to me.
I just want to get down to meditating, evoking, cleansing, thoughtforming, astral travelling, cursing, invoking, healing, reworking my mind, etc. –all the practises of magic– I just want to do the shit and get better at life.
Mundanes can waste years wondering if it's real, I don't care.
A big part of magic from what I know is modifying your beliefs and not doubting yourself too otherwise you can't make shit work.
This is a thread for wizards to come together and share their magical knowledge and accomplishments.
15 replies
I'm serious when I say this, I think I'm cursed. It's kinda 2edgy4me, but I really have had one of the unluckiest lives.
I can make thought reality to a certain extent for simple things, but I can't ever seem to be able to fix this rut I'm in; No matter how much I believe. Is there some sort of ritual, sigil, or something to get rid of this? Preferably where I don't have to sell my soul or sacrifice a virgin.
3 replies
>The AWARE Study
The AWARE (AWAreness during REsuscitation) study is the first launched by the Human Consciousness Project, a multidisciplinary collaboration of international scientists and physicians who have joined forces to study the relationship between mind and brain during clinical death, and is led by Dr. Sam Parnia, a world-renowned expert on the study of the human mind and consciousness during clinical death, together with Dr Peter Fenwick and Professors Stephen Holgate and Robert Peveler of the University of Southampton. The team will be working in collaboration with more than 25 major medical centers throughout Europe, Canada, and the United States.
Although the study of death has traditionally been considered a subject for theology or philosophy, recent advances in medicine have finally enabled a scientific approach to understanding the ultimate mystery facing humankind. “Contrary to popular perception,” Dr. Parnia explains, “death is not a specific moment. It is actually a process that begins when the heart stops beating, the lungs stop working, and the brain ceases functioning – a medical condition termed cardiac arrest, which from a biological viewpoint is synonymous with clinical death.”
“During a cardiac arrest, all three criteria of death are present. Subsequently, there is a period of time, ranging from a few seconds to an hour or longer, in which emergency medical efforts may succeed in restarting the heart and reversing the dying process. What people experience during this period of cardiac arrest provides a unique window of understanding into what we are all likely to experience during the dying process.”
A number of recent scientific studies carried out by independent researchers have demonstrated that 10-20 per cent of people who go through cardiac arrest and clinical death report lucid, well structured thought processes, reasoning, memories, and sometimes detailed recall of events during their encounter with death.
“The remarkable point about these experiences,” according to Dr. Parnia, “is that while studies of the brain during cardiac arrest have consistently shown that there is no measurable brain activity, these subjects have reported detailed perceptions that indicate the contrary—namely, a high level of consciousness in the absence of detectable brain activity. If we can objectively verify these claims, the results would bear profound implications not only for the scientific community, but for the way in which we understand and relate to life and death as a society.”
During the AWARE study, physicians will use the latest technologies to study the brain and consciousness during cardiac arrest. At the same time, they will also be testing the validity of out of body experiences and claims of being able to see and hear during cardiac arrest through the use of randomly generated hidden images that are not visible unless viewed from specific vantage points above.
The study is being funded by the UK Resuscitation Council, the Horizon Research Foundation, and the Nour Foundation in the United States.
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Hi, do you guys do the Jhanas?
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"Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit."
John 12:24
"When we deny the urge toward transformative death it can only manifest covertly through unconscious projection."
Uniting Sex, Self and Spirit, by Genia Pauli Haddon.
"Whoever has studied the history of magic knows very well that in all epochs it has been said that all great initiates remain dead for three days and resurrect on the third day."
The best definitions for stages of growth in consciousness that I have found are Egg…Caterpillar…Pupae…Butterfly. This perfectly describes the stages, implications and profundity of metamorphosis. As well as a rebirth, we also have to start seeing metamorphosis as a process of progressive death…the caterpillar dies to its eggness, the pupa dies to its caterpillarness, the butterfly dies to its pupaeness.
4 replies
Microchip Implants, Mind Control, and Cybernetics
In 1948 Norbert Weiner published a book, Cybernetics, defined as a neurological communication and control theory already in use in small circles at that time. Yoneji Masuda, "Father of the Information Society," stated his concern in 1980 that our liberty is threatened Orwellian-style by cybernetic technology totally unknown to most people. This technology links the brains of people via implanted microchips to satellites controlled by ground-based supercomputers.
The first brain implants were surgically inserted in 1974 in the state of Ohio, USA and also in Stockholm, Sweden. Brain electrodes were inserted into the skulls of babies in 1946 without the knowledge of their parents. In the 1950s and 60s, electrical implants were inserted into the brains of animals and humans, especially in the U.S., during research into behavior modification, and brain and body functioning. Mind control (MC) methods were used in attempts to change human behavior and attitudes. Influencing brain functions became an important goal of military and intelligence services.
Thirty years ago brain implants showed up in X-rays the size of one centimeter. Subsequent implants shrunk to the size of a grain of rice. They were made of silicon, later still of gallium arsenide. Today they are small enough to be inserted into the neck or back, and also intravenously in different parts of the body during surgical operations, with or without the consent of the subject. It is now almost impossible to detect or remove them.
It is technically possible for every newborn to be injected with a microchip, which could then function to identify the person for the rest of his or her life. Such plans are secretly being discussed in the U.S. without any public airing of the privacy issues involved. In Sweden, Prime Minister Olof Palme gave permission in 1973 to implant prisoners, and Data Inspection's ex-Director General Jan Freese revealed that nursing-home patients were implanted in the mid-1980s. The technology is revealed in the 1972:47 Swedish state report, Statens Officiella Utradninger (SOU).
Implanted human beings can be followed anywhere. Their brain functions can be remotely monitored by supercomputers and even altered through the changing of frequencies. Guinea pigs in secret experiments have included prisoners, soldiers, mental patients, handicapped children, deaf and blind people, homosexuals, single women, the elderly, school children, and any group of people considered "marginal" by the elite experimenters. The published experiences of prisoners in Utah State Prison, for example, are shocking to the conscience.
Today's microchips operate by means of low-frequency radio waves that target them. With the help of satellites, the implanted person can be tracked anywhere on the globe. Such a technique was among a number tested in the Iraq war, according to Dr. Carl Sanders, who invented the intelligence-manned interface (IMI) biotic, which is injected into people. (Earlier during the Vietnam War, soldiers were injected with the Rambo chip, designed to increase adrenaline flow into the bloodstream.) The 20-billion-bit/second supercomputers at the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) could now "see and hear" what soldiers experience in the battlefield with a remote monitoring system (RMS).
When a 5-micromillimeter microchip (the diameter of a strand of hair is 50 micromillimeters) is placed into optical nerve of the eye, it draws neuroimpulses from the brain that embody the experiences, smells, sights, and voice of the implanted person. Once transferred and stored in a computer, these neuroimpulses can be projected back to the person’s brain via the microchip to be reexperienced. Using a RMS, a land-based computer operator can send electromagnetic messages (encoded as signals) to the nervous system, affecting the target's performance. With RMS, healthy persons can be induced to see hallucinations and to hear voices in their heads.
Every thought, reaction, hearing, and visual observation causes a certain neurological potential, spikes, and patterns in the brain and its electromagnetic fields, which can now be decoded into thoughts, pictures, and voices. Electromagnetic stimulation can therefore change a person's brainwaves and affect muscular activity, causing painful muscular cramps experienced as torture.
The NSA's electronic surveillance system can simultaneously follow and handle millions of people. Each of us has a unique bioelectrical resonance frequency in the brain, just as we have unique fingerprints. With electromagnetic frequency (EMF) brain stimulation fully coded, pulsating electromagnetic signals can be sent to the brain, causing the desired voice and visual effects to be experienced by the target. This is a form of electronic warfare. U.S. astronauts were implanted before they were sent into space so their thoughts could be followed and all their emotions could be registered 24 hours a day.
The Washington Post reported in May 1995 that Prince William of Great Britain was implanted at the age of 12. Thus, if he were ever kidnapped, a radio wave with a specific frequency could be targeted to his microchip. The chip’s signal would be routed through a satellite to the computer screen of police headquarters, where the Prince’s movements could be followed. He could actually be located anywhere on the globe.
The mass media has not reported that an implanted person's privacy vanishes for the rest of his or her life. S/he can be manipulated in many ways. Using different frequencies, the secret controller of this equipment can even change a person's emotional life. S/he can be made aggressive or lethargic. Sexuality can be artificially influenced. Thought signals and subconscious thinking can be read, dreams affected and even induced, all without the knowledge or consent of the implanted person.
A perfect cyber-soldier can thus be created. This secret technology has been used by military forces in certain NATO countries since the 1980s without civilian and academic populations having heard anything about it. Thus, little information about such invasive mind-control systems is available in professional and academic journals.
10 replies
Though auras are nothing but newage hippie bullshit?
>Dr. Korotkov is not the only one studying the affects of the human mind, thoughts and energy on our surrounding environment. The Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) Laboratory has also been trying to wrap their heads around the subject and have concluded that the mind does in fact have a subtle capacity to influence the output of devices known as Random Event Generators (REGs).
>A project that initially started when a student was curious to study the effects of the human mind and intention on the surrounding environment, turned into a rigorous testing lab where Dr. Robert Jahn and his lab assistant spent many hours experimenting to determine whether or not the mind has an affect on our physical world. Jahn and his assistant were able to determine that the human minds interactions with the machines demonstrated a relationship that was not physical in nature. The mind was able to affect and change outcomes of the machine in ways that were beyond explainable. In essence, consciousness was having an affect over the physical world.
If anyone wants more proof for whatever non-physical phenomenon, just ask, i have a bunch im willing to share
26 replies
ITT: Let us discuss the various practices concerned with improving and manipulating the energy within our bodies.
I'd post excerpts from various articles written on the topic but I don't know what's bullshit or not so I'd possibly be feeding misinformation.
I want to hear from anyone who is more well informed and especially who actually does these practices with success to have their take on it.
I'll edit this thread to include whatever information you present in the OP in a clean manner.
9 replies
50. Frequency and Planes
We, and everything we see, operate at a certain frequency, or range of frequencies (frequency band.) Everything we can see, touch and manipulate is also at this same range of frequencies.
There are higher and lower frequencies, which we are not aware of. Some of which are just outside our band and so we can detect them using sensitive equipment, but most of which we are unable to detect as our equipment is still made from matter at our frequency.
There are many frequency bands which we are totally unaware of, since they do not interact with anything at our frequency. If you can't see, hear, smell, taste, touch, or in any way detect something, then for us it is not there. But that doesn't mean it does not exist.
We take for granted that "solid" objects can't pass through one another. But there is no scientific or Natural law which says that two things can't be in the same place at the same time. The reason why we don't see two things in the same place at the same time is simply because the forces operating from these objects repel each other. This is why we can see and touch an object, because it repels light and our hands. But an object outside of our band of frequency would not repel this object, or us, or light (electromagnetic waves) which we can detect, and so we would not detect it. Radio waves (electromagnetic waves too) are a little outside of our frequency, and so can pass through solid objects, but we can still detect them with specialized equipment, and so we use them for communications.
I will call different bands of frequency which interact independently: planes.
The sun operates at a massive range of frequencies, and so exists in many different planes. The planets exist across a wide range of frequencies, but not so many as the sun. The planets will of course appear different on the different planes.
Here and now, at our frequency band (on our plane) Earth is the only planet capable of supporting life in our solar system. This is due to many factors, most notably the distance of the Earth from the sun, and the atmosphere of the Earth at our frequency, and the abundance of water, make it perfect for life. The other planets are capable of supporting life on different planes, but not on our plane. There will also be suns and planets on higher planes (higher frequency bands) or lower planes, which we can't detect at all. On vastly higher or lower planes, the concept of suns and planets likely doesn't exist, and there will be something else, which we have no concept of.
Suns and planets are also evolving to higher frequencies, through the cycles of Nature, same as the development of the Stone. We as humans are also evolving into higher frequencies. Actually our "souls" exist totally outside this whole concept of planes, which I will cover later. Meanwhile we are here, and we adopt bodies according to our "spiritual" development, which is just a way of saying: frequency band we are tuned into. Our bodies can only exist on a planet which is capable of supporting them, which is why we are all here, because we are all tuned into this plane and so born here on Earth.
1 reply
A fridge as a gateway to project yourself to where you were before?
I had a dream where when i left an aria and wanted to go backin the same dream) i went into my fridge, closed the door, and was teleported as a hologram back to the place i wanted to go.
16 replies
hey smiler want to learn some ki blasts? meet me in the forbidden forest of your astral plane
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I am (basically) new to spirituallity and the idea. I have always believed but i have just now started to expiriment in things (burning candles, feeling for objects and spirits) not looking to do anything crazy i just want to get some questions answered. I am looking for druids and/or dragon believers
5 replies
A Skype Interview I Had Over The Last Few Days With A Telepathic Wizard
>Do you have functional telepathic power?
It was functional a few years ago when I was having a schizophrenic breakdown but thankfully I have been troubled very little of late.
>Schizophrenic breakdown? In what way did the experience manifest for you?
It would be best for a psychic link if I could ring you and hear your voice
do you want to talk via mic? I'm a slow typist.
>There are people around me right now that will question me. If you can I could quickly greet you over the mic but I'd prefer to use the keyboard even if you want to talk.
Well we can talk about something sane instead and not raise any eyebrows.
>How do you theorize telepathy works, how'd you get it, and what is entailed by your so called "schizophrenic breakdown"?
>Telepathy is a physical phenomenom based on quantum entanglement. It is no secret that Wolfgang Pauli and a few very eminent physicists who founded quantum mechanics were mystics seeking to understand the world around them.
I got it through schizophrenia which runs in my family a few generations back. I was a normal child until the age of three when I smashed my head against cement by accident which caused a series of epileptic fits which I grew out of over time.
Brain injuries are a strong factor in the development of schizophrenia. Also my blood is rhesus positive and that conflicted with my mothers blood which was negative which I almost died from at birth and that is also a strong factor for sch…
I was concentrating intently when I had the brain injury and that caused the development of savant abilities for me. I had perfect pitch, a photographic memory and in every aptitude test I did I was far ahead of those around me in my youth.
>Concentrating intently? Upon what?
I remember perfectly when it happened as does my father. I was standing on a chair playing in the water of the sink. Nost of all I loved to stare at the whirlpool as the water exited the plug hole. I saw a marvellous mathematical beauty in it, at least that was my feeling and before I knew what was happening I had smashed the back of my head by falling off the chair.
I always had a strong telepathic link with my mother as did the rest of my family. She would give us all nightmares about falling down the stairs which we recounted to each other when we were older. The rest of my family were terrified of these nightmares but I was not because I knew they originated from her and I saw no mystery in them.
That was the first proof I had about telepathy, and that occured at about 5 years old,
these suggestions took the form of thoughts that occured in my mind but which bore no relationship to the train of thought of my own mind which I knew like the back of my hand then, as now, I know how I act and I know if how I act or my thoughts are out of character.
She would attempt to make these suggestions while we were asleep to encourage these nightmares but due to my autism I had always been a loner even at that age and only socialised with reluctance and I could easily differentiate her thoughts from my own.
My father is a farmer still and at that time I would travel around as a passenger in his car in fields while he tended to his livestock, which he would see several times a day and after dark. At about age 7 I noticed that as I looked at the lights of houses around me I could experience ripples in my telepathic perception which was partially in my minds eye and partially auditory. These, of course were emanating from people inside the houses but as I had not met anyone there and had a weak grasp of language I was unable to decipher what they meant. To me, they felt like a word would when you knew it was on the tip of your tongue but you cannot pull it out.
Gradually my telepathic abilities grew stronger as the years progressed. At about the same time I was in a car alone with my father. We had stopped on the way home from prayer. Due to all our dislike for religion even at a young age as my parents who were both very devout and when beatings were not improving our morale would bribe us all with sweets from as pub near the church to encourage our attendance.
A local man stopped by to talk to my father, he was a nice man, notwithstanding his obvious mental problems which caused him to squint one eye when he talked to men. He talked about things he had to do to keep himself happy, after which I asked him why did he keep one eye shut which left him stuck for words as he knew shuting his eye was related to his other eccentricities.
When I asked the question it was very hard for me due to my mothers telepathic link. She had made me assured how to acted in social situations and to be quiet and that kept me suppressed all through childhood and did not allow me to develop emotionally to make myself separate from her but I had to know for myself what his answer would be although he could not tell me because my own naivete had blinded me to the answer. I could not have asked that question if my mother was there as she had the ability to control me and to break my will which she used to devastating effect later on and contributed to my mental breakdown by leaving me no recourse to protect my sanity.
Though she did control me with these assurances she was not aware that the situation had changed for me and I started to break free. My father was happy for me and it remains one of the few happy memories of my childhood he had. Before the head injury I was normal and would travel with him as he worked but after I became more reclusive and had no creative ability while in the prescence of my family. I became depressed and suppressed and my only freedom was in reading books. Through them I learned mannerisms for dealing with the world around me. My siblings thought I was retarded but I was anything but – I was a robot however and severely depersonalised.
1 reply
Doug Coulter used to build signal processing and radio gadgets for our favorite three-lettered intelligence agencies, but for the past decade or so, Doug's chosen to explore his engineering interests in the isolated backwoods of Virginia, absent from any pesky boss or sticky bureaucracy.
After tiring of living with a meth head who had a trigger finger itchier than an Appalachian mosquito bite, Doug gave his ex-housemate the boot and confiscated his weapons, thus paving the way for his new found love for gunsmithing.
But Doug's most exciting creation is his guerilla-engineered nuclear fusion reactor. Doug's pursuit for a limitless source of clean and self-sufficient energy takes place in what he calls his "den of creative chaos," which is essentially a cluttered workshop in the entrance of his home, directly underneath his bedroom.
3 replies
Does any of you practicing wizards share contact info and discuss experiences?
If so, my email is in the email field.
7 replies
Why is druidism considered a primitive religious system compared to Christianity?
Not trying to make an antichristian thread, but it seems like serious scholars generally treat Druidism as a more primitive religious system, I'm wondering why this is.
9 replies
check this out smiler its pretty cool
12 replies
Which drugs can enhance the process of creating a tulpa?
Which, on the other hand worsen it?
5 replies
How does one master (rape) the 3D matrix? For those who are in 4D and shit, dunno if you can see this though. Basically everything here is an illusion, time, money, fear. Love doesn't exist in 3D either. soo how does one master this shit? Spawning $100k cars and invisible to government laws
3 replies
Anyone from the late psipog.net here?
15 replies
This is not a joke topic.
Greetings. I wonder what's the deal with masturbation, spiritually speaking, what impact it may have, if any.
I know it causes a release of energy, is that release bad? Does it have a negative effect on the root chakra?
I googled "bad luck masturbation" and found a page where A LOT of people were commenting about not masturbating for a while and suddenly they got good luck and viceversa. But I dunno, does someone knows what really is the deal with that? Maybe it's just a bunch of superstitions combined with the placebo effect, but I wanna make sure and I think this is the right place to ask.
Thanks in advance!
20 replies
If magic/occultism works, how come you haven't used it to improve your life(for example find/get a job)?
13 replies
An Investigation in Rice Monkey Magic
I have continued my investigations into kiai, ki, chi, and qi and found further evidence and information supporting this force's existence.
>Fight Science - Qi Gong Tested
In the above video a shaolin monk uses Chi to protect himself from a spear going right through his throat in a part of the body that can't be conditioned to naturally resist such an attack. That spear previously went through a melon. The pressure applied was tested. Not only was he pressing really hard down on the spear but he had a bamboo rod broken on his back too. He also used Chi to protect his chest from getting hit incredibly hard by a baseball bat at a force that should have wrecked his body.
>Qigong Master: Demonstration Of Power
I like this vid because this chink sounds like a chaos wizard and that's the magic I focus on. He's really old (like 90 something) and still practicing martial arts and a respected healer. He applies the energy of Chi to heal many people and he teaches others too including foreign doctors.
>Master of Chi Magic Punch Fire Dragonborn Martial Arts Expert Great Show
Despite the title of this vid there is nothing actually inexplicably paranormal going on here as far as I can tell. Just punching with such incredible force the air he moves blows out a candle. In the comments there is a lot of arguing however and people insisting that there is something unusual going on here.
>Shaolin Chi Healing crazy
Guy bruises his hand and the monk heals it rapidly.
>Man in China moves objects with CHI/KI energy
This chink is doing all kinds of crazy telekinetic demonstrations. Not sure if legit though.
What do you think /fringe/?
Previous vids:
>Chi Energy Documentary - Proof of Chi (it's a good vid, shows Chi being used to heal, to set things on fire, etc.)
>Qi Gong Demonstration by Master James Chee in Quanzhou 2010 (doesn't prove much but interesting demonstration)
>Sanchin Stance and Qi Gong Demonstration at Southern Shaolin Temple (reportedly, those shaolin monks were pushing as hard as they could)
Kiai Master vs MMA (Kiai master loses here, it was not effective against the MMA fighter, not sure why)
>Incredible fight between a Kiai master and a MMA fighter (same as above, extend video)
>The Hida-shiki Kyouken-jutsu school. Master Sasaki. (this vid shows some interesting evidence such as Kia being used to ring a bell and to disable a sword fighter, the vid uploader attests to this force being real and comments on the kiai master vs MMA figher vid)
>Chi Hands- A Surprise Experiment
Some race traitor talking about some odd experience he had before with his rice monkey gf. Indicates that a special state of mind is integral in this.
>Human X-Ray machine: Unbelievable Eye sight
Interesting vid demonstrating blindsight. Unrelated to the rest of this but sharing anyways.
>Qigong master projecting his chi energy
Interesting comment: I have been to Asia and I've seen this happen. I gave an old man some paper I brought myself just normal ass paper..then I told him to wash his hand no soap just water to a void any scams I gave him my towel I brought from my hotel and he dried his hands. He held the paper and crushed it later in min it lit in fire!!! I was simply amazed by chi since then and have been trying to harness my chi. So I tell you to any one who think its fake to go out there and try it your self! Find a chi master
Another (series of comments) from someone called Reaper Psion suggesting it's fake:
I have a few more reasons but I have to think about them for a while so I can present them in a way that makes sense.. Anyway I meant no offense by my comment I only wanted the people with pure intensions and serious about this sort of practice to not be mis-lead by your video. I am not a master or anything of the sort myself. I am getting better but it is taking time. I'm inventing my own methods from the ground up so my thought takes alot of time to discover. Although Gerald Hall did help me.
In adition the last reason it is fake is because the man makes it appear as if he is channeling the energy from the hand that is not holding the paper. Here is why he cannot be doing that.
1. There is no sign of a haze between 1 hand and the other even.
2. If he can make the energy travel so fast at the density required to do something of that nature it turns invisible he should not have to commit breathing and odd hand gestures to move the energy. I suspect however it is a chemical reaction.
Alright man I can do that. Well for starters the exagerated way of aborbing the ions or energy was unneccacary and a real trained energy user would be at a point far higher. To a point where he could control it as easily as he controls a limb or a thought. Futher more the chemical reaction with in the paper towel was not energy from the man igniting it. That was some sort of chemical resembling potassium judging from the reactions color..
>Superhuman - Unbreakable (Shaolin Monk)
Monk pushing up a drillbit against his throat.
This guy here is holding object to himself using telekinetic force. (It's a white man btw).
>Dynamo Jack
Buddhist monk who uses Chi to heal and was tested by Western scientists who were unable to explain it. There are a few videos of him on youtube, not sure if this covers it but it demonstrates it abit.
>Cloud bursting
This is the most incredible demonstration I've seen of Ki yet. This guy is basically invulnerable to attack by other humans just using their bodies. I wonder if he's still fertile or not.
Here is a demonstration of Chi power being used to knock others out without touching them. Unusual (and rather disparaging) results but still something odd happening here. I don't feel like they gave it a proper investigation.
Interesting comments:
>Pressure points are real and can cause deaths, but this is just a normal con artist with his shitz. I am a Chinese and my grandfather and grandmother are traditional Chinese medicines. Chi exists, but in modern medicine it would be described as a mixture of localized blood pressure and flow, not some kind of weapon of any sorts.
Seems that particular vid is bullshit and the guy is known to be a fake also.
Here's one of a guy doing a 1 inch punch
Then derren brown uses a similar energy
More vids:
>Understanding QiGong and Qi 1/3
>Understanding QiGong and Qi 2/3
>Understanding QiGong and Qi 3/3
3 replies
I want to visit another world.
6 replies
Monk Takes Massive Amounts of LSD and is Unaffected
← Neem Karoli Baba
From the book,
Miracle of Love
by Ram Dass
"In 1967 when I first came to India, I brought with me a supply of LSD, hoping to find someone who might understand more about these substances than we did in the West. When I had met Maharajji(Neen Karoli Baba), after some days the thought had crossed my mind that he would be a perfect person to ask. The next day after having that thought, I was called to him and he asked me immediately, "Do you have a question?"
Of course, being before him was such a powerful experience that I had completely forgotten the question I had had in my mind the night before. So I looked stupid and said, "No, Maharajji, I have no question."
He appeared irritated and said, "Where is the medicine?"
I was confused but Bhagavan Dass suggested, " Maybe he means the LSD." I asked and Maharajji nodded. The bottle of LSD was in the car and I was sent to fetch it.
2 replies
hello /fringe/, i come to you today for assistance.
my mind is lost, and i am stuck in a rift. i have been trying for about a year now to dig myself out of it, but i'm beginning to come to terms with the idea that this is just how i am. it has not always been such.. earlier in my life i was more "aware" , so to speak. my dreams were clear, my mind was strong, and i felt the deep connection in everything. i took care of my physical body while nurturing my mind, creating a opulent life in both my waking and slumbering state.
now, my thoughts are either scattered or nonexistent, and the immense focus needed for meditation is an impossible state for me to achieve at this point. i am even finding it difficult to sit down and read a book without my mind running off and thinking about minuscule, daily matters. both my physical and mental state has deteriorated, and i lack the motivation to change such…in effect, i feel my mind dimming as the days pass (no, i am not even close to being considered "old"), and i need change. i have fallen into step with the daily grind, and i don't know how to escape it.
surely other people can relate to the situation i am in, whether you are in it now or have overcome it?? tell me your stories, and provide direction towards the path of healing.
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A few days ago I devised a random meditation.
After a shower, and then much stretching and yoga, and then sitting in a meditative stance I focused upon a triangle.
Unfortunately I had a light on and there was a lot of noise in the house so conditions were not favourable to my practice yet I did my best in spite of this to continue.
While absolutely still I looked at the triangle and it grew in ornateness and complexity.
It eventually developed a glass reflective surface.
With this I was able to view things in the etheric / astral environment around me.
The glass triangle does not reflect me but lets me peer into the void and see what's there basically.
I observed someone holding up their hand and they had a string they were holding.
I didn't not get much further than this due to all the loud talking and noise in the house but I have considered that I should share this with you /fringe/ for you may wish to do it yourself and find out what the void around you contains.
Meditate upon a glass triangle and look and see what it reflects to you, then report back in the thread about it, your findings may be surprising.
31 replies
How to Perform Self Hypnosis
Self-hypnosis is a naturally occurring state of mind which can be defined as a heightened state of focused concentration. With it, you can change your thinking, kick bad habits, and take control of the person you are – along with relaxation and destressing from everyday life. It's similar to meditation, but results in a better you.
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How do you drain peoples energy in the astral place?
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Transcendence Through Intuitive Thinking
In this article I will be discussing the philosophical system used to derive the content of my website, the nature of proof, and the importance of intuitive thinking as an effective method of truth analysis. Hopefully this will round out your understanding of what it means to be a truth seeker and satisfy anyone wondering how I derive my material.
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Apparently there was a request from someone for me to post here, so here I am. I'm casting spells for people on /x/.
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To the user on /x/ who sent that infernal after me I must tell you what happened.
Your infernal appeared before me, as you willed it, and that was impressive. The synchronicity too it was all very impressive. Yet you could have done so much more!
Other then appearing before me and vanishing several times it went no further.
I had absolutely no fear of it. It did not burn me and it barely managed to startle me.
I waited for it in the night. I hoped for a great confrontation. It has failed to even burn me.
You will have to send something else more powerful. It did not meet my expectations. I know you have no intention for me to be dead until I am 52 and it is September 5th but COME ON at least try to send something powerful enough to roughen me up some.
I mock your infernal being, it is cowardly and weak.
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Will anyone be celebrating Shivratri(night of shiva) this coming Thursday?
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I've been really active with spreading the greenpill lately but putting my studies and practice to the side a bit as a result, should I keep working on spreading out greenpill information to bring about the awakening, or should I cease all or almost all posting activity and work exclusively on reading through books and doing experiments in search of occult power and only posting about the results of those experiments or returning in order to demonstrate my new powers?
I feel like I need to develop some overt magical powers in order to really get people taking the greenpill seriously.
I've been trying to use reason and evidence and spreading around the texts of various philosophers I like but it doesn't work.
People just dismiss and aren't really interested.
Actual powers though they won't ignore so maybe I just need to get real fuckin' good at that first?
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I don't know shit about this but I remember a wizard on 4chon who did and he was fucking awesome and I wish he was still around but he probably ascended.
So far I have found this with a quick search but really I don't know shit about this:
New Scientific Study Shows Solar Activity Affects Humans Physical and Mental State
By Mitch Battros – Earth Changes Media
Dec 12, 2008 – 12:39:17 PM
A recent study published today in the NewScientist, indicates a direct connection between the Sun’s solar storms and human biological effect. The conduit which facilitates the charged particles from the Sun to human disturbance — is the very same conduit which steers Earth’s weather —– The Magnetic Field. Yes, animals and humans have a magnetic field which surrounds them — in the very same way the magnetic field surrounds the Earth as a protector.
Here is what the NewScientist article says: “Many animals can sense the Earth’s magnetic field, so why not people, asks Oleg Shumilov of the Institute of North Industrial Ecology Problems in Russia. Shumilov looked at activity in the Earth’s geomagnetic field from 1948 to 1997 and found that it grouped into three seasonal peaks every year: one from March to May, another in July and the last in October. Surprisingly, he also found that the geomagnetism peaks matched up with peaks in the number of mood disorders i.e. depression, anxiety, bi-polar (mood swings) and even suicides in the northern Russian city of Kirovsk over the same period.”
The connection between charged particles (solar flares, cme’s) and its effect on animals and humans was outlined extensively back in 2003 as addressed in my book ‘Solar Rain – The Earth Changes Have Begun’. This phenomenon is also captured in my published ‘Equation’: Sunspots => (charged particles) Solar Flares => Magnetic Field Shift => Shifting Ocean and Jet Stream Currents => Extreme Weather and Human Disruption (mitch battros) as it refers to “human disruption”.
The NewScientist study goes on to state: “The most plausible explanation for the association between geomagnetic activity and depression and suicide is that geomagnetic storms can desynchronize circadian rhythms and melatonin production,” says Kelly Posner, a psychiatrist at Columbia University in the US. The pineal gland, which regulates circadian rhythm and melatonin production, is sensitive to magnetic fields. “The circadian regulatory system depends upon repeated environmental cues to [synchronize] internal clocks,” says Posner. “Magnetic fields may be one of these environmental cues.”
The pineal gland, which regulates circadian rhythm and melatonin production, is sensitive to magnetic fields. “The circadian regulatory system depends upon repeated environmental cues to [synchronize] internal clocks,” says Posner. “Magnetic fields may be one of these environmental cues.”
For those of you who have been following ECM over the years noticed I have added the following statement to all my newsletters, and will discuss in greater detail at scheduled conferences:
“I have begun to note it is not just the “external” (earth changes) which is shifting, but humans as well. Remember: we too have magnetic fields which surround each of us. I think it is not unrealistic to conjecture what is happening “externally” is also happening “internally”. I believe current science will acknowledge this notion, showing the Sun’s “charged particles” and its influence on Earth’s magnetic field is the impetus of change. In-like, this same causal effect occurs with human magnetic fields ushering in a change or “transition”. Perhaps this is what our Mayan elders are trying to tell us—
We are coming into “cycle 24″ which was predicted “live” on ECM Radio Hour by NASA stating cycle 24 will be up to 50 percent stronger than “Cycle 23″ in which we witnessed the largest solar flare ever recorded. This means larger earth changing events in the way of earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes, and various storms. But it also means we (humans) will be bombarded with charged particles via severe geomagnetic storms from the Sun.”
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In studying various spiritual traditions (Hinduism, Kabbalah, etc.) it seems that all of these traditions are describing the same basic concept. That being the existence of a supreme, inconceivable divine force, which concealed itself in order to manifest form (maya, tzimtzum). This would perfectly explain the apparent hiddenness of the creator, and the awful nature of this material world. No one thing is more divine or auspicious than another, it is simply our perception which renders it pure or impure. The trouble now is being able to perceive the glory and presence of God even in mundane existence, of which all true spirituality is based on. There is little use in trying to procure material objects with "occult powers", as they are entirely transient and superficial. The Great Work lies not in the impermanent, but rather, attaining union with the eternal and immaculate.
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Faux Spirituality
Mainstream spirituality is becoming less of an oxymoron by the day. Movies like “What the Bleep” and “The Secret” are gaining appreciable popularity. But the belief that you create your own reality (YCYOR) is tricky business; on the one hand being a chronic cynic does invite an extraordinary share of misfortunes, but staying positive by ignoring negative issues that need to be solved is also dangerous. The situation regarding “The Secret” (and the imminent flowering of related “spiritual” themes in mainstream culture) is precarious because as the saying goes, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Pitfalls include denying personal and world problems that still need attention, and misappropriating metaphysical principles to satisfy ego-based greed and materialism, which treads dangerously close to black magick.
Where could this all lead? I have noticed a prevalent problem of faux spirituality mixed into the alien disinformation literature out there. It employs concepts like nondualism, zen-like consciousness, integration of polarities, and getting away from victim-mentalities. Sounds nice, but the way these are portrayed is a mere simulacrum of the real thing. For instance, nondualism in this case encourages ignorance of functional differences rather than acknowledging these difference in context of the fundamental unity of all things. Or the zen-like consciousness is said to be a “spiritual” state of mind achievable via transcendental meditation, yet TM lowers consciousness into hypnotically suggestible states. Victims are told that victimhood is merely a perspective that can be eliminated by welcoming and seeing their abuse as a good thing rather than using freewill and awareness to break free of their oppressors. And the integration of polarities is used to justify the idea of human + alien coming together to form a mixed hybrid race with the best traits of both, but really that is genetic enslavement of the human soul matrix.
Even the Law of Attraction has been twisted into the idea that if aliens are in any way manifest in your life, it is because you have already agreed to working with them, that you have attracted them into your life and must therefore, as an act of responsibility and maturity rather than denial, acknowledge this choice and honor it by working with them. But that would be like buying from every salesman who knocks on your door. The flaw of this reasoning rests on the fact that there is a difference between agreeing to face the possible risk of a negative experience, and agreeing to go through that experience itself. For instance, every time you drive a car you choose to face the risk of an accident, but you do not actually choose to get into an accident per se. The difference is choice — in a situation of possible risk you can choose, through awareness, to avoid the negative possibilities, whereas having already chosen to experience one of those possibilities would mean violating your own freewill in avoiding it. This is just one example of how negative aliens use cunning to manipulate their victims into willingly accepting their abuse.
The point is that negative forces do appear to be invested in spreading New Age concepts now more than ever in order to create a conscious environment for the open acceptance of what they have to offer, rather than the covert “science/religion” game they’ve been using in the past. The only way alien deceivers can assimilate us willingly is to make us aware of higher dimensional reality and the interplay between mind and matter. It is a Luciferic deception because they bring light, but it is a false light unaccompanied by the warmth of wisdom and true understanding that comes from the heart. The plan is not that they enslave us violently, rather that we welcome them smilingly.
On the bright side, negative forces usually take a gamble on everything they do with the risk that should they fail, their actions would produce more “good” than had they never acted in the first place. They give lots of truth with a nice dose of lies that spins it all towards their agenda. For truth-seekers like ourselves, this is an advantage in that if the deceptive part can be revealed for what it is, replaced by a superior truth alternative, then the total outcome is positive. For instance, if my friends never listened to me about the idea of reality creation (Law of Attraction), but through some outside agenda they eventually are convinced of its merits and go nuts for it, there may come a time when I could successfully say, “okay, now that you’re aware of THAT part, here are some pitfalls to look out for, and here is a superior alternative to apply all this successfully.”
My main drive in life is to discover deceptions, expose them, and come up with superior alternatives. I think if a deception can be laid out clearly enough, many people would listen in time. However, that is assuming they are rational… sometimes the ego is so invested in a false belief it will use irrational methods to argue away the uncomfortable truth.
Like with YCYOR… people are easily caught in the false dichotomy of “be positive and don’t acknowledge the negative” vs “acknowledge the negative and don’t be positive”. Well, why can’t it be “be positive but also acknowledge the negative”? That third choice transcends the first two… but I have noticed that people generally have a hard time getting past that fallacy of false opposites and are somehow wired to think in a binary either/or way instead of acknowledging a third transcendent choice. The interesting part is that if this third choice is shown to them, they will misinterpret it as defending the other side’s position and attacking their own. It’s no different from people who think Democrat and Republican are the only two choices, and will classify any political view into either category.
I think the “spiritual awakening” happening now is partly an anti-christ phenomenon, a false counterpart to the second coming, the latter being an awakening of the higher self awareness within many of us. But I believe the momentum built by the agenda through its dishing out truth in hopes of steering it toward deceptive ends can instead be re-steered towards liberation.
So, how will the infusion of New Age concepts affect the collective consciousness? Left alone, it would doom this planet to become willfully assimilated. But if carefully exposed and redirected it could do the opposite. The situation could be a divine plan potentially derailed by negative forces, or perhaps a negative agenda being overturned at the last moment by divine forces who had it planned all along.
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Does anyone have any links on beginner (solo ;_;) sex magic?
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I have devised a new form of AP that uses sexual energy to work. It's really fucking dirty but whatever, it works really effectively.
It is unbelievably effective at getting your soul out of your body quickly and you can do it multiple times in a row again & again.
Lay down still on your stomach or in any position you want actually and be real fuckin' still.
Focus your lust so that you have a very rock hard erection.
Do not touch yourself at all and ruin this. Don't move.
While like this channel that lust into one thing where you focus on it hard and you will go into a trance after awhile. You can focus on your dick and try to pull your face towards it, presumably to suck your own dick.
Eventually your soul will just fall out of your body and you'll have your face around your dick and if you want to and are a dirty degenerate you could … fellate yourself but fuck that we got more important business to do.
Once you're at that point you are out of body. You will think you're awake and you won't be able to discern that anything has changed at all because you are fully aware of your surroundings and it looks like nothing has changed.
At this point just get up and walk around. You are now in 4th density. You may wander about your house in this state and begin the complicated process of astral navigation. You can remote view people, you can perform operations on your own body to heal it (will feel like a strong burning if successful btw, same thing you get in genuine cases of faith healing), you can go fuck other people's shit up, you can do all kinds of chaos.
Try it tonight. You will surely succeed, it's not that hard. If it doesn't work at first just swear off fapping forever. Don't ever have sex again (unless necessary because you want to reproduce or bond with your wife or something) as it will weaken you. Channel all your sexual energy into trance, become if you will a "telekinetic or mental fapper".
If you can't summon up enough lust to do this well don't worry most of you anons are incredibly lustful. This sort of thing will drain you of your lust though once you start exploiting it to the maximum to constantly get out of body. The longer you go without fapping the greater your astral wizard powers will be but also BE WARY of succubus in the astral planes for they too will also try to drain you of your power and distract you from your more important goals.
Pic related. I think this image is rather suggestive about the very thing I have revealed here.
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What do you guys think of this philosopher?
I find his books absolute amazing but his site looks like rubbish, the overuse of smileys and other garbage is annoying as fuck, and he is way too fucking happy.
The ideas though he presents in his books like the holographic soul are groundbreaking and well supported.
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The Emerald Tablet of Hermes
History of the Tablet
History of the Tablet (largely summarised from Needham 1980, & Holmyard 1957)
The Tablet probably first appeared in the West in editions of the psuedo-Aristotlean Secretum Secretorum which was actually a translation of the Kitab Sirr al-Asar, a book of advice to kings which was translated into latin by Johannes Hispalensis c. 1140 and by Philip of Tripoli c.1243. Other translations of the Tablet may have been made during the same period by Plato of Tivoli and Hugh of Santalla, perhaps from different sources.
The date of the Kitab Sirr al-Asar is uncertain, though c.800 has been suggested and it is not clear when the tablet became part of this work.
Holmyard was the first to find another early arabic version (Ruska found a 12th centruy recension claiming to have been dictated by Sergius of Nablus) in the Kitab Ustuqus al-Uss al-Thani (Second Book of the Elements of Foundation) attributed to Jabir. Shortly after Ruska found another version appended to the Kitab Sirr al-Khaliqa wa San`at al-Tabi`a (Book of the Secret of Creation and the Art of Nature), which is also known as the Kitab Balaniyus al-Hakim fi'l-`Ilal (book of Balinas the wise on the Causes). It has been proposed that this book was written may have been written as early as 650, and was definitely finished by the Caliphate of al-Ma'mun (813-33).
Scholars have seen similarities between this book and the Syriac Book of Treasures written by Job of Odessa (9th century) and more interestingly the Greek writings of the bishop Nemesius of Emesa in Syria from the mid fourth century. However though this suggests a possible Syriac source, non of these writings contain the tablet.
Balinas is usually identified with Apollonius of Tyna, but there is little evidence to connect him with the Kitab Balabiyus, and even if there was,the story implies that Balinas found the tablet rather than wrote it, and the recent discoveries of the dead sea scrolls and the nag hamamdi texts suggest that hiding texts in caves is not impossible, even if we did not have the pyramids before us.
Ruska has suggested an origin further east, and Needham has proposed an origin in China.
Holmyard, Davis and Anon all consider that this Tablet may be one of the earliest of all alchemical works we have that survives.
It should be remarked that apparantly the Greeks and Egyptians used the termtranslated as `emerald' for emeralds, green granites, "and perhaps green jasper". In medieval times the emerald table of the Gothic kings of Spain, and the Sacro catino- a dish said to have belonged to the Queen of Sheba, to have been used at the last supper, and to be made of emerald, were made of green glass [Steele and Singer: 488].
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Implying odinism isn't the sole true faith for any remaining self-respecting whites.
>Irminshire - A Folkish Odinist Self-Sufficient Community In The Making
>Irminfolk Coins – A giant leap forward in Odinist Community Building
>Video material
"The Irminfolk has become what it set out to be; a thriving and dynamic Folkish community with many children and successful people from all walks of life. In and of itself, that’s nothing to shake a stick at. But there is one very important feature we lack. We don’t have a central point to convene, and to build in our own image, and to call ours. We don’t have a Home.
But if we can pull this ambitious project off, the Irminfolk will have an entire camp completely dedicated to our faith and our community of families.
We will start with a great fundraising drive. To raise funds, we opened an online shop with Irminfolk ephemera, the proceeds of which go directly into our land fund. We will also directly solicit generous donations from anyone willing to contribute. The Irminfolk trade medallion program is a huge part of the fundraising campaign as well.
Then we will begin scouting for land. We will be buying a large tract of forested land in the upstate NY area. Not too far from the city, but not too close either. Upon purchase, the land will be dubbed Irminshire.
Irminshire will start out Spartan- probably just bare woods at first. But it will progress in multiple phases to become a completely purpose-built facility for Folkish heathens to congregate, study, teach, celebrate, and make merry.
The first phase will be to make the place accessible and usable. This will include cutting in a driveway and clearing a parking area then paving it with crushed stone and setting up a camping area with a thick layer of mulch. We have a good lead on a surplus “command center” tent that can serve as a “hall” for that time.
The focal point of phase one will be the erection of a 50″ stone circle, carefully aligned for the solstice sunset, with a long, meandering path proceeding to it.
Phase two will be amenities. get a well dug, a sewer system dug, electrical power run, an outdoor grill and food service area built, wooden benches. This is when the activitity fields will be plotted out; an archery range, a climbing wall, a garden area (small farm) an outdoor pavilion. Generally speaking, it will be a rustic campgrounds by this point.
Phase three: Build up the sacred groves. The stone circle will be flagstone floored. we will erect a grove with a statue of Swentowit, the Slavic God. We will dig out an amphitheater in the style of ancient rome for lectures, classes, and performances.
Phase Four is what really will set Irminshire apart from a rented out campground. We will begin erecting structures on the land. First, we will start construction on a series of small, winterized “sleeping houses”. They will be small, cozy two or three room cabins each with a private bathroom and a fireplace.
Next will be the Hof itself. While taking advantage of modern materials and building practices, it will be engineered after a Viking long Hall. A long table will run the entire length of the hall, with places to seat 50 at a time. The benches will double as storage trunks for the patrons to store their meade horns, sumbel gifts, sacrifices, tunics, etc. . A stone faced fireplace will keep us warm for Yule.
We will be soliciting the craftsmanship of all the most talented artists in heathenry. Wood carvers to engrave the beams, Blacksmiths to hammer out wall sconces and door hinges, Stained Glass artists to create windows, not to mention the army of volunteers we will need for the manual labor of getting this together.
We will build a lounge for the Irminfolk Library to finally have a home. There will be a playground for the children, an arts and crafts building, a small shop, and more as we hash out the details."
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Does anyone here like to experiment with different body positions (either coming up with them on your own or inspired from looking at others) to try to produce various effects in their bodies?
I do a lot of stretching and am careful to observe how it makes me feel and I also know that if you consciously focus on a part of a body you end up sending blood there (It's mentioned in the Transcendence book in the sticky).
When I want to work on a particular body part it seems like a good idea to draw all the blood towards it to help it.
If I want my pineal gland working better, then focus on that, for example. Also putting yourself upside down so blood rushes to your head would help.
I came across this video today: "Yoga for eyes"
If I can fix my eyesight so I don't need glasses that will be fucking awesome and a marked improvement to my well-being.
I already have figured out on my own though how to put myself into a wide variety of emotional states and so on.
Sometimes things fuck up for me though. Like last night I don't know what happened exactly but my body and my skin got all weird and I had to take off my shirt because it felt like extreme itches all over as if I were having an allergic reaction to the shirt and also even though the winter air is coming in I was sweating terribly. Then I cooled down and my feet became too cold… and yeah a whole night of shit not going well and not sleeping.
Sometimes I manifest a lot more control though over my body and this makes me happier as I can experience great things.
My idea for fixing my eyes is going to involve a lot of focusing on them with my consciousness, directing the blood to them, using that palming method to transfer more energy in, and astral projection and then if I can remember to do so I'll make the edits to physical body while in the astral and if I'm successful I'll surely feel a great burning again as that part of my body changes to correct itself. We'll see if it it works or I get distracted and forget about this particular idea for now I guess.
I can actually do what the man in this pic is doing here btw.
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Unlocking the mystery of Dead Mountain
Donnie Eichar, has come full circle facing the mystery of The Dyatlov Pass Incident. The 54-year-old Russian mystery that captured Eichar's interest and left him intoxicated in his search to find the answers.
In early winter of 1959, nine experienced Russian hikers led by Igor Alekseievich Dyatlov went missing in Russia's northern Ural Mountains. A search and rescue team later found the bodies over a mile from their tent. Some were half naked, barefoot and in fetal positions. One of the hikers had his skull crushed by a force presumed too powerful to be human. Another had her tongue ripped from her mouth. No footprints besides those of the hikers were found anywhere near the incident. Their tent was oddly neat and arranged, ski boots standing in formation, bags of bread positioned in a corner and a stove in the center of the tent waiting to be lit. There was no evidence of foul play.
For decades, many have wondered about what truly took place on that mountain. Eichar claims to have the answer, which can be found in his new book, Dead Mountain.
Eichar discovered the Dyatlov Pass Incident while doing research for a scripted film project. He said he was procrastinating one night by researching what historians felt were the top modern mysteries in the world and saw the Dyatlov Pass Incident on most lists. The more he read into its history, the more intrigued he became.
"I admire the hikers and the life they lived during the time of the Cold War, being in the wilderness allowed them to get off the grid and challenge themselves," said Eichar.
Many theories were uncovered during the research process which include the hiker's uncovered a Russian government secret and were silenced with death, alien abduction, they were camping on sacred ground and punished by that area's indigenous people, and they were accidentally killed during a Russian missile test.
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Nine states propose 16 anti-fluoridation bills in 2013 to protect public against poison
Things are heating up on the fluoride front as states and municipalities all across the country rethink their official water fluoridation policies. According to the Fluoride Action Network (FAN), some 16 pieces of legislation across nine states were introduced or passed just within the past year to protect the public against this pervasive poison.
In Utah, for instance, the Safe Drinking Water Disclosure Act was passed back in April, requiring that all shipments of fluoride chemicals coming into the state be accompanied by certificates of analysis detailing the presence of any outside contaminants. The law reportedly took effect on July 1, allowing local water utilities to end their fluoridation programs in the event that certificates are not provided.
Fluoride additives, as you may recall, are often laced with other poisons like arsenic, cadmium and even radioactive isotopes that persist from the waste liquids used by the phosphate fertilizer and aluminum manufacturing industries to capture pollutants. These pollutants, not the natural environment, are the source from which the artificial fluoride chemicals added to water supplies are derived.
Tennessee, a leader in anti-fluoridation legislation, introduced two similar bills earlier this year requiring fluoride manufacturers to disclose the full contents of their chemicals. House Bill 1215 and Senate Bill 1274 were also accompanied by HB 1186 and SB 1211, two bills that would allow local voters to decide whether or not to continue fluoridating their water supplies. Statewide, Tennessee also introduced HR 130, which would prohibit state employees or agencies from endorsing fluoride.
"In years past the dental lobby has been successful in getting pro-fluoridation bills introduced in state legislatures across the United States, including legislation that would mandate statewide fluoridation – a law 13 states presently have. But the tables are turning," explains FAN. "In 2013… instead of the introduction of pro-fluoride bills, we saw the exact opposite, with the introduction of 16 anti-fluoridation bills in 9 states."
Five states introduce legislation to eliminate fluoridation mandates
Concerning statewide fluoridation mandates, New Jersey successfully thwarted attempts by some legislators to require that its 9 million residents be forcibly medicated with fluoride poison. And at least five bills have been introduced, one each in South Dakota, Connecticut, Minnesota, Illinois and Arkansas, to end longstanding fluoridation mandates.
"With the exception of the Illinois bill, all of these proposals are still being considered and are expected to have public hearings in 2014," adds FAN. "In preparation, FAN has been working with our point people and local groups within these states to organize grassroots campaigns in support of the legislation."
Besides the aforementioned bills, a handful of other anti-fluoride bills were introduced this year in Kansas, Massachusetts and New York. HB 2372 in Kansas now requires that warnings about fluoride and its effect on IQ – a Harvard University study recently confirmed that fluoride exposure lowers IQ levels in children – be printed on water bills.
In Massachusetts, a similar bill would require an infant fluoride warning similar to the infant warnings currently issued in New Hampshire; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; and Austin, Texas. And in New York, A 141 has been introduced to require that all fluoridated communities lower their poisoning level from 1.2 parts per million (ppm) of fluoride to 0.7 ppm of fluoride, in accordance with new recommendations from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
"It doesn't take an expert to see that the tide has shifted, that state legislators are discovering the truth about fluoridation, and that the momentum is clearly on our side going into the 2014 legislative sessions," concludes FAN.
1 reply
The Science of Raising Your Vibration
Anyone who travels within spiritual circles has probably heard about "vibrations."
The context is usually that someone with a higher vibration is somehow more spiritual or that the goal of the individual is to raise his or her vibration. But what does this really mean? Is it all just spiritual mumbo jumbo or is there actually a science behind vibrations?
As you probably figured out from the title of this article, I believe that there is absolutely a science to this spiritual concept.
And I believe I can prove it.
Let’s start with what we know. At the center of our solar system is our sun - a big ball of light. Around it, orbits the planets. The closer planets, such as Mercury and Venus, move more quickly around the sun because they have smaller orbits. In our universe, patterns are continually repeating.
For example, the atoms that make up the matter of our world are designed just like mini-solar systems. At the center of every atom is a nucleus. Around it, orbits its electrons.
The difference is that at this subatomic level, the electrons can leap from one orbit to the next, giving us the term "quantum leap."
When an electron moves from one orbit to one that is closer to the nucleus, it gives off energy or light. This is pretty much physics 101. Just about any physicist knows about this and would agree that it’s a proven fact. Unfortunately however, most scientists do not think metaphorically. Symbolism and metaphor is the realm of the artist, writer, musician, or poet.
In an ideal world, scientists and artists would work together to help solve the universe’s biggest mysteries.
Since we’re not quite there yet, you have creative thinkers like me who hear about issues scientists are dealing with, see solutions they might not see, and feel compelled to share them with others.
However, since us creative types, don’t have the right schooling or degrees, our ideas often aren’t taken seriously, especially by said scientists (those who don’t read articles like this I mean.)
I’m hopeful that one day there will be official jobs for those who do what I do, but for now it’s up to you to decide whether any of this deserves any merit. It is man who decided that only those who’ve learned certain things about a topic have a right to expand the knowledge about that topic.
But why should anyone get to decide the official sources for truth?
As usual, I say if you read something that rings true for you, great. If not, let it go.
So, most any physicist would agree that an electron gives off energy/light as it jumps to a closer orbit. And they’d also agree that we are made up of atoms. But here’s where I’m going to take a quantum leap. Since we are all made up of atoms, any principle that is true for them, should also be true for us. Therefore, just as atoms give off light when they leap closer to their source, so do we.
Atoms are energy and energy is what connects us all together.
At the center of our spiritual universe (see The Matrix and The Sanskrit Texts) is light and all of our souls revolve around it. Whenever we do something that is for our material self alone - either with certain foods, drink, sex, money, or actions that are only for our own selfish pleasures - our souls leap to an orbit that is further from the light.
However, when we act in ways that go against our selfish, materialistic inclinations, and more in-line with the light, we leap to an orbit that is closer to it.
Once this happens, just as with electrons, we release a stream of energy/light. This light attracts and empowers others, changing the frequency of their own energy in such a way that enables them to get closer to the light themselves.
Those whose souls have made this leap are now orbiting closer to the center of the light and therefore have a smaller orbit, which means they are moving faster. This faster orbit is what is known as a higher vibration.
The closer we get to the light source, the more light we give off, and the quicker our energy vibrates.
The quicker we vibrate, the less we are bound by the material rules of time and space. Space-time is an illusion of the material world. As we all begin to move collectively (influenced by one another’s leaps) towards the light, time will seem to speed up as it heads towards one single moment since one moment is really all there is.
Eventually, those with higher vibrations will be able to skip around time and space just like atoms do.
And once we have a critical mass of people who can do this - enough energy to tip the scale in all one direction - our entire planet will increase it’s vibration. At that point, just like an electron, the entire planet Earth will leap into an orbit that is closer to its nucleus, the sun, and give off light in the process.
Will we all be fried by this?
No, because most everyone will have increased their own vibrations, enabling them to leave their material selves behind, and a new society of light beings will exist on a glowing world at an orbit closer to our sun.
If any of this feels true to you, you may have a desire to have it fit in to the beliefs you already have. What I just illustrated is actually built into every religion, albeit metaphorically.
It is the principle of,
• the Sephirot in Judaism
• reincarnation in Hinduism
• the Buddha and Dharma in Buddhism
• the internal principle of Jihad in Islam
In Christianity, this entire story is symbolically demonstrated. Jesus is the son (sun).
He is surrounded by the 12 apostles (electrons/planets). Jesus sacrifices his material body to help us, through the wisdom of the apostles, to raise our collective vibrations. And one day, Jesus shall return and those who followed his ways shall be like him and experience a rapture, leaving the material earth behind.
The whole Messianic Age is basically the time when we collectively raise our vibrations and share in the light we give to one another. I do not believe that a being will 'arrive' to show us how to do this.
We already have the wisdom and are becoming more and more conscious of it each day.
Hopefully, this article will help us remember a little bit more, so we can then pass it on to others. As for those empirical-types who think my quantum leap was more leap of faith than science, I invite you to explore the leading theory that attempts to explain the building blocks of our universe - tiny vibrating loops known as string theory.
Perhaps the idea of vibrations from that perspective will resonate more deeply for you.
10 replies
Meditation changes temperatures:
Mind controls body in extreme experiments
By William J. Cromie
Gazette Staff
← A Buddhist monk has his vital signs measured as he prepares to enter an advanced state of meditation in Normandy, France. During meditation, the monk's body produces enough heat to dry cold, wet sheets put over his shoulders in a frigid room (Photo courtesy of Herbert Benson).
In a monastery in northern India, thinly clad Tibetan monks sat quietly in a room where the temperature was a chilly 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Using a yoga technique known as g Tum-mo, they entered a state of deep meditation. Other monks soaked 3-by-6-foot sheets in cold water (49 degrees) and placed them over the meditators' shoulders. For untrained people, such frigid wrappings would produce uncontrolled shivering.
If body temperatures continue to drop under these conditions, death can result. But it was not long before steam began rising from the sheets. As a result of body heat produced by the monks during meditation, the sheets dried in about an hour.
Attendants removed the sheets, then covered the meditators with a second chilled, wet wrapping. Each monk was required to dry three sheets over a period of several hours.
Why would anyone do this? Herbert Benson, who has been studying g Tum-mo for 20 years, answers that "Buddhists feel the reality we live in is not the ultimate one. There's another reality we can tap into that's unaffected by our emotions, by our everyday world. Buddhists believe this state of mind can be achieved by doing good for others and by meditation. The heat they generate during the process is just a by-product of g Tum-mo meditation."
Benson is an associate professor of medicine at the Harvard Medical School and president of the Mind/Body Medical Institute at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. He firmly believes that studying advanced forms of meditation "can uncover capacities that will help us to better treat stress-related illnesses."
Benson developed the "relaxation response," which he describes as "a physiological state opposite to stress." It is characterized by decreases in metabolism, breathing rate, heart rate, and blood pressure. He and others have amassed evidence that it can help those suffering from illnesses caused or exacerbated by stress. Benson and colleagues use it to treat anxiety, mild and moderate depression, high blood pressure, heartbeat irregularities, excessive anger, insomnia, and even infertility. His team also uses this type of simple meditation to calm those who have been traumatized by the deaths of others, or by diagnoses of cancer or other painful, life-threatening illnesses.
"More than 60 percent of visits to physicians in the United States are due to stress-related problems, most of which are poorly treated by drugs, surgery, or other medical procedures," Benson maintains.
The Mind/Body Medical Institute is now training people to use the relaxation response to help people working at Ground Zero in New York City, where two airplanes toppled the World Trade Center Towers last Sept. 11. Facilities have been set up at nearby St. Paul's Chapel to aid people still working on clearing wreckage and bodies. Anyone else who feels stressed by those terrible events can also obtain help at the chapel. "We are training the trainers who work there," Benson says.
The relaxation response involves repeating a word, sound, phrase, or short prayer while disregarding intrusive thoughts. "If such an easy-to-master practice can bring about the remarkable changes we observe," Benson notes. "I want to investigate what advanced forms of meditation can do to help the mind control physical processes once thought to be uncontrollable."
14 replies
I have realized that helping others is rather important to my own self-development.
I will explain this concept as simply as I can in as few words as possible.
When you help others, you are focusing your mental efforts on solving problems which makes you better at improving your own condition in turn.
The practice it gives you and the going over of basics with others reinforces the foundation upon which your own more advanced works are built upon.
If you waste time trying to undermine others or getting caught up in petty conflicts you won't be able to work on yourself as much in this way.
So I find that to become a greater wizard myself I am benefited by helping others along the path.
4 replies
Is pic related accurate?
16 replies
Will taking antidepressants affect my Magic?
19 replies
Complete quantum teleportation achieved for the first time
Furusawa group at the University of Tokyo has succeeded in demonstrating complete quantum teleportation of photonic quantum bits by a hybrid technique for the first time worldwide. In 1997, quantum teleportation of photonic quantum bits was achieved by a research team at Innsbruck University in Austria. However, such quantum teleportation couldn't be used for information processing, because measurement was required after transport, and the transport efficiency was low. So, quantum teleportation was still a long way from practical use in quantum communication and quantum computing. The demonstration of quantum teleportation of photonic quantum bits by Furusawa group shows that transport efficiency can be over 100 times higher than before. Also, because no measurement is needed after transport, this result constitutes a major advance toward quantum information processing technology.
"In 1997, quantum bit teleportation was successfully achieved, but as I said just now, it was only achieved in a probabilistic sense. In 1998, we used a slightly different method to succeed at unconditional, complete teleportation. But at that time, the state sent wasn't a quantum bit, but something different. Now, we've used our experimental technology, which was successful in 1998, to achieve teleportation with quantum bits. The title of our paper is "Hybrid Technique," and developing that technique is where we've been successful."
The hybrid technique was developed by combining technology for transporting light waves with a broad frequency range, and technology for reducing the frequency range of photonic quantum bits. This has made it possible to incorporate photonic quantum bit information into light waves without disruption by noise. This research result has been published in Nature, and is attracting attention worldwide, as a step toward quantum information processing technology.
"I think we can definitely say that quantum computers have come closer to reality. Teleportation can be thought of as a quantum gate where input and output are the same. So, it's known that, if we improve this a little, the input and output could be produced in different forms. If changing the form of input and output like that is considered as a program, you have a programmable quantum gate. So, I think a quantum computer could be achieved by combining lots of those."
Looking ahead, Furusawa group aims to increase the transport efficiency and make the device smaller by using photonic chips. In this way, the researchers plan to achieve further advances toward quantum computing.
1 reply
Was Odin hanging himself from a tree degenerate?
What is your opinion on suicide?
Is it the key to spiritual ascension of mind, spirit and your own soul?
0 replies
Some basic principles behind the workings of magic (mental influence):
You must learn to think through mediums of thought other then what you're used to – aka stop thinking in arbitrary combinations of phonemes.
Words are abstracted and deceptive as their meaning is not inherent in them. Although I can convey to you some things to point you in the right direction with words you need to learn to think using more pure forms of thought which can not lie and create illusory contradictions.
Your thoughts are extremely important to your experience of reality and can influence the functioning of your body. Maybe you are familiar with the ideas of chakras which can be opened and closed - energy points on the body. In a higher state of consciousness you more susceptible to mental influences and this works both way (you can influence others easier but you can also be influenced in turn, there is a higher degree of sensitivity here). You can easily make yourself very sick or you can make your body run better, depends upon what you do, and you have to be more careful when your thoughts can have this kind of influence. It can be important to turn off this state and go into a "lower vibration" temporarily when you want to focus on mundane tasks without all the chaos for awhile. Kundalini awakening and stuff like that is related.
Thoughtforms, emotions, visualizations, and various forms of meditation are all part of the process of working magic. Servitors can be used to accomplish various tasks and to influence the world around you in a synchronistic manner. You can attract things into your life, make modifications to your mind and body, etc.
An important development for any magician involves a kind of dying off and metamorphosis of the soul. If you want to achieve very extreme transformations, let go of your persona and stop thinking of yourself as your body and mind. You aren't either – all these thoughts and memories and stuff hold you in place and hinder your development. I identify myself with the "chaosvoid" but really no words serve as adequate reference for the seeming eternal nothing that I am. Yet from behind all these ephemeral forms which arise in my mind there is a transcendental will that will outlast it all. From this place of seeming nothingness arises great power for manifestation.
I would recommend adopting an ascetic lifestyle, maintaining the health of your body to a high degree, and eliminating as many distractions and other things that would get in the way of your magical development. I would also recommend to not rely upon external influences be they drugs, various external spiritual entities, etc. to derive your power from. When you rely primarily upon your own will and manifest your own being then you aren't easily controlled by outside influences. Don't become dependent upon things which can be taken away from you or used to control you.
4 replies
REINCARNATION - The Cycle of Necessity
by Manly Palmer Hall
1. By Way of Introduction, Postscript
2. Definition of Terms
3. Reincarnation of Ancient India
4. Buddha - The Light of Asia; Previous Lives of Buddha
5. The Reborn Lamas of Tibet
6. Metempsychosis and Greek Philosophy
7. The Law of Rebirth in China and Japan
8. Reincarnation in Islam
9. Reincarnation Among the American Indians
10. Reincarnation and the Old Testament; the New Testament
11. Early Christian Fathers on Reincarnation
12. Rebirth in Modern Christendom
13. Modern Believers in Reincarnation
14. The Cycle of Necessity
15. Reincarnation in the Animal, Plant, and Mineral World
16. Reborn Nations and Races
17. The Divine Incarnations
18. Soul Mates
19. Memory of Past Lives
20. Shanti Devi
21. The After-Death State
22. The Laws Governing Reincarnation
23. Suicide
24. Fate versus Free Will
25. The Secret of Genius
26. Forgiveness of Sin versus Karma
27. Disciplines of liberation
28. Nirvana
I got all these chapters as individual PDFs. Will upload to megaupload. Anyone have any idea how to combine them all into one PDF?
24 replies
All information about reptilians goes here, folk tales, myths, legends, anything which has a source in reality but forgotten due to oral transmision
These stories are the most important because virtually all cultures around the world talk about them, so we can connect the dots
Im going to bump with what i have.
5 replies
This is the highest purpose of magic:
At birth only a third part of the Divine Nature of man temporarily dissociates itself from its own immortality and takes upon itself the dream of physical birth and existence, animating with its own celestial enthusiasm a vehicle composed of material elements, part of and bound to the material sphere. At death this incarnated part awakens from the dream of physical existence and reunites itself once more with its eternal condition. This periodical descent of spirit into matter is termed the wheel of life and death, and the principles involved are treated at length by the philosophers under the subject of metempsychosis. By initiation into the Mysteries and a certain process known as operative theology, this law of birth and death is transcended, and during the course of physical existence that part of the spirit which is asleep in form is awakened without the intervention of death–the inevitable Initiator–and is consciously reunited with the Anthropos, or the overshadowing substance of itself.
This is at once the primary purpose and the consummate achievement of the Mysteries: that man shall become aware of and consciously be reunited with the divine source of himself without tasting of physical dissolution.
— Manly P. Hall; The Secret Teachings of all Ages
3 replies
Before anyone wants to penetrate the deeper understandings of the esoteric, he must first drink the onion-banana juice
8 replies
Read this picture.
3 replies
Is it possible that all the deities worshipped by human religions (both monotheistic and polytheistic) are really just one comprehensive being and multiple beings at the same time?
11 replies
Every day, the Nazis are slandered and cursed. More hatred is given to Hitler and the NSDAP than anything else right now. It's been this way almost since the end of WWII. Is it possible that the constant negative attention fed into the Nazis has turned them into demons as was done to the old gods by the Christians?
Astarte -> Astaroth
If so, would it be possible to evoke them or communicate with them in some other way?
5 replies
>get into accident at work
>lost a piece of flesh
>nothing life-threatening, it's on the finger, but oh god the blood
>the fucking blood
>have to change the bandages now
>down to the last layer of bandage
>blood is noticeably collected, dry, removing it's gonna probably hurt
>i'm such a bitch
Transhumanism is still a thing, right? When can I transport my mind into a robot? I can't deal with being organic. The concept of death doesn't frighten me, it's the whole process leading up to it. Injuries like this only make the end that much more pressing in my mind, and then the anxiety hits, and oh god, god please, somebody make this stop. Science, why hast thou forsaken me?
7 replies
I saw a thread on /x/ (pretty sure it was posted here) where the OP was giving fortunes by reading out random sentences from random books on a shelf.
I tried it myself. I asked a question and let myself be drawn towards a certain book, a certain page, a certain sentence, with my eyes closed. I opened and picked the first sentence I layed my eyes on.
Quotes are exact except where noted.
>Will [redacted] last?
<A man was building a house when it collapsed all around him.
<Sorry pal, the cupboards are bare.
>Do I [redacted]?
<This expression originally referred to men who became monks for three days and then quit because they found the spartan religious life too difficult.
>Will I die an early death?
<The sublimity and terror of the spiritual message are inescapable and timeless.
I became suspicious of all the doom and gloom, so I started asking where these answers were coming from. Note after this point, I got a few meaningless non-answers, which I have omitted. Three or four clustered early on, the sort of thing you would normally expect picking a sentence at random. I should have tried to remember those too for the sake of presenting the whole story and avoiding selection bias, but I already forgot them.
>Where is the source?
<Others are found elsewhere. Grotesque ideas are found in mythological stories, "primitive" belief systems or modern art. Weird ideas come to us in dreams. Strange theories come out of the mouths of children.
>Who are you?
<If necessary, cover with tinfoil to prevent overbrowning.
>Who or what are you?
<Today in many shops in Santa Fe you too can pick up a carved animal figure, called a fetish. According to belief, the owner of the fetish is able to absorb the power of that creature, whatever it may be.
>What do you want?
<[paraphrased] "Why don't we come over and join you later tonight?" Mary asked
>What do you want?
<[paraphrased] I just wanted to let you know [book character name I forgot] might be playing games with you.
>Why do you mock me?
<[Something about a crying baby with air in his stomach and a dramatically overconcerned mother, might as well have been LOL BUTTHURT]
At that point it was clear someone was fucking with me, but it's funny so I don't mind much.
So then, what do I make of methods of fortune telling that involve leaving things to 'chance'? In such a system, where do the answers come from? The practitioner, or spirits who do the actual work?
If it's the former it would be colored heavily by the practitioner's own expectations and fears. Where is there room for the influence of the actual future? If it's the latter, there's room for nonsense to creep in and the opportunity for less benevolent spirits to interfere, which is what seems to be the case here. Going to do LBRP.
9 replies
ITT: We collect scepdick articles all into one place and either cry or laugh as they destroy our beliefs or fail to actually criticize them effectively.
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A Prelude to Aryanism
Correctly understood, National-Socialism is profoundly spiritual because National-Socialism provides us with an answer to the question - "What is the purpose of life?". The fundamental aim of National-Socialism - the aim which political power is used to achieve - is to create a new way of living. This way of living is noble and civilized - it enables and fosters a new type of individual. Such individuals, by their actions and their living, create a new, higher, civilization.
We are National-Socialists because we all - either rationally or instinctively, or both - accept that life has some purpose beyond selfish indulgence and gaining material comforts. We are all National-Socialists because we accept that our purpose, as individuals, is to contribute to evolution in a positive way - to develope and make use of, the potential given to us and our race by Nature. We are all National-Socialists because we desire to live in or aid the creation of, a noble society which seeks to uplift and ennoble others. We are all National-Socialists because we acknowledge that Adolf Hitler made these hopes, dreams, aspirations and ideals conscious and realizable.
Fundamentally, National-Socialism is much more than a political movement. It aims for a complete practical and spiritual revolution. It is also a living, organic movement - it has a past and it has a future. The past makes the future possible. National-Socialism expresses that spirituality which is uniquely ours as Aryans - that is, it expresses, in a practical way, our racial soul.
What it is important to understand is that National-Socialism expresses that religious attitude which is natural and healthy for us as Aryans. What is natural for us, as Aryans, is to act. To strive. To overcome. To explore. To challenge. To seek to know. Our culture has always saught to express these things - and the religions of our ancestors are no exception. But National-Socialism provides us with a religion appropriate to our times - appropriate to the 21st century and beyond. That is, National-Socialism is a natural, healthy, positive evolution in our spiritual understanding - it takes us beyond the religious manifestations of our past; it takes us beyond distant, almost forgotten myths and legends and stories about gods and goddesses while at the same time giving expression to our unique spirituality. National-Socialism connects us to our unique racial psyche, as the religions of our ancestors connected us to our psyche - and in doing so it, like those religions, gives us strength, sustenance, perspective and meaning.
National-Socialism is the heroic religion of our times - it gives us real heroes to admire; it gives us real legends to tell to our children; it gives us real stories of valour, real deeds of glory and honour to celebrate in poetry, music and song. We have, in the struggle for power, in the glorious deeds done by our kinsfolk in the great war for Aryan survival (50-56yf) and afterwards, all those things that gave rise to the religions of our ancestors. Our unique religious attitude is one of celebration - we as a race have always celebrated great, noble, deeds. We have always toasted, with wine, mead, or ale, great heroes. We have always sworn oaths upon the graves, the banners, the shields, the weapons, the insignia of our past warriors. We have always shouted the names of our heroes defiantly - and asked them to be at our side as we go forth into battle. We have always called upon and hailed the name of our gods - gods who were once mighty warriors, or Chiefs, or the consorts of those warriors.
Not for our race the damp, dark caverns where mumbo-jumbo incantations were said. Not for our race the bended knee, the forehead touching of the ground before some graven image. Not for our race the pale skin of the moralizing, weedy inferior. Not for our race the celebration of the deeds of the meek, the pacifist. That is, until we became infected with the disease of Christianity.
Every past civilization we Aryans have created has been created by a warrior community which celebrated the glorious deeds of its recent ancestors and kinfolk. In time, these ancestors and kinfolk became gods and their deeds mythical and legendary. In time, the pure, undiluted warrior spirit - the heroic celebration of warriors by warriors - became diluted and myths and legends about gods and goddesses became the norm. In time, a mythology and a mythical cosmology arose, woven around these gods and goddesses.
By celebrating and emulating the heroic deeds of our recent kinfolk we ourselves can create a new civilization. The religion of National-Socialism is not a religion of prayer, or supplication, of gods and goddesses - it is a warrior religion where we consciously and without affectation or meekness celebrate and emulate the glorious deeds of our recent kinfolk. The religion of National-Socialism does not involve and does not require 'priests' or 'rituals' of any kind - as the religions of our ancestors never did until their essence was lost and the people became corrupted and lost their warrior vitality.
To try and revive old forms, old myths, old ways, old celebrations - even old festivals - is a waste of time. It does nothing except provide a bit of meaningless decadent comfort. And, furthermore, it makes our opponents laugh at such farcical antics - old myths, old legends, old celebrations are no threat to them: "See what we have reduced this once proud warrior race to," they laugh.
We have our festivals, as we have our meaningful oaths. We have our heroes. Our opponents think of these heroes and they tremble in fear. Above all, they fear us becoming like those heroes - they fear the real revival of our warrior spirit. We cannot revive that spirit by apeing dead, lifeless forms. We can only revive it by capturing something living, something vital - something with potential, with real spirit. National-Socialism is alive. National-Socialism expresses our unique, noble, warrior spirit as nothing before has ever done.
Aryanism, the religion of National-Socialism, does not mean that we see or believe in Adolf Hitler as some sort of 'god' or deity. It means that we recognize that he expressed the will of our folk, of our race - that he was our Destiny. It means that we accept that he was a hero and that Fate chose him to live and die as he did. It means that we accept that he was special, unique - someone to be revered. It does not mean we accept he was perfect - it means we accept he was human, but that he was greater in his achievements than anyone before or since. Furthermore, it means that we accept that he was fighting on our side, against those forces arraigned against us and which saught to at best enslave us and at worst destroy us.
As our ancestors did in the past with regard to their heroes, each National-Socialist has a particular hero - someone whose deeds capture their imagination and whom they particularly admire. As in the past, the oaths National-Socialists take are meaningful - there is a real continuity, a real bond with the recent past, and in many cases we have actual mementoes from the past, actual items used by our heroes, or connected with the glorious struggles of days gone by. These things are our 'relics' - these things are honoured and revered and on them and by them we take our oaths and pledge our lives. We ourselves are fortunate indeed in that we are living so close to those times, so close to our heroes, some of whom are at the time of writing (105yf) still alive.
There is a real power in this new religion of ours - the potential to defeat our enemies. For instance, when we stand before a photograph of Adolf Hitler we have placed in a room and pledge ourselves to continue his fight; when we gaze at a scene depicting the Waffen-SS in action, wish we were there and make an oath to do something such men would admire; when we call upon the name of some hero or toast their heroic deeds; when we listen to the songs sung by the SA and feel the spirit of Adolf Hitler, of Aryan defiance rising within us, then we are being true to our race and fulfilling our debt to our ancestors. When we do such things, we are filled with glory and we feel proud to be Aryan. No one and nothing can take this feeling away from us. There is an unspoken bond - we experience a sense of belonging. We have tapped into our unique racial psyche - we have become free. We have become Aryan again. We know our Destiny; we know where our duty lies. When we have experienced this feeling, the lies of the System are lies; the power, the influence of the Zionists mean nothing. They cannot do anything. At worst, they can kill us - but then, we join our heroes and our own lives, our own deeds will be celebrated by those who follow us: we will, in effect, become immortal. We will be remembered. Our lives will have had meaning. Compared to this, ordinary life is dull, meaningless - devoid of glory.
This is why only National-Socialism is the answer to the problems we Aryans face today. This is why 'nationalism' is not now and never will be an effective weapon with which to fight our enemies. By being a National-Socialist, by fighting for National-Socialism, we continue the heroic struggle. By being a National-Socialist we too can become heroes and be remembered when the final victory is won. By being a National-Socialist we can express in a practical way the warrior spirit of our race. By being a National-Socialist we become part of the Destiny of our race.
With this religious feeling, we can achieve our goal of an Aryan homeland and the creation of a new civilization. This feeling is what should motivate us to act. It does not matter how we act - only that we do.
Temple 88, 106yf
2 replies
The Pursuit of Crappiness
Did you enjoy reading your little transnerdulist magazine about pleasure, prancing and sustained orgasm? Now you expect a little humor, don’t you? Well, guess what? I’m not in the mood.
I was in a yoga class this morning, listening to the soothing sounds of the instructor telling me to lean backwards until I stick my nose up my own ass, and if I feel snapping and popping to just go with the flow. The gentle croon of the flute made me grind my teeth, the trickle of the fake waterfall made me have to urinate, and performing the “twisting willow” maneuver made me have to fart. Seeing a mirror everywhere I looked – that was the final sadism in this crap my wife makes me do to lower my stress. At six goddamn AM.
If you’re not from California, you will need me to explain. Yoga is an ancient spiritual practice designed to clear the body of gas. By contorting your joints into exquisitely painful positions, it helps you appreciate life when you’re not contorted into exquisitely painful positions. I’m built like a fire hydrant — and I’m about as flexible, so I distracted myself from my seething rage by contemplating this issue’s general theme of human happiness.
Try this test. Read some Kahlil Gibran poetry while having your hemorrhoids removed. See if you are profound enough to appreciate the miracle of your moment-by-moment existence. I was audited last year. To sooth myself, I read Chicken Soup for the Soul. Didn’t help.
Profound people can see the miracle of each moment. Good for them. What about us shallow people? We pay gurus to teach us how to stop being miserable.
Now I’m listening to yoga twerp tell me and a group of huffing, puffing sweaty women that stress does not come from the “world without” but from the “world within.” Interesting theory contortionist boy. My personal theory is that stress is caused by everybody constantly pissing me off, and not shutting the hell up while I’m trying to stick my elbow into my armpit because it’s good for my health. Hey ladies, how about instead of the “twisting willow” maneuver, we twist the head off yoga boy? That would relieve some stress. Instead, yoga twerp recommends meditation.
Meditation? Guess what that’s about? Acknowledging that our default state of mind is a torment. Why do we have to put effort into stopping our thoughts from torturing us? Does my dog need to twist his body into contortions to stop himself from neurotic thinking?No, and it ain’t because he’s spiritual. It’s because his species hasn’t evolved our style of bloated frontal lobe. That’s the part of the human brain that’s in charge of imagining long-term future scenarios and choosing among them. Hominids with a deep sense of well-being didn’t pass on as many genes as hominids whose anxiety drove them to worry about their children, stress about the next drought, and complain that their hand axes need to be redesigned to prevent calluses. Thus I inherit a brain specialized for bitching. My meditation guru tells me to “observe” my thoughts and “go with the flow,” but you don’t go with the flow when you’re on shit creek.
Are there any legitimate methods for sustaining happiness in the bitching brain? Nancy Etcoff, Harvard psychologist and author of Survival of the Prettiest, typed “happiness” into Amazon and found over 2,000 titles that promise to deliver it through the 7 habits, 9 choices, 10 steps, 12 secrets, and 14,000 thoughts of deliriously happy people. This pisses me off. Suppose I read all 2,000 books. Will I be any happier? If anybody had any clue, why would we need 2,000 books?
Tens of millions of us are clinically nuts. How do I know this? There are 120 million medications for anti-depression at large night now.
What do we need to keep our civilization running? Economists will tell you: gas, oil and illegal drugs. Each represents about 8% of the world trade. That’s about the right ratio for my personal economy too. I need to drive, buy crap and medicate myself.
Otherwise, I’d have to shoot some of you. We Americans have one of the highest homicide rates among developed countries. This sounds like a big problem until you realize our suicide rate is higher than homicide rate. Most Americans, when given the opportunity to kill the person they hate say, “Oh, to hell with it. It’s easier to kill myself.”
It’s a species-wide behavior. Each year, some 800,000 people across the planet off themselves.
What’s our problem? I’ll tell you what our problem is. We humans are smart enough to figure out what a raw deal existence is.One of my favorite beach reads is Schopenhauer, who, as far as I’m concerned, made a pretty airtight argument that life is neither good nor indifferent. Life is evil. Life has exquisitely designed every living thing to hurt and kill other living things.
Think about it. Each of us must kill to feed. Nothing that gets fed upon wants to be killed. You will not survive without participating in this evil. There is no way out but death.
Laughing yet? If you refuse to kill to feed, the universe punishes you with a slow torturous death of starvation. The only thing life demands is that you kill. The only sin life punishes is not killing. The only commandment: Thou shalt not not kill.
As The Schopster put it in his chapter, “On the Vanity and Suffering of Life”: This world is the battle-ground of tormented and agonized beings who continue to exist only by each devouring the other. Therefore, every beast of prey in it is the living grave of thousands of others, and its self-maintenance is a chain of torturing deaths.
If Satan wanted to create the perfect gladiator arena of evil, it would look exactly like the natural world we are in. Schopenhauer says the Secret of Life is: Hell is all that exists, and it requires evil from me if I am to survive. The only way to escape Hell is death. The only way to escape death is to keep killing. And every one of us is doomed to lose.
Bwa! Ha! Ha! Ha! This humor column is on a roll now! When our species became self-conscious and future-thinking, the first thing we noticed is that life is too horrible to live. But death is too terrifying to embrace. Yet there is no third alternative. So we make up a bunch of lies to distract ourselves from the horrible reality of existence.
Go on. Click on another link. Flick another switch on a screen. Stick an earPod into your skull. Twist yourself into a contortion. Go find a god and pray. Anything to distract yourself from the existential hole at the core of your being that drives your ambitions, the acid of self-consciousness that eats away a gaping cavity of boredom that waits for you in the next moment and will continue in an endless march of moments until you die.
Schopenhauer goes further. He says that if empathy really existed, there would be no enjoyment. After all, suffering is everywhere. If we really cared, we’d be perpetually empathizing. But we don’t. Why? Because you can’t simultaneously be compassionate and content. The existence of enjoyment proves empathy is a fleeting self-indulgence.
So why do we keep struggling to increase the suffering of other sentient beings in order to survive? The illusion of hope. If I keep chasing my next desire, maybe I will finally catch the carrot of sustained happiness that will not wither as I grasp it. That’s the hedonistic treadmill.
The only way to end your participation in an evil universe designed to create suffering is to end your mindless Will to survive. If you were truly a being of pure compassion, you would kill yourself right now.
I don’t know if this is because I went off my Celexa this week, but it seems to me that Schopenhauer’s gift was that he divested himself of the delusions required to survive with a human brain. You want to talk about a guy who stared into the abyss and did not relent until he had used flawless logical steps to march all the way to the bottom. Reading a chapter of Schopenhauer is like listening to a Nirvana album start to finish.
Was he crazy? Psychologists have established that healthy people radically over-estimate the amount of control they have over their lives. The only people who accurately assess how much control they have over experimental situations are the clinically depressed. That’s right, depressed people are the most uniquely skilled at accurately predicting their control over outcomes. Re-instilling their delusion of control is called curing them. Damn, did those results ever depress me.
So here we are, a self-conscious self-lacerating species whose perpetual sense of dissatisfaction drove us to develop genetic engineering, mood-altering drugs, biotechnology, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence and plastic surgery. We can change the whole ball game. We’re all Michael Jackson now. The general response from critics? “Shouldn’t we leave well enough alone, trust in the wisdom of nature?”
We may not have the collective wisdom to tinker with nature. But then again, neither does nature. Wisdom teeth don’t speak well for the wisdom of nature. I don’t think it was very wise to create inside-out retinas that give us blind spots. The pointless bursting appendix, spine and knees incompletely designed for upright tottering, tubes for breathing and swallowing so close we choke, babies who kill their mothers breaching their thick skulls. And whose idea was it for the urethra to pass through the prostate gland? Nature, that’s who.
Bad news. Our brains were designed by natural and sexual selection. Our sublime state of complexity and beauty has resulted from a few billion years of struggle which has had no regard for optimizing human happiness. Happiness, as Arthur “Sunshine” Schopenhauer elucidated, is the carrot on the end of the stick that keeps us moving for nature’s ends. Rare fleeting nibbles keep us running on the treadmill. Suppose we could rig the stick so we could munch the carrot?
Satisfaction sustained. Empathy mutual. Trust utter. Love permanent. Energy infinite. Violence extinct. Suffering banished. Everything that nature isn’t.
Stretch. Blank your mind. Be.
2 replies
Check this out /fringe/, some has uncovered our conspiracy and laid it out here, and he is horrified of what we are trying to do!
It's incredibly well laid out. Hopefully people think he's just a crackpot though or alternatively upon reading it convert to our cause.
Link to the article:
Originally posted by arbiture
As far as the "Illuminate' " is, other then a group of people seeking "enlightenment" in the 1760's to early 1800's, I really never could figure out the logic of THAT beating-a-dead-horse conspiracy, but that said I agree with a lot you say.
The "Illuminati" is beaten into the ground as a "conspiracy" because the Illuminati saw themselves as a conspiracy. Since they branched out in the 1780's into just about every nation and infiltrated every secret society in existence (while starting a few new ones) it is hard to separate any of these groups out from "The Illuminati".. Especially when you can see them refer to themselves as Illuminati in most of their own study documents. Just go read the VIIIº through the XIº of the OTO's study guides and you'll see them constantly refer to their initiates as "Pontiffs (or Epopts) of the Illuminati" and "Left Hand Path Brethren of the Illuminati". It's written all over their own material.
Here's a Templar site with "The Lesser Mysteries" on Illuminism:
They also have contributed most of the materials that inspired the resurgence of Goetic Magick, Kliphothic Anti-Kabbalah and Theological Satanism, which works with demonology and external forces of Satan/Lucifer as the Anti-Cosmic & acausal Chaos that supercedes order. It is Black Light and Black Magick in its very essence… not the watered-down Anton LaVey stuff where Satan is the highest worship of Self..
This is the modern extreme iteration of the Illuminati's Anti-Cosmic Luciferian agenda. Read their study materials and you will be shocked at how much sense they make in describing the indescribable and why they have a case for rebelling against all that is God, White Light, and of the Right-Hand path (of Faith or "The Fool" tarot card). They look at Order, The Universe of Cosmos and Creation as the #10 (10 sephiroth, 10 fingers & toes - the digital realm) as the enemy and the creation of the Demiurge (God).
So instead they worship Lucifer as the bringer of knowledge, agent of free-will and liberator of men, through the black light of the abyss.
This Black Light (Current "218", which is Hebrew Gematria for "Black Dragon" or "Azerate", which has a numerical value of 2+1+8 = 11). This is represented in the prime #11 which is how many Qliphoth are in the inverted tree of the Sitra Ahra (anti-matter version of Kabbalistic tree of "life") and to Theological Satanists the #11 is exalted as the 11-sided sigil, whose angles (as with the Qliphot) represent the 11 names of the opposer, who represents the annihilation of form.
To these people, (who have grown in number to tens of millions) to be killed and released from the prison of the body/earth/physical, is the re-uniting of all that has been created in form [which has been "trapped" in the illusion of the causal (karmic) physical state] with its true self and true nature in the *NON-realm* of Karma-free Chaos. Where all people can be all things without the oppressively domineering Godhead telling you it's an eternally-punishable sin to strive to ascend to your own Godhood.. or to Do What Thou Wilt.
My real point is that there are a LOT of these people.. millions.. they occupy high positions of government.. they are sworn to secrecy in higher oaths that supercede their governmental vows & duty. They practice psychopathic rituals in secrecy that involve human sacrifice… which is also, documented all over their writings and study documents. They believe it is required and they have guides on how to do it. If you're having a hard time believing me, just go read "Culling: A Guide to Sacrifice" by the Order of the Nine Angles.
Originally posted by arbiture
Hence as always don't believe everything you read or every video you watch. Aside from the "logic smell test" people need to check stuff out. Often its not the most outrageous stuff, with in reason of course or the so called obvious stuff posted. But that vast middle realm that is so open to "tweaking"
I agree and take all you say into consideration every time I read or watch something new.
My skeptical discernment is tuned in from years of studying esoteric literature and culture.
I have been immersed in secret societies enough to form a solid conclusion without relying on anyone else's word or experience to form my conclusion.
I don't need the internet or videos to make my points. I usually site books that have been written by and for esoteric initiates - because that helps the reader familiarize themself with what I'm saying. Which is difficult sometimes because the breadth of these topics sometimes requires a background of knowledge that most people don't have and can't be brought up to speed on, in a few paragraphs.
2 replies
Koanic’s Pussy: A Refutation of Quantum Indeterminacy
There are three postmodern revolutions in man’s view of reality, one for each level: the macrocosm, the mesocosm, and the microcosm. Each is defined by an instrument.
For the macrocosm, the telescope, in its most modern form, gives us relativity. The subjective frame of reference has replaced the absolute, and the speed of light, rather than the spacetime fabric, is constant.
For the mesocosm, the computer gives us chaos theory. Order is merely a special case of chaos. Chance and unpredictability are the norm. This undoes the notion of a deterministic clockmaker’s universe – an impossible computational problem.
For the microcosm, the particle accelerator gives us quantum physics. Here, we learn that reality at its most fundamental level is indeterminate and chaotic. Schroedinger’s Cat may be alive or dead – we cannot know until we open the box.
What pretty, fluffy clouds: infused with all the gorgeous hues of false dawn. And all I have is this short, ugly knife. From pommel to hilt, its inscription reads “HEARTSEEKER” and “GUIDED BY FAITH”. Let’s stab something.
Begin with Schroedinger’s Cat. This analogy is unapt, for it fails to account for the act of the observer – an essential element of quantum indeterminacy. The act of the observer modifies the observed, so that we can know either the position or the velocity of a particle, but never both.
In our improved analogy, for disambiguative purposes titled “Koanic’s Pussy”, the box has two holes. Look in one hole, and the other closes forever. One hole tells the color of the cat’s fur. The other tells whether the cat is boy or girl. Thus one or the other is indeterminate.
But the cat, as it assiduously grooms its furry balls, is in no doubt about either.
In fact, it is logically incoherent to say that the cat is both dead and alive, both boy and girl, at the same time and in the same relationship. The statement computes to null. It is not that the statement is wrong; rather, the position has not been stated. It is void.
To make the error explicit: The quantum physicist, working within limits inherent to his observation point, imputes indeterminacy to a particle. This does not follow by logical necessity; the indeterminacy may inhere in his perspective, rather than in the particle itself. The particle may actually have two definite values, only one of which an up-evolved monkey physicist can measure.
And what of meso- and macro- cosm? Even more trivial. There is no logically necessary reason to think of chaos theory as anything other than a gloss for describing deterministic mechanisms that are either computationally or epistemologically prohibitive.
Likewise, relatavistic frames involve a violation of Cartesian assumptions, but no violation of reason or determinism. The paradoxical is by definition not a perfect contradiction.
Shall we, then, return to the 19th century clockmaker’s universe? Or shall we, like petty Deists, take this opportunity to once more retreat beneath Scientific Mystery’s starry cloak, and claim “God dwells here”?
No. Matter is deterministic, because it is incoherent to claim otherwise. LaPlace’s demon sees all, past and future – IF the universe is purely material.
I reject the latter hypothetical. There are indeed non-material things. For example, consciousness is not material. In fact, consciousness is the only thing which we can be sure 1. actually exists and 2. is not material. Thus, by some supernatural golden thread, free will and chance enter a deterministic universe.
And so it seems that my little blade, though ugly and graceless, has sufficed to reach the three inch depth necessary for a fatal wound. The heart of a child of Lucere, that once illumined these philosophical clouds, thrashes in its death throes on my point.
They are now unremarkable grey technician’s mists, which no one will mistake for the dawning of a new enlightenment. If you regret the loss of beauty, consider: in God’s wholesome sunlight, the viscera on my blade refract an oilslick rainbow sheen.
3 replies
In Defense of Suicide: Are you Man or Pig?
An intelligent question on Quora:
“If we all end up dying, what’s the purpose of living?
What’s the purpose of achieving so much in life when you are just going to die in the end?”
Ozymandias has answered the second line. But why bother, when the first is more salient?
0 replies
Mathematical Proof That The Supernatural Exists
You should only attempt to read this proof if you have at least read the Wikipedia pages for Descartes’ “Discourse on Method” and “Meditations on First Philosophy”, and Kant’s “Critique of Pure Reason” and “Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics”.
Otherwise, it won’t make any sense – like reading a calculus proof when you only know algebra.
The one exception would be if you’re the sort of genius who can intuitively grasp an entire field from a few contextual hints. In this particular case, I estimate such a feat would require a verbal IQ of at least 150, possibly much higher.
The proof for the existence of the supernatural
Without further ado, here is the proof that demonstrates with mathematical certainty that the supernatural exists:
(To see the previous version of this proof, that did not address the possibility of supernatural noumena, click here. Version updated on May 19, 2012.)
Definition 1:
Noumena – Things as they are in themselves, rather than the human mind’s perception of them.
Definition 2:
Phenomena – The perceptions of the human mind, rather than things as they are in themselves.
Note that these definitions do not preclude Noumena and Phenomena being identical in any particular case. In fact, any phenomena, considered in itself, would be a noumena.
Definition 3:
Material – The objective, physical world. Matter, energy, the spacetime continuum. Physics, chemistry, etc.
Definition 4:
Supernatural – That which has real, actual existence, yet is not material.
Set A:
1a. You cannot be deceived that your subjective experiential conscious awareness is real and actually existing.
This is proven in Descartes, and is taken here as given. It is an a posteriori synthetic knowledge based on analysis plus the experience of consciousness.
2a. Your subjective experiential conscious awareness contains only that which you are aware of (phenomena), and nothing more.
Purely analytic statement, definitionally true.
3a. Therefore, what you are aware of (phenomena) is real and actually existing.
Law used: Substitution.
Set B:
1b. You are aware of only phenomena, not noumena, except when noumena and phenomena are identical.
Analytically true. Phenomena are what you experience; so the noumena either matches exactly or is something different.
2b. The material world is pure noumena.
Purely analytic statement; definitionally true. The material world is objective and physical. (If you disagree, you are abusing the English language and your outlook is no longer properly scientific or materialist anyway.)
3b. Therefore, you are aware of only phenomena, not anything material, except possibly when noumena and phenomena are identical.
(“Possibly” because the material world is a subset of all noumena. There may also be supernatural noumena. Thus an identical noumena-phenomena pair might be either supernatural or material.)
Laws used: Substitution, set/subset.
Set C:
3a. What you are aware of (phenomena) is real and actually existing.
3b. You are aware of only phenomena, not anything material, except possibly when noumena and phenomena are identical.
3c. Therefore, experienced phenomena are real and actually existing, but are not material, except possibly when noumena and phenomena are identical.
Law used: Substitution.
Set D:
3c. Experienced phenomena are real and actually existing, but are not material, except possibly when noumena and phenomena are identical.
(“Possibly” because noumena might either be natural or supernatural.)
2d. The phenomena you experience do not resemble the material world as it is in itself (as noumena).
Patently obvious. E.g., you see an apple as bright red skin, but not the inner meat, core and seeds, much less atoms or photons or biological vision processes. If you attempt to argue that the material world actually is just as we perceive it, this is no longer scientific materialism, but magical realism or something equally bizarre. See logical expansion section for more.
3d. Experienced phenomena are real and actually existing, but are not material.
4d. If there is a noumena that is identical to a phenomena, then it must be supernatural.
Law used: Substitution. Set/subset.
Set E
1e. That which is real and actually existing, but is not material, must be supernatural.
Definitionally true.
3d. Experienced phenomena are real and actually existing, but are not material.
3e. Experienced phenomena are supernatural.
Law used: Substitution.
Conclusion: If one supernatural thing exists, then the supernatural exists. Experienced phenomena exist. Therefore, the supernatural exists.
Note that this is not a proof of the existence of God. For the evidence that Christianity is true, see the next page.
1 reply
I am interested in self-discovery of my own spirit and of divine knowledge. This has lead me to Gnosticism
I don't know how many of you lurking on this board are adherents of Gnosticism, but those of you who are know that the demiurge, the god of this universe rules over us with an iron fist and wants us to merge with him as the end-goal of reincarnation and spiritual growth. Lately I've been trying to meditate and astral project and in my daily 9-5 life people have been being assholes to me, challenging me, distracting me, challenging my beliefs(someone told me that "Meditation was bullshit and is just controlling breathing") and, ya know, call me paranoid but I think that the demiurge may be trying to prevent me from escaping his plan for my spirit.
How do I escape his wrath and continue on my path for liberation and gnosis? Please please help
I suppose this would also be an alright place for the left-hand path in general
7 replies
I'm not a fedora tipper, I DO believe in a creator,
why would God throw us into this dog-eat-dog world full of oppression, terror and injustice just so that we could "grow spiritually", what exactly is the purpose of suffering in incarnation after incarnation?
To eventually become at one with the creator? Why could we not just skip the middle man if that's his end-goal? What kind of just god full of so called "love" would purposely put us in a terrible place so that we become motivated to escape it and end everything, when his motive is for us to escape everything by merging with him? Do we become gods ourselves after we reach the end of our spiritual growth, or maybe we need to aid this god in it's own spiritual growth, and there are more, higher-up, transcendent gods?
What's the big fucking metaphysical picture behind reincarnation, spiritual maturation and being thrown as a sheep into a lion's den? Because' if it's all just to merge with the creator then I am adhering to the left-hand path because then our creator would most definitely be a malicious, egotistical, and evil being.
13 replies
Give me all the greenpill/redpill information you have.
I am new to Esoteric Wizardry and want a jump start.
4 replies
The myth of Tammuz and Ishtar is one of the earliest examples of the dying-god allegory, probably antedating 4000 B. C. (See Babylonia and Assyria by Lewis Spence.) The imperfect condition of the tablets upon which the legends are inscribed makes it impossible to secure more than a fragmentary account of the Tammuz rites. Being the esoteric god of the sun, Tammuz did not occupy a position among the first deities venerated by the Babylonians, who for lack of deeper knowledge looked upon him as a god of agriculture or a vegetation spirit. Originally he was described as being one of the guardians of the gates of the underworld. Like many other Savior-Gods, he is referred to as a "shepherd" or "the lord of the shepherd seat." Tammuz occupies the remarkable position of son and husband of Ishtar, the Babylonian and Assyrian Mother-goddess. Ishtar–to whom the planer Venus was sacred–was the most widely venerated deity of the Babylonian and Assyrian pantheon. She was probably identical with Ashterorh, Astarte, and Aphrodite. The story of her descent into the underworld in search presumably for the sacred elixir which alone could restore Tammuz to life is the key to the ritual of her Mysteries. Tammuz, whose annual festival took place just before the summer solstice, died in midsummer in the ancient month which bore his name, and was mourned with elaborate ceremonies. The manner of his death is unknown, but some of the accusations made against Ishtar by Izdubar (Nimrod) would indicate that she, indirectly at least, had contributed to his demise. The resurrection of Tammuz was the occasion of great rejoicing, at which time he was hailed as a "redeemer" of his people.
With outspread wings, Ishtar, the daughter of Sin (the Moon), sweeps downward to the gates of death. The house of darkness–the dwelling of the god Irkalla–is described as "the place of no return." It is without light; the nourishment of those who dwell therein is dust and their food is mud. Over the bolts on the door of the house of Irkalla is scattered dust, and the keepers of the house are covered with feathers like birds. Ishtar demands that the keepers open the gates, declaring that if they do not she will shatter the doorposts and strike the hinges and raise up dead devourers of the living. The guardians of the gates beg her to be patient while they go to the queen of Hades from whom they secure permission to admit Ishtar, but only in the same manner as all others came to this dreary house. Ishtar thereupon descends through the seven gates which lead downward into the depths of the underworld. At the first gate the great crown is removed from her head, at the second gate the earrings from her ears, at the third gate the necklace from her neck, at the fourth gate the ornaments from her breast, at the fifth gate the girdle from her waist, at the sixth gate the bracelets from her hands and feet, and at the seventh gate the covering cloak of her body. Ishtar remonstrates as each successive article of apparel is taken from her, bur the guardian tells her that this is the experience of all who enter the somber domain of death. Enraged upon beholding Ishtar, the Mistress of Hades inflicts upon her all manner of disease and imprisons her in the underworld.
As Ishtar represents the spirit of fertility, her loss prevents the ripening of the crops and the maturing of all life upon the earth.
In this respect the story parallels the legend of Persephone. The gods, realizing that the loss of Ishtar is disorganizing all Nature, send a messenger to the underworld and demand her release. The Mistress of Hades is forced to comply, and the water of life is poured over Ishtar. Thus cured of the infirmities inflicted on her, she retraces her way upward through the seven gates, at each of which she is reinvested with the article of apparel which the guardians had removed. (See The Chaldean Account of Genesis.) No record exists that Ishtar secured the water of life which would have wrought the resurrection of Tammuz.
The myth of Ishtar symbolizes the descent of the human spirit through the seven worlds, or spheres of the sacred planets, until finally, deprived of its spiritual adornments, it incarnates in the physical body–Hades–where the mistress of that body heaps every form of sorrow and misery upon the imprisoned consciousness. The waters of life–the secret doctrine–cure the diseases of ignorance; and the spirit, ascending again to its divine source, regains its God-given adornments as it passes upward through the rings of the planets.
Another Mystery ritual among the Babylonians and Assyrians was that of Merodach and the Dragon. Merodach, the creator of the inferior universe, slays a horrible monster and out of her body forms the universe. Here is the probable source of the so-called Christian allegory of St. George and the Dragon.
The Mysteries of Adonis, or Adoni, were celebrated annually in many parts of Egypt, Phœnicia, and Biblos. The name Adonis, or Adoni, means "Lord" and was a designation applied to the sun and later borrowed by the Jews as the exoteric name of their God. Smyrna, mother of Adonis, was turned into a tree by the gods and after a time the bark burst open and the infant Savior issued forth. According to one account, he was liberated by a wild boar which split the wood of the maternal tree with its tusks. Adonis was born at midnight of the 24th of December, and through his unhappy death a Mystery rite was established that wrought the salvation of his people. In the Jewish month of Tammuz (another name for this deity) he was gored to death by a wild boar sent by the god Ars (Mars). The Adoniasmos was the ceremony of lamenting the premature death of the murdered god.
In Ezekiel viii. 14, it is written that women were weeping for Tammuz (Adonis) at the north gate of the Lord's House in Jerusalem. Sir James George Frazer cites Jerome thus: "He tells us that Bethlehem, the traditionary birthplace of the Lord, was shaded by a grove of that still older Syrian Lord, Adonis, and that where the infant Jesus had wept, the lover of Venus was bewailed." (See The Golden Bough.) The effigy of a wild boar is said to have been set over one of the gates of Jerusalem in honor of Adonis, and his rites celebrated in the grotto of the Nativity at Bethlehem. Adonis as the "gored" (or "god") man is one of the keys to Sir Francis Bacon's use of the "wild boar" in his cryptic symbolism.
Adonis was originally an androgynous deity who represented the solar power which in the winter was destroyed by the evil principle of cold–the boar. After three days (months) in the tomb, Adonis rose triumphant on the 25th day of March, amidst the acclamation of his priests and followers, "He is risen!" Adonis was born out of a myrrh tree. Myrrh, the symbol of death because of its connection with the process of embalming, was one of the gifts brought by the three Magi to the manger of Jesus.
In the Mysteries of Adonis the neophyte passed through the symbolic death of the god and, "raised" by the priests, entered into the blessed state of redemption made possible by the sufferings of Adonis. Nearly all authors believe Adonis to have been originally a vegetation god directly connected with the growth and maturing of flowers
From Kircher's Œdipus Ægyptiacus.
The great Pan was celebrated as the author and director of the sacred dances which he is supposed to have instituted to symbolize the circumambulations of the heavenly bodies. Pan was a composite creature, the upper part–with the exception of his horns–being human, and the lower part in the form of a goat. Pan is the prototype of natural energy and, while undoubtedly a phallic deity, should nor be confused with Priapus. The pipes of Pan signify the natural harmony of the spheres, and the god himself is a symbol of Saturn because this planet is enthroned in Capricorn, whose emblem is a goat. The Egyptians were initiated into the Mysteries of Pan, who was regarded as a phase of Jupiter, the Demiurgus. Pan represented the impregnating power of the sun and was the chief of a horde rustic deities, and satyrs. He also signified the controlling spirit of the lower worlds. The fabricated a story to the effect that at the time of the birth of Christ the oracles were silenced after giving utterance to one last cry, "Great Pan is dead!"
p. 36
and fruits. In support of this viewpoint they describe the "gardens of Adonis, " which were small baskets of earth in which seeds were planted and nurtured for a period of eight days. When those plants prematurely died for lack of sufficient earth, they were considered emblematic of the murdered Adonis and were usually cast into the sea with images of the god.
In Phrygia there existed a remarkable school of religious philosophy which centered around the life and untimely fate of another Savior-God known as Atys, or Attis, by many considered synonymous with Adonis. This deity was born at midnight on the 24th day of December. Of his death there are two accounts. In one he was gored to death like Adonis; in the other he emasculated himself under a pine tree and there died. His body was taken to a cave by the Great Mother (Cybele), where it remained through the ages without decaying. To the rites of Atys the modern world is indebted for the symbolism of the Christmas tree. Atys imparted his immortality to the tree beneath which he died, and Cybele took the tree with her when she removed the body. Atys remained three days in the tomb, rose upon a date corresponding with Easter morn, and by this resurrection overcame death for all who were initiated into his Mysteries.
"In the Mysteries of the Phrygians, "says Julius Firmicus, "which are called those of the MOTHER OF THE GODS, every year a PINE TREE is cut down and in the inside of the tree the image of a YOUTH is tied in! In the Mysteries of Isis the trunk of a PINE TREE is cut: the middle of the trunk is nicely hollowed out; the idol of Osiris made from those hollowed pieces is BURIED. In the Mysteries of Proserpine a tree cut is put together into the effigy and form of the VIRGIN, and when it has been carried within the city it is MOURNED 40 nights, but the fortieth night it is BURNED!" (See Sod, the Mysteries of Adoni.)
The Mysteries of Atys included a sacramental meal during which the neophyte ate out of a drum and drank from a cymbal. After being baptized by the blood of a bull, the new initiate was fed entirely on milk to symbolize that he was still a philosophical infant, having but recently been born out of the sphere of materiality. (See Frazer's The Golden Bough.) Is there a possible connection between this lacteal diet prescribed by the Attic rite and St. Paul's allusion to the food for spiritual babes? Sallust gives a key to the esoteric interpretation of the Attic rituals. Cybele, the Great Mother, signifies the vivifying powers of the universe, and Atys that aspect of the spiritual intellect which is suspended between the divine and animal spheres. The Mother of the gods, loving Atys, gave him a starry hat, signifying celestial powers, but Atys (mankind), falling in love with a nymph (symbolic of the lower animal propensities), forfeited his divinity and lost his creative powers. It is thus evident that Atys represents the human consciousness and that his Mysteries are concerned with the reattainment of the starry hat. (See Sallust on the Gods and the World.)
The rites of Sabazius were very similar to those of Bacchus and it is generally believed that the two deities are identical. Bacchus was born at Sabazius, or Sabaoth, and these names are frequently assigned to him. The Sabazian Mysteries were performed at night, and the ritual included the drawing of a live snake across the breast of the candidate. Clement of Alexandria writes: "The token of the Sabazian Mysteries to the initiated is 'the deity gliding over the breast.'" A golden serpent was the symbol of Sabazius because this deity represented the annual renovation of the world by the solar power. The Jews borrowed the name Sabaoth from these Mysteries and adopted it as one of the appellations of their supreme God. During the time the Sabazian Mysteries were celebrated in Rome, the cult gained many votaries and later influenced the symbolism of Christianity.
The Cabiric Mysteries of Samothrace were renowned among the ancients, being next to the Eleusinian in public esteem. Herodotus declares that the Samothracians received their doctrines, especially those concerning Mercury, from the Pelasgians. Little is known concerning the Cabiric rituals, for they were enshrouded in the profoundest secrecy. Some regard the Cabiri as seven in number and refer to them as "the Seven Spirits of fire before the throne of Saturn." Others believe the Cabiri to be the seven sacred wanderers, later called the planets.
While a vast number of deities are associated with the Samothracian Mysteries, the ritualistic drama centers around four brothers. The first three–Aschieros, Achiochersus, and Achiochersa–attack and murder the fourth–Cashmala (or Cadmillus). Dionysidorus, however, identifies Aschieros with Demeter, Achiochersus with Pluto, Achiochersa with Persephone, and Cashmala with Hermes. Alexander Wilder notes that in the Samothracian ritual "Cadmillus is made to include the Theban Serpent-god, Cadmus, the Thoth of Egypt, the Hermes of the Greeks, and the Emeph or Æsculapius of the Alexandrians and Phœnicians. " Here again is a repetition of the story of Osiris, Bacchus, Adonis, Balder, and Hiram Abiff. The worship of Atys and Cybele was also involved in the Samothracian Mysteries. In the rituals of the Cabiri is to be traced a form of pine-tree worship, for this tree, sacred to Atys, was first trimmed into the form of a cross and then cut down in honor of the murdered god whose body was discovered at its foot.
"If you wish to inspect the orgies of the Corybantes, " writes Clement, "Then know that, having killed their third brother, they covered the head of the dead body with a purple cloth, crowned it, and carrying it on the point of a spear, buried it under the roots of Olympus. These mysteries are, in short, murders and funerals. [This ante-Nicene Father in his efforts to defame the pagan rites apparently ignores the fact that, like the Cabirian martyr, Jesus Christ was foully betrayed, tortured, and finally murdered!] And the priests Of these rites, who are called kings of the sacred rites by those whose business it is to name them, give additional strangeness to the tragic occurrence, by forbidding parsley with the roots from being placed on the table, for they think that parsley grew from the Corybantic blood that flowed forth; just as the women, in celebrating the Thcsmophoria, abstain from eating the seeds of the pomegranate, which have fallen on the ground, from the idea that pomegranates sprang from the drops of the blood of Dionysus. Those Corybantes also they call Cabiric; and the ceremony itself they announce as the Cabiric mystery."
The Mysteries of the Cabiri were divided into three degrees, the first of which celebrated the death of Cashmala, at the hands of his three brothers; the second, the discovery of his mutilated body, the parts of which had been found and gathered after much labor; and the third–accompanied by great rejoicing and happiness–his resurrection and the consequent salvation of the world. The temple of the Cabiri at Samothrace contained a number of curious divinities, many of them misshapen creatures representing the elemental powers of Nature, possibly the Bacchic Titans. Children were initiated into the Cabirian cult with the same dignity as adults, and criminals who reached the sanctuary were safe from pursuit. The Samothracian rites were particularly concerned with navigation, the Dioscuri–Castor and Pollux, or the gods of navigation–being among those propitiated by members of that cult. The Argonautic expedition, listening to the advice of Orpheus, stopped at the island of Samothrace for the purpose of having its members initiated into the Cabiric rites.
Herodotus relates that when Cambyses entered the temple of the Cabiri he was unable to restrain his mirth at seeing before him the figure of a man standing upright and, facing the man, the figure of a woman standing on her head. Had Cambyses been acquainted with the principles of divine astronomy, he would have realized that he was then in the presence of the key to universal equilibrium. "'I ask,' says Voltaire, 'who were these Hierophants, these sacred Freemasons, who celebrated their Ancient Mysteries of Samothracia, and whence came they and their gods Cabiri?'" (See Mackey's Encyclopædia of Freemasonry.) Clement speaks of the Mysteries of the Cabiri as "the sacred Mystery of a brother slain by his brethren," and the "Cabiric death" was one of the secret symbols of antiquity. Thus the allegory of the Self murdered by the not-self is perpetuated through the religious mysticism of all peoples. The philosophic death and the philosophic resurrection are the Lesser and the Greater Mysteries respectively.
A curious aspect of the dying-god myth is that of the Hanged Man. The most important example of this peculiar conception is found in the Odinic rituals where Odin hangs himself for nine nights from the branches of the World Tree and upon the same occasion also pierces his own side with the sacred spear. As the result of this great sacrifice, Odin, while suspended over the depths of Nifl-heim, discovered by meditation the runes or alphabets by which later the records of his people were preserved. Because of this remarkable experience, Odin is sometimes shown seated on a gallows tree and he became the patron deity of all who died by the noose. Esoterically, the Hanged Man is the human spirit which is suspended from heaven by a single thread. Wisdom, not death, is the reward for this voluntary sacrifice during which the human soul, suspended above the world of illusion, and meditating upon its unreality, is rewarded by the achievement of self-realization.
From a consideration of all these ancient and secret rituals it becomes evident that the mystery of the dying god was universal among the illumined and venerated colleges of the sacred teaching. This mystery has been perpetuated in Christianity in the crucifixion and death of the God-man-Jesus the Christ. The secret import of this world tragedy and the Universal Martyr must be rediscovered if Christianity is to reach the heights attained by the pagans in the days of their philosophic supremacy. The myth of the dying god is the key to both universal and individual redemption and regeneration, and those who do not comprehend the true nature of this supreme allegory are not privileged to consider themselves either wise or truly religious.
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I got choked out unconscious by some guy and dropped to the ground and while this happened I heard this really strange sci-fi like sound that I've only ever heard before while doing astral projection, usually before some demons or other astral entities show up, and for me previously this has always been a sign that really awesome stuff is going to happen.
When I got back up my whole body was shaking like my hands and everything shaking extremely hard like I was having a seizure.
It was really cool.
Is there a connection between going unconscious and astral projection?
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>you will never undergo prolonged total sensory deprivation
7 replies
I've been reading
The Psychopath's Bible
aka The Toxick Magician
and other then a comment on psychiatry being a pile of shit that I liked it has sucked so far.
The first thing that pissed me off was when they talked about never using violence and how they strictly forbid it.
The next thing was a footnote making some clarification in order to avoid being accused of sexism.
For a hardcore black magic book that wants to be without limits this is just pathetic so far.
>Footnote 22
For simplicity and convenience we use the pronoun “he” throughout this book to refer to all Toxick Magicians regardless of gender. (We mention this because we certainly don’t want to offend anyone or be accused of sexism.)
Are you shitting me? You don't want to offend anyone or be accused of sexism? What is this bullshit?
I'm on page 16 right now.
21 replies
Hey guys I proved the legitimacy of
astral projection & remote viewing
to /x/ and I'm just so happy, check this out: boards(dot)4chan(dot)org/x/res/12788525#p12789012
>at first they mocked me and didn't believe
>then they realized the amazing truth
I noted all the details I could of this aircraft I saw out in the astral planes then it was later proven in the thread that everything I saw was accurate.
>T58 is the name of engine components
>N21 is Naval Air Systems Command Washington, D.C. 20360
Every detail lines up. Even the colour of the craft (navy blue) and it having a number which associates it with the
Naval Air Systems Command.
I know nothing about planes and have no interest in them so nobody can say it comes out of my own knowledge, this is some very specific technical knowledge with a very small probability of me getting it right at random or being exposed to this material and "remebering it subconsciously".
I've been telling people for quite awhile now the astral reality is no less real than this waking, now I have proof.
Fuck yeah!
It was even suggested that the aircraft I saw is maybe "linked to the 1952 washington d.c. ufo incident".
7 replies
Still using non 432hz frequencies?
7 replies
If you were to look up "Anti-Cosmic Satanism" you'll find an idea similar to this,
is there any way to escape the process of incarnation and escape this cosmos, defy the gods of this universe, spiritual plane, avoid inevitable unity with the creator and go off in to your own chaotic universe, or perhaps become your own God, instead of submitting to the deities of this cosmos and their tyrannic dreams and plans for your spirit?
1 reply
What spell has the best mana cost to dmg ratio?
12 replies
This is the feel I keep getting all the time when seeing the idiot masses on /x/ and everywhere else spew the same stuff they always do about increasing productivity, furthering science, curing diseases, making us all work more, etc. and when they invoke their materialist, reductionist, post-modernist, physicalist, rationalist, anti-spiritual, atheistic, etc. philosophy.
The only way they can carry on with the imaginary they live by is by not questioning it.
When you question it, they get mad, and confused; and they shout out buzzwords like "edgy" or diagnose you with a mental illness and other such things.
It's definitely a mindset which requires constant work and meaningless distractions to be maintained.
I can't wait for the Irlmaier prophecies to be realized and everyone to be forced to wake the fuck up from the degenerate and soul-crushing way of life they have created.
"I think that we are at a crossing in the roads of history, history in the grand sense. One road already appears clearly laid out, at least in its general orientation. That's the road of the loss of meaning, of the repetition of empty forms, of conformism, apathy, irresponsibility, and cynicism at the same time as it is that of the tightening grip of the capitalist imaginary of unlimited expansion of "rational mastery," pseudorational pseudomastery, of an unlimited expansion of consumption for the sake of consumption, that is to say, for nothing, and of a technoscience that has become autonomized along its path and that is evidently involved in the domination of this capitalist imaginary. The other road should be opened: it is not at all laid out. It can be opened only through a social and political awakening, a resurgence of the project of individual and collective autonomy, that is to say, of the will to freedom. This would require an awakening of the imagination and of the creative imaginary."
0 replies
I believe that I met Eris while going through a series of visions in a trance.
She was wearing a blue suit and had blonde hair and was dancing and looking rather mischievous and very lively.
She definitely met the Eris archetype.
Was awesome to meet.
Hail Eris!
Hail Discordia!
5 replies
The Twelve Dimensions of Creation – Part I
When I finally discovered the twelve dimensions of Creation, I was astounded by the symmetry of the Creator’s work.
In physics, symmetry is a sign that a theory is viable, because nature exhibits symmetry in so many ways. I had been pursuing the nature of the structure of reality for decades, most especially in recent years. Then, one day in 2002, the keys of the universe just fell into place like some self-organizing jigsaw puzzle.
Dimensions are measurable items, the variables of the universe. For example, space consists of three dimensions – length, breadth, and height – and time is referred to as the fourth dimension. A wooden cube on a table top has three dimensions in space, measuring, say, 2 inches (5 cm) by 2 inches by 2 inches. It also exists at that point in time.
Time is not just a linear flow, as in the river of time. It is, more accurately, the dimension that brings physical motion into existence. The wooden cube arrived upon the table top at some point in time, and it will leave the table top at another point in time. When it leaves it will be exhibiting motion through space.
So far, that makes a total of four dimensions, or four ways to measure reality. But what of the other dimensions of existence? In the 1990s, mathematicians working on the string theories of physics discovered the likelihood of there being at least ten dimensions in existence, not just the four dimensions that we had acknowledged before.
Physics has already proven that physical matter is energy, i.e. electro-magnetic energy held in a state of tension. Therefore, if the wooden cube is made up of electro-magnetic energy, then electric energy and magnetic energy are two more measurable dimensions. An object has so much electric energy and so much magnetic energy. Dimensions are measurable variables affecting the existence of objects, therefore electric energy and magnetic energy are two of the dimensions of existence. They usually express themselves in an entwined, electro-magnetic form, but underneath they are two distinct forms of energy.
In experiments with subatomic particles, the consciousness of the observer often affects the outcome of the experiment. Therefore we can chalk up two more dimensional variables – thought and feeling, which are the components of human conscious awareness.
Thought, here, refers to intellect or mental activity in a linear direction. For example, arithmetic is linear, so is algebra, so are digital computer processes. Linear thinking is a logical, left-brain skill. Holistic, right-brain skills, on the other hand, embrace emotions, intuition and the ability to see a pattern within a whole picture. Thought and feeling express themselves in an entwined form, as does electro-magnetic energy, but underneath they are two distinct aspects of consciousness.
That makes, so far, a total of three space dimensions (length, breadth and height), one time dimension, two consciousness (thought and feeling) and two energy dimensions (electricity and magnetism), for a total of eight dimensions so far.
4 replies
What are the best /fringe/-approved spells and magic casts?
9 replies
What are your thoughts on shinto religion and spirituality /fringe/?
Are the godesses of the Kojiki possibly related with those of the Eddas?
1 reply
Are alpha waves greenpilled /fringe/?
1 reply
I think there is a very strong case for our whole reality being created by a God who is actually a limited being, quite possibly has a name like maybe "Yahweh" or "Jehovah" or something else, gets wrathful at times and actually does enact divine intervention and has legions of helper entities to carry out his work.
This god is not the ultimate god and our whole reality is not the ultimate reality.
He's probably not even the only god either. There may have been a succession of gods and they may have had fights with each other, made edits to our reality, etc.
It's also probable that there is some greater purpose which these gods have in mind for us but it might not be what we want it to be.
Maybe we're just entertainment, or they are collecting life experiences and adding it to a massive archive then dissolving our consciousness again back to a lower level, while the consciousness of the species as a whole grows or something and at times maybe we threaten our creators and so they engineer events to cause a collapse.
It's possible to that in the realm of the gods there are divine beings that want to help us. Maybe to them we are nothing more than an experiment, but even so, some have fallen in love with the creation and become caught up in the dramas so much they feel love for us and want to help. Other gods maybe hate us, I don't know.
What do you think /fringe/? I believe that in most philosophical discussions we assume automatically that our universe is built upon no layers of abstraction, that above us is just the source, but I think that could be wrong and that history might yield a lot of evidence to suggest as much.
Is our universe created by limited, imperfect beings?
Does our history yield plenty of evidence of divine intervention and wrath?
Could our god(s) be very much like men, with names, entitized forms, etc.?
5 replies
I have finally found some decent information on the process itself. If you have ever 'seen red' these links will probably be of interest to you.
I am going to perform an initiation ritual as is suggested for gaining better conscious control over the ability. If anyone else is doing so too, please discuss your results. There are apparently many berserkers using the above sites and I read mention of a forum. They may be a better resource but I feel this is also an appropriate topic for /fringe/
Still, I recommend utilising the already established community for specific questions, as is my intention.
May Woden guide you.
2 replies
Socrates’ Daimon
The first written data on contact with a positive Entity in Western culture come from Socrates. He mentions an Entity who manifested itself as an inner voice and guided him through life. These words of Socrates are preserved in extant documents: “The favor of the gods has given me a marvelous gift, which has never left me since my childhood. It is a voice which, when it makes itself heard, deters me from what I am about to do and never urges me on.” The inner voice came from a spiritual Entity whom Socrates called his Daimon. Later, a word with negative connotations was derived from this name – “demon”. Daimon unerringly guided Socrates through life’s troubles and finally sent him to his death in a state of complete calmness and peacefulness. Hence, Socrates’ conduct has been for ages an example of sublime morality for many. Socrates did not hide from his environment the voice that instructed him to act wisely. He would often pause, listen to what his Daimon had to say, and act accordingly. He usually informed men he had discourse with of the content of the message.
Official psychiatry of today would probably classify Socrates’ experiences as audible hallucinations. He perceived the voice of Daimon as something angelic or divine, apart from his being, which had a pure motive to guide him through life along the correct path. Socrates’ critics and opponents laughed at his statements about Daimon’s voice, because it advised him in less important situations, but did not say a word during his arrest and trial. Socrates answered:
“That prophetic voice, the voice of divinity, has recently appeared very often and warned me even concerning most trivial things when I was going to do something wrong. Now, as you can see, the thing that could be considered the greatest evil happened. Yet that godly voice did not object neither this morning when I left home, nor when I came to this trial, nor at any point in my apology as I intended to say something. In other cases it would stop me in the middle of a sentence. How do I explain it? Well, this is how: I reckon that what happened to me, happened as a good thing. We, who believe that death is something evil, can never understand it.”
3 replies
47. UFOs
We have in these times many things
Which were invented by the Ancients
Which we admit and experiment with
And readily allow them to pass
Which if rightly looked at
Are hardly to be comprehended by human mind.
Altar of the Theraphic Tie, by
B.M.I. of the Rosicrucians, 1616 AD
UFOs. One of the most avoided topics in the world. Why are people scared to talk about UFOs? It's as if we've been programmed to consider anyone who talks about such things as crazy. We can talk about all kinds of strange things, but we can't talk about UFOs. We deliberately avoid this one topic for no apparent reason.
Paul Hellyer is the former Deputy Prime Minister of Canada, and ex Canadian Minister of National Defense. Even when this guy talks about UFOs nobody listens.
In Britain on 2nd July 1995, the big London daily, The Mail, reported that Nick Pope, head of the Ministry of Defense's Air Staff Secretariat's Office of Special Reports, had resigned and publicly announced that he is a believer in UFOs and had seen numerous official reports while working in the Ministry of Defense.
There are also plenty of paintings of UFOs which are already hundreds of years old. Look up "ufos in art".
I could go on and on, but there's no point. There is overwhelming evidence already. I just hope you see how this all fits together and who really flies those UFOs.
The following is the transcript of a recording from the 1972 UFO conference at Tampa, Florida.
(Moderator- It was Professor Carr who sent shock waves through the Pentagon and the Air Force on October 14th, when he accused the Air Force of not telling the truth about Flying Saucers. At a news conference in Tampa, Florida, Professor Carr said he had information that the Air Force had two flying saucers and the bodies of twelve (12) spacemen on ice in a refrigerated building at Wright Patterson Field in Dayton, Ohio.
At the Flying Saucer symposium Professor Carr talked for an hour about what he calls the "worst kept secret in the world." The discovery in February, 1948 of two flying saucers in northwestern New Mexico, near the town of Aztec.)
It is known throughout the academic world, the medical world, it is known throughout the Air Force, and above all it is known throughout the CIA, ah, that the Air Intelligence at Wright Patterson Field has in its possession a spacecraft, thirty-one (31) feet in diameter, and it is entirely undamaged, except for a hole…small hole broken in the plastic dome…the transparent plastic dome that covered the cockpit. And because of this accident in space, the twelve small human beings….ah….died suddenly of decompression, in the purely mortal way that our…that the Russian astronauts perished last year in a similar accident of decompression during re-entry. They were not shot down by our fighter planes, they suffered an operational loss.
However, in this particular case, it was very fortunate that our alert radar net in the western states had the UFO on itsscreen. In fact, three radar stations were tracking an unidentified object at immense altitude and traveling at unbelievable speed when it stopped …fluttered…went out of control…and fell, circling toward the earth. Because three radar stations were locked on it, they were able to triangulate the point at which it reached earth. That point was three miles west of the small town of Aztec, New Mexico, in the northern part of the state near the Colorado line.
At that time I owned and operated a ranch in the high mountains of northern New Mexico. It happened in my neighborhood.
All available law enforcement officers were rushed to the scene, and planes were flown from the nearest Air Force Base, which is Edwards Air Force Base in the Mojave Desert. And, as they landed there was a silvery gleaming disc shaped spacecraft standing on a tripod landing gear. Apparently it made an automatic landing after its occupants had died. And, as the local sheriffs approached with drawn guns (oh, you can be sure the guns were drawn….let anything new appear, and the guns are drawn) they surrounded the space craft and peered into the cockpit and there, slumped over their instruments, motionless, were twelve small men.
The Air Force arrived, and due to their ingenuity (it was quite ingenious, but I won't go into the technical details) they managed to get the door open and the medical officers said that the bodies were…ah…well, the bodies were still limp and warm. They had been dead only a short time. They were put aboard a hospital plane and flown to the nearest large mortuary, which is at Edwards Air Force Base, where they have (as do all large military establishments) a large refrigerated morgue. After all, a very large base devoted to death would need a morgue. The City of Tampa has a refrigerated morgue for overnight visitors who can't find hotel accommodations (audience laughter).
Edwards Air Force Base received this in February, 1948. Now that was at the…in the..one of the worst periods of the cold war. The President was notified, but the President didn't come. No one knew quite what to do. The bodies were carefully preserved in cryonic (sp?) suspension, which is not as the Air Force spokesman on the television program yesterday in ridiculing and abusing me, said that "Bob Carr says little green men are being kept in the frozen food locker". You see, you just change a few words, and you can convert the story of the century into a bit of idiocy. First of all, they weren't green. They were fair skinned. All were males. They were between three and four feet in height, three and a half being about the average. All had light hair, differing shades of light hair, but on the brownish/yellow side. All had blue eyes. All had perfect teeth, without any dental work. All were superb physical specimens, with null asymmetrical development. Dressed in American clothes they could pass un-noticed on the streets of Tampa as small men or as children.
Now, it was decided…(Carr pauses)
Which do you want to hear about first? The really important news of what our leading metallurgists, electronics experts, and aeronautical engineers were able to find out about the spacecraft itself, or do you want to hear about the bodies.
First let's have a vote. How many of you want to hear about the construction and content of the spacecraft itself….(pauses to take note of raised hands)…Now, how many of you will not rest easy until you hear about the autopsy…..(crowd laughter)…this is by far a majority. And frankly, it's human. Who wants to hear about a giant solenoid, when you can hear about an autopsy.
One body was selected for autopsy by a carefully screen group of government physicians. Six performed the autopsy. It was photographed, motion pictures were made. You may be assured that it was done in an operating theater, under many watchful eyes. And, as our unfortunate little visitor from far away was dismembered and disemboweled, and his organs were laid out and identified, he was found to have the same organs that a human being has, and in about the same place. He was human. The blood type was human. Genes and chromosomes would match up with those of an Earth woman. Either we are their lost colony or they are our lost cousins. Biologically, the chances of utterly unrelated life developing across the aching immensities of interstellar space, and coming out with two absolutely identical species…the odds are like….well, it's like rolling thirty-seven (37) sevens in a row in a crap game, it just couldn't happen. No, we are somehow related.
They came here, probably, because they too are oxygen breathers, and water drinkers. If they had been ammonia breathing turtles, they could have gone to Jupiter or some congenial place. But, no, they were like ourselves, so theysought out our planet. Undoubtedly, there has been an unbroken link going back a long time.
Everything was quite normal until the celebrated brain surgeon got out his horrid little saw and sawed open the skull, and laid bare the right hemisphere of the brain, and then the six assembled surgeons gasped because they realized they were looking upon something that no human eyes had ever before beheld. There, on the body of a vigorous young man, estimated to be thirty (30) years of age in Earth time, could have been a small Olympic athlete, there in his skull was the brain of a human being several hundred years old. The surgeons said..the brain specialists said that never had they seen the surface of a brain so deeply, and so intricately convoluted. And as you all know, the convolutions of the brain are an indication, an infallible indication, of both the age of the brain and the state of its intellectual development. A feeble minded person of any age has an almost smooth brain surface. A new born baby has a smooth brain surface. But, as age and intellectual development occur, the convolutions become more pronounced…these are little folds and rivulets…you've seen them…ah…and they had never seen so highly convoluted a brain. And if the same biological standards apply to their planet, as they apply to this, there was a man several hundred years old who had been spared the infirmities of age, and had never known senility. What a gift this would be if they could tell us how they do it. Ponce DeLeon and his fountain of youth. If they could share their medical secrets, and other hygienic secrets with us…what a gift this would be to the human race. How much more amazing than the weapons I must tell you about, or the means of propulsion that the Russians at this moment doing everything they can to try and capture…would be the gift of life to the human race. This is what the Air Force is striking aside every day by armed attacks on Unidentified Flying Objects, which have done nothing hostile toward the United States, except possibly to fail to answer the recognition signal of the day..ah…in the right idiom.
Major Donald E. Keyhoe in his latest book, Aliens From Space, documents over one thousand instances where fighter plans have been scrambled to attach harmless UFOs with the most deadly weapons that we have developed, simply to try and shoot one down. They have never succeeded. Certain pilots during debriefing sessions…shaking…ashen faced…have told their commanding officers that they got within gun range…they opened up with four cannon…not one shell ever struck the skin of the UFO. Apparently they are surrounded by a powerful force field of electromagnetic emissions which can …ah… is probably intended to protect them from meteorites, which of course are very dangerous, but will certainly make bullets curve enough to miss them. Think what that secret would be worth.
This great age of the beautiful young man has profound psychic significance as well. Think what an opportunity it would be to develop the psychic powers…to develop culture.. To develop literature, history, and how little space travel would mean to a race whose life span was several times longer than our life span. Ladies and gentlemen, I am an old man…a retired professor. I have spent my life in the pursuit, however feeble and limping, the pursuit of truth. And I can tell you that the central tragedy of the human race on this planet is not the curse of war, horrible as that is. It is not the burden of poverty, inexcusable as that is on a rich planet. It is not the grief and pain of disease, which is merely a measure of our ignorance because our scientists are making valiant efforts to overcome disease. No, the central tragedy of human life is so common place that most of us never face it. It is the tragic brevity of human life. A man or woman just about learns to do his or her job well, and we retire them. They live a little longer and get a few glimpses of understanding, of comprehension, of psychic insight, and we bury them. The life is over long before a hundred years. A one hundred year old person is quite a curiosity, and is usually quite feeble. Or, as a Pennsylvania Dutch farmer once said to me, in a very pithy statement, which is much more eloquent than my plea, " So slow we get smart, and so quick we get old." That is the tragedy of human life, and that is one of the secrets that our friends from space…that is one of the benefits they might bring us in this 20th century. If we would only stop shooting at them, and let them land in peace at a designated safe zone in the southeastern United States…southwestern United States, at a certain part of New Mexico, where there are no military installations for many miles…would be plainly designated as a safe landing zone. This is OPERATION LURE, and I want to tell you that in the entire 25 years that we have been shooting at them, there is not one authenticated case of a UFO intentionally harming a human being. Imaging what patience, and what forbearance, for them to have been fired upon and chased, and repulsed in their efforts to be friendly and not once to have harmed a human being.
Let us prepare our minds, then, by banishing fear. Let us put aside all boogie men, and silly talk of little green men and bug eyed monsters. And further more, those who talk that way, let us gently correct them. They're doing a very great disservice to our country, especially to the children. A little child called me up in the middle of the night last night: "Is it true we are being invaded from Mars?" That's cruel to children. There's nothing to be afraid of.
Now. We call also stop calling them UFOs. Because if anything in the sky has ever been fully identified, it is the socalled Unidentified Flying Object. The Air Force has spent millions photographing them up close, studying them, measuring them, and have quite a collection of photographs, hundreds of feet of motion picture film, and all of this of course had to be withheld from the American people. Not through any sinister conspiracy, but for our own good. Because back in the days when this material evidence came into the possession of Air Intelligence…most of you are too young to remember….but we were in the worst days of the so called cold war. People here in Tampa were digging air raid shelters in their back yards. If a truck backfired school children dove under their desks thinking the Russians had attacked. And when the spacecraft itself with the twelve dead occupants was picked up, then of course the Central Intelligence Agency had to intervene. Up until that time it had been an Air Force problem, chasing spooks…chasing…well, chasing something. But when a foreign intrusion occurs, the appearance of the CIA on the scene is prima fascia evidence that the UFOs are real. Let me repeat, the CIA would never have taken over had there not been real UFOs from another world. How foreign can you get?
So they, in their wisdom, caused the Brookings institution in Washington to make a national survey of…ah…to predict what the effect on the national psychology would be if the President came on the air and calmly announced that "Ladies and gentlemen, these things you are seeing are real, they're from another world, they are piloted by intelligent small human beings like ourselves. There is nothing to be afraid of, and will everybody please stop shooting at them." The Brookings Institution replied that this must never be released, because the American people are teetering on the ragged edge of hysteria already. The nervousness…the tension over the cold war is so great that for the President to make such a statement official…to give it sanction…would be too much. Too many people would go over the deep end.
Professor Robert Carr, 1972
10 replies
My model of reality is thus:
Each conscious entity constructs reality itself. You can think of this reality construction as bubbles of awareness and creation centred around each entity. Every one of these entities is in a web of possibilities and gathers focus. When bubbles overlap they become denser and more stable and their wills limit each other. Waking reality is the way it is because our collective conscious's are limiting each other severely. The dreamscape is deeper reality and in its fringes are more malleable but it also more out of focus. The power of each conscious entity is not the same. Evolution & experience & suffering lead one towards greater spiritual transcendence. It is possible to overpower others and reality and to engage in psychic warfare. You can deceive others and control them and exploit them or reveal truth to them and guide them. Always be wary of deceivers. With an extremely high level of power gained through lucidity and awareness you can transcend into 4th density reality and manipulate the 3rd density at the same. Doing this will give you a momentary advantage over others however it will also break their illusions and allow them to grow in power too. If you want to retain control over others you must manipulate them subtly and keep them in ignorance of the higher reality. I personally don't want to enslave my fellow pro-white resistors though so I'm telling what needs to be known and hope more of you can see through the deception and grow in power too.
Any questions?
(Above text dated
Fri 01 Feb 2013 09:53:03 AM EST)
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The dark, deep roots of Britain's fascination with witchcraft
As the cinema queues form again for our seasonal dose of hobbits, wizards, and strangely aggressive dwarves, there seems to be a big question hanging in the air - larger even than whether the intrepid hairballs will reach the next unpronounceable town.
It is this. What does our fascination with watching them yomp to-and-fro across Middle-earth tell us about Britain's beliefs today? More precisely, what does it reveal about our attitude to magic and the supernatural?
To put the question in context, in 1937 J R R Tolkien published his neo-medieval epic, The Hobbit or There and Back Again.
Its magic-fuelled adventure was an instant hit.
Yet in 1944, only seven years later, juries at London's austere Old Bailey were still gamely convicting women under the ancient Witchcraft Act 1735.
Moving ahead six years, in 1950 Tolkien's friend and fellow don C S Lewis enchanted the public with his witchy goings on in Narnia. Hot on its heels, in 1954 Tolkein unleashed the great Lord of the Rings trilogy, which was instantly acclaimed by a loyal and expectant readership.
So how did the same public coo with delight at Gandalf's nonchalant command of the magical realm, yet look on with equanimity as Helen Duncan and 72-year-old Jane Yorke were subjected to full criminal trials for talking to spirits? The same readers of Tolkein and Lewis watched as both women were convicted by jury, fined in the case of Yorke, and carted off to Holloway Prison in the case of Duncan.
Fortunately, the offence was no longer capital, and there was never any question of hanging - although it would be another 11 years before the gallows trap was finally shut in Britain. The honour of being the last witch to be burned in the British Isles went to Janet Horne in Scotland, who was sent to the stake in 1727 for riding her daughter to the Devil, where he shod her. At least, as far as the presiding sheriff was concerned, this seemed the only explanation for her unfortunate daughter's deformed hands and feet.
So how, in Blitz-scarred London, were two women found guilty under witchcraft legislation at a time when Tolkien and Lewis were stamping out wizards and witches by the kilo?
Whoever reads the (refreshingly) short Witchcraft Act 1735 quickly finds that it is tragically misnamed. It should really be called the Abolition of the Idea of Witchcraft Act.
The previous Witchcraft Acts had been built on the unshakable certainty that witches - who wantonly consorted with foul demons and undermined upstanding members of society - needed to be put to death.
7 replies
Atma Shatakam
I am not mind, nor intellect, nor ego,
nor the reflections of inner self.
I am not the five senses, beyond that I am.
I am not the five elements: neither ether,
nor earth, wind, or fire.
I am indeed That eternal knowing and bliss,
eternal love, pure consciousness.
Neither can I be named as energy alone,
nor the five types of breath,
nor the seven material essences,
nor the five coverings.
Neither am I the five instruments of elimination,
procreation, motion, grasping, or speaking.
I am indeed That eternal knowing and bliss
unchanging love, one consciousness.
I have no hatred or dislike,
nor affiliation or liking,
nor greed,nor delusion,
nor pride or haughtiness,
nor feelings of envy or jealousy.
I have no care, nor any wealth,
nor any desire I am,
nor even liberation.
I am indeed That eternal knowing and bliss,
boundless love, pure awareness.
I have neither merit, nor demerit
I am not bound by sins or good deeds,
nor by happiness or sorrow,
not pain or pleasure.
I am free from mantras, holy places,
scriptures, rituals or sacrifices.
I am none of the triad of
observer, act of observing or the object itself.
I am indeed, That eternal knowing and bliss, Shiva, pure love, flawless consciousness.
No fear of death I have,
I have no separation from my true self,
no doubt about my existence,
nor have I discrimination on the basis of birth.
I have no father or mother, nor did I have a birth.
I am not the relative, nor the friend,
nor the guru, nor the disciple.
I am indeed, That eternal knowing and bliss,
immaculate love, fully awake.
I am all embracing,
without any attributes, without any form.
I have neither attachment to the world,
nor to liberation.
I have no wishes for anything
because I am everything,
everywhere, every time,
always in equilibrium.
I am indeed, That eternal knowing and bliss,
That unfathomable grace.
6 replies
Spirituality can be defined in many ways. Since I am a Rune master, I prefer to say that spirituality is a way of life.
Spirituality also implies that there are certain rules for living and certain tools to guide us. The rules are to live consciously and to always be leaning forward. The tools are the Runes.
The Runes are Universal Creative energies. We use them consciously to create a better life for ourselves and our loved ones.
Spirituality also means that we have a destiny and that destiny is to evolve, become more conscious and more God-like.
The simplicity of good and evil goes like this: Whatever leads you towards consciousness, individuality and the Creator God is good. What ever leads you to unconsciousness, mass mindedness and bestiality is evil.
We as Americans, have lost our Spirituality. But our ancestors and our Runic spiritual leaders such as Guido Von List were very spiritual. <br>Not only in their writings and teachings but also in their way of life.
Guido Von List knew the dangers of big city living, when he wrote, One must flee those places where life throbs and seek out lonely spots untouched by human hands to lift the Magic of Nature.
He felt that contemporary man denied the primal laws of nature and created life destroying religions. They have built a distorted normality. We can now see, especially in America, after the last election a corruption that is beginning to disgust us.
Guido Von List gave the world the most powerful of all runes. His 18 Rune Futhark. He was born October 5, 1848. He wrote a very spiritual book, The Secret of the Runes. This is an occult work that made him one of the most important figures in Germanic Revolutionism, Germanic Mysticism and Runic Revolutionism.
In 1862, he visited the catacombs of a pagan shrine. He was most impressed with what he saw. He swore that some day he would build a temple to Wotan (Odin) when he grew up.He wrote several other books on the spirituality of tribal Germany.
World War 1 and the food shortage affected the heart of the 70 year old Von List. He died of pneumonia and his ashes were buried in Viennas most famous cemetery along with other spiritual Germans Beethoven, Brahms, Schubert and Strauss.
He named his spiritual religion the Armanenshaft. He claimed this to be the original religion of the German tribes. He believed in the magical powers of the Old Runes. They are now known as the Armanen Runes.
He said, The wonderful thing concerning the runes is that they have an individual life, that the interpretation and meaning is within them and not within us, not in our arbitrary thinking.
If you have ever had the experience to study the Armanen Runes using Guido Von Lists spiritual exercises and postures, you would never again doubt the power of the Runes.
The murmuring Runes of the Universe, the sacred symbols of salvation of the Cosmos are deeply buried within ourselves, in our soul as inherited memories. They call, murmur and rush within us, and we could not get them outside of us by imitation, if they were not built into us since eternity.
1 reply
The Tempel ov Blood exists as a Nexion to the Dark Gods as well as a guidance and filtration system for aspiring Noctulians. For those seeking a harsh alchemical change into the Transcendental Predator based on a synthesis of Sinister Hebdomantry and Vampirism…Our Calcination, Seperation, and final Coagulation will create a New Being capable of bringing about the "Day of Wrath" spoken of in the Diabolus Chant. Hail the New Aeon! Agios Athanatos!
The Focus and Direction of the Tempel ov Blood:
For those so inclined to work with the Tempel ov Blood (after proving their Noctulian potential), our main aims are threefold:
First, we wish to hold as our highest priority the creation of the New Being. The realization of the meaning of the human's life is this - humans are nothing in themselves, they are great however once they have decided to become a bridge to the New Being variously described and symbolized by Homo Galactica, Ubermensch, Noctulians, Vampires, and the various titles given to Alien beings in such mythologies. ANY and ALL humans who fail to embrace this evolutionary urge will serve as food and a resource to be used by the New Being- as a human would a lesser animal. Thus is our philosophy and way of being a terror to the Magian. So much sweeter will their Blood Essence be to consume…
Second, the infiltration and manipulation of organizations and forms with Sinister potential. Aryanism, particularly the more religiously fanatical forms of it, such as Christian Identity are a good example. The manipulating Noctulian is to use these forms for their own Presencing of the Dark, as well as changing in subtle ways the followers of such forms to following a more Sinister direction. For example, in Identity, using knowledge of the Biblical doctrines and prophecies encourage war, hardship, and system disruption using the scriptures as guidance and proof of the message you are sending to adherents of the said form. Any form with a transhuman, system disruption, or satanic direction to it may be of use here. The key is finding a form that in itself is an aid to the Dialect and empowering it further, causing a saturation of Acasual Energy.
Third, disruption of Magian organizations. Whether overtly occult forms, such as Judeo-Christian churches, Wicca covens, pseudo-satanic temples, or more physical "down to earth" forms such as Magian political groups and government. These need to be infiltrated and disrupted via both magical means (the ways of which are detailed in a ms not available to the public) as well as in more physical and practical ways.
The Tempel itself is but a means for the Noctulian Empire to provide a harsh alchemical change process to those who seek it, allowing them to aid the dialect on their own with the knowledge and skills attained during the transformation. Those few who go on to become Noctulians will join with us in our Harvest and pass thru the Jihad as One of Them that will reign immortal in the Dark Land.
"Come as a reaper, for thus will you sow." - Black Book of Satan
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Wizard Survival 08/09/13 (Fri) 00:33:54 No.1111
I have been able to do more and more amazing things with magic
it is incredibly powerful for me.
There are two things I am wondering about and have been for weeks now that I really can't make up my mind about:
1. Does all the power reside within me or is it in the demons/entities I associate with? Should I cast them all aside and rely only upon my own will, energy, and intuition to advance forward? Are the demons just parasiting off of me waiting for their chance to possess me fully when I am in trouble?
2. Will I be killed by other wizards for using my magic to destroy my enemies, gain things for myself, etc.? Does this mean I have to stay completely secret less someone connects the events I manifest with me then I become a target for other entities both human and hyperdimensional?
I have a really shit life. It's getting better thanks to magic but about half of everything I do is dark/evil in some sense. I violate freewill, steal energy from others, control their minds, etc.
The rest of what I do isn't really helpful either it's mostly stuff that's just neutral like meditation, astral projection, etc. I can't heal people (or even myself). I can't help them. I don't even want to, mundanes disgust me, and they don't want to be helped.
I'm getting paranoid though. I don't know what happened to some of the other wizards I knew, they just disappeared, and I know there's bound to be some faggot white knight moral crusader or government type or even just other dark wizards that don't want competitors that probably will fuck my shit up given the chance. I reckon the majority of fools with high morals won't actually know enough to be a real threat but I'm not sure that there aren't those out there who'd kill me.
I'm very glad the majority of the population doesn't believe in magic and doesn't burn witches anymore. I doubt that means I'm in the clear though.
I want to keep pushing things and bringing more chaos into this world but I'm probably going to die for it.
08/09/13 (Fri) 04:49:36 No.1114
Personally, I won't be hunting you down unless you hamper my efforts. I also don't think the demons/entities you work with are the source of your strength. Sometimes they may assist but they always serve their own interests. I'd say you're better off without them.
>I want to keep pushing things and bringing more chaos into this world but I'm probably going to die for it.
You'll die anyway, what you need to figure out is how you want to leave this world. A great many folk who have the ability to do amazing things let their chance slide and fade away into obscurity after death. History has no place for the mediocre masses. Chaos is necessary for the transformation to come, there is no Harmony without Chaos. The Glory of Chaos is Eternal, leave a legacy.
As for those others who will oppose you, destroy them. Leave none to tell the tale of their meddling with your Great Work. You may think they are the most powerful being in the universe and maybe they are, but just like mundanes they do not have true pride. Believe in your own strength and lay waste to the fools who dare to stand in your way.
08/09/13 (Fri) 13:11:27 No.1116
>As for those others who will oppose you, destroy them. Leave none to tell the tale of their meddling with your Great Work. You may think they are the most powerful being in the universe and maybe they are, but just like mundanes they do not have true pride. Believe in your own strength and lay waste to the fools who dare to stand in your way.
This is the most self-aggrandizing nonsense I have ever read. You are too self-important. There is no power in acts that arise from the bolstering of yourself as an "important individual"
no matter how adept you become with your magic you will simply be trapping yourself in another layer of the proverbial onion. Just look what happened to the ancient sorcerers. If you seek to make war on others you will never find freedom.
For you, OP:
>1. Does all the power reside within me or is it in the demons/entities I associate with?
It depends on how much personal power you have stored, how you've implemented it, and how much help you're allowing yourself to receive from the inorganic beings. You should be able to tell the difference between when you are using your own energy and the times you are being assisted. If you are unsure where your power is coming from then you shouldn't be allowing any external interference yet. Storing personal power requires a very rigid and disciplined lifestyle. If you haven't been practicing living like a warrior the chances of it being borrowed energy from your "demons" is very high, especially if you've been soliciting their help by intending communication with them.
>Should I cast them all aside and rely only upon my own will, energy, and intuition to advance forward?
You should cast them all aside until you have acquired more knowledge, stored more power, and finished completing and learning how to use your dreaming body (energy body). The forces you are playing with play for keeps, and their price is your energy and your freedom. They are always poised to teach, but they cater their instruction to the nature of the human participant. If you are in it for self-important reasons it will be a disastrous affair for you - which is why I've emphasized the slow process of storing your power by living impeccably instead of the instant gratification of seeking power elsewhere.
>Are the demons just parasiting off of me waiting for their chance to possess me fully when I am in trouble?
They bask in our energy output like we bask in the sun's light. Think of your feelings and energy as their fuel, much like the rays of the sun fuel organic life in this layer. You can have symbiotic relationships with them, but they aren't ultimately necessary for a sorcerer's definitive journey. In fact, most of the time having relations with them will just complicate things for you. I suppose it depends on the dispositions and predilections of the individuals involved. The old sorcerers loved their allies and became hopelessly entangled with them. Many even modeled their energy bodies after them and extended the longevity of their own consciousnesses beyond our comprehension. Here's the unfortunate part: There is a threshold humans reach after storing our energy to it's full capacity, after which we must get a boost from the inorganic realm to take us further. This is only really applicable to acts of sorcery that involve things like:
Accessing the non-human bands of the unknown in dreaming (or astral projection as this board tends to call it)
Silly shit that doesn't have much practical application like levitating objects at will in normal day-to-day life. (It sounds cool, but in the big picture levitating objects is a grand waste of precious energy.)
Remember: the ultimate act of sorcery is to come to the totality of yourself. As far as I know the inorganic beings can't do much to help us reach that goal, which essentially makes them useless. Having a relationship with them is very "expensive" in energetic terms, and you'll need all the energy you can get (and more!) to arrive at the totality of yourself before you die.
>2. Will I be killed by other wizards for using my magic to destroy my enemies, gain things for myself, etc.? Does this mean I have to stay completely secret less someone connects the events I manifest with me then I become a target for other entities both human and hyperdimensional?
It is easier for an average man to kill a sorcerer than for another sorcerer to kill a sorcerer. Lol. If you use your own magic for harming others and for self gain, you will be damning yourself to a fate worse than death. If you behave that way other practitioners will be the least of your worries in this extremely predatory Universe.
Read "The Art of Dreaming" by Carlos Castaneda. That will give you the information you're looking for
1 reply
Kamala-Jnana is one of nom de plume of a contemporary alchemist Roger Caro that was a Superior of the Temple of Ajunta of F.A.R + C in France. The Collegial Al-kimia to which we also belonged some time ago. It is the External Circle of the Old Rosa + Cruz headquartered in France. With Roger Caro’s death, the Collegial Al-kimia has fallen asleep.
Roger Caro was born in 1911 and died in January of 1992.
Reading the Introduction of his book Dictionaire de Philosophie Alchimique, the impression that is in the attentive reader, is that Kamala-Jnana would be Jean and has died in an accident. His brother Pierrot, also deceased some time later, will have kept with the goods of his writings, the ones which, after his death, went to a friend's hands who, in turn, gave them to one such Pierre Deleuvre to publish them. It looks as trough this does not pass of a fiction such as of the Fulcanelli.
Nevertheless, the Kamala-Jnana’s work, under the alchemic point of view is of extraordinary beauty. At the first view, for an expert alchemist, it seems to be of a great simplicity. But great obstacles will show themselves for those who think like this.
Under that apparent simplicity hides a "key" (secret) of operative difficulty that makes one spend years of his life studying this magnificent alchemic work without any advancement.
Roger Caro had several disciples such as Jacques Trielli and Pietro Ribuffo, being the most known Jean de Clairefontaine author of the excellent book Apocalypse Revélation Alchimique. He used several nom de plumes as Kamala Jnana and Pierre Phoebos.
Author of several alchemy books, the most important being Concordances Alchimiques, Dicionnaire de Philosophie Alchimique, Tout le Grand Oeuvre Photographié and Bible Science et Alchimie, this last one published the posthumous heading for his son Daniel Caro.
The Dicionnaire de Philosophie Alchimique, as the heading indicates, describes his whole work in the dictionary form which also contains several of the best colour photographs of the main steps of his Work.
In 1968 Roger Caro, with authorization of the Emperor of the Temple of Ajunta A.J.d'OSSA, arranged the publishing of The Tout book la Grand Oeuvre Photografie. As the heading indicates, this small book contains 43 colour pictures taken by Kamala-Jnana and assembled later by Roger Caro by the sequence of the Work with the respective description.
Who doesn’t live in France and is unaware of the history of this great contemporary alchemist, Roger Caro, published the photographs taken for Kamala Jnana, (he himself, because his photograph taken in his own laboratory it is in the first Plate), and whose authorization was given by A.J.d'OSSA, at time Emperor of the F.A.R+C that was another Roger Caro’s nom de plume. In our opinion Roger Caro, or be, Kamala Jnana he made and baptized too!
Who reads this magnificent booklet, will be certain with the idea that Roger Caro would not be Kama-Jnana because this is in contradiction with what was written in the Foreword of the book Tout La Gran Oeuvre Photographie.
«It is a satisfaction for me to give my testimony to our great friend Roger Caro's accomplishment.
A more arduous work was never executed with so much patience, tenacity, safety and competence.
A puzzle constituted by forty quadricomias in bulk, dispersed and without legend was reconstituted and commented with mastery.
These pictures that formerly were taken by our deceased and such longing son Kamala-Jnana in the continuation of an alchemic experience in Ajunta, could not be published otherwise then by you my dear great master…»
This seems so evident that Roger Caro never could have been Kamala-Jnana, but he was indeed!
The Kamala-Jnana's path is essentially a wet way the more noble of the entire alchemic path. The several phases or work steps are the following, according to the Master's teachings and of Jean de Clairefontaine:
1-Preparation. 2-Solve. 3-Coagula. 4-Multiplication.
The duration of the complete Work is 28 philosophical months, distributed like this:
Preparation-2. Solve-8. Coagula-16. Multiplication-2.
Total: 28.
We want to draw your attention to this "time" as it is not real, but philosophical, just as the Master in Dictionaire de Philosophie Alchimique explains it:
«Philosophical months don't have anything in common with the ordinary months. The philosophical months represent a conventional time. They are calculated so that the four quarters in the cycle of the moon are reduced to a 24 hours time frame and they coincide with the four stations of the Great Work, beginning in the winter.»
We leave the deciphering of it to your discernment, which, in fact, is simple. The knowledge of this time is of great importance in the course of the work, for which we recommend not to continue without knowing exactly what time represents a philosophical month.
After you understood this, you will need to know the matter or mineral subject as well as the agent or secret fire both represented symbolically by the figure in attachment.
Without the exact knowledge of the subject and of the secret fire, it will be totally impossible for you to begin the works. Therefore, we will begin by the prime matter or mineral subject.
The subject of our work is the red Dragon, that you can observe in the image and that the Cosmopolite identifies in Nouvelle Lumiere Chimique, Retz, Paris, page 233:
«It is a stone and it isn't stone: it is called stone by its likeness, firstly, because its ore is truly stone, in the beginning, when it was extracted of the caves of the earth. It is a hard and dry matter that can be reduced in small parts and triturate as a stone. Secondly, because after the destruction of its form and of the division of its parts, that was composed and united by nature, it is necessary to reduce it to an only essence, to digest it sweetly according to Nature, in an incombustible stone, resistant to the fire, and melting as the wax.»
The Master was not very generous in the description of the characteristics of our mineral but he makes a synthesis of the whole work from the subject to the philosophical stone.
What more can we tell you that would identify it without surpassing the limits allowed by the tradition?
That it is a hard and heavy mineral that is abundant in China, in Spain and in other countries. That is light sensitive and, for that, when exposed for a long time to the direct action of solar light, turns black on the surface. Formerly, in a very fine powdered form, it was used anciently in the oil painting.
It is best that you identify our mineral subject by its spirit spagyrical symbol, and for that, implore to the goddess Venus and also waning Diana (horned) to help you and then, by superposition of the two symbols, with the grace of God you will be rewarded.
By identifying its spirit spagyrical symbol, you will easily know the name of the mineral from where it is extracted. This is all that we can tell you to help you identify our mineral subject or red Dragon. There is not a point the more or a comma that lacks.
Seek a mineral exempt of silica and the more crystalline possible. If you don't get it, you will have to purify it by floatation in the following way. In an iron mortar, reduce to powder small pieces of our mineral. The subject is hard and, for that, you will have to crush it in small pieces, before you reduce it to powder in the mortar. Then you sift it in a sieve of 60 lines per centimetre or 120 for inch.
When you have sifted the powder, pour 500 g in a 1-litre large-mouth glass flask and pour enough tap water to fill it. Move circularly with a glass rod and when the fine powder is still floating in the water, spill it quickly in another flask.
Repeat the process again, until all of the mineral’s fine powder passes all together with the water in the other vase, leaving at the bottom of the first flask the siliceous dregs.
By decantation, flow all of the water and let the mineral to dry in the shade to the shelter of the direct solar light because, as we said, this mineral is light sensitive.
Keep it in a closed large-mouth glass flask sheltered from the light.
The salt or secret fire is the agent that provokes all the transformations in the matter or mineral subject, being, for that, the key of the whole Work.
What can we say about the salt or secret fire, concerning its identification by the brothers in the Art, without surpassing the permissible limits and without revealing it clearly?
That it is a true saline fire that is prepared by the artist starting from matters of the vegetable and mineral kingdom.
To this respect, Basil Valentine, in Les Douze Clefs De La Philosophie, p 132, says:
«If anything be reduced to ashes and treated according to the Art, you will extract your salt.»
To be more charitable we will identify the provenance of one of the fires, just as the Master describes it in Dictionaire De Philosophie Alchimique:
the acacia, in alchemic terms, is a tree that contains much of the calories suitable to feed one of the secret fires of the Sages.»
As the acacia and the fern, this tree contains, in itself, many calories suitable to feed one of the fires of the Sages.»
In relationship to the second salt of mineral origin we will try to identify it as much as possible.
It is a very common stone that has in its interior a latent fire after having been subjected to the action of the vulgar fire and as incredible as it may seem, the water wakes up this fire for some time.
In Le Triomphe Hermétique, Limojon de St. Didier, p 43 says:
«Consider, only, with application, that this natural fire is, however, a skilful invention of the artist; that it is suitable to calcine, to dissolve and to sublimate the philosophers' stone, and that there is no other fire species in the world, capable to produce a similar effect. Consider that this fire is of the nature of the quick lime and that, it is no strange relatively to the philosophy subject.»
This was the best way that we found to describe you the characteristics of this double saline fire that is extremely caustic and corrosive.
The Master in Dictionaire De Philosophie Alchimique identifies the matters of his Work through three words inscribed in the Indian and Tibetan temples considered sacred whose translation a brother transmitted charitably to us:
Kshàra. Ogàs. Hingula.
If you are sufficiently perspicacious you will identify in these three words (one letter of each) the actual chemical formula of the secret fire.
Here it is brothers, the "key" that will allow you to identify and after to prepare as the Art demands, the double saline fire that will open you the doors of the Work, if you know how to understand it.
To help you, we made by photo assembly the image in attachment. We made possible to transmit to you this key practically in clear language and we are sure that an Artist with some experience will understand it. The other ones, pseudo-alchemists and blowers, will rest as always where they are.
Rubellus Petrinus
5 replies
Project Monarch
Nazi Mind Control
Amidst the subtle cerebral circumvention of the gullible populace, through a multitude of manipulated mediums, lies one of the most diabolical atrocities perpetrated upon a segment of the human race; a form of systematic mind control which has permeated every aspect of society for almost fifty years.
To objectively ascertain the following, one may need to re-examine preconceived ideologies relating to the dualistic nature of mankind.
Resolving the philosophical question of whether we are inherently good or inherently evil is tantamount in shaping our perception of reality; specifically, the spiritual variable within the equation of life.
This exposition is substantiated by declassified U.S. government documents, individuals formerly connected to the U.S. intelligence communities, historical writings, researchers knowledgeable in mind control, publications from mental health practitioners, and interviews taken from survivors unwittingly subjected to a highly complex form of trauma-based mind control known as MONARCH programming.
A word of caution for survivors of intensively systematic mind control and/or some form of ritualized abuse: There are numerous "triggers" in this article.
It is therefore recommended not to read it unless appropriate support systems are in place or if you have a thoroughly reintegrated personality.
15 replies
Examining the Potential of Vril for Folk Vitality
Many readers will be familiar with the concept of 'Vril', possibly having read the book which inspired me to write this article - 'Vril or Vital Magnetism'. But whether you are acquainted with the concept or not, I humbly ask for your attention because whilst I intend to start off with a basic introduction to Vril, I do have some further thoughts and ideas on its application in our current time. Nationalists and activists seeking a genuinely more healthy World for the people should carefully consider this idea, for it may well be that we cannot gain a foothold against the enemies of mankind without understanding and employing Vril. To begin, I'd like to make three points:
1) This article is for those who believe in the existence of that which is unseeable.
2) It is only in our modern Western World that we ignore it. It is known in other cultures as 'Qi' (Chinese) or 'Prana' (India).
3) The term 'Vril' has close relations with the National Socialist movement of Germany, and has thus been ignored and belittled on political grounds.
What is Vril?
The subtitle of the book 'Vril or Vital Magnetism' is 'Secret Doctrine of Ancient Atlantis, Egypt, Chaldea and Greece'. As such, the book makes regular claims as to Vril being an ancient concept. I'm not aware of the use of the term 'Vril' in writings any earlier than 'Vril, The Power of the Coming Race' by Edward Bulwer-Lytton. Written in 1871, it is the fictional tale of a highly advanced underground race of people who harness this power called Vril. Today's deniers of the legitimacy of Vril often point to the fact that it seems to have arisen as a fictional science-fiction concept. Yet that does not matter, for within moments of picking up 'Vril or Vital Magnetism' I knew this concept to be legitimate; as though a profound sense of familiarity took hold. Indeed, the concept of Vril is so simple that it is a miracle that our advanced Western consciousness has so readily ignored it for so long. I have theories about this which I'll return to later.
Vril (or whatever term you use to describe the same energy) undoubtedly influenced, knowingly or unknowingly, the idea of 'the Force' in George Lucas' popular Star Wars films. And if one can overcome the ridiculousness of legitimising a mainstay of pop-culture such as 'the Force' then it actually serves as a good basis for the understanding of Vril. Vril is all around us. It exists within everything - every human, animal, plant, rock, cell and atom. It exists in water and in air and it is constantly at work. It is the lubrication of all life. And significantly, its level of presence within a man determines his status as 'alive' or 'deceased'. Various books, such as 'Vril or Vital Magnetism', will offer a whole explanation and I urge anyone interested in this to study more comprehensive writings on the subject (as I myself intend to). But the fundamental nature of Vril can be summed up in the following brief explanation (from the aforementioned book):
A man may feel the sting of an insect, and may then will to brush aside the insect. But unless (by the exercise of his will, usually, but sometimes by reflex activity) he sends a current of vital-force, life-energy, nervous energy - Vril, in short - his muscles will not contract nor will his hand move.
Vril cannot be created or destroyed (by Earthly man at least) but is harnessed in varying amounts by each human. A man who has large amount of Vril will be energetic, healthy and productive, whilst a man who lacks or wastes Vril (through modern stresses and an ignorance of Vril's importance) will be lethargic, depressed and apathetic. Sound familiar?
…by increasing his supply of Vril he may so charge himself with this life-energy and nerve-force as to become a very dynamo of energy, activity, and power. The man or woman doing this will possess a mighty advantage over the majority of the race at this time. Such a course will mean increased efficiency, increased power, and increased success - and, let us hope, increased happiness.
9 replies
Report all anomalies, reality glitches, etc. that you experience here in this thread.
Today I have encountered two anomalies.
1. While I was eating, my fork suddenly got stuck to my teeth, and I could not pull it away. It seems that a very strong psychokinetic force attached the fork to my mouth. I tried very hard to pull the fork out of my mouth but could not. Then after awhile attractive force seemed to have dissipated in an instance and I was able to easily take the fork out. I tried after that to get the fork to stick again but couldn't. That was very odd.
2. Later on, same day, I was looking at fire and some of the flames were going horizontal → this way and not bening upwards at all. Like a blow torch or something. Seemingly defying gravity. It was very weird. It kept up a good long while but when I focused on it too much and thought about how weird it was, it then corrected itself.
Pic possibly related.
8 replies
We are all aware of the importance of Chaos, but many seem to overlook the equally important aspect of Harmony. Without Harmony, we would not be able to experience Chaos. Chaos & Harmony work in tandem to create our experience of existence. There are six major Elements to create Harmony, and they are:
Laughter - Humour is necessary to hold back the fear unfiltered Chaos shows us
Loyalty - Fickle allegiances are a mark of the weak-willed
Honesty - Liars are for obvious reasons not trustworthy
Kindness - Without compassion we are unable to gain allies
Generosity - If we do not share our greatness we are no longer great
Magic - Not just from individual effort, but of camaraderie, comradeship, collective conscious manipulation of energy. In other words, friendship.
We must also strive to maintain these Elements of Harmony as we create our Chaos, lest we lose ourselves in the Chao and be forced to start over again. Each element is associated with a colour too, in the same order as above
Red and Green can be taken to represent Chaos and Harmony respectively, as a whole.
1 reply
I find it so much easier to meditate on substances such as lsd, shrooms, and peyote. is this cheating? should i only be meditating without the help of substances?
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