There are three primary techniques used for thought stopping. The first is
MARCHING: the thump, thump, thump beat literally generates self-hypnosis and
thus great susceptibility to suggestion.
The second thought stopping technique is MEDITATION. If you spend an hour
to an hour and a half a day in meditation, after a few weeks, there is a great
probability that you will not return to full beta consciousness. You will
remain in a fixed state of alpha for as long as you continue to meditate. I'm
not saying this is bad–if you do it yourself. It may be very beneficial. But
it is a fact that you are causing your mind to go flat. I've worked with
meditators on an EEG machine and the results are conclusive: the more you
meditate, the flatter your mind becomes until, eventually and especially if
used to excess or in combination with decognition, all thought ceases. Some
spiritual groups see this as nirvana–which is bullshit. It is simply a
predictable physiological result. And if heaven on earth is non-thinking and
non-involvement, I really question why we are here.
The third thought-stopping technique is CHANTING, and often chanting in
meditation. "Speaking in tongues" could also be included in this category.
All three-stopping techniques produce an altered state of consciousness.
This may be very good if YOU are controlling the process, for you also control
the input. I personally use at least one self-hypnosis programming session
every day and I know how beneficial it is for me. But you need to know if you
use these techniques to the degree of remaining continually in alpha that,
although you'll be very mellow, you'll also be more suggestible.