So when you astral project, there are 2 key factors that play in.
First, you gotta deconnect from your physical body, and only afterwards to attempt shifting your consciousness into your astral one. Temporal Chamelon's technique makes you attempt connecting to your astral body when you're heavily programmed to do so and deconnected from your physical one because you just woke up. When you just wake up, your thoughts which are cerebral waves/bioelectricity have a lowered number of cycles per second, and thus you're in a trance-state. You're partially deconnected from your physical body already and thus you're capable of shifting your consciousness with more ease. Being more deconnected from your physical body also helps in gaining more information through your astral one since the consciousness will be transferred to a higher degree, and you'll also not respond as easily to loud-noises from the exterior surrounding your physical body.
In order to deconnect, and do it faster not by sleeping before, you gotta learn to lower your cycles per second of cerebral waves. The awaken state is called the beta state when you have 14 cycles per second, the alpha state is 7-14 and that's when it can or can not work, the delta state is 0-4 and that's dangerously low and might fall aslepe, the ideal state is the theta state and has 4-7 cycles per second.
In order to enter deep-trance, you gotta not move your body at all and enter a deep-trance. You enter the trance by 2 ways, whichever works better for you, and you can try to improvise in order to attain the "deep-effect" as I call it.
You can enter the deep-effect by constantly relaxing and imaging yourself deepening more and more, getting lower inside your own body, relaxing more and more till your body is paralysed to some degree or at least goes numb. Try to think of nothing but try to remain awake, it's important to keep your mind not too active to not get excited, but not good to fall asleep either. Or, you can use the ladder-technique, where you constantly go step by step lower on the ladder, and at some point once you consider you're deep enough, you jump on your back. That is with the goal of attaining a fall-effect. Sometimes you have some dreams where you feel like you fell, I'm speaking about that effect, it creates a shock of disconnection from your physical body.
Next step, the 2nd one, is to connect to your astral one. If you entered deep-trance you'll already be more connected to it and see the astral very vividly while still in your body even if you weren't open enough to do so while awake. You need to concentrate on the sensation right above your skin, and try to drag yourself out of your body, member by member, by rolling, moving your hands, little by little, but if you have enough will-power you should be able to even move your body as a whole. Try not to move your physical body, but move the subtle-sensations that you feel in your body, for that'll move the astral body. Try to make it so your willpower's core is in your astral body instead of your physical one.
Entering deep-trance is the key, it takes time to master but it can get better with void meditation/meditating on thinking of nothing, for that'll lower the cyclles per second of the brain even faster if you can think of absolutely nothing yet not fall asleep. For the beginning, just try to not get excited, it's okay if you think of stuff, just not delve into them.
There's also the option of not visualising at all, and concentrating just on relaxing, clearing your mind, letting go, and once you're relaxed enough, to concentrate on the sensation right above your skin/on your skin and connect to it, moving the small vibrations you feel outside your body.
There are ways to make sure that your astral body will be easier to detach, and that's by meditation on your soul and chakras. If your chakras are more open, your vibrations will be higher and your soul will be stronger which helps with projection.
When you project, you're connected to your body through some chakra-cords, the main one being the silver cord connected to your pineal gland which is the seat of the soul. There are techniques in the 6 basic meditations for getting started where you project by lower the connection of all of your chakras to the physical body. Those connections when cut, true death occurs. The further you are away from your body, the less vivid you see colors according to my experience.